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One of the biggest threats to humanity & nature

Global warming is primarily a problem of too much carbon dioxide

(CO2) in the atmospherewhich acts as a blanket, trapping heat and
warming the planet. As we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural
gas for energy or cut down and burn forests to create pastures and
plantations, carbon accumulates and overloads our atmosphere.
Main gases contributing towards global warming are carbon dioxide,
methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons.
Natural Causes and Man-made Causes
There are numerous causes of global warming. These causes can be divided
into two primary groups
Pollution whether it is vehicular, electrical or industrial is the main
contributor to the global warming. Everyday billions of vehicles release
various gases into the atmosphere. This causes earth to warm up and
increase its average temperature. Electricity causes pollution in many
Burning of fossil fuels
Carbon dioxide is the most significant cause of global warming, and most
carbon dioxide emissions result from the burning of fossil fuels. Each time a
fossil fuel burns, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere increase. Carbon
dioxide absorbs infrared energy emitted from the earth, preventing it from
returning to space.
Deforestation: burning and removing vegetation
All living plants are capable of storing carbon, but as the number of plants on
the planet declines, the amount of carbon dioxide free to build up in the
atmosphere increases. Moreover, decaying plants give off stored carbon,
thereby releasing a large abundance of carbon into the air during the clearing
of forests or grasslands for building purposes. It indicates that 30 percent of
greenhouse gas emissions can be traced to deforestation.
Mining oil and coal allows methane, a greenhouse gas, to escape from the
earth. Any time the soil is disturbed, stored gases make their way into the
environment. It is said to be that eight percent of all methane emissions can
be traced to coal mining.
Waste breakdown
Carbon dioxide and methane are released during the decay of food,
vegetation and paper dumped in landfills. The same thing occurs when
sewage wastes break down. Examples are landfills.

Many industrial processes, such as cement production, liquid natural gas
production and coal mining, produce or emit a variety of greenhouse gases.
Another cause of global warming is population. Since Carbon dioxide
contributes to global warming, the increase in population makes the problem
worse because we breathe out carbon dioxide. More people means more
demand for food, more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, more demand for
cars, more demand for homes and they all in some how or other lead to
global warming.
Sunspots are dark patches on the sun's surface that block hot solar plasma.
Increased solar activity changes the Earth's solar radiation levels, thereby
causing short-term warming cycles
Permafrost, which is solid, frozen soil, constitutes about 25 percent of the
land area in the Northern Hemisphere. Until recently, permafrost has locked
carbon and methane beneath the surface of the planet. In some areas,
permafrost is now emitting carbon, which the EDF states could potentially
accelerate the greenhouse effect and global warming by increasing the
concentration of atmospheric carbon.
Water vapor
Water vapor is increasing in the atmosphere due to carbon dioxide-induced
warming. As the average temperature on the planet continues to rise, the
amount of water vapor rises in turn.
But apparently, most of us believe that the main cause of global warming
is our treatment of Nature, our thoughtless attitude towards Mother Earth.
We believe to be able to control Nature instead of trying to arrange
ourselves with Nature. This haughtiness is the true main cause of
global warming. As a matter of fact, some people still believe that technical
solutions alone would be sufficient to fight global warming.
There is a loss of value behind our attitudes. We got blind for the true reason
of our incarnation on earth:
We live here to train those traits, which will finally lead to perpetual
harmony with ourselves and with our environment as well as to inner
calm and peace.

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