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Experience the Best, Experience Windows XP


Very Important Note : If you have enough memory and sleeky eye candy look luver
don't do the following things. And do it your own risk, if you do the following
things Windows XP might run smoothly and reliably on 128 MB(even 64 MB) of
RAM.This is an Ultimate Troubleshooter for Slow and Unreliable PC , Finally 4
Performance Seekers Do THIS

After the Fresh Install of Windows XP

1. Right Click on DeskTop Click Customize Desktop in Desktop Tab

Check the Boxes of My Documents My Computer and IE

2.Right Click on My Computer in Desktop Click Properties on Advanced Tab Click

Performance > Settings
>Visual Effects > [ CLICK ] Adjust for best performance
[ Note : You can also go System Properties from Control Panel > System ]

3.On Advanced Tab Click Error Reporting >

[ CLICK ] Disable error reporting [ This is Annoying ]

4.On System Restore Tab > [ CLICK ] Turn off System Restore on all drives, it will
ask "blah blah" question CLICK YES [ No Risk, Don't Afraid ]

5.On Automatic Updates Tab > Turn off Automatic Updates. [ Another ***d thing ]

6.On Remote Tab Clear the all 2 Check Box

7.Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Click Sound Tab and Select No Sounds,
it will ask "blah blah" question CLICK NO

8.Click Run from Start Menu [ or Press Windows + R ] and type regedit
Click OK
On Registry Editor > Click Edit > Find >
Type BOOTEXECUTE Click Find Next
Right Click BOOTEXECUTE > Click Modify > Delete the whole Value Data
Click Find Next and do the same 2 appearances

9.On Registry Editor > Click Edit > Find >

Click on Enable >Right Click Modify > Change Y to N

10.Control Panel > Folder Options > On View Tab > Advance settings :
Check the Box Do not cache thumbnails.

11.Control Panel > Display > Screensaver Tab > Select None
[ 2 % of System Resource , Now Free ]

Last edited by hotspicyhot : 01-11-2007 at 10:49 PM.

12.Control Panel > Display > Appearance Tab > Click Effects >
On that make the changes as follow

<[< IMG >]>


13.Right Click on My Computer in Desktop Click Properties on Advanced Tab Click

Performance > Settings > Advanced Tab > Virtual memory > Change > Click on the
Drive that is not windows folder > Click Custom size >
Initial size (MB) : 1024
Maximum size (MB) : 1024
and Click Set

Select Drive that already have pagefile Click > No paging file
It ask to Restart Click OK to Ultra Fast XP Experience

14.Most Wanted Softwares

1.Foxit Reader for PDF Reading [ Damn Small ]
2.Irfan View 4.00 for Image Viewing
3.RegCleaner for Cleaning Dirty Registry
4.TweakUI for Tweak Manythings
5.Unlocker for Unlocking the Locked Files
6.WinRAR for Extracting any kind of Compressed Files
7.HDDLife 2.0.50 for Learning How Hot is HDD ? and more.
15.After Installing TweakUI
Click TweakUI > My Computer > AutoPlay > Type Uncheck the both drive types

16.Click on Time > Adjust Date/Time > Internet Time Tab > Clear Automatically
synchronize with and Internet time server. [ To Make Your PC Leak Proof ]


Optimizing Windows XP Services: Improve performances by disabling Windows


Optimizing Windows XP Services

Windows XP starts a lot of different services, as engine of the whole Windows

system. However, some of them won't be of any use for you! By quitting those
unused services, you can realize higher system performances. At the page MSCONFIG,
I already mentioned the possibilities to turn off services on the tab Services, as
shown below.

This is not the proper way to turn off services, especially not the Microsoft
services: please use the Services Management Tool for this purpose. The Services
Management Tool (Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services or SERVICES.MSC if
you would like to make a shortcut) shows all the available active and inactive
services, including a information about what they are maent for:

As you can see, for each services there is a lot of information (this information
is not always clear, but gives you an idea whether you probably need it or
not...). Here you can change the services start-up type to automatic, manual or
disabled. Some services depend on other services to work properly (that's the
reason not to turn off services in MSConfig) and others are normally disabled.
Right click on a service and pick Properties to make changes to the startup type
(first check the tab Dependencies!). Switching a service from automatic to manual
makes the service available when needed but disables it on startup by default. To
monitor the effect of a service, stop the running service by right clicking on it
and choose Stop.
Services which can be disabled safely

There are many Windows services. Most of them you will need for a good functioning
Windows system, but some can be turned off safely. Here are services mentioned,
which can be switched (almost) safely to manual or even disabled. Read the
information carefully and make sure you understand what the service does and/or
does not! Keep in mind that possible problems in the future start here (so you
will have to fix them here as well). If you are not sure about a service, then
don't make any change to the startup type! Don't change them all at a time, if you
are not sure what they are for. Don't turn off services which are depended on by
other services!

Alerter: Most times this service is not used. It takes care of administrative
alerts over a network for administrative purposes.

Automatic Updates: Downloading and installing Windows updates. If you think you
don't need this service, you can disable it. Remember that the Windows update
website doesn't work anymore without this service, since the introduction of
Windows XP SP2. I advise to keep it unchanged. To work properly, the Automatic
Updates service also needs Background Intelligent Transfer Service, Event Log and
the Cryptographics Services.

Computer Browser: This services lists all computers in a network and gives this
information to other computers in the netwerk, when asked for. This makes browsing
on the network faster. There is no need for this service, and especially not if
you don't have a network situation. With this function disabled, you are still
able to browse your network!

Distributed Link Tracking Client: This service is only applicable when you make
use of the NTFS file system. If you don't use this file system, you can switch off
this service. This services makes sure that linked files on different volumes
(possibly somewhere on the network) stay connected. If a file has been moved to
another location, the link will be updated by this service. There is probably no
need at all to for this services on your computer, so disable it.

Error Reporting Service: Enables the option to report system errors to Microsoft.
There is no need to do this, enough reason to disable this service.

Event Log: This services logs issues in the log files, which can be viewed with
the Event Viewer (Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Event Viewer). Although you
might think it's not useful, do not disable this service but keep it automatic.

Fast User Switching Compatibility: If you don't need the fast switching between
user accounts, disable this function. Fast switching of user accounts makes it
possible to leave your application open without saving your data. If not needed,
don't use this function, it doesn't always work properly.

Help and Support: Without this service, the Windows Help and Support center will
not be available. If you don't need this help, switch this service to manual.

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service: This function is used to able to burn CD-ROM's with
the Windows Explorer (copy-paste files to your CD burner). If you don't have a CD-
burner, you can disable this service (or switch to manual). It is possible that
this service causes troubles in combination with other burning software.

Indexing Service: With this indexing service, you are able to search faster on
your computer. The faster searching comes at a cost: the indexing of the content,
which slows down your computer. This services is not needed, I advise to disable
it for better overall performance.

IPSEC-services: Manages IP security policy, possibly not needed for your system.

Messenger: The Messenger service makes it possible sending messages over the
network (it has nothing to do with Live Messenger). This function works by the
following command: NET SEND Hello (Start, Run,..), a new message Window
should appear if this service is enabled. This service is also available from the
internet, which makes it possible to receive strange messages: reason enough to
disable this service.

NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing: This service provides the possibility to invite
others to access your computer as a remote desktop. There is no need for this
service. For security issues, you better disable this option.

Performance Logs and Alerts: The making off performance logs will probably lower
your systems performance: reason enough to disable it, especially if you never
read the log files.

Portable Media Serial Number Service: Needed to reed the serial number of any
portable media player. If this function is disabled, there is a chance not to open
(downloaded) protected content. You probably can disable this service without any
noticeable consequences.

Print Spooler: Necessary for printing. If you don't want to have the option to
print, you can disable it.

Protected Storage: This service provides the possibility to safe passwords (email,
websites, dial up,..). Remember that passwords can be easily retrieved with
freeware software (see the item Forgotten passwords). Although this issue, I
prefer to keep this option on automatic.

QoS RSVP: QoS is probably not needed for your network traffic, so you can disable
this service.

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager: If you are getting troubles with your
internet connection, leave this service on automatic. If you are using a router:
disable this service.

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager: If you don't need remote assistance (the
other person controls your computer by your invitation), disable this function.

Routing and Remote Access: If there is no need to dial in by others into your
computer, disable this service.

Security Center (SP2): Service Pack 2 provided Windows with the Security Center.
The Security Center monitors the proper functioning of your system security
(Windows updates, firewall and virus scan). If something is not working properly,
you will be informed continuously. I can't imagine why you can't do it yourself,
reason enough to disable it.

Server: For sharing local files and printers with other computers on your network.
If there is no need to share, disable this service.

Shell Hardware Detection: Essential for automatic playing of connected devices

(memory cards, CD/DVD).
Smart Card: No reason to run this service when you don't have a smart card.

System Event Notification: Almost never used. Leave the service on automatic if
you have a network or a portable PC, else disable it.

System Restore Service: This service makes it possible to restore your system to
an earlier date if something did go seriously wrong. This service consumes a lot
of your system performances while the System Restore doesn't always function
properly (and you can loose data!). Disabling this service is a relief for the
system performances!

Task Scheduler: This service enables automatic scheduled tasks (like regularly
downloading of virus definitions). Many applications need this service. If you
prefer to do everything yourself, you can disable this service. I prefer

Theme's: If you don't need the XP look, disable this function. I prefer automatic.
Windows Audio: needed for playing sounds, up to you.....

Windows Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS): This services provides
your computer with a software firewall for your internet connection. You can
disable the firewall service if you use a third party firewall (do NOT go online
without a firewall!). Besides the firewall function, the service provides you with
the possibility to share the internet connection with other computers, which is
not needed when your network is provided with a router.

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA): This service is used for transferring images from
your camera/web cam or scanner. Leave this service on manual if you have one of
those devices, else disable the service.

Windows Installer: Needed for installing MSI setup files. Do not disable this
option, else windows updates won't be installed.

Windows Time: If you prefer to keep you system clock up to date manually (if
needed.....), there is no need for an automatic update: disable it as you wish.

Wireless Zero Configuration-service: Needed for automatic configuration of your

wireless network connection. If you don't have any wireless network adapter,
disable this service.

WMI Performance Adapter: No need for performance information, only the

performances? Disable this service.
MSConfig System Configuration Utility

With the utility MSConfig it is possible to analyze all the applications starting
when you turn on your computer and, if you feel the need to do so, disable
undesirable items. Turning off undesirable items will save system resources which
will eventually result in a faster Windows. You can start the MSConfig utility by
Start, Run and type the command MSCONFIG and press ENTER. If you have just done a
fresh Windows setup, there won't be much shocking to disable. When you have
installed all your favorite software, it is time to have a look at MSConfig,
whether performance enhancements are possible.

The most important tab, is the last one: Startup. Here you can disable (and enable
again....) startup items. If you are not sure, you better leave the item
untouched, but you are free to experiment (you can always turn them on again). If
you have been infected by a virus, most times you can find the virus here. To
disable a virus you better run MSCONFIG in Windows safe mode (press F8 while
restarting Windows), else the still active virus will reactivate your action.

MSConfig startup

Above is shown how the automatic startup of the Windows Messenger has been
disabled. The Command column shows the location of the application (which can give
you information about what's the application for). The Location column tells you
where you can find the place to delete the item permanently, most of the times it
will be in the Windows registry. It is important to realize what every item does,
and to ask yourself the question whether you need that item. Many applications you
will install place a link here (most of the times unasked), to make them fast
accessible in the system tray.

If you are not sure what some items are all about (possibly a virus or
Trojan....), you can always check it out at the Process Library !

The tab Services also shows some essential services started with Windows. Most of
the shown services are from Microsoft Windows, which are discussed on the page
Windows XP services. It's wise, not to disable one of those, to make sure you keep
out of startup troubles. However, by choosing the option to Hide All Microsoft
Services. This will give you an insight in non-Windows services. Most of the time
it is completely filled with the services from security software like firewalls
and virus scanners. This answers the question why your quick computers rapidly
turns into a slow snail.

MSConfig services

Above you can see that the NVIDIA Driver Helper Service (saves time at the
shutdown of Windows) and the TuneUp WinStyler Theme Service are turned off.


If you have a startup problem (for example blue screens of death, also called
BSOD's), then MSConfig is the right tool for the first step to analyze this. First
turn off all items on the Startup tab and restart your computer. If this didn't
work you can also try to turn off all the non-Microsoft services. However, if it
did work you can start turning on startup items again until you find your trouble
maker. By trial and error you will find the problematic software, and solve your
startup problems. A plausible other cause of a BSOD are wrong hardware drivers.


If you are sure about disabling certain items on the Startup tab, you can delete
them permanently in the Windows registry. If you do so, you won't see them anymore
in the MSConfig screen. Start the registry editor with the command REGEDIT the
same way you started MSConfig: Browse to the following keys (all starting with

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Run????
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Run????

Find your unwanted startup items en delete them. Be careful: deleting is

permanent, you can't recover deleted keys! If you feel better, first make a backup
of the registry by exporting the keys to a .REG file, which you can easily import
again by double clicking on the file.


Sometimes MSConfig can be a little confusing. The application AutoRuns can be of
great help and give some extra information about your startup items. The
application Process Explorer can also be of great use when you have startup
problems. With Process Explorer you can investigate the running processes: it
tells you what files and DLL files are used by the different processes.


You can't fix any startup problem with MSConfig.... With the application
HijackThis you have a very powerful tool to detect and end irritating browser
hijackers. Be careful, the application is very powerful!

The tabs SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI aren't that important, the tab BOOT.INI gives you
some extra boot options you can turn on or off. By clicking Check All Boot Paths,
you can possibly fix some boot problems. By enabling the option /NOGUIBOOT there
won't be any Windows logo at startup, just a black screen (actually there is no
important reason to do so......;-).



If you would like to have more information about the reason of a Windows crash,
you have to change a key in the Windows registry. Visit the following location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Reliability, and
change the DWORD-value ShutdownReasonUI from 0 to 1. Now you will find more
information about the reason why Windows crashed in the log files, which are
available through the Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Event Viewer. If your
problems are solved, restore the value to 0.







Defragmenting hard disk/registry/pagefile

Before imaging your Windows partition, it's wise to defrag your hard disk (C:
partition). Defragmenting results in nicely arranged files, which are not spread
in pieces all over the hard disk. After defragmenting your hard disk has faster
access to the files, which results in a faster Windows. Before you start
defragmenting your hard disk, make sure there are no temporary files left on your
hard disk, (this will eventually result in a faster imaging process and a smaller
system backup).
If you didn't read the page about deleting unnecessary files, at least remove the
following files in all user accounts:
C:\Documents and Settings\user account\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
C:\Documents and Settings\user account\Local Settings\Temp
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP and of course afterwards the Recycle bin.

TIP: You can bypass the Recycle bin, by pressing SHIFT-DEL! Most files are system
files and/or hidden, so make sure you can see those type of files in the Windows
Explorer (Tools, Folder Options, tab View, enable Display the content of system
folders, enable Show hidden files and folders, disable Hide extensions for known
file types and disable Hide protected operating system files).

Starting hard disk defragmenting

The defragmentation tool is started by Start, All Programs, Accessories, System

tools, Disk Defragmenter. You will see the screen below. Select a volume, your C:
partition, and click Analyze followed by Defragment to start the defragmentation
process (you can skip the Analyze step). You have to defrag each volume
separately, furthermore there are no settings possible. The red parts indicate the
fragmented files, the blue parts the defragmented files. The green parts are
irremovable system files, which are discussed below.
Defragmenting hard disk

Defragmenting system files

The green parts won't be defragmented, these are the virtual memory (Control
Panel, System, tab Advanced, button Performance Settings, tab Advanced, button
Change) and the hibernation file (Control Panel, Power Options, tab Hibernate),
discussed on the page about deleting unnecessary files. Defragmenting those system
files is not possible with the Windows Disk Defragmenter tool. However you can
defrag these files with the free utility PageDefrag (also known as System File
Defragmenter) from Sysinternals

Defragmenting system files

Defragmenting registry files

Spoken normally, you can diminish the registry by at least 10 percent. Registry
defragmenting doesn't delete anything, it just makes a smaller registry with the
same information. This saves a lot of memory, which is important for the
performance of your system.

The freeware utility NT Registry Optimizer is the a very useful tool to realize
the registry defragmentation. First the NT Registry Optimizer application
calculates the possible size reduction, which will be realized after a reboot. In
this case the registry will be reduced by 10% (click Yes to reboot).
Optimizing Registry Must 4 Speed
Registry cleaning and optimizing (Regclean)
Microsoft didn't provide in a regclean utility for Windows XP, like they did for
Windows 98/ME (download from CNET). Although you are not advised to use the
Windows 98/ME Regclean tool for Windows XP, many people report to have no problems
(including myself). If something goes wrong, you can undo the cleaning by double
clicking the stored undo registry file.

I have tried a lot of other registry clean tools, but I didn't find a 100% risk
free registry cleaning tool yet.... If Windows XP has been installed recently,
there is not much to clean, and with an image of your system you don't need a
cleaning tool in the future. The only thing left is defragmenting the registry,
which can be done with NT Registry Optimizer.
The use of Regclean

The setup of Regclean is easy. After Regclean is started, you will see the
following on your screen. Clicking the Start button starts the registry analyzing
process. When Regclean is ready, you are asked to Fix Errors. To make it possible
to undo the registry changes, a undo registry file will be placed in the same
folder as the Regclean tool (double click this file to restore registry settings).

Registry defragmenting (optimizing)

After you have cleaned the registry, you should defrag the registry, which is more
important then registry cleaning. Spoken normally, you can diminish the registry
by at least 10 percent. Registry defragmenting doesn't delete anything, it just
makes a smaller registry with the same information. This saves a lot of memory,
which is important for the performance of your system.

The freeware utility NT Registry Optimizer is the a very useful tool to realize
the registry defragmentation. First the NT Registry Optimizer application
calculates the possible size reduction, which will be realized after a reboot. In
this case the registry will be reduced by 10% (click Yes to reboot).
Windows XP registry tweaks

Most settings can be done easily within Windows. However, for some setting you
need to dive into the registry or use one of the many registry tweak utilities
(like the Windows XP powertool TWEAKUI). On this page (and other pages), I have
described some interesting registry tweaks which you can do yourself, using the
registry editor.

NOTE: Be careful editing the registry. Worst case scenario: Windows won't boot
anymore. If you are not sure, leave things unchanged! My advise: create a system
image before making major changes!
Speed up browsing AVI files (audio/video)

By default, opening folders containing AVI files (audio/video) can be very slow
because Windows is trying to extract non important information. This can be
solved, by deleting the following key:

Automatically expanding folder trees

The folder view on the left in Windows Explorer automatically expands if you click
on a folder containing sub-folders. You can disable this function with a registry
tweak: change the DWORD-value FriendlyTree to 0 (in stead of 1) in the following
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
Automatically expanding folders will be disabled, expanding a folder is now done
by double clicking the folder.
Windows search optimization

Within Windows XP you are able to search your computer for files (Start, Search),
but takes some clicking to get what you want! To optimize the search function, you
have to make some registry changes. To make changes, navigate to the following
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer
where you will find some important DWORD-values. Change these values to optimize
your Windows search:
SearchSlowFiles=1 (if you have a tape drive, else: 0)
Remove shared folders My Computer

To remove the shared folders in the My Computer view, delete the value {59031a47-
3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee} in the following key (export to a reg-file first, to
have a backup):
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\My
Saving Notepad settings

If you are a heavy user of Notepad, you probably like saving the Notepad settings
on exit. To make sure your settings are saved, add/Change the DWORD-value
fSavePageSettings=1 and fSaveWindowsPositions=1 in the following key:

Disable the balloon tips

Already irritated by the information balloons, covering the important buttons in

the Start Menu? Start the registry editor and navigate to the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
change or add the DWORD-values EnableBalloonTips and ShowInfoTip, both with value
Disable the useless Security Center warnings

If your Windows is not provided with one of the well known virus scan and/or
firewall software, the Security Center will come with useless repeating reminders.
The reminders can be disabled by changing the values AntiVirusDisableNotify and
FirewallDisableNotify to the DWORD-value 1 in the following registry key:
Remove the low disk space warning

Probably you have seen the irritating 'low on disk space'-warning before, if your
hard disk reaches full capacity. This warning message can be turned off by adding
the DWORD-value NoLowDiskSpaceChecks with value 1 in the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MicroSoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Disabling wrapping icon/shortcut labels

Probably your desktop contains icons (shortcuts) with long names, which aren't
shown completely (the are wrapped......). With a registry tweak you can disable
the title wrapping, create a String value IconTitleWrap with value 0 in the
following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics
Disabling the blocking of pop-ups from secured sites

By default Internet Explorer blocks the pop-ups because they are mostly used for
irritating advertising purposes. For secured pages (e.g. the login to a
bankaccount), this behavior is not wished. The URL of a secured page is preceded
by HTTPS in stead of HTTP. The blocking of pop-ups for these HTTPS-pages can be
disabled by changing the DWORD-value Allow HTTPS to 1 in the following
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\New Windows
Command Console tweak

If you are a frequent user of the Command Console (the MS-DOS screen, Start, Run,
command CMD), the following tweak will be valuable. To change folders is
difficult, using the Command Console. By changing the DWORD-value CompletionChar
to 9 in the following registry key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
With the command CD followed with the first letters of the folder name, you are
able to select the folder with the TAB-key (also works with other commands).
Activated NUM-LOCK

To automatically switch on the NUM-LOCK, change the value

InitialKeyboardIndicators to 2 in the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard
Automatically defrag system files

To defrag the system files automatically at every boot (to optimize you system),
change the value Enable to Y in the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOpt imizeFunction
A faster Windows shutdown

Shutting down Windows can take a long time. You can speed this up (at your own
risk) with the following tweaks in the registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Change the following String values:
Fix for shutting down your computer automatically

In most cases, automatically shutting down can be fixed by installing the

motherboard drivers (if not done already). If your computer still doesn't shut
down correctly, try this registry tweak. Change the value PowerdownAfterShutdown
to 1 in the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Fix for shutting down Windows slowly (or not at all)

If shutting down Windows takes a long time (or doesn't shut down at all), change
the value PowerOffActive to 1 in the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Finding out the reason of a Windows crash

If you would like to know the reason why there was a sudden crash of Windows,
change the DWORD-value ShutdownReasonUI temporarily to 1 in the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Reliability
After a reboot you will find the reason why your Windows shuts down suddenly in
the log files (Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Logfiles). If you are finished
analyzing, change the value ShutdownReasonUI back to 0.
A faster NTFS file system

You probably use the NTFS file system (see the properties of your C: partition).
You can improve performance by making some changes in the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Filesystem
Change the following registry values, as you wish:
DisableNTFSLastAccessUpdate = 1 (last file access is no longer registered).
NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation = 1 (no more double filenames: long names and the old
8.3 variant (the 8.3 file notation is used for the older Windows versions).
NtfsMftZoneReservation = 2 (if there are many files on a partition, the master
file table (MFT) can get fragmented, with this tweak there will be no more
fragmenting of the file master file table (default value = 1, range 1-4).
Increase max IE7 downloads

Internet Explorer 7 only allows you to download two files from the same server at
a time. This is not a software limit but rather a limit imposed based on the web
standard. Since this is simply a software setting, it can be modified and you can
increase the limit to something much high such as 10. Follow the steps below to
increase your max downloads from the same server:

1. Click on the Start Button and type in Regedit.

2. When Registry Editor loads navigate through HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software,

Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion and Internet Settings.

3. Right click on MaxConnectionsPerServer and select Modify. Set the decimal value
to something greater than 2.

4. Right click on MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server and select Modify. Set the decimal

value to something greater than 2.

5. Reboot.

Reset Internet Explorer settings

Internet Explorer can be difficult to troubleshoot, partly because of the many

settings and modifications that can be made to IE. Also, if Internet Explorer gets
infested with malware (perhaps I should say when instead of if,) it's good to have
a way to undo as many changes to IE as possible and roll it back to a "factory-
fresh" configuration.

As it turns out, one of the less-documented features of IE7 is a function that

allows you to do exactly that: reset Internet Explorer to the state you'd have on
a clean install. Microsoft calls it Reset Internet Explorer Settings (RIES).
To access RIES:

* In IE, select Tools | Internet Options.

* Under the Advanced tab, click Reset.

* After you click OK to close everything out, close IE; the settings will be
restored the next time you launch IE. You can also do this from the Internet
Options portion of the control panel.

Note: While most of IE's settings are affected by RIES, some are not. RIES will
disable all third-party toolbars and add-ons and will remove all temporary files,
browser history entries, cookies, Web form data, passwords, proxy information,
search providers and homepage entries. However, it does not affect one's favorites
(i.e., bookmarks), Internet connection settings, Content Advisor settings or Group
Policy entries.

For instance, if you have a problem that might be traced to a Content Advisor
level being set too high for a given site (e.g., disabling JavaScript), RIES won't
help. But RIES should be able to deal with any problems that arose due to malware
or page-hijack exploits, and it's a good first step when debugging a chronic IE

Note: Since the settings are applied on a per-user basis, you don't need to be
logged in as an admin to run RIES. It only resets the settings that apply to the
current user.
How To Restrict Drives in My Computer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Policies\Explorer

In right-side pane, create a new DWORD value NoViewOnDrive and change its value as

3 : To Restrict A and B drives only.

4 : To Restrict C drive only.
7 : To Restrict A, B, and C drives only.
8 : To Restrict D drive only.
F : To Restrict A, B, C, and D drives only.
03FFFFFF : To Restrict all drives.

And if you want more specific restrictions, like you want to restrict a
combination of other drives, then you can use decimal no. instead of hexadecimal
no. Following is a list for all drives decimal no.:

A: 1
B: 2
C: 4
D: 8
E: 16
F: 32
G: 64
H: 128
I: 256
J: 512
K: 1024
L: 2048
M: 4096
N: 8192
O: 16384
P: 32768
Q: 65536
R: 131072
S: 262144
T: 524288
U: 1048576
V: 2097152
W: 4194304
X: 8388608
Y: 16777216
Z: 33554432
ALL: 67108863

So if you want to disable a combination of drives, just sum their numbers and give
the same value to NoViewOnDrive. e.g., for restricting CDEF drives, give the
value: 4+8+16+32 = 60

NOTE: You can also hide the drives using NoDrives DWORD value. The location and
its value remain same as the above trick.
Boost your Internet speed upto 20%

Type "Gpedit.msc" in the Run box and Hit Enter.

Then goto Computer Config > Administrative Templates > Network > QoS Packet

Then on the right hand side window double click on "Limit Reservable Bandwidth".

In that window, enable this option and change the value of % from 20 (default) to

Thats it.

This is the bandwidth Microsoft reserves for doing Windows Updates.


Determines the percentage of connection bandwidth that the system can reserve.
This value limits the combined bandwidth reservations of all programs running on
the system.

By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth
of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default.

If you enable this setting, you can use the "Bandwidth limit" box to adjust the
amount of bandwidth the system can reserve.

If you disable this setting or do not configure it, the system uses the default
value of 20 percent of the connection.

Important: If a bandwidth limit is set for a particular network adapter in the

registry, this setting is ignored when configuring that network adapter.
Speed Up Windows XP Boot (SLIGHTLY)

Here’s another tip for speed demons, determined to shave the last few nanoseconds
off their Windows XP boot up times.
Truth be told this one probably won’t save more than a second or so but every
little helps.

The idea is that XP wastes time and resources checking to see if there are any
devices connected to empty IDE slots on the PC’s motherboard.

To stop this happening open Device Manager (Winkey + Break > Hardware > Device
Manager) and click on the plus sign next to the IDE ATA/ATPI listing to expand the

Right click on Primary IDE Channel and select Properties then the Advanced
Settings tab. If either Device 0 or Device 1 is ‘Device Type’ box is empty (not
greyed out) change the drop down menu setting for this box to ‘None’ and click OK.

Repeat for the Secondary IDE Controller listing. Note that if you add a new IDE
device you will have to go back and change the Device Type drop down menu back to
Auto Detect.
Disable Hibernation & Delete the Hibernation File

Windows places a file on your hard drive that it uses when your computer goes into
hibernation mode.

If you do not use hibernation mode, or your computer does not properly support it,
you may want to disable hibernation and clear the file off your hard drive to free
up some space (the file will use as much space as you have in physical memory, so
if you have 1GB of RAM, it’s going to use 1GB of your hard drive space).

Disable Hibernation:

1. Click Start, All Programs, and then right click on "Command Prompt".
2. From the context menu click on "Run as administrator".
3. If User Account Control prompts you to allow the action, click on Continue.
4. In the command prompt window, type "powercfg –h off" (without the quotes).
5. Close the Command Prompt window.

Delete the Hibernation File:

1. Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click "Disk
2. If prompted to choose a drive, select the drive in which Windows Vista is
installed on to and press OK.
3. Disk Cleanup will scan the hard drive and present you with a list of options.
4. Check "Hibernation File Cleaner", and then click OK.
5. When asked "Are you sure you want to permanently delete these files?" click on
the Delete Files button .
Clear the PageFile on shutdown

The Pagefile.sys is used for the Virtual Memory of Windows (compensates RAM).

Clearing it make your system more secure (temporary data may be written in the
pagefile.sys and accessed without having administrator privileges).
To enable this, go to Start - ‘Run’ and type regedit.exe.

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory

Management and double click the ClearPageFileAtShutdown key.

Change it value to 1 in decimal. Restart your computer.

Using the Keyboard to Right Click

These days, using the mouse, you can right-click almost anything in almost any
window or program and bring up a "context menu."

This is a small list of things that you can do to the object that you right-

For example, you can right-click a file, and choose Properties from the context
menu that appears.

If you are used to using the keyboard, and try to avoid moving your hands off the
keyboard to the mouse, then you will love this tip!

You can bring up the context menu on any selected item by pressing Shift-F10.

This is exactly the same as right-clicking with the mouse, and should work almost
anywhere that right-clicking works.
Opera Tip:
Prevent tabs from stealing focus

Occasionally when opening new tabs in the background (by clicking a link with the
mouse wheel, for example), some new tabs will steal the focus and pop-up to the
front. This behavior can be disruptive.

Opera gives you the power to block new tabs from stealing the focus. Use this
option with caution, as some web applications rely on the ability to raise tabs
into focus.

In the menu bar, go to Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Content > JavaScript
Options, uncheck the following option: “Allow raising of windows.”
Internet Explorer 7

Protecting your favourite website from curious eyes

You are a regular visitor of a particular website and want to store its URL in
such a way that it remains protected from curious eyes on the one hand, and can
also be called up quickly on the other. The folder for favorites is not the best
option as this is too accessible and shows up very easily. For this we will define
a short form of the website address in the registry which will call up the real
address. Open the registry editor by going to the Run dialog in the Start Menu and
typing ‘regedit’. In case of Vista, you need to sign into an account with
administrator rights. In addition to this, the user account control (UAC) demands
the authorization of this procedure with ‘Continue’.
Navigate your way to the ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ Microsoft\Internet

key in the tree-structure on the left hand side. Right-click on a free space on
the right hand side of the editor and open the menu ‘New | String value’ in the
context menu. Type in the shortcode that you want to use for your website as the
Name of this registry key—it should be a short code that you
can remember to call up your website.Finally, double-click on the new value and
write the desired URL under ‘Value data’ in the ‘Edit string’ dialog. Confirm with
‘OK’. For instance, you can write the web address ‘’
for the string ‘SBF’.
Mozilla Firefox

A quicker way to upload articles on forums and websites

Being an Internet fan, you often communicate through webmail and post many
contributions on forums. Since you often use similar text to identify yourself on
a lot of website, you would prefer to work with auto-complete in Mozilla FireFox.
Equip Firefox with an autotext function with free extension ‘Clippings’. This
saves, for instance, the effort of typing in forums or complicated copying.The XPI
ile for installing this update is available on addons. ID = 1347.

Click in the website on the ‘Install’ link or open the XPI file with Firefox if
you have downloaded it. Start the integration by clicking on ‘Install now’. Also
select the ‘Restart Firefox’ command to complete the installation process.
You need to first create the text before using it. Select a desired text in the
browser and right-click on it. The context menu now displays the update. You can
either set the selected text as a clipping with ‘Clippings | New entry with
selected text’ or start the main dialog with ‘Clippings | Open Clippings Manager’.
Further possibilities: double-click on the new text symbol on the right part of
the status bar or pull the selected text to this position by drag and drop. After
you have created the text fragments, organize them in folders in the Clippings
Manager. Each folder later represents a sub menu—this gives you a quick overview.
Use the ‘Options | New entry from Clipboard’ command to use copied texts in the
quickest possible way. At this point, you can also save your data in an RDF ile
with ‘Options | Export’. Now close the dialog.using the Auto teXts: To use these
texts, right-click on the entry field of the opened website. You can now access
the hierarchically arranged folders with the sorted texts through ‘Clippings’ and
insert them with a click.


the chosen one

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