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How do I get CCS to work inside MPLAB IDE?

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This FAQ will show how to create a simple project for the ex_sqw.c sample provided with the compiler.


After you have success creating this project then you should not have problems creating projects with
your own code.

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1. Make sure CCS is installed correctly on your PC. Try compiling an example program provided
with the compiler to verify it works.

2. Verify that MPLAB installed.

3. If you haven't done so already, download and install the CCS MPLAB plugin

4. Start MPLAB , verify that the latest CCS Plug-in is installed in MPLAB by selecting Help->About
MPLAB IDE... This will open a dialog showing all the installed plug-ins. Look for a plug-in labeled
Suite-CCSPIC. In the right column it will show the version of the plug-in, make sure it is the latest
version (goto to verify the version CCS has available)[30/08/2014 07:39:40 p.m.]

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CCS, Inc. - How do I get CCS to work inside MPLAB IDE?

5. Start MPLAB's Project Wizard by selecting Project->Project Wizard:

You will then be greeted with the Wizard splash screen:

Press NEXT to continue

6. Select the device you wish to compile for and press NEXT to continue:[30/08/2014 07:39:40 p.m.]

CCS, Inc. - How do I get CCS to work inside MPLAB IDE?

7. The next screen of the wizard will ask you which build suite you wish to use for your project.
Select the tool suite labeled CCS C Compiler for PIC10/12/14/16/18/24/dsPIC30/dsPIC33. If you
do not see this option then the plug-in was not installed correctly.
Your tool-suite select screen should look like this:

Verify the location field is where you installed the compiler. Press NEXT to continue.

8. The next step of the New Project Wizard will ask you what to call the project and where to save
the associated project files. Since we are creating a project of ex_sqw.c then we shall call the
Project Name ex_sqw and save the project files to the examples folder C:\program[30/08/2014 07:39:40 p.m.]

CCS, Inc. - How do I get CCS to work inside MPLAB IDE?

This is assuming you installed the compiler to the default location. If you installed it into a different
location then please put that location there
When done your screen should look like this:

Press NEXT to continue

9. The next step of the New Project Wizard asks you what files you wish to include with the project.
This will be the .C file containing your main(), or the .C file that you call from CCSC.EXE or PCW
to compile. In our example this is ex_sqw.c - so open C:\program files\picc\examples, highlight
ex_sqw.c and press the Add >> button.
When done your screen should look like this:[30/08/2014 07:39:40 p.m.]

CCS, Inc. - How do I get CCS to work inside MPLAB IDE?

Press NEXT to continue

10. MPLAB Project Wizard will now give you a summary:

Press FINISH to continue

11. The Project Wizard will now close and MPLAB will be back to normal mode. In the Project
Window on the left side you will see EX_SQW.C listed under Source Files. Double-clicking on this
file will open EX_SQW.C with the MPLAB Editor.
Your screen should look like this:[30/08/2014 07:39:40 p.m.]

CCS, Inc. - How do I get CCS to work inside MPLAB IDE?

12. Now that the project is completed, you can compile it by selecting Project->Compile:

OR you could press F10 to compile your project. The output window will display results of the
compile, and if successful it will say BUILD SUCCESSFULL:[30/08/2014 07:39:40 p.m.]

CCS, Inc. - How do I get CCS to work inside MPLAB IDE?

If there were any errors with your compile it would display the errors in the output window.

Some more tips

If creating your own project, in Step 8 specify your own project name (usually something
descriptive to help you find your project) and specify the directory where you want to save your
own files. (If the directory doesn't exist MPLAB will create it.) In Step 9 you can either use the
Add >> button to include your files or you can skip that screen of the wizard and add your file
later. To add your file later, right click on the Source Files of the Project Window and select Add

If you add multiple .c files to the project, they will be compiled to .o files and then linked in the
final stage. An already compiled .o file can be added to the project, and will be linked during the
Make/Build process. If there is only one source in the project, it will be compiled and linked in one
phase (no .o file will be created).

Many project build options (such as output directory, include directories, output files generated,
etc) can be changed by selecting "Project -> Build Options" from the MPLAB toolbar.

If the compile fails with an error that says something like "Target chip not supported" or "Compiler
not found" make sure that a.) you have the proper PIC selected (use "Configure -> Select Device"
from the MPLAB toolbar), b.) the CCS C Toolsuite has been selected for this project (use "Project
-> Set Language Toolsuite" from the MPLAB toolbar), c.) he path for CCSC.EXE is configured
correctly for your installation of the CCS C Compiler (use "Project -> Set Language Tool
Locations" on the MPLAB toolbar) and d.) verify you have the latest CCS MPLAB Plug-in

If you are still having problems with MPLAB , try opening a DOS command prompt and invoking
the compiler from the command-line to verify that the compiler is working properly. See the CCS
manual for help on using the command line compiler.

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