HP-UX 11.31 Boot Mirrored Disk Replacement

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3. HP-UX 11.

3.2 Boot Disks
3.2.1 Mirrored NOT behind SAS Controllers

Replacing a Boot Mirrored Disk in HP-UX 11.31 (11i v3)

There are two additional operations you must perform when replacing a mirrored boot disk:

You must initialize boot information on the replacement disk.


If the replacement requires rebooting the system, and the primary boot disk is being replaced,
you must boot from the alternate boot disk.

In this example, the disk to be replaced is at lunpath hardware path 0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0, with device
special files named /dev/disk/disk14 and /dev/rdisk/disk14. The system is an HP Integrity
server, so the physical volume names must specify the HP-UX partition on the boot disk
(/dev/disk/disk14_p2 and /dev/disk/disk14_p2).

Save the hardware paths to the disk.

Run the ioscan command and note the hardware paths of the failed disk as follows:

# ioscan m lun /dev/disk/disk14

Class I Lun H/W Path
Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
disk 14 64000/0xfa00/0x0 esdisk CLAIMED
offline HP MSA Vol
In this example, the LUN instance number is 14, the LUN hardware path is 64000/0xfa00/0x0,
and the lunpath hardware path is 0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0.
When the failed disk is replaced, a new LUN instance and LUN hardware path are created. To
identify the disk after it is replaced, you must use the lunpath hardware path (0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0).

Halt LVM access to the disk.

If the disk is not hot-swappable, power off the system to replace it. By shutting down the
system, you halt LVM access to the disk, so you can skip this step.
If the disk is hot-swappable, detach the device using the a option of the pvchange

# pvchange -a N /dev/disk/disk14_p2

(HP 9000: /dev/disk/disk14)

NOTE: On an HP 9000 server, the boot disk is not partitioned so the physical volume refers
to the entire disk, not the HP-UX partition.


Replace the disk.


Notify the mass storage subsystem that the disk has been replaced.
If the system was not rebooted to replace the failed disk, then run scsimgr before using the
new disk as a replacement for the old disk. For example:

# scsimgr replace_wwid D /dev/rdisk/disk14

This command allows the storage subsystem to replace the old disks LUN World-WideIdentifier (WWID) with the new disks LUN WWID. The storage subsystem creates a new LUN
instance and new device special files for the replacement disk.

Determine the new LUN instance number for the replacement disk.
# ioscan m lun
Class I Lun H/W Path
Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
disk 14 64000/0xfa00/0x0 esdisk NO_HW
offline HP MSA Vol
disk 28 64000/0xfa00/0x1c esdisk CLAIMED
online HP MSA Vol

In this example, LUN instance 28 was created for the new disk, with LUN hardware path
64000/0xfa00/0x1c, device special files /dev/disk/disk28 and /dev/rdisk/disk28,
at the same lunpath hardware path as the old disk, 0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0. The old LUN instance 14
for the old disk now has no lunpath associated with it.
NOTE: If the system was rebooted to replace the failed disk, then ioscan m lun does not
display the old disk.

Partition the NEW disk, so that the Number of Devicefies of the new created and the original one
are the same ! This is mandatory before you can rename it with io_redirect_dsf ! (RL)
(HP Integrity servers only) Partition the replacement disk.
copied from SW Recovery manual Itanium Architecture Apr 2006 and adapted to 11.31 (RL)
- Create a partition description file:
# vi /tmp/partitionfile
HPUX 100%

- Use idisk(1M) command to partition the disk according to this file:

# idisk -wf /tmp/partitionfile /dev/rdisk/disk28

idisk version: 1.2
********************** WARNING ***********************
If you continue you may destroy all data on this disk.
Do you wish to continue(yes/no)? yes

- Create the new device files for the new partitions (disk28_p1,_p2_p3)
# insf -e Cdisk
Now you should an equal Number od Devicefiles for the original and new instance:

# ioscan m lun
Class I Lun H/W Path
Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
disk 14 64000/0xfa00/0x0 esdisk NO_HW
offline HP MSA Vol
disk 28 64000/0xfa00/0x1c esdisk CLAIMED
online HP MSA Vol


Now assign the old instance number to the replacement disk.

# io_redirect_dsf -d /dev/disk/disk14 -n /dev/disk/disk28

This assigns the old LUN instance number (14) to the replacement disk. In addition, the
device special files for the new disk are renamed to be consistent with the old LUN instance
number. The following ioscan m lun output shows the result:

# ioscan m lun /dev/disk/disk14

Class I Lun H/W Path
Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
disk 14 64000/0xfa00/0x1c esdisk CLAIMED
online HP MSA Vol
The LUN representation of the old disk with LUN hardware path 64000/0xfa00/0x0 was
removed. The LUN representation of the new disk with LUN hardware path
64000/0xfa00/0x1c was reassigned from LUN instance 28 to LUN instance 14 and its device
special files were renamed as /dev/disk/disk14 and /dev/rdisk/disk14.

8. Use efi_fsinit(1M) to initialize the FAT filesystem on the EFI partition:

# efi_fsinit -d /dev/rdisk/disk14_p1

NOTE: This step is not neccessary if it can be guaranteed that the mirror disk does not
contain a valid EFI filesystem. In this case efi_fsinit(1M) will be done automatically by the
subsequent mkboot(1M) command. But if you take e.g. an old UX 11.22 boot disk as mirror
disk, mkboot will not automatically run efi_fsinit. As a result only 100MB of the 500MB EFI
partition (s1) can be used.

- Use mkboot(1M) to format the EFI partition (s1) and populate it with the EFI files below
/usr/lib/efi/ and to format the LIF volume (part of s2) and populate it with the LIF files (ISL,
AUTO, HPUX, LABEL) below /usr/lib/uxbootlf:

# mkboot -e -l /dev/rdisk/disk14
# efi_ls -d /dev/rdisk/disk14_p1
Last Modified
11/ 5/2003
STARTUP.NSH 11/ 5/2003
total space 523251712 bytes,
free space 520073216 bytes

(to check EFI)


# lifls -l /dev/rdisk/disk14_p2

(to check LIF)

- Check the content of AUTO file on EFI partition:

# efi_cp -d /dev/rdisk/disk14_p1 -u /EFI/HPUX/AUTO /tmp/x
# cat /tmp/x
boot vmunix

NOTE: Specify the -lq option if prefer that your system boots up without
interruption in case of a disk failure:
on the original boot disk:
# mkboot -a "boot vmunix -lq" /dev/rdisk/disk4

and on the replaced new mirror disk:

# mkboot -a "boot vmunix -lq" /dev/rdisk/disk14

- Copy the HP service partition (skip this, if you dont have a service partition)
# dd if=/dev/rdisk/disk4_p3 of=/dev/rdisk/disk14_p3 bs=1024k


Restore LVM configuration information to the new disk.

For example:

# vgcfgrestore -n /dev/vg00 /dev/rdisk/disk14_p2

10. Restore LVM access to the disk.
If you did not reboot the system in Step 2, reattach the disk as follows:

# pvchange a y /dev/disk/disk14_p2

If you did reboot the system, reattach the disk by reactivating the volume group as follows:

# vgchange -a y /dev/vg00
NOTE: The vgchange command with the -a y option can be run on a volume
group that is deactivated or already activated. It attaches all paths for all disks in
the volume group and resumes automatically recovering any disks in the volume
group that had been offline or any disks in the volume group that were replaced.
Therefore, run vgchange only after all work has been completed on all disks and
paths in the volume group, and it is necessary to attach them all.
Syncronize volume group data (only if sync does not start automatically):

# cd /tmp
# nohup vgsync /dev/vg00 &

(output see /tmp/nohup.out)

11. Initialize/check boot information on the disk.

- Check if content of LABEL file (i.e. root, boot, swap and dump device definition) has been
initialized (done by lvextend) on the mirror disk:

# lvlnboot -v
Boot Definitions for Volume Group /dev/vg00:
Physical Volumes belonging in Root Volume Group:
/dev/disk/disk4_p2 -- Boot Disk
/dev/disk/disk14_p2 -- Boot Disk
Boot: lvol1 on:
Root: lvol3 on:
Swap: lvol2 on:
Dump: lvol2 on:
/dev/disk/disk4_p2, 0

- If not, then set it:





- update EFI Boot Configuration to recognize the new Disk ID:



p <HW path of orig disk>

(Primary Path)
h <HW path of mirror disk> (HA-alternate Path)
a <HW path of mirror disk> (alternate Path)
(to check it)

This will write new Entries into the EFI Boot Menu in the order:
- Primary Path
- HAAlternate Path
- Alternate Path

HP-UX System Administrator's Guide:Logical Volume ManagementHP-UX 11i Version 3
When Good Disks Go Bad: Dealing with Disk Failures under LVM
SAS Physical Disk Replacement Procedure With LVM Mirroring by Jay Duffield
Software Recovery Handbook:Itanium Architecture:How to mirror the Boot Disk (ECU copy)
HP 8 Internal SAS Controller Support Guide
adapted for HW Recovery Workshop 2008 by Roland Luechtenberg

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