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Diversity is such a multifaceted topic that it is difficult to explain what

it means in only a few short paragraphs. Within diversity itself are so many
categories: religious diversity, gender diversity, and racial diversity only
touch the surface of the topic. However, diversity is much more than
differences between groups of people. Diversity is using differences between
us to make us stronger.
Coming to DePaul from a different state, I was eager to meet new
people. I felt as though I had always been around the same group of friends,
classmates, and colleagues and I was ready for a change. As I went through
my freshman year, I was challenged with facing the differences between
some of my friends and myself and came out a better person for it.
Learning from each other and experiencing new things continues to
bring my classmates and I closer together. Were taking ideas from each
other and putting twists on them, merging study groups, and using each
persons unique qualities as a personal tool. Being thrown into such a diverse
community like DePaul helped me reach outside of my comfort zone and try
new things, and I am so grateful for the different people Ive met and all Ive
learned from our differences.

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