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Quick Start Rules

and adventure

X-plorers by David Bezio

Quick Start edit and Outpost Theta adventure
by Bill De Franza, BD games
X-plorers full game available from Brave Halfling Publishing.

To play these Quick Start rules all you need is:

this booklet
one or more 20-sided dice
one or more 6-sided dice
a group of friends to play with
your imagination
pencils and snacks

R.M. HildigerR Vergaray (order #5914288)


These quick start rules include six pre-generated characters
in the centerfold of this booklet. Your characters name,
gender, height, weight, age, physical description, and
background are all up to you. Be creative and have fun with
these. Choose a character, pick their gender, make up the
other details and you are ready for your first mission!
All Player Characters (PCs) in X-plorers are defined by four
things; their Class, Attributes, Skills and Combat Abilities. Each
of these is explained below, and all modifiers are already
calculated on the character sheets so you can start playing

In X-plorers, all the PCs will fit into one of four archetypical
classes. Each class brings essential skills to the X-plorers team,
so we recommend at least one character of each class be
a part of the team. The roles and abilities of the characters
should be interpreted as broadly as possible.
The four Classes are Scientist, Scout, Soldier and Technician.
Each has four Skills and several other statistics that represent
their physical toughness, combat prowess, luck and other
characteristics, explained below.

Quick Start Brave Halfling Publishing 2013 All Rights Reserved. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained
herein is prohibited without express written consent of Brave Halfling
Publishing. X-plorers RPG copyright 2009, David Bezio & Grey Area Games
and copyright 2011, Brave Halfling Publishing.

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R.M. HildigerR Vergaray (order #5914288)

(Spock or Dr. Zachary Smith but with
medical training too)
The scientist is a fountain of knowledge
and an expert on dealing with alien
life forms, computers, data analysis,
first aid and medicine.

(Han Solo, Major Don West)
Scouts are self-sufficient experts of
infiltration and skilled pilots. They can
override security systems to let the rest
of the group into guarded locations.
Though they are not always spies or
thieves" in the proper sense of the
word, they can use stealth and
burglary to their advantage.

(Space marines, Malcolm Reynolds
John Carter, James T. Kirk)
Soldiers are trained to use and repair
all weapons, including their hands and
feet. They are adept at surviving in
hostile environments and the rough
wilderness of alien worlds.

(Scotty, Chewbacca)
The Technician (Tech) is trained in the
workings and repair of all machines
and equipment. They are expert pilots
of ground, air, and space vehicles.
Techs can use, repair and reprogram
computers and robots.

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Your characters natural characteristics are defined by four
Attributes. High or low scores modify all dice rolls related to
those attributes.
Agility (AGI): represents a characters overall dexterity
and hand-eye coordination
Intelligence (INT): represents a characters knowledge,
common sense and perception
Physique (PHY): represents a characters strength,
endurance and physical health
Presence (PRE): represents a characters charisma,
willpower, nerve, and good looks

Each character class has four Skills that define what that class
does best.
Computers: Rebuild hardware, reprogram software, hacking, data
mining, etc. (others have basic computer use skills only).
Demolitions: Blow things up the way you want to: from blasting a
padlock off a door to blowing up a skimmer when the door is
opened. On a roll of 1 you blow yourself up.
Martial Arts: Inflict 1d3+1 plus physique bonus damage with
unarmed strikes.
Mechanics: Use, modify or repair anything.
Medicine: Heal anyone 1d6 hit points. In a sickbay or hospital, heal
1d6+3 HP.
Pilot: Drive, ride or fly anything like a professional.
Robotics: Repair and reprogram robots, or dig data out of their
Science: The scientist can analyze anything and make scientific
Security: Find and bypass guards and traps of a mechanical or
technological nature.
Sleight of Hand: Pick pockets and palm items. You are noticed on
a roll of 1 or 2.
Sociology: Figure out the actions and motivations of aliens and
other creatures.
Stealth: Sneak, hide, climb walls and backstab. With a successful
stealth skill check, then a successful attack roll, knock out a person
or alien. When climbing, if fail, you fall from halfway up and suffer
1d6 damage for every 5 meters fallen.
Survival: The ability to find food and shelter in the wilderness, even
on alien worlds.
Weapon Specialist: Gain +1 to hit with one weapon of your choice,
even martial arts.

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Your characters fighting abilities, vitality and speed are
defined by their Base Hit Bonus (BHB), Armor Class (AC), Hit
Points (HP), and Movement.
The Base Hit Bonus (BHB) represents a characters fighting skill
and is added to every attack roll they make. Soldiers are
better fighters so their BHB is higher.
Your characters Armor Class (AC) represents how difficult
they are to harm. No protection is AC 10, and your AC
increases as you add protection.
Your characters Hit Points (HP) are an abstract measure of
the characters endurance and luck. Characters lose Hit
Points when they are hit by an attack or they suffer other
harm. When their HP total is reduced to zero, your character
Scientists can heal hit points with the Medicine skill. A
character also recovers 1d6 hit points per day of
uninterrupted rest.
All characters have a Movement rate of 4 meters per round.
All of these statistics are listed on the character sheets in the
center of this booklet. All bonuses and modifiers are already
calculated where applicable, so dont add them again. You
will only need to worry about them for saving throws (see Part
III: Playing the Game).


An abbreviation is always used to designate dice rolls, for
example, 1d20. The first number is the number of dice to be
rolled. If its higher than 1, add up the total of all dice rolled.
After the letter d a 6, 20, or 3 designates a 6 sided, 20 sided,
or 3 sided die. So, 2d6+2 means roll two 6 sided dice and add
the result +2. For 3 sided dice, roll 1d6 and subtract 3 if the
roll is 4, 5, or 6.

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In these Quick Start rules, the characters have a predetermined list of equipment. In addition to clothes and small
personal items (like pens and wallets), a character can wear
their weapons belt (with weapons and ammunition), a
survival pack, and one kit or an additional survival pack. The
referee is final arbiter and will inform you if they think your
character is carrying too much gear.
Environmental Suit: The E-suit is a lightweight suit that
provides protection from hostile environments and the
vacuum of space. It provides 48 hours of life support and
includes a communicator. It provides a +2 AC bonus, and
other defenses can be worn with it. Additional power cells
provide another 48 hours of life support.
Survival Pack: This compact satchel contains 10 meters of
rope, a lighter, a blanket and 1 liter of water. It also has water
purification powder to treat seven liters of water, and enough
concentrated food paste for one week. Each pack contains
additional items listed on your character sheet.
Mechanics Kit: This compact backpack kit contains
everything a Tech needs to perform all their repair and
alteration skills.
Med Kit: This compact backpack kit comes with everything
a Scientist needs to perform their medical skill; bandages,
splints, medicines, and medical analyzers.
Science Kit: This compact backpack kit contains all the
analyzers and chemicals necessary for the Scientist to
perform their science skill.
Reflec Armor: Provides AC 14. This heavy armor has shiny
reflective plastic plates that protect from physical harm as
well as laser weapons.
Note: this Quick Start uses a simplified and shortened
equipment list, and some items vary from the full rule book
for simplicitys sake. If you play with the full rules, please
refer to the equipment descriptions in the full rules.

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Lasers and EU
An X-plorers trusty laser weapons run on Energy Units, called
EU. Their power cells are designed as handy clips which
resemble the ammunition magazine of a 21st century firearm.
Lasers have variable damage settings. They expend one EU
per 1d6 of damage: up to 3d6 damage for pistols and up to
5d6 damage for rifles. If you run out of EU, your weapon cant
Grenades affect a 6 x 6 meter area. Everyone in this area
takes 5d6 hit points of damage. An agility saving throw is
allowed. If successful, characters suffer only 2d6 points of
damage. Smoke grenades cause no harm but fill the area
with opaque smoke. If the thrower hits with a grenade, it
lands where they want it to, but if they miss, it lands 2d6
meters off target in a random direction.
Plastic Explosives
Plastic explosives are used for the Demolitions skill. Every 50
grams makes an explosion 1 meter in radius that inflicts 4d6
damage. It can be set off by remote, timer or a good
old-fashioned wick.

Laser Rifle
Laser Pistol
U/F knife *
Other **

1 to 5 d6
1 to 3 d6
1d6-1 or 1d3

100 EU clip
20 EU clip

Range (m)
3 if thrown
hand held

* The Utility/Fighting knife is the 23rd century military knife

carried by troops and mercenaries. It is nearly indestructible
and razor sharp. The spine of the blade has a saw, and the
grip is an air and watertight compartment for matches, pills,
a compass, etc.
** Sword, mace, axe, etc. always inflicts at least 1 hit point
damage. Smaller or improvised weapons such as knives,
clubs, rocks, butt of rifle, etc. inflict 1d3 damage.

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If theres a chance your character wont succeed (no roll is
needed to tie shoes, for example) you roll 1d20, add any
modifiers, and if the total is equal to or higher than the target
number, you succeed.
In five words or less: roll high to succeed!
The three actions that require dice rolls are Attack Rolls, Skill
Checks (abbreviated SC) and Saving Throws (abbreviated
To attack something, you attempt an Attack Roll. Roll 1d20,
and add your characters BHB (and other modifiers, if any).
An attack roll that matches or exceeds the Armor Class (AC)
of the target means you hit it! Damage (listed with the
weapons) is rolled and immediately subtracted from the
targets hit points. When their HP are reduced to zero, the
character or creature dies.
To use one of your characters skills (except Martial Arts or
Weapon Specialist), you attempt a Skill Check. Skill Checks
work in much the same way as Attack Rolls. You roll 1d20
(plus modifiers, if any). If your total is equal to or higher than
the Skill number on your character sheet, you succeed!
Having a skill means that a class is exceptionally proficient in
that area, but not that they are the only characters that can
do it. Everyone can drive a normal car, but to race a car, or
fly a helicopter or spaceship, the characters with the pilot
skill are the only ones who can try these feats. Every
character has basic computer skills, but only the Tech can
write code or repair a damaged mainframe.
All skills are adjudicated in this way, allowing common sense
(and fun) extensions of all the character skills. If no skill makes
sense, a Saving Throw is used.

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Saving Throws are a catchall for everything else your

character might try that is important and carries a chance
of failure. Saving Throws work in much the same way as Skill
Checks. You roll 1d20 plus attribute modifier, if any. If your
total is equal to or higher than the Saving Throw number on
your character sheet, you succeed! Saving throws can be
actions or reactions.
Examples of actions (trying to achieve something) include a
physique saving throw to jump over a crevasse, an
intelligence saving throw to figure out an alien pictograph
or a presence saving throw to convince a criminal to tell you
where to find his boss.
Examples of reactions (trying to avoid something) include an
agility saving throw to duck for cover from a grenade, a
physique saving throw to survive a poison, or a presence
saving throw to resist the telepathic suggestions of an alien.
Because combat can be so deadly, wise X-plorers may
attempt to parley with the opponent before engaging in
combat. Some combats can be averted with a few wellchosen words. If the X-plorers are outmatched, they might
try to bluff their way through to try to avoid combat. This is a
great opportunity for fun role-playing or a presence saving
throw may come into play.


Each combat round is three seconds long. Remember this
when trying to determine how long (how many rounds) an
action may take.
The order of events in combat is as follows:
1. Determine Initiative: Each side rolls 1d20. The side
with the highest roll goes first.
2. The Party with Initiative acts first, moving and
attacking, and results take effect.
3. The Party that lost (if still living) acts, moving and
attacking, and results take effect.
4. If the battle has not been resolved, start a new
round at step 1.
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Melee vs. Ranged Attack

Combatants within 2 meters of each other are in melee
(hand to hand) combat. A characters strength bonus is
added to both the attack roll and damage roll of melee
Ranged attacks are attacks from a distance greater than 2
meters with guns or thrown objects like rocks or grenades. A
characters agility bonus is added to the attack roll only (not
Its very dangerous to attack melee combatants with ranged
weapons, because its impossible to choose which opponent
or ally will be hit. Roll randomly to determine who is hit.
The Referee runs the game and creates the galaxy around
the player characters. They detail the locations the PCs visit,
and take on the roles of all the people and creatures the PCs
A referee should be careful to call for Skill Checks and Saving
Throws only when the outcome is important when the
challenge is suitably demanding or the outcome is going to
have a significant effect on the characters and the story.
If a character has an advantage or disadvantage to attempt
something, you may grant a +2 bonus or -2 penalty to their
roll. For example, if a character is ducking for cover from a
grenade in a starship hangar, you can give them +2 to their
roll because they can hide behind a ship.
Keep the energy high, bring the NPCs to life, and have fun!
Make sure all the players stay involved, excited, and
challenged to make an entertaining and memorable
gaming session for yourself and your players. Guidelines for
how to do all this are in the full rule book.

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character sheets

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R.M. HildigerR Vergaray (order #5914288)

Height/ Weight/ Gender/ Age:
Agi 11 +0
Phy 13 +1
Int 14 +1
Pre 9 +0
Base Hit Bonus: +0 Armor Class: 12
Saving Throw: 14+
Max Hit Points: 11 Current HP: _______
Skills: Roll this # or higher to succeed
Computers: 11+ Science: 11+
Medicine: 13+
Sociology: 14+
Gear: E-Suit, science Kit, laser Pistol, 20 EU clip, survival pack +
compass, pocket knife, camera, extra 2 L water
Height/ Weight/ Gender/ Age:
Agi 17 +2
Phy 9 +0
Int 12 +1
Pre 9 +0
Base Hit Bonus: +0 Armor Class: 14
Saving Throw: 14+
Max Hit Points: 10 Current HP: _______
Skills: Roll this # or higher to succeed
Pilot: 11+
Security: 13+
Sleight of Hand: 11+ Stealth: 10+
Gear: E-Suit, laser pistol, 20 EU clip, 1 smoke grenade, survival
pack + grappling hook, night vision/telescopic goggles, knife
Height/ Weight/ Gender/ Age:
Agi 15 +1
Phy 13 +1
Int 10 +0
Pre 9 +0
Base Hit Bonus: +1 Armor Class: 15
Saving Throw: 15+
Max Hit Points: 15 Current HP: _______
Skills: Martial arts: unarmed damage 1d3+2
Weapon Specialist: +1 to hit with Laser Rifle
Roll this # or higher to succeed
Demolitions: 14+ Survival: 12+
E-Suit, reflec armor, med kit, 1 grenade, laser rifle, 100 EU clip,
fighting/utility knife, survival pack + compass, 200 gr plastic
explosives, 1 timer, 1 remote detonator, 1 meter wick (3
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R.M. HildigerR Vergaray (order #5914288)

Height/ Weight/ Gender/ Age:
Agi 13 +1
Phy 10 +0
Int 17 +2
Pre 9 +0
Base Hit Bonus: +0 Armor Class: 13
Saving Throw: 14+
Max Hit Points: 9 Current HP: _______
Skills: Roll this # or higher to succeed
Computers: 10+ Science: 10+
Medicine: 12+
Sociology: 13+
Gear: E-Suit, science kit, laser pistol, 20 EU clip, survival pack +
tent, binoculars, chess set, flashlight
Height/ Weight/ Gender/ Age:
Agi 14 +1
Phy 9 +0
Int 14 +1
Pre 11 +0
Base Hit Bonus: +0 Armor Class: 13
Saving Throw: 14+
Max Hit Points: 11 Current HP: _______
Skills: Roll this # or higher to succeed
Computers: 13+ Mechanics: 11+
Pilot: 12+
Robotics: 13+
Gear: E-Suit, mechanic kit, laser pistol, 20 EU clip, survival
pack + flashlight, flare gun + 3 flares, duct tape, e-suit battery
Height/ Weight/ Gender/ Age:
Agi 9 +0
Phy 17 +2
Int 11 +0
Pre 14 +1
Base Hit Bonus: +1 Armor Class: 14
Saving Throw: 15+
Max Hit Points: 17 Current HP: _______
Skills: Martial arts: unarmed damage 1d3+3
Weapon Specialist: +1 to hit with Laser Pistol
Roll this # or higher to succeed
Demolitions: 14+ Survival: 12+
E-Suit, reflec armor, med kit, 2 grenades, laser pistol, two 20
EU clips, fighting/utility knife, survival pack + tent, flare gun + 3
flares, 100 gr plastic explosive, 1 timer, 1 remote detonator, 1
meter wick (3 minutes)

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character sheets

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R.M. HildigerR Vergaray (order #5914288)


A robot must always aid a human, and can never harm a
human. By galactic law, this directive is hardwired into every
robot. Criminals do sometimes break this programming law
usually with detrimental effects to the robots brain. A
hacked robot is able to attack with weapons or its
appendages. It has a BHB of +3 and inflicts damage by
weapon or 1d6+1 unarmed.
Robot Programs: Like Skill Checks, the Referee rolls 1d20 for
a robots program check. The robot succeeds on a roll of 14
or higher.
Medicine & Mechanics: Same as the PC skills.
Data: Knowledge of information and history about a planet,
its societies, or any topic specified.
Etiquette: The robot knows the proper etiquette for alien
Translation: The robot can translate any language, but
unknown languages roll skill check at -2.
Translator/Butler Robot: A typical humanoid servant robot
(think C-3PO).
AC 10, HP 8, MV 3, Programs: Data, Etiquette, Translation
Mr. Fixit Robot: A robot programmed and equipped to
repair X-plorers and their vehicles.
AC 10, HP 12, MV 4, Programs: Mechanics, Medicine
Civilian: The average human adult.
AC 10, HD 1d6, BHB +0, ATT by weapon, ST 18+, MV 4
Pirate: Pirates are space thugs who are always armed and
AC 12 or 14, HD 2d6, BHB +1, ATT by weapon, ST 17+, MV 4
Guards: You know, guards.
Low Quality: AC 12, HD 1d6, BHB +1, ATT by weapon, ST 18+,
MV 4
Average Quality: AC 14, HD 3d6, BHB +3, ATT by weapon,
ST 16+, MV 4

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Star Police: The government funded police agency. This

police force may be common in heavily settled areas of the
known universe or rarely seen in far-flung areas of the galaxy.
Cop: AC 13, HD 2d6, BHB +2, ATT by weapon, ST 17+, MV 4
Sergeant: AC 15, HD 4d6, BHB +4, ATT by weapon, ST 15+,
MV 4
Hemip: Hemips are a one-meter tall alien species from the
3rd moon of Rig. They resemble bipedal earth grasshoppers,
and share the ability of that bug to jump great distances (up
to 8 meters). Hemips are extremely friendly and naive. They
love to haggle, especially for shiny technological junk they
cant really use.
AC 14, HD 1d6, BHB +1, ATT 1d6 or by weapon, ST 19+, MV
5 (or jump 8)
Foozie: Foozies reside on the barren, rocky world of Fooze.
They have matted, dirty fur, ridiculously thin limbs ending in
large appendages, and flat, cat-like faces. A single antennalike growth protrudes from their forehead. Foozies are a
barbaric race and live for war with other Foozie clans and
anyone else who lands on their world.
AC 12, HD 1d6, BHB +2, ATT 1d3/1d3 or by weapon, ST 18+,
MV 8
Loper: The Loper is a two-legged herbivorous reptile,
domesticated for riding and exported to many worlds.
AC 12, HD 2d6, BHB +2, ATT 1d6, ST 17+, MV 12
Blood-sucking Tree Frog: These bright green, 25 cm long tree
frogs have mouths filled with razor sharp teeth. They are meat
eaters and hunt in packs, hiding in foliage until prey passes
close by. They launch themselves at their victims, propelled
by their powerful back legs. After their initial attack, they can
choose to continue with leaping bite attacks, or spit acidic
saliva at their prey from a distance of up to 3 meters.
AC 12, HD 1d6, BHB +1, ATT 1d6 bite or 1d3 spit, ST 18+, MV
6 (8), Surprise Attack, Move in trees, spit acid

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Marnast: Marnasts are aggressive carnivorous quadrupeds

native to the planet Rig but also found on its moons and
nearby worlds. Marnasts resemble a cross between a slender
horse and a (huge) lizard. They have a single bony horn that
protrudes from between their muzzle and forehead, through
which they breathe, but they can also gore with it or spit
rocks up to 15 meters. They sometimes hide underwater,
breathing through their horns, and attack with surprise.
AC 14, HD 2d6, BHB +2, ATT 1d6 or 1d3 (gore or spit rock),
ST 17+, MV 10
Yarst: Similar to lichen, this composite symbiotic organism is
part sentient fungus, part animal, and part plant. They can
live for decades between meals because they are
photosynthetic, though they become hungry and violent
after a week without meat. They hunt, but also eat carrion.
They reproduce asexually. When they wound living things,
the wounds become infected with spores that eventually
take over the living animal and transform it into another Yarst.
Because of their long dormant cycles, photosynthetic ability
and the latency of their reproductive infection, they have
become widespread menaces throughout well-traveled
areas of the galaxy.
AC 13, HD 3d6, BHB +3, ATT 1d6+1, ST 16+, MV 4, SPC
wounded victim can only heal to 1 less than full HP, and
becomes a yarst after 1d6 months unless cured.

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READ ALOUD: (or paraphrase) The MacGuffin scientific
research colony on the third moon of Rig has had trouble
from day one. Some even say it is cursed. The latest problem
is that a catastrophic illness has overtaken the inhabitants of
outpost Theta. They are all so sick that they can barely move
and many will soon die. Making the situation even worse, the
outposts power core requires refueling with the planets
native MacGuffin (McG) crystals before life support stops
functioning in approximately eight to nine hours.
Your team of X-plorers must set out from the colonys home
base to deliver a shipment of medications to the outpost. On
the way, you must also collect some McG crystals from the
local mine so you can restart the outposts power core.
At the colony headquarters, the commander issues the PCs
a trunk full of medications and a collector. Its a small, low
intelligence robot that automatically detects any McG
crystals within four meters range and collects up to a cubic
meter of them. The bot will follow the PCs like a puppy. It has
AC 10, 6 HP, and MV 3. Each PC is issued one loper to ride,
and one extra loper is issued to carry the collector and the
The ride to the mine takes approximately three hours. Of
course, the team may go straight to the outpost to deliver
the medications, then visit the mine to collect the crystals,
but let them figure that out on their own.
Half way to the mine, the PCs encounter 1d6+3 overly curious
Hemips. The friendly Hemips flock to the collector robot like
moths to a flame, curiously inspecting it, poking and
prodding it, and constantly asking questions about it. If the
PCs dont get them to stop quickly enough (perhaps two
minutes of real time), they will break the robot! If the PCs
contact Headquarters, they are informed there are no more
collectors at HQ, and they had better hope theres one at
the mine. The Tech can try to repair the bot with a Robotics
SC and 1d6+2 x 10 minutes of work.

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1: Entry The first sight the PCs get of the mine is a concrete
mound rising from the ground fitted with an electronically
locked door. It can be opened (and relocked) with a Security
SC, dismantled with a Mechanics SC, or blown up with a
Demolitions SC or simply by inflicting 45 hit points of damage
with lasers or grenades. Opening the door reveals a wide
stairway leading down to the mine complex. The referee may
add 1d6 rogues (use stats of low-quality guards) or pirates to
antagonize the PCs by trying to steal things.
2: First Chamber a large chamber holding two empty McG
crystal collectors, three E-suits, a laser drill and an oldfashioned pick. A locked door lies opposite the stairway and
it can be opened the same as the first door. A Security SC
(perhaps a Medicine SC at -2) will reveal blood stains near
the door into the mine. A Robotics SC will activate either or
both of the collector bots here, allowing the PCs to gather
extra crystals.
3: Elevator Room this room is smaller than area 2 and leads
to a large industrial elevator. The winch mechanism has been
sabotaged, and must be repaired with a Mechanics SC. The
repair is simple, so give the player a +2 bonus to their roll,
though the repairs take 1d6x10 minutes.
4: Elevator Car the walls and floor are made of wire cage,
and the shaft is approximately 100 meters deep, so play up
anyones fear of heights, though in game terms, there is no
5: Mine The elevator opens upon this large, roughly hewn
area, the main chamber of the mine. It contains sabotaged
mining robots and other equipment. There is a dead miner
stabbed to death. Its clear archaic hand weapons were
used, and a Sociology SC will reveal the attackers were
primitives. A Survival SC will reveal foozie tracks and fur on
the floor. Its common knowledge that foozies are native to
Fooze and have no space flight technology, so clearly,
someone brought them here to the third moon of Rig. A
Science SC, a thorough search, and/or the collector robot(s)
will reveal there are no McG crystals in this chamber. If the
PCs make too much noise, they will attract one or both yarsts
from area 7.

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6: Small Cave In this cave, the PCs will find another dead
miner, wounded in a similar manner. This body is rigged to
trigger a grenade if it is moved. A Security SC will discover
the trap before the PCs spring it, and another will disarm it.
If the PCs dont realize it on their own, a Sociology SC at +4
will confirm that foozies are brutes who dont use technology
or such subtle tactics. No McG crystals are present in this
chamber. If the grenade explodes or the PCs make too much
noise, they will attract the yarsts from area 7.
7: Large Cave Two yarsts (3 if there are 5 or more PCs)
occupy this cave. They attack the PCs who enter, if they
havent already attacked in areas 5 or 6. The cave itself
appears empty, but a Security SC will find a hidden doorway
to another small chamber, area 8. A Science SC will reveal
no McG crystals in this chamber, but success will indicate the
general direction where some are nearby, granting a +2 to
any Security SC to find the secret door. Once found, this door
opens easily. Alternately, the collector(s) may happen upon
the hidden door when its sensors detect the crystals, or clever
players may use the robot(s) to search for the crystals.
8: Hidden Chamber This grotto is rich with McG crystals, and
the collector robot(s) will spring to action, beeping happily
while harvesting a cubic meter of crystals (each) and then
follow the PCs out of the mine. The collection takes 2d6
Conclusion: Once the PCs have a load of McG crystals, they
can proceed to the outpost. This trip takes approximately
two more hours. If they took more than an hour in the mines,
or had other long delays, the Referee may decide they took
too long, and some of the sick colonists have passed away.
The PCs will be safe from contagion in their E-suits once they
arrive at the outpost. The outpost Administrator, Nigel
Drinkwater, greets them warmly though he is weak with the
illness. Drinkwater will ask if the PCs found their two missing
miners (he explains their absence is why the outpost is out of
McG crystals). The PC Technician can load the McG crystals
into the power core and restart the life support system and
sickbay. A computers SC is needed to restart the rest of the
outposts systems.

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Once the Scientist PC cures the outposts doctor, Yed Fallon,

the PCs will be free to leave since Dr. Fallon can then treat
the rest of the outposts colonists. The PCs will be hailed as
heroes! A successful Medicine or Science SC will reveal that
the pathogen is not natural, and therefore, its possible that
the outpost was infected intentionally....


Expansion: You may wish to add a random encounter after

the hemips, or while traveling from the mine to the outpost,
or both.
Choose from below or roll 1d6:
1. 1d6+2 Pirates or foozies
2. 1d6+1 Blood-Sucking Tree Frogs
3. 1d3 hacked robots
4. 1d6+1 Marnasts
5. 2d6 Gossiping Colonists
6. Colonist in broken skimmer
Pirates attempt to steal anything they can. Tree frogs, foozies
or crazed robots attack the PCs. Marnasts try to kill and eat
their lopers. The colonists are an annoying distraction costing
precious time if the PCs dont avoid them diplomatically.
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Inventing a Sequel: If the PCs find foozie tracks in the mine,

its logical to wonder who is bringing them to the colony.
Most likely, the same people sabotaged the mine and
infected the outpost, and they are using foozies as muscle.
If they connect these dots, the PCs may suspect a conspiracy
against the colony, which has been the source of the curse
all along. One or more adventures to track down and defeat
or arrest the conspirators could follow.
Halfling Publishing
X-plorers is created under the OGL to allow you to create your own missions and/or supplements
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The copyright page or similar notification of each work must contain the following text: The X
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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R.
Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax
and Dave Arneson. Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David
Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John
Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
Swords & Wizardry, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch swords & wizardry: whitebox by Matt Finch
and Marv Breig, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch
The Xplorers RPG is copyright 2009, David Bezio & Grey Area Games and copyright 2011, Brave
Halfling Publishing. The X-plorers trademark is used under the X-plorers Trademark License X-plorers
TM Copyright 2009 David Bezio, Author David Bezio Dave Bezios X-plorers, (presentation only, not
text) Copyright 2011 Brave Halfling Publishing.

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R.M. HildigerR Vergaray (order #5914288)

The role playing adventures of Galactic Troubleshooters

Full game available at

+1 to hit at point blank range

Quickstart by BD

R.M. HildigerR Vergaray (order #5914288)

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