PUNP Students Manual

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Panpacific University

North Philippines
Student Records Management,
Enrollment, and Grading System

Student Users' Manual


Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction..............................................................................................................................3
Chapter 2: Parts of the Screen....................................................................................................................3
2.1. Tab Menu........................................................................................................................................3
2.2. Sub-Menu.......................................................................................................................................4
2.3. Sidebar............................................................................................................................................4
2.4. Action Buttons................................................................................................................................4
Table 1 Action Buttons............................................................................................................5
2.5. Login Page and Logout bar............................................................................................................5
2.6 Search..............................................................................................................................................6
Chapter 3: Dashboard.................................................................................................................................7
3.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Profile..............................................................................................................................................7
3.2.1 Personal Information....................................................................................................................8
Viewing the Personal Information Tab/ Page..............................................................................8
3.2.2 Family Background......................................................................................................................9
Viewing the Family Background Tab/ Page................................................................................9
3.2.3 Educational Background..............................................................................................................9
Viewing the Educational Background Tab/ Page.........................................................................9
3.2.4 Work Experience........................................................................................................................10
Viewing the Work Experience Tab/ Page...................................................................................10
3.2.5 Memberships..............................................................................................................................11
Viewing the Memberships Tab/ Page.........................................................................................11
3.2.6 Survey.........................................................................................................................................11
Viewing the Survey Tab/ Page...................................................................................................11
3.3 Current Schedule...........................................................................................................................12
3.4 Enrollment.....................................................................................................................................13
Viewing Enrollment Details.......................................................................................................13
3.5 Ledgers..........................................................................................................................................14
Viewing Ledger Details.............................................................................................................14
Viewing Payment Details...........................................................................................................14
Viewing Invoice Details.............................................................................................................15
3.6 Grades...........................................................................................................................................16
3.7 Messages.......................................................................................................................................16
Composing a Message...............................................................................................................17
3.8 Change Password..........................................................................................................................18
Changing Your Current Password..............................................................................................18
3.9 Activity Logs.................................................................................................................................19

Chapter 1: Introduction
This manual is aimed to provide the Student User with ample working knowledge of the
available modules in their session to enable them to properly use and navigate through the
system. As a Student, the User's responsibility is to properly update any outdated information
within their profile, as well as to familiarize themselves with the system while making full use
of its features to aid the system Registrars and Administrators in fully utilizing and adopting
the PUNP system in its intended entirety.
The PUNP system seeks to replicate the current functional structure of the University,
representing each object or unit with a model within the system. These models can then be
conveniently accessed and managed through the different modules within the system, which
facilitate the different operations within the University structure. It is through this system that
tasks that would have previously required a longer period of time to perform can now be done
with relative ease.
The following chapter explains the different parts of a User's session page. It is
important that the User familiarizes themselves with these parts as these will be regularly
referred to in the succeeding chapters and sub-chapters.
The third chapter explains each module in detail beginning with the Tab Menus,
detailing each Tab Menu further through their respective Sub-Menus and the actions found
within each therein. The User will be guided step by step on how each action is performed,
accompanied by a screenshot whenever necessary. If a screenshot is not present however, it
is most likely that the action implements a similar view to a previously explained action within
the same module.

Chapter 2: Parts of the Screen

2.1. Tab Menu

The tab menu consists of the main categories in which the User can manage the data
available to them. Each menu tab has sub-menus for different modules. Details for each tab is
further explained in later chapters.

2.2. Sub-Menu

Every module in the system has been sub-categorized through the sub-menus.

2.3. Sidebar

The sidebar contains navigation or action links related to the current module.

2.4. Action Buttons

Each table in the system contains an Action column which contains buttons for basic
tasks such as View or Edit. The table below lists the common action buttons.

Show Click this to view the details of a specific table entry

Edit Click this to edit the details of a specific table entry
Table 1 Action Buttons

2.5. Login Page and Logout bar

At the top-right corner of the page is the logout bar. Clicking on the logout link ends the
Users current session.

2.6 Search

The Search form can usually be seen at the top of each page, just below the Tab Menu
and Sub-Menu. It specifies which fields can be used to narrow down the listed items within
the same page. Each of the search texts' contents is compared to the contents of each item in
the main list. As long as the an item contains the same search entry within the same field,
even if only in part, it is included in the narrowed down list. Each search field acts as an
additional parameter which makes the search being performed more specific.

Chapter 3: Dashboard
3.1 Overview

The Dashboard tab menu is generally considered to be the User's personal section.
Features such as the integrated messaging feature of the system, as well as activity logging
on any changes in information which directly concern the user are accessible in this tab. Upon
logging in the User will be redirected to the Dashboard with a short notice on new messages
in their inbox as well as an updated list of the latest activity logs for the User. The Dashboard
holds eight sub-tabs which are the Profile, Current Schedule, Enrollment, Ledgers,
Grades, Messages, Change Password, Activity Logs sub-tabs respectively, each of
which will be sufficiently discussed in the succeeding chapters in this manual. The sidebar link
, View Grades, is a quick link for the default page of the Dashboard and will just direct you to
the Grades sub-tab.

3.2 Profile

The Profile sub-tab lets the User view the current information found in their Profile
within the system. The Profile sub-tab divides this information into 6 categories: Personal







Memberships, Surveys. If the User desires to update or change any information found in
their Profile, they can direct their request to the system Registrar through the messaging
feature found in the Messages sub-tab.

3.2.1 Personal Information

The Personal Information page displays a detailed summary of the User's Personal
Information. It includes basic personal details, contact information, and emergency contact
Viewing the Personal Information Tab/ Page

1. Click the Dashboard tab menu.

2. Click the Profile sub menu.
3. Click the Personal Information tab/ page.

3.2.2 Family Background

The Family Background page lists the User's next of kin, including a few personal
details in the case that the University needs the said information.
Viewing the Family Background Tab/ Page

1. Click the Dashboard tab menu.

2. Click the Profile sub menu.
3. Click the Family Background tab/ page.

3.2.3 Educational Background

The Educational Background page provides a brief summary of the User's educational
attainment before entering PUNP. The User can provide one entry per level of attainment,
inclusive of key details, such as the Year Graduated, along with details relevant to the User,
such as Scholarships or Honors Received, listing their educational merits.
Viewing the Educational Background Tab/ Page

1. Click the Dashboard tab menu.

2. Click the Profile sub menu.
3. Click the Educational Background tab/ page.

3.2.4 Work Experience

The Work Experience page records any available data provided by the User on their
previous employment/s. It lists common details such as the Status of Appointment, Position,
and the Thru Date (or the date of the termination of their employment).
Viewing the Work Experience Tab/ Page

1. Click the Dashboard tab menu.

2. Click the Profile sub menu.
3. Click the Work Experience tab/ page.


3.2.5 Memberships
The Memberships, or Organization Memberships, page lists the various organizations
that the User is affiliated to. It can include social, academic, socio-civic, or simple recreational
organizations that the User has taken part in.
Viewing the Memberships Tab/ Page

1. Click the Dashboard tab menu.

2. Click the Profile sub menu.
3. Click the Memberships tab/ page.

3.2.6 Survey
The Survey page let's the User view the Survey details provided by the User if
available. It is divided into five sections: Interests and Skills, Career Choices, Reasons for
Enrolling in PUNP, Personal/Education Problems, and Other Information.
Viewing the Survey Tab/ Page

1. Click the Dashboard tab menu.

2. Click the Profile sub menu.
3. Click the Survey tab/ page.


3.3 Current Schedule


The Current Schedule sub-tab displays in a table the current academic load of the User
for the current semester. It includes other relevant information such as the enrollment status,
as well the the current term and academic school year of the schedule being viewed.

3.4 Enrollment

The Enrollment sub-tab summarizes the Enrollment History of the Student with PUNP.
Each entry can be viewed in detail and provides the basic information of the Student as well
as their enrollment for that semester.
Viewing Enrollment Details

1. Click the Dashboard tab menu.

2. Click the Enrollment sub menu.
3. Click the Show icon under the Action column of the Enrollment you wish to view.
4. Click the Back link to return to the previous menu.


3.5 Ledgers

The Ledgers sub-tab details all the financial transactions of the User with PUNP. Other
financial records such as Invoices, and Payments with PUNP can also be viewed in summary
or in detail as necessary with the links provided in the sidebar. This allows the User to monitor
their current financial status with the University and settle their financial concerns accordingly.
Viewing Ledger Details

1. Click the Dashboard tab menu.

2. Click the Ledgers sub menu.
3. Click the Show icon under the Action column of the Ledger you wish to view.

4. Click the Back link to return to the previous menu.

Viewing Payment Details

1. Click the Dashboard tab menu.

2. Click the Ledgers sub menu.


3. Click the Payments link in the sidebar.

4. Click the Show icon under the Action column of the Payment you wish to view.
5. Click the Back link to return to the previous menu.
Viewing Invoice Details

1. Click the Dashboard tab menu.

2. Click the Invoice sub menu.
3. Click the Invoices link in the sidebar.
4. Click the Show icon under the Action column of the Invoice you wish to view.

5. Click the Back link to return to the previous menu.


3.6 Grades
The Grades sub-tab lists all of the User's historical grades on subjects taken in PUNP,
as well as any included academic data found their Transcript of Records for the case that they
transferred in from another school. The information is listed chronologically, divided into tables
per year, per semester, with a computation of the Student's GWA at the end of each table,
further summarized with an Overall GWA at the end of each school record.

3.7 Messages
The Messages sub-tab is where the messaging feature of the system can be
accessed. All requests and inquiries regarding any changes in information in the system can
be addressed through this feature. Upon clicking the Messages sub-tab the new page,
punctuated by a short message on any new messages in the User's Inbox, will be visible. The
sub-tab contains two sub-folders: the Inbox folder which holds all received messages, and the
Sent folder which holds all sent messages by the User. The Compose Message action, found
in the sidebar, facilitates the creation of these messages and will be discussed shortly.

Composing a Message

1. Click the Dashboard tab menu.

2. Click the Messages sub-tab.
3. Click the Compose Message link in the sidebar.

4. Fill in the relevant fields with the necessary information, taking note of the required
fields indicated by an asterisk (*). Enter the name of the Person you wish to send a
message to in the To field. It will provide a list of Users whose name includes the
characters that were entered. Then select from the list to include the User to your
message recipients. You can remove a user from your message recipients by clicking
the x icon at the end of the name of the User you wish to remove.


5. Upon completion click the Submit button to send the newly composed message, or
click Cancel to return to the previous menu.

3.8 Change Password

The Change Password sub-tab gives the user the option to change their current
Changing Your Current Password

1. Click the Dashboard tab menu.

2. Click the Change Password sub-tab.
3. Fill in the relevant fields with the necessary information, taking note of the required
fields indicated by an asterisk (*).


4. Upon completion click the Submit button to save the changes, or click Cancel to
return to the previous menu.

3.9 Activity Logs

The Activity Logs sub-tab is where any updates on modifications made within the
system concerning the User can be checked. This is to promote accountability and
responsible usage of the system, while having an automated messaging feature enabling
each User to be up to date on any changes pertaining to them. Accessing this sub-tab, the
User will be directed to an extended list of all logged activities of concern to the User along
with a search form above, to aid in finding specific logs of interest.

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