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By: Whitney Claflin

Table of
Product Plan

Style Guide


Logo Guide


Flat Package



Western Family Olive Oil (Extra Virgin)


Families, primarily adult woman that come to the grocery store and buy
food for their family. This design needs to be appealing and with the good
value of Western Family this will be the choice brand for olive oil for young


Western Family is based in Tigard, Oregon. In 1934 a group of retailers

found the idea for the brand and it was established on December 19,
1963. Western Family is committed to having a good quality product at
an affordable value. Our mission always has been, and continues to
be, to provide products of the quality you want and the value you need.

Big Idea:

Western Familys message is quality for a good price and so keeping the
same cost effective packaging is necessary for this product redesign. By
just changing the design on the label of the packing will help make this
olive oil show that it is quality and that it can compete with the other classy
and expensive olive oil brands.
It will show quality through the modern, clean, and appealing design, but
still keep its value price by using the same quality of stickered label and
the exact same, cost friendly bottle.


Title font:

Neou Thin

Between 19-25 point font

Nordica Hairline Packaging: 31 point font

(for lowercase version of font)

Subtitle font:

Learning Curve Regular

Book body font:

Helvetica Light 9 point font


26 point font

CMYK: 72-67-65-78
RGB: 27-27-27
Pantone: Neutral Black C
Hex: #1b1b1b

CMYK: 67-61-62-50
RGB: 62-61-59
Pantone: Black 7 C
Hex: #3e3d3b

Extra Book Color:

CMYK: 0-0-0-0
RGB: 255-255-255
Pantone: 663 C
Hex: #ffffff

CMYK: 0-0-0-0
RGB: 255-255-255
Pantone: 663 C
Hex: #ffffff



When using the new Western Family logo there needs to be efficient amount of
spacing around the logo. This is important so the design doesnt distract from the
company title.
Here is a guide of the space that is necessary for the logo design, using the E in
the logo design will help accomplish this measurement. This space is the least
amount of space that it must have between the logo and another object, but more
space is welcomed.

Color and Size

The Western Familys new logo comes in black and white variations, so there
isnt any color. This is modeling the more modern design of the Western Family
When choosing a size for this logo it should be smaller than 1 inch wide. Its a
logo that can go small but one should still be able to read the est. date in the logo
design. Otherwise, the logo can go as big as needed for the design, whether its
for a billboard or a small product in the store.


Label Size
Main Front Label:
*** inches by **** inches
Back Nutrition Label:
*** inches by **** inches
Lid Sticker:
*** inches by **** inches



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