6 Fucker

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K R I S T E N' S
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-------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author 2009. Please

don't remove the author information or make any changes
to this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your
-------------------------------------------------------A Kinky Story
by Luke Warmwater (address defunct)
This story is about no-holds-bared sex threesome, not
for the novice reader. (MFF, bi, dom, bd, ws, scat)

Author Notes: This story is ShareErotica, if you like
it, please donate to a woman's cause -> NOW, NARAL, a
woman's shelter, etc. (Yes, I'm really a feminist - I
might be a deviated pervert, but I'm still a humanist).
Betty and I both work for the same firm. She works in
another building, so we never really met until the
company picnic. The heat was almost unbearable, the sun
was bearing down and the humidity was high. The
volleyball teams were chosen and Betty ended up next to
me. After losing the first game, our team went straight
to the beer cooler, everyone was dripping sweat.
I grabbed two brews, handed one to Betty, and asked her
to join me under a tree. We started talking and
immediately hit if off. It was so hot that it took
three more beers each to cool us down. Pretty soon it
was time for another game. Most of the team was halfcrocked, and we played even worse then before. A good
volley was going on; everyone was scampering around the
court. The ball came directly towards me; I raised my
arms and prepared to set it up. As the ball touched my
hands, Betty ran full force into me, knocking me over.
Unfortunately, my glasses fell off and she landed on
them, bending the frames and popping the lenses out.
Betty was unscathed, and she apologized profusely. We
left the game, sat down with a couple of beers, and I
tried to fix my glasses to no avail. Since I couldn't
drive my car home, Betty offered to drive me home in my
car. I accepted.
We left immediately. On the way home, Betty apologized
again. She said that when she was growing up, this kind
of misbehaving earned her a lot of spanking. Then she
told me how she received a bare-bottom spanking the
first time she came home after drinking. I told her she
deserved one for drinking today. She agreed. Maybe it
was the beer and the heat, but my normal shyness
disappeared and I said I would be glad to administer
To my surprise she answered, "OK, I really deserve it."
When we enter my home, I grabbed Betty's arm and
escorted her to the edge of the bed. I told her to sit
there while I looked for my glasses. She got up and
asked where the bathroom was, saying that the five
beers were exploding her bladder. I said her lack of
self control had gotten her into enough trouble for one
day; she would have to learn obedience. I pushed her
back on the bed, found my glasses, and returned to the
bed. I sat on the edge of the bed and told Betty to

kneel down, placing her bottom over my lap.

She obeyed, and then I pulled her shorts down to her
ankles. She was wearing white cotton panties, the crack
showed the wetness from her sweating. I pulled her
panties down to join her shorts. I took one arm and
placed it across her back, pushing her down harder on
my lap. Betty said the pressure on her bladder was
extreme and pleaded to use the bathroom.
I told her that the punishment must be administered
first. Her cheeks were partially flushed from the heat;
a musky, sweaty odor arose from between her legs. I
flattened my hand and brought it down hard against her
buttocks. Betty winced as her cheeks turned pink. My
hand rose up and came down several more times. As the
stinging pain increased, she squirmed around on my lap
and her legs spread apart as far as her shorts &
panties would allow.
I stared at her beautiful anus; a new odor reached my
nostrils and made my penis strain against my shorts. I
slapped all over her buttocks, and once my hand landed
smack in her crack and hit sensitive parts. Betty
yelped with pain. A few seconds later I felt wetness in
my lap. I moved my hand between her legs to investigate
and brought it to my face.
My tongue and nostrils were assaulted by Betty's
sweaty, musky juices and warm salty beer. Beer? No,
this was piss! I started to get pissed off but couldn't
- I was already pissed on. I ran my hand between
Betty's legs again to verify and it came away soaked. I
rubbed the piss onto her sore pink buttocks. I spanked
her a few more times, slapping the wet spots.
She tensed as the liquid burned the skin. The tears
from her eyes told of the intense pain and Betty
squirmed around even more. I pressed her down harder
against my lap. Once again my hand missed her buttocks
and landed between her legs. I kept it there, she let
out a low moan, tensed up, and I felt my hand get
covered with a large squirt of piss.
I quickly splashed as much as possible over her
buttocks and thighs, slapping constantly. She cried out
about how much it stung, but there was a lot of
spanking left. I told Betty that her lack of control
was extending the punishment.
After each slap I stuck my hand deep between Betty's
legs to check for more piss, but herself-control
improved. So I rewarded her with a clit massage and
felt new moisture oozing out of her vagina. As I spread
this moisture back over her anus she let out a low moan
and ground around on my lap.

I repeated this slap, check for piss, reward pattern.

Since no piss appeared, the clit massage lasted a
little longer after each slap, her squirming became
more rhythmic each time. I took the arm holding Betty
down and used it to spank, while my other hand
concentrated on massaging her clit. Suddenly Betty
started convulsing all over my lap and breathed
At the peak of her orgasm she emitted a loud scream. I
few seconds later she emitted a large stream. Piss
splattered off my hand and I felt it all over my lap. I
spread as much as possible over her sore red buttocks
and administer a few final slaps. My slapping hand then
rubbed the rest of the piss into her crack,
concentrating on the area around her anus and teasing
at the center of it.
When I got to her clit, she start convulsing violently
again and had another orgasm. Since her punishment
began with shorts on, courtesy demanded it end the same
way. I stood Betty up with her back towards me and
knelt down behind her. I saw her labia hair glisten
with drops of piss and lubricant. A rivulet of piss
started running down one thigh towards her ankles. To
protect the carpet, I quickly bent down and caught it
with my tongue. It tasted just like the beer, but tangy
and salty. I licked my way up the wet path to her butt.
I licked her cheeks clean, my saliva eased the burning,
and the redness started to disappear. I pulled her
cheeks apart and licked the moisture from between them.
The smell of her anus combined with her sweat, juices
and piss was wonderful, I inhaled deeply through my
nose. As my tongue ran over her anus, she let out a
long groan of pleasure.
I told Betty to turn around so I could finish the
cleanup. The sight of her juices and piss glistening on
pubic hairs was an overpowering aphrodisiac. I pushed
her legs further apart and used my hands to spread her
labia. Her crotch was beautiful when fully exposed. I
wanted to hug her pubic region with my face in her
hair, so I put my arms around her waist and squeezed.
She moaned "No!"
What was that funny sound near her feet? I moved my
head back and saw a big wet patch on the carpet! Betty
hadn't learned her discipline lesson well enough. She
begged to go to the bathroom, but I made her run to the
kitchen and get carpet cleaner and paper towels. I told
her to get down on the floor and clean up her piss
without adding more. She did this obediently and
I then lay down on the bed and told her to remove her

shirt and support. I had her remove my wet shorts. My

penis was hard and the tip had a lot of ooze on it. I
had Betty squat between my legs. One hand grabbed my
penis and the other my balls. Betty took a deep breath
and whispered about how good my crotch smelled. She
licked the ooze off the tip of my penis. Her lips
encircled the head of my penis, then moved down the
shaft, and sucked when they moved back out. It only
took a few minutes of this until I was ready to orgasm.
Betty had been so bad I decided she didn't deserve
another orgasm. I grabbed onto her head to guide it up
and down. Her fingers gently kneaded my balls. The
other hand wandered down my crack and found my anus.
Just as Betty started running her fingers around it and
pressing on the flesh between it and my balls, I
started to come. She sucked even harder on my penis,
and I donated a few million sperms cells to her daily
protein requirement. I grabbed Betty's head and pulled
it up to my face. We kissed for the first time, Betty
pushed my juices into my mouth and splashed them around
with her tongue. The salty, beer taste was very
different yet strangely similar.
I was so tired I couldn't stay awake, so I grabbed
Betty and fell asleep as she lay on my chest. Did I
ever awake to a surprise.
My bladder was so full my "piss-hard-on" ached. I tried
to get up, but didn't get very far! Betty had tied my
arms and legs to the bed. My movements awoke her, and
she smiled very knowingly and wickedly at me. Before I
could untie the knots, she pulled on the ropes holding
my arms with her body weight and tightened them until I
was spread-eagled on my back. She then tightened the
leg ropes, leaving just enough slack for me to bend my
I didn't have any rope at home, I thought, does she
take rope everywhere she goes? As I struggled my penis
deflated. I told her I really needed to piss. Betty
took a rubber band and spread it around the base of my
penis, then gently played with the head until it was
hard again. She said, "That'll keep you from pissing."
I couldn't release either the ropes or my bladder. I
needed relief fast. I said, "Mistress, what must I
endure and what must I do for you to earn the right to
Betty hmmm'ed and smiled and got up from the bed. She
ran to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of wine.
She opened it and drank about half. She then poured the
rest into my mouth, except for one swallow. She sat
down between my legs, bending and spreading them,
exposing everything from my balls down. Betty stuck her

middle finger in her mouth and covered it with saliva.

She then took her finger and started rubbing it around
my anus, pressing her way in gently. Betty kept her
finger wet and soon had it all the way up my rear.
Then she took the wine bottle and used her tongue to
spread a large amount of saliva around it. She removed
her finger from my anus and I felt the cold bottle
against it. My anus clinched up from the cold, but
Betty gently pushed and twisted the bottle. After a
short time it finally got past my sphincter. She tilted
the bottle up and I felt the rest of cold wine rush
into my rectum. Betty gently pushed the bottle in as
far as it would go and left it.
She move up and squatted over my face. I was staring up
at her beautiful sex and breasts. Her hands spread her
labia apart and she sat down on my face. I could hardly
breathe, what air I inhaled conveyed her wonderfully
ripe sweat, musky and sexy odors. Betty rubbed back and
forth on my face, until her anus was directly over my
mouth. She leaned forward and my nose went into her
vagina, I felt juices tickling my nose hairs. I knew
what she expected, so my tongue started circling around
her anus. She sat down a little harder, so I tensed my
tongue and pushed against her anus.
I opened my mouth wide to breathe, totally engulfed in
her odors. My tongue finally made it into her anus and
she told me to push it deeper. I kept moving it in and
out until my tongue had cramps. Betty moved back and
placed her labia and clit over my mouth. I worked my
lips over her labia, forming a seal. My tongue then
circled around her clit. She started moaning and cupped
her breasts with her hands, squeezing her nipples
between her fingers.
First I moved my tongue forward, pulling the clit out
of its fold and exposing it. At the same time I sucked
hard on the clit and labia. Then I released the sucking
and moved my tongue back, covering the clit and rubbing
it through the hood. Then I flicked it quickly from
side to side a few times. I kept repeating this in a
rhythmic fashion. Pretty soon Betty was squirming on my
face in intense pleasure.
Suddenly she leaned forward onto her arms and started
wiggling from side to side. Her whole body tensed and
she inhaled deeply. She moaned and purred as orgasmic
tremors shook her body. This continued for a long time.
Betty then straightened up again. She pulled away from
my face, staying squatted about 6" over my face. I
moved my head around and found I was dizzy - drunk from
the wine in my stomach and ass. She moved her knees to
the sides of my head, preventing any motion.
She said sweetly and submissively "I've been such a

good girl." Her fingers pulled her labia apart. She

giggled and then said louder and sarcastically, "Until
now!" Suddenly pale yellow piss was streaming out of
her. At first, it went all over my face, but Betty's
fingers quickly gained control and aimed for my mouth.
She held my nose until I opened my mouth wide. She took
a deep breath and tensed her body.
The stream became a flood! She pissed so hard that it
splattered out of my mouth and all over my face. I
didn't close my eyes fast enough, and her piss burned
them. She leaned back and the piss hit my upper face.
It flowed off my face and I felt my hair getting
soaked. Even my ears felt the piss inside. Betty then
released my nose so I could take a deep breath.
Then she tensed hard as another flood of piss filled my
mouth to overflowing. She clamped my nose again and
said, "Drink my piss or drown." I had little choice.
After swallowing, she let go of my nose and I gasped
for breath. Betty tensed again and the last of her piss
filled my mouth. I swallowed quickly. I'd never seen
anyone piss with such force and volume. What a pisser!
Betty stood up over me and stretched. My penis was
still rock hard. I had to piss so bad that I wasn't
even thinking about my having an orgasm. She turned
around with her back to my face and squatted over my
penis. She took it in her hands and ran the tip back
and forth and side to side from her clit to her vagina.
Finally she placed the tip into her vagina and sat down
slowly. The warmth of her felt good, and I concentrated
on that feeling.
When she pulled up, I could see her hand massaging her
clit. She continued this rhythm for awhile, as we both
became more excited. She moved the wine bottle in and
out of my anus, pressing it so it would massage my
prostate. I couldn't tell which was a greater
sensation, the pain of needing to piss or the pleasure
of the bottle.
She ordered, "Don't have an orgasm until I say so."
I forced myself to concentrate on my bladder, to
prevent further arousal. Betty's motions got more
intense, and suddenly she started another orgasm,
moaning and convulsing. The sensations on my penis were
exquisite, but I couldn't allow myself to fully
appreciate them. She finally stopped moving and just
sat there, my penis still hard and buried deep within
After a couple of minutes she moved up and off of my
penis and shoved her body back on the bed until her ass
was directly over my face. I closed my eyes, expecting
another flood. Instead, I felt her tongue lick the head

of my penis. I moaned with pleasure, against my will.

The wine bottle was again in motion. Betty sat her ass
down on my face, adjusting her position so her anus was
over my mouth. She told me to open it up.
I took my tongue and circled her anus, wetting it and
the surrounding area. Then I pushed my tongue against
the opening. It tasted salty and musky. The odor
combined with her tongue was making me orgasmic. I
tensed my stomach muscles to increase the pain in my
bladder, warding off any orgasm. My tongue slid into
her anus. Betty sat down even harder on my face. I
pulled my tongue out and repeated this process. Betty
had taken my penis into her mouth and was doing her
best to arouse me.
It took all I could to prevent my orgasm. Pretty soon
her anus was relaxed enough that my tongue went as far
in as possible with no resistance. Betty pulled the
bottle out of my ass and stood it up between my legs.
Then she got up off my face, turned to face me, and
positioned herself over my penis and the bottle. She
held on to the bottle with one hand behind her back and
my penis with the other hand in front. She squirmed
back and forth on the bottle, gently forcing it into
her anus.
As she slid down on the bottle, my penis slid into her
vagina again. Betty sighed deeply and sat down hard.
She then started moving up and down the two shafts in
her orifices. This was the first time I was ever
jealous of a wine bottle! I would have liked to take
advantage of this splendid experience, but I was afraid
to add any motions for fear of coming. She moved her
hands, placing one on her clit and the other on a
Once again, she stimulated herself to a powerful orgasm
After a couple of minutes Betty got up, turned around
and moved her ass back over my face, and told me to
fill her anus with saliva. I felt her lick the head of
my penis and then spread more spit over it. She got
into position over my penis and rubbed the head around
her anus. She then put the head into the opening and
pushed down with her body. The head slid in past her
sphincter. A few more partial in and outs helped loosen
her anus the rest of the way, and finally she just sat
right down, my penis fully enclosed in her rectum. She
let out a low moan of pleasure. As she moved up and
down, I could see her hand working her clit feverishly.
The other hand took the bottle and put it back in my
anus. She was moving it rapidly, making sure it rubbed
my prostate. I had to clench my stomach to prevent
orgasm every time she pulled up off of me. The hot
tightness of her anus was orgasmic, but the pain in my
bladder prevented an end. After a while, Betty threw

her head back and convulsed, moaning very loudly and

deliriously. How many orgasms did this one make? I had
lost count.
Once again, she just sat there with my penis deep
inside her for a few minutes. I was getting delirious
by now. I was somewhat drunk, my bladder was bursting,
and I wanted to orgasm. Betty got up, moved back again,
and had her legs holding my shoulders down, with her
ass perched high over my face. I could see her face
lower down towards my penis. She removed the rubber
band and told me not to come. She started massaging my
aching balls gently, and they felt somewhat better.
She held my penis up and rubbed it around her nose. She
inhaled the musky odor of her anus and moaned. Her
tongue came out and started licking the head of my
penis. It circled around the edge of the head,
lingering at the split on the bottom. Then her lips
covered the head and she sucked on it. She then moved
her lips down the shaft, using her tongue to keep the
head stimulated. The hand supporting my penis now went
back to the wine bottle. Betty moved the bottle in and
out and side to side, making sure my prostate got well
massaged. After a few minutes I could take no more. I
started begging her to let me come.
She removed her mouth and asked me, "Am I your
I said yes, and pleaded again with her.
She said, "If I let you come, will you do anything I
I answered "Yes! Anything you say," and sang the next
line, "please release me." Her lips covered my penis
again and she sucked extra hard while moving the wine
bottle right over my prostate. I knew I was in trouble,
since she hadn't said I could come. I clenched my
stomach hard, but the pain was overshadowed by the
pleasure. Just when I thought I was doomed. She removed
her mouth and laughingly said, "You can come, I just
figured out what I want."
She immediately put her mouth back to work. It took
about 15 seconds more of her expert oral skills until
my body tensed in orgasm. The first shot was almost
overpowering. As the second shot was released, I found
out why she was squatting over my face. Betty had been
saving her piss again until I came! It splattered over
my face, neck, and chest. I raised my mouth to catch it
better. I kept pumping into her mouth and she pumped
into mine. My orgasm stopped before her piss, and my
mouth was full.
Before I could do anything with the mouthful, she

quickly turned around and shook her head to say no.

Betty sat on my stomach, lowered her head to mine and
then moved her lips to mine. She sucked gently, so I
extended my tongue into her mouth and caught the full
taste of my semen. She pushed my tongue back out and
her tongue came into my mouth and swished the liquid
The pressure on my stomach suddenly registered, and
since my penis was now deflated, nothing could hold
back my bladder. I started pissing and the stream must
have hit Betty, because she moaned. She took a hand and
used it to aim my penis. She wet her crack, arched her
rear up and wet her stomach and chest, and then
squatted down and let the stream flow over her back.
I pushed harder on my bladder then, and piss started
flowing over her shoulders onto my chest. She got up
quickly and laid her head down face up on my stomach.
She adjusted the stream until it hit her in the face.
She covered her whole face. Then Betty opened her mouth
and let it fill up until it overflowed. She closed it
again, and moved her head up to mine.
We kissed again, exchanging her piss, my piss, and my
come. She aimed the stream for our heads and our hair
became soaked. Finally I finished. It was the longest
piss I'd ever taken. Betty pulled the bottle out of my
anus, loosened my ropes and we embraced; kissing,
caressing, and hugging constantly. After a few minutes,
the wet sheets were annoying, so we took a nice hot
bath, cleaning every square inch of each other. We put
clean sheets on the bed. I went and got some food and
We ate and drank until we fell asleep in each others
arms. Betty was the first up the next morning. I awoke
to a clicking noise and found myself handcuffed. Betty
quickly got her rope and tied my ankles to the bed. She
then tied my neck to the bed so I couldn't sit up and
untie my ankles. Betty disappeared for a few minutes
and returned with my roll of Saran Wrap.
She searched my closet and took the belt from my
bathrobe. She ripped off a long sheet of Saran Wrap,
making sure it didn't bunch up, and placed it flat on
the bed. She took the belt and wound one end of the
plastic over the belt a few times. The she stood up,
and put the belt on behind her, the Saran Wrap hanging
down her back. She put a quick knot in the belt and
bent down and pulled the Saran Wrap through her crotch
and up under the belt. She then squatted down, pulled
the Saran Wrap tight and knotted the belt securely.
Betty then used her hands to make sure the Saran Wrap
was evenly spread over her rear and through her crotch.
She then found her clit and gently ripped the Saran

warp so there was a little hole where it could stick

out. When she was satisfied that everything was ok, she
climbed over me, squatted over my face, and lay down on
my chest and stomach. She maneuvered until her clit was
over my mouth.
She then explained, "I've read than when elephants get
sexually excited, they piss and shit all over before
and after sex. I've always wondered what it would feel
like. This is my desire. I am your mistress. Your
reward for obedience will be an orgasm. Now get me
sexually excited."
Betty then placed her hands on my balls and penis, and
the games began. I was really glad I had bought extra
strength Saran Wrap.
I awoke to my arms being pulled. Betsy was tying me up.
I looked at the clock and the plane was due in an hour.
I told Betsy we didn't have time, she told me to shut
up and the she gagged me with yesterday's panty hose,
the crotch running through my mouth and under my nose.
She held my nose, forcing me to inhale through the
The sweaty muskiness from a full day assaulted my
senses. Added to it was the smell of her urine, Betsy
was a dribbler after peeing. Betsy got up and stared at
my erect penis, a result of her pheromones and my
morning need to piss. She went to the bathroom and came
back with some Q-tips. She took one and wiped around
her pee-hole with it, until it had absorbed all the
moisture. She then stuck the wet end into my nostril.
Every time I inhaled I smelled her salty urine and
musky juices. Betsy took another Q-tip, dipped it into
her vagina, and put it in the same nostril. The next Qtip was rubbed around the outside of her anus and
slightly into the opening. This one went in the other
nostril. Another Q-tip was rubbed around her anus, but
she pushed this one in and out until it was moist. She
put it in the nostril with the other anal Q-tip. The
force of her pheromones and other odors took effect
quickly - I needed release.
Betsy jumped off, got dressed, and went to pick Dotty
up. I had no idea what was going to happen. The
suspense coupled with the odors was too much. I really
wanted to masturbate, but I was tied up. All I could do
is flop my penis around, not enough to make me cum, so
I quickly gave up and just lay there. About two hours
later, I heard voices. As Betsy opened the bedroom
door, I heard her say how I must still be in bed, why
didn't Dotty take a nap, then we could all eat brunch.
Betsy came in and checked to make sure everything was

She whispered for me to talk normally, and then took
off the gag. I pretended to be awakened. Betsy started
turning the Q-tips, there was enough odor left that I
was instantly hard. After a few minutes, Betsy left the
room. When she returned, she was holding a pair of
panties. But Betsy was fully dressed. She came over,
removed the Q-tips, and placed the panties over my
face, with the crotch under my nose. The panties were
too big for Betsy and I didn't recognize the aroma.
These were Dottie's! The first recognizable odor was a
musky fishy odor, stronger after a full night in a hot
airplane seat. Betsy rubbed the panties under my nose
and I also detected Dottie's urine and anal odors.
Betsy gagged me again, leaving the panties on my face,
and then left the room. This was true torture - after
two hours of smelling Betsy's odors I was left sniffing
Dottie's soiled panties, desperate to relieve the
aching blueness in my balls. I stayed this way for
another two hours.
I then heard Betsy go into Dottie's room and awaken
her. As they came into the hall, Betsy told Dotty she
had a surprised for her. Our bedroom door popped open
and they entered. I stared right at Dotty, who was
wearing my bathrobe.
She was a large, athletic woman, over 6 feet tall.
Dottie's jaw dropped and she exclaimed, "My panties!"
Then she noticed my erection.
Betsy then said, "He's all yours." Dotty stared at her
and Betsy added, in a demure voice, "and so am I." The
two women knowingly stared at each other. I wish I knew
what was behind that look. Dotty told Betsy to strip
and squat on all fours on the bed. Dotty removed my gag
and the panties from my face. Dotty bent down and
spread Betsy's ass cheeks. She stared into the crack
and told Betsy how she had always loved her anus.
She knelt down and started sniffing Betsy's ass odor,
her tongue came out and she started licking Betsy's
anus. Dotty said it had acquired a nice scent. It was
then I remembered that none of us had showered since
the day before - it had been really hot, I knew the
women would smell even stronger than their
undergarments on my face. Dotty then asked if I had
eaten that day.
My stomach answered by growling. Dotty said I sweating
too much and losing potassium. She told Betsy to get
the bananas from the kitchen. Oh, and bring the mop,
she added. Betsy returned with the items. Dotty
squatted down on her legs, her ass over my face. She
reached back with her hands and pulled her ass cheeks

far apart. I inhaled the full strength odor that was

also on her panties. Her anus landed on my lips, and I
tasted it with my tongue.
The funkiness of it almost made me cum. My tongue
circled Dottie's anus and gently started pushing its
way in. Dotty had remarkable control of her anus, as I
felt it instantly relax and let my tongue slip in
easily. Dotty moved her ass back and forth on my
tongue. Dotty then told Betsy to loosen my legs enough
to raise them up and exposed my butt. When I was
exposed, Dotty bent over and buried her head below my
I heard her moan with delight as she sniffed my anus
and licked all around it. She abruptly pushed a wet
finger in, I offered no resistance. Dotty then asked
for the mop, and before I could figure out what was
happening, the mop handle was entering my ass. Dotty
gently worked it in. When she let go, the weight of the
mop hanging over the edge of the bed forced the handle
in my ass to push up. This put a lot of pressure on my
prostate, pre-cum lube was oozing out of my penis. But
no one was paying attention to my penis except me!
Dotty then told Betsy to move behind her. Dotty took a
banana and peeled it. They weren't ripe yet, so the
banana was quite firm. Dotty put the banana to her anus
and then told Betsy to wet it and help it in. For my
benefit, Betsy took the banana in her mouth slowly,
licking around the tip, and gently closing her lips
over it. She then spit all over the banana and used her
hands to guide it gently into Dottie's ass, being
careful not to break it. I was amazed at how easily
Dotty relaxed her sphincter to let it in. The tip of
the banana disappeared up Dottie's ass.
Dotty then told Betsy to watch and she positioned her
anus over my face. As I was staring right into her anal
opening, the banana started to come out slowly. Dotty
worked it like an expert, pushing it out and then
drawing it back in a little. When a couple of inches
were hanging out, Dotty pushed her ass right over my
mouth. The end of the banana went into mouth, Dotty
jerked and it broke off.
The combination of banana along with Dottie's scent and
flavor was nirvana. Dotty moved her ass back into the
air, turned around to look at Betsy, and smirked as
Betsy realized I had really eaten the banana. In a
childish voice, Betsy exclaimed, "Dotty go Potty!"
Dotty then let the rest of the banana slowly drop from
her anus into my mouth, and I ate it like a hungry
chimp. Dotty got up and told Betsy to squat over me in
the same position. Dotty peeled another banana, and
then gently worked it into Betsy's anus.

Betsy quickly learned how to maneuver the fruit, and it

was soon all the way in. Betsy told me to open wide. I
stared into her partially open anus as the tip of the
banana appeared. Suddenly, Betsy tensed hard and the
banana plopped out of her ass into my mouth. Dotty
squeezed my nose to make sure I'd swallow the whole
thing. Betsy then coyly asked Dotty to join her in the
kitchen. They quickly returned, holding a pint of
Dotty took several spoonfuls of the cold ice cream and
spread it on my balls and penis. My balls retreated and
my hard-on relaxed. Dotty then told Betsy to lap up the
melting ice cream. Betsy bent down over me and I felt
her tongue licking my balls. The warmth was
invigorating, and my balls started to descend again.
Betsy moved her tongue up to my cock and started
licking it like an ice cream cone. She licked slowly,
swirling the ice cream around her mouth after each
lick. On occasion, she would take my whole penis into
her mouth and use her lips to clean off the ice cream.
Dotty would then place another spoonful on my cock. All
this torture was too much. I started grinding around
and the women knew what was coming (literally...).
Betsy took me into her mouth fully and sucked hard, her
tongue rubbing up and down. The mop up my ass
stimulated me beyond control, I tensed up and my orgasm
hit full force. Betsy removed her mouth right before my
first ejaculation, she used her hands to coax and aim
the thick juice shooting out. The white goo landed all
over my pubes. Dotty took more ice cream, and told
Betsy to eat the ice cream and whipped cream topping!
Betsy greedily licked up the whole mess. The two women
got up and walked to the bathroom. They were giggling
as I heard piddling in the toilet.
I wished I could see what they were doing in there...
When they returned, I pleaded to go to the bathroom.
Betsy was ready to untie me, but Dotty told her to wait
and ran from the room. When she returned, she had two
pair of handcuffs. I stared at her and she said, "I'm a
cop, I always carry them." She put one pair around my
ankles. Then she sat over me while Betsy untied my
arms. Dotty forcibly turned me over, put my arms behind
my back and cuffed me. I didn't bother to resist, she
really knew what she was doing. I was stood up, led
into the bathroom, and stood in front of the toilet.
Dotty took a watch and set the timer for five minutes.
She had Betsy squat beside me, her face at my crotch
and she squatted down on my other side. She then said I
had to finish pissing before the timer went off. No
problem, I thought, all I need to do is get over the
embarrassment of being watched at such a close
distance. Dotty took an arm and placed it around
Betsy's head. She pulled Betsy towards my cock and

leaned into it at the same time. Their lips met

together with my penis in the middle.
I felt their tongues lapping me and each other. I
became rock hard instantly. They both stayed away from
the head as they moved their lips up and down my shaft.
I realized that several minutes had elapsed. I tensed
my arms to increase the pressure on the cuffs. The
metal cut into my wrists, the pain became intense and
started to distract me.
I concentrated on pissing, squeezing my bladder as hard
as I could stand. It seemed to take ages, but my hardon went down a little and finally a few drops of piss
dribbled out and splashed into the bowl. I tensed
really hard and got a stream to shoot out. It was
excruciating to ignore the efforts of the women's lips
and tongues. I finally sustained a stream. I was still
emptying my bladder when the timer went off. Dotty
gently squeezed my penis, and I painfully stopped the
flow. She turned me away from the toilet, flushed it,
and they led me back to the bed.
Once again I was tied to the bed. Dotty took her
panties and disappeared into the bathroom again. She
came back holding her panties, which were soaking wet.
Dotty placed them over my face. As a few drops ran off
the panties and started going up my nose, I admired the
scent of her piss. The women left me in the room, It
took me awhile, but I finally dozed off while they ate.
The women entered the bedroom and I awoke. Dotty told
me how Betsy mentioned the night we met, what we did,
etc. All of our intimate scenes were described! Dotty
complemented the way I had spanked Betsy.
Dotty directed Betty to sit between my legs. Dotty
squatted over my face, and just like the first time,
thrust her anus right at my lips. Her scent was
exquisitely exciting. I inhaled deeper to get even more
of the scent. My tongue came out and circled around her
anus, quickly finding the center and quickly being
allowed in. I pushed my tongue in and out of Dottie's
anus, my smell and taste glands in heaven. Dotty took
her arms and leaned back on them.
I felt something on my chest, and realized that it was
Betsy's head moving towards Dottie's crotch. Betsy lay
down on my chest & stomach with her head buried in
between Dottie's legs. I could hear Betsy's slurping,
and could feel Dotty reacting to the clit licking she
was getting. Dotty pushed her butt harder onto my face,
telling me to move my tongue faster and deeper. My poor
tongue had cramps! This kept up for a few minutes until
Dotty tensed and started trembling, her orgasm becoming
quiet verbal and physical.

Dotty got up and told Betsy to move down toward my

feet. Dotty moved down over my penis, held it to her
vagina, and sat down on it. Dotty was very wet, I slid
in easily. I could feel her juices on my pubic hair.
She ground around a little, and then got up off my
penis. Still holding it, she directed it to her anus,
rubbing it around and gently pushing it in. I was
amazed at how easily she opened her anus and took my
penis in.
Pretty soon, I was all the way in her anus. I was about
to cum when she warned me not to. Hey, I was still
bound, I wasn't going to disobey someone bigger than
me. After a few strokes, Dotty got up and knelt down
with her face to my penis. She sniffed at it, and then
licked it all over. As she did this, I could hear her
moan. She got back on and kept grinding around. Betsy
moved into position again and started licking Dotty. It
was only a couple of minutes before Dotty came again.
She sat there with my penis in her ass for several
minutes, then got up and rubbed my penis all over her
face. Dotty then licked me off and licked her face.
My balls were turning blue from the intense sensations,
I couldn't hold back any longer. With a deep breathe I
started to spasm and orgasm, my hot cum shooting onto
Dottie's face and into her mouth. She didn't seem to
mind, her hands helped me along and she greedily licked
it all up. When I was done though, she told me I needed
punishment for disobeying. She told me I smelled like a
pig because I didn't shower enough, and how pigs live
in their own piss and shit. She said she was glad I was
tied into my pig sty.
Dotty got up and had Betsy sit on my face. Dotty told
me to make Betsy real happy. My tongue licked up and
down her labia, tasting her copious juices and the
salty taste of old urine. The pheromones were
intoxicating, I felt the blood rushing to my penis
again. My tongue moved up and down Betsy's crack,
spreading her juices. I finally settled my lips over
her clit, using the suction to pull it out of the hood
as I licked it gently with my tongue. I felt something
hit my chin.
It was Dottie's hands, spreading Betsy's ass cheeks and
running up and down her crack. Dotty stuck a finger (or
more?) into Betsy's vagina and spread the juices back
onto her anus. Betsy started squealing in delight as
Dottie's finger went into her rear. I felt another
finger work its way into Betsy's vagina, and then it
moved out. Betsy moaned "slower," Dotty was pushing
another finger into her anus! Betsy was squirming more
and more on my face, I increased the pace and could
feel Dotty do the same.
Betsy shuddered violently, the subsequent spasms of her

orgasm were so strong I thought she'd break my nose.

Dotty coaxed Betsy up off my face, and I could then see
that she had her first two fingers all the way into
Betsy's anus. She gently pulled Betsy back past my
stomach and positioned her over my penis. She sat Betsy
down with my penis pushing into her vagina. I was rock
hard again and it felt really good. It only lasted a
couple of minutes, Dotty pulled Betsy up off my penis,
removed her fingers, and repositioned my penis at the
entrance to Betsy's anus.
Betsy was so loose and wet that I slipped right in. I
had always been so careful with Betsy so as not to
cause pain, Dotty had her anus relaxed far beyond what
I had been able to do. Her hot ass around my penis felt
fantastic. Dotty stood up and had Betsy lean back onto
her arms, so her crotch opened towards my chest. Dotty
then took her hand and pressed on Betsy's pubic hair
and stomach, telling Betsy to let loose. Dottie's other
hand spread Betsy's labia. A few drops of piss started
to flow, Dotty aimed the stream as high as she could
towards my head. She pushed harder.
I felt Betsy clench her abdomen and the stream suddenly
increased. Dotty aimed it at my torso, hitting my navel
and nipples. She took her other hand and spread the
piss all over my body. She increased the height and got
some to splatter on my face. It tasted like the beer,
watery, but saltier. All this turned me on even more
and I started pumping harder into Betsy. When Betsy's
piss stopped, Dotty moved until she was squatting over
my face, looking down at me. She put her hands flat
against her pubic hair.
She said, "this place is a pig sty and your a pig."
Piss started flowing, running off her labia and
dripping onto my face and neck. Dotty was giggling as
she watch it hit me. She moved back and forth to cover
my face. She took her hands and turned my head to the
side and wet down my hair and ears. She held my nose
until I opened my mouth. Dotty clenched really hard and
piss flew out like a faucet, quickly filling my mouth.
Dotty told me to swallow if I wanted to breathe. She'd
been talking with Betsy, no doubt. I swallowed and she
released my nose. The piss continued. I hadn't failed
to notice that Betsy was squirming around, she had a
hand between her legs masturbating her clit. Her other
arm had moved behind her, it was pushing the broom in
and out of my anus. This was too much. I heaved a few
times and starting shooting my cum into Betsy's anus.
Dotty was still pissing as I finished coming. I was all
done, but Dotty stayed there, punishing me with more
piss. Her bladder was endless.
Finally she was empty, she got up and pulled Betsy up
off my penis. She pushed Betsy down over my face and

told me to suck my cum out of Betsy's ass. I had little

choice. Even though I was drained, the taste of my
salty thick cum mingled with Betsy's anal odor was a
turn on. As I sucked on Betsy's anus, I felt Dotty
rubbing my penis against her face and licking it clean.
She took the mop and began pumping it in and out of my
anus again. I became fully hard very quickly, faster
than I thought possible. Dotty squeezed the base of my
penis with her fingers to make it even harder.
I was delirious with delight. I mumbled about coming
again, and my body started pumping up and down. My face
fell away from Betsy's ass. As I stared up into her
crotch, she dribbled a little more of her piss onto my
lips. I shuddered as another orgasm began, I only shot
a little into Dottie's mouth, but it still felt
wonderful. The women got up and excused themselves, I
heard them go into Dottie's bedroom.
The doors were left open, I heard squeals and moans of
delight, it sounded like Betsy was giving Dotty several
orgasms. I wished I could see! Then I heard Betsy's
sounds of bliss, quieter then Dotty.
Things were quieter for awhile, and then the women came
in and untied me. The three of us retired into the
bathroom and took a loving bath together. Dotty made
sure that our anuses were super clean. We washed each
other carefully. It was sensual, rubbing soap on their
beautiful bodies. I was more than happy to dry both
women, getting to admire their wonderful bodies at
close sight.
We dressed and ate a late dinner. I was famished.
Afterwards, we watched a flick on the VCR. When we were
tired, we returned to the bedroom, changed the grossed
out sheets, and settled down for a nice long sleep.
I waited until Betsy and Dotty were soundly sleeping. I
very got Betsy (I knew she was a deep sleeper) turned
around on the bed. I then carefully handcuffed one of
Betsy's wrists to Dottie's ankle. I then used the other
pair to cuff Dottie's wrist to Betsy's ankle. This woke
Dotty up, she jumped up, dragging Betsy's leg and
awakening her. They couldn't move very far like that, I
stayed out of reach of the flailing arms. I ran into
Dottie's room and found her bag of goodies. I grabbed
two chains and shackles.
When I got back to the bedroom, The women were falling
off the bed trying to figure out how to move. I got
them back on the bed and managed to shackle the
remaining limbs. Betsy was openly enjoying this, but
Dotty was really pissed. I pushed them together and
worked their heads in between the other's legs. I
wrapped rope around their torsos and secured their
legs, forcing them to keep that position.

It was a sight, Betsy and Dotty lying side by side on

the bed, heads at each other's crotch, neither able to
move freely. I told them to enjoy each other, and left
the room. I heard some protests for a few minutes, but
after awhile moans of pleasure emerged from the room. I
waited until all the moans died down, and then lay down
and took a nap.
I was awakened by Dottie's yelling. She was livid. I
went into the bedroom and Betsy begged to be untied.
She pleaded to be allowed to use the bathroom. I wanted
some revenge for the day before, so I got dressed and
went out to run some errands. I returned in the early
afternoon. I went into the bedroom and heard moaning.
Not what I expected.
Dotty and Betsy were eating each other with vigor. They
both had wet hair, the sheets were soaked, and their
faces were wet. I got closer to investigate, and
actually saw Dotty shoot some piss at Betsy's face. I
knew they couldn't hold it forever, but I never
expected them to enjoy it that much. I was almost
jealous. Not wanting to miss out on a good opportunity,
I took my clothes off and got myself into the action.
The next day, the three of us took a ride to the
country. It was hot and humid, we were all sweating.
Luckily we had packed a large cooler full of soda. We
stayed out until it was dark and then headed back. On
the way home, Betsy asked me to stop for a john. Every
place we stopped was already closed for the night.
Dotty and I were getting busted bladders too.
Finally we saw a shopping mall off the exit. No gas
station, just the mall. I pulled in and parked in a
hurry. We ran into the mall and asked about the johns.
"We're sorry, we had a major plumbing problem and
there's no water in the mall." Oh, the pain. We needed
relief and there were all these people around. We
walked out of that store, wondering where to go (punny,
Dotty pointed towards a disabled person's ramp that had
a brick wall next to it. She led us over behind it. The
wall came up to above our stomachs. Dotty turned and
faced the crowd, spreading her legs and leaning on the
low wall. She started to casually talk with us, and I
heard a splattering noise. I looked down and saw a
stream of liquid running down the ramp, coming from
under Dottie's skirt. Betsy noticed it too, assumed the
same position next to her, and I heard more
splattering. I could believe it!
These two were standing there pissing in a mall, just a

few feet away from all these people walking by! Not to
be outdone, I bent down as if tying my shoes, unzipped
my pants, and pulled out my penis. I leaned up against
the wall like Dotty and Betsy and started pissing
against the wall. The three of exchanged that look you
have when you know a secret nobody else does. Dotty put
her arm around me and then whispered in my ear, asking
me to slightly pull back the rear of her skirt.
I didn't know what she was up to, so I pretended to put
my arm around her and lifted the skirt away from her
ass. I could feel her body strain a little, and heard
the piss hit the ground a little harder. Then I heard a
dull plopping sound. Dotty sighed with relief. I heard
more plopping. Betsy looked back behind & under Dotty
and her face was full of surprise. She came around to
my other side and whispered in my ear.
She said that Dotty was shitting on the floor! I
couldn't believe this woman, she'd do anything. We
heard a little bit more piss sounds, and then Dotty
stood up straight again. Betsy and I stared at the pile
of shit awe-struck. I finished quickly, noticed that
the streams of piss were getting too close to the
bottom of the ramp, hurriedly zipped up, and then
grabbed Dotty and Betsy. We left the mall in a hurry.
Dotty and Betsy could hardly contain their laughter. I
was a little uptight about it, this was weird behavior
even for me! But I did regret that I couldn't see the
action going on under Dottie's skirt.
Betsy volunteers at a local woman's shelter. They were
having their annual bake sale in two days, so we
stopped at the grocery and bought enough supplies to
make a dozen pies. After selecting the supplies, Dotty
steered us to the canned goods aisle and picked up a
few quarts of cranberry juice. We were all so tired
that night that we just ate dinner and went to bed. The
next morning dawned hot and humid again.
After showering and eating, we all chipped in and got
the pies made. After we finished, we ate lunch. The
conversation got around to the mall scene again, and
Dotty was bragging about how big her bladder was. Betsy
said hers was bigger. I said I didn't know whose was
biggest, but that I could piss the longest. This
started quite the debate. We decided to have a contest.
We would all hold it up to our limit and then use a
stopwatch to time the piss.
Dotty brought out the cranberry juice, the look on her
face hinted that this was her plan all along. We all
drank at least two large glasses. The rest of the
afternoon was spent cleaning up the kitchen, doing
wash, and drinking more cranberry juice. When evening
came, I couldn't think about food because of the
pressure of my bladder.

After we closed the blinds, I took my pants off to

relieve the pressure. Dotty and Betsy accused me of
cheating, so they did the same. Pretty soon we were all
naked, enjoying the nakedness since it was so hot. We
settled on the couch and watched some TV. It was a war
of wills, to see who would be the first to admit they
had to go. Leave it to Dotty to challenge us to a chuga-lug. Our glasses filled with cranberry juice, Dotty
counted to three and we drank. Surprisingly, Betsy
poured the juice down her throat and won. The added
weight on my bladder was excruciating.
My head was pounding, I knew I couldn't last much
longer. Betsy decided to eat some pie. She brought back
one of the extras and placed it on the table. As she
was cutting it, she playfully bent back the serving
spatula and shot a wad of cream at my chest. I picked
up my piece of the pie and smushed it against one of
her breasts. Dotty leaned forward and licked the pie
off the breast. Betsy picked up another piece and
pushed it in Dottie's face. Dotty leaned back, picked
up the rest of the pie, used her arm to raise Betsy's
legs, and threw the pie onto her crotch. Yummy.
I quickly squatted down on the floor and buried my face
in the two pies. I didn't think I was hungry, but I
lapped up the pie greedily. I saw Dotty go to the
kitchen and bring back another pie. She went behind me.
Then I felt a pie smashing into my ass. Dottie's hands
rubbed the pie around my cheeks and along my crack. As
usual for her, I felt fingers probing my anus. As my
penis hardened, I was reminded of my bladder, but
nature's calling would have to wait. I felt Dottie's
face licking and rubbing up and down my ass. Betsy
forced her way up and headed for the kitchen.
We knew what she was getting, so Dotty and I quickly
followed. Betsy got a pie out and smashed it in my face
as I ran into the kitchen. As I was rubbing it off my
eyes, I heard Betsy whimper, Dotty had pied her face. I
grabbed another pie and got Dottie's face. Betsy kissed
Dottie's face and they swapped pie fillings & cream on
their tongues. I took a pie out of the tin and brought
it up between Dottie's legs. I massaged it into her
crotch and paid a lot of attention to her anus. The
women broke their embrace and Dotty had me lay on my
back on the kitchen floor.
She took a Banana Cream pie out of the tin, broke a
hole through the center from the bottom, and carefully
lowered it over my penis. It looked weird, my hard-on
sticking up through the pie. She led Betsy's head over
my penis, Betsy took the hint and opened her lips wide.
Betsy took me in her mouth and kept going down until
her face smashed the pie. Dotty started helping her. I
felt two mouths on my penis, hands on my balls, and

over my

going into my anus. The mouths would take turns

gently on my balls. Dotty came and squatted
face. I quickly stuck my tongue in her anus,
that that was the fastest way to turn her on.

When Dottie's mouth took its turn, Betsy jumped up,

grabbed another pie, and gave it to me. I took the pie
and slowly smushed it against Dottie's crotch and ass.
I rubbed it in very well and resumed eating the pie and
Dotty. This was great fun, it wasn't long before my
banana's cream joined the pie's banana cream. Dotty
also had an orgasm, she sat down on my face so hard I
could barely breathe. Now it was Betsy's turn to
orgasm. Dotty and I lay her down and Dotty went between
her legs and started to expertly use her tongue and
fingers. I got another two pies and smushed them onto
her breasts, I used my tongue and fingers to tease her
nipples into hardness.
I climbed over her chest and started rubbing my penis
on and between her breasts. The cream made it feel
really good. I then felt Dottie's finger go into my
ass. Then Dotty told me to get behind her. She pushed
her butt up in the air. I pushed my penis into her
vagina and started a slow rhythm. A finger went into
her asshole and started loosening it up. After a few
minutes, Dotty told me to switch.
I grabbed a handful of cream, rubbed it over my penis,
rubbed some into her anus, and then gently pushed into
her. She loved it, I wished I could reach her clit.
Pretty soon I heard Betsy reaching a really intense
orgasm. Dotty didn't stop, and Betsy soon reached
another. After a few more, Betsy had enough and pushed
She grabbed the stopwatch and proclaimed that she
couldn't hold her bladder anymore. Dotty disengaged me
and told me to lie on my back. After I did, Dotty
squatted over my penis, put it to her anus, and sat
down. I moved my hands down to her clit and started
massaging it the way she liked. She then had Betsy
stand with her legs far apart over my chest.
Dotty held the stopwatch. Betsy pulled her lips apart
and started pissing. I heard the stopwatch click on.
Betsy tried to keep up a dribble instead of a stream,
but it was hard to. The piss splattered all over my
chest, washing off the banana cream. It felt good, the
warm liquid getting rid of the stickiness. Dotty used
her free hand to spread the piss around.
After Dotty announced that a minute had elapsed,
Betsy's stream slowed down and she could control it
better. Dotty gently pushed her back so the piss would
hit my face. It sure tasted funny, like cranberry juice
but a little salty. The pale yellow fluid washed the

cream off my face.

I heard the two minute mark go by with no end in sight.
Looking up at Betsy's beautiful crotch dripping piss
onto me was too much. I raised my free hand and used it
to spread Betsy's buttocks a little. The sight of her
pretty anus put me over the edge. I heaved a couple of
times and shot into Dottie's anus. My hand wasn't quite
getting her to orgasm again though. As I finished,
Dotty announced three minutes. Soon Betsy's piss became
a dribble, then a drip. Dotty stopped the watch at
3:42. Dotty got up and lay down again.
Betsy went between her legs and started working on her
clit with her mouth. I handed Betsy the stopwatch and
stood over them. I started peeing. It was easy for me
to slow the pace down, my penis was still partially
hard. I pissed on Dottie's stomach and washed off all
the cream. Betsy announced one minute. I moved up to
her breasts and cleaned them too. Dotty was grinding
around on the floor, her hands massaging her breasts
frantically. I aimed for her face and washed the cream
off of it. Betsy announced two minutes. Dotty opened
her mouth and lapped up the piss, moaning the whole
I moved the stream down again, slowly and teasingly. I
aimed for Dottie's mons. Piss was splattering all over
Betsy, she grunted, I think that meant three minutes. I
aimed for Betsy's head, letting the pee drip down into
Dottie's crotch. I moved the stream up Betsy's back,
and walked around to behind her, washing the cream from
her crotch. But I didn't want to cheat, so I quickly
moved back around front so she could see the pee.
I squatted down over Dottie's head, facing down towards
Betsy. Dotty reached up with her mouth and started to
suck the piss out of me. I had to concentrate not to
get so hard I couldn't piss. Luckily, she released me
after a short time. My pee tapered off right as Dotty
started orgasming. It was intense, I hoped Betsy could
handle it and watch me too! Of course she did, I heard
the watch click right on cue.
When Betsy pulled away from Dotty, I saw two fingers
removed from her vagina and a thumb from her anus.
Dotty slow regained her senses and grabbed the watch it said 4:09. I couldn't believe myself! Then I
realized that Dotty had won the waiting game part of
the contest.
I put my arm around my back to scratch an itch. I
suddenly felt handcuffs clasp my wrist. Dotty strongarmed me until she had my arms in front and cuffed. She
put a second pair on my legs. Then she pushed me down
on my back. Betsy and I both wondered what was going
on. Dotty handed Betsy the watch and told her kneel

down so she could see good. Dotty squatted over my

face, facing me head, and holding her lips apart.
She started pissing slowly. She aimed it all over my
face, it tasted like Betsy's, only weaker. Betsy
announced one minute. Dotty grabbed my nose and held it
shut. As I opened my mouth, she aimed her lips for
mine. I had no choice, so I opened wide and engulfed
her vulva. As my mouth filled with piss, she let my
nose go so I could breathe. The she said, "Fuck it."
Suddenly it felt like a faucet had been turned on. My
mouth quickly filled with her piss. She grabbed my nose
and commanded me to swallow. I obeyed, given the
circumstances. I could see Dotty squeeze even harder
and felt the piss increase even more. I was glad that I
enjoyed watersports, Dotty takes everything to the
limit. She stood up a little so Betsy could her the
piss splattering in my mouth and on my face.
I heard Betsy moan as she saw the sight from under
Dottie's ass. Under? It was then that I realized that
Betsy had moved and was using her wonderful oral skills
on me. I was rock hard and getting ready to orgasm. How
could I not have noticed? I realized that most of my
stimulation was coming from Dottie's actions and my
fantasies. Dotty was giggling as she looked down at my
face. She squeezed really hard again and I opened wide
as another torrent flooded me. Betsy had a finger in my
anus that was massaging my prostrate. Her other hand
was on my balls.
I was going over the edge. Right before I went, I
wondered where the stopwatch was? But not for long, I
stared up at Dottie's crotch and that started, as they
say, the second coming. Betsy shared my banana cream
with Dotty. Then Dotty frenched with me to taste her
own piss (of course I saved a little, I was learning
her habits well.) Dotty said it was worth losing to
me... What a mess! The kitchen had puddles of piss with
banana cream floating on it.
We quickly grabbed towels and mops and cleaned it up
before bad odors could arise. Then we took the nasty
towels and our bodies into the shower and got
everything clean. It felt good to get all the stuff out
of my hair. After we dried, it was 10:30pm. We ran to
the grocery to get a new set of supplies, and had to
stay up all night making pies over again. But we all
agreed it was worth it (plus the woman's shelter made
After delivering the pies the next morning, we went
back and all fell asleep, the warmth of the day heating
the bedroom, three nude bodies cuddled together, and of
course, three of the biggest smiles imaginable. I slept
soundly, dreaming of what Dotty had in store for us

Dotty, Betsy and I woke up late in the day, finally
refreshed from the pie activities the previous day. We
decided to go out to dinner, so we showered and
dressed. Dotty looked stunning in her loose fitting
short pleated skirt and low-cut blouse. Betsy wore a
tight mini-skirt that showed off her perfectly shaped
We walked to a nice restaurant nearby, the type with
semi-private booths and long tablecloths. Betsy ordered
a carafe of white wine, and we drank it by time we
ordered. We had a second carafe with dinner. By the
time we were ready for dessert, we were all crocked.
Dotty was her usual self, teasing me and playing
footsie under the table. Suddenly she grabbed my halfempty wine glass and it disappeared under the table.
Dotty leaned forward on the edge of her seat.
She gave me this wicked smile. I looked at Betsy and
then we both heard some dripping noises. A few seconds
later, Dotty leaned back and the glass reappeared full this time! She placed it in front of me. She
leaned back in her seat and I felt pressure in my
crotch. It was her foot, firmly poised with her heel
right on my balls. She told me to empty the glass or
else. I was full, drinking her piss didn't sound like a
great idea.
As I hesitated, her foot slowly massaged my crotch and
I started getting aroused. Dotty turned so she was
mostly facing the wall, and then she popped one of her
breasts out of her blouse. I couldn't believe it! The
other patrons couldn't see, but I wondered what would
happen if the waitress returned. Now I was getting
turned on, so I picked up the glass and drank it.
Dottie's piss didn't really ruin the wine taste, much
to my relief. After I emptied my glass, Dottie's foot
went back to the floor.
It was time for dessert. I ordered cheesecake, Betsy
ordered sorbet, and Dotty ordered a sundae with whipped
cream. And we got another carafe of wine. After the
waitress left, Betsy grabbed the carafe and it
disappeared below the table. You guessed it, she leaned
forward and I heard her tinkle into the wine. She
brought the carafe to the table and gently swirled it
around to make sure it was well mixed. She then poured
us each a glass. Then she called over the waitress and
said the wine tasted funny.
We each took a sip and agreed. The waitress took a sip
and cringed. She took the carafe and the glasses and
went for replacements. When she was out of sight, we

all laughed hard, knowing she would have the manager,

etc. taste it too. I then felt Dottie's hand move to my
crotch. She manipulated my zipper down and managed to
get my semi-hard penis out. Then she started stroking
me expertly. Her other hand disappeared below the table
and she leaned forward. Then she brought the hand to my
mouth and nose. I could smell the sweet musk of her
pussy and the dank odor of her anus.
Betsy grabbed Dottie's sundae and it disappeared under
the table. I felt something cold touch the tip of my
penis. I felt Dotty increase her pace and I shut my
eyes. I inhaled deeply, catching Dottie's odors. That
brought me over the edge and I came, shooting my wad
into the sundae.
After I finished, Betsy took the sundae and put it
back. Dotty took her spoon and scooped up the semen as
much as she could, and greedily ate it. She took
another spoonful and offered it to Betsy. I sat dazed
as they ate the sundae. When the waitress walked by,
they moaned and complimented her on the great cream
We went home and immediately hit the sheets. Of course,
we didn't sleep, but that night was uneventful compared
to the next night...
The next day Betsy had to go into work again, so Dotty
and I did some touring and shopping. Dotty asked me
what was the kinkiest thing Betsy had ever done to me.
I told her about the Saran Wrap night. If you recall
from part one, Betsy had me handcuffed with my ankles
tied to the bed. She "diapered" herself with the extrastrength Saran Wrap, using a belt to hold it up. She
tore a small hole for her clit to stick out.
She then explained, "I've read than when elephants get
sexually excited, they piss and shit all over before
and after sex. I've always wondered what it would feel
like. This is my desire. I am your mistress. Your
reward for obedience will be an orgasm. Now get me
sexually excited."
Betsy placed a clamping light on the headboard and
pointed it over my face. Then she squatted down over my
face, her head over my crotch. I felt her lips on my
penis, and my initial shock subsided. I raised my mouth
to her clit. Betsy's grinding told me it felt OK to
her. Her ass and crotch were stuck in my face, every
detail brilliantly lit by the light.
I had no choice but to stare at it. After eating
awhile, I felt warmth on my upper lip. Soon I felt a
few drops of liquid coming through the hole in the
wrap. Betsy's piss tasted as sweet as usual. I kept
licking her clit frantically, and as her piss spurted

out her grinding increased. Suddenly Betsy tensed and

the piss shot out like a broken faucet, I could hear it
splashing all over inside the Saran Wrap.
It just as suddenly stopped as her orgasm hit. Piss was
leaking from the edges of the diaper, dripping all over
my face and neck. I kept eating her, knowing she wasn't
a one orgasm woman. As I ate, I saw her anus open
slightly. The light was so bright I could see part way
in. Suddenly I saw her shit moving towards the opening.
I almost felt like gagging, but Betsy's mouth and
tongue were sucking and licking my hard penis and I
knew the Saran wrap was there. I watch in fascination
as the turd was pushed slowly out of her asshole.
When it hit the Saran Wrap, it couldn't go any further,
so it started squashing. Betsy tensed and suddenly I
heard more piss as the rest of her huge turd pushed out
and squished against the Saran Wrap. All this was
occurring just inches from my eyes! Betsy started
coming again, a very powerful orgasm. I sucked her clit
hard and licked it fast, prolonging her orgasm. Right
after she finished, she started working on me again,
and I was soon close to orgasm.
Right as I started over the hill, Betsy sat down on my
face. It felt really weird. Through the Saran Wrap her
warm shit smushed against my nose and cheeks. It was
too much, I started shooting sperm out, so powerfully
it almost hurt. Whew, this was new beyond my wildest
fantasies. Betsy got up quickly and ran to the shower.
I didn't envy the cleanup job she had to do... This
gave Dotty an idea to surprise Betsy.
When we went to the supermarket, we bought lemonade,
chocolate, and fudge mix. At home, we mixed lemonade
until it looked just like piss. Then we mixed fudge &
chocolate until it was the color of shit and the same
texture (Oh - we guessed the texture, no real samples,
sorry to disappoint you!). We hid the lemonade and
fudge. Betsy came home, we ate dinner, and pretty soon
were in bed again (aren't you surprised?). Dotty
immediately took a dominating role, I was cuffed and my
legs shackled. She tied Betsy spread-eagled on the bed.
Dotty squatted over Betsy's face in the 69 position. It
was wonderful to watch these two.
Both caressed each other's pussy with soft, gentle lips
and loving tongues. I became extremely aroused just
watching it. But Dotty forbid me to touch myself or
participate. I could smell their sweet musky juices and
it aroused my nostrils. I watched helplessly while
Betsy had her orgasm, followed by Dotty. Dotty got up,
told me to stay put, and went to the kitchen. She
returned with a large, deep bowl, which she placed on
Betsy's chest below her breasts.

Betsy couldn't see inside the bowl. Dotty squatted down

over the bowl and faced Betsy, pulling her pussy lips
apart. She told me to come around and watch, I lay
down, my head next to Betsy's. Soon Dotty started
pissing into the bowl. She took care to aim precisely.
Betsy and I watched her anus spread open and a turd
slowly emerge. The turd plopped into the bowl with a
slight splash. Dotty continued pissing and shitting for
a couple of minutes. Then she got up, placed the bowl
on the night table, ran to the kitchen, and returned
with an empty glass. She told me to sit up on the bed.
Dotty dipped the glass into the bowl, pulling it away
part full of yellow liquid and brown lumps. She brought
it to my lips. I gagged, but she told me to drink it or
else. Her free hand grabbed my balls to emphasize what
would happen if I didn't. As I slowly drank, I could
hear Betsy moaning something like "unbelievable, holy
shit!!!" Dotty was staring at Betsy's face and smiling.
I had to open my mouth wide to get the brown lumps in.
I chewed them and swallowed painfully. There was
obvious pain on my face as I drank and ate. Finally the
glass was empty. I turned to look at Betsy. Her face
was awestruck, her nipples hard and large, and she was
grinding vigorously on the bed.
Dottie's hand had moved from my balls to her clit.
Dotty soon replaced her hand with her mouth, moved her
fingers into Betsy's vagina and anus. Betsy came within
seconds, shaking the bed violently. Dotty kept eating
her, and she came again, even more violently, screaming
loudly with pleasure.
After she was spent, Dotty got up, dipped the glass
into the bowl again, and drank it down quickly, lumps
and all. Then she said, "Best lemonade float I've ever
had." Betsy didn't quite get it, Dotty looked at me and
we both burst out laughing. Betsy still looked stunned.
Dotty untied Betsy. She showed her the second small
bowl within the large bowl and how she had scooped up
the lemonade and fudge instead of the shit and piss.
I'm not sure, but I think Betsy was actually
disappointed by the revelation. Dotty took the bowl
away, since it was getting kinda smelly.
The rest of the night was somewhat uneventful. Just
your normal mixture of oral and anal fun with these two
wonderfully perverted women. Oh yeah, and we even had
some vaginal intercourse, mainly so the women could
lick and taste each other's juices on my penis.
Well, the next day was spent getting Dotty back to the
airport. The three of us had grown very fond of each
other. I never thought I was so capable of kinkiness,
but I learned so much from Dotty and Betsy. Betsy and I
spent a quiet evening, almost bored with each other.

We went to bed and simply cuddled together, exhausted

from a week of the wildest sex ever. But my dreams were
as sexual as ever, and when I awoke, I had a raging
hard-on and a clear memory of the dream. But alas,
that's a tale left to be told...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author
does not condone the described behavior in real life.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kristen's collection - Directory 64



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