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[immortal desire]

On this day,this day

i long for U ,long with every fibre o f my being
i long for greater infinities of U
than already exist within me
i long for greater infinities of U
than those of GOD
this yearning,this need
like the eagle
circling on its majestic wings
over valleys of death,of dark
held aloft by it's pain,it's search for it's missing part
it's piercing cries ,my poems
i search inside myself
i search for U in every dark alley
in every sunny field
i eviscerate myself
i turn myself inside out
but find only gold dust
not the whole surging ferocious rivers
that i need
that i pine for

the salt of my need thunders

rippling ,misty with my dreams of U
but,colored black by reality
it doesn't heal my wounds
only inflames further

it snakes into your hair

that i long to caress
to smell,to kiss
then,those beautiful fiery lips
that beautiful being beckons
i long to plant my lips on yours
long to kiss them
with all my pain
with all my joys
to wash that red away with me
to leave them tumescent
with my need for U
as i gather U in my arms
as my hands run all over U
searching for your pains,your joys

i longingly kiss them

dismantling them
reaching inside your being
reaching U,your multitudinous truths
i soak in them ,as i anoint every cell of myself
all that i am not
with their flames
then ,as U begin to unravel
the words ,the raw emotions
that U are made of
begin to snake to the edges
of your being
to thunder into me
planting a million spears in my soul
birthing new universes of pain n need
that i will harvest through the ages
to immortalize U

P.S. Well,my love,i have begun to sense U as a shifting diaphanous tapestry of energies within
myself.that arouses me in every sense,especially my soul. i want to be able to write poetry about
that.because,i sight infinite patterns in that tapestry.especially,as it dances with me.but,since i am
caged in human form,the language has to be human.thus,as i imagine U,i need the world to enter in
the kind of metaphors that do justice .not yet started that exercise.but,soon will.because U are
another of my research projects.even ,when U are mine in person.because,it is only with the eyes of
the soul that,1 truly,at some point,in the next few months ,i will start writing the majestic
poems that i yearn to, about us,about U,about our love .of course,my poems about other things will
also be reaching majesty in some months.
Because ,in my absence i want these poems to be storms,floods.floods of me that sweep U away to
heights that are not make U feel as if my love is coating every gap,every whole of
make U feel as if U really are uniting with me[because ,the brain is everything].to make
rainbows,divinity explode in your senses ,as U reach[oh,trust me,it can be done.i am still teaching
myself] .to feel storms of me devastate U with pain .pain at my tear U apart ,as U lie a
mangled become whole again in me.
Yes,i can imagine U in a very worldly sense too.write about kisses,about my human pains,joys in
relation to U.but,i am more than that.that is too quotidian for me.yes,i will continue to write such
too.till,i put up my blog.n,even then,i am now working only n only towards the magnificence that,i
outlined above.

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