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Secondary Lesson Plan Template

Topic: U.S.-Taiwan Relations in

the 1950s

Grade Level: 12

Length of
class: 50 minutes

LEARNING GOAL/PURPOSE (What is the overall goal/purpose of this


To help students understand the importance of the foreign relations of the United
States in the 1950s.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES (What will students know or be expected to do

in this lesson? Use verbs from Blooms Taxonomy):
Students will:
1) Learn how the United States engaged in foreign affairs throughout the 1950s.
2) Work in groups to boost literacy skills.

STANDARDS (What national or state standards will you address?):

Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide

an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.

RESOURCES/MATERIALS NEEDED (What materials and resources will I

need in this lesson?):


Article (Taiwan: Yet Another Cog in the Containment Machine)

PLAN for LEARNING (How will you organize

organize this lesson? How much time will
each component of the lesson take?)
1. Pass out article Taiwan: Yet Another Cog in the
Containment Machine.

Split the class into groups of 4.

3. Each group will be assigned a section of the

article to read.
4. Have students practice group reading and
annotation skills while reading their section.
5. Have them show each other how they annotated
and what they annotated.
6. Students will sum up the main take-aways and
main ideas of their section of the reading and
write at least 3 down on a piece of paper.
7. Each group will share with the others so that the
full picture of the article is attained.
8. End with group discussion of the topic and why
it is important.

student learning in this

(How will I engage students
in learning or prepare
students to learn by
activating/building up their
prior knowledge?)
Ask a question, think-pairshare activity, Anticipatory
set activity, checklists, quick
write, cooperative learning
activity, inquiry-based task,
carousel activity, KWL, circle
map, show a video clip, do a
demonstration, tell a story,
quiz, thumbs up, fist-to-five,
(How will I help students
acquire and apply new
knowledge and skills?)
Lecture, demonstration,
guest speaker, inquiry-based
activity, text analysis,
discussion, debate,
simulations, skits, projectbased learning, jigsaw
activity, cooperative learning
activity, flexible grouping,
learning center rotation,
research activity, etc.
(How will I assess my
students understanding or
provide closure in the
Selected Response (Test,
quiz, exit slip)
Products from
Performance assessment
(Skit, role play,

dramatization, debate,
cooperative learning, project,
Written Communication
(Short-answer, journal entry,
bulleted response, essay,
exit slip)
Personal Communication
(Questions, Discussion

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