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There are 2





1. Phases
2. Processes
1. Phases : There are 6 phases in AIM methodology. Those are:
1) Definition Phase.
2) Operation Analysis Phase
3) Solution Design Phase
4) Build Phase
5) Transition Phase
6) Production Phase.
2. Processes : There are 12 Processes in AIM Methodology. They
1) Project Management
2) Business Process Architecture.
3) Business Requirement Definition
4) Business Requirement Mapping
5) Application & Technical Architecture
6) Module Design & Building
7) Data Conversion
8) Documentation
9) Business System Testing
Performance Testing
Adoption and Learning
Production Migration
Why Phases?
Oracle encourages us to follow phases for
Better Results
To track the level of the project, and
Risk Analysis.

1. Definition Phase
In Definition phase based on the client objective we will
design Project Plan.
This phase mainly includes:
Scope of the Project ( Like how many modules to be
implemented etc., )
Time Frame to Complete the Project
Resource Planning for the Project
We will also initiate overall understanding of client current
business process and future process flow design.
Kick-off Meetings takes place in Definition phase only.

2. Operation Analysis Phase

In this phase we will study the business of the organization.
The entire business model. For that we will be preparing
questionnaire to know the exact requirements of the
Organization. This phase involves in,
Business Requirement gathering
Mapping of Business Requirements.
If there are no standard functionality available for any
requirement, that information we will enter in GAAP Register,
CEMLI ( Using CEMLI we will design the solutions for that

3. Solution Design Phase

In this phase we will give the solutions for all the standard
functionalities along with Customizations.

4. Build Phase
Here we will start building. A Functional Consultant will
involve in Functional setups, Testing Consultant will involve in
Testing etc.,

After building a CRP session will takes place, if everything is ok

fine. Even if there are minor changes also we will note down those
errors and will close the CRP sessions here itself. If there are
major changes occurred then, again we have to take those
changes to Operation Analysis Phase. After analyze we will take
those changes to Solution Design Phase. After finding the
solutions in this phase later we will take up to Build Phase, in this
phase we will setup all those changes which occurred in CRP2 and
we will give the CRP3 to the client.

5. Transition Phase
In this phase there are 2 steps.
1. Training : This is based on the Product what we have
developed. We have to train users on the product to make
them aware of all the functionalities.
2. UAT ( User Acceptance Test ) : After training we will conduct
UAT, here Users will test whether all the functionalities are
working fine or not. This UAT is based on Sample Live Data
where as CRP is dummy data.
After UAT users will accept the Product.

6. Production Phase
Here we will implement setups in Production. After doing all
the setups we will give Post Production Support.
These are the phases that we following in implementation.

The process in AIM are always won't come one-by-one.
Sometimes parallel steps also occur. Means at a time 2 or more
processes also takes place.
1. Project Management

This is one of the key process, it won't end till the end of the
project. It involves in all the processes throughout the project.
2. Business Process Architecture :
This process involves in "High Level Process
Documents" It involves in various activities like
Preparing Business Questionnaire
Current Process Model
Develop High Level Process Design ( BP-070 )
Develop Future Process Model ( BP-080)


3. Business Requirement Definition :

This phase involved in Business Requirement Gathering
based on Questionnaire.
Conduct Current Business Baseline ( RD-020 )
Gather Business Requirements ( RD-050 )
4. Business Requirement Mapping :
In this phase the requirements of business are matched with
Oracle Standard Functionality.
BR-030 ( Map Business Requirements )
5. Application & Technical Architecture:
In this process we will identify the requirements that we
should have to implement Oracle Application.
TA-040 ( Define Application Architecture )
6. Module Design & Build :

This process involves in designing New Functionality

( Customization ) required by the client. Like Forms design,
Database and Reports etc.,
MD-050 Application Extension Functional Design.
MD-070 Application Extension Technical Design.
7. Data Conversion :
Data Conversions are two types.
Static Conversions won't change where as Dynamic Conversions
will have huge changes in database.

When can we concert Static and Dynamic Data?

Eg : Take cutoff date as 31/01/2015
For this,
Static Conversion Date should be 31/12/2014
Dynamic Conversion Date /Cutoff date is 31/01/2015
Grace Period is 10 days.
Go live should be 10/02/2015.
There for GoLive Date = Static Date + Dynamic Date + Cutoff
After cutoff date what ever happen, either Static or Dynamic we
have to enter manually.
CV-040 ( Conversion Data Mapping )
CV-060 ( Design of Conversion Program )

8. Documentation:
In this Process we will
Implementation Manuals.
DO-060 ( User Reference Manual )
DO-070 ( User Guide ).





9. Business System Testing :

In this Process we involves in Cycle Testing, Unit Testing etc.,
For Standard Functionalities ( Cycle Testing )
For Customized Functionalities ( Unit Testing )
TE-040 ( Test Evidence Document/Test Script )
TE-050 ( System Integration Testing )
TE-070 ( Unit Testing )

10. Performance Testing:

Performance testing is the evaluation of transactions saving
time, transaction retrieval times, workflow background process,
database performance, etc.,
11. Adoption & Learning:
This Process involves in adoption of New System from
Legacy System.
12. Production & Migration:
In this process we completely discontinue Legacy system
and Adopt to New System.
These are the processes that are involved in AIM.

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