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ASSOCIATION, May 2015 (suggested program, please make

1) Registration, welcoming of the attendants and invited guests, ... 8.30
2) The paper of intent of the conference and establishment of the World
Clavitherapist Association and signing of the Karolin Declaration to be delivered
by Ferdynand Barbasiewicz, the creator of the molecular method of
biocybernetic clavitherapy, ...9.00 hrs;
3) Speech by a honorable guest, Jerzy Woy- Wojciechowski, full professor in
medicine, the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Polish Medical
Association, 10.00 hrs;
4) Speech by Adam Czarnecki MD, a renowned surgeon, long-serving Deputy
Chairman of the Executive Board of the Polish Medical Association, Member of
the Presidium of the Executive Board of the Polish Medical Association,
.....10.20 hrs;
5) Discussion with the presentation of own clinical evidence, . 10.45 hrs;
6) Lunch break, 13.45 15.00 hrs;
7) Discussion and motions regarding the content of the Declaration and Statute
of the World Clavitherapist Association, .15.00 hrs;
8) Visiting the Museum of Folklore Nursery and MAZOWSZE ensemble, 17.00
9) Dinner . . 18.00 hrs;
10) Performance given by POLSKI AN folklore ensemble, 19.00 hrs;


Saturday 23 May 2015:
1) Breakfast, 7.00 8.30 hrs;
2) Adoption of the Statute and election of the governing bodies of the World
Clavitherapist Association, adoption of the resolutions put forward during the
World Clavitherapist Association Conference, ..
8.30 hrs;
3) Discussion after the election of the governing bodies of the World
Clavitherapist Association and adoption of resolutions, 11.00 hrs;
4) Lunch and closing of the World Clavitherapist Association Conference,
. 14.00 hrs.


Ferdynand Barbasiewicz, the creator of the method, Poland


The Polish Medical Association has been monitoring the effectiveness of the
molecular method in biocybernetic clavitherapy. On 30 October 2005, the
200th ANNIVERSARY of the establishment of the Polish Medical Association
the Executive Board published its favorable evaluation of the clavitherapy for:
the Minister of Health, the National Health Fund, Specialized Institutes of
Medicine, institutions of higher education in medicine, hospitals and heads of
clinics, specialized medical organizations, organizations and persons dealing
with propagation of health prophylaxis, taking care of the conditions of
existence in compliance with UNIVERSAL WISDOM OF NATURE, let us respect
any gift of life and be happy also about others happiness, the authors life
motto. Read e-book EDEN XXI WIEKU (EDEN of the 21st CENTURY). More
information can be found on the web site: and in
books Klawiterapia (Clavitherapy), Atlas klawiterapii (Clavitherapy atlas), in
which I developed over 1100 algorithms with the grid of activities quantified
with diagnostic recommendations for elimination of various health disorders
and dysfunctions of human organism. - Contact: Tel/fax +48 22 729 8053, email: .


innovative custom research and implementation program of the molecular
method in dermo-visceral non-invasive stimulation in biocybernetic
clavitherapy, which is absolutely unique on the world scale. It is
neurophysiologic rehabilitation, whose planned biocybernetic inputs are
made by: various types of dermal receptors, innervated collagen fibers, active
biological points quantified with medical recommendations and diagnosis,
arranged in algorithms for particular health and functional disorders. It
involves processes controlled biocybernetically by the peripheral nervous

system via tracking, flow blood analysis in the first and second lobe of the
pituitary gland. Next by means of clavitherapy on a dermo-visceral basis and
the exercises recommended within, very good blood circulation is restored in
distal, physiologically neglected cells and tissues of various endogenous
levels. When affected by the scheduled dermo-visceral stimulation and
optimum analysis of the quality and quantity of molecular endogenous
factors in blood the blood controls the information through the third lobe of
the pituitary gland. And next the information travels along efferent nervous
ways and simultaneously along the hormonal path (RNA) with blood across
the thalamus, hypothalamus and thyroid gland providing positive feedback
for the planned processes of homeostasis self-regulation, self-heal, selfregeneration in cells and tissues on particular endogenous levels. The
therapeutic process takes place in the optimum reconstruction of 3 million
endogenous molecular factors due to health-related negligence and ischemia
(including approximately 100,000 selective various types of own antibodies,
on all endogenous levels (dermatome and connective tissue; neurotome;
nervous system; myotome, muscles; sclerotome and periosteum). Only
through enforced very good blood circulation do you achieve activation of
enzymatic and metabolic functions in compliance with the program of
DNA/RNA genetic code in the nucleus of each cell on the above mentioned
particular endogenous levels. With disorders of the pituitary gland in the first
or second lobe the book Klawiterapia (Clavitherapy) with the indicated
topography in Atlas klawiterapii (Clavitherapy atlas) provides a very detailed
biocybernetic algorithm with the grid of activities, which when combined with
skillful stimulations of biologically active points excellently supports the
proper physiological vegetative and hormonal functions for multi-dimensional
human endocrinology. The process of self-regulation consists in controlling
the information obtained from the analysis of the submolecular blood
spectrum in the pituitary gland and by means of the above mentioned ways
and submolecular neurochemical controllers (also neurotransmitters) in
correlation with the quality and quantity of endogenous molecular factors in
the enforced activated blood circulation of neglected cells and tissues the
reconstruction of immunological resistance takes place over a few days. Only
then do we make use of the quantified algorithms with the grid of activities
by stimulating biologically active points, also acupunctural on meridians,

energetic channels, new points outside meridians and through dermal

receptors, innervated collagen fibers), wonderful cryogenic points in the
optimum reconstruction of the blood in the neglected human organism.
Persons who have been diagnosed to manifest the below described health
disorders, and are interested in therapy by means of molecular, biocybernetic
method called clavitherapy, are requested to come to Center of Clavitherapy
rdo (Source) before their treatment begins. They should have a written
current diagnosis on them. They will be subjected to clavitherapy procedures,
such as:
- stress neutralization, liquidation of personality disorders and emotional
disorders (even when EEG record is pathological); effective reduction of any
kind of pain; tangible improvement of mood, psychics stability and elimination
of pain are observable already on first procedure;
- psychosomatic and contagious disorders, e.g. viral meningitis, borreliosis,
herpes zoster, hepatitis A, B, C, are successfully treated within 7-10 days with
the patients own selective antibodies. Blood is double tested after treatment
in various laboratories. The information that viruses had been destroyed by
means of clavitherapy is not disclosed;
- resuscitation and non-invasive reanimation via neurophysiologic stimulation
of certain biologically active points within 12-19 seconds without intubation, or
the use of a defibrillator (which damages neuronal synapses not only in the
brain); thoracic compression is not applied;
- regulation of blood pressure, liquidation of atheromatosis and coronary heart
disease with good oxidation, hypertension, hypotension, tachycardia,
bradycardia, extrasystoles, arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, cold feet and hands,
migraine, cerebral infarcts, and early cerebral hemorrhagic infarcts up to 3
- regulation of own disrupted nervous potentials with evidently weakened final
latency with EMG examination and induction of the lost conduction of nerve
signals in the brain, (fr plaqe), cerebellum, brain stem, core and in various
types of peripheral nervous fibers against demyelinating neuropathy with MRI,
EMG diagnosis; it also applies to sclerosis multiplex (SM), polyneuropathy,

Parkinson disease, epilepsy, etc., recent brain injuries, which are health
disorders completely resistant to medications. Enclosed are the opinions of
neurologists and results of medical examinations;
- neurophysiologic non-invasive rehabilitation of a few days and liquidation of:
posture problems (among others scoliosis, etc.), protrusions and hernias of
intervertebral discs with MRI clinical diagnosis. It is worth knowing that each
nervous cell, neuron has the memory of structure and function in the zone of
neurophysiologic management;
- stimulation of algorithms quantified with diagnostic recommendations and
cryogenic points in the molecular liquidation of anemia, leucopenia,
thrombocytopenia in the reconstruction of immunological resistance with the
clinical diagnosis of blood examinations after a few (7-10) days of treatment;
- liquidation of functional and structural disorders in conduction of nerve
signals of the nervous system caused by the earliest paralytic changes of a
metastatic malignant tumor;
- molecular and enzymatic liquidation of all addictions (smoking tobacco,
alcoholism, drug addition, medication dependence, gambling, Internet/
computer games, etc. with the permanent liquidation of the excess acquired /
developed enzymes, proteins constituting the cause of all addictions
- neurophysiologic lifting of face wrinkles and muscles, the zone affected by the
cranial nerves V and VII and natural treatment of obesity by blocking the first
enzyme, that is saliva in decreasing the appetite as well as natural dehydration
with the regulation of enzymatic and vegetative functions, particularly in the
digestive system;
- correction of posture problems, among others scoliosis up to 30 degrees,
kyphosis with rotation, reduced lordosis and liquidation of functional disorders
of the brain in post-accident movement structures.
A person interested in treatment comes to the Center of Clavitherapy rdo
[Source] obligatorily with a detailed diagnosis and a fit companion, who will
be taught to implement the procedure after the treatment for full
reinforcement of the regained health over 7-14 days.

The rough price list for treatments can be viewed at the reception of the
Center. The duration of daily treatment is executed over 6-14 days. We
estimate the optimum costs of the treatment after an objective clinical
medical diagnosis on the day of treatment termination. The patient with their
accompanying person assisted by a physician or physiotherapist/
rehabilitator executing the treatment prepares the final written report on the
results of the treatment. If

the above mentioned disorders do not

get liquidated and are proved in a clinical diagnosis to last
after the treatment, we refund the deposit paid.
I would like to request that neurologists, neurosurgeons, neurophysiologists,
physiologists, molecular biologists, rehabilitators/physiotherapists and other
professional therapists should hold a seminar and workshops on health
rehabilitation with reference to the above mentioned disorders by means of
the molecular method of biocybernetic clavitherapy. You should invite to the
seminar the highest authorities in terms of: biocybernetics, molecular biology,
neurology, neurosurgery, neurophysiology, orthopedists-traumatologists,
gastrologists, general practitioners, laryngologists and other specialists from
the medical industry organizations, professional therapists and
representatives of the Polish mass media.
I assure all of you that you will experience incredible emotions getting to
know extraordinary opportunities of rehabilitating the human organism
affected by the above mentioned dysfunctions in a very short time.
Dr Ferdynand Barbasiewicz, the creator of the molecular method in
biocybernetic clavitherapy and the author of e-book EDEN XXI WIEKU (EDEN of
the 21st CENTURY).

Conference and workshops Montreal, Canada 2008

- opinion by Dr Bazyli Pawluczuk, PhD in molecular biology

Clavitherapy workshops run by Dr Ferdynand Barbasiewicz

during the Conference of Reflexologists in Montreal, Canada
in November 2008. POLAND

Most of the participants of the last RAC (The Reflexology Association of Canada)
Conference remember well the sensation caused during workshops run by Dr Ferdynand
Barbasiewicz, a psychologist and neurophysiologist from Poland. There is still interest and
discussions are being held on the therapy that he presented.
Dr Barbasiewiczs work and achievements were discovered by one of the members of the
Association, Dr Bazyli Pawluczuk, Ph.D., who invited Dr Barbasiewicz to share his
achievements and successes at the forum of the Conference of Reflexologists in Montreal in
November 2008. The workshops run by Dr Barbasiewicz attracted approximately 100
attendants, among whom was a lady in her sixties, wheelchair-bound for the last 18 years. She
consented for Dr Barbasiewicz to demonstrate on her his unique therapy. (Her account can be
found below).
Damage to the sciatic nerve sustained in an accident had caused a partial paralysis of her body
beneath hips and had left her right foot completely inert. She had lost the feeling of touch and
warmth in lower extremities and both her legs were cold and swollen.
Dr Barbasiewicz presented the principles of his method and stipulated that he could not
guarantee the results of his therapy but if the woman agreed, he could check whether the
damaged nerves showed signs of life and whether they could be regenerated.
To everybodys surprise Dr Barbasiewicz did the impossible by means of his method. The
woman was able to stand on her feet and make a few steps forward without any pain.
Every next day Dr Barbasiewicz continued his therapy. On the second day a reflex to touch,
warmth and movement appeared in the big toe of the foot which regained its normal position
having previously dropped and been immobile. At the end of the second day the woman left
her wheelchair and walked up the stairs to the first floor. On the fourth day the swelling on
her legs was gone; the legs became warm, which enabled her to carefully walk around the
room without any assistance.
The method presented by Dr Barbasiewicz is the result of 50 years of intensive research in the
field of neurophysiology and psychosomatic disorders of the nervous system. The uniqueness
of this therapy stems from making use of exceptionally effective, non-invasive stimulation of
nerve receptors scattered on the skin. It is done thanks to specially shaped small metal rods
with sharp endings similar in appearance to nails (clavus = nail), hence the name
Clavitherapy, Dermoneural - Reflexology, Clavitherapy. Within a few minutes of the
stimulation in the form of compression inflicted by means of clavuses, there is a strong
excitation of the brain leading to mobilization of the immunological system and initiation of
the metabolic chain reactions in cells on every endogenous level in molecular and
submolecular structures. As a result, almost instant changes are observed in the flow of
bioelectrical impulses on the surface of cell membrane. Neurotransmitters are activated in the
plasma, which leads to detoxication of nerves and regeneration of the neurolemma around the
damaged nervous fibers.
Lost conduction of nerve signals due to demyelinization or embolism in the brain is often
restored during stimulation lasting a few hours.
During the biostimulation of nerve receptors by means of clavitherapy a patient first
experiences a strong burning pain, which in the course of regeneration of the neurolemma
vanishes with the healing process taking place.
In the above described case reconstruction of nerve connections and resuming of the lost
bioelectrical signal in the damaged sciatic nerve and peripheral nerves can be named a miracle
revealing that through skillful stimulation of nerve receptors on the skin human organism is
capable of performing full regeneration and self-healing.
Dr Bazyli Pawluczuk, Ph.D, molecular biologists, RCRT

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