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Welcome to Bjrn and Brenda Dahl

We have a mountain timber farm (260m) in the area near the Hardanger fjord, with very beautiful view
and surrounding. This is a perfect place if you want to be very close to nature. We do have about 60
wild sheep and 50 hens, but most of the work is with vegetables/berries, mostly weeding and
harvesting, also we do harvest hay to feed the sheep and we would be very happy for people who have
some carpentry, mechanic or forest work experience. We are both musicians, we play folk music, folk
rock/metal and rock n roll, we are also very much into nature spirituality (paganism).
We chose this lifestyle to live in peace and harmony with nature and to bring to people great quality

Welcome to Terje Hilstad

Guests will have all meals together with the host family.
Housing in separate cabin by riverside, with own bathroom.
Beatyful view to the mountains! Fishing and hunting posibilities.
Host Information
Terje Hilstad
norsk, english, deutsh, romainian
mainly wild animal meat based
Preferred visit length
100 - 200 days
We check messages
once a week
Preferred period of visit
spring and autum
We produce renewable energy (wind, Sun etc)
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Frilund Grd

We (Kerstin and Andrea and Ingunn) run a 9 ha bio-dynamic farm, located 60km from Oslo. Our farm
has 8 cows, some calves, ca 30 hens, 2 bee-hives, 2 dogs and 4 cats. Beside grasland and
foodproduction for the animals, there is a vegetable garden, and a small herb garden,for our own use,
for sale and for seed production. We also have a small farm-shop. The farm is run partly as a family
farm, and partly as a free associative cooperation. Please call/write at least one week in advance. We
wish all people with an interest in organic farming welcome!
Frilund Grd
Cows, Chickens, Cats, Dogs
Norwegian, English, German
Preferred period of visit
April to November
We grow and collect seeds for our own use
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Lerskall Farm and Stables

Lerskall Farm and Stables is a registered organic farm located south east Norway about 100 km south
of Oslo, 20 km west of Tnsberg. We are producing organic grass for the horses we keep. The family
consists of, in addition to two adults (48 and51), two boys (20 and 23) and two girls (18 and 26). The
youngest is in her last high school year and still living home. The others are university students having
left the nest. We keep regulary food, but can and have accomodated vegetarians and people with other
diets. Woofers are treated and accommodated as family members in our home. We don't require any
housekeeping done by woofers, but we expect that all members in the house partecipate with tiding up
after themselve and keeping their lodgings tidy. We have been hosting (one or two at the time) for 5
years and we have offered 4-6 hours 5 days a week participation in running of the farm, stables and
forest, to some extend limited by seasonal variation. Without asking for any previous training or skills,
the activities will typically include maintenance and construction work, stable work, operation of
machinery, forest work and horse training (riding and driving).We would like wwoofers to be over 21
years old and stay for at least 2 weeks. We all speak fluent English and some of us also fluent German.
Best regards, Antje & Jrn Erik

Lerskall Farm and Stables
Norwegian, german, english
Preferred visit length
more than 2 weeks
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Hegli
In the month of May - in the spring - work is every 8th class from the local school spend a week on the
farm working in the garden, feed the cows, pigs, geeses, chickens and the dog. In September the same
students comes back and reap their own harvest. In 10th class they come as midwinter and create a
feast for their grand parents. The students participate in groups in the farms daily chores such as baking
bread in the oven, harvesting and conservation, woodcutting, etc. At noon they take a hot meal - most

based on the raw materials they have produced on the farm. You are welcome to join our work with the
pupil and help out in the garden etc.
Notice: Before you come, you need a police license to show that you are allowed to work with pupils.
Cows, pigs, chickens, geese, dog
norwegian, english, german
Preferred visit length
one month or more
We check messages
Preferred period of visit
the whole year
We grow and collect seeds for our own use

Welcome to Aukrust Gard og Urteri

The farm is in a valley between the highest mountains in Norway, in a marvellous landscape with dry
climate. We work bio-dynamical, but cooperate much with other producers, restaurants and hotels to
create regional development. We have cows, and grow many sorts of vegetables. Our speciality is
growing of herbs, we make teas and species and sell all over Norway. We have a herb-garden for
visitors and shop, and a new building for cultural events in summer.
"We" are a family with 5 children (6-15) - and 2 - 5 co-workers and practicants. We need help the
whole year, you get an own room and we make and eat the meals together. We want people to stay at
least a month, and if you stay longer we also make formalities that you get an income.
We welcome interest and questions!

Welcome to Alvastien Telste

We are a family of four, Eirik and Hege with the boys Birk and Rein (8 and 10 years old) who live in a
little fjord called Fyksesund, in Hardanger. It's an old traditional fruit farm that we bought in 2003.
We are working with permaculture design, natural farming, sustainable forestry and forest gardening.
We are looking for persons who can work independently, coppicing and making composts in the forest
gardens and vegetable gardens. There will also be harvesting of herbs, berry and fruit picking, there
will bee a lot householding, preserving and making of products to the farm(Jam,Juice,cider etc.)
We are also looking for persons interesdet in/skilled in building - wich we will be spending alot of time
doing this year.
We are practicing alot of learning by observing and doing, wich is what permaculture is much about for
Chearing thoughts and ideas is a natural part of life.
"We believe that a low-energy, high-yielding agriculture is a possible aim for the whole world, and that
it needs only human energy and intellect to achieve this." ---Bill Mollison & David Holmgren-We can offer you your own bedroom, you will be a part of the family and have to be part of the
Training will be given in every job needed to do, and the scenery for hiking is beatiful around here!
Alvastien Telste
norwegian, english
Preferred visit length
minimum 4 weeks
We grow and collect seeds for our own use

Welcome to Ren

We are a small 2 acre two person homestead. We are of North American origin and speak English,but
have lived in Norway for many years. We grow our garden from organic non hybrid seed and our own
saved seed. We have chickens, goats, and ducks. We want volunteers who will be a part of all that we
do, want to learn to cook healthily from scratch , dig gardens, keep animals, be a part of a small start up
farm, work hard, but also explore this beautiful part of the world. Comfortable room in cozy farm
house- share bathroom.

Welcome to lnes Grd

We have a small, family run farm, with: organic orchards - apple, plums and pears; a community
garden - run by the farmer and tenants on the farm; and a sheep and dairy herd. The family consists of
Sigur and Gunvor and their son Jostein, and they look after the day to day activities. The WWOOF
profile is managed by their friend and tenant, Deborah.
The lnes family have been here for more than 4 generations, and still practice transhumance farming.
This involves the seasonal movement of livestock up to higher pastures during the spring and summer,
returning them to lower valleys for the winter. We need to be clear that the dairy and sheep side of the
farm is not organic, but because we use the transhumance system it is low impact.
Our busiest times of the year are Spring, Summer and Autumn, from April to October. Tasks include
lambing, pruning fruit trees, establishing the garden, haymaking and harvesting the fruit as well as the
daily routines on the farm. We can offer a range of opportunities and work including a second far
property we need help renovating - so anybody with construction or carpentry experience would be
most wellcome. We also have spare overalls and waterproof gear available to loan you, including spare

We wish to emphasise that the work is seasonal and can be monotonous at times. Should you request to
come during the winter we normally only have daily routines with the animals available and really only
need one volunteer during this season.
We are interested in volunteers willing to stay from 3 weeks to 3 months. If you would like to stay
more that 3 weeks, this can be arranged, but only once you are here and if we have work available. In
return we can offer you an amazing location near several UNESCO world heritage sites, farm size food
portions and, an opportunity to get a real taste of fjord life in Norway.
One further note, the typical Norwegian farmer's diet is meat and dairy based. Any vegetarians and
vegans are warmly welcome to lnes, but please understand we have limited experience with this this
type of cuisine. However, you are more than welcome to prepare food with us, share recipes, and of
course, make use of the produce from our community vegetable plot.
lnes Grd
Sogn og Fjordane
Sheep, Cows
English, Norwegian and German
Preferred visit length
2-3 weeks
We check messages
Preferred period of visit
May -October
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to EUNOR008
The farm is nicely situated on the riverside with forest and farmland surronding it. The land is used for
organic grass production and pasture. The herd is composed of aprox 10 heritage cattle and 30 sheep in
the winter + lambs and calfs in the summer. There are also 3 horses used for riding and driving. We also
have a fruit and vegetable garden. The family consists of to elderly people with higher education. Once
or twice a week( not during school holidays) schoolchildren attend to have an alternative to the
classroom teaching.

Norwegegian, French, English, German (some)
Partly organic
We check messages
2-3 times a week
Preferred period of visit
Spring, authomne,
We produce renewable energy (wind, Sun etc)
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Ragnhild Zeigler og Kay Skogheim

**SORRY, we are not able to host any more woofers in august***
We are a Young couple who are just starting up Our organic farm Project and looking for volunteers to
help us. We have a few small Fields for growing vegetables and a small green house. We need help
With chopping Wood, watering and fertilising the garden, and right now we are also preparing for Our
wedding in the middle of august, so we need help building Furniture and brewing wine and beer and
other drinks and preparing Food. We are also building a ramp pump to get running water on Our land.
We also want to grow more flowers and make the garden prettier. Also we need to make a good fence
against cow and sheep grazing around Our house and garden. Would you like to help us?

Ragnhild Zeigler og Kay Skogheim
None yet
Norwegian, English
vegetarian or whatever you like
Preferred visit length
1 week
We check messages
3 times a week
Preferred period of visit
spring, summer autumn
We produce renewable energy (wind, Sun etc)

Welcome to Lygra Gjestegard

Lygra Gjestegard is an organic vegetable farm with sheep of different breeds. We have different kitchen
gardens to demonstrate food growing on different scales and to suit different needs.
In addition to growing vegetables and having different animals, we also run a Guesthouse on the farm.
Here we accommodate people, and sometimes serve meals made from our own grown vegetables and
other local organic food.
The work on the farm consists off varying tasks within herb and vegetable growing and harvesting,
care and feeding of animals, general farm work with soil, buildings, cultural landscape maintenance,
fishing and other activities. There is also some preparing and cooking of food and other activities
related to the Guesthouse.
Accommodation for WWOOFers are mainly in one of our two caravans. Shared bathroom with other
WWOOFers and people on the farm.
Choice of being self-catering or sharing meals. Preferred if volunteers could stay for at least 3 weeks.
We have internet and WiFi on the farm.
We normally host 2-3 WWOOFers at the same time, and up to 4 in the busy parts of the seasons.
Lygra are connected to the main land by a stone bridge, and the sea therefore surrounds the island.
In different parts of the year, the farm work is also taking place one several islands around the main
island of Lygra. Here we hold wild sheep, work in the forest, pick berries and do other activities.
We also kayak and do other activities in the sea, such as swimming and trips with the boat.
The age of the people on the farm are ranging from 29 until 40 (plus the kids). Some are vegetarian,
and some are eating meat and fish.
We are four adults living permanent on the farm, spread out over several buildings. We are from
Norway and Poland, and therefore we have Norwegian, English and Polish as spoken languages. So
foreign WWOOFers are not the only ones on the farm who are having a hard time to understand the
Norwegian language ;)
The family heritage on the farm are going hundreds of years back, and we have allot of stone age,
viking and middle age history connected to the culture historical landscape of the island Lygra.

We are situated 45 minutes North from the city of Bergen, and the farm and area around where
assigned with the UNESCO`s global cultural landscape prize in 2001, followed by Europa Nostra`s
cultural landscape prize i 2005.
Fell free to ask any questions you might have.
Best wishes from Lygra Gjestegard.
Lygra Gjestegard
Spel Sheep, Wild Sheep, Cats, Dog
Norwegian/ Danish / Swedish, English, German, Polish
Both vegetarian and meat eaters on the farm
Preferred visit length
3 to 4 weeks or more
We check messages
Every 14 days
Preferred period of visit
All year
We grow and collect seeds for our own use
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Alm Gard

We are Dutch farmers who emigrated ten years ago from holland. We have a small scale production of
ice-cream which is very popular in this part of the country. The products are sold in grocery stores,
restaurants and on the market and festivals around. We produce both organic and conventional but the
cattle, the land and fruit production are all organic. Tourists come from all over the world but most of
them are dutch.
There is various work to be done like feeding cattle, haying, cleaning stable, produce ice-cream,
picking rasberries, work in the vegetable garden, selling ice-cream in the market, picking weed,
building, painting and more. A lot of food we eat comes from the farm.
The volunteers stay in one of the holliday houses. If theres no place there, a simple caravan will be the
home, only for shorter periods.
Alm Gard
Sogn og Fjordane
cows, horses, chickens
norsk, engelsk, tysk, fransk, nederlandsk, portugesisk.
Preferred visit length
1-6 months
We check messages
Preferred period of visit
most at spring/summer
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Jan Solberg, Iryna Omelchenko

My wife, Iryna and I work on the farm together. Her somewhat mentally retarded 18 years old girl,
Monica, also lives with us and takes part in our life on the farm. We sow vegetables in a growth
chamber from april and plant in the field early june. Rootfruits, cabbage and potatoes are stored in a
soil cellar during winter. Some vegetables such as parsley and brokkoli may be sold on the local market
once a week from 15 th. july. Sheepwool is shared in may, and the sheep are in the mountains july to
early sept. Last part of july we cut the grass for hay or silage. We will isolate and set up panel in a
gazebo and a garage, and finish the building of two plastic tunnels for vegetables. Two new rooms will
be built inside the barn. We also need to make fences, and cut trees for firewood. Work will be offered
with all the above mentioned items. We will work much together with the necessary instructions, but
also somewhat alone. I am also manager of Children Green World Vision which teaches sustainable,
organic, no till farming methods for smallholders in Mali called farming Gods way. We also apply these
methods for some of the crop on the farm. Once a year for the last 7 years I have travelled in Mali, but
mostly i keep in almost daily contact with the local leader through skype and email.
Jan Solberg, Iryna Omelchenko
Sheep, old norwegian land race, two cats
English, Russian, German, French
Our own vegetables, meat from our sheep. Or vegetarian. Bake our own bread.
Preferred visit length
1 - 5 weeks
We check messages
usully every day
Preferred period of visit
15. may - 30. okt.
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Elvarheim
We can't really call ourselves farmers, as our property is far smaller than even the smallest
smallholdings in Norway. But we do keep animals and we do grow our own food. And if we don't grow
it, we collect it from the rivers, lakes and forest around the house.
We live a two and a half hour drive north-east of Oslo, in an area called "Finnskogen". This would
translate into something like "the forest of the Finns", and refers to the immigration of Finnish people
back in the 1600. They were so called "forest Finns" and lived by slash and burn agriculture (growing
rye) in these vast forests.
We need help with a whole bunch of things, from feeding the animals, working in the vegetable garden
and in the greenhouse, fencing, painting and working on the houses, to cooking and preserving food,
harvesting berries and herbs in the forest, foraging, fishing and even some hunting during the hunting
season. We also run a popular caf/restaurant and a micro brewery together with the people at Nervang
(also a wwoof-farm), where we aim to prepare and serve high quality food from the forest and from the
farms in the area. We really appreciate, and encourage, woofers to take part in this as well!
In addition to all this, we also really appreciate the cultural exchange part of this. With four small kids
it's not so easy to travel like we used to, so right now we want the world to come to us instead.
We work for six to seven hours a day, five days a week. But sometimes we just skip work and go
fishing or swimming instead, and sometimes we work a little longer.
Wwoofers live either in a seperate little house, an old and cosy "lumberjack-cabin", or a caravan, both
located just next to our house. Well, you dont live there, you sleep there. The living part takes place all
over, together with us. But with four small kids in the house, we're sure you will appreciate a little
privacy as well.
Good, old Tolstoy was right: "I have lived through much, and now I think I have found what is needed
for happiness. A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to
whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one
hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighborsuch is my idea of
That pretty much sums it all up!

Chickens, lambs, bees, cat, dog
Norwegian, English
Anything goes as long as you help cooking
Preferred visit length
Preferably 2 weeks or longer
We check messages
Preferred period of visit
April to October
We grow and collect seeds for our own use

Welcome to Nupen Grd

Welcome to Nupen Grd

We are a young family Stefan (34, from Germany), Mann Si (31, from Germany/France), our little son
Ayoscha (2) and Jonael (born august 2014).
We have buy en beautifull farm (2010) located on an Island Andya, about 300 km inside the Arctic
circle. We are close to the sea, with mountains and forest right behind us. Andya is flat and have
largely continuous bog Areas, but also consist of steep mountain ranges. Andya is also well known for
its cloudberries and the sperm whales.
We have 70 sheep of an old Norwegian breed. Lambing is in May and during the summer month they
go free in the mountains.
We have start with pigs . In summer they will stay outdoor (4 motherpig with their piglets). We plan to
renovate the pigstall this year.
We have also some chickens, ducks and a dog.
We have start growing vegetables. Our idea is to sell our produce, but we haven't come so far yet.

Work here can involve stallwork,, animal care, gardening, picking cloudberries, fencing, making hay,
making firewood, building/restoring barn. We er quite flexible and will adapt work to the different
WWOOFers after qualification and desire.
Some project for this year are fencing several area for the sheep and renovating the pigstall.
When we have time we like to go fishing.
WWOOFers will live in an separate house with beautifull view over fjord and eat with us in the
mainhouse. WWOOFers will be expected to help a bit around the house and hold their room clean. We
speak mostly german in our family but french and norwegian are also well spoken. A big part of our
diet er selfproduced, so meat, fish and eggs are eaten quite often.
We have room for 2-3 Person at a time.
No TV, Internet only in mainhouse.
Nupen Grd
sheep, pigs, chickens,ducks,quail, dog
german, norwegian
Preferred visit length
min.3 weeks
Preferred period of visit
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to delien
At the moment: we are particularly looking for people to help us with the spring cleaning from after
Easter untill about 20th of May. You can stay from 2-4 weeks. In summer (4-6 weeks) we are looking
for a couple or 2 friends who are responsible and can take care of the duties even if we are not here.
About the farm: delien has been in the family for generations, and many of the houses date back to
1865. Now it is our turn to take over and give new spirit to the place, and we hope you will join us in
the process. The main income of the farm is to run the 9 tourist cabins. At the moment we have decided
to give them a new and updated look, and it is one of the things we work on. From our previous farm
we have experience building with clay, strawbales and other alternative materials. In delien many of
the houses are dating back to 1865, so we will take this into consideration when we give the farm a new
About us: We are a family with 3 children (7, 10 and 14). Tone grew up on the farm and Pascal grew up

in New Zealand/Australia. We have been woofing ourself.and also hosted many wwoofers over the
Work: Painting and restauring the cabins are our priorities at the moment. Besides work might include,
house keeping, child minding, gardening, landscaping, forest work. If you are particularly skilled or
interested in any of these jobs it is just to tell. We try to find jobs that you feel comfortable with. If you
have building experience that will be much appreciated, and if you have no special skills that is fine
Activities: The closeness to the forest and mountains makes the farm a unique destination for nature
lovers. There are endless opportunities for hiking and biking. The farm also has a fishing pond and a
canoe. In winter this is an ultimate ski-destination for both down hill and cross country. Many artists
has also been attracted too the village because of the special light and the living cultural
heritageRecently there has been opened an artist home in the village, where artists come to work and
stay. There are also permanent exhibitions in the village.
We are particularly looking for people who likes to be around children, as they are an important part of
our life at the moment.

Welcome to ARSTUN FARM

We have been running this farm since 1997, with woofers for the eight last years, and we have had
some beautiful years when we look back. Since we started this project we have experienced a lot, met a
lot of nice people and developed the farm. We have also seen that it is a happy but a hard life, Last two
years we have reduced the projects and the production in the farm and we have started working outside
We are looking for hardworking individuals who want to learn and develop themselves. Prior
experience is great but not required. If you would like to join us, we would be happy to guide you and
support you with our experience, food and room. Please send a message with a little about your self and
the period you'd like to work with us.
About the farm we have 70ha with 15ha cultivated, and the rest is forest. The farm is located by a
beautiful lake and nature reserve. We have a variety of activities with grain fields, grass fields,
ecological greenhouse vegetable production, herb garden, sheep, cows, dog, hens, quales, rabbits,

ducks and bees. Our vision is to develop the farm as a pleasant place to take care of people and nature.
Our small farming society receptive to positive development and we would be happy to invite you to
join. Apart from normal vegetable and animal production, we provide green care services, where we
take care of people and children with special needs. Also we provide weekly seminars on Ecological
agriculture and psychological seminars on life quality.
We have 3 small rooms in outdoor houses to live apart from main farm house. We accommodate up to 4
people at a time. We give instructions according to the different tasks done during the year. We prefer
that people stay for at least 2 - 3 weeks and up to 6 weeks. If interested have a look at our website.
sheep, cows, dog, hens, quales, rabbits, ducks, bees
Norwegian, English, Dutch, Sinhalese
Preferred visit length
2-4 weeks
We check messages
Every week
Preferred period of visit
We grow and collect seeds for our own use
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Tone
I have two organic gardens where I grow fruit and vegetables. I have bumblebees but no animals.
I would welcome some help a few weeks during spring/early summer and also later in the year. Im
relaxed about my garden and I enjoy spending time there.
If you consider to visit very early or very late in the year, its a good idea to prepare yourself by
checking the temperature at www.yr.no.
Woofers will live in the little white cabin you see in the picture. Perfect for one:)
The nature surrounding my garden is very nice and 200 meters from a nice path along the fjords.

Preferred visit length
1 - 3 weeks
We check messages
once a week
Preferred period of visit
We grow and collect seeds for our own use

Welcome to Brennehage Grd

Brennehage Grd
Sogn og Fjordane
sheep, bees, chicken, duck
norwegian, dutch, english
living of the land
Preferred visit length
6 weeks
We check messages
every week
Preferred period of visit
We grow and collect seeds for our own use

Welcome to Bakneset

have a nice farm her in Selbu,close to the lake, - where you can go swimming fishing, canoeing - and
walk in the beautiful landscape. Here I am living with my husband and animals. We have 60 special
sheep (villsau), whitch stay out all year around - even when it is -25 (celcius). I have also 4 goats, some
hens, two cats and a dog. I grow some vegetables and berrys.
We need wwoofers to stay fore longer periods,help us with fences, vegetables,wood and the grass
during the sommer.In the winther there is woodenwoork and woork in the barn.
Ther cold be other types of work like for example construction work. Work in the forest, removing
brushes and trees. The Work is 7 hours each day, 5 days a week. Here, bought -we and you- nead to be
flexible here. You live as a part of our family, in the summer you stay in your one cabin, but eat with
In general we will take part in the work ourself, but we bought have work oughtside the farm.
The work starts at 09:00, lunch is at 12:00 -13:00 and finish of the day is 17:00. Sunday is the day of
-and you have one more day that you nead to make an apointment ahed of - in the season, because we
maight nead you one saturday.
We have not much wiifii so pleas download films etc before you arrive, and bring your one computer if
you nead one.
Internett will therfor be avalebel only from 18:00 - 23:00.
If you have net addiction - this is not the place for you...
We don't accept drugs.
Hope this is ok for you-and that the stay with us will be ok.
ca 60 sheeps, 4 goats
Preferred visit length
Weeks ore months
We check messages
Every 3-4 day
Preferred period of visit

May - sept
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Tore Jardar Wirgenes

Produce: grain, vegtables, potato, porc, cows, eggs and grass.
We need help for weeding, caring for animals, fence work and general various chores.
We can offer a stay at a tranquil and beautiful environment with a salmon river surrounding the farm,
various tasks and new experiences. There are several recreational acivities possible in the nearby
Perfect salmonriver for fishing during summertime 100 meters from the barn:-)
Accomodation: Caravan. Bathroom with shower, toilet and washing machine 20 meters away in the
You need to be independent and prepared to do most of your own cooking yourself. Please let us know
if you are willing to share the caravan with other people. We recommend couples and/or friends to
apply together. You will anyway meet lots of people, because of the CSA.
Wwoofers must speak English/ Scandinavian well enough to communicate with us and guests on the
Possibility for use of car while at the farm.
Tore Jardar Wirgenes
pigs, hens, cows, cats
english, Scandinavian
Meat and grain and vegtables, fish from farm
Preferred visit length
14 days minimum
We check messages
Preferred period of visit

From april!!!
We grow and collect seeds for our own use
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Leine Merino

At Leine Merino we breed merino sheep and sell yarn and wool/textile
products. We have approx. 150 sheep. We also grow the main part of the
fodder for the animals (hay and straw) ourselves without using any
artificial fertilizers. We sell the wool products through an online shop and
at markets/trade fairs etc.
Help would be most needed in the following fields:
- Feeding the sheep
- Maintenance work around the sheds/farm yard
- Work in the kitchen garden
- General help with the office work
- General help with the household
- Forest work
- Keep the shop clean
Beautiful and quiet location in the mountains. For more information and photos, please visit our
website. We have several individual rooms.
People who like to play for fun (cards...) are welcome!

Welcome to Braend Gaard

We have a farm with 90 milkgoats in the norwegian montains, east of a mountaingroup called Rondane
at 800 m above see level. an alpine pasture, were the goats stays in the summer belongs to the farm.
We are a family with 2 children (4 and 9 years old).
The nature in which the farm is placed is marvelous!
We offer all kind of farm work, with good accommodation
Braend Gaard

Preferred visit length
at least three month
Preferred period of visit
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Handnesgarden

Welcome to Handnesgarden

This is a place for the person that loves animals and hard work outdoors. Not for people that are afraid

to get dirty or cold. You will be close to a mighty and unpredictible nature. Sea, wind and weather are
there plenty of. In the summer midnight sun, in the winter stars and northern light. You will take part in
the work and life through the year. No day is the same. The work is rather hard and manual.
We provide your own room in a house together with other wwoofers, or at least your own bed in the
most buzzy season. In the common house we have lunch together monday- friday, and TV and internet.
The rest of the meals you cook yourself. The food comes mostly from the farm, the sea and the nature
around. The working hours are 7 hours a day monday-friday. The animals also need food and care in
the week-ends, so you are supposed to work every secund or third week-end and have some other day
of instead. In special occations you can be asked to work longer days.
In the winter we take care of the animals, train horses and cut firewood and building material. In the
summer we grow hay and enilage to feed the animals, potatoes and vegetables for own use, and a litle
sale. Keep an eye on the free roaming animals. Fencing and maintain fields and buildings. Some
construction work.
There is good oportunities for hiking and experiencing nature.
horses, cows, sheep, gees, bees, hens
norwegian, english, greek
mostly food from the farm
Preferred visit length
a month or longer
We check messages
Preferred period of visit
all year
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Urdi grd

We are continuing a legacy from the father and forefather of my wife, a small scale farm. We are a
family of 4, with 2 kids aged 2,5 and 5, a boy and a girl. The father and mother of my wife are still
living here, in the house next to us.
We started up with a small herd of sheep a year after the farm was handed over to us. We have several
projects and have set many goals we would like to achieve, and will welcome any help we can get :)
Current projects: Establishing 2 new areas (total around 11 ha) for the sheep to graze upon in the
spring/autumn. We chop down trees (birch) and produce firewood for sale. We also normally have at
least one environmental/culturing adjustment of some area of landscape we own each year. We also try
to plow, harrow and sow one of the fields of grass that we own each year. We own 4 cabins that need
attendance and maintenance. We are also establishing a new field of grass that earlier was marshland (3
Hopefully will some of these tasks be of interest for you :)
I am an agronomist and will of course share the knowledge I have gained through studies and from
farming, through discussions and through the work we do at the farm.
Our most hectic period is during lambing. We expect about 60-70 lambs in april-may 2014. The
lambing can occur both day and night so it can be an effort to get through it :)
We have a wonderful nature here, and we live in a quiet, peaceful area. There are many possible
activities naturewise in our "backyard" :) During winter the most popular activity around here is
probably skiing or going on trips with the snowmobile. We have a lake close by for swimming etc
during summer.
My wife has a job outside the farm, she works as a teacher.
Lodging: We have some seperate buildings you can sleep in.
We would like you to share our meals with us, and welcome you to introduce us to cooking from your
country if you feel like it.
Food: We eat "normal" norwegian food; Healthy, nourishable food:
Fresh vegetables, fish, fruit, meat, bread etc.
Other things to note: We live far from shops and even farther away from cafees, cinemas etc :) It's
about a 15 km drive to nearest grocery.
Note that our kids are still small and require a lot of attention and take their toll on us parents. Due to
this we prefer for you to leave to your housing in the evenings after we put the kids to bed, so that we
can have some time for ourselves as well :)
Note: All wwoofers that would like to come to us must have an insurance that can cover any eventual
To ensure that our wwoofers have read our presentation, please write the word "Grond" when you

apply to be hosted by us.

Urdi grd
Norwegian, English, Svedish, Danish
My wife is a decent cook :) Normal norwegian food
Preferred visit length
1 - 2 weeks or longer

Welcome to Ranestadmonen Grd


Welcome to Sollien grd

We are a family of five, living and working on our little farm in Norway. We need help with all sorts of
farm work; feeding animals, fencing, lambing, clearing forest, small building projects, walking dogs
(we are starting up a boarding kennel this summer), painting, gardening (vegetables), general
You will sleep in a small outhouse in our garden - it is simple but cozy and with a small kitchen and
wood stove. Bathroom facilities are in our house.
Sollien grd

Horses, cows, sheep, chickens, pigs, dogs and cats.
English, Norwegian, Spanish, Portugese
We check messages
Every day
Preferred period of visit
April - September
We grow and collect seeds for our own use
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Morten Kr Bragd

We are a nursery and a gardencenter. We grow most of our plants ourselves, and make our own soil,
which we also distribute.
We built a new garden center in 2014 which have a combined sale and production area. There is a lot of
new simple technology integrated, and we just finished a large root cellar autumn 2014. In addition to
localy adjusted nurserystock, we also produce small amount of high quality vegetables for top
When working with us, you will learn the uttermost newest in plant physiology and good plantcare.
Morten Kr Bragd
chickens, sheep
English, dutch, german
appartment and food
Preferred visit length
1-6 month

We check messages
Preferred period of visit
spring, summer
We grow and collect seeds for our own use
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Permakulturplanter.no
What's going on here is permaculture growing of mainly perennial plants and vegetables to sell. We can
use help for all kind of things: Building, digging, weeding, harvesting, sowing, planting, fencing,
preservation of food, video editing (if one have knowlegde) etc. Irja is educated organic farmer (at
Sogn Jord og Hagebruksskule) from Vg in east Norway and Benjamin is a danish permaculturist with
years of experience in forest gardening, trees and perennial vegetables. We have been wwoofing many
places ourselves, so we hope we have a good idea of how to make a good wwoofing stay. We would
like you to learn something and to learn something from you.
We have 1,4 hectare we can grow, where we are planning and establishing forest garden systems. But
mainly we work on a small area (garden size) with very high production per m2 through complicated
At our place you are close to everything almost, 300 meters to sea (warm enough to svim in), forest,
mountains, 2-4 km to center of town, shop, library, Bioforsk kologisk (national research facility for
organic farming).
We have several good rooms available for wwoofers and two bathrooms, so we should have space
enough for you.
Help from wwoofers is useful all year round and we put breaks in between wwoofing stays, so we can
be more present hosts when we have you here. We are a little family with a 1-year-old baby, so that's a
big part of our daily life, evenings and weekends.

Availability calendar
When can you visit Permakulturplanter.no?
Open Vacancy

Host Information
Mre og Romsdal
English, Norwegian, Danish, some French,
and a bit German
Organic and vegetarian, with eggs, fish,
and milk products.
Preferred visit length
About 2 weeks
We check messages
At least twice a week
Preferred period of visit
All the year round
We grow and collect seeds for our own use

Welcome to Blerveien 375

We are Cline, Herman & Maya.
Cline is a french vegeterian chf, nutritional advisor and mother.
Herman is a musician, sound engineer and father.
Maya is a 2 year old girl and our daughter.
We live in the woods 45 minutes southeast of Oslo by transportation. Our land has a small expanding
garden on it. We grow vegetables, berries and fruits for our consumption. Wild nature is close by and it
provides wild edible plants, herbs & mushrooms.
At our place you will learn:
how to do small scale ecologic gardening with a permaculture philosophy.
how to recognize wild edible plants, herbs & mushrooms.
how to build low cost greenhouse and earthcellar for storing food.
how to turn untouched land into a permaculture garden.
Blerveien 375
Norwegian, English, French.
Ecologic and 90% vegeterian.
We check messages
Every second day.
Preferred period of visit
Spring, Summer, Autumn.
We grow and collect seeds for our own use

Welcome to Bjrkhaugen biodynamic farm


Welcome to Bjrkhaugen biodynamic farm

We are a small family farm, with a 40-year old history in biodynamic agriculture. Our farm is manysided: we have about 30 cows and calves of local traditional race, 2 working fjord horses, woodland,
pastures and a vegetable garden for the farm`s needs.
I, Daniela, am running the farm together with my husband, who, although officially a pensioner, is still
playing the main role in the farm's life and work.
We are looking for people who have open and positive attitude, deep interest in organic, or (even
better) biodynamic agriculture, enjoy work and have a sense of responsibility. We need help in the areas
mentioned above: tending the animals + milking, forest and pasture work, making firewood for winter,
gardening, building..., the type of work is depending on the time of the year.
We have a room for the volunteers in a separate loghouse/cabin, where two people can live. We have a
composting toilet outside and a wood-fired finnish sauna but no warm shower, so you may have to
change your washing habits when you come to us.
The volunteers do their own cooking and meal preparation. But we see each other a lot: both me and
my husband are actively at work most of the day. And our two small children (6 and 8) are passionate
We try to be ecological not only in our work, but also in our lifestyle. So, we cook mostly out of what
we produce in the various seasons of the year. You will not find any junk food here, such as ketchup,
white flour... We use very little sugar. Although our main production is meat and milk, vegetarians can
survive here, as long as they are used to cook from lentils, beans etc.
Such a lifestyle takes time, so you will be expected to work in average 7 hours, with one free day a
week. We arrange our working days after the needs of the animals, plants, weather..., so you will
mostly be working both morning and afternoon, with a break in the middle of the day or other times
between the work. We prefer longer stays, because there is a lot to learn. Generally minimum 1- 2
months, exceptions are possible only if we have vacancy. First month is a trial period.
We wish to share our life and work with sober people. The whole farm is non-smoking and alcohol
free. The same with drugs no hard/soft drugs, and please no people with a drug history.
It is hard to survive for a little farm as we are, so it is important that your motive to come here is to
work and learn, not to hang around.
About our location: We live in a beautiful fjord landscape, with long-distance views in all directions.
The nature is very variated here and you can see a lot on your walks.
We speak Norwegian, English, German, Czech, Swedish, French, Russian.
Important: none of us is Norwegian by origin, and we do not live a typical Norwegian lifestyle. Also,
with our little income we could not even afford it:-( So, if you wish to get to know Norwegian lifestyle
and culture, please try something else (e.g. as an au-pair). Here you can learn only about ecological
If you wish us to take your application seriously (and answer), 1. PLEASE WRITE SOMETHING
ABOUT YOU (a kind of CV: about what you have done up to now, your work experience, what your

month is an absolute minumum.)
We are very busy, so we answer only to those, who write all of the above information in their first email.
Just now we need a practical, interested person who can learn to milk and help with calving. It is a lot
of work in the calving period, so big motivation to do exactly this is needed, as well as commitment.
Minimum stay in this period is 3 months.
P.S.: This is a wwoof site, not a job agency. We do not and cannot offer any jobs, as we ourselves have
only about 15% of the average norwegian income.
Job applications sent to us will be considered as spam and not answered!

Welcome to Ringestga
The farm is a mountain farm located 500m above sea level. We have 2 cows, 1 cat, 7 chickens, 2
horses, 3 rabitts, 2 dogs and bees, and soon sheeps. Heating is based on firewood, so making firewood
is a typical winter job. This spring we wil work a lot with fencing. In summertime we will build and
renovate buildings, we will alsow do gardening, fishing and haying. Our main goal is to do traditional
farming being self sufficient in food. We grow grains, potatoes, carrots, salad, onions,tomatoes, apples
etc. We are skilled within a wide range of handicrafts. We are also musicians mostly within folk music.
We welcome wwoofers who share our values and interests and want to enjoy hard work and lots of
learning and a charming social life. Because we live in the mountains, we depend on fishing and
hunting as well as domestic animal resources. Vegetarians and people on special diets will therefore
find it difficult to stay with us. take a look at our blogg to see more
2 Horses, 2 cows, 7 chickens, 3 rabitts 1 cat and 2 dogs.
Norwegian, Swedish, German, English and Russian
We check messages
once a week, sometimes every day
Preferred period of visit
summer and autumn
We grow and collect seeds for our own use
We produce our own feed for our animals


Welcome to Come have some fun :)


Welcome to Come have some fun :)

Hi guys!
Thank you for visiting my profile! I would love to have a message from
So, lets start:
I'm searching workers pretty much all the time! I would encourage couples
and friends traveling together to contact me. I have to be away from the
farm a lot in november and december, and I need help to look after my
lovely animals and my house. Please contact me if this sounds like
something you would like to be part of.
My current work situation is divided between the farm and a forestry
company that I own and work in. During daytime on weekdays I'm driving
a harvester in the regions forests. This means that I'm not in the farm all
the time, and it requires that my wwoofers are independent. Its good if you
have someone to travel with (couples/friends) so that you are two people
on the farm when I'm at work. I have good experience with inviting people
to stay on my farm for longer periods while I'm away on holiday or
The lambing in april-may is an adventure (and busy). In the summer the
sheep are in the mountain and work at the farm is mostly harvesting gras,
various small jobs and chilling out. I bring the sheep from the mountain in
April - May is a busy time, as the sheep are having their lambs from
around the 25.april. A few weeks later the fields are green with gras, and
we let the sheep out in the fields around the farm until the middle of june.
Then we let them go free in the surrounding mountains all summer. We
harvest the gras and store it in silos or make hay, to use in winter. This
happens in four stages: one in june and july and two times in august. The
summer brings many opportunities, such as picking berries in the garden
and in the mountain, picking mushrooms, fishing in the lake, looking after
the sheep in the mountain and so on. Autumn comes and it's time to get the
sheep from the mountain, a task that requires many people.
There is a various work to do with the sheep and the lambs throughout
september and october. In November we take the sheep inside, and until
march they mostly just need feeding. The spare time is spent working in
the forest. We cut trees for timber and firewood. Making firewood for next
winter consists of cutting the tree, skidding it down from the mountain
with the tractor, cutting the logs in smaller pieces, splitting and storing
them on pallets.
Come have some fun :)
Sogn og Fjordane

English and French
Preferred visit length
2-6 weeks
We check messages
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Utigard Vindal

Our family took over this farm last summer, and we now have 30 sheep and some chicken. The farm is
traditionally built for the area, with large stone foundations and timber walls. The farm is located in a
area that is perfect for hiking, trails to the famous Trollheimen and Innerdalen is close to the farm. You
can borrow bicycles and there are plenty of opportunities for fishing. We are converting to organic
farming in spring 2015, and trying to build up a bigger herd. We need most help during lambing and
fencing new grazing areas (may), but also setting up a vegetable garden (april/may), barn renovation
(june/july), restoring stone fences (may-july). Harvesting (late june/early july and late august). We can
host 2-3 people at the same time, small groups and couples are welcome, you get your own room, and
share all other facilities and meals will be served in our familiy kitchen. We expect you to work 6 h*5
days a week, but will do our best to find work that suits your interests and abilities. We look forward to
exchange organic ideas and experiences with you!
Utigard Vindal
Sheep, Chicken
Norwegian, English, German
Traditional norwegian food, not vegetarian, organic when available in store
Preferred visit length
more than 2 weeks
We check messages

Once a week
Preferred period of visit
During lambing, may/june
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Store Arnevik Grd

We are a young couple (Eva and Per Christian, 38 and 36 years old, with a 2,5 year old baby) that runs
a farm on the south coast of Norway. The farm operates with blue muscles cultivation, oysters and
tourism. We also cultivate some land and forest and plan to have some sheep this year.
We will need help with:
-work on the shell farm, and with picking oysters.
-house, garden and babysitting.
-fencing for the sheep.
-building a small summerholidayfarm on an island nearby to be rented out to tourists in the future. In
this farm we are reconstructing an old house, and building a small barn. For this specific job, we are
looking for persons with carpentry skills, and some with electrical or plumbing experience. Work to be
done in this place: Build a stair in stone in front of the house (so anyone with related skills are
welcome) Lay tiles on the 1st floor in the main house. Build a small toilet house (in norwegian called
utedo (see small drawing) and put up panels, some windows and doors and build a staircase in the
We need volunteers from early/mid march 2015. Couples are welcome.
We are mainly searching for persons that can stay for at least a month or two/three/four/five;). But
persons with specials skills as mentioned above are welcome for a shorter stay. Extra effort or skills
will be rewarded.
The guests will stay in their own, authentic old house at the farm, that has a a living room with kitchen,
bathroom and wc in the ground floor, and has a large bedroom on the 1st floor with 4 beds, Or in a
guest room in our house with own bathroom. This depends on who we are hosting at the moment.
Seafood, deer and elk is on the everyday menu. We expect visitors to help in the kitchen. We sometimes
eat together, and sometimes separatly.
The farm is located by the fjord in one of Norway's most popular summer resorts. We have our own
small beach and pier and the best conditions for enjoying the nature. Kayaks and motor boat will be at
your disposal. Fishing with a rod and nets is an everyday activity. Here you also have the possibilities
for watersport like kayaking, sailing and waterskiing. There is also nice bicycle routes and hiking trails
in the area.
You can also borrow a car if needed.
(To summarize this) we will need:

2 persons at the time for the shellfarm. No experience required, but you must be strong and
hardworking. Open time: From mid March til end of May.
2 persons at the time for the building on the island: Experience with carpentry, stonework, plumbing or
electricity. Open time: from mid March til mid October.
1 person for help in the house, garden and babysiting: Open from 1.st March
Ps: If you need time of for traveling or vacation, it is ok. we are flexible.
Store Arnevik Grd
Blue muscles and oysters, sheep
English, some Spanish
seafood, deer and elk
Preferred visit length
1-2 months or more.
We check messages
almost every day
Preferred period of visit
1st of march

Welcome to Hilde Stefferud

My name is Hilde Stefferud and I am since 30 years a farmer. I am running two farms with my
Husband.Both farms have around 10 cows. The most important is to give them a really nice living
condition. That means they have always enough and nice food, they must have much place for walking
and eating and they also have some special rooms where they can sleep. My cows are free and can
deceide on their own, if they want to go outside or stay inside, even in winter.
The farm where we are living is in Sigdal, a nice place surrounded by beautiful mountains with forrest.
The closest town is mot. If you like hiking there are many roads through the forrest up to the top of
the mountains.
The other farm is in Presterud, a place inside the forrest, close to Vikersund. There is also a house
which is older then 200 years and sometimes we will sleep over there.

The work on the farms is mostly close to the cows, but they are really friendly and not dangerous. You
will also feed the small cows every day. But there are also a lot of other tasks at and around the farm.
Sometimes we are working inside the barn and sometimes inside the forrest. There is a lot of work
which have to be done and so it will be never boring.
Me and my husband are looking forward to meet you. Best is, to call me directly.
Hilde Stefferud
Norwegian and english
Preferred visit length
1 month
We check messages
Per week
Preferred period of visit
We produce renewable energy (wind, Sun etc)
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Hedda and Egil Kortnes

e projects are according to old tradition and ecological thinking/practice. We are also running a camp
for school classes and firms who want a special meeting or nature/farming activity. Provide weekly
seminars in ecological agriculture, yoga, detox and mindfulenss seminars. We also run B&B and
holyday center. It is about 30 beds on the farm.

Welcome to Snsteby

Welcome to Sailing The Farm Collective.

Interested in self-sufficiency?
Want to help build a community? Love the sea? On an organic farm in Norway, our collective is for
anyone keen to learn, share ideas, and work hard. We are building a sailboat (hopefully the first of
many). When she is finished (we aim for 2015), we want to sail the world, visiting other eco-villages,
collecting knowledge and traveling in the most eco-friendly way possible. Anyone who helps us out
will have the chance to join our crew.
We also work on the farm, building up the infrastructure to create a stable base for our community. We
live with the farm cat/dog and some (very) free-range chickens + bees. Eventually we hope to grow all
our food. We want to create a place that will continue to flourish, where crops, thoughts, adventures,
and of course boats, can grow!
We ask for a minimum commitment of thirty days, with a week-long trial period. We welcome anyone
as long as you are happy to work hard and help out where eeded. There are enough beds for eight
volunteers and the schedule is Monday to Friday, with approximately eight to nine hours of work a day.
Please bring your pets if you can! Boat work is predominantly during the winter and jobs include
upholstry, installing the engine, sewing the sails, constructing the mast and fitting the interior. If you
have any particular skills in these areas, please let us know. On the farm you may be asked to do
anything from plowing and harvesting to jam making, roof building, beekeeping, digging, painting, or
grinding the barley for our morning porridge. It is guaranteed that you will be asked to cook; our diet is
vegetarian and we try to eat only seasonal food, grown as locally as possible.
Come help us out and join our tribe of sea-gypsies!
WANT ANSWER.. (then we also know you are interested enough to actually read to the end of our
PPS. we had so many young people at the farm so now we have preference for wwoofers older than 2528.
Love from Sailing the Farm
Sailing The Farm Collective.
chickens, bees, is boat an animal?
mostly english
vegetarian mostly

Preferred visit length

We check messages
every day
Preferred period of visit
all year
We grow and collect seeds for our own use
We produce renewable energy (wind, Sun etc)

Welcome to Nordre Stuksrud


Welcome to Lene-Isolde and Scott HowesHjeldnes

We have a beautiful farm in Frosta, it's 45 min away from Vrnes airport, it`s an amazing quite place
with a georgeous views over trondheim fjord.
There are some projects that need to be carried out in 2015, general farm work and sharing some house
chores. Horseriders and people who like physical challenging work are very welcome.
We prefer couples who wants to help us working 30 casual hours a week, you are welcome to stay in
our guest cabin.. we offer food and accomodation, with occasional lifts to the city or airport :) welcome
to our little paradis :D ps: no WIFI or internet connection on the farm;) im sorry if we dont respond to
all respons, does just mean we r bissy or have no vacancy right then- know that we are glad for every
request we get:)

Availability calendar
When can you visit Lene-Isolde and Scott HowesHjeldnes?
Open Vacancy
Host Information
Lene-Isolde and Scott Howes-Hjeldnes
dog,chicks,ducks,cat,goose,turkey,rabbits, donkey and
english and norwegian
everything, but healthy
Preferred visit length
2-3 weeks
We check messages
twice a week
Preferred period of visit
We grow and collect seeds for our own use
We produce renewable energy (wind, Sun etc)
We produce our own feed for our animals

Welcome to Mlumstuen
Mlumstue is a small farm situated 130 km north of Oslo with hilly woodland around us. We produce
meat, wool, fleece, eggs and vegetables. Ena goes to work 3 days a week. Jrgen is a full time farmer.
We have a boy of 13 living with us.
We have 30 sheep inside in the winter and around 60 lamb every spring. At the moment we have14
hens, one rooster, a dog and a cat with a mind of its own.
Summers are warm(20+) and winters are cold(-20).We work inside and outside all year. Looking after
the animals is high priority, fencing, making firewood, repairs, painting, maintaining machines and
Spring 2015 we are preparing woodland to become pasture for the sheep. Wolf and bear are killing
sheep in the forests around us, so its safer to keep the animals at home. Thats why we need more grass
closer to the farm. There will be some building activity on the farmhouse. Both the barn and the house
needs painting this year.
Accomodation is seperate from the house. With electricity and a woodstove. Small but cosy. Later, in
the spring of 2015 we make a room ready in the house. We have internett and a DVD-player, but no
Sheep, hens, dog, cat
norwegian, english, danish
Preferred visit length
2-6 weeks
We check messages
every evening
Preferred period of visit
all year round
We produce our own feed for our animals



Welcome to Hurdalsjen kologiske Landsby


Welcome to Hurdalsjen kologiske Landsby

We have 5 cob houses on the property, and 5 wooden houses/cottages. Some of these will be used for
housing the guests.
Today there are 17 people living in the old ecovillage: 6 children and 11 grownups. In the
summertime we will have 7-9 volunteers in the village.
We can offer a WWOOFer a deal that they work 5-6 hours per day, and get food and accommodation in
return. You will have access to a kitchen, bathroom with shower and sauna. There will also be common
meals almost every day.
Type of work will vary from vegetable production, cooking, work around the farm with different tasks,
maintenance, painting, animal care, transport, construction work etc. mostly practical tasks, but we
will also try to adjust the work to each person to create a win-win situation ;).
This year we will build 30 new houses (the actual building started in February 2014, and 14 are

completed) many people will move here in the close future.

We have also taken over a nearby school, that we will turn into a sustainable business and resource
center. There will be a lot to do many different tasks around this that needs to be covered!

Availability calendar
When can you visit Hurdalsjen kologiske Landsby?
Open Vacancy
Host Information
Hurdalsjen kologiske Landsby
Horses, chickens, goats, sheep, cats
Norwegian & English
Mostly vegetarian
We check messages
Preferred period of visit
We grow and collect seeds for our own use
We produce our own feed for our animals

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