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Kusagani City
You start at Kusagani City. Now you are waiting for Teddy and Ivy but while you are waiting, you hear the terrorist group A.o.A have been captured. Teddy
and Ivy come out and after some dialogue, you will be automatically brought to the Digimon Center. At the Digimon Center, you will be able to choose one of
three starter packs that contain three digimon each and you will be able to select your name when you enter Digimon Online.
-----------------------------CENTRAL AND EAST SECTOR
-----------------------------Main Lobby
You arrive at Asuka City. Head to the main desk in front to collect your digimon. Teddy and Ivy (now Kail) will talk to you. After that head out to the city.
Asuka City
Immediately after you head out, Tamer Genji will get into a battle with you. Here, you will learn about the basics of battle. Don't worry its not very tough.
After the battle, Tamer Genji will ask you to go to the Digimon Lab to learn more about them. You will then be automatically sent to the Lab.
Digimon Lab
Here in the lab, you will see two navis and Doctor Kadomatsu. The navis will give you important information about digimon so pay attention. Dr Kadomatsu
will change digivolution types, load techniques and show a digimon chart of what your digimon has. Later on in the game you will meet Piximon who can do
the same task. After this, leave the lab.
Asuka Inn
In Asuka City, you'll find an inn. Gatomon will heal your digimon to full. This will cost 8 BITS per digimon. Guardromon will save your game.
The Smith's
Next to the inn is the Smith's Shop. Wizardmon will sell you curative items. Gomamon runs the Pawn Shop, and will sell you rings that will increase your
stats. Gargomon will sell you equipment for your journey.
Lamb Chop
Next to the Smith's Shop, if you head down the ladder, you will see a door. It is a pub called the Lamb Chop. Here you will be given some useful information
about the game.
Underground Path
In the inn, head down the ladder. The left exit leads you to the Lamb Chop while the right one leads you to the underground path. Head to the Underground
Path. Exit to the right part of the path to the Asuka Sewers and collect 300 BITS. Then exit the sewers and take the left path. Here you'll find yourself in the
lower part of Asuka City.
Yellow Cruiser
Here, Divermon will hand you a folder to play and store digimon cards. Then talk to the tamers there they will give you useful information on how to play
El Dorado
You can't enter here yet until later in the game.
Cargo Tower
There's nothing here but later in the game something good will be held here.
Asuka Bridge
Nothing here until later in the game.
Central Park
Here you'll meet with random battles. Leomon's gym is also here. You'll need TP (Training Points) to train your digimon. Each time your digimon levels up
you'll get 5 TP. Head up the ladder that leads to Leomon's gym
and down the other one to get a Power Charge. You might want to train your digimon till they're about level 3-5 before continuing on because the enemies are
tougher there. Head to Shell Beach which is through the
bottom-left exit.
Shell Beach
Talk to the old man here. He'll tell you to get a pole, a string and a hook so that he can make you a fishing rod. More information about the Fishing Rod in the
Side-Quest Section.
Plug Cape
The exit north-east of the Central Park near the ladder to the top of the gym leads to the Plug Cape. Here, you'll see a boy kicking a 'Kicking Tree'. He'll tell
you about Cardmon and the Tree Boots. He tells you that if you want to get the Tree Boots, you'll have to find his lost Gabumon Card. More in formation
about the Tree Boots at my Side-Quests Section.
Wire Forest Entrance

East from Central Park the the Wire Forest Entrance. There's nothing here so head on to the West Wire Forest.
West Wire Forest
Here, you'll find tamers that would card battle you. They would only digimon battle you if your digimon are in higher levels. Head on to East Wire Forest.
East Wire Forest
Here, you'll meet more tamers. To the north is Protocol Forest and to the south is the Forest Inn.
Forest Inn
In the Forest Inn, you can rest or save your game here. Gatomon will charge 12 BITS for resting.
Divermon's Lake
East of the Wire Forest is Divermon's lake. Head down the ladder to the left of the bridge and help the Divermon there. You'll receive the Red Snapper for
rescuing him.
Wind Prairie
To the north of Wind Prairie is Seriyu City, to the east is Kicking Forest. Head to Seriyu City for now.
Seriyu City
In here, you can find shops and inns.

Zephyr Tower
Here, you can find Gatomon who will charge you 16 BITS for resting. Wizardmon will be selling curative items and Gargomon will be selling better
equipment than in Asuka City.
Seriyu Tower
You'll find Piximon and Guardromon here. Head up the stairs and continue
along the path until you reach the boy. He will tell you that the Seriyu Leader is training at the Protocol Ruins. Head to Protocol Ruins.
Protocol Jungle
Here you can find Dokugumon which will drop Spider Web after beating them. The Spider Webs are used for making the Fishing Rod. Look at my SideQuests section for more information. Move east and pass through the confusing maze of leaves that prevent you from seeing the path and you. Head into the
Protocol Ruins
This place looks as if it's confusing but fret not it is easy once you know the place and I, Divinesage will guide you through this place. ^_^ Take the right path
and continue walking along the path until you reach some steps. Walk up the steps. You'll see Pharoahmon there. If you have a lot of Power Charges and
you're confident , then talk to him to enter a boss battle. He's not an easy opponent unless you have a few Power Charges and your digimon's levels are about
7-9. Or else head down the steps and take the path right of Pharoahmon. There, you'll find a ledge which you can jump down. Continue along the path and
you'll meet up with Seriyu Leader. He tells you to beat MasterTyrannomon in the Tyranno Valley. Jump down the ledge and continue along the zig-zag path
back to the entrance.
Kicking Forest
Before heading here, you might want to take a rest at Seriyu City because the enemies here are starting to get tougher. Take the path leading upwards and
you'll reach Tyranno Valley.
Tyranno Valley
This place should be rather straight forward. Just take the long ladder and keep heading west until there's only one path left. You'll soon meet with
MasterTyrannomon. See my Boss Section on tips on beating him. After beating MasterTyrannomon, he'll give you the Old Claw. It will be a very powerful
items later on so keep it or you can equip it on your digimon. Head back to Seriyu City.
Seriyu City
Heal and save your game because you're gonna battle with Seriyu Leader. Head to Seriyu Tower and enter the exit through the path upstairs. The Seriyu
Leader is not really difficult but he still might knock out one or two of your digimon. See my Boss Section on details on beating him. After you beat him, he'll
give you the Seriyu Badge.
Kicking Forest
Take the south path now to head to the East Station.
East Station
In here access the machine but it will say that you need a Blue Card to activate the gondola.
Seriyu City
Talk to Guilmon in the city but he'll say he doesn't have the Blue Card.
Asuka Inn
Head to Asuka Inn 2F and talk to Guilmon there. He will say that he doesn't have the Blue Card and another Guilmon has it.
Forest Inn
Here, you'll find another Guilmon. He'll also say that he doesn't have the Blue Card and that the Guilmon with the Blue Card is in Seriyu City. It's really a
nice time walking up and down right? :)

Zephyr Tower
Here in Zephyr tower, you'll find Tricky Guilmon. He'll give you the Blue Card. Now head to East Station to go to the South Sector.
East Station
Access the machine once again but what's this... the Blue Card cannot be confirmed and the Blue Card is actually a 8lue Card!! Head to Seriyu City.
Seriyu City
Talk to the Guilmon near the windmill and he'll tell you that Tricky Guilmon is hiding in a place with ghosts.
Forest Inn BF
Head to the Forest Inn. Take the ladder leading to the basement and walk all the way to the end. You'll find Tricky Guilmon hiding there. He'll give you the
real Blue Card this time round so don't worry.
East Station
Before heading here, you should rest and save your game as well as stock up on curative items. Because there's gonna be a tough battle ahead. Access the
control and you'll be able to activate the gondola.
Deeper Crevice
Along the way, the gondola suddenly stops. After some rocks fall, a big 'squarish round rock' (never heard before right :P) will block your way. And it will
suddenly attack you. See my Boss Section on how to beat him. After hitting him down to critical, he'll escape. And the gondola will continue moving.
-----------------------------SOUTH SECTOR
-----------------------------South Station
There's nothing to do here except for battling the tamer here.
Bulk Swamp
Another tamer here.
Bulk Bridge
Here's the path splits up into three different routes. The north-west path before the bridge leads to Tranquil Swamp. The south path leads to Jungle Grave
while the south-east path leads to Bios Swamp.
Tranquil Swamp
You should head here before going to anywhere else. There's an inn here. The Gatomon charge 32 BITS for each digimon. If you head to the Shaman House
you'll hear some 'ghost sounds' so leave this place. If you're having trouble fighting the enemies at Bulk Swamp, you might want to spend some time training
here or in Bios Swamp. After this, head to the Jungle Grave.
Jungle Grave
This place will give you the creeps. Especially when you meet Musyamon. You would have a very slim chance of beating him. But don't worry, you won't meet
him very often. Talk to Zambamon and he will challenge you to
a battle. Your digimon will get trashed up by him and run away.

Tranquil Swamp
Talk to Gatomon and she will talk about Zambamon and Sepikmon. Head to the Shaman House and you'll talk with Sepikmon. He'll ask you to find his mask.
Head to Bulk Swamp.
Bulk Swamp
Kail will tell you that she saw a digimon with an amazing face (Baronmon) go to the East Sector. So you'll have to head there.
Seriyu City
Agumon here will tell you that Baronmon likes forests and jungles so you should know where to go next.
Protocol Ruins
Head to the right to the zig-zag path. You'll eventually reach a ladder. Climb up and you'll see Baronmon. He'll tell you that Sepikmon went to Asuka City.
Asuka Bridge
Before heading into Asuka City, go right from the bridge and you'll see Sepikmon. He'll tel you that he found his mask and he won't tell you how to chase
Zambamon away.
Divermon's Lake
Head to Divermon's Lake. Go to the place where there are some kicking trees after the bridge. You'll find a path covered by the trees. Go into that path and
talk to the man there. He'll say that people are very rude and that Etemon just took away his shield saying that it was his. Head to Asuka City.

Asuka City
Head to the place where the old couple who said they wanted to become digimon. You'll find Etemon there. He'll run away after you mention the mask. Go to
the Asuka Sewers and you'll find him. He'll hand over the
mask. Now you should know where to go.
Shaman House
Sepikmon will give you the Smelly Herb to chase away Zambamon after he takes off his plastic bag ^_^ and puts on his mask.
Jungle Grave
Talk to Zambamon and he'll run away after realising you have the Smelly Herb. Continue on to Phoenix Bay.
Phoenix Bay
Nothing to do here except north is Suzaku City and east is Ether Forest. Head to Suzaku City.
Suzaku City
Stock up on items and equipment before fighting with Suzaku Leader. If you're at level 15 or you have an ultimate in your party the battle should be very
easy. She'll give you the Suzaku Badge after you defeat here. After the battle, she'll tell you that to get to the West Sector, you'll have to find the Digi-Egg of
Reliability to find Submarimon. Just after you come out of teh door, Kail wll come and tell you that Teddy is missing and he said he's in the Admin Center.
Asuka City
You and Kail will attempt to enter the Admin Center but the DO Guard will chase you out. Kail then asks you to walk around the city asking how to get into
the Admin Center. THe digimon will tell you that only lost digimon will become digimon. Head over to the old couple. You'll find them in agumon suits. They
will tell you that etemon gave it to them. Just then etemon came but after some taking, he runs away. Head to the sewers and you'll find a man. Talk to him
then talk to Kail and she will tell you that etemon is actually the man in the sewers. Head to the sewers and the man will own up. He'll give you two agumon
suits as an apology. Now you can enter the Admin Center.
Admin Center
Head right and just follow the path up the flight of stairs until you meet Kail. Both of you will enter the Master Room and hide at one corner while listening to
what the Game Master is saying. GBut you will get caught and the Game Master asks you some questions. She will then ask you to find Lucky Mouse in the
West Sector and capture him. Head to South Sector.
Phoenix Bay
Talk to the girl in hare and she'll tell you about the Digi-Egg. She will tell you that it is located behind the shrine in Bios Swamp. Head over to there.
Bios Swamp
When you arrive here, check the shrine but you'll find that the Digi-Egg is hidden in a crack in the wall. And Sepikmon should know what to do. So now its
time to pay a visit to Sepikmon in the Tranquil Swamp.
Shaman House
Sepikmon will tell you that Baronmon will be able to help you so head over to the Protocol Ruins.
Protocol Swamp
Baronmon will tell you to get a TNT Bomb so that he can make a TNT Chip to blow up the crack in the wall. Triceramon have the TNT Bomb and they are
found in the cliffs in Plug Cape or Tyranno Valley. If you have that
just talk to him again and you'll get the TNT Chip.
Bios Swamp
Junior will plant the bomb and blow up the crack. Head inside to get you very own Digi-Egg of Reliability. ^_^ From here you can go to the Suzaku UG Lake
and get the Crossbow, head to Ether Jungle to go to the West
Sector or use the dock in Bulk Swamp to go to Central Park. (The digimon (Gesomon)underwater are very tough.
Ether Jungle
You can find WarGrowlmon here. He's standing at a concealed path just south of the Jungle Temple. Or else head on east to South Cape. Do not go in to the
Jungle Temple unless your levels are about 20+ or you want
an easy death in the hands (or rather slime) of the blue Numemon. But they do give decent experience.
South Cape
The Shellmon here give nice experience and Garudamon's gym is here too. Head to the dock to summon Submarimon.
Plug Cape
From here just take Submarimon to West Sector.
-----------------------------WEST SECTOR
-----------------------------South Badlands
You'll find Nick here again but this time nothing special will happen. Continue on to Noise Desert and head north-east. You'll see Numemon walking out of the
direction you want to go and warning you of the dangers there. But just head on.
North Badlands E
If you arrived here, be sure to train Machine Tolerance (Missle Defense) as Togemon's gym is the second best in the Asuka Server. After training, head west.
North Badlands W
The enemies here are very tough quickly move to the west.

Pelche Oasis
You can rest and save here then continue on south-west.
Noise Desert
Follow the psth then head north. You'll see Numemon walking and he'll warn you about going into the city. But just ignore him and enter the city.
Byakko City
Lots of soldiers here. Just continue along the path until you reach the leader. Defeat him and the leader will ask you to get the Byakko Badge in the room. You
will be trapped in the room and the floor will start to
fall off. And you will end up in an Underground Cave
Underground Cave
The soldiers (actually A.o.A.) will prevent you from going up into the city so head down to the bottom-right of the screen. Numemon will appear and rescue
Bullet Valley
The enemies are much tougher here. Make your way south to the North
Badlands W.
North Badlands W
Head east to Pelche Oasis.
Pelche Oasis
Better save and train here because the route ahead will be extremely tough.(If you have little to no more curative items, I suggest you head back to Central or
South Sector) Head south to Noise Desert.
Noise Desert
Continue heading south to S Noise Desert.
S Noise Desert
Talk to Agumon and Guilmon twice then head south to the Mobius Desert.
Mobius Desert
This place can be very confusing if you don't know the way. So, follow my instructions very carefully unless you want to be stuck in the desert and die there or
by luck, reach the Mirage Tower or the S Noise Desert.
There are four corners in this area. Northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast. Head southwest, then northwest, then southwest again, then northwest and
finally, northwest again. If you follow this you should reach the Mirage Tower easily.
Mirage Tower
In here, you can heal, buy equipments and save but you can't buy any items. :( After this, head up the ladder to challenge the leader. The Byakko leader is
quite tough and you should have quite a big number of curative items because his digimon's attacks can stun your digimon. After beating him he'll give you
the Byakko Badge and asks you to find Numemon in the Dum Dum Factory. Head back all the way to the Bullet Valley. Go opposite from how you to get out
from the Mobius Desert.
Bullet Valley
From here, just head north until you reach a road and just follow the road to the Dum Dum Factory.
Dum Dum Factory
When you enter here, you will see Numemon, he runs away after seeing you. The digimon here are quite tough as they can paralyse you. To counter this, buy a
few life rings so that the chances of paralysis (frozen) is decreased. Follow the route and you'll see Numemon enter a room. Head into the room but Numemon
is nowhere in sight. Take the items in the box and leave. Countinue on up the second ladder and just head right. You'll see Numemon again. This time, he
escapes into another room. Enter that room to take that treasure. After that, head out to the stairs. Go up and go one big round to the other side of the factory.
Then drop off from the lower platform. Continue walking on until you find Numemon again. Enter that room and get that treasure. Then exit and go to the
stairs. You'll see Numemon enter a fourth room. Enter the room to get the treasure again. After this, head back to the place where you seen Numemon for the
third time and go to the far-end of that area. From here on just walk around this area until you see Numemon for the fifth (and last) time. You'll see him enter
the Operations Room. Enter the room and talk to HiAndromon there you enter a boss battle. It's not an easy battle and you should have at least 3 Life Disks
because his Atomic Ray KO's you instantly. After the battle, HiAndromon gives you the Sewer Key. Now head to the place where you jumped down from the
platform and head left. You will see Numemon enter the Secret Stairs. Follow him there.
Secret Stairs
Nothing here. Just go down the stairs to the Sewers.
Nothing much here, just follow the path until you reach the ladder. Here, you better heal because you're gonna enter a boss battle very soon. Carry on up the
ladder and the path until you see Lisa being terrorized by WaruMonzaemon. You'll get into a boss battle with him. After the battle Numemon will appear and
he'll revela him self as... Lucky Mouse!!!! He'll tell you that he is the good guy and that the soldiers at Byakko City are actually the A.o.A. After this you end
up in the Secret Room.
Secret Room
You will talk to Lucky Mouse and Lisa for a while when suddenly, the A.o.A. bursts into the room with Kail being held captive. The A.o.A. demand to get the
special Digi-Tama in exchange for Kail's life and Lucky Mouse had no choice but to hand over the Digi-Tama to save Kail. Kail is saved but suddenly one
A.o.A. trooper whips out his gain and shoots at Lucky Mouse. Lucky Mouse slowly changes into Oinkmon and the trooper wants t oturn everybody into

Oikmon but he has no ammo so you will battle him with digimon. After the battle, Kail revelas that Lucky Mouse real name is Kurt and that she is his sister.
She begs you to enter Asuka City and defeat the Game Master. Head to Asuka City.
-----------------------------THE A.o.A.
-----------------------------Asuka Bridge
When you reach Asuka City, you'll find that the gates are locked so head
east and call Submarimon to ferry you to the Asuka Sewers. Underwater,
the left path leads you to an item while the right leads you to the
Asuka Sewers.
Asuka Sewers
Just follow the pat until you reach the Control Room.
Control Room
Defeat Datamon here. And he'll tell you that you need to get the Staff I.D. Pass before Datamon will open the sewer gates. For now head back to the Secret
Secret Room
Lisa will tell you that the whole room's in a mess and it will be faster if you could find Keith and Nick. And now to save you a ton of time, just head to Suzaku
UG Lake to find them.
Suzaku UG Lake
You'll find Keith and Nick arguing here over a rival matter but you ask them to get to the Secret Room to find the Staff I.D. Pass under... Lisa's orders!!!!!
Secret Room
After a while of searching, Nick will finally find the Staff I.D. Pass. I guess you should know where you need to go now.
Control Room
Datamon opens the Sewer gates. Just enter and be prepared for quite a number of battles.
Admin Center Basement
Here you'll fight a LOT of A.o.A. trooper guards. Slowly continue the fight till you reach the Admin Center. Just head out of the exit and save and hill.
Admin Center 2F
Continue the fight till you reach the top. There, you meet with more powerful guards. After you beat the three guards blocking the door, Vemmon (not
Veemon) will come out of the room and battle you. This battle should not be tough. After the battle, Vemmon will walk back into the room. Now you can either
enter the room or head left some more and trash up a few more guards. The path will lead to the Asuka Prison where Dr. Kadomatsu, Teddy and a few non
A.o.A. guards are. After talking to them, you should go back and save because the battle ahead is extremely tough. After that, enter the room.
Master Room
Here, there are 7 portraits of digimon with words inscribed M, O, N, S, T, E, R touch the portraits in the correct order(I'm sure you know the order :P) And a
secret room will open up in the middle of the room.
A.o.A. Headquarters
In this place, you will meet with three A.o.A. agents they should be VERY easy for you because after all, what's a Maildramon to you. :P After you beat the
three agents you will continue walking up the platform and you will see the Game Master talking to the A.o.A. leader with Vemmon by the side. Vemmon
teleports away and you shout at the Game Master. She cut the connection and turns to battle you. This battle will be extremely tough so make sure you bring
enough Super Charges and Life Disks (10 Life Disks should be enough). The Game Maser's first two digimon are easy but the last is extremely hard. (I fought
her with a level 30+ Gallantmon, an almost level 30 Armormon and Taomon but I almost lost to her.) More details on battling her at the Boss Section. After the
battle, Lisa and Nick will appear and arrest the Game Master. They will reveal themselves as the SAP poice. After this they will tell you that to make contact
with the Real World, you'll have to go to North Sector. They will also tell you that Digmon will bring you there but he is found only in the Amaterasu Server.
And the people who are in Byakko City should know something.
Byakko City
Talk to the leader here and he'll tell you that he doesn't know anything, but the captured A.o.A. down in the Underground Cavern should know something.
Head down there.
Underground Cavern
Talk to the A.o.A. leader here. He'll tell you that they got to Asuka Server from Amaterasu by Bulbmon which can create paths in the network. But because of
Lucky Mouse's protective barrier, Bulbmon went crazy and
threw off all the A.o.A. from it. Head to the South Sector to find Bulbmon.
South Cape and Ether Forest
You'll notice that the people here tell you about an earthquake. Continue moving on to the South Station and talking to people and digimon.
Bulk Swamp

When you reach here, talk to the old man just outside of the South Station and he'll tell you that the earthquakes and about the people in Suzaku City. Head
Phoenix Bay
Just before you enter the city, you will feel some tremors, better head into the city.
Suzaku City
Heal, save and stock up on items. After this, talk to Patamon in the leader's room. He'll tell you that Suzaku Leader wnt to hte forest to check the earthquake.
Head to Ether Forest.
Ether Forest
Talk to the girl here and she'll tell you that the leader went into the Jungle Shrine.
Jungle Shrine
BlueNumemon is a tough digimon. Just continue along the path ot the catacombs.
You'll find the leader at the end of the Catacomb. But iof you haven't defeated Zambamon yet, better defeaat him now. His Hunting Knife, like HiAndromon's
Atomic Ray KOs you instantly. So he really not an easy boss. Suzaku Leader will tell you that there's a Network Break in the place and warns you of the
danger but you insist on going on and she has no choice but to accept it. Enter the hole and you'll end up in a totally new place with some cool music too. :)
Bug Maze
There is invisible ladder here! This place is very confusing. But just follow me. Walk until you reach the first slope. Go down it and you should see a small
circular area. Now just go along its perimeter and there would be a ladder icon popping up abouve your head. Go up it and head along the path untuil you
enter the bug nest. When you enter the nest, prepare to fight with Bulbmon for the second time. After defeating Bulbmon, continue along the path to reach
Amaterasu Server.
Forest Inn BF
Welcome to Amaterasu. This server is defenitely not for relaxing. The whole server is overrun with tough digimon and the A.o.A. Head up and you find a boy
named Kenny. He is one of the few people who haven't turned into Oinkmon. Kenny tells you that he wants to find a rebel base and gives you the Crony ID.
After that, head out of the Forest Inn.
East Wire Forest
The digimon here are not that easy so stay on your toes. ^_^ Head to where Seriyu City is.
Qing Long City
Yup. Seriyu City in Amaterasu is called Qing Long City. The whole city is full with the A.o.A. But since you have the Crony ID, everything's not a problem.
Head up to the tower to fight the Qing Long leader. He not really difficult so its not rerally a proble. After the battle, you'll find a Red ID Pass on the floor.
Heal and head to Suzaku City. The gondola is not working so don't bother trying. A shortcut there is through Shell Beach. You'll end up in Phoenix Bay. Head
to the city. You trick the A.o.A. guards and you'll be able to enter the city.
Zhu Que City
The names here have also changed. Stock up on items and thern defeat the leader in the leader's room. After the battle, you'll find a Blue ID Pass. Now just go
along the path to teh Zhu Que UG Lake.
Zhu Que UG Lake
Climb up the ladder and head along the path . YOu'll find the Digi-Egg of Knowledge sitting there like a bump on a log. Now after you get it, your mission
here is complete. Head back to Asuka Sever.
From here, head to Plug Cape.
Plug Cape
To get to the North Sector, use the hole on top of the cliff.
Circuit Board
Follow the path and listen to the digimon's advice. Be careful it can be quite dangerous as you might get lost if you forget your way.
-----------------------------NORTH SECTOR
-----------------------------Boot Mountain

You finally arrived here. It was quite easy isn't it. From here, you'll have two choices. 1. Head to the Legendary Gym. 2. Head to Genbu City. Legandary Gym
is at the west and Genbu City is at the east. I would suggest heading east to Genbu City.
Snow Mountain
There is a inn here so you can rest here if you want to. If not, just head on.
Genbu City
The usual city. Head to the other exit by a big 'U' turn and you'll be upstairs in the Battle Gate.
Battle Gate
Climb up the ladder to battle the Genbu Leader. He's not really an easy opponent. After you defeat him, he'll give you the Genbu Badge and wishes you luck.
Now head to the west part of this lsland.
Kulon Mines
Here you can go to the Kulon Pit to progress or you can head further north-west to the Legendary Gym.
Kulon Pit
The legandary Kulon Armourer is here. He won't let you buy any weapons as your equipments are still too weak. Head down teh ladder to teh Ice
Ice Dungeon
Here, you will find red, blue and green warp porthals here. The blue portal warps you to another part of the dungeon but you can't warp back. The red portal
is where you have come out from the blue portal so it's the exit. The green portal simply does both jobs. Acting as an exit or an entrance. Head to the place
where there is two portals and take the right one. You'll end up with the Ice Witch. Defeat her and you'll be able to pass through to the Fire Dungeon.
Fire Dungeon
Here you will step on mine-traps. They will reduce all your digimons' HP to 1. So its pretty dangerous here. Head south-east and you soon find a fligth of steps
here and the Fire Knight. Defeat him to pass on to the last dungeon.
Dark Dungeon
When you head down the steps, the whole place will be dark. Just walk and step on the lights. The whole place will light up again and you should know where
to go next. Be sure not to step on the blue war portals or you'll be sent back to the beginning of the dungeon. After you have reached the end, be prepared to
face off with the Dark Knight. After the battle, head on to the emergency room.
Emergency room
There is an inn and save point here. So do what you need and tqlk to the operator here. She will warp you to the Underwater Station and tells you that you
will only be there for 180 seconds.
Underwater Station
Here, everything has to be done quickly. Quckly head to the first control station (I don't know there because I did everything in a rush), just walk around until
you see the statin. Defeat the guard there and activate the controls. But you realise its not working and time is running out. Now you can't do anything but
take treasures and wait till the time runs out.
Emergency Room
You will see a short FMV of the Juggernaut activating. And it being fused with Vemmon to become Destromon.
Ice Dungeon
Head out of here and go to Asuka City.
Asuka City
Go to the Master Room in the Admin Center.
Admin Center
Lisa, Teddy, Nick and Keith will exchange a talk with you. You will then tell them that Kenny in the Amaterasu Server is looking for a Rebel Base, the
Resistance. Head to the Mirage Tower in Amaterasu to find them. To reach them more easily, use Digmon either in the Ether Forest northmost hole or the hole
in North Badland W which is closest to Bullet Valley and is next to a kicking tree. You will eventually end up in North Badlands W in Amaterasu Server.
Mirage Tower
Talk to the leader here. He will tell you taht to stop Knightmon from attacking you in Amaterasu Bridge, you'll need the for ID Passes from the chiefs in each
city. You already have two so there is twuo more left to go. Head to Byakko City in Amaterasu (called Bai Hu City).
Noise Desert
The A.o.A. troopers won't let you pass so head back to the Master Room in Asuka City.
Master Room
Lisa will go with Keith to Amaterasu Server personally to ask for the Resistance's help. You will now be able to enter Bai Hu City.
Bai Hu City
Defeat the leader here and you will receieve the Black ID Pass. Now head to the North Sector to the Xuan Wu City.
Xuan Wu City
Defeat the leader here to get the final ID Pass. Now you can enter
Amaterasu City.

Amaterasu City
Nick will ask you to take out the A.o.A. hiding in the Admin Center. Prepare for lots of battles with the A.o.A. once again.
Admin Center
If you want to get some experience and 8500 BITS, head east to the basement. Or else just fiaht your way up to the Master Room.
Master Room
You will think for a while how to open the secret door. But to your surpise, the door opns up and you will enter it.
A.o.A. Headquarters
Three Royal Guards will attack you. They use a Knightmon. You'll be able to defeat them easily. After that you will see the Amaterasu President but to his
surprise, he's the MAGAMI President. He tells you to call him the Chief Officer. Afterwards, you enter a battle with him. He is easier than the Game Master
but is also quite tough. After you beat him, he surrenders. Lisa will come in and arrest him. Afer that, Tedy deactivates Destromon and he explodes.
Amaterasu City
All is safe now with one exception. The people are still Oinkmon. Talk to Lisa and Nick twice. He will tell you that Keith is at Qing Long City thinking of a
way to turn the Oinkmon back to humans. Head there.
Qing Long City
Head to Qing Long Tower. You'll find Keith there at Piximon place. He'll tell you that he has a machine that will turn the Oinkmon back to people but there is
no energy for it to function. There's a operator at the top of the stairs that tells you that the city is run on wind. Head to Seriyu City now. Use Digmon in the
hole in the Kicking forest to reach Kicking Forest in Asuka Server.
Seriyu City
Head to Gale Tower and talk to Airdramon there. He'll eventually wake up as you walk away. Now all the people in Amaterasu Server have become humans
once again. Now is the BEST time to do side-quests and get the best items or levelling up. Or else head to Amaterasu City.
Amaterasu City
Head to the Login Room.
Login Room
Here, Lucky Mouse(Kurt) will tell you that there is still a problem with the matrix system. And you are STILL stuck in Digimon Online. :P Head to Asuka
City after that.
Asuka City
Now head to the Master Room.
Master Room
You will find three Oinkmon here. Head into the A.o.A. Headquarters. When you are in the room, you will see a few Vemmon running out to the City.
Asuka City
All the people here have turned into Oinkmon. Quickly head to Amaterasu Server. Use Digmon in the Kicking forest and go north in the Circuit Board to
reach Central Park in Amaterasu.
Central Park
As you attempt to enter the city, you will see Kail. Apparently, she is the only person besides you who have not turned into Oinkmon. SHe tells you that lots of
Vemmon appeared from the Master Room and turned everyone onto Oinkmon. Head to the Master Room.
Master Room
You'll find that the secret room is opened. Enter it.
A.o.A Headquarters
You'll walk to the middle of the room. Suddenly, a porthal appears and a floaing guy appears. He tells you that his name is Lord Megadeath and he is about to
take over the whole of earth. He tells you about his evil plan and tells you that if you want to defeat him enter the portal to teh Gunslinger Weapon. Now save
and do whatever you need(especially bringing lots of Super and Ultra Charges, 20+ Life Disks and about the same number of Life Plugs. Also, buy new
weapons get ready for the final confrontation.

-----------------------------FINAL CONFRONTATION
Gunslinger 1F
When you enter here, you cannot go back so beware. Here, this place is like the Ice Dungeon. You are supposed to destroy the block blocking your way.First
block, just warp until you see some controls. Activate it to destroy the block. Second block, warp until you reach a warp that will make an exclamation icon
above your head. Enter it and defeat the guard there. Then go down to active the second control panel. Thred block, same as the second but more confusing.
After you have destroyed all the blocks, wnter the final portal to face Lord Megadeath.
Gunslinger 2F

Walk up the stairs and there will be some tremors. The weapon is powering up. Better move on quickly. After a few more flights of stairs, there will be some
more tremors and you'll battle Armagddemon. Not to tough. Head up the last flight of stairs and enter the room.
Control Room
Here, you'll face off with Lord Megadeath. He's quite tough so be prepared to heal. After the battle he escapes to activate Snatchmon. Heal your digimons to
full HP because It's going to be the final battle. Then enter the portal Lord Megadeath went in. Here, you will see four Vemmon turning into Snatchmon.
Snatchmon defies Lord Megadeath's orders and turns him into energy for him to absorb. Snatchmon will tell you that he will fuse with Gunslinger to become
Galacticmon and after that\ he will fuse with the earth to become Gaiamon. Then he warps you to space and you enter the final battle with him.
Final Battle
Galacticmon is tough. But if you have Mega Boost, Mega Protection and Mega Strength it should be much easier.
Galacticmon (Tail)
This form is easy. He'll attack you physically. If you have the Counter Crest or Gallantmon's Final Purification, he should be going down quickly.
Galacticmon (Head)
This form is the tough one. Galaticmon will acctak using the ??????? skill. :) Use the Mega Boost, Mega Protection and Mega Strength. This form's evade
rating is very high. If he stops attacking for one turn then you would know its geting ready for the charge up attack. He can also counter even if he evades
your attack. It will take all your strength to bring him down but when you do, sit back and watch the ending.

How to Get a Folder Bag
1. Yellow Cruiser: Bicara dengan Divermon.
How to Make a Fishing Pole
1. Shell Beach: Bicara dengan pemancing bernama Tai Kong Wang.
2. Smiths Shop: Belilah Bamboo Spear di toko Armory yang dijaga oleh Gargomon
3. Protocol Forest: Lawanlah Dokugumon sampai ia menjatuhkan Web Spider.
4. Divermons Lake: Turuni tangga di sebelah jembatan dan tolonglah Divermon untuk mendapatkan Red Snapper.
5. Shell Beach: Berikan 3 items itu ke Tai Kong Wang.
How to Get a Gabumon Card
1. Plug Cape: Lihatlah event anak bernama Soccer Kid Hide menendang2 pohon dengan Kicking Boots-nya untuk mencari Gabumon Card.
2. Asuka Inn: Turuni tangga di sebelah pintu masuk dan carilah Gabumon Card di sudut sebelah atas dari saat kamu menuruni tangga
(gampangnya, carilah Gabumon Card di semua sudut setelah kamu turun tanga).
3. Plug Cape: Kembalikan Gabumon Card ke Soccer Kid Hide.
How to Get a Kicking Boots
1. Lamb Chop: Tanyalah pada android bernama Waitress Debbie (ada di dpn pintu msk) dimana Veemon berada.
2. Wind Prairie: Temukan Veemon di ujung Wind Prairie (tepatnya, sebelum kamu msk ke Kicking Forest).
3. Wind Prairie: Kamu akan diajak Veemon main petak umpet.
4. Kicking Forest: Masuklah ke sela-sela pohon sambil terus menekan X. Awas, kadang kamu tertipu oleh Veemon! Yang keluar dari
persembunyian bukan Veemon, melainkan Agumon. Hati-hati!
How to Beat Seiryu Leader
1. Protocol Ruins: Temukan Seiryu Leader yang sedang melatih 3 digimon-nya di sana.
2. Tyranno Valley: Lawanlah MasterTyranno dan dapatkan Old Claw.
3. Seiryu City: Temukan Seiryu Leader di Seiryu Tower dan lawanlah dia.
How to Find a Blue Card
1. East Station: Tekan tombol X pada mesin di sebelah gondola. Untuk mengaktifkan gondola, kamu hrs punya Blue Card yg dimiliki oleh
2. Asuka Inn: Temukan Guilmon di lantai 2.
3. Forest Inn: Temukan Guilmon di sebelah Guardromon.
4. Zephyr Tower: Temukan Guilmon di sebelah Divermon.
5. East Station: Cobalah Blue Card yg kamu dapat. Ternyata itu palsu! Itu adalah 8lue Card. Bkn Blue Card.
6. Seiryu City: Bicaralah dengan Guilmon di jalanan.
7. Forest Inn BF: Temukan Tricky Guilmon di sana dan dapatkan Blue Card yang asli.
8. East Station: Pakailah Blue Card itu untuk menaiki gondola.
How to Get a Smelly Herb
1. Jungle Grave: Cobalah lawan Zanbamon di sana. Kamu tidak akan bisa dan digimon-mu akan lari dengan sendirinya.
2. Swamp Inn: Bicara dengan Gatomon.
3. Shaman House: Pergilah ke sana dan temukan Sepikmon (pemilik suara menyeramkan).
4. Bulk Swamp: Temukan Kail dan dia akan memberitahumu tentang seekor digimon dengan muka menyeramkan, yang dia pikir adalah

5. Seiryu City: Bicara dengan Agumon di jalanan.
6. Protocol Ruins: Temukan Baronmon.
7. Asuka Bridge: Temukan digimon aneh yang memakai topeng (Belok kanan tepat sebelum memasuki pagar Asuka City).
8. Asuka City: Temukan Etemon di depan El Dorado (tepatnya di sebelah pasangan Kakek-Nenek yang ingin jadi digimon).
9. Divermons Lake: Temukan pria berbaju hitam (Nick) yang ada di jalan buntu di Divermons Lake.
10. Asuka City: Temui lagi Etemon di dpn El Dorado.
11. Asuka Sewers: Temui Etemon di sana.
12. Shaman House: Kembalikan Sepik Mask ke Sepikmon dan dapatkan Smelly Herb.
How to Get into Admin Center
1. Suzaku City: di depan Inn, setelah kamu mengalahkan Suzaku Leader, kau akan bertemu Kail. Kail mengatakan bahwa Teddy telah
hilang dan ia mengajak kamu kembali ke Asuka City untuk mencari Teddy.
2. Asuka Lobby: Akan ada pengumuman dari Game Master yang mengatakan bahwa kita tidak bisa kembali ke Real World dan ia sangat
minta maaf akan hal ini. Kail juga curiga bahwa Teddy ada di dalam Admin Center.
3. Asuka City: Pergilah mencari informasi tentang cara untuk masuk ke Admin Center. (Tanyai semua orang dan digimon di Asuka City).
Setelah mendapat informasi, beritahukan kepada Kail di depan Lamb Chop.
4. Asuka City: temui sepasang Agumon biru-merah muda di depan pohon yang ada di depan El Dorado.
5. Asuka Sewers: Temui orang berbaju dan bertopi hijau bernama Mischievous Mat.
6. Asuka Lobby: Kembali ke lobby dan bicaralah dengan Kail.
7. Asuka Sewers: Bicaralah dengan Mischievous Mat sekali lagi dan ia akan mengaku bahwa dirinya adalah Etemon dan memberikan
Agumon Suit pada kamu dan Kail.
8. Underground Path: Temui Kail dan bicaralah dengan-nya. Kemudian, masuklah ke Admin Center dan cari Kail yang sudah masuk
How to Get The Digi-Egg of Sincerity
1. Phoenix Bay: Bicaralah dengan Nami tentang kuil di Bios Swamp.
2. Bios Swamp: Pergilah ke bagian belakang kuil dan tekan X sampai muncul suatu dialog.
3. Shaman House: Bicara dg Sepikmon.
4. Protocol Ruins: Temui Baronmon dan bicaralah dengan-nya untuk dibuatkan TNT Chip dr 20 buah TNT Ball (dpt dr melawan
Triceramon di Plug Cape atau Tyranno Valley) untuk meledakkan kuil.
5. Bios Swamp: Ledakkan kuil dg TNT Chip. Masuklah dan turuni tangga utk mendapatkan Digi-Egg of Sincerity.
How to Defeat the Real Byakko Leader
1. Byakko City: Tantang dan kalahkan Byakko Leader.
2. Underground Cave: Bicaralah dengan petugas dan kemudian dengan Numemon.
3. Mirage Tower: Tantang dan kalahkan Byakko Leader yang asli.
How to Find and Defeat HiAndromon in Dum Dum Factory
1. Pertama, belok kiri dan kemudian terus ke utara.
2. Setelah melihat Numemon msk ke Duct Room 01, ikuti dia msk ke situ.
3. Keluar dr ruangan dan naiklah ke tangga yg ada di sebelahnya.
4. Belok kiri, terus ke utara, dan belok kiri lagi di perempatan kedua.
5. Pergi terus ke barat sampai kamu melihat Numemon sedang memasuki ruangan, ikuti dia lagi.
6. Keluar dr ruangan dan kembali lagi ke tangga tempat kamu naik, turuni tangga tsb.
7. Pergi ke kanan dan terus ke utara dan lihatlah Numemon msk ke Duct Room 02. Ikutilah Numemon.
8. Keluarlah dan naiki tangga yg sama lagi.
9. Pergi ke kanan dan terus ke utara sampai kamu melihat Numemon msk ke Duct Room 03, ikutilah lagi.
10. Keluar dr ruangan dan pergi ke selatan dan sampai di perempatan kedua, beloklah ke barat.
11. Pergi ke barat sampai kamu menemukan Numemon msk ke Operation Room.
12. Masuklah ke Operation Room dan kalahkan HiAndromon.
How to Defeat Datamon
1. Asuka Sewers: Bicaralah dg Datamon di Control Center. (dengan menaiki Submarimon melalui dock di sebelah kanan Asuka Bridge.
2. Dum Dum Factory: Tanya Lisa di Secret Room tentang Staff Pass.
3. Suzaku City: Tanyai Renamon tentang Nick dan Keith.
4. Suzaku UG Lake: Bicara dg Nick dan Keith.
5. Secret Room: Dapatkan Staff Pass dr Nick.
6. Asuka Sewers: Tunjukkan Staff Pass ke tempat Datamon di Control Center.
7. Sentuh lukisan yg ada di Master Room.
8. *Key Code: M O N S T E R*
How to Get into Amaterasu Server
1. Byakko City: Bicara dg Byakko Leader di Byakko Dome utk saran.
2. Byakko City: Tanyai General di Underground Cave.

3. Bulk Swamp: Bicara dg orang tua di sebelah South Station.

4. Suzaku City: Bicara dg Patamon di Suzaku Hall tentang dimanakah Suzaku Leader berada.
5. Ether Jungle: Bicara dg Animal Lover Jen tentang dimanakah Suzaku Leader.
6. Catacomb: Bicaralah dg Suzaku Leader.
How to Get The Digi-Egg of Knowledge
1. Qing Long City (Seiryu City-nya Amaterasu Server): Kalahkan Qing Long Chief utk mendptkan Blue ID Pass-nya.
2. Zhu Que City (Suzaku City-nya Amaterasu Server): Gunakan Blue ID Pass utk msk ke Zhu Que City.
3. Zhu Que City: Kalahkan Zhu Que Chief agar memberikan jalan ke Zhu Que UG Lake.
4. Zhu Que UG Lake: Jalan terus sampai menemukan Digi-Egg of Knowledge.

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