13 - A Slaves Revenge

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[AUTHORS NOTE: All the descriptions of the electrical apparatus and control units

are my interpretation of the very quick research I did on the web. I have not
researched this extensively so what I describe could be potentially dangerous.
Electricity should be treated with caution at all the times and the inexperienced
(including me) should seek help to safely use this in real life.]

A Slave's Revenge
The door slammed shut with a bang and you stormed into my living room. I was
sitting on the couch in my dressing gown watching the video I had taken of you tied
to my car and you pissing.
"Grrr! Sorry Master, but I am so angry. That bimbo Catherine at work is so
exasperating. If I have to show her how to cut and paste one more time I am sure I am
going to do her an injury."
"Calm down and put her out of your mind for the moment. You are here to be my
slave. Maybe later we can think of something to do to pay her back for your
frustration. Right now I want you to get undressed and put this on." I hand you a ring
You stand in front of me and take off your blouse and jeans. Underneath you are
wearing a red peek-a-boo bra through which your nipples with elastics on them
protruded. You also wore a red thong that did nothing to hide your pussy. In fact, you
had pulled it up so tight that it was inside your pussy lips. The thong has a very damp
patch where juices from your cunt had leaked out. In your arse is the butt-plug I get
you to insert every morning before you go to work. You take of the bra and the thong.
You are just about to put the thong down when I say,
"Let me see your thong. Come closer and show me."
You move closer and present me the thong. I take it and examine the wet patch.
"You are very juicy; you have not been masturbating without my permission?"
"No Master. That is just from the thought of what you may be doing to me this
"Good. Show me your cunt."
You step forward so that you are as close as you can get, which very much puts your
pussy into my face. I can smell your juices and feel the heat in your pussy. You pull
open your pussy lips and juices trickle down your legs. I run my fingers up your legs
wiping up the juices. I lick the juices off my fingers before inserting two of them into
your sopping cunt. You moan with pleasure with the insertion.
"My; you are hot and juicy tonight. I will have to deal with those juices later." I take
my fingers out and you whimper in disappointment. I lick my fingers clean, savouring
the taste.

"Come on now, get that gag on. Once you have done that you can kneel down in front
of me and make me hard."
You put the gag on, fastening it around the back of your head. You kneel down in
front of me and open up my dressing gown. My prick is semi-hard and soon becomes
hard as you gently stroke it with your hand. Once my prick is hard I pick up a pair of
"Put your hands behind your back and lean forward so that I can put these handcuffs
on you."
I put the handcuffs on you and then I take hold of your head. I guide my prick through
the ring gag into your mouth. You move your tongue over my prick as I push your
head further down onto my prick. My prick goes deep into your throat. I moan with
pleasure. I then proceed to fuck your mouth and throat, moving your head slowly up
and down on my prick. My orgasm builds slowly. As I approach my climax, I push
your head down harder so that my whole prick is deep in your throat. At this point, I
shoot my load deep into you; letting out a cry of satisfaction as I pump more spunk
down your throat. I withdraw and let you get your breath back. You straighten up and
look at me, waiting for me.
"Stand up."
You stand up and I take the handcuffs and gag off.
"Let me see how much you enjoyed that. Show me your pussy again."
"Yes Master." You pull your pussy lips apart to display your glistening cunt. All
down your legs are small rivulets of juice.
"Good girl, you really enjoyed that didn't you? I am going to enjoy licking you out
"Yes Master."
I put my head between your legs and lick the juices off them. I lick up to your cunt
but never quite reaching it. You moan pleasurably as my tongue caresses your leg but
my licking is soon over.
"Go and fetch me the inflatable dildo from the playroom. I do not want to lose
anymore of your juices. I will use the dildo to keep them in."
"Yes Master." You go and fetch the dildo. You return, hand me it, turn around and
bend over, presenting me with a beautiful view of your pussy. You reach back and
pull your arse cheeks apart giving me an even better view.
I slide the dildo into your cunt, pushing it in deep. I then inflate it. You feel your
vagina walls stretch, as the dildo gets bigger. Soon the dildo is firmly in place in your
cunt. I give you a gentle slap on the arse.

"Go and get us dinner and we will discuss this Catherine."

You go off to the kitchen and prepare dinner whilst I sit and watch television. As I
watch, I am thinking of possible scenarios to deal with Catherine who is upsetting
You return with dinner that I eat whilst sitting on the couch. You sit on the floor at my
feet eating yours.
"Remind me about Catherine. I have seen her haven't I?"
"Yes you have Master. She was the brunette bimbo at my work's Christmas party who
was flirting with all the male managers. I think she was looking for a pay rise. She is
not that bright, she seems to forget the simplest of things which is why I have to keep
showing how to do it."
"Ah yes I remember. She had on a long black dress with a very deep neckline and her
ample breasts were just about held in. She had a nice arse too. Very attractive." I
replied smiling.
"Yes Master, that is the one." You say in a hurt voice.
"Not as beautiful as you though." I quickly add, trying not to upset you too much.
"Well anyway, I later learned that she managed to give everyone of those managers
she was flirting with, a blow job."
"Did she now. That is useful to know." I said with a big grin on my face. "We may be
can use that. I want you to make friends with her and find out a bit more about her.
Find out all you can about her sexual habits. See if she is an anal virgin because if she
is you can some fun breaking her in and I get to fuck a virgin arse."
"Yes Master I will do that."
"Right finish your dinner and get the kitchen tidied up. When you have finished that
bring a bar stool in here. I want to practice what we will do to Catherine."
We finish dinner and you go and do the dishes. Whilst you are doing that, I go to the
playroom and fetch a few items. Half an hour later you return carrying a bar stool.
"Lie down over the bar stool."
"Yes Master."
I then get some straps and strap your ankles and wrists to the legs of the bar stool.
"The hardest part of this plan for Catherine is to get her to do everything willingly.
We cannot just grab her and get her into this position; she has to want to do it. You
are going to have to work on her even though you do not like her."

"Yes Master."
"This is what I propose we do. First of all we get her into the position you are now in.
How I am not sure. Then I will get you to insert a butt plug into her arse." I wiggle the
butt plug in your arse.
"Oh yes Master." You moan as the movement of the butt plug stimulates you.
"Then once the plug is in you can paddle her arse." SMACK. I bring a paddle to bear
on your arse. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK. I paddle you some more.
"Ow! - Ow! Ow! Ow! Thank you Master. That would make me happy smacking
her arse.
"I think you should give her at least five whacks on each cheek, may be more."
"Oow! Oow! Ooow! Ooow! Thank you Master." You scream as the pain
"Do you think she will enjoy her spanking as much as you do?"
"I hope not Master. I want it to really hurt her."
"You mean something like this." SMACK! SMACK! I deliver two more hard smacks
with the paddle, much harder than I normally do.
"Argh! Argh! Thank you Master. Yes Master, just like that but for all of them."
"Well you better build your strength up so you deliver them hard. How should I fuck
her arse when you have finished spanking her?"
"Hard Master, very hard."
I roughly pull the butt-plug from your arse. You gasp. I plunge my prick deep into
your arse, relying on the lubricant you used this morning when you put the butt-plug
in. I thrust in and out, hard and deep. My pelvis bangs against your burning hot arse
"Yes Master. Fuck her like this." You groan with a mixture of pain and pleasure.
You find your self coming as I keep thrusting in your arse. Your sphincter grips my
prick tightly. I hold back from orgasming as I was saving myself for your cunt. As
you start to come I pull out.
"I am not going to come in your arse tonight but when I fuck Catherine she is going to
get the full load."
"Yes Master. Thank you Master."

I bend down and deflate the dildo. I pull it out and as I do so you start coming. You
come so hard that the juices just squirt out, all over my face. I quickly bury my tongue
into your cunt and start licking furiously. This just sends you over the top and you
scream out in ecstasy. More juice squirts out and your whole body shakes as the
orgasm racks your body. I stand up and ram my prick deep into your cunt. I feel the
ripples of your last orgasm on my prick. I proceed to fuck your cunt rapidly, quickly
bringing you to another orgasm. Your cunt clenches my prick drawing me deeper into
you. This becomes too much for me and I finally orgasm sending jets of spunk deep
into you. I leave my prick in as it slowly deflates. I withdraw and release you from the
"Go and get dressed now and go home. Report back tomorrow about Catherine."
"Yes Master." You get dressed and leave.
The next evening you arrive at my house an hour late.
"I am sorry I am late Master. I took Catherine for a drink after work so I could get to
know her better."
"Ok but you should have let me know. A little reminder about manners is in order
here. I will administer some punishment later. Let us go to the lounge and you can tell
me all about her."
We go the lounge and I sit on the couch.
"Get undressed and kneel at my feet."
"Yes Master."
You get undressed and position your self in front of me on your knees.
"Tell me more."
"Yes Master. Boy can she drink. She had three drinks before I had even finished
mine. So it did not take long before she was telling me her life story. Apparently, she
was a cheerleader in high school and when the school's football team won a game, she
would give blowjobs to the whole team. I am not sure how this came about. She did
tell me but being the bimbo she is it did not make any sense. It appears that she did all
the cheerleaders too. She said she had an orgasm every time when the footballers and
cheerleaders came. She just loves giving head. It seems the football team did
extremely well that year. No wonder with that sort of incentive."
"That is interesting." I said thinking that this sounds like a find from heaven.
"She has never had anything up her arse. How this has happened I do not know, what
with all those horny football players and cheerleaders. She did express an interest in
trying something up here arse though."

"That is good. We will now have a chance to initiate her in the delights of anal sex."
"Yes Master." You reply with glee. "Oh she has nipple rings too. We went to the
bathroom and she showed them to me. She is quite proud of them. Mind you, they
were only plain surgical steel ones. She said they make her nipples more sensitive.
She even let me touch them. When I did, she started to moan with pleasure, and all I
did was touch them lightly."
"That is good. Looks like we have a new plaything for us. Here is what I want you
to do. Tomorrow get her to go with you to the bathroom. When there tell her that your
boyfriend wants to fuck you in the arse and that you have not done it before. Tell her
that I have given you a butt-plug to put in to get you used to having something large
in your arse and you need her help to get it in. I will give you a fairly big one so she
can see how easily they go in, because of course you are used to them but she will not
know that, and that they do not hurt much. Invite her over so that she can watch you
get fucked in the arse. From the sound of her none of this should be much trouble."
"Yes Master. Do I need to put my butt-plug in as usual?"
"No wait until the afternoon and like I said get Catherine to help you with your 'new'
I stand up, put your arms around your back, and put on a pair of handcuffs that were
still on the couch from yesterday.
"All this talk of arse fucking and blow jobs has made me horny. Use your mouth to
make me hard then I want you to ride me with my prick up your arse. After that I will
take you down stairs for your reminder on punctuality. So I guess you should make
this fuck last as long as you can"
I pull the butt-plug from your arse where it had been since this morning, and I sit back
down on the couch. I open my dressing gown so that you can get at my semi-hard
prick. You bend forward and start licking my prick, long strokes from balls up to the
tip. At the tip you slip it into your mouth and suck gently; you repeat this several
times. Soon I am rock hard.
"Stand over me and facing me. Lower yourself onto my prick so that it goes up your
You stand up and I get a wonderful view of your pussy. You move forward and squat
down. I guide my prick to your arse hole. Once positioned you continue squatting and
take the full length of my prick deep into your arse. I grab hold of your breasts and
squeeze your nipples. You moan with pleasure. You slowly move your arse up and
down my prick, gripping it tight. As we both approach our orgasms I move one of my
hands from your breast to your clit which I take between my finger and thumb. Just as
I am about to come I squeeze your clit hard. You scream with pain and immediately
go into an orgasm, your whole body shaking in ecstasy, your scream becoming a long
drawn out moan. I come with you ejaculating deep in your arse as you sit down hard

on my prick. Spurt after spurt fills your anal cavity. Soon we are both spent and you
fall forward onto me. I have to hold you up as you recover.
"Ok come on stand up. It is time for your reminder."
You stand up and I take you through to the back of the house and down into the
basement. I take you into a room that has a lot of bondage equipment and
paraphernalia scatter around and on the walls. Covering one whole wall are various
whips and floggers in varying lengths and colours. There is a table with a large
assortment of dildos, anal plugs, vibrators and medical instruments like speculums
and tweezers on it. Another wall has a large wooden cross on in the shape of an X.
The cross has rings attached to it at various points to enable restraints to be tied to
them. Hanging from the ceiling are various chains and pulleys. Also hanging from the
ceiling on a couple of chains is a plank of thick wood that was in the shape of an
inverted V. Standing in the middle of the room is a dentist type chair which can be
made to go into different positions and it has on it leg stirrups so that somebodys legs
can be held in the air. Also in the room is a plank on two stands so the height off the
ground could be varied. At the far end of the room is a tiled area with a shower and
toilet and a couple of hoses. There are spotlights everywhere illuminating various
areas. All in all a very well equipped dungeon.
I take you to some chains hanging from the ceiling and I sit you on the ground.
Fetching a spreader bar I attach your ankles to it. I take off the handcuffs and attach
your wrists to the middle of the spreader bar. Next, I attach the ceiling chains to ends
of the spreader bar. Using a couple of electric winches, I hoist you off the ground so
that you are suspended from the spreader bar with your arse level with my prick. I get
some clothes pegs and some twine. I tie the twine to one of the pegs. I put that peg on
to breast near the side. You wince with the pain of peg clamping down. I then proceed
to put more clothes pegs on your breast, making sure that the twine is clamped with
the peg too. I work my way into the middle of your chest putting more clothes pegs. I
do the same with your other breast. Tears are welling up in your eyes as the pain
increases. Taking eight more pegs, I proceed to put them on your pussy lips. These
hurt a bit more. I put four down each side. I push them flat against your leg and stick
them down with duct tape. Your clit is now fully exposed.
I kneel down and lick your clit. You moan in appreciation of the ministration. I lick
just enough to get you going. I suck your clit into my mouth then I bite it. I nibble
your clit with my teeth with just enough force to make it extremely painful. You are
screaming at me, asking me to stop but I continue for a while longer. I get up. I then
come and put a ring gag into your mouth. I pick up a riding crop. I slide my prick into
your mouth through the ring gag. Using the riding crop, I caress your clit. You moan
with pleasure as the riding crop moves gently and lightly over your clit. Your moans
send vibrations down my prick. I start tapping your clit lightly with the riding crop
slowly increasing the pace. I move my prick in and out of your mouth, your moans
making pleasant vibrations on my prick. You feel an orgasm coming and I sense it
too. Now I start tapping your clit with more force, what were pleasant taps before are
now painful taps. Your orgasm stops and your moans become screams of pain. I hit
your clit harder and your screams become louder but muffled by my prick deep in
your throat. The screams feel good on my prick and my orgasm builds. I continue
hitting your clit hard. Your clit is now very sore. With my other hand, I reach down

for the twine connected to the clothes pegs on your breast. As I climax I pull hard on
the twine causing the pegs to come off like a zip unzipping. The pain from the pegs
release is intense and you try to scream even louder. My prick goes deep into your
throat and I shoot my load into your stomach, pulse after pulse. I withdraw and leave
you hanging there, in your pain whilst I watched television.
I returned a couple of hours later. I sharply pull the clothes pegs from your pussy lips
causing you once more to scream in agony. I lower you back to the floor and release
you from your bondage. I remove the gag.
"That is your punishment over for today. So just remember in future to inform me if
you are going to be late, otherwise it will be some other punishment which may be
worse than you have just had."
"Yes Master, I will remember."
I hand you a large butt-plug and some KY Gel lubricant.
"Take these and get Catherine to go to the bar tomorrow night with you. Get there by
6:45pm. Get a couple of drinks into her and I will join you there later, around seven
thirty. Make sure they are long drinks; we can have some fun making her hold on
going to the toilet. When you first arrive at the bar, get your first drinks then get her to
help you with the butt-plug. I want that butt-plug in you when I arrive."
"Yes Master."
"I want you to wear only your black mini dress, no bra or panties. See if you can get
Catherine to do likewise, it will be more fun if you can."
"Yes Master, I do not think that will be a problem, she is a slut as well as a bimbo."
"Good. Go and get dressed and I will see you tomorrow and the revenge will begin."
The next evening, after going home from work to get changed, you arrive at the bar to
find Catherine already there chatting up the barman. She is wearing a red mini dress
and it was obvious she was not wearing a bra. You order a low alcohol beer and take
Catherine to a secluded booth at the back of the bar. You chat with her, getting to
know her better.
"My boyfriend will be joining us later." You say. "Well actually he is my Master."
"Your Master? What do you mean?" Catherine asked.
"Well I am into this sex-slave thing, bondage, control and the like. I have given
myself to him and he controls me."
"You like that?"

"Yes, the sex is fantastic, out of this world. I have never had so many orgasms. It is so
very different. Even giving a blowjob is more exciting when he is controlling me. I
just love being used, pleasing him."
"I am not sure I would want to do that. I like being the one in control. I love being the
one doing the giving."
"But what do you enjoy more the control or the giving?"
"Why the giving of course, it is what I get off on."
"Well it is the same for me except I just have to do as my Master says. You should try
it sometime. Without the worry of being in control, the sex is much more intense as
you just have to concentrate on the sex alone."
"I might give it a try someday."
"I have got to go the bathroom; there is something I need to do. I could use your help.
It is something I have to do for my Master."
"Ok, I will help." Catherine replied intrigued.
You both go off to the bathroom. After first checking that there was nobody else in
the bathroom, you pull out the large butt-plug from your bag.
"My Master wants me to put this up my arse before he gets here tonight. I tried to do
it at home but I just could not get the right angle to put it in. Will you help me get it
"You have to get that into your arse? It will never fit."
"My Master assures me that it will fit and that I will enjoy the experience. I need to
get it in or he will punish me. So please help me."
You get the KY gel out of your bag.
"My Master said to use plenty of this on the plug as it will make the insertion easier."
You turn around; hoist your dress up a little bit; bend over and pull your arse cheeks
open. Catherine can now see that you are not wearing any panties. She has a
wonderful view of your pussy and arse-hole. She gently touches your pussy that is
glistening with your juices that are running down your leg. You are so turn on by all
this. She wipes her finger up your leg collecting some of the juices. You moan quietly
with pleasure at her touch. You look between your legs back at her and see her lick
your juices off her finger.
"Put the gel on the butt plug. We do not have much time; Master will be here soon.
Master said to make it go in easier the butt plug should be rotated as it is inserted."

Catherine squeezes the gel onto the butt plug covering it generously. She touches the
tip against your arse hole. You gasp at the coolness of the gel. You allow yourself to
relax so that the insertion is easier. Catherine starts pushing the butt plug into your
arse, twisting it like you said. As she twists, it sends wonderful sensations through
your body and you moan with pleasure. She stops pushing.
"Are you ok? I am not hurting you am I?"
"No I am fine; in fact this is turning me on even more. It feels good. Carry on."
Catherine continues to push and twist. Your sphincter stretches to accommodate the
butt plug. The deeper it goes the better it feels. Soon it is over the widest part and the
narrow part slips in easily. All the while, you have been moaning with pleasure. Once
in you stand up and turn to face Catherine. You are so turned on you just could not
resist the temptation to bring your self to orgasm. Putting a couple of fingers on your
clit, you start rubbing. Catherine looks on in amazement as you bring your self to
climax. The orgasm makes your whole body shake and Catherine sees how intense it
"Wow you really enjoyed having that butt plug put in. Does it hurt?"
"No," you reply, "in fact it just like having something in your cunt, only tighter."
"May be I will try it sometime, especially if I am going to get to cum like you did."
You adjust your dress and get some toilet tissue to wipe away some of the juices from
your legs. You then both return to the booth just before I arrive. You get up and I slide
in next to Catherine trapping her in. You go to the bar; buy me a beer and bring it
back to the booth. You sit down beside me. We chat away about nothing in particular,
drinking more beer. You make sure that Catherine has much more than us. Whilst we
talk my hand is on your pussy and I am gently stroking your clit. I would stop
stroking when I felt you were about to orgasm. This way I kept you simmering. My
hand was getting very wet from all your juices. Catherine starts flirting with me,
trying to win some of my attention away from you. I respond in kind letting her think
that she was succeeding in getting me interested.
I slide my other hand down Catherine's leg towards her pussy. She responds by
opening her legs wider allowing me access to her pussy. She is wearing a thong panty
and like you her pussy is dripping wet. I slide my fingers past the thong and into her
cunt. She jumped with surprise as how fast they had gone in but she did not say
anything. I move my fingers around a bit and she moans. All of a sudden, her body
went rigid and shook. She bit her lip to keep quiet as the orgasm overtook her. At this
point I decided that it was time to go to my place to carry on with the fun that was
We arrive at my place and I open the front door. I step in before the girls and turn

"Before we go any further, any woman that enters my house has to be naked and to do
exactly what I tell them without argument. Are you okay with that Catherine?"
"Yes I think so." Catherine replied hesitatingly, a little surprised about what I had
"Good then get your clothes off and leave them by the door here."
As you and Catherine were wearing very little anyway you were both naked very
quickly. I was pleased with what I saw, Catherine's pussy was bald, and I just love a
bald pussy. Her breasts were full and firm with dark aerobe and large nipples that
were very erect. In her nipples were some surgical steel rings. I think all this was
getting her excited.
"Would you like to try some bondage Catherine?" I asked knowing that the seeds had
been planted earlier.
"Ok I will give it a try." Catherine said, the alcohol she drunk affecting her decision.
"Oh by the way when you speak to me you will use the term Master, is that
"Yes, eh Master."
"Good." I smiled, "That will make things a lot easier."
"Right let us go the playroom and then the fun can begin."
You lead Catherine downstairs to the basement playroom and I follow behind
admiring your firm swaying arses. Once in the playroom, I get you to help me tie
Catherine to the cross. We tie her ankles to the bottom; put a strap around her waist
and tie her wrists to some chains at the top of the cross.
"Kneel down Slave and watch."
You kneel down to the side of Catherine, with your legs wide apart and your arms
behind your back, pushing your breasts forwards. I step up to Catherine and start
licking her nipples, which make them even harder. Catherine moans with pleasure. I
gently suck on her nipples then I gently at first clench my teeth on them, gradually
biting them harder. She moans with pleasure some more and then takes a sharp breath
as my nipple biting gets painful. I stop biting when she does that. I kneel down and
inspect her pussy. Running down her legs are little rivulets of her juice. I wipe some
of them off onto my fingers and I put my fingers in my mouth. I taste the subtle
difference in the flavour of her juices compared to yours. I proceed to lick her clit and
cunt, lapping up her juices. She is now moaning continuously as I lick harder and
harder. I can sense she is about to orgasm so I immediately stop. A cry of
disappointment issues from her lips.
"Please do not stop, I was about to cum."

"I will stop when I like. I am the one in control. You are here for my pleasure not
yours. Next time address me as Master. If you forget again a little bit of punishment
will be in order"
"Yeeess Master" Catherine replies in a frightened voice. She had not realised what she
had gotten into.
"I here that you like to give head. We will see how good a cocksucker you are. .Slave
lower her arms so she can bend over and suck me."
"Yes Master." You reply and get up to lower her down. I get undressed and they can
see that I am semi-hard.
"Slave make me hard so she has a head start."
"Yes Master."
You come over to me and kneel down in front of me. You take my prick in your hand
and slowly move my foreskin back and forth over my glans, at the same time you lick
the length of my prick from the glans to my balls. I stiffen up. You pull back my
foreskin one more time then slip my glans into your mouth where you start gently
sucking it and rolling your tongue around it.
"Ok that is enough. Let me see what Catherine can do. Bend her over so she can reach
my prick."
You get up and put your hand behind Catherine's neck. You then pull towards me
causing her to bend at the waist around the strap we had put there. Her arms are held
out in the air by the chain from the cross. You take hold of her head and guide it
towards my prick. Catherine opens her mouth and takes me in. Immediately she starts
bobbing her head up and down, sucking hard on my prick.
"Oh that feels good. While she is sucking me I want you to stroke her clit."
"Yes Master." You reach down and tentively touch her clit, but instead of stroking it
you grab hold, pinch, and twist it. Catherine screams with pain but it is muffled by my
prick in her mouth. Her scream vibrates on my prick and it triggers me to ejaculate.
"That is not what I told you to do." I tell you angrily, "You will have your time to play
with her later. You have just earned your self a spanking. Get over to the plank and
bend over it."
"Yes Master, sorry Master."
I pull Catherine back up so she is tightly spread eagled on the cross. By this time, you
are lying over the plank with your arse towards Catherine. I come over and tie your
hands and feet to the trestle holding the plank. Catherine can see the butt plug in your
arse. I bend down and whisper in your ear.

"I am not going to spank you hard because I know you want to get revenge on this girl
but you did disobey me. I want you to scream as if the spanking is really hurting you
and dont forget to count."
"Yes Master." You whisper back.
I get up and fetch a paddle. Smack! Smack! I land a light blow on each of your arse
cheeks so that they just make a slapping noise.
"Ow! Ow! Two Master, thank you Master." Your screams are a little exaggerated.
Smack! Smack! Two more light blows.
"Oow! Oow! Four Master, thank you Master."
Smack! Smack! Another two light blows.
"Ooww! Ooww! Six Master, thank you Master." Your screams are even more
Smack! Smack! Even with the light blows your arse is beginning to turn red.
"Oooww! Oooww! Eight Master, thank you Master."
SMACK! SMACK! I land two extremely hard blows which makes your arse sting.
"Argh! Argh! Ten Master, thank you Master" This time your screams are
genuine. There is even a few tears forming in your eyes.
Catherine watches in amazement. She is unable to take her eyes off your reddening
."Errr Master," Catherine said, "I need to pee."
"You will have to wait."
"But Master I need to pee badly, please untie me."
"No you are going to be tied there for a little longer. Remember you said you would
do as I told you."
"Yes but that was before I wanted to pee. I need to go."
"Well you are staying there. Hold it in. If you make a mess you will be cleaning up
and you will not like the way I make you clean up."
"Yes Master." Catherine replies reluctantly.
I go over and get some clamps, some small chain and a small metal bucket. I come
back over to Catherine. I put the clamps on her pussy lips.

"Ow! They hurt, what are you doing?"

"Oh I am just making it easier for you to pee."
I put a third clamp on her clit.
"Ooow! Master that is hurting me, please take it off."
From the clamps I attach some short length of chain. I then attach the other ends of
the chains to the metal bucket. The clamps are the sort where the harder you pull the
tighter they get. I let the bucket swing between her legs.
"Please take them off. They are hurting." Catherine cried.
"Now when you want to pee, all you have to do is go in the bucket." I said ignoring
her cry.
"What! I can not do that."
"Oh you will when you can not hold it in any longer."
I get a ball gag and put it into Catherine's mouth; I had enough of her talking. I turn
my attention back to you with your glowing arse. I kneel down and start licking your
juicy cunt, pushing my tongue in deep. You moan and pant with pleasure. I suck on
your clit bringing closer to an orgasm. Just before you reach it, I stop and stand up. I
pull the butt plug from your arse and plunge my now rock hard prick into your
glorious arse hole. I thrust in and out, my balls banging against your clit, sending
waves of pleasure through your body. As you look through your legs back at
Catherine, you can see that she is struggling to hold back her pee. However, every
move she makes causes the bucket to swing and to pull on her pussy lips and clit. She
cannot hold on any longer and she starts to pee.
"She is peeing Master." You say with glee between grunts as I keep thrusting in your
I turn my head to watch her pee into the bucket. Of course as she pees the bucket gets
heavier pulling tighter on the clamps; causing her increased pain. Seeing her pee
triggers my orgasm and I send pulse after pulse of spunk into your arse. Feeling me
cum and seeing Catherine pee helps you orgasm too and it is intense. You grin
knowing how painful the bucket of pee is, having been in the same situation your self.
I withdraw and untie you from the trestles. I go and fetch a large funnel.
"Stand in front of Catherine, as close as you can." I tell you.
You do so and I put the funnel over your pussy and direct the spout to the bucket.
"Now it is your turn to pee and whilst you are doing that I want you to pinch and twist
her nipples."

"Yes Master, gladly." You say with glee and a big grin across your face.
You start peeing, filling up the bucket more, and making it heavier. You grab hold of
her nipples and pinch them hard. Whilst pinching them your give them a twist too. It
is extremely painful for Catherine who is screaming into the gag shaking her head
saying "No"; tears are running down her cheeks. You finish peeing and we leave
Catherine there with the full bucket swinging from her pussy.
"Go and clean up the butt-plug, you can put it in her in a little while."
You go off and clean the butt-plug whilst I take a photograph of Catherine with the
bucket of pee hanging from her pussy. We could use the photo to blackmail her in the
You return with the cleaned butt-plug and some KY Gel. You were eager to put it in. I
take hold of the bucket and take the pressure off the clamps. I take the clamps off
Catherine's pussy lips and clit. You can see the relief in her eyes even though they are
filled with tears. I put the bucket to one side and then untied her from the cross. You
help me take her to the plank you had just been on. I tie her ankles to the trestles so
her legs are wide apart. I tie her wrists to some chains attached to the ceiling. We tie a
strap over her back so that she is bent horizontal with her arms pulled back and held
in the air by the ceiling chain. I take the ball gag off and replace it with a ring gag.
From her nipple rings I attach some heavy weights.
"OK you can now put the butt-plug in. Have fun. I will watch for a bit."
You come behind her and put a little gel on your fingers. You place your finger on her
arse hole. You can feel her tense up as you push a finger gently on it.
"I suggest you relax and let me do this or else it is going to be very painful. Of course
I do not mind, in fact I want it to hurt. Last chance!" You push hard with your finger
and it slides in but it is very tight, she was not relaxed.
You roll your finger around and in and out of her arse hole. She is gripping your
finger tightly and moaning with pain. You squirt some more gel onto your fingers and
you push in a second finger. Her arse feels even tighter. She is now moaning louder.
You move your fingers in and out rapidly. She tries to scream with the pain. She tries
to squirm away but she is tied down to tightly. All she succeeds in doing is to get the
weights hanging from her nipples to swing causing her more pain. You pull your
fingers out and get the butt plug. You lubricate it and position it on her arse hole.
Catherine tries to relax realizing that the butt plug is going to hurt more than your
fingers. You push and twist the butt plug forcing it in. It goes in slowly and she is
screaming all the time. Hearing her screams makes you push the butt-plug in harder,
forcing her arse hole open. It finally goes all the way in, tears are streaming from
Catherine's eyes and she is sobbing in the gag.
You pick up the paddle I had used on you earlier and with all your might you land a
couple of blows on each of her arse cheeks. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
Every blow making Catherine flinch and scream. Her arse shows a reddening mark
where the paddle landed. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Four more smacks

to her arse. You are grinning from ear to ear, enjoying every smack. Her arse is
getting hotter and redder. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Catherine's body is
shaking with her sobs of pain.
"Enough for now," I say, "she is hurting which is what you wanted. It is time for both
of us to have her. We will hang her from the ceiling and you can fuck her arse whilst I
fuck her mouth."
We untie her ankles from the trestles and stand her up. I take the weights off her
nipples. We move the plank and trestles out of the way. I lower four more sets of
chains from the ceiling and attach two of them to her ankles. I also put a strap around
her waist to which I attach two more ceiling chains. All of these chains are raised and
lowered using electric winches. I go over to the control panel and progressive lift
Catherine off the floor till she is hanging sort of horizontally, her hands and feet
straight above her head. We have good access to her mouth and arse.
I take you over to the table where I have various dildos and butt plugs. I find a
double-ended dildo that I modified. One of the dildos has a vibrator inside it and the
other dildo had deep ribs around it over its entire length. I put it into a leather strap to
make it into a strap-on dildo. I had modified the strap so there were a couple of probes
on it which when the strap is put on presses into your clit. These probes are connected
to a sensor on the front that measures the magnitude of a thrust. Using this
information a small computer determines how much of an electric shock is passed to
the probes. The harder the thrust, the stronger the shock. I slide the vibrating end into
your cunt and position the probes onto your clit. I do up the straps and turn on the
vibrator. I pick up a cat of nine tails flogger on our way back to Catherine.
You stand by Catherine's arse and I stand by her head. You roughly pull the butt-plug
from her arse. She gargled a scream out of the ring gag. You plunge your strap-on
dildo into the gaping hole and you are greeted with a shock on your clit, which makes
you jump. I push my prick into Catherine's mouth. I start thrusting in and out of her
mouth, going deep into her throat. As I thrust, I use the cat of nine tails on her breasts.
I get up a rhythm of thrust in, swish of the flogger on one breast, thrust out and swish
of the flogger on the other breast. You slowly thrust your dildo in and out of her arse.
Every time you move forward, you get a shock on your clit. The vibrator is helping to
build up an orgasm. The ribs on the dildo send strange sensations into Catherine's
arse. Catherine is in sensory overload. You speed up your thrusts, getting larger and
larger shocks that are stimulating you. Soon you reach a small orgasm and you shout
out with joy. My rhythm is continuing and Catherine's breasts are getting very red
with the flogging. Another orgasm hits you and you increase the pace, slamming
extremely hard into Catherine's arse. The shocks keep sending you into orgasmic
heaven. Suddenly Catherine's body goes rigid, then it starts to shake, she had reached
a gigantic orgasm from all the stimuli she had received. Seeing her orgasm, I pull out
and finish myself off by hand. My first spurt shoots out and lands on Catherine's
breast. I move slightly and get the second burst to land on her other breast. I mange to
get two more large burst which I get to splash over Catherine's cheeks and lips. You
bend forward and lick the last drops of cum off my prick. You stop thrusting in her
arse and bend down and lick my cum off her breasts. When you get to her nipples,
you give them a gentle bite. Finally you lick my cum off her face, taking your time
letting your tongue linger. Your face is just one big satisfied grin. You pull yourself

out of Catherine's arse and as you do so, she starts shaking again with another orgasm.
The orgasm is so big that she starts squirting juices from her cunt catching you
unawares as they land on you.
I come over to you, turn off the vibrator, and take the strap-on off you. We go upstairs
leaving Catherine hanging there. I get you to make you and me a meal whilst I watch
television. Whilst I watched television, you sneak back down to the playroom with
some things from the kitchen. You pick up the butt-plug and smear it with hot sweet
chilli sauce. You then dust it with cayenne pepper. Once done you push the butt-plug
back into Catherine's arse. Catherine soon feels the heat from the chilli and pepper
burn into her arse. She starts moaning with pain and bucking trying to get the buttplug out. You leave her writhing, go, and make me a meal.
After the meal, we return to find Catherine still writhing about, moaning in agony and
"Slave, what have you done?" I asked angrily.
"I just 'spiced' her up a bit Master."
"Just exactly how did you 'spice' her up?"
"I put some chilli sauce and cayenne pepper on the butt-plug and shoved it back up
her arse." You say with glee.
"Well I am not amused. You have gone and done something without my permission
again. Have you not learnt anything?"
"I have Master but the urge to do something to her was so strong I just had to do it.
Sorry Master."
"Oh you will be sorry alright. You are definitely going to be punished hard. I am not
going to be lenient on you this time. Help me get her down; we have to get that chilli
out of her arse."
I pull the butt-plug out off Catherine's arse which gives her a little relief. I go over to
the control panel and lower her till she is upright. You take off the chains from her
ankles and waist.
"Put a pair of handcuffs on her when I lower her arms." I lower her arms and you
undo the chains, put her arms behind her back, and handcuff her wrists together. I
come over and remove the ring gag.
"Why are you doing this to me?" Catherine asks you, "I thought you liked me?"
"I am doing it because I have got fed up with telling you how to do things at work. It
is very frustrating when you do not remember even the simplest instructions.
Therefore, to get rid of my frustrations I have asked my Master to help me abuse you.
I felt most happy when I was fucking your arse. In the end you enjoyed it too didn't

"Yes I did. It was the biggest orgasm I have ever had. Who would have thought that
abuse would be such a turn on? Do you like me though?"
"I feel a little sorry for you and yes in some ways I do like you but like I said
sometimes you are so frustrating. You are a beautiful girl and my Master likes you.
Perhaps if we do some more things to you maybe you will get another large orgasm.
Do you want another like that?"
"Oh yes I want another orgasm like that. It was mind blowing, but do you have to hurt
me so much?"
"Oh yes, it is the euphoria of the pain that enhances the orgasm, so the more pain the
harder the orgasm when it comes."
"Come on; let's get that chilli out of her arse." I interject.
We lead Catherine over to the shower area. I get an enema bag and fill it with cold
water. You bend Catherine over so that I can insert the enema tube up her arse. The
water slowly fills her. You rub her stomach to help the water flow in and to ease some
of the cramps the liquid is producing. The bag soon empties.
"Take her over to the toilet and make sure she empties her arse. She is not to pee, I
want to taste that nectar later."
You take her over to the toilet and squat her over it.
"I can not do this in front of you. It is embarrassing." Catherine says.
"You are going to have to get over it. Master will only punish you if you don't, beside
which it will get rid of that chilli I put up your arse."
Reluctantly Catherine expels the liquid from her arse whilst you look on. She felt a
little better, as most of the chilli was expelled as well.
"Bring her back over here; she will need at least three more of those." I tell you.
You bring her back and we repeat the purging three more times, each time forcing in
increasing amounts of water. Each purge lessens the stinging of the chilli and cayenne
pepper. After each purge, I make you and Catherine drink a large glass of water. After
the final purge, I undo the handcuffs from behind Catherine's back and tie her hands
to a chain hanging from the ceiling. I pull the chain tight so that she is just standing on
tiptoes stretching her body. I similarly tie you to a chain next to Catherine. Taking a
hose, I proceed to spray both of you with a high-pressure stream of cold water. I direct
the stream at your bodies knocking you both off your toes. You crash into each other
as I alternate whom I point the stream of water at. I particularly concentrate on your
pussies and breasts hitting them hard. I leave both hanging there, shivering with the

I go and put back the plank on the trestles and get enough straps to tie both of you to
the plank. I bring you first to the plank. I bend you over and tie one ankle and one
wrist to a trestle. I bring Catherine over and bend her over like you and beside you. I
tie one of her ankles and wrists to the opposite trestle. I then tie your other ankles and
wrists to each other. I now had the wonderful view of two beautiful arses sticking out,
waiting for their punishment.
I take down from my whip wall a long thin flexible cane. I move it through the air so
that it makes a nice swishing sound. I stand beside you and I bring the cane down
across yours and Catherine's backside together. SWISH! Both of you scream as the
cane stings your backsides. I let the pain rush through your bodies. A thin welt
appears across each. Being the good slave that you are, you grit your teeth and start
"One Master, thank you Master."
"Come on Catherine, don't be shy, and count as well."
"Yes Master, one Master, thank you Master." Catherine says copying you.
SWISH! The second slap with the cane lands just below the previous smack. It is just
as painful as the first.
"Two Master, thank you Master." You and Catherine say in unison.
I keep hitting both of you gradually filling your arses with welts. I am careful not to
break the skin. As I progress, I keep using the same amount of force but to you and
Catherine the pain keeps increasing. I keep going until I have given you both twenty
lashes of the cane. By the time I have finished both your arses are hot and red with
welts. You are both crying with the pain. To make matters worse the water I gave you
earlier was working its way through your systems and your bladders were demanding
to be emptied.
"Master I need to pee." You tell me after I had finished.
"Master me too!" Catherine pipes up.
"Ok just what I have been waiting for. Let me see whether you enjoyed your
I bend and peer at your pussies. Your pussy by far was the wettest. I pull open your
cunt and I am greeted with a gush of liquid, which I quickly bend and lap up. I slide
my tongue deep into your cunt to extract as much of your juice as I can. Your arse is
red hot from the flogging and you flinch a bit as I handle it. Soon all thoughts of pain
go away as you enjoy the invasion of my tongue. I lick and suck getting at all of your
juices and you start to build an orgasm.
"You know the routine. When you come I want you to start peeing. Catherine you are
to wait."

I go back to licking out your cunt. I also lick your clit and suck it hard. I start nibbling
your clit and this finalises your orgasm. You start to shake as the orgasm takes over
your body. This is the time you start peeing and I let your pee fill my mouth. I
swallow some but the rest cascades out and splashes down my chest. I reach down
and pull your head nearer to me. Your pee runs off my chest down over my prick and
drips onto your face. I keep drinking and letting it cascade out. As you squeeze out the
final drops, I pull your clit into my mouth and bite it hard. This finishes your climax.
"Ok Catherine your turn. I am going to lick you out and when you are about to come I
want you to let your pee go."
I put my tongue into Catherine's cunt. I notice straight away the subtle difference in
the taste of her juices. As soon as I start licking her cunt starts gushing out her juices
and I have a hard time swallowing them. The flow stops and I suck her clit, nibbling
on it quite hard. I feel her tense as her orgasm builds and then suddenly it was there
and she was shaking in ecstasy. She starts to pee and I do the same as I did to you,
letting it cascade out of my mouth down to her face. Her pee tasted completely
different from yours. When she finishes peeing, I too bite her clit hard.
I leave the both of you hanging over the plank whilst I went and cleaned myself up. I
come back over to both of you. I untie Catherine, put her arms behind her back, and
handcuff them. I get a spreader bar and put it between her ankles. I connect the
spreader bar to a ring in the floor so that she cannot wander off. I fasten a gag with a
dildo sticking out into her mouth. I come over to you.
"That caning was not your punishment by the way. I just wanted to cane both of you. I
have yet to think of a suitable punishment so I will leave that for later."
I untie you, put your arms behind your back and handcuff them. I put a spreader bar
on you too. I also put a gag that has a dildo sticking out in your mouth and fasten it. I
release Catherine from the floor ring.
"Right now ladies. You both have a dildo gag in your mouths. The first one of you
that can get that dildo into the other person's arse earns the right to fuck that person's
arse for fifteen minutes. In addition, I fuck the winner. So go for it ladies!"
You are taken completely by surprise when Catherine rapidly shuffles towards you
and crashes into you before you had time to react. She knocks you on your back and
crashes down on top of you. Your arms are trapped behind you back and the wind has
been knocked out of you. Catherine quickly wiggles her body around so she is facing
your pussy. She shuffles down so that she can get access to your arse hole. As she
moves you can see her arse hole and you try to lift your head to get the dildo in but
your shoulders are pinned by Catherine's legs. You feel pressure on your arse hole.
You clamp your arse hole as tight as you can but Catherine keeps bobbing away at it.
She lifts her head and plunges in once more. There is a shearing pain in your arse as
the dildo penetrates. She had won. You never had a chance that was a total surprise.
For a bimbo she had been very resourceful.
"Catherine is the winner." I say as I pull her off you and stand her up.

I stand you up too and take you back to the plank. I take off the handcuffs and bend
you over the plank. I tie your wrists to the trestles. I position Catherine on her knees
behind you. I undo her handcuffs and tie her wrists to the plank either side of you. I
put some lube on the dildo gag she is wearing, and then I guide the dildo so it rests on
your arse hole.
"Ok Catherine I want to see that dildo moving fully in and out of her arse. You are to
do it for fifteen minutes with out stopping. Your fifteen minutes starts, I look at my
watch, "NOW."
Catherine moves her head forward and plunges the dildo into your arse. This time you
were ready for it and was relaxed so it slid in easily. Catherine gets up a good rhythm
which slow and steady. You moan with pleasure into the gag, as you enjoy the
sensation of being fucked in the arse. After about two minutes, Catherine increases
the pace and you find your self coming. Your body shakes with ecstasy. Catherine
starts to slow down slightly. I fetch the cat of nine tails and slap Catherine across the
back with it.
"Come on do not slow down. Keep that dildo moving."
Catherine speeds up again and soon you have another orgasm. After about five
minutes, Catherine is starting to flag. I smack her a few more times with the cat of
nine tails and she takes up the pace again. Your pussy is sopping wet and the juices
are flowing down your legs. You are enjoying the dildo in your arse and have an
orgasm every two minutes or so, each one a little bigger than the one before. I keep
lashing Catherine, a little harder each time, to encourage her to keep fucking your
arse. Finally, the fifteen minutes are up and I pull back Catherine's head to get the
dildo out of your arse. I take the gag off her.
"That was good Catherine. Now lick her out and make her cum real big."
Catherine proceeds to lick at your sopping cunt. Her tongue goes in deep and she rolls
it around inside your cunt. Her tongue feels fantastic and you are continuously
moaning into your gag. Catherine starts sucking on your clit, which brings you, closer
to climax. She sucks even harder and it gets a little painful but brings you near to your
peak. Sensing that you are nearly there, Catherine bites your clit hard. The pain is
excruciating but it tips you into a glorious orgasm. Your whole body shakes in delight
and you start squirting all over Catherine's face.
I untie Catherine from the plank and take her over to the examination table and get her
to lie on it face up. I put her legs in the stirrups and tie her ankles so that she cannot
move. I pull her arms above her head and tie her wrists to each side of the top of the
table. I get some large rubber bands that I squeeze over her breasts making them
engorged and hard. I put a dildo gag into her mouth so that she had something to suck
on. I then leave her there whilst I come and deal with you.
You had come down from the high of your orgasm. I untie you from the plank and
trestles and get you to waddle to a clear space on the floor where I get you to lie down
with your arms spread above your head. I put a spreader bar between your wrists. I
also put spreader bars between your ankles and wrists. I get a large enema bag and I

fill it up with cold water. I then feed the enema tube into your arse and start the flow. I
gentle squeeze the bag to get the fluid into you as quickly as possible. This does not
allow you body to get accustomed to the fluid and you have painful stomach cramps.
Once all the fluid is in, I insert a large inflatable butt plug that I inflate to its
maximum size of about five inches diameter. Your arse is now extremely full. I take
hold of your long hair and pull it into a ponytail. I tie some twine to it so that I can
pull your head back and attach the other end to the middle of the spreader bar between
your legs. Any movement of your head causes your hair to be pulled. I lower four
chains from the ceiling and attach them to the spreader bars between your wrists and
your ankles. I raise the chains and pull you off the floor so that you are hanging from
your wrists and ankles. I put a dildo gag into your mouth. Like Catherine, I put large
elastic bands around your breasts to get them engorged and hard. You can see
Catherine lying on the examination table watching what is happening to you. I put
clamps on your nipples and hang large weights from them. I put a clamp on your clit
and hang a weight from it.
"This is the start of your punishment. You will be hanging here like this for a while.
You will have the pleasure of seeing me fuck Catherine whilst you hang there." I tell
you when I finished.
I go upstairs to fetch some ice and return to Catherine on the examination table. I tilt
the table so that Catherine's head is lower than her pussy, which I have a fantastic
view of as her legs are spread wide. I put a block of wood behind Catherine's head so
that see can see down her body and watch what I am going to do to her. I take the ice
cubes, well not actually cubes but small cylinders, and I push them into her cunt until
it is filled. I push with a little difficulty some ice up Catherine's arse. I keep inserting
until there was just barely room to insert a butt-plug to keep the melting ice in. On her
pussy lips, I put a couple of mousetraps letting the springs grip the lips tightly. I use
some duct tape to hold down the mousetraps so that her pussy was opened up and her
clit exposed. I could see she that this was painful for her as tears were in her eyes and
she was moaning with pain into the dildo gag.
I grab a leather flogger and proceed to gently caress Catherine's engorged breasts wit
it. I pull it off gently letting the leather rub over her nipples gently tugging on her
nipple rings. I then drag it down her stomach and down over her juicy pussy. I repeat
this for a little while but making the flogger land a bit harder each time I put it back
on her breasts. She was breathing heavy through her nose. SLAP! I bring the flogger
down hard on a breast and nipple. She tries to scream but it is just lost in the gag.
SLAP! The flogger lands on her other breast. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! I land the
blows in quick succession, not letting her have time to react to the individual blows.
With her breasts in an engorged state, the slaps were very painful. Tears are streaming
down her face and she is sobbing into the gag, making her whole body shake. SLAP!
SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! More blows to her breasts. They are now extremely red
and inflamed.
SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! I now slap with the flogger her exposed clit fairly hard and her
body jumps with every slap. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! I quickly follow up with more
slaps on her pussy which has now had turned bright red. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! I
finish off with three more extremely hard slaps to her pussy.

You watch from your painful position hanging from the ceiling. You smile inwardly,
pleased that I was still tormenting Catherine. You knew what the flogger was like and
how painful it could be. Your whole body aches being held in this position and it had
only been five to ten minutes. You wondered how long you have to endure this
position. You do not like your being tied and it hurt to move your head slightly.
I tilt the table back to a more horizontal position. I take away the block of wood from
behind Catherine's head and allow her to lie back. I insert two fingers into her cunt to
fish out the remains of the ice cubes. Her cunt feels cool to my fingers. I climb on top
of Catherine so that I can insert my prick into her cool cunt. I push my prick in fast
and to Catherine it feels like she has just been stabbed in the cunt with a red-hot
poker. I savour the coolness of her cunt. Her body is hot from the flogging. I lie on to
of her and grab hold of her breasts that are now extremely hard with engorgement. I
twist the nipple rings sending shafts of pain through her body. I proceed to thrust in
and out of her cunt. I can feel the butt-plug pressing against her anal passage. I build
up speed with no thought of pleasing Catherine. It was a selfish act on my part; I was
using her for my own enjoyment. I twist harder on her nipples. I feel her squirm trying
to get away. She is screaming into the gag but the gag blocks the sound. My body
slams against her bruised clit causing shots of pain. My orgasm builds and then I
reach my peak. I ejaculate hard into her cunt. I lay on her for a little while whilst I got
my composure back.
I get off Catherine, release her from the examination table, and stand her up. I take out
the dildo gag. Catherine open and shut her mouth trying to get the ache out of her jaw.
I release her breasts from the rubber bands and she screams in agony as I do so and
the circulation returns. I remove the mousetraps and their release causes even more
pain. I take her over to toilet area and sit her over the toilet. I reach through her legs
and pull out the butt-plug and she empties out the molten ice cubes.
"Right I have had enough of you tonight. Lie down on the floor and squirm out of
here and upstairs. When you get to the hall, you may get up, get dressed and leave. I
will follow you to make sure you comply."
"Yes Master."
She gets off the toilet and lies down on the floor. She starts to squirm out of the room.
Her abused breasts and nipples drag along the floor making it very painful for her to
squirm. She tries to lift her body off the floor and I push her back down with my foot
on her arse. She slowly shimmies up the stairs and into the hallway. When she reaches
the door and her clothes, I let her get up. I watch her get dressed and then open the
door for her, showing her the way out.
"Bye for now. I may or may not see you again." I say as I pat her arse as she leaves.
I close the door and go into the lounge to watch a little television, leaving you in the
playroom awaiting the rest of your punishment. After about an hour, I crept back to
the playroom to find you hanging there quietly. You were doing your best to ignore
the aches and pains. You had stop moving around as that made things worse, either
your hair was pulled or the weights on your nipples and clit swung and pulled causing

intense pain. As I come into the room I take a flogger off the wall and approach you
quietly from behind.
SLAP! SLAP! I land two hard slaps to your arse. You scream into the gag as you are
awakened from your reverie. As well as the pain from the stinging in your arse, pain
from the aches in your arms and legs contribute. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! I land
four more to make sure you are fully awake. I lower your feet to the floor and bring
you upright by raising your arms. I detach the chains and raise them out of the way. I
take the clamps and weights off your clit and nipples. The pain is excruciating as the
circulation comes back to those tortured parts. I remove the rubber bands from your
breasts. I cannot resist squeezing them as the blood circulation gets going. I feel the
hardness leave and the return of your supple firm breasts. I take off all the spreader
bars and allow you to move your arms and legs. You move stiffly and slowly,
gradually getting the use back into your limbs. Finally, I take off the dildo gag and
you move your mouth about trying to get your jaw functioning again. I take you over
to the toilet area and sit you on the toilet. I deflate the butt-plug and pull it out. You
empty out the contents of your arse. I wipe you clean.
I take you over to the examination table and soon have you in the same position
Catherine was in a couple of hours ago; your legs spread wide and tied in the stirrups,
your hands tied above your head. Into your arse, I insert a specially modified buttplug. This butt-plug modification involved the insertion of a series of metal strips
down the length of the plug. Every other strip was connected to each other to make
two distinct circuits and there was a connection underneath for each circuit. Into your
cunt I put a similarly modified dildo. I connect the dildo and butt-plug up to a 'Tens'
control box. Just above your clit I stick an electrode, the type with a sticky base as
used to monitor electrical activity in hospital. I stick another between your arse hole
and your cunt. The 'Tens' control box allows me to use any or all of the circuits I have
just put on you. The control box also allows me to vary the other factors such as
voltage, pulse rate, and current.
The first circuit I test is the electrodes near your clit. I adjust the controls and turn it
on. You feel a small tingle course through your clit. I increase the voltage and current
a bit and try it again. This time a larger tingle goes through your clit; in some ways it
is pleasant and stimulating. I turn up the controls a bit more. This time the tingling is
more painful and you yelp with the pain; this was the reaction I was looking for. I
switch the circuit to the butt-plug and try that. Several sharp tingles painfully zap
through your arse and you again yelp at the pain; so far so good. For good measure, I
switch over to the dildo and give that a try. Because of all the moisture in your cunt
the tingles are the most painful and these cause you to scream with the pain. Knowing
now how you react to the various devices, I set the control panel to randomly switch
on each of the devices. Because the one in your cunt is the most painful, I tailor the
switching so that the dildo in your cunt is turned on fewer times than the others. There
are long delays before each device is triggered so that you have time to recover. In
addition, because it is a long time, the anticipation enhances the torment. You jump
and yelp when the pulse zaps through your arse and clit. However, every time the
dildo fires you do nothing but scream. To make your torment even worse I start
hitting your breasts with a riding crop with every slap leaving a bright red mark. The
slaps to your nipples hurt even more. You try to catch your breath between slaps but
the electrical pulses course through your nether regions make it very difficult as you

scream with every pulse. The more pulses you receive the more painful they become.
To finish you off I use the riding crop on your clit, hitting it extremely hard and
sending you through the roof with the pain.
After numerous slaps to your clit and nipples I turn off the 'Tens' unit and remove the
electrodes, butt-plug and dildo. You are sobbing with the pain and I give you a little
time to recover.
"That is your punishment over with for today. I hope you will not do things off your
own bat again. If you have an idea like that again ask me first."
"Yes Master I have learnt my lesson." You sob.
"Ok. Tonight you can stay with me. Is that you want?"
"Yes Master it is what I always want."
I untie you from the examination table.
"Go over to the toilet and sit on it. Do not do anything till I get there."
You do as I said and wait for me on the toilet. I come over and stand in front of you.
"Open your legs wide; I want to see you pee. Hold your pussy lips open so I get a
good view."
You open your legs and take hold of your pussy lips. You winch with pain as you do
so as your pussy has been sorely abused. You start to pee and I watch your golden
stream fall into the toilet bowl. I start to pee and I direct my stream so that it falls onto
your pussy and then into the toilet bowl. My pee feels hot on your sore clit. We both
stop peeing.
"Ok that looked so good. Right get upstairs to the bedroom and lie down face up."
"Yes Master."
You proceed slowly upstairs as you are still stiff from being restrained. I follow
closely behind with some leather straps. You get on the bed. I lift a leg and fold it
back into your stomach. I take your wrist and using the leather strap, I strap your wrist
just below your knee. I do the same with your other leg and wrist. I turn you on your
side so that you are facing out. I cover you up with a sheet. I turn out the lights and
then climb in behind you. I spoon into you; I reach through and cup your breasts. I
kiss you lightly on your neck and just hold you. We just lie there and drift off to sleep.
The End
Copyright 2005 Victor Ian Pringle, All rights reserved.

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