Optimizer Search Depth

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The Optimiser Conundrum | Open Query blog

Open Query blog




Weve been helping a long-term client who runs some fairly complex queries (covering lots of
tables and logic on a respectably big but mainly volatile dataset). We tend to look first at query
structure and table design, as fixing problems there tends to have the most impact. This
contrary to just tossing more hardware at the problem, which is just expensive.
As subqueries are used (and necessary in this case), MariaDB 5.3 was already a great help with
its subquery optimisations. Once again thanks, Monty and the Monty Program optimiser team
(Igor, Sergey, Timour, and possibly others) all former colleagues and theyre absolutely
awesome. Together, they know the MySQL optimiser like no other.
Because the queries are generated indirectly from an exposed API (just for paying clients, but
still), the load is more unpredictable than having merely a local front-end. Maintaining spare
capacity with slaves addresses this, but naturally its still important to ensure that each query
takes as little time as possible. Queries use appropriate indexes and each bit is fairly optimal by
Then the client reported that while overall things were going really well, there was this one
(type of) query that was really misbehaving. The report was that it appeared to be locking up
the server. Now I generally dont believe in that, because I know how the server works: it
doesnt just hang, but it might just take a long time to do exactly what it was told to do.
Computers are like that.
Typically that kind of thing would happen with for instance a really bad join, but in this case
there was nothing like that. Rather than running the query which was sure to not go well (or
quick) regardless of what it was doing, the proper thing to try was an EXPLAIN (on a slave)
after 10 minutes I got fed up and killed the query. So, the server was spending all that time in the
query analysis/optimisation phase to figure out the optimal order of the tables and which
access method for each table it should use.




The Optimiser Conundrum | Open Query blog

I know that pattern too, we used to see MySQL 4 do this. Obviously, spending ages on finding
the optimal execution plan for a tiny query makes no sense so back then the optimiser team
(same people as noted above!) implemented a limitation and pruning algorithm, with
configurable settings: optimizer_search_depth (default: 62) and optimizer_prune_level
(default: 1). After this algorithm was implemented, we didnt see the problem with clients so
adjusting the search depth was not even required.
There are exceptions. Another former colleague, Max Mether (now at SkySQL) wrote about this
a year ago: Setting optimizer search depth in MySQL, based on an experience with one of their
clients. While staying with EXPLAIN rather than actually trying to run the query, I did SET
SESSION optimizer_search_depth=1 and validated the hypothesis that indeed this had been
where the server was spending its time. Then I played with the setting a bit, and found that for
my 28-table query the curve was much steeper than what Max had found. At depth=15 I
already had to wait 15 seconds just for the analysis (Max had 5 seconds at that point). While
any of us old hands can look at a query and figure out reasonably well what the optimiser would
do with it, that exercise becomes a bit tedious when dealing with 28 tables and subqueries
As a side-note, running the actual query (with a low depth setting) takes hardly any extra time, which is
typical its the analysis/optimisation phase thats eating all the time.
For now, we have a workaround the application can set the option before running queries like

SET @save_optimizer_search_depth = @@optimizer_search_depth;

SET SESSION optimizer_search_depth=1;
SET SESSION optimizer_search_depth=@save_optimizer_search_depth;

But Im not satisfied: I dont believe the server should be acting in this way. The issue appears
similar to the MySQL 4 scenario, and just like then we should come up with a way for the
optimiser to decide when to call it quits and just execute. Perhaps we need to set a cap on the
total amount of time allowed (configurable), but that seems rather crude. Other things have
changed in the optimiser since that time, so it could even be some kind of regression hopefully
the optimiser team will figure this out when they look at it.
Im working with the client to isolate a dataset sufficient for reproducing this issue, so that we
can give it to the team at Monty Program. Ill file a bug report when I have that set. If you
happen to have something similar, please contribute your insights (and data/query) also! For



The Optimiser Conundrum | Open Query blog

now, if you can, please comment to this post. Im interested to learn if its a more
common occurrence now. thanks!








Ole John Aske
SEPTEMBER 11, 2012 AT 8:42 PM

Lots of improvements has been made on Timours greedy search algorithm for optimizing
large many-tables join in MySQL5.6. This work has previously been blogged about by
Jrgen Lland: http://jorgenloland.blogspot.no/2012/04/improvements-for-many-tablejoins-in.html
I do not expect such problem as your describe above to exist anymore in 5.6 at all.
BTW: Fiddling with optimizer_search_depth as described above is a poor workaround for
these problems as you would likely miss the optimal query execution plan

Arjen Lentz
SEPTEMBER 17, 2012 AT 11:17 PM

Thanks Ole looks like that should resolve the issue when that version is ready for
Naturally itll have to be tested in the real world, as the real world doesnt always play by
lab rules
We do have some clients that are ok with us trying non-GA versions (for instance on one
slave), but for this particular client and use that wouldnt be sufficient.



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