+6D, Surveillance +6D, Tracking (Electronic) : +6D

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LEX LUTHOR (pre-Crisis)

Dig that crazy armor! Man, I love it. :-)

With the armor, Lex could go toe-to-toe with
Superman himself.
Real Name: Lex Luthor
Occupation: Criminal

Equipment: Battle Armor - One of the most amazing pieces of

weaponry ever devised, this armor allowed Luthor to battle his
archenemy, Superman.
Superattributes: Reflexes 8D, Super-Attributes : Physique
enhancement modifiers : marksmanship + 8D, computer ops
+6D, surveillance +6D, tracking (electronic) : +6D;
Armor Value 30
Body Points : 265

Base of Operations: Metropolis

Marital Status: Widower Race: Human

Powers: Microwave Projection 16D, Force Field 12D, Flight 18D

Technology Level: Post-Modern

Advantages: Charismatic, Contact (Brainiac, Criminal Underworld), Courage, Followers (numerous flunkies),
Intimidating Grin, Leadership Ability, Mechanical Aptitude, Observant, Photographic Memory, Preparedness,
Technologically Advanced
Disadvantages: Arrogance, Dark Secret (the Lexorans believed he was a hero, up until that planet's destruction),
Delusions of Grandeur , Enemy (JLA), Extremely competitive , Fanatic (destroying Superman), Hides Emotions, Shady
Background, Sworn Enemy (Superman)
Reflexes: 3D (11D)
Brawling 5D (13D), dodge 4D (12D), melee weapons 4D (12D)
Coordination: 3D
Marksmanship 5D (13D), missile weapons 4D, thrown weapons 4D
Physique: 3D (42D with armor)
Lifting 5D (44D with armor)
Knowledge: 5D
Computer Ops: 8D (14D), Forgery: 6D, Languages: 8D, navigation: 7D, research: 9D Scholar: 9D (Superman 10D),
Science: 9D (Kryptonians: 10D, robotics: 10D, Aerospace: 10D ), security: 7D
Perception: 5D
Invent: 12D, engineering: 12D ( Gadgetry: 14D), repair: 12D, survival: 6D, surveillance 5D (11D), tracking 5D (11D)
Presence: 4D
Bluff: 5D, charm: 5D, command: 10D, interrogation: 8D, intimidation: 9D, persuasion: 9D, willpower: 9D
PDV : 2 ( 6 in armor)

Body Points: 40

Unarmed BDV : 3D (6D)

Villain Points: 45

P/l Bonus : + 22

Character Points: 300

Writeup Submitted by Michael Bayer
Real Name: Wade Wilson
Base of Operations: Mobile
Marital Status: Widowed

Race: Human

Advantages: Contacts (Arms Dealers), Courage, Obscure Knowledge, Speed Draw (Pistols, Katana)
Disadvantages: Center of Conversation, Dark Secret (Appearance), Enemies (Wolverine, Taskmaster, numerous
others), Extremely Competitive, Fugitive, Hides Emotions, Impulsiveness, Low Self-Esteem, Obsessive Tendencies,
Psychological Disorder (Psychotic), Unattractive Appearance
Reflexes: 4D
Acrobatics 8D, Brawling 8D, Dodge 8D, Martial Arts 8D (All Manoeuvres +2D Each), Melee Weapons 6D (Sword
+4D), Sneak 8D
Coordination: 4D
Catch 5D, Marksmanship 9D, Thrown Weapons 6D
Physique: 4D
Lifting 5D, Resistance 6D
Knowledge: 2D
Computer Ops 3D, Demolitions 5D, Navigation 5D, Scholar (Assassination Techniques) 8D, Security 4D
Perception: 2D
Hide 7D, Search 5D, Survival 6D
Presence: 2D
Bluff 5D, Intimidation 7D, Willpower 4D
PDV : 4
Unarmed BDV : 4D / 1D
P/l Bonus : + 3
Hero Points: 2 Villain Points: 12

Body Points : 40

Character Points: 98

Powers: Immunity [Linked to Healing] 8D, Healing [Self Only]

Equipment: Fragmentation Grenade x3 [BDV 6Dx3, Blast
Radius 3/8/16, Rate of Fire 1 per 5 rounds], Laser Pistol x2 [BDV
6Dx3, Range 75/225/450, Ammo 10, Rate of Fire 1], Katana x2
[BDV 5D (Edge), 1D (Flat)], Teleportation Device [Teleportation

Submitted by e-Man of Oregon
Real Name: Ulysses Klaw

Base of Operations: Mobile

Marital Status: Single
Race: Human
Advantages: Acute Sense (hearing) -2D, Charismatic -3D, Contacts (underworld) -3D, Mechanical Aptitude -2D,
Obscure Knowledge -2D, Observant -2D
Disadvantages: Delusions of Grandeur +3D, Enemy (The Avengers) +5D, Enemy (Black Panther) +2D, Enemy
(Fantastic Four) +5D, Fanatic (Destroy Black Panther) +5D, Fugitive +3D, Sworn Enemy (Black Panther) +2D,
Unattractive Appearance +2D
Reflexes: 2D
Brawling 4D, Dodge 6D, Driving 3D
Coordination: 3D
Marksmanship: 8D (Sonic Converter +2D)
Physique: 3D
Resistance 6D
Knowledge: 5D
Computer Ops 6D, Research 6D, Scholar 8D (sound +3D), Science 7D (sound +2D), Security 6D
Perception: 4D
Engineering 6D, Invent 6D (+2D for sound-related items), Know-How (Light Manipulation) 11D, Know-How (Sonic
Manipulation) 7D, Repair 6D
Presence: 3D
Command: 5D, Intimidation 4D, Willpower 4D
PDV: 3
Unarmed BDV: 3D
P/l Bonus: + 1
Villain Points: 26

Body Points: 31

Character Points: 130

Powers: Immunity: 5D, Longevity: 1D, Sustenance:

10D, Invulnerability: 4D [limitation: Ineffectiveness
(vibranium) -1D], Light Manipulation: [Enhancement: SelfInvulnerability +2D], [Limitation: Side-effect (all uses are
pink) -1D] Specialization [3D Aspect] 8D, Specialization
[11D Aspect] 9D, Sonic Manipulation: [Enhancement: SelfInvulnerability +2D] 9D

Writeup submitted by Michael Bayer
Real Name: En Sabah Nur
Base of Operations: Egypt / Mobile
Marital Status: Single

Race: Mutant (Homo Superior)

Advantages: Courage, Hardiness, Intimidating Grin, Mechanical Aptitude, Obscure Knowledge, Observant,
Preparedness, Technologically Advanced (Advanced), Wealth
Disadvantages: Delusions of Grandeur, Extremely Competitive, Fanatic, Hides Emotions, Narcissistic, Obsessive
Tendencies, Sworn Enemy (X-Men), Unattractive Appearance
Reflexes: 4D
Brawling 10D, Dodge 6D
Coordination: 2D
Catch 4D, Thrown Weapons 3D
Physique: 4D (20D)
Lifting 7D (23D), Resistance 8D (24D)
Knowledge: 5D
Arcane Lore (Egyptian Lore) 6D, Computer Ops 8D, Languages 7D, Medicine 9D, Science 10D
Perception: 3D
Engineering 10D, Invent 8D, Repair 8D, Survival 16D
Presence: 3D
Command 8D, Interrogation 6D, Intimidation 12D, Willpower 11D (12D)
PDV : 3
Unarmed BDV : 5D
P/l Bonus : + 3 (+ 11)
Hero Points: 1 Villain Points: 42

Body Points : 118

Character Points: 226

Powers: Immunity (Radiation) 8D, Longevity 6D (+1D

Willpower), Natural Weapons [Linked to Matter
Manipulation] 5D, Superattributes: Physique 16D,
Sustenance 4D, Flight 4D, Teleportation [Long Range]
15D, Healing [Self Only] 3D, Matter Manipulation [Self
Only] 10D
Equipment: Powered Armor [AV 20, Body Points 150]

The Fenris Twins

Submitted by e-Man of Oregon
Real Name: Andrea and Andreas von Strucker
Base of Operations: Global
Marital Status: Single (each)
Race: Mutant (Homo superior)
Advantages: Attractive Appearance, Charismatic, Contacts (Baron von Strucker) -3D (global underworld) -2D (the
Upstarts) -3D, Obscure Knowledge, Wealth -8D
Disadvantages: Cowardice, Dependent (each other), Narcissistic, Sworn Enemy (Magneto) -5D
Reflexes: 3D
Boating 4D, Dodge 5D, Driving 5D, Martial Arts 5D, Melee Weapons 4D, Riding 4D
Coordination: 3D
Marksmanhip 5D (+2D powers)
Physique: 2D
Running 4D, Swimming 4D
Knowledge: 3D
Arcane Lore 4D, Criminology 4D, Languages 8D, Scholar 4D (+4D von Strucker family)
Perception: 3D

Artists 4D, Know-how (powers) 7D, Streetwise 6D (+1D HYDRA, +4D Fenris organization)
Presence: 4D
Bluff 5D, Charm 5D (+2D opposite sex), Persuasion 5D
PDV: 3
Unarmed BDV: 1D
P/l Bonus: +1
Villain Points: 17 (Andreas) 19 (Andrea)

Body Points: 25 each

Character Points: 117 (Andreas) 113 (Andrea)

Powers: Andreas - Light Manipulation (3D aspect) 10D,

Andrea - Disintigration 18D
Note: Both powers only function when the Fenris Twins are
in physical contact with each other, and have the
enhancement: self-invulnerability (which extends to the
other twin)

Real Name: Bennet du Paris
Base of Operations: Avalon / Mobile
Marital Status: Single

Race: Mutant (Homo Superior)

Advantages: Ally (Magneto), Charismatic, Courage, Followers (Acolytes) Intimidating Grin, Leadership Ability,
Obscure Knowledge (Crusades), Observant
Disadvantages: Dark Secret (History with Apocalypse), Delusions of Grandeur, Enemies (Avengers, Quicksilver, High
Evolutionary, numerous others), Fanatic, Hides Emotions, Obsessive Tendencies, Psychological Disorder
Reflexes: 3D
Brawling 4D, Dodge 4D, Melee Weapons (Swords, Spears) 8D, Riding 6D
Coordination: 2D
Catch 3D
Physique: 3D
Lifting 5D
Knowledge: 3D
Arcane Lore 4D, Languages 8D, Navigation 4D, Scholar (Crusades) 6D
Perception: 3D
Survival 4D
Presence: 4D
Charm 5D, Command 6D, Interrogation 5D, Intimidation 6D, Willpower 8D
PDV : 2
Unarmed BDV : 3D

P/l Bonus : + 2
Villain Points: 8

Body Points : 35

Character Points: 65

Powers: Vampirism (Psychic Energy) 8D, Mental Control

8D, Psychic Blast 14D, Telekinesis 9D, Telepathy 12D,
Flight 8D, Teleportation (Long Range) 10D, Mental Shield
10D, Energy Absorption 6D

Writeup submitted by Michael Bayer
Real Name: Magnus; formerly Eric Lehnsherr
Base of Operations: Genosha
Marital Status: Widowed

Race: Mutant (Homo Superior)

Advantages: Allies (Acolytes), Charismatic, Courage, Followers (Unlimited, Fanatical Devotion, Skilled), Leadership
Ability, Mechanical Aptitude, Preparedness, Technologically Advanced (Advanced)
Disadvantages: Age (Old), Delusions of Grandeur, Enemies (X-Men, US Government, Russia, United Nations,
Avengers), Fanatic, Fugitive, Obsessive Tendencies, Sworn Enemy (Professor Xavier)
Reflexes: 2D
Brawling 3D, Dodge 4D
Coordination: 2D
Marksmanship 7D
Physique: 2D
Lifting 5D
Knowledge: 5D
Computer Ops 8D, Languages 6D, Navigation 7D, Scholar (World War II) 6D, Science 8D, Security 6D
Perception: 4D
Engineering 7D (Robotics +4D), Invent 6D (Robotics +4D), Repair 8D, Survival 5D
Presence: 5D
Command 8D, Interrogation 9D, Intimidation 9D, Willpower 12D
PDV : 2
Unarmed BDV : 2D
P/l Bonus : +2
Villain Points: 22

Body Points : 29

Character Points: 235

Powers: Astral Form 2D, Telepathy 3D, Light

Manipulation [Flash Effect and Create Light Only, Linked
to Magnetic Manipulation] 11D, Magnetic Manipulation

[Mastery] 18D
Equipment: Costume [AV 10], Helmet [AV 25, Mental
Shield 14D]

Writeup Submitted by Michael Bayer
Real Name: Nathaniel Essex
Base of Operations: New Orleans
Marital Status: Widowed

Race: Mutant (Homo Superior)

Advantages: Intimidating Grin, Mechanical Aptitude, Observant, Preparedness Technologically Advanced

(Postmodern), Wealth
Disadvantages: Delusions of Grandeur, Fanatic, Hides Emotions, Obsessive Tendencies, Unattractive Appearance
Reflexes: 3D (6D)
Coordination: 4D
Marksmanship (Psychic Blast) 7D
Physique: 4D (9D)
Lifting 6D (11D)
Knowledge: 5D
Computer Ops 6D, Medicine 10D, Research 12D, Scholar (Genetics, Mutation) 16D, Science 11D (Biochemistry,
Genetics +3D)
Perception: 4D
Engineering 11D (Genetics +2), Invent 6D (Genetics +5D)
Presence: 4D
Command 6D, Disguise 5D, Intimidation 8D, Willpower 9D
PDV : 4
Unarmed BDV : 1
P/l Bonus : + 3 (+ 5)
Villain Points: 34

Body Points : 81

Character Points: 192

Powers: Longevity 1D, Shapechanging 6D, Astral Form

6D, Mind Control 16D, Mental Blast 8D, Psychic Blast
12D, Telepathy 18D, Healing 1D, Invulnerability
[Ineffectiveness against Cyclops Optic Blast] 4D

Equipment: Costume (AV 15)

Real Name: Eddie Brock
Base of Operations: New York
Marital Status: Divorced
Race: Human
Advantages: Acute Balance, Intimidating Grin, Obscure Knowledge, Observant
Disadvantages: Dark Secret (Responsible for the death of his ex-wife), Enemy (Spider-Man, the Jury), Fanatic (to
protecting "the innocent" and destroying Spider-Man), Obsessive Tendencies, Paranoia, Targeted for Assassination (by
the Jury), Vulnerabilities: Venom takes 2x damage from flame based attacks and 3x damage from sonic attacks.
Reflexes: 2D (10D)
Acrobatics 3D (11D), brawling 5D (13D), climbing 3D (11D), dodge 3D (11D), escape artist 3D (11D), sneak 3D (11D)
Coordination: 2D (10D)
Catch 3D (11D), marksmanship 3D (11D), thievery 3D (11D)
Physique: 4D (12D)
Leaping 5D (13D), lifting 7D (15D), resistance 5D (13D), running 5D (13D)
Knowledge: 2D
Computer ops 4D, criminology 4D, demolitions 3D, research 5D, scholar (journalism) 4D, security 5D
Perception: 2D
Artist (writing) 3D, hide 4D, search 4D, shadowing 5D, streetwise 5D, survival 4D, tracking 4D
Presence: 3D
Bluff 4D, charm 4D, interrogation 5D, intimidation 6D, willpower 5D
PDV : 6 (11 with danger sense)

Hero Points: 2

Unarmed BDV : 3D (6D)

Villain Points: 15

P/l Bonus : + 7
Character Points: 135

Body Points : 73
Equipment: Venom is symbiotically bonded to his
costume, which is a sentient creature. While it is possible
for Brock to be separated from the symbiote, the two have
shown an extreme attachment for one another and the
symbiote will seek out Brock again at the earliest
opportunity to rejoin him. The alien costume is able to
function without a host, though its stats are greatly reduced:
Reflexes 2D, Coordination 2D, Physique 1D, Knowledge
2D, Perception 2D, Presence 1D.
The symbiote grants Eddie Brock the following powers:
Superattributes: Reflexes 8D, Coordination 8D,
Physique 8D
Cling 8D
Jump 1D
"Spidersense" (ESP - Danger Sense,
enhancement: Venom does not activate SpiderMan's spider-sense) 12D (adds +5 to PDV)
Shapeshifting (used to mimic the appearance of
others) 8D

Bind (organic webbing) 12D

White Queen
Note: These stats are for Emma Frost while she was an
active member of the Hellfire Club and before she
became an ally of the X-Men.
Submitted by Menele
Real Name: Emma Frost
Base of Operations:
Marital Status: Single
Race: Meta Human
Advantages: Ally 8D (Black King), Attractive Appearance, Charismatic, Contacts 6D (Hellfire Club, Frost
International), Followers 15D (Hellions), Followers 22D (Hellfire Soldiers), Gifted in Learning, Leadership Ability,
Mechanical Aptitude, Status (Hellfire Club Member, CEO of Frost International, Headmistress of the Massachusetts
Academy), Technologically Advanced (Post Modern), Wealth 8D
Disadvantages: Delusions of Grandeur, Enemy (X-Men, Black Queen), Hides Emotions, Secret Identity
Reflexes: 2D
Brawling 6D, Dodge 5D, Melee Weapons 3D (Whips +3D), Ride 5D
Coordination: 2D
Physique: 2D
Knowledge: 5D
Computer Ops 9D, Research 7D, Scholar 8D (Finance +3D), Science 8D (Electronics +4D), Security 6D
Perception: 4D
Engineering 10D, Invent 10D (Psionic Devices +2D), Know How 6D (Instruction +2D, Powers +4D)
Presence: 5D
Bluff 9D, Charm 11D, Command 9D, Interrogation 7D, Intimidation 6D, Persuasion 10D, Willpower 12D
PDV: 3
Unarmed BDV: 4D
P/l Bonus: +3
Hero Points: 7
Character Points: 150

Villain Points: 15

Body Points: 30
Powers: Mind Control-Command 14D, Mind Control-Sleep
16D, Mind Control-Mind Drain 16D, Mind Control-Neural
Manipulation 16D (Limited Range: Touch The White Queen
can cause intense pain by her touch), Telepathy 16D,
Empathy 5D, Mental Blast 16D, Dampening-Mental Powers
12D, Invisibility 16D (Limit: Ineffective against mechanical
imaging machines), Illusion 16D (Limitation-Conditional
The White Queen must have used either Mind Control or
Telepathy on the subject once.), Mental Shield 14D, Astral
Manipulation-See Astral Forms 12D
Equipment: Although the White Queen doesnt normally
carry any equipment, she has access to all of the Hellfire
Clubs resources as well as being a brilliant inventor in her
own right. The White Queen is highly skilled in electronic
theory and electronic and has learned how to build devices

that can amplify psionic energy and utilize psionic energy

for various effects. She devised the mechanism by which
Mastermind projected his illusions directly into the mind of
the Jean Grey version of the Phoenix she also designed a
gun like device that exchanged her mind for Storms.

(note: these stats reflect Onslaught's inexperience and
lack of imagination)
Submitted by e-Man of Oregon
Real Name: Not Applicable
Base of Operations: none (later New York City)
Marital Status: Single

Race: Electro-Magnetic/Psionic entity

Advantages: Charismatic -3D, Intimidating Grin -2D, Obscure Knowledge -2D, Observant -2D, Followers (Dark Beast,
Post, Holocaust, Mystique, Havok, Sentinel army) -6D
Disadvantages: Argumentative +1D, Center of Conversation +1D, Delusions of Grandeur +3D, Enemies (virtually every
single superhero in the Marvel Universe, plus Victor von Doom and the city of New York) +22D, Extremely Competitive
+2D, Fanatic (exterminating all normal humans; later exterminating all humans) +3D, Narcissistic +3D, Obsessive
Tendencies +2D, Paranoia +3D, Psychological Disorder (psychopathic) +4D, Sworn Enemy (all normal humans; later the
whole human race) +24D, Unattractive Appearance +2D
Reflexes: 2D
Acrobatics 4D, Brawling 10D, Dodge 6D, Melee Weapons 5D
Coordination: 3D
Catch 6D, Marksmanship 8D, Thrown Weapons 6D
Physique: 25D
Leap 33D, Resistance 40D
Knowledge: 7D

Computer Ops 9D, Criminology (mutant terrorists) 10D, Scholar (memories of Charles Xavier and Magneto) 25D, Scholar
(the X-Men and their enemies) 20D, Scholar (mutation and mutant affairs) 18D, Science (mutation) 9D
Perception: 3D
Engineering 5D, Know-how (powers) 6D, Repair 4D, Streetwise (mutant underground) 10D, Survival 4D
Presence: 1D
Command 8D, Interrogation 9D, Intimidation 15D, Willpower 14D
PDV: 3
Unarmed BDV:

Body Points: 148

P/l Bonus: +12 (+20)

Villain Points: 11

Character Points: 40

Powers: Disintigration (linked to Magnetic Manipulation)

16D, Immunity 10D, Jump 10D, Natural Weapons 4D,
Shapechanging (limitation: uncontrolable) 2D, Sustenance
12D, Astral Form 8D, Empathy (sensing emotions only)
30D, ESP 17D, Illusion 8D, Mental Blast 9D, Psychic Blast
10D, Psychic Manifestation 10D, Telekinesis 15D, Telepathy
18D, Energy Absorption 5D, Forcefield 6D, Healing 2D,
Mental Shield 20D, Natural Armor 7D, Size Manipulation
1D (limitation: uncontrolable), Magnetic Manipulation 20D,
Reality Manipulation (limitation: singularity, self-damaging)
Note: All powers except ESP, Psychic Manifestation,
Forcefield, Healing and Reality Manipulation have the
enhancement: mastery
* As near as I can tell, this power was used only once - to
create a brand new Sun in the middle of the solar system. See
comments in the History section.

Submitted by e-Man of Oregon
Real Name: Herman Schultz
Base of Operations: New York City
Marital Status: Single

Race: Human

Advantages: Allies (Sinister Seven), Contacts (New York underworld), Mechanical Aptitude, Speed Draw (vibro-shock
Disadvantages: Enemy (Spider-Man), Fugitive, Impulsiveness +1D, Obsessive Tendencies
Reflexes: 3D
Brawling 6D, Dodge 6D, Sneak 4D
Coordination: 3D
Lockpicking 4D, Marksmanship (vibro-shock gloves) 9D, Thievery 6D

Physique: 3D
Running 5D
Knowledge: 3D
Demolitions 5D, Science (electricity) 6D
Perception: 3D
Engineering 5D, Invent 5D, Repair 4D (+2D vibro-shock gloves), Streetwise 5D (+1D New York City)
Presence: 2D
Bluff 3D, Intimidation 3D, Willpower 4D
PDV: 3

Character Points: 78

Unarmed BDV: 3D

Villain Points: 10

P/l Bonus: +1

Body Points: 30
Equipment: Vibro-shock gloves (2)- BDV 12D, range
25/75/120, ammunition 200 discharges, rate of fire 1
Costume - AV 15, 30 electricity

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