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Foundation in Business

Method of Assessment



Date Assign

Date Due

Group Assignment


Wednesday/ 4th Feb

2015 (W2)

Wednesday/ 10th March 2015


Short Quiz 1


24th Feb 2015 (Thursday)(W5)



24th March 2015 (Tuesday)

(W9) (tentatively)

Short Quiz 2
Mid-Sem Examination


Final Examination


Total assessment 100%

Week 11/12
16th 20 March 2015

4th - 8th May 2015


Academic Regulations
It is students obligation to attend all lectures, tutorials and practical sessions. A minimum of
eighty (80) per cent (%) on the overall attendance for lectures, tutorials and practical sessions
MUST be acquired. Any absences from class must be endorsed either by a genuine medical
leave certificate or an approved leave certificate given by the Faculty. Students whose
absenteeism exceeds 20 per cent (%) in overall attendance are likely to be barred from taking
the final examination of the subject concerned.
Plagiarism is defined as the submission or presentation of work, in any form, which is not
ones own, without acknowledgement of the source. If a student obtains information or ideas
from an outside source, that source must be acknowledged. Another rule to follow is that any
direct quotation must be placed in quotation marks and the source immediately cited.

Plagiarism is also defined as copy of all or part of the work of another student(s) of current or
previous batch of this University or another higher learning institution.
The Universitys degree and other academic awards are given in recognition of the
candidates personal achievement. Plagiarism is therefore considered as an act of academic
fraudulence and as an offence against University discipline.
Intellectual Property
Intellectual properties must be earnestly protected and therefore, the infringement of
copyright in any forms is strictly prohibited. The University takes a strong stand against any
illegal photocopying of textbooks and any other materials by students. Students are
forewarned of the consequences and the penalty that may be meted out if they are caught in
the act.
Citation and Reference Format
Students are required to provide full references details of the books, journal articles, etc.
which has been consulted when doing academic assignment/presentation. The method of
citing and listing references details shall be according to American Psychological Association
(APA) citation system. For further information, please view the examples of APA referencing
provided in the e-group.

There is One (1) group assignment, One (1) group presentation, Two (2) short quizzes and
One (1) Mid-Semester Examination for a total of 40 marks.

Presentation Specification
Upon completing your group assignment report, you are required to present your work. You
are given fifteen (15) minutes to present your work and five (5) minutes for Q & A session.
Marks would be penalized should you exceed the time allowed.
The presentation slides must not exceed 10 slides. Should you exceed it, marks would be
penalized for it.
You are required to print the presentation slides on A4 size paper single sided with 6 slides
per page. Any extra pages would be penalized accordingly.
What to Write in the Slide?
Group Presentation

Slide 1: Title of the Project (and name of student(s), matric number)

Slide 2: What is opportunity cost?
Slide 3: Briefly explain the background of the chosen company.
Slide 4: Identify the decision made using by the company and relate it to opportunity
Slide 5: Do you think opportunity cost is good or bad?
Slide 6: What are the benefits associated with opportunity cost?
Slide 7: What are the problems faced with opportunity cost?
Slide 8: How do you overcome the problem of opportunity cost?
Slide 9: Conclusions


Assignment Specification
Your group report should be limited to a maximum of 20 pages. Any extra pages would be
penalized accordingly.
Format of documentation includes;

Font Type: Times New Roman.

Font Size: 12 pts.
Line Spacing: 1.5 line spacing.
Sample of presentation material to be attached (appendix).
Reference list MUST follow the Harvard Standard Referencing System.
Proper citation is to be provided in the written assignment.
Appendix is to be used to attach graphs, diagrams, figures, and other findings.

Late Submission
All submissions must be made on the presentation dates. If the work is submitted
after this time it will be given a 0 (zero) mark.
Students who are absent for the presentation without any medical certificate
(M.C.) certified by the Centre for Foundation Studies office or without informing
the lecturer in advance will be given a 0 (zero) mark.
Your task:
By using the resources provided, students will provide answers to the following questions:
Explain opportunity cost and how it will affect a companys performance. Discuss.
Guiding sub-questions

PART A: Introduction
What is opportunity cost?
Select a company of your choice which involves manufacturing activities and answer the
following questions.
Briefly explain the background of the chosen company.
From the companys perspective:
o Identify the decision made using by the company and relate it to opportunity cost.
o Do you think opportunity cost is good or bad?
o What are the benefits associated with opportunity cost?
o What are the problems faced with opportunity cost? (Illustrate your answer by
giving examples from the selected company in terms of 4M)
o How do you overcome the problem of opportunity cost?

Short (Quiz 1) consists of Multiple Choice Questions and True/False Answers which
contribute 5% to your total mark.
Short (Quiz 2) consists of Short Answer Questions (SAQ). It would contribute 5% to your
final mark.
Mid-Sem Examination: 15%
It is a 2-hour written examination which consists of few sections.
A final written examination contributes 60% to your final mark.
It is a 3-hour final written examination which consists of two sections.

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