Invigilator Instructions and Script

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Invigilator Instructions and Script (updated November 2010)

N.B. Invigilators must not leave secure materials unattended at any time.
Instructions must be given in English only. Translation into any other language is prohibited.
To ensure that all IELTS candidates are provided with the same instructions it is essential that
Invigilators follow the script detailed below exactly. You can repeat or further explain where

Sentences in Bold letters are to be read aloud to candidates.

Others are only for invigilators reference.

means tips.





A&B * Arrive at the Supervisors room

* Listen carefully to the Supervisor briefing
* Get materials and go to the assigned test room
* Check the clock at the front, synchronize own watch with it
* Check the room for suspicious equipments
* Put up board-work
* Test the audio system by playing the testing CD for a while (wear own
headphones to monitor)
* Distribute Desk Labels following the Snake pattern
* Distribute pencils and erasers
* Complete Seating Plan (on the back of the Room List)
You can mark each candidates seat number in the Photo Sheet for check-in
A&B * Go outside test room, bringing Photo Sheets, candidate number labels and
the pencil bag with you.
* Announcement to candidates:
Good morning. Welcome to this IELTS test session. Please listen
You are not allowed to take any personal belongings into the test room.
Do NOT take your mobile phone or any electric equipment into the
room. If you are found to have these items, you will be asked to leave,
and will not be allowed to complete the test.
Now, you should have only two things in your hands: your ID card or
passport and a photo. Please write your name and candidate number
on the back of the photo.
If you want to use the toilet, please use it now. After you enter this
room, you wont be allowed to go to the toilet until the Reading test
Please repeat the announcement every 10 minutes.
If more than one invigilator does check in, please divide Photo Sheets and
candidate number labels evenly.
A&B Good morning. May I have your ID card and photo please? Thank you.
* Check the 3 faces and the ID number
* Stick candidates photo to the Photo Sheet
* Keep the ID card and stick the label with candidate number to the top of
back of the ID card.
Do you have a mobile phone or other electric devices in your pocket?
Do you want to use the toilet now?
Your seat number is xxx. Please be seated and do not talk.
* Close the door

A&B * Sort out all ID cards in candidate number order
* Conduct a second face check with ID cards in hand in candidate number
order, compare face & check items on the desk, collect desk labels of Absent
candidates. (Two invigilators can divide the cards and candidates evenly.)
* Sign in Photo Sheets & mark ABS & put the pages in numerical order
* Receive test papers
* Band ID cards together using a rubber band
* Put ID cards and Photo Sheets into the blue bag used for pencils and
* Write room number on the bag and put it outside the room
1. Good morning. On behalf of the China IELTS Network, a partnership
between the British Council and IDP Education Australia, we would like
to welcome you to this IELTS test session.
Please listen carefully. You are now under examination conditions. If
you need help, please raise your hand. Do not speak.
2. First you will do the Listening test, then the Reading test and then the
Writing test. This will take about two hours and forty five minutes.
3. There are some important rules to tell you:
Do not tear out or remove any pages from the question booklets.
Do not take any test materials out of the room.
Do not leave your seat or speak to others.
Mobile phones are NOT allowed in this room if you have one with you,
please raise your hand now so we can take it out of the room. Please
note that you will be scanned with a metal detector if you leave and
return during the test. (Pause for 10 seconds, and wait for Invigilator B to
finish collection of mobile phones)
* Go to candidates who raise their hands
* Tell the candidate to switch off the mobile phone, the alarm must also be
turned off
* Put a post-it on the mobile phone with candidates name and number
* Put all mobile phones and electric equipments into the IELTS branded bag
* Put the bag outside the test room
4. Cheating of any kind is not allowed. Cheating includes but is not
limited to:
opening question booklets before being allowed
continuing to write after you have been asked to stop
making notes on the Desk Label
talking to other candidates
copying others work
using prepared notes
trying to take any test information out of this room
having any electric devices with you
or changing your identity with another candidate
Candidates who are caught cheating will not be allowed to sit the
remaining tests and will not receive a Test Report Form.
5. Please check your desk label, whether you are taking the correct test
module: A or G. (Pause for 5 seconds.)
6. You can only go to the toilet during the Reading and Writing test.
However, you cannot go in the last 5 minutes of either test. If you want
to go to the toilet, please raise your hand. No extra time will be allowed
for a toilet break.
7. If you have a problem during the test, please tell us by raising your

8. If you want to make a complaint, you must do so before you leave the
test venue today.
9. In case of emergency, please remain calm and follow my instructions.
10. Please put on your headphones. We will do a sound check.
* Play the test CD for a while.
Can everyone hear clearly?
11. Now, Ill show you how to use the pencil. (Show the candidate how to
replace a section of the pencil)


12. We will now give out the Listening/Reading answer sheet.

Please handle the answer sheet carefully because it will be read by a
* Open the envelope of L/R answer sheets
* Count and reconcile the number with the Stock Form
* Sign the Stock Form
* Hand out the L/R answer sheets to the candidates
* Use the board-work posters to show candidates how to fill in the
candidate information on the answer sheet. As you give the following
instructions, point to the relevant section of the board-work posters on the
Listening side.
13. You will now write your details in the answer sheet.
Write your name here in CAPITAL letters. For Chinese candidates,
please write your name in Pinyin. Family name first, and underline
your family name. (Point and pause)
Please write the city initial after your name. (Point and pause)
Write your candidate number in the boxes here. (Point and pause)
Shade your candidate number in the grid, here. (Point and pause)
Shade the numbers for the date here. (Point and pause)
Todays date is , the month is , the year is
* Go around to check whether candidates have filled in their personal
information correctly.
* Take out the Listening test CD from the L/R answer sheet envelope.
14. I will play the CD for a few seconds and then stop it to check that
everyone can hear.
* Play the CD for the first 3 sentences and then stop it.
15. Can everyone hear?
* Repeat this 3 times. Adjust the volume if necessary.
If there are any technical problems with the CD or the equipment, please
stop the CD and inform the Supervisor immediately.
16. When the CD starts you will hear the instructions and then the
test will begin.
The Listening test will take about 30 minutes. Please write your
answers in the question booklet first while you are listening. The CD
will give you 10 minutes at the end to transfer your answers to the
answer sheet. This message is recorded on the CD so keep your
headphones on until the very end of the Listening test.
Spelling is important.
You will hear the recording only once. The CD has been recorded
with all necessary pauses and repeats.
17. Now, we will open the bags of Listening question booklets in
front of you.






* Open the bags of Listening question booklets

* Count and reconcile the number with the Stock Form
* Sign the Stock Form
18. We will now give out the question booklets.
You can read the instructions on the cover, but DO NOT TOUCH it. I
repeat, DO NOT TOUCH the question booklet.
* Hand out the Listening question booklets.
* Supervise candidates, give a warning to those who open the booklet.
Please take the desk labels from those candidates who open or turn over
the booklets to the front, and say, This is your first warning. If you
receive another one, you will not be allowed to continue the test.
You may record those candidates into the Malpractice Form during the
Listening test, and return the desk labels to those candidates during the
last 10 minutes of the Listening test.
19. Now, write your candidate number and name on the cover of the
Please write your answers in the question booklet first while you are
listening. The CD will give you 10 minutes at the end to transfer your
answers to the answer sheet.
We will now start the test. DO NOT open the booklet until the CD
tells you to open.
* Press the PLAY button and start the test.

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