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The Speech

n Process
How does talking work?
What are different types of

Speech communication is a
process and cannot occur with
a singular person.

to yourself is NOT communication

Public speaking and conversations are not the
same types of communication

Difference between Public

Speaking & Conversations

Speaking is more highly structured

Public Speaking is a more formal process
Public Speaking requires a different method of
Public Speakers do not necessarily receive
immediate feedback. They must however,
interpret nonverbal cues.

Components of the Speech Communication

Process: the process through which meaning is
crafted, sustained and communicated
1. Speaker: the person presenting an oral message to the
2. Message: whatever the speaker conveys to the auditors
3. Listener/Auditor: the person(s) receiving the message
4. Frame of Reference : the sum of a persons knowledge,
experience, goals, values and
5. Feedback: the messages, usually nonverbal, that are sent
from the listener to the speaker
6. Interference : anything that effects the reception of the
speakers message
(Internal or External to the listener)
7. Situation : time and place in which the communication


should keep all of these components in

a crafting a speech
Will I as a speaker be ready to speak?
Is my message prepared?
How will auditors receive it?
What types of nonverbal cues should I
watch for?
What might interfere?
Where will I be speaking?


there are different ways to organize a speech

Chronologically: follow a time pattern

Spatially: directional pattern
Cause and Effect: first point explains a situation or
idea and the following points enumerate the
effects or results of the initial point
Problem and Solution: first points explain a
dilemma or issue while the others propose or reject
manners in which to resolve the problem
Topical: a main topic is subdivided into smaller
supporting topics

After you choose your focus for your

Speech of Introduction, you must
decide how to organize it.

Your introduction to ANY speech


State and establish the importance of

your topic
2. Have a clear thesis that clearly
conveys your thesis
3. Establish your credibility (how?)
4. Preview the rest of your speech

Within the body you need

examples and evidence

the importance of the topic

Startle or interest the audience
Arouse curiosity

You also must have a conclusion

It should

to the audience that you are about

to end the speech
Reinforce the audiences understanding
of the thesis
Do NOT say In conclusion

Lets look at the rubric and

requirements for your first

to Sharepoint and download the rubric for

the Speech of Self Introduction

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