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1. Is your name Jane?

2. Are you sitting down?
3. Are you taking a polygraph test?
4. Are you a woman/man?
5. You are university student right?
6. Are you really 26 years old?
7. Were you born in 1988?
8. Is today Monday?
9. Do you live in Dubuque?
10. Do you have a mortgage with Bank of America?
11. Is your name Sandy Hill? (Control question with information from pre-test)
12. Are you 43 years old? (Control question with information from pre-test)
13. Do you suspect anyone of selling drugs? (Relevant question from pre-test information)
14. Is your cat's name Josie? (Control question with information from pre-test)
15. Were you born in 1956? (Control question with information from pre-test)
16. Do you rent a house? (Control question with information from pre-test)
17. Do you know who stole the drugs? (Relevant question from pre-test information)
18. Do you live on Vine Street in Iowa? (Control question with information from pre-test)
19. Did you steal the drugs? (Relevant question from pre-test information)
20. Is today (day of week)? (Control question with information from pre-test)
1. Did you ever steal anything in your life?
2. Did you tell the complete truth on your job application?
3. Have you deliberately withheld information from your job application?
4. Have you ever been fired from a job?
5. Since the age of ( ) have you committed an undetected crime?
6. Since the age of ( ) have you been convicted of a crime?
7. During the past year, have you used marijuana more than ( ) per ( )?
8. Have you used any other narcotic illegally in the past ( ) years?
9. Have you sold marijuana or other narcotics illegally in the past ( ) years?
10. Have you ever stolen more than ($ ) worth of merchandise in any one year from any of
your employers?
11. Have you even stolen more than ($ ) in moneys in any one year from any of your
12. Have you ever used a system to cheat one of your employers?
13. Have you ever had your drivers license suspended or revoked?
14. Have you ever had any traffic citations in the past five ( ) years?
15. Have you deliberately lied to any of these questions?

Control question
1. Have you ever told a lie?
2. Have you ever told a lie about anything serious?
3. Have you ever lied to a loved one?
4. Have you ever lied to a person in a position of authority?
5. Have you ever lied to get out of trouble?
6. Have you ever stolen anything?
7. Have you ever stolen anything from work?
8. Have you ever cheated in school/college/grad school?
9. Have you ever lied to your parents, teachers, or the police?
10. Have you ever lied to get out of trouble?
11. Are the lights on in this room?

Common question
1. Is your name Sandy Hill? (Control question with information from pre-test)
2. Are you 43 years old? (Control question with information from pre-test)
3. Do you suspect anyone of selling drugs? (Relevant question from pre-test information)
4. Is your cat's name Josie? (Control question with information from pre-test)
5. Were you born in 1956? (Control question with information from pre-test)
6. Do you rent a house? (Control question with information from pre-test)
7. Do you know who stole the drugs? (Relevant question from pre-test information)
8. Do you live on Vine Street in Iowa? (Control question with information from pre-test)
9. Did you steal the drugs? (Relevant question from pre-test information)
10. Is today (day of week)? (Control question with information from pre-test)

Common question for employ

1. Have you ever stolen from an employer? (note: this question is usually followed by
another asking the value of the stolen item, although since it will be a Yes or No question,
it will be worded something like, Was it worth more than $100?)
2. If you see a colleague stealing, would you tell someone?
3. Would you report a colleague who uses drugs on company time?
4. Are you withholding information regarding a serious, undisclosed crime?

5. Are you withholding information regarding your illegal drug history?

6. Have you physically harmed a friend or family member during a domestic dispute?
7. Before applying for this position, have you ever cheated on an application or test?
8. Prior to applying for this position, did you ever lie to someone in a position of authority?
9. Have you ever violated any official rules or regulations?
10. Have you ever done anything that would jeopardize your integrity? Your life?

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