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Task 1 IELTS Writing Model - Pie Chart

IELTS(International English Language Testing

System) is the world's leading test of English for higher
education, immigration and employment. Below is a
model for IELTS Writing Task 1 for Pie Charts.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in
1981, 1991 and 2001.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model Answer:
The three pie charts give us the information about the percentage of yearly cost in a certain British
school in 1981, 1991 and 2001.
In 1981, teachers salaries accounted for the largest proportion with 40%. Other workers salaries
came next, at 28% followed by furniture and equipment and resources, which were both 15%.
Insurance made up the least rate, at only 2%
When it comes to the year 1991, the expense of teachers salaries increased to half of the total
spending. Other workers salaries and resources occupied 22% and 25% respectively. Also furniture
and equipment decreased by 10%
By 2001, teachers salaries still ranked the leading place, with 45% while furniture and equipment
lied the second, at 23%. Other workers salaries and resources descended by 7% and 11%
respectively. However, insurance cost rose to 8% from 3% ten years before.

Overall, the cost of salaries for teachers was the highest every period. The percentage of the
salaries of the other workers and resources decreased whereas the expenditure of insurance and
furniture and equipment increased.

Sample Band 9 answer to:

The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of some tourist facilities.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

NOTE: They have given you a ruler of 100 metres in the diagram. This means you MUST use it in your answer. Each bar measures 100 metres, not the
whole bar.

Sample answer:
The diagrams compare an island prior and after numerous tourist developments.
Overall, significant changes have been made to the uninhabited island with new tourist facilities being built, whilst still preserving its original natural
features. The main additions to the island are access routes and accommodation facilities.

To begin with, a reception building has been constructed in the central part of the island with a circular vehicle track. The vehicle track extends 100m north
to connect to a new restaurant. Approximately 100m south of the reception, the vehicle access continues a further 100m onto a pier where boats are
Looking at the west side of the island, six accommodation huts with a ring footpath surround the existing palm trees. The footpath is connected to the
vehicle track, west of the reception building. Further west of the map lies a beach area with a designated swimming area for tourists within 200m of the
huts via a footpath.
The remaining east side of the island hosts ten more huts, less than 100m east of the reception building. The accommodation is similarly arranged around a
circular footpath next to the islands existing palm trees just to the far east side.

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