So and Such: So + Adjective or Adverb

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So + adjective or adverb
Youre so lazy. (adjective)
They look so funny (adjective)
Youre so lucky. (adjective)
You lose weight so easily. (adverb)

So + many / few + (adjective) + countable noun

You make so many excuses.
Ive got so few clothes.

So + much / little + (adjective) + uncountable noun

Theres so much!
They cost so much money.
I have so little.
Weve got so little time

Such + (a) + (adjective) + noun

Youre such a lazy person. (countable noun)
Hes got such an interesting job. (countable noun)
You say such unkind things. (plural countable noun)
You talk such nonsense. (uncountable noun)

Such + a lot of + countable or + uncountable noun

You make such a lot of excuses.

They cost such a lot of money.

There were such a lot of butterflies.

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