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Here are literatures from different articles, news, journals, internet, blogs and books that
can give knowledge and further understanding to the study.
1 BPO and Call center industry in the Philippines are threatened by lengthy hours of
work, unending night shifts, and unbelievably high work target. At most a 9 hours conversation
on phone often to angry clients all over the world with the same pre-scripted lines. Each
employee is monitored throughout the shift and simply getting water or conversing with a friend
can jeopardize your whole performance. Simultaneously talking, listening and watching with
these three acts youll never get a break. Monitoring of each employee also adds up to the
stressors in this kind of work. 2 Stress is inevitable in the workspace of call centers because call
center agents are taught how to keep calm especially when taking rude calls from irate customers.
3 Call center employees is said to be at higher risk of mental and physical health issues compared
to other industries this is according to a 2009 study by Morneau Shepell. It said to be that 47.6
percent of people who quit this job is due to stress. A lot of features call center work create a
highly stressful environment says Genie McDougall of the Canada Employment and Immigration
Union (CIEU), which represents agents in various Service Canada departments. Stress plays a
major role on severe illnesses. 4 This adds to longer recovery from illness, back pain, panic
attacks and upset stomachs. It also affects our body systems like our immune system, nervous
system, musculo-skeletal system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system
and gastrointestinal system
5 Prolonged use of a mouse, trackball or other pointing device may bring about problems
as the pressure is concentrated on one arm, hand and a finger or two. These musculo-skeletal
disorders are different kinds of physical condition which can affect muscles, limbs and joints.
These physical conditions can be due to moving or lifting heavy things, poor posture (when
sitting at a workstation for almost 9 hours).. 6 Common musculo-skeletal health problems among

call center agents were pain in the neck/shoulder, wrist and back areas. Computer monitors placed
above eye level, work surfaces that are high or non-adjustable chairs are poor workstation designs
that can cause these kinds of problem. Muscle and joint pains are also common due to invariable
and sedentary work and low job satisfaction.
Voice problems is another health issue that affects call center agents. 1 A possibility of
losing their voice was also pointed out. This problem is called Teacher Syndrome. It is very
common on young call center agents. Some signs and symptoms are (Dysphonia) inability to
speak, pain, croakiness of voice, irritating cough, poor vocal power, inability to modulate and
breathing difficulties. 5 Over usage of voice due to the nature of task of call center agents is one
of the factors that triggers this kind of problems. 7 Call center agents are deprived of the benefits
of the usual jobs. They cant read magazines, surf the net for their own pleasure, go out to get
some fresh air and most of all eat while working. They should be in their workplace most of the
time. This can reduce the brains power and at a later time may contribute to memory loss.

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