Theories of Aging

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- older adult as a group fosters their own norms, beliefs,

attitudes, expectation and behavior that differentiate them
from other groups- SUBCULTURE
- Their unique characteristics set them apart from other age segregation from the larger society.


- Some theorists have described the process of healthy
psychological aging as the least of the successful fulfillment
of developmental tasks.
- Erik Erikson INTEGRITY vs DESPAIR - accept and find
the meaning of life the person has lived.
- Robert Peck described 3 specific challenges facing the
elderly that influence the outcome of ego integrity vs.
a. Ego differentiation versus role preoccupation
Body transcendence versus body preoccupation
Ego transcendence versus ego preoccupation

- Recent theory that suggests aging entails a transition from a
rational, materialistic metaperspective to a cosmic and
transcendent vision (Tornstam, 1994).
- as they age , people are less concerned with material
possessions, meaningless relationships
- desire a life of more significance and a greater connection
with others.



Genetic-Control theory
we are born with a unique genetic code
a predetermined tendency to certain types of physical and mental
genetic inheritance has a great deal to say about how quickly we
age and how long we live
Neuroendocrine theory
The hypothalamus sets off various chain reactions whereby an
organ releases a hormone which in turn stimulates the release of
another hormone, which in turn stimulates yet another bodily
When we're young hormone levels tend to be high, accounting
for among other things, menstruation in women and high libido
in both sexes.
As we age the body produces lower levels of hormones which
can have disastrous effects on our functioning, , it causes a
decline in our body's ability to repair and regulate itself as well
hormone replacement therapy

Wear and tear theory

the body and its cells were damaged by overuse and abuse
When we are young the body's own maintenance and repair
systems keep compensating for the effects of both normal and
excessive wear and tear.
With age the body loses its ability to repair damage caused by
diet, environmental toxins, bacteria or a virus.

Thus many elderly people die of diseases that they could have
resisted when they were younger.

Free radical theory

With age comes increasing environmental toxins, from heavy

metals and pesticides to tobacco smoke and radiation.
Much of the damage from these exposures results from the
generation of free radicals.
Free radicals disrupt the normal production of DNA and RNA
and alter the lipids, or fats, in cell membranes

Error theory
Ascribes aging to the accumulation of errors inthe process of info
rmation flow from genes to proteins
The errors create faultyproteins that do not function normally, res
ulting in impaired cell function and death.

Cross linking theory

In this theory it is the binding of glucose (simple sugars) to
protein, (a process that occurs under the presence of oxygen) that
causes various problems.
Once this binding has occurred the protein becomes impaired and
is unable to perform as efficiently.
Living a longer life is going to lead to the increased possibility of
oxygen meeting glucose and protein and known cross-linking
disorders include senile cataract

Program theory
aging is an essential and innate part of the biology of people, and
that aging is programmed into our body systems.
Aging, therefore, must be inherent in the organism and not
simply a result of environmental factors or disease.
So aging and death, according to this theory, are not a result
of wear and tear or exposure, but are a programmed, natural and
necessary part of genetics. - we are programmed to age and die.

Immunity theory
The immune system theory of aging is that the rate of aging is
largely controlled by the immune system.
As we age, the numbers of critical cells in the immune system
decrease and become less functional.
Biologic clock theory
can be used to measure the age of most human tissues, cell types,
or organs
it allows one to contrast the ages of different
it can be used to identify tissues that show evidence of
accelerated age due to disease.


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