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How Hillsborough Community College chased a developer's dream - St. P...


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How Hillsborough Community College chased a

developer's dream
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The girl in the By Thomas Lake, Times Staff Writer
window In print: Sunday, August 17, 2008
Ivy retardation
How Hillsborough Click here for daily delivery
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chased a
developer's dream
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1 of 8 8/19/2008 8:00 AM
How Hillsborough Community College chased a developer's dream - St. P...

most memorable
play in the oversee development.
game's history. Enticed by the splendor of Neal's vision,
More multimedia college officials granted him an exclusive
reports agreement last year despite having
waved off two previous versions of his
plan because they were vague and

Meanwhile, the college rejected more

modest offers from proven developers,
including one from the Outback
Steakhouse company that featured an
up-front payment of $1-million.
And the college's talks with Neal have Greg Neal sells a spectacular vision of a new
campus for Hillsborough Community College. But
continued since 2005 despite signs of
how much of it is true?
nagging suspicion from administrators.

"Let's see how the next meeting goes

with them," HCC vice president Rob Wolf Top Local Video
wrote to a colleague before one meeting
with Neal. "If they in fact have the 'big
Hitters' lined up as they say, we can
continue. ... If it is more smoke and
mirrors, I think we need to end this
quickly with them."

That was 15 months ago.

The phantom degrees

A few true things about Greg Neal: He is 51 years old, graying at the sideburns, with a
preference for immaculate white shirts. He speaks deliberately, measuring every word.

While some of Neal's resume is difficult to verify because it involves classified assignments and
companies that no longer exist, two men who identified themselves as his former colleagues
said he does have a history of high-tech achievement. One confirmed Neal's assertion that he
had managed the development of the first automated retail checkout system, and another said
Neal had worked for a defense contractor with the Star Wars program to build a laser-
positioning system for intercepting incoming enemy missiles.

But other claims defy corroboration. For example, Neal said on a Web site that he had a
bachelor's degree from Boston University. But records show that although he attended for two
years, he earned no degree. Neal also said he had an MBA from Babson College, but a Babson
spokesman said the college has no record of an MBA for Neal — only a bachelor's degree.

Early in May, the Times asked Neal if he really had an MBA.

"I went to Babson," he said.

And you got an MBA?

"Yes," he said, and then, quickly, "Do you know Babson?"

Neal was asked about his claim to HCC that he had "assisted a Caribbean nation in breaking its
electric power monopoly without an interruption of service and a reduction in consumer rates."

Which nation?

"Um, that was the Cayman Islands," he said. "I think probably saying 'break the monopoly'
might be a little strong.

"The focus should really be on my partners, and not on me."

He mentioned several names: Dr. Thomas Graham, an elite hand surgeon; Dr. Joe Story, who
helps professional athletes get even faster and stronger; Jack Diamond, an attorney in the
medical field; and Bing Kearney, a local construction magnate.

Over the next five weeks, the Times tried to contact these partners, without success. In a later
meeting, Neal explained why none of them had returned phone calls. He had told them not to.

Neal was asked about a document he had given the college that called ESPN one of "our direct

Was ESPN a direct partner?

"No," he said. "That's an overstatement."

"That is simply not accurate."


About 1 of every 20 adults in Hillsborough County is enrolled in Hillsborough Community

College. The college serves nearly 43,000 students, more than Florida State University.

The largest of HCC's five campuses is on N Dale Mabry Highway, six minutes from the airport,
three minutes from the interstate, footsteps from Raymond James Stadium and Legends Field.
The campus has 43 undeveloped acres. This is where Neal wants to build.

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How Hillsborough Community College chased a developer's dream - St. P...

He has what college administrators have sought for nearly a decade: a plan to transform the
Dale Mabry campus into a pulsating engine of economic growth. The new curriculum would be
suffused with real-world experience. Instead of merely reading textbooks or hearing lectures,
students could practice alongside professionals in physical therapy, hotel management and
culinary arts without having to leave the grounds.

Neal made a pitch to the college early in 2005. According to HCC president Gwendolyn
Stephenson, he said he had "contractual commitments" from several major health care
providers, including the Cleveland Clinic. She repeated these claims in a memo to the trustees.

This is how Cleveland Clinic spokeswoman Eileen Sheil responded when asked this year about
Neal's project:

"We had no involvement," she said. "We did receive at one time a proposal from them, but it
did not result in any relationship."

Nevertheless, two days after Stephenson wrote the memo, the trustees approved a deal that
gave Neal and his company, Keystone Ventures, exclusive negotiating rights with the college
for the following 60 days.

On July 15, nearly a month past deadline, Keystone delivered a full-blown proposal. It said the
University of South Florida had "pledged that its 680 physicians will utilize the ambulatory
surgical and diagnostic facilities."

But Stephen Klasko, dean of the USF medical school, said he does not recall such a pledge. "Mr.
Neal did speak with us," he said, "and we said we would gladly look at working with them once
they got funding, which I do not believe ever happened."

Neal's proposal said "the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association has requested space for a
permanent exhibit area."

But Mike May, an SGMA spokesman, said, "I've spoken to a couple of my associates, and no
one seems to know who this Keystone group is."

The proposal said Todd Toriscelli, head athletic trainer for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, was
"committed to the development" of key elements of the project.

No, said Buccaneers spokesman Jeff Kamis. "He's in essence given some friendly advice to
these people. ... He's not affiliated with them in any way."

The college finally rejected Keystone's proposal, but not because of unverified claims. Carter,
an Atlanta real estate firm that HCC paid $768,000 to help oversee the project, gave five other
reasons for sending them away, including unfavorable lease terms and the partners' lack of
experience with projects of this kind.

Next came a tense meeting between college officials, Neal, and his attorney, Gordon Schiff.

"I have to wonder what Greg and Gordon expect to accomplish with this attitude," campus
president Bob Chunn wrote to a colleague after the meeting. "They must have decided to
abandon persuasion by being accommodating and reasonable and resort to persuasion by being
belligerent and indignant."

"They get defensive when we ask them questions, express concerns, or attempt to negotiate.
... Anyway, I have to conclude that Keystone will not go quietly."

He was right.

Truth or Consequences

Six months later, when the college put out another call for developers, Neal responded. He had
been busy.

"Our development team has taken the lead role in creating another type of economic engine for
the State of New Mexico," he wrote. "The site represents approximately 7,500 acres, situated
on both sides of Interstate 25, including a Municipal Airport. We have the support of the
Governor's Office, the State Land Office, the Bureau of Land Management and members of
Congress in three states. The New Mexico project will answer many of your questions about our
expertise, resources and ability to deliver."

He was describing the Hot Springs Motorplex, in the high desert town of Truth or
Consequences. The project would bring a racetrack, golf course, industrial park, convention
center and several housing subdivisions together on a parcel about 12 miles square. The town's
population is about 7,000. The motorplex could more than triple it.

Two and a half years after Neal used the motorplex as an example of his ability to deliver,
nothing has been built. A public hearing on his master plan is scheduled for Monday.

Neal got the land for the motorplex in a complicated trade involving the New Mexico State Land
Office. Part of what helped him close the deal was a project overview that contained these
impressive claims:

1. "HSMD (Hot Springs Motorplex Development) has proposed to NASCAR that it would be
well-served to have a logistics and distribution center in the West, to support the existing races
and planned expansion of the sport beyond its historic boundaries of the Southeast and
Mid-Atlantic. They are interested ..."

They are not, said Ramsey Poston, a NASCAR spokesman. He said there was a meeting, but
NASCAR gave no indication of interest.

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How Hillsborough Community College chased a developer's dream - St. P...

2. "Roush Racing and industries has been recruited intentionally to be an anchor for this
development after an expression of interest in operating a Signature Racing School and the
opportunity to design and architect the track facilities, garages, shops, and other supporting

But Maureen C. Crowley, a spokeswoman for Roush, said, "While we did speak with the
developer for this project approximately a year ago, we do not currently have any plans to
expand our activities to New Mexico."

It seems assistant land commissioner Kristin Haase didn't know that. On April 17, she put out a
press release on the land swap. It included this passage:

"The developer has also proposed to NASCAR that it would be well-served to have a logistics
and distribution center in the West, to support existing races and planned expansion of the
sport beyond its historical boundaries of the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic. Further, Roush Racing
and Industries has expressed interest in operating a signature racing school and designing track
facilities, garages, shops and supporting infrastructure."


Of the five firms to submit plans for developing the Dale Mabry campus in 2006, Keystone came
in fourth.

Evaluators gave each firm a score based on such criteria as business terms and track record. A
restaurant proposal from Cheeseburger in Paradise was first, with a score of 80.1. Steak N
Shake came in second with 67.1. A hotel from a George Steinbrenner company was third with
65.5. Keystone got 47.3.

"Business terms very vague," college facilities director David Cabeceiras wrote of Keystone's

"No specifics," Wolf wrote.

"Little evidence of its background or business success," Chunn wrote.

But officials dismissed the three top scorers when it became clear they didn't share the college's
vision for mixing commerce and academics. And in May 2007, just after the college vice
president's e-mail about smoke and mirrors, Neal met with college officials and reignited their

At a board workshop in August, trustee Thomas Huggins III "expressed his concern regarding
whether Keystone Ventures has the resources to do a public/private partnership of this type,"
the minutes said. But the board agreed to move ahead.

In September, Chunn e-mailed colleagues with a word of caution. "In general," he wrote, "we
are inviting a herd of 800-pound gorillas to live on the Dale Mabry campus for decades, and
those gorillas will push us aside, eat all the bananas and run the jungle if we're not smart

Neal told college officials that month he had met with Tampa Bay Lightning officials and that the
team wanted space in the complex for hockey practice and corporate offices. In November, he
told them he had been "working intensively" with John Zvijac, team doctor for the Tampa Bay
Buccaneers, and that Zvijac would help plan the project.

Nine days later, the trustees voted unanimously to give Keystone another exclusive negotiating
deal. That gave Neal 90 days to deliver a master development agreement. The deadline
passed. The college extended the deadline. The extension expired. The college extended the
extension. That extension expired July 31. On Tuesday, the trustees are expected to extend it
again. Both sides are still working on the lease agreement.

Regarding Neal's meeting with the Lightning, team spokesman Bill Wickett confirmed that it
happened. But he says the officials told Neal they were happy with their lease at the Ice Sports
Forum in Brandon and had no plans to move.

And Buccaneers spokesman Jeff Kamis said Neal had falsely used Zvijac's name: "He's probably
spoken to the guy maybe once or twice."

Due diligence

Three months ago, in their tower on Davis Islands, four college executives gathered to answer
a reporter's questions about the deal with Keystone.

"We have agreed to nothing," said Stephenson, the president.

"We're very, very concerned about due diligence," said Wolf, her second-in-command. "We're
very, very concerned about drilling down."

"We did our research," Stephenson said.

To the south, beyond the tall windows, smokestacks rose against the blue horizon.

"We're still in the process of vetting these prospects," said Chunn, the Dale Mabry campus
president. "There's a great deal of work to be done."

Wolf: "It's something that we're going to look at with a microscope."

Stephenson: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

A spirited competition

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How Hillsborough Community College chased a developer's dream - St. P...

Neal's acquaintances say he is a man of uncommon energy and towering goals. Not to mention
perseverance: He has spent more than three years and, he says, more than $300,000 of his
own money on his dream of turning a neighborhood known for its strip clubs into a place where
young people come to build careers.

His problem is not unusual for developers. To get a land lease you need credible partners. To
get partners you need land.

Something has to come first.

On May 7, at a workshop for the college trustees, seven of Neal's partners appeared in the
flesh. They included Dr. Story, Dr. Graham and Mr. Diamond, the minutes said. No smoke, no
mirrors. Wolf's proverbial big hitters had materialized.

With their backing, the project does not seem impossible.

Then again:

Neal's negotiator on the deal with the college was Jim Reed, who resigned from the Florida Bar
in 2001 after self-reporting the unauthorized use of client trust funds. In July, after a Times
inquiry, a college spokeswoman said Reed was no longer part of the negotiations.

Keystone's budget for the project is $225-million. Neal says he has investors but will not name

College officials have said obtaining adjacent land would help to accommodate the
development's sprawling footprint. But a state juvenile-detention center is on that land now,
and a spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice said the agency has no plans
to relocate it.

Neal was recently asked about his claim that someone who had been the NFL's lead stadium
consultant was on his management team in 2006.

Who was the consultant?

"That is a gentleman from Cincinnati who's no longer working with us," he said.

His name?

"Yeah, I can give it to you. Not off the top of my head. I know he's not in my phone."

When the consultant's credentials that had been printed in Neal's proposal were plugged into
Google, they came back to Rick Horrow, a venerated sports-business expert who lives near
West Palm Beach, not in Cincinnati. A long list of accomplishments had been copied nearly
verbatim from Horrow's Web site. A spokeswoman for Horrow would not confirm or deny that
Horrow had been on Keystone's team, but she did say Neal never had permission to copy
Horrow's credentials to promote the project.

Neal was asked about another thing he told the college in 2005: that "the three major Athletic
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturers ... (are) Currently engaged in a spirited competition for the
naming and funding rights for the Performance Science Center."

Were they really?

"No, that one wasn't true," he said. "Maybe I was spirited."

Times researcher John Martin and staff writer Jeff Testerman contributed to this report. Thomas
Lake can be reached at or (813) 226-3416.

5 of 8 8/19/2008 8:00 AM
How Hillsborough Community College chased a developer's dream - St. P...

Over the past three years, developer Greg Neal

has made numerous claims about his partners and credentials.
Neal told Hillsborough Neal told HCC that
Community College in John Zvijac, team
2005 that "the three doctor for the
Neal said on one of
major Athletic Shoe Tampa Bay
his Web sites that
and Apparel Buccaneers; and
he had a B.S.
Manufacturers … (are) Todd Toriscelli, the
Claim degree from
Currently engaged in Bucs' head athletic
Boston University
a spirited competition trainer, were
and an MBA from
for the naming and among his
Babson College.
funding rights for the partners on the
Performance Science development
Center." project.
Records show he
attended Boston
University but
Bucs spokesman
earned no degree.
"That one wasn't Jeff Kamis said
A Babson
Check true," Neal told the Neal "falsely" used
spokesman said
Times in June. Zvijac and
Neal had an
Toriscelli's names.
degree — not an

Over the past three years, developer Greg Neal has made numerous claims about his
partners and credentials.
Neal told New Mexico officials in Neal submitted a document
2007 that NASCAR was to HCC in 2007 that called
interested in building a logistics the Zone Diet one of "our
and distribution center there. direct partners."
Spokesman Ramsey Poston
"No one over there knows
said NASCAR never showed
anything about it," said Zone
Check interest. "We don't have any
Diet spokeswoman Melissa
involvement with the project,"
he said.

[Last modified: Aug 19, 2008 07:48 AM]

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Comments on this article

by Zeus Aug 19, 2008 7:48 AM

Neal has done nothing but lie consistently, and yet HCC hasn't kicked him to the curb yet?
Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

by Susan Aug 18, 2008 5:31 PM

JAE's comment "follow the money" rings true. $800K is a lot of money to spend for a poor
consult job. Everything from developer to consult job is wasting state funds. But I read HCC
raised tuition.

by JAE Aug 18, 2008 4:34 PM

Stephenson is a college president? Doesn't she know anything about developers? How far could
she throw Neal? The real story is why they are sticking with this guy. Hmmm? Keep digging. As
in Watergate, "follow the money."

by crcg Aug 18, 2008 12:45 PM

A familiar pattern that governnment easily falls for. Hotel managememt, physical therapy and
culinary arts? Why would the Cleveland Clinic be involved with somthing like that? Sounds like
these community college administrators need a reality check.

6 of 8 8/19/2008 8:00 AM
How Hillsborough Community College chased a developer's dream - St. P...

by Interested Aug 18, 2008 12:43 PM

Makes you wonder why these "seasoned politicians" didn't check out these claims. Seems
pretty cut & dried...the guy is fabricating and using "creative license" to make a
multiple states.

by Kaye Aug 18, 2008 10:23 AM

Contract negotiations are at an impasse because administration claims there is not enough
money to grant faculty more than the 3% agreed to last year, but there is money to (over)pay
consultants who seemingly don't do the job well? What a shame.

by Dave Aug 18, 2008 10:23 AM

HCC ranks 27th among Florida's 28 public community colleges in its graduation rate. Maybe the
$800K would have been better spent towards improving this dismal performance.

by Dave Aug 18, 2008 10:22 AM

Great article! If you're looking for sleaze, scandal, corruption, and criminal incompetence, HCC
is your happy hunting ground.

by Faculty Aug 18, 2008 10:22 AM

Go, HCC, GO!!! Let's waste more money on a pipe dream while our faculty salaries go
backwards because of ridiculously low increases and a floundering economy.

by crcg Aug 18, 2008 10:20 AM

A familiar pattern that governnment easily falls for. Hotel managememt, physical therapy and
culinary arts? Why would the Cleveland Clinic be involved with somthing like that? Sounds like
these community college administrators need a reality check.

by Tina Aug 17, 2008 9:59 PM

800 K while they paid me a degrading $1650 a class to teach dozens and dozens of
undergraduates? These people are scum. I deeply regret being (dumbly) screwed by them, and
I pity anybody paying tuition to such inept criminals. Fire the president!

by Tom Aug 17, 2008 9:54 PM

Is Keystone one of the "developers" who bid on the Topicana Field site?

by Alex Aug 17, 2008 9:54 PM

This guy is a developer. Does any of this suprise you? Overtaking education for profit...the last
stop for desperate people

by FC Aug 17, 2008 9:50 PM

Dr. Stephenson doesn't want to miss out on a 'once-in-a-lifetime opportunity' but in the
meantime shes making a mockery of herself and the college. The admin should focus on
revamping HCC before tackling on projects they clearly can't handle...

by Elaine Aug 17, 2008 9:50 PM

I believe my Uncle worked on the Engineering Design Team that developed the first automated
Inventory at the Retail Register Systems in the country. I will check on that. Sounds like some
clarification is needed.

by James Aug 17, 2008 9:42 PM

Does a member of the other groups that were not considered in this project have an inside
track to the St Pete Times? I wouldn't give much merit to anything the press/media has to say
as the information is slanted to accomodate their own agendas.

by Susan Aug 17, 2008 9:34 PM

KG's comments are correct. HCC officials seem too eager to seal the deal with questionable
developer. If HCC officials don't back out now after hard hitting article,something is fishy.

by Austin Aug 17, 2008 12:36 PM

Maybe this guy Neal should go do a restaurant deal with Chef Robert Irvine! Are they

by Ron Aug 17, 2008 12:36 PM

Another Con Artist with a lousy Con. Why does he bother. It is so easy to check on his college
degree lies, that once he is busted there, the rest just follows.

by Susan Aug 17, 2008 12:36 PM

In today's budget climate, it is not very responsible for HCC to waste state funds. Enjoyed
reading the article. Why after HCC spent $800,000, they are still sticking with questionable
developer. That question was not answered in article.

by joetampa Aug 17, 2008 12:35 PM

If it's such a great plan, why does he need taxpayers to finance it?

by Dave Aug 17, 2008 12:35 PM

An he'll get it, because the only people getting ahead in this state are crooks and charlatans.
He seems to fall into both of those categories. Damn this state is full of suckers.

by Dave Aug 17, 2008 12:35 PM

There's a sucker born every minute, and a politician or business leader willing to pocket the

by Paul Aug 17, 2008 12:35 PM

This Guy is selling SNAKE OIL send him on his way and don't invite him back. Someone
overpaid the cunsulting firm for under service. Honesty is a core requirement for any
partnership there is none here.

7 of 8 8/19/2008 8:00 AM
How Hillsborough Community College chased a developer's dream - St. P...

by oh my! Aug 17, 2008 12:35 PM

I cant believe the administration fell for this!!! Get the faculty you have together before
dreaming big!

by jmk Aug 17, 2008 12:35 PM

Just another BS'r, that's all. Would never stop and listen to what he had to say.

by KG Aug 17, 2008 12:35 PM

considering that everything that this neal guy says is basically a lie, it might merit investigating
HCC officials and why they still are doing any kind of business with this guy.

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