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Design Compiler 2010

Doubles Productivity of Synthesis and Place and Route

Continuing the trend of delivering
innovative synthesis technology,
Synopsys offers Design Compiler
2010 that provides a twofold
speedup of the synthesis and physical
implementation flow. As geometries
shrink to 65nm and smaller process
technologies, design complexities
increase multifold making it extremely
difficult for designers to complete
designs on schedule. The nanometer
effects such as coupling capacitances
between parallel interconnects have
much higher impact on interconnect
delays and need to be considered
during synthesis for predictable design
implementation. Moreover, floorplan
issues, such as routing congestion
due to macro placement, need to
be fixed early in the design cycle to
avoid iterations. Designers need an
RTL synthesis solution that improves
schedule predictability by producing
a better starting point to physical
implementation and avoids costly
iterations between synthesis and

Design Compiler 2010 extends topographical technology to produce physical

guidance to IC Compiler, place-and-route solution, tightening timing and area
correlation to 5% while speeding-up IC Compiler placement by 1.5X. It applies
additional physical optimization techniques and considers the effects of smaller
geometries such as coupling capacitances for accurate delay modeling. The
physical guidance passed to IC Compiler streamlines the flow for a faster,
predictable design implementation. Design Compiler 2010 also provides RTL
designers access to IC Compilers design planning capabilities from within the
synthesis environment. With the push of a button, RTL designers can perform
what-if floorplan exploration to identify and fix floorplan issues early and achieve
an optimal floorplan efficiently. Additionally, Design Compiler 2010 includes a new,
scalable infrastructure designed to deliver significant runtime speedup on multicore
compute servers. It employs an optimized scheme of distributed and multithreaded
parallelization techniques, delivering 2X faster runtime on quad-core compute
servers while ensuring zero deviation of the synthesis results. With these new
technology advances, Design Compiler 2010 helps designers reduce iterations and
cut synthesis and placement runtime significantly.

Design Compiler

IC Compiler

Figure 1: Design Compiler 2010

Key Benefits


Better starting point for physical


5% Correlation to layout


Push-button floorplan exploration
2X faster runtime on quad-core
compute servers

Physical Guidance to IC

% Correlation

1.5X faster placement runtime

Without physical
With physical


With designs becoming more

complex along with shrinking


geometries, designers require even

Figure 2: Timing correlation

tighter correlation between synthesis

and layout results. Additionally, as
geometries become smaller, the
coupling capacitance between adjacent
parallel wires is much higher due to
the fact that spacing between wires is


coupling capacitance is much higher

on design delays and needs to be
accounted for in synthesis.

% Correlation

smaller and the relative heights of the

wires are greater. Hence the impact of




Without physical
With physical


Topographical technology in Design


Compiler 2010 is extended to create

physical guidance for IC compiler


bringing synthesis timing and area


results within 5% of layout while

Figure 3: Area correlation

speeding up IC Compiler placement

step by 1.5X. It performs additional
physical optimizations during synthesis
to create a better starting for physical
implementation and accurately models
the effects of smaller geometries such


physical guidance to streamline the

implementation flow and accelerate
placement runtimes.

% Correlation

as coupling capacitance. It further

seeds IC Compiler placement via




Without physical
With physical


Figure 4: IC Compiler placement runtime

Design Compiler 2010

Figure 5: Routing congestion identified in Design Compiler

Figure 7: Floorplan editing to address routing congestion

Figure 6: Accessing IC Compiler design planning within synthesis

Figures 2 and 3 illustrate improvements

in timing and area correlation,
respectively, across multiple designs
using physical guidance. On the X-axis
are the designs and the Y-axis is %
delta between synthesis and layout
results. The light purple bars (on the
left) show the delta between synthesis
and layout without passing physical
guidance. The purple bars show the
delta for the same designs with physical
guidance technology. As shown in
these figures, results are consistently
within 5% when physical guidance is
passed from Design Compiler 2010 to
IC Compiler. Figure 4 shows placement
runtime improvements using physical
guidance technology. On the X-axis
are the designs and on the Y-axis are
the runtimes in hours. The light purple
bars represent IC Compiler placement
runtime without physical guidance and
the purple bars represent IC Compiler
placement runtime with physical
guidance. As illustrated by the figure IC
Compiler placement runtime is much
faster when physical guidance is passed
from Design Compiler 2010, averaging
1.5X faster.

Design Compiler 2010

Push-Button Floorplan
Exploration for Faster Design
Until now, if changes to design
floorplans were needed, RTL designers

is transparent to users hence no setup or data transfer is required. Once

the designer has created an optimal
floorplan, they can save it to be used for
physical implementation downstream.

had to ask their counterparts on

Figure 5 shows an example of design

physical design teams to adjust the

layout where congestion hot spots

floorplan, resulting in iterations between

occurred due to a very narrow channel

the teams. With immense time-to-

between macros as shown in Design

market pressures, designers need a

Compiler Graphicals layout viewer. A

solution to reduce these iterations.

click on the Start Design Planning

Design Compiler 2010 provides RTL

menu option in Design Compiler (see

designers access to IC Compiler design

Figure 6) opens a new IC Compiler

planning capabilities from within the

design planning window with the design

familiar synthesis environment. After

floorplan loaded for editing. With very

detecting design issues, such as routing

few maneuvers RTL designers can

congestion or timing violations due to

move the macro to eliminate this narrow

floorplan characteristics, RTL designers

channel as shown in figure 7. Once the

can now amend the floorplan and re-

floorplan edits are made, designers can

synthesize the design with an updated

save the floorplan as shown in figure 8

floorplan without ever leaving the

and re-synthesize the design with the

synthesis environment. The IC Compiler

updated floorplan. As shown by the

design planning menus have been

congestion map in figure 9, with the

simplified to give RTL designers ease of

updated floorplan, routing congestion

use for simple floorplan modifications.

has been eliminated and the design is

An option is available for expert users to

ready for physical implementation.

utilize the full, advanced floorplanning

capabilities. The Design Compiler 2010
and IC Compiler design planning link

Figure 8: Saving floorplan updates

Figure 9: Congestion eliminated



Single core



The new technology advances in Design

Compiler 2010 double the productivity

of synthesis and place and route by









Figure 10: Synthesis runtime

Design Compiler 2010 helps RTL

parallelization, Design Compiler 2010

designers perform a what-if analysis of

delivers a 2X improvement in runtimes

floorplan quickly and efficiently so that

on quad core platforms. The new

they can be ensured that the design

infrastructure delivers runtime benefits

will meet its targets during physical

without deviating the quality of results.

implementation without requiring

Figure 10 compares Design compiler


2010 runtimes across multiple designs

New Infrastructure for


on single core vs. quad core machines.

On the X-axis are designs and on the
Y-axis are the runtimes in hours. The

enabling RTL designers to achieve an

optimal floorplan efficiently, delivering
5% correlation to layout and 1.5X faster
placement runtimes, and 2X faster
synthesis on quad core platforms.

Technologies of Design Compiler
2010 are available today. The
physical guidance to IC Compiler and
floorplan exploration are available in
Design Compiler Graphical. The new
infrastructure for multicore compute
servers is available in DC ultra and

The advent of multicore processors

light purple bars represent Design

Design Compiler Graphical.

in compute platforms has boosted

Compiler 2010 runtimes using a single

For more information about Synopsys

the processing power available to

core machine and the purple bars

products, support services or

designers. Design Compiler 2010

represent runtimes using quad core

training, visit us on the web at:

introduces a new scalable infrastructure

machines for the same design.As seen, contact your

to take advantage of multicore compute

in the figure, Design Compiler 2010 is,

local sales representative or call

servers. Using an optimized scheme

on average, 2X faster on quad core


of distributed and multithreaded

compute servers.

Synopsys, Inc. 700 East Middlefield Road Mountain View, CA 94043
2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys, Inc. in the United States and other countries. A list of Synopsys trademarks is
available at All other names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

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