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Cell group notes

w/c 24th January 2010

Cells at prayer

If you could only have one thing to spread on toast (other than the butter or marg) what would it be?


Lets simply use some songs to praise God and offer ourselves in worship to him – (from the Songs for
Worship CDs if you need them). Eg Blessed be your name, Great is the Lord and When I survey.
Invite the members of the group to offer prayers which flow from the songs.

Areas for Prayer

You might like to use some of these ideas for prayer. Use them a section at a time – praying together is
never meant to be test of memory!
Vary how you pray – in twos or threes, as a whole group, silently, standing up, kneeling down, going
outside a walking around – whatever helps you to bring these things to God and hear what he is saying
about them.

Post- Alpha groups

We had a great Alpha course this autumn – give thanks to God for it.
3 new post-Alpha cell groups started this week, led by Jan Wakeman, Craig Ward and Kim Gibson. Please
pray for them, and for the members of the group that they go on with God, and can encourage and build
one another up.

Pray for our young people, especially the Youth Leadership Team ( that’s Emily, Eoghan, Lauren, Tom, Jess
and Kate) working with Emma and the Youth Support Team (Lynne, Mike, Martin and Sally). Pray for ‘The
Core’ youth cells starting up as post-alpha groups this week – that everyone will come, keep coming and
keep moving on with God. Please pray also for those going to the Young Leaders Conference at Chorleywood
in February

We may have found the person we were looking for to be Children’s Ministry Team leader – please pray that
we have! Pray for that person, and for all those who lead and help each week. We still need several more
leaders and helper for Sunday groups. Pray for the children that they know Jesus now, and grow up knowing

Pray for your own Cluster as you seek to follow the vision you have – and remember the others too:
Stepping Stones (beginning to multiply); No Limits (with some real ideas for developing their vision);
Lighthouse (trying to find the way forward); ConNect (running Messy Church and wanting to develop the
relationships they are making); Greenerway (pursuing their call to environmental issues); Bridging the Gap
(also thinking about how they take their vision forward); Network (pursuing their call to mission in and
through the workplace); Centrepoint (reaching the retired generation and focussing on prayer).

Finances –
The good news is that the end of year accounts show that God has been good, and that we drew much less
heavily (£10000 rather than £28000) on our reserves than planned last year- Praise the Lord!
The Church Council has set the budget for this year to fund our projected needs, which include a challenge
to us of finding about an extra £16000 from congregational giving in 2010. Please pray (with thanksgiving)
for God’s provision, and our faithful response.

The world around us –

You may know of issues in the town, in our nation, and internationally for which you would like to pray – ask
the members of the group what these might be.

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