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507 P2

S. Pollard

Los Angeles
Int, USC classroom, Day
Isobel, 24, sits at a desk towards the back of the
classroom. A teacher is calling out the crew roles to the
next big project. Whilst this is happening Isobel is
looking up the famous DP, Katherine Luberg, studying
stills from her latest movie. Isobels name is called out
for Director of Photography. Isobel lights up.
Int, Isobels bedroom, Night
Isobel is on skype to her ex-boyfriend in the UK whilst
simultaneously putting on make-up, clearly in a rush to
get out the door.
Is she going to be there? Youre life is fucking
Of course! Its the Katherine Luberg scholarship so I
cant be late.
Are they announcing who gets it tonight?
No, no, no. She is making a speech about the nature of
the scholarship and her donation to the school and how
were the future etc etc.
Have you already applied for it?
Ive written my statement and done all the paperwork and
then Ill use this project were about to do as my visual
application thingamy.
Youre going to get it so dont even worry about it.
Unfortunately youre biased and have no idea how amazing
some of the other applicants are. I dunno. Ill give it
my best shot.
Isobel is now completely made-up.
ISOBEL (continued)

Eleanor Hoppe

507 P2

S. Pollard

Tah-dah! Now I really have to go. Rush-multiple-hours

started a while ago and I have the joy of battling 5
miles of traffic.
I just wanted to let you know something before you go.
Do you remember Victoria from that party we went to
before you left?
Uhhhhhhhh yeah. Oh yeah. She seemed so cool.
Well were kind of seeing each other. Its pretty casual
but I wanted to tell you before you see anything online
and think Im hiding it from you.
Huggs thats great. Im so happy youre happy.
It just kind of happened and Im not sure if its
Stop! You dont need to justify it. I told you I wanted
you to not hold back. This is good. Im good. Its great.
But really, I have to go.
Yep. Of course. Well let me know how tonight goes and
which glamorous stars are there. Let Luberg know that if
she needs an assistant Im here! And Iz, I miss you.
Get in line! Okay. Bye!
Isobel hangs up the call and shuts the laptop. She looks
at herself in the mirror, clearly upset but breathes
deeply and composes herself.
Int, Outside USC function room, Night
Isobel arrives at the event. She checks her appearance in
the reflection of a window before she enters and sees

Eleanor Hoppe

507 P2

S. Pollard

Katherine Lubergs reflection coming towards her. Isobel

stares admiringly at her as she enters the room.
Int, USC function room, Night
Isobel sits in the audience listening to Katherine speak
and watches her admiringly.
It is my pleasure to fund this award. This school is
where I got my first opportunity to do what I love and
find my feet. I owe an awful lot to the faculty, to all
the facilities and to all the like-minded people. My hope
is that everyone leaves with the same feeling of
accomplishment I found whilst I was here and feels ready
to take on the world.
The room applauds. Katherine steps down and the room then
stands up to resume mingling.
Isobel watches important people and faculty approach
Katherine whilst she converses happily with them. Isobel
plucks up the courage to go and talk to her. She walks
towards her.
Hello. I just wanted to introduce myself and thank you
for making that really inspiring speech.
Katherine turns away from Isobel and a security guard
steps between them.
Im sorry. The students are not typically allowed to
speak to Ms. Luberg.
Oh. Okay.
Isobel walks away, glancing back to Katherine laughing
and talking to an important director.
Int, Isobel bedroom, Night
Isobel is lying on her bed looking at flights home on the
Internet and switching to her Facebook page. She opens up
a chat window and types How would you feel if She stops
and notices a picture of Hugo and Victoria together. She
erases her message and puts the computer down, listening
to the sound of the LA sirens in almost darkness. She
sits up and grabs a cinematography book and reads.

Eleanor Hoppe

507 P2

S. Pollard

Int, Sound Stage, Day

Isobel is amongst her class speaking to a production
designer. They are gesturing towards a set and are
obviously composing a shot.
Int, Sound Stage, Day
Isobel is sat amongst her class. A professor is stood in
front of them reviewing their work.
You did a really good job. I think you worked excellently
as a team and all contributed well. Im excited to see
the end product but for today I have to offer a huge
congratulations to Isobel. I cant see why you wouldnt
be a great contender for the Luberg scholarship. You
showed great leadership skills and composed absolutely
beautiful shots. Really, really well done.
The class applauds and Isobel gives a satisfied nod and
smile to her teacher, but mainly to herself.
Credits Roll

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