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Ain Shams University

Faculty of Nursing
First semester
Method of teaching

Aspects that make adult learners different

:Prepared by

nowar mahmed*
safa gamal*
neveen mahmed*

:Super vision

Prof.DR// Nadia yanni

:Out line
Objectives -1
.Definition -2
.Factors affect adult learners -3
.Barriers of adult learning -4
Objectives -1
:By the end of this lecture the student will able to**
.Define adult learning-1
.Idenify factors affect adult learning-2
.understand different barriers affect adult learning-3
There are conflicting perspectives on adult learning as it is from early **
childhood development practices and overall approaches to learning. It is
separates itself the belief of the authors that all styles of learning are applicable to
both early childhood and adult learning, with differences presenting themselves
.regarding to the use of the style based on the learning environment

.Definition -2
. is the art and science of helping adults learn
?Why Malcolm Knowles is considered father of Andragogy
Malcolm Knowles is the father of Andragogy as he proposed four factors involved
.in adult learning

-:four assumptions of Malcolm Knowles

:The four assumptions underlying Andragogy describe the adult learner as someone who has
. Independent self-concept and who can direct his / her own learning .1
.Accumulated a reservoir of life experiences that is a rich resource for learning .2
. learning needs closely related to changing social roles .3
. Is problem-centered and interested in immediate application of knowledge.4

Factors affecting adult learning

:It is important to *.*
,Acknowledge prior acquired knowledge and experiences of learners .1
.Have the ability to recognize their own skills as lifelong learners. (Merriam, 1999) .2
Considerations for adult development and learning include biological and psychological -3
development (including deterioration and disease processes that may occur) and sociocultural
and integrative perspectives on development (Merriam, 1999). 3
Life experience (including life altering events that affect cognitive abilities) *
Work experience (including development of thinking patterns based on this experiences.*
Positive/negative previous adult learning experiences *
Performance effectors, including cognitive abilities *
Time between learning interactions *
Aging factors *

Barriers of learning
Situational barriers -1
Institutional barriers -2
Dispositional barriers -3
Informational barriers -4
Geographic Conditions -5
Demographic Factor -6
. Socioeconomic Condition and Education -7
Cultural Determinants -8
.Situational barriers :(depending person's situation at a given time)
Institutional barriers (all practices and procedures that discourage adults from
participation--like filling out those application forms for graduate school
Dispositional barriers (person's attitude about self and learning)
Informational barriers Informational barriers (person is not aware of
educational activities available). Above taken
:Geographic Conditions
There is a great divide between urban, suburban, and rural settings. Rural areas tend
to have fewer resources for education. In many industrialized countries, however,
inner cities may be worse off than some rural areas. Migrant and homeless people are
.also at a great disadvantage for receiving access to education
:Demographic Factors
Age and sex influence who participates and who doesn't. Young and middle-aged
adults participate more than older adults--of course
Socioeconomic Conditions and Education
Less wealthy families participate less partly because they have less money to do
-: Cultural Determinants
Immigrant populations tend not to participate in educational activities as much as native.born populations
Bastable, S.B., (2003):Nurse as educator ,principles of learning for -1
.nursing practice, 2nd ed ., Jones and Bartlett Publishers: Boston, London

Mary, E .M.C, (2004):The Nurse educators Guide to Assessing learning-2

.Outcomes,2nd ed ,Jones Publishers: Canada

Young, L.E and Paterson, B.L.,((2007)):Teaching nursing developing a -3

.student centered learning environment,2nd ed ,London
/ -4

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