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My Amazing Water

Birth Story!

February 10, 2015.

Week 39. Irregular contractions. Very mild ones, but definitely present. Similar
to menstrual cramps. For an entire week they would start at night, last an hour
and disappear. Every night seemed to be the night but then it wasnt.
Week 40 and 2 days. Monday, February 9, 2015. 9:22pm. Felt the first strong
contraction. In my mind, This is it! I have to get some rest before the real thing
starts! Contractions continued. I slept in between them while hugging my 2
year old to sleep.
10:35pm. Had a big dinner. Pasta with butter and herbs. Getting ready for the
big race.
My husband convinced me to go into the hot tub. At first I didnt want to, I
didnt want contractions to stop. But then I remembered my Dr.s advice; The
real ones wont go away with anything He was right.
So we went into the tub. Hot water. Contractions every 10-12 min apart and
definitely not going away. In each one, I had to stop everything I was doing; no
talking, no moving, no change. But in between them, I would get a reward;
Moys love and sweet talk, a foot massage, a nice story. This moment I will
never forget.
Now its time to try to rest a bit. Contractions are still far apart. We timed 3 and
they were every 9-11 min apart. I could no longer rest, but I wanted Moy to
sleep a little. Four more contractions I labored in bed and on the ball.
1:30am I decided to call my Doula to give her a heads up. I said no rush, just
start getting ready, they are still far apart.
To my surprise some minutes after that call, big change! I had to go to the
bathroom and contractions started happening every 2 minutes! 1:35, 1:37,
1:39!! Called my husband, couldnt even answer back, couldnt get up. This
looked like the transition stage, the final part of dilatation, but in my mind, It
cant be! Its too fast.
Called the Dr. He wanted to see me. So we prepared everything. I couldnt
leave the floor. They were too close together and lasting more than 1 minute.
Contraction in the elevator, another in the car, a couple more while driving the

Written March 2, 2015.

5 minute trip to Bite, the hospital. And then, a little guy came to say Hi; mid
contraction we stopped the car, a white and gray rabbit crosses the street, I
couldnt resist laughing. Too random. Rabbits dont live in Santa Fe! Its the
financial area of the city.
In the car I made a decision. This delivery didnt have to be as long as my 1st
one. This is not the same birth. This is a different birth from my last one and it
can go really really fast. Decisions are a strong weapon. Probably the strongest
one there is.
2:30am. Arrived to the hospital. After the doctors exam, I was really hoping
for an answer of 5-6cm. With absolute calm, Gilberto answered 9-8cm
dilated. What????!!!!! Those were words from heaven!!! Labor was almost
over!!! And I said, mid contraction, thats the best thing Ive heard!
My Doula started working with me on every contraction. Her massage was just
amazing. The pressure on my hips was getting all of my attention away from
the contraction, allowing me to relax. She just found the perfect spot and
applied the right amount of pressure. Just perfect. It made a big difference if
she was there or not during the contraction. I just wanted Patricia near me.
Moy, my stable point. My anchor. Taking care of me and the environment in
every possible way. From coconut water and ice chips, to keeping a calm,
peaceful and silent ambiance. Dimm lights, no interruptions, no questions.
The tub was ready. 37 degrees. Hot. Relaxing. Moy went in with me. So glad he
did. In between contractions, we would hug and kiss. My ally, my protector.
I was having an urge to push, but to afraid to do so. I kept asking Gilberto how
will I know when to push. He kept answering, whenever you feel like it. I
decided to start pushing and I did, I used all my strength. No progress. With
every effort to push, my vision would darken, total blackness for a few seconds.
In my mind, I dont know how im going to do it, if I keep on, Ill pass out.
I wasnt doing it right. Frustration, anger and exasperation were my only
emotions. I just wanted it to be over, but didnt know how to do it. I couldnt
find the right muscle. I knew that the only way out was the way through, but
even though I had everyone around helping me, I felt so alone. I knew I had to
do it by myself. Everyone was there for me and to help me birth my baby but
these last steps I had to figure out by myself.
I honestly thought of everything! Maybe I want a C-section right now, or just an
episiotomy or drugs, painkillers, anesthesia, epidural; anything that will make
the baby come out without me having to go through it. I thought of every
single alternative so that I could run away from that moment. My only thought
was, how can I escape this?! Obviously, there was no running away, so I took
a decision; I can do this and it can go very fast.
Gilberto made a correct observation and said you are pushing with your face,
cutting your own blood flow and circulation; thats the reason your vision is
getting black and blurry. He was right. I was pushing with my face.
Gilberto said I was pushing when there was no contraction. But I was feeling
the intensity, how is that so?! He said You are experiencing very strong
pressure, but that is not a contraction, and it will not go away until you give

Written March 2, 2015.

birth. And once again, he was right! I was just wasting my efforts and getting
With these two right indications, slowly, I started to find the right buttons and
muscles in my body to push a baby. Finally, I started to feel progress. I wanted
to find out for myself where my baby was, how far along. So I did. With my
finger, I discovered he was 1 inch away from the exterior. Progress! The end
was very near, it was now a matter of minutes, not hours.
I asked Gilberto for direction. He started to guide me on where to push and
how to breath. Telling me when to breath in and when to breath out. When to
relax and when to use all my strength. This was the point where I needed help
the most and I received it. The guidance was perfect. He took good control
and directed me. I followed his instructions.
I cant be grateful enough. This guidance during the most intense moment
meant the world to me. It made all the difference.
All the efforts were paying off and my baby was coming down. The head
started to crown, strong sensations, a very very intense physical feeling;
definitely the hardest part of all. One more push. All my strength, all my power
directed to one spot and the head came out! I touched it, grabbed it with my
two hands. He was here.
Moy was holding me from behind, hugging me. Helping me push. Ice chips,
water, confort. Full support. He is my anchor point. I know Im safe.
The final push! Babys shoulders and the whole body came out. Huge relief.
All the pain was gone, no more pressure. My body was now very light. With
Gilbertos help, I brought my son to my chest. Now, Moy and I are both
hugging the baby. He cries. Strong, healthy cry for a couple of seconds.
Immense satisfaction, pure pleasure. He is now with us and I DID IT. It was not
someone else doing it for me, or someone else giving me this amazing gift. I
MADE IT HAPPEN. Of course, without the help of all my birth team, it would
have been imposible. But I did it! I did the work, I did the labor, I pushed and
arrived at the other side with my prize.
So tiny and fragile on my chest and yet, I can't avoid thinking that was inside
me! He is huge! He is mine, my reward. The happiest moment. All the pain
became worth it. Little feet, skinny legs, tiny chest, lengthy fingersfinally with
I find his eyes, he opens them, I greet him Hello, How are you? I welcome him
We are very happy you are here! We are going to keep you. The whole world
disappears. It is now only the three of us. Nothing else matters.
I touch the cord, its still pumping. I can feel my babys pulse in the cord; so
strong, so fast. After a couple of minutes, its time to cut it. Moy cuts it. Its the
end of the cycle; physical detachment. He is now ready to live and make that
body function by himself.
Someone says, 4:17am. What??!!! That was fast!

Written March 2, 2015.

In my mind; I delivered already and my 2 year old hasn't even woken up to go

to school! If I was feeling powerful, now I feel like a super hero! This was my
dream! To show up in the hospital and in less than 2 hours be done.
And it came true! I actually didnt think it was possible; I thought it only
happened to a few lucky ones. Well this time I am one of those lucky ones.
Time to step out of the tub. My baby is examined right in front of me, Moy and
the Pediatrician are with him. I stood up and took the steps into the bed. There
was blood but nobody seemed to be worried by it. I got a little concerned
my Doctor and nurses were perfectly calm, no worry at all. Apparently that
happens when the placenta detaches.
But if Gilberto isn't worried, I dont
need to be either.
Placenta delivery, one push, done. Massive relief. I actually enjoyed this push.
The organ that had been feeding and nurturing my baby for more than 9
months has been birthed as well. Very little tearing, no stitches needed. Now
Im done. My work is over. The end.
Baby Boy. 2.930kg. 50cm. 4:17am. February 10, 2015.
My baby comes back to me. Not even 30 minutes after delivery and he is now
eating. We are ready to start a new life as a family of four.
And now, going back in time 2 months. December 10, 2014. I created how I
wanted my birth to be, and I wrote this;
A calm, peaceful and silent birth. A birth where I am in control at all times
and in present time. Easy and smooth birth, where everything progresses as it
Baby is in the right position. Effacement and dilation happen quickly. I
rapidly go through the different labor stages with total certainty and control.
Everyone around me has good vibes and are helping me.
The pushing stage, very short. Inside the tub. Im pushing my baby through
the channel and he is helping me.
The water breaks at the end.
The baby crowns without a problem. I dont tear at all. Moy is with me.
My baby is born! Moy and Doctor receive him. I see him in the water. He is
given to me. I see him. Beautiful, healthy and strong. We hear him cry.
I welcome him. He is calm. He stays in my arms until the cord stops pulsing.
He gets cleaned in my arms.
He stays with me. He starts to eat. I deliver the placenta with no problems. It
comes out very easily.
My baby eats.
A strong and healthy baby.

Written March 2, 2015.

I knew what I wanted. And I followed that path.

I did my research and prepared myself.
I made sure I had true data from reliable sources on the subject, which match
my viewpoint on how I wanted things to happen.
I did not listen to negativity around me concerning the subject. Unnecessary.
I found the right Doctor and birthing team, with a similar mind set to mine and
with the desire to help me get the birth experience I desire.
I found the right hospital that would treat me as a mother, not as a sick patient.
I prepared my body and mind for this event and I WAS SUCCESSFUL !
Birth; an empowering experience.
If I did this, I can do anything I set my mind to do.
I would say birth is the most intense thing Ive ever done, but also the most
rewarding. Nothing can match it.

Written March 2, 2015.

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