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Brand Proposal

feed your skins regularly.


Brand Introduction

Natural is a cosmetic brand based in South-Korea that

delivers customers with beauty and health benefits
derived from its natural ingredients products.

Naturals products are inspired by nature and seasons

in South-Korea. We combine organic ingredients and
traditional recipe to make a modern beauty products
that fulfill your skins needs in every season.

We have a green movement campaign to save and

keep our beautiful nature. So vNatural only use ecofriendly containers.

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Brand Experience

Seasonal. Nature. Modern. Healthy. Memorable.

Natural is dedicated to use the purest natural ingredients which is healthy for daily
use from normal skin to trouble skin. We are specialist in bringing you the best skin
care product for every seasons with different kind of needs. Natural has experience
every customers need and we know well how to satisfied our customers. We
promise to bring the finest selection part of nature just for you.

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Logo Structure

Clear Space

Green Leaf
symbolize organic ingredients
from nature

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Logo Background


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do not distort any portion of the logo

do not drop shadow

do not recolor the color

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Color Scheme


Very Dark
Lime Green

Very Dark
Lime Green

Very Dark
Desaturated Green

Moderate Green

Frutiger LT Std 45 Light


R: 0
G: 13
C: 100 M: 0
Y: 100 K: 95

B: 0

R: 27 G: 42
C: 36 M: 0
Y: 43
K: 84

B: 24

R: 50 G: 80
C: 38 M: 0
Y: 54
K: 69

B: 37

R: 87 G: 132 B: 59
C: 34 M: 0
Y: 55
K: 48



Moderate Yellow

R: 152 G: 179 B: 59
C: 15 M: 0
Y: 67
K: 30

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Moderate Yellow

R: 192 G: 208 B: 76
C: 8
M: 0
Y: 63
K: 18

Grayish Yellow

R: 247 G: 247 B: 213

C: 0
M: 0
Y: 14
K: 3

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Current Situation


A lot of beauty product are generally using mixture

of chemical compounds and many being synthetic.
Without caring the harm for skin and just focuse to
the benefits.

Natural choose to use natural sources for the

ingredients. Naturals products are gentle for normal
and sensitive skin. Furthermore, it can brighten your
skin without harming the beauty of it.

Combining organic ingredients and traditional recipe

we invent a modern product which suitable for fast
paced life. It also has a great benefit to your beauty
secret. With the different ingredients, it has same

to commercialize high-quality product with affordable price

function like other mixture chemical like whitening,

to delight customers using the best nature ingredients

moisturizing, cleansing, pore-care, oil-free, anti-aging,

to bring forward green movement campaign

anti-acne and many more.

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to develop a natural beauty product for fast paced life

to prevent animal testing

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Target Audience

The Care One, The Beauty, and The Mature.

Our customers are for people who care with their skin
health and want to keep maintain their beauty anytime
and anywhere. It particularly for young adult women with
middle class income but we also provide products for young
adult men and even unisex products. We also have an
objective to bring people to be more care toward nature by
joining our green movement campaign.

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Our Products

Natural has a different way to pleasent customers.

Different from their competitors, Natural has a seasonal
product with different benefits and scents. Based on
South-Korea four seasons, we have cherry blossoms
scent for spring, watermelon scent for summer, jujube for
autumn, snow flower scent for winter and more scents
that suitable with our customers.

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Our seasonal products are also give a great benefit to delight our customers, because
we are selling based on customers need. On Spring and Summer we will have a different
kind of scents for sunblock and on Autumn to Winter we focus on sell moisturizer
products for dry skin.

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Brand New Product

Say goodbye to greasy and sticky cream

that you always hate!
Inspired by todays community essential stuffs
that always brought anytime and everywhere,
Natutral develop an innovation of non-sticky
handcream that suitable for active people on the
go. Its really convenient and worth it. We bring it
to you with different kind of style, scent, benefit,
and shape. Combining an essential stuff and a
solid handcream, we believe that taking care of
your skin should be easy and no fussy :)

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A new product innovation by Natural,

a handcream that is not a cream form and not
even a gel. Its non-sticky and can be easily use

Convenient, worth it and beneficial.

for active people on the go.

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Introducing you our whole new experience of lotion bar.

Handcream Phonecase

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Handcream Phonecase

A phonecase that use for phone safety, now with an additional

function. We create a phonecase which made from solid
handcream for all phone user with different kind of scent for every
season. It can be easily use even when you texting, calling, or even
playing game with your phone.

How to use? Just hold or scrub the phonecase, your hands will
get smoother and even smell sweet. Dont be scare of overuse
the handcream because we use natural ingredient which is not
harmfull for your skin

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Natural has seasonal products with different
benefit and scents to pleasant customers with
different needs. We also innovate a new product
that will be a new trend to use.

Natural has memorability because its products
which are different from other usual products. With
unusually but natural and refreshing scents, Natural

Natural collaborate with organization that has a

want customer to remember the trademark of

Natural scent.

green movement campaign. We support by using

eco-friendly containers. Others than that we also
collaborate with smart phone case distributors.

Natural has a seasonal product that will keep


adapting with customers lifestyle and needs.

When every beauty shop using organic ingredients,

Natural combining organic ingredients with
traditional recipe and make it become modern
products which is
suitable with this era.

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Media Social Platfrom

Facebook for Natural is a media to share the news and send an invitation
for some event that Natural will held. Our customers who friends with our
facebook will get some beneift like discount promotion code and the latest news
of our new seasonal products,
With facebook, Natural will invite people to join to our green campaign and ask
them to participate for the event.

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Media Social Platfrom

By twitter, Natural will give more updates about our products.
Furthermore, we can held a quiz game by tweeting for whoever can
answer will get some voucher to shop in our beauty shop.
Twitter is more friendly than facebook, so from here we can get to know
more how is our customer behaviour.

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Name Card

Scruffys Shop
2 River Valley Close, The Regalia #11-01
Singapore 238428

Dear Sir/Madam,
This is Photoshop's version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean
sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit.
Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsum velit.

Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odio. Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat
auctor eu in elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
himenaeos. Mauris in erat justo. Nullam ac urna eu felis dapibus condimentum sit amet a
augue. Sed non neque elit. Sed ut imperdiet nisi.

Proin condimentum fermentum nunc. Etiam pharetra, erat sed fermentum feugiat, velit mauris
egestas quam, ut aliquam massa nisl quis neque. Suspendisse in orci enim. This is Photoshop's
version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem
quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit
amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsum velit.

Best Regards,


10 Jalan Batu #05-12 Singapore, 431010 | +65 8347962 |


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10 Jalan Batu #05-12 Singapore, 431010
T +65 83479762
F +65 93479764

sense the beauty of nature on you

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