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Personality development is a term which is often misunderstood to be

self development and or just limited to enhancing ones own looks. So it

becomes necessary to get a clear picture on what is personality
development and what is self development.
Personality development is something which is considered as improving
the way we think, feel, behave and carry ourselves. In other words, it is
not confined to the improvement of a single aspect of an individual;
rather it is about improving an entity or a cluster of qualities which
helps in achieving and presenting oneself in a better way. Well, if you
are wondering how to improve your personality, here are a few tips
which could help you improve your personality.

Top 20 Most Important Personality Development Tips

1. Positive approach:
Positive approach and confidence are two different terms but are
interrelated in many sorts. A positive approach will make one
believe in them and this self belief will help a lot in achieving a
difficult task. Being positive in whatever you do will skyrocket
your confidence level and helps in finding better solutions even in
worst case scenarios. Confidence in turn will help in making the
best use of your own abilities.

2. Be confident:
Being confident about who you are and what you are doing is the
most important tip for personality development. Never doubt your
capabilities and if there is something you need to work upon then
put in all the effort so you can come over your fears and gain
confidence. Read success stories or surround yourself with
motivational thoughts or encouragements which can boost up
your self esteem and help you in attaining a charming personality.
Just everything you do, have faith in yourself and put in your hard
work. There can be nothing more appealing in your personality than
an incredible confidence.

3. Be yourself:
The best thing you can do to yourself is just being yourself.
Though inspirations are good, trying to turn yourself into a person
whom you admire will have negative effects on you. So, try not to

be like someone else as each and every individual is unique. It is

this originality which can help in creating a branding for you.


Be courteous
Being courteous is never out of fashion and is well appreciated and
respected by everyone. Be humble and greet everyone with a smile.
Never shy away from helping or supporting your peers and being
available to them whenever they need you. Doing random acts of
kindness will not just make somebody elses day but it will also
make you come along as a pleasing person. Also it will give your
personality a confidence boost. Be humble and down to earth to
your juniors and seniors alike.

5. Be a good listener
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen
with the intent to reply. True it is. Being a good listener may not
seem like but it is an important step towards achieving a more
likable personality. When somebody talks to you, listen with interest
and give them all the attention and importance. Maintain a direct
eye contact and do not get distracted by the surroundings. It will
help you in knowing a better deal about people and attending them
in a better way.

6. Bring positivity in your outlook

Your thoughts and your actions both need to be positive in order to
have an attractive personality. The way we think has a lot of effect
on the way how we act. And if one prospers positive thoughts inside
his mind then that also gives him a confidence boost and enhances
their personality. Situations and circumstances in life can always be
full highs and lows. But in order to adopt a positive outlook towards
life, you need to find the brighter side of the things and focus on the
good parts.

7. Meet new people

Meeting new and different kinds of people is a healthy step towards
expanding your horizons and exposing yourself to a larger number
of things. You get an opportunity to know more about other cultures
and lifestyles and it significantly has a positive effect on your own

8. Know yourself
Obviously before you get on developing something you need to
know all about it first. The same goes with your personality. One
needs to start with taking a good look at themselves, analyzing their
traits, the strengths and weaknesses and everything that needs to
be worked upon. Dont shy away from accepting your flaws and
learn about yourself as much as you can.

9. Body Language

Body language is the way through which you exhibit your inner
personality to others. A positive body language can work out
wonders in impressing others. Well, to maintain a perfect body
language make sure you connect with the eyes of the person
whom you are conversing to. It reflects your honesty and
Maintain an erect body posture which reflects your energy level,
but at the same time dont be very robotic in moves. Avoid
shaking legs and hands or playing with your pen. It indicates your
disinterest. And finally, dont forget to give a firm handshake
when you greet someone and while signing off.

10.Dress up well:

Dressing up well is one of the most looked-into aspects in a

corporate work culture. In order to carry yourself in a confident
manner, the way you dress up yourself is important. Try to
maintain a decent and professional look in your dressing by
avoiding striking colors. Make sure your dress is neatly pressed
and most importantly wear laced shoes. Though proper dressing
alone will not improve your personality, it has a considerable
amount of impact on it.

11. Manners:
Manners are the rating scales through which people rate you as a
well behaved and a respectful human being. Treat your team
mates respectfully and politely. Help your colleagues in their work
if possible which will earn you their respect off-stage.
Cooperativeness and being considerate in manner are
the qualities that help you in emerging as a Great leader in the future .

12.Be encouraging:
In general, we all seek for encouragement of some kind or the
other while getting a work done. Despite of all our hard efforts,
interest and thirst to prove, it is the encouragement which acts as
an off-stage positive catalyst in reaching the goal. Your
encouraging quality will help others identify you as a better team
player. So, try to be motivating and encourage others and for
sure youll get plenty of them in return.
13.Being social:
Socialize with your colleagues as it will help in creating an
environment in which you can work comfortably in. Nobody would
love a sober or an expressionless person. Having fun at work with
your colleagues is no harm as it will be a rejuvenating timeout
which will pedal up work to a more brisk pace. Socializing with
people will help in understanding individuals and turns you
adaptable towards any group.

14.Indulge in conversations:
General conversations will teach a lot as it usually involves topics
unrelated to your work. Such conversations are the gateways for
knowledge exchanges. Nobody knows about everything and so
indulge in conversations and get to know more on what you know
the least or on what is totally new to you. It is also important to
share your own thoughts and opinions but try not to be too
preachy as it would bore the other involved in the conversation.


Give honest and Sincere Appreciation :

The desire to feel important is one of the greatest cravings in most of the human
beings and it can be a great motivator. Honest and sincere appreciation makes
one feel important and promote these positive qualities in him. In contrast giving
false and insincere appreciation is flattery or sycophancy which in the long run is
harmful to the recipient.

16. When you make a mistake, accept it and make it easy to amend:
Mistakes are to be learned from. So accept it immediately and make change or
amend easy.
17. Discuss but dont argue:
Arguing is like fighting a losing battle. Even if one wins in the argument, the cost
may be more than the worth of victory.
An Ignominious victory is a defeat itself.
18. Dont Gossip:
Gossip may lead to slander and defamation of character. People who listen to
gossip are as guilty as those who do the gossiping. It tarnishes your image.
People will start taking you and your words lightly and gradually they will lose
faith from you.
19. Turn your promises into commitment:
Commitment leads to enduring relationship through thick and thin. It shows in a
person's personality and relationship. This will give shape to a strong personality
and people will start taking you as a man of principles.
20. Be dependable and practice loyalty:
An ounce of loyalty is worth more than a pound of cleverness.
Ability without dependability is of no worth. Loyalty to family, to employers, to
country, schools, and other organizations and institutions to which commitments
are made. Support, service, contribution. Reliability and consistency in doing what
you say you will do.

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