Pedro Y Gmo Se Paran Y Saludan A Joseluis": "Joseluis Entra Al Bar"

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JoseLuis entra al bar

Jose: hey guys, whats up!

Pedro y Gmo se paran y saludan a joseluis
Pedro & Gmo: heeeeey Jose luis whats up!
Jose: not much guys, so how are you guys?
Pedro & Gmo: good great!
Pedro: Im glad you came Jose, and you are just in time, the game is
just about to start
Jose: thats great! I have been waiting all day for this moment
Gmo: I know right, this is so exiting!! The six game of the World Series
Pedro: so tell us Guillermo what have you been up to?
Gmo: not much you know, the usual things, like work and school and
that kind of stuf

What about you Jose Luis how is the business of music record

Jose: awesome! We have had a lot of work this days because we are
recording a new band, they are great and they have a really unique
style, I really like them

But guys guys lets talk about baseball, we are here to watch the
game arent we?

Pedro: yea thats right lets catch up later in the day

Jose: so guys you know whats funny?
Pedro: no tell us Jose
Jose: well I really find interesting that both teams came to the playofs
as the wild card of their groups

No one was expecting them to be the ones that play the final
series for the championship..

Gmo: yea and here we are waiting for the game to start, and this may
be the last game of the series if the giants won today
Jose: yea what a bummer I will love for this to continue
Pedro: yea, you know guys I have all my faith in the giant of San

I hear that Jacob Peavy is going to open the game. Hes a really
good pitcher

Jose: naaah man Kansas City is going to tie the series I can feel it

they got really great pitchers and I also hear that the rookie
Yordano Ventura is going to open the game for Kansas, he did a
really great job in game 2 do you remember?

Gmo: yea that was a really good game for Kansas

Jose: and the shortstop, this guy Alcides Escobar, he is going to destroy
San Franciso I can bet on that and lets not talk about Perez
Gmo: ooh yea the catcher Salvador Perez he is a really good player.
Jose: He has been great in this serie

Another good player is Eric hosmer the first base, uuuh man he
knows what hes doing

Gmo: common lets not forget about Bumgarner, He is a god. That

fourth game maaaan! Thats how its done, he is a big deal.
Pedro: yea Kansas wasnt able to make a run to that guy, and he has
done great things with the team in all the regular season and the playof
Jose: well thats right
Pedro: He is just 25 years old and he is already the leading pitcher and
a really big factor for San Francisco. I really think this is San Francisco
Jose: you know guys I really believe in Kansas City.

they came undefeated in all the playofs, I really do believe in

them, I have faith in Eric hosmer, Salvador Prez, Lorenzo Cain and
Yordano Ventura, they will do great

Pedro: well I have faith in Bumgarner, Buster Posey, Pablo Sandoval the
panda and Pence, I really feel that San Francisco is going to win today,
they are in their stadium and they got a better ofensive then Kansas..
Gmo: Guys, guys, common lets stop this discussion both teams are
really good and its a really tie series, we cant really tell whats going to
happen, so lets just watch the game
Game starts.

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