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(:hristine Chehade

Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10:51 AM
Security Incident
Incident#--- Non-Criminal Mischief I Other - Macdonald-Stewart Library




Original Incident Description :

lncident# :lncident Cl~: Non-Criminal Mischief I Other I
Call er
McGill Status: GUEST
Alternate Caller :
Organization I Co
Building #/Name : 170/Macdonald-Stewart Library Building Room#: Elevator Non-McG ill Locat ion :
Individuals Involved :

Assignee Contact :
Agent Nam e:
Actual,lncident Time: 27/03/2013

I 18:56:59

Logged Date & Time : Wednesday March 27 2013 @ 18:56:37

Call Description :


reported that there are stickers in the elevator.

st st eke
en Mcgill students submitted Access-to-Information requests seeking details of the
university's ties to weapons development, Mcgill took them to court to prevent the release of the reque;sted
information . See some of what they don't want you to kriow at:" .
The second sticker reads "Technology developed by Mcgill's Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFO) lab is being used by
General Atomics iri the developme nt of lethal drones for the U.S. military.In Pakistan, Afganistan, and Yemen, U.S.
drones have killed hundreds of civilians .including
at least 160 children in a borderless war with no end in site .
." .
The third sticker reads ~'McGill;s Shockwave Physics Group cond ucts military~funded research into thermobaric
explosives which ignite a .fuel cloud upon detonation to produce a sh.ock wave and enough heat and pressure ~o suck all
oxygen out of the air, killing people by asphyxiation. The U.S. army discovered the weapons to be particularily effective
in the .caves of Afganistan. Demilitarizemcgi

All Recorded Follow-Ups :


". Incident Resolution


Closed Date & Tim e : 2013-03-27 at 19:57:1.3


This email may contain privileged and/or confidential info rmation. Any distribution, use, or copying of this email or the
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{IMcGilllDI}{ I AltEmaillD I}
{I AltPhone I}( ) {IAltCallerJ}
{I AltCallerFirst I}
{I BuildingNum I }170
{I Building Macdonald-Stewart Library Building {I Room I }Elevator
{ ICalllDJ
{I Alncident ate 2013-03-27
{I (\lnddentTime I}18:56:59

t . ..

{I Non McGill I}

McGill University


Use NIA below where the headin


TIME OF INCIDENT:.__,_18"""-',$5
_ _ _ __

' SubCategory

.BLDG #:.__,_("J~O..C....----------










ff 7-5'



POLICE EVENT #:_~('-'-.bk<.--==),,__

_____ _

Use the Annex Fonn in the b ack ff you require more space.




12 { D3 (

2G 1'.)


Christine Chehade
Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10:51 AM




Incident -

- Disturbance/ Protest - Macdonald En~ineering Building

Original Incident Descriptio n :

Incident# :Incident Classification : Disturbance ./ Protest/
Caller :
Alternate Caller :
Organization I Cornpa_n
Controller :
130 a11d 118 Non-McGill Location :
Individuals Involved:

Building #/Name : 130/Macdona ld Engineering Building Room# : Court yard of

Assignee Contact : Mobile 3

Agent Name:
Actual Incident Time: 25/02/2014

I 08:15:00

Logged Date & Time: Tuesday Febru ary 25 2014@ 08:24:11

Call Description :
At 08 :15 I received a call f r o m - , advising me of 4 individuals who where seen in the court yard;
wearing all black clothing, t h e = banner with the words ( Demilitarize McGill, protesting against
guns bombs & weapons that they believed where being produced by McGill.
All R~corded Follow-Ups :

- 02/25/2014@ 12:32:13
At 08:19 Mobile 3:

wa5 sent on location:

was advised.

At 08;25 Shift supervisor-was sent on location: Upon arrival he stated that there was 4 protesters outside in
fro!lt of courtyard door number 3 & 4, he could see more inside but did not have a good visual. The shift supervisor was
asked and advised to talk to the individua ls and to see what they had planned and what there motives was, and to
possibly try to enter the building through the door they where st~nding in front of, They refuse the shift supervisor
access inside the building.

. At 08:35 Mobile 2 :~as sent on location to assist.

and~allowed by

At 08 :45 both
assist the to situation,..

proceeded to go on locatio n to

At 08:46 Shift Supervisor advised that some one had pulled on the door of B 15 _damaging the contacts, including the
striker and latch.
confirmed over the radio that he re cognized one of the protestors as student
. ..

At 08:47

~otestors 2 females and 1 male ca~e out of the court yard d".Jor number #4 ~nd left location_- Mo~ile 3:
- w a s asked to follow them, he confirmed that they left campus and was wa lking so uth on university.

At 09:15 Agent
situati on.

fter finishing his shift Phase #231 was sent to the court yard t o assist withthe

still on location reported everything was ca lm, and that he wo uld be coming in to ~he office
would be in charge.




At 09 :51
by the shift
Mobile 3: would rem.ain by doo r .B 15, Agent - . . ould conduct
rounds in the court yard t o show presence, and Mobile 2:
would proc~unds.
At 09:5 3 -advised and confirmed that 11 protestors where leaving location, he followed them out
of th.e co~ them as they headed north up university.
At 09:57
At 10:0 t
and went there

advised that the group just pass Milton and University and where still heading north.
advised that'e individuals reached .university and prince Arthur they separated


At io:05
confirmed that s.orne individuals went inside a building located at 3625 Elymer one they
rea lize d they where being fo llowed b
He noticed the protestors standing in the interior entrance
of the building looking outside.
At 10:10

was advised ,Py

o come back th e office.

At 10:15 Mobile 1: was advised to proceed to the court yard to t ake pictures of the door B 32 that was a pp_~ re nt damage
due to a key stuck in it, B 15 had bro ken contact and latch and striker both damaged. Including stickers that was pla_ted
on the dqors and -wi ndows within the area where the protestors occupied.
At 10:19 .FCC was called and advised that door B 35 was fixed, and

At 11:15 Staff membe

he would proceed to B 15 td fix the problem.

ram groun.ds called and confirmed .he would have

s placed by the prot~stors.

Ati2:03 Staff membe

someone go and remove the stickers on the doors an
All back to normal,
-02/26/2014@ 13:04:20

Call Record REOPENED
Previously CLOSED by

on 02/25/2014 at 12:34:00pm
was sent on location:

Close Description: At 08:19 Mobile 3:

was advised.

At 08:22 The go to

- At 08:25 :Shift ;upervisor- ~as sent o~ location: Upon- arriv~I h.e stated that there was 4 pr9testers ~utside in
front of courtyard door number 3 & 4, he could see more inside but did not have a good visual. The shift supervisor was
asked and advised to talk to the ind ividuals and to see what they had planne d and what there motives was, and to
possibly try to enter the building through the door they where standing in front of, Th~y refuse the shift supervisor
access inside the building.

At 08:35 Mobile

2:~as sent on location to assist.

At 08:45 both l
assist situation .




: . !lowed


roceeded to go on location to

. At 08:46 Shift Supervisor advised that some one had pulled on the door of B 15
striker and latch.


the conta~ts, including the

At 0 8 : 4 7 - . con~irmed over the radio that he recognized one of the protestors as student
At 08:49 three protestors 2 females and 1 male came out of the court yard door number #4 and left location. Mobile 3:
was asked to follow them, he confirmed that they left campus and was walking south on university.
after finishing his shift Phase #231 was sent to the court yard to assist with the


still on location reported everything was calm, and that he wou ld be coming in to the office
would be in char~e.

1 ould conduct
At 09:51 advised by the shift supervisor Mobile 3: would r~B 15, rounds in'the court yard to show presence, and "Mobile 2: -woul=~unds.

At 09:53 -advise~ and confirmed that 11 protestors where leaving location, he followed them out
of the co~ them as they headed north up university.

At 09:57

advised that the group just pass Milton and University and where still heading north.

At 1 0 : 0 0 - a d v i s e d ~hat once the

and wen~

ind.ividual~ reach~d university and .prince Arthur they sepa~ated


At 1 0 : 0 5 -confirmed that some individu als went inside a building located at 3625 Elyme r one they
realized ~wed by
. He noticed the protestors standing in the interior entrance
of the building looking outside.
At 10:10~as advised by

to come back the office.


f\t 10:15 Mobile 1: was advised to proceed to the court yard to take pictures of the door B 32 that was apparent damage
due to a key stu ck in it, B 15 had broken contact and latch and striker both damaged. lncludjng stickers that was placed
on the doors and wind_ows within the area where the protestors occupied.


call~d and
al led to advised that door B 35 was fixed, and

At 11:15 Staff member

from grounds called and confirmed he would have

e doors and windo ws placed by the protestors.

At 12:03 Staff member

All back to normal,

*** *********** **

- 02/26/2014@ 13:05:01
At 08 :19 Mobile 3:

was sent on location :

At 08 :22 The go to

was advised.

At 08 :25 Shift supervisor was sent on location: Upon arrival he stated that there was 4 protesters outside in
front of courtyard door number 3 & 4, he could see more inside but did not have a good visual. The shift supervisor was
asked and advised to talk to the individua ls and to see what they had planned and what there motives was, and to
possibly try to enter the building through the door they where sta nding in front of, They refuse the shift supervisor
access inside the building.
At 08 :35 Mobile 2:
At 08:45 both
assist the to situation .

was sent on location to assist.


allowed by

proceeded to go on location to

At 08:46 Shift Supervisor advised that some one had pulled on the door of B 15 damaging the contacts, includ ing the
striker and latch.
At 08:47

confirmed over the radio that he recognized one of the protestors as student

At 08:49 three,protestors 2 females and 1 male came out of the court yard door number #4 and left location. Mobile 3:
was asked to follow them, he confirmed that they left campus and was walking south on university.
after finishing his shift P!lase #231 was sent to the court yard to assist with the
situation .
At O~-still qn location re~orted everything was calm, and

and ~ould be in charge.

th~t he would be coming i~ to the office

At 09 :51 advised by the shift supervisor Mobile 3: would remain by door B 15,
rounds in the court yard to show presence, and Mobile 2:

would conduct

At 09:53

At 09 ;57

dvised and confirmed that 11 protestors where leaving location, he followed them ou.t
them as they headed north up university,
advised that the group just pass Milton.and University and where still heading north.

dvised that once the individuals reached university a_

At 10:00
nd prince Arthur they separated
and went there-separate ways.
confirmed that s.ome individuals went inside a building located at 3625 Elymer "One they
At 10:05
realized they wherebeing-followed by
He nuticed the p-rotestors standing in the inferior entrance of the building looking outside.
was advised by

o come back the office.

At 10:15 Mobile 1: was advised to proceed to the court yard to take pictures of the door B 32 that was apparent damage
due to a key stuck ii") it, B 15 ha_d broken contact and latch and striker both damaged. Includ ing stickers that was placed
on the doors and wi"ndows within the area where the protestors occupied.
At 10:19 FCC wa.s ca lled a n d - a s advised .
At 11:15 Staff membe
he would proceed to B lS to fix the problem .

ailed to advised that door B 35 was fixed, and

At 12:03 Staffmembe
from grounds called and confirmed he wou_
ld have
someone go and remove.the stickers on the doors and windows placed by the protestors.
All back to normal,

Incident Resolution
******* ** * ** ****~********

At 08:19 Mobile 3:

was sent on location:

At 08:22 The go to

was advised .

At 08:25 Shift supervisor~as sent on location: Upon arrival. he stated that there w~s 4 proteste rs outside in
front of courtyard door number 3 & 4, he could see more inside but did no~ have a good visual. The ,shift supervisor was
asked and advised to talk to the individuals and tc;> see what they had planned and what there motives was, and to
possibly try to enter the building through the door they where standing in front of, They refuse the shift s11perviscir
. access inside the building.

~t 08:35 Mobile 2:~as sent on location to assist.

At08 :45 both
as$iSt the to situation.


fallowed by

proceeded tc:i go o~ location to

At 08:46 Shift Supervisor advised that some one had pulled on the door of B 15 damaging the contacts, including the
striker and latch.

At 08 :47

confirmed o ver the radio that he recognized one of the protesters as student


2 femal es and 1 male came out of th.e court yard door number #4 and left locat ion. Mobile 3:
- w a s asked to follow them, he confirmed that they left campus and was walking south on university.
At 09:15 Agent

after finishing his shift Phase #231 was sent t o the court yard to assist with the


still on location reported everything was calm, and that he would be coming in to the office
would be in charge.

At 09 :53
advi s~d and confirmed that 11 protesters where leaving loc.ation, he followed them out
of the courtyard, and followed them as they headed north up university.
At 09 :57


that the group just pass Milton. and University
. and where still heading north.

At 10:00
dvised that once the individuals reached university and prince Arthur they separated
and w~nt there sepcira_te ways.

At 10:05
confirm~ls went inside building located at 3?25 EJymer one they
realized they where being followed by - e noticed the protesters standing in the interior entranc.e
of the building looking outside.

At 10:10

was .advised by

o come bac.k the office.


At 10:15 Mobile 1: was advised to proceed to the court yard to take pictures of the door B 32 that was apparent damage
c;lue to a key stuck in it, B 15 had broken contact and latch and striker both damaged. Including stickers that was placed
on the doors and windows within the area where the protesters occupied.

At 11:15 Staff membe

he would proceed to B 15 t~ fix tfie problem.

called t o advised that door

a 35 was fixed, and

At 12:03 Staff member

roni grounds called and confirmed he would have
someone go and remove the stickers .on the doors and windows placed by the protesters.
All back to normal,

Closed Date & Time: 2014;-02-26 at 13:05:52 -

This email may contain privileged and/or confid ential information. Any distribution, use, o_r copying"<:~f this em.ail or the
information it contains by other than the intended recipient is unauthorized. If you received this ef!lail in error please
delete it immediately from your system and not ify the sender promptly by email that you have done so.
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{I AltEmaillD
{ l.AltPhone I }( ) {I fi.ltCallerl}
{I AltCallerFirst I}
{I BuildingNum I}130

{I Building~d Engineering Building {I Room I}Court yard of 130 and 118 {I NonMcGill I}
{ICalllDI -

{IAlncidentDate I }2014-02-25
{I AlncidentTime I }08:15:00



McGill University


'?o I '-f Q(._. L




-Zo/LL, 02. 2


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DATE OF INCIDENT:_ _ __T---:-:---:-:-.,,-::-----Yeor-Monlh-oay



lhcidonl Celegory




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~~;~ION: Cr;;~1YA9h II p. 131 11-~


-~_o_ _



IDH to


_ _ _ __






POLICE EVENT#:_ _ _ _~-----


Narrative should answer who was involved (if applicable); why or how it happ~ned; and what action was taken

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of !fl.J) A'f G't.w3bt.: ~ t>Jl+IL. (l~;y,tJ&

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Use the Annex Form in the back if you require moi-e space.


- -:- -'- --------1

c_o_M_M_E-NT_s_:__;__ __ _ _ _..,...,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



June 01, 2005

DATE: '),/ lf.-(/1

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McGiii University



Use NIA below where the Headin

/:};;... 1i1.

'O_ _ __

INCIDENT#:._ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _____,
Provided by lhe Dispatcher

Yar-Monlh Day

TYPE OF INCIDENT:_ _ _ _....,.__ _ __ __

Incident Category


Narrative should answer who was involved (if applicable); why or how it happened; and what action was taken.


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McGill University .


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Incident Category

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~6. .~LS
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Narrative shou/rj answer who was involved (if applir.ab/e); why or how it happened; and what action was taken.

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. :-.

Use the Anriex Form in the back if you require more space.





June o1, :mos

-- - -

Pnnl Name

McGill University



L .

Use NIA below where the headin


2JS::.:"1"'1- 0 2.. -2--:)



D;T~ OF l~Ct~ENT: ~(4 _: b -2_ :___ 2S



lnciilenl '.?:gory





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June 01, 2005


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McGiii University

Page~of '2.
Use NIA below where the Headin

t4 - 62.. .- Z..STYPE OF IN~IDENT: j)J '_s.fu r.Qtj,J/\C.. 2


- . . . . ..

Incident Category







Christine Chehad.e
Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10:56 AM





Incident_-- Disturbance/ Protest - Macdonald Engineering Building

Original Incident Description :

Incident Classification : Disturbance I Protest I
Caller :
McGill Status: STAFF
Alt ernate Caller :
Organization/ Company : James Admin Front Desk Controller:
130/Macdonald Engineering Building Room# : First Floor Non-McGill Location :

uilding #/Name :

. I

Assignee Contact : Mobile 3

Agent Name:
Actual Incident Time: 14/03/2014

I 08:00:00

.Logged Date & Time: Friday March 14 2014 @. 08:00:10

Call Description :
Contacted b y - - advising that a McGill staff,
informed him of the presence
of appro~ 20 individuals wearing face masks in the area around James qua re and _Engineering complex, head~st
on campus.
was already advised. Mobile 3 sent to perform sweep and coordiante w i t h -

p..s per instructions from

Mobile 3 will be sweeping the area between Leacock and Arts building, as well as
Upper Campus toward SAD. Deputy Captain will be verifying the west side of campus including Mclennan Library
(Mclennan agent will be debriefed)
08:12 -

advised that all

seeme~normal o~. campus . Mobile 3 was allowed to retu rn to normal rounds.

A!I Recorded Follow-Ups :

- 03/14/2014 @ 08:27,~31


At 08:25, from camera verifications, the group.was seen passing nearMcConnell Engineering at 07:55 (McConnell Bird
Eye camera) and seen entering MacDonald Engineering (110-Burnside Hall Rooftop PTZ) . Mobile 3 was re quested t o
proceed on site for a building sweep as well as Deputy Captain.

equested all available agents to be sent to MacDonald Engineering. Mobiles 1 and 2 sent.

At 08:32

- 03/14/2014 @ 08:35:44

08:35 MacDonald Engineering -allec$SOC to. adi~ise that the group of students was blocking the access of 1st floor
near the Aereospatial lab. Group possibly identified as "DEMILITARIZE MCGILL". .
w as notified and will get in contact

t of

co ntacted,me advising t hat the group (approx 20 peoples) were carr)'ing a black banner wit!'i written " END

~A RCH" on it. Access the that area of the 1st floor was contained by-an~ith.

ecurity LENEL also on site) contained the access from McConnell Engineering builing.

. .

- 03/14/2014@ 08:51:02

08:51 - e d that a second banner.with written ."DEMI LITARIZE MCGILL" w~s present and was ca rried by
5 peo~m 152. Sit.uation still ca lm on site .
03/14/2014 @ 09:29:35

09:30 All calm at the moment. Situation still ongoing but no f urthe r information received .
- 03/14/2014@ 09:41:25

At 09:40, with authorization o~

1 was cleared t o return to norma l rounds.

- 03/14/2014 @ 09:50:26

Advised by
hat at 09:41, - c o municated with the protestors advising them that they. had\ he
right to bef on site, but not to disturb n~mic activities. The students were advised t hat failure to comply to
the request t o permit norma l activities would fo rce McGill to contact the Montreal Police Services.


03/i.14/2014 @ 10:01:38

10:00advised that Dea n Of Students. spoke to th e protestors advising them of th e sa~e information
previo usly transmi~ted by in regards to disrupting normal academ ic activities.

- 03/ 14/2014 @ 10:31:33

i.0:22 Final ~!3.~.n ing was givei_ to t he protestors from


03/14/2014 @ 10:44:13

advised that Police Services from Stat~ntacted and officers will be
on their way. Call was placed from the conference room at the Security O f f i c e . - also contacted me advising
that prot~stors placed 011 a window of a door leading to the staircase a note mentionning that the protest was against a
due to financing received from the Canadian Gouvernement, related to research in "Drone"

- 03/14/2014@ 11:06:52

SPV~ unit 20-85.arriv~d on Campus at 11:07 .iiiilillll advise~ on the a s~cond vehicle was ~xp~c~ed as
03/14/2014 @ 11:12:26

SPVM Unit 20-87 arrived on location at 11:12. Total of 5 police officers on location.
- 03/14/2014@ 11:17:03

11:17 Advised by
that she was covering the role of Deputy Incident Command until the arrival of.
on site at McConnell 1st Floor. INCIDENT COMMAND POST located on the ground floor of McConnell
11:18 With presence of SPVM group wil l be approached for first request to move. Non compliance will result in SPVM
proceed ing to remove the protestors.

. ~on approaching of the officers, the entire group ran off, without providing the opportunity to talk to them .
advised that he ran across the group exiting on University street from FDA building.
11:24 Confirmed that police officers will not take any further actions pursuing the protestors.
11:2 5 - advised that the ~ro up dispersed in different directions in fr~nt of the Musi"cBuilding. Polke officers .
left campus at 11:26 from Roddick Gate.

Confirmed b y - t h a t at any point no physical contact was present between police and protestors, who left
locat ion on their own accord .
All back to normal and all agents involved were cl ea red t o return to normal rounds.
03/14/2014@ 12:01:03

dvised that up
of the officers on site at 11:20, the "END DRONE REASEARCH" banner was
taken down by one of them .
icked it up. At the end of the intervention. - ( S P V M ) advised him
that he would take charge of the banners and bring them .
- 03/14/2014@ 12:33:45

(University Safety),

. Im ages were recorded during the event using some personal phones.

Incident Resolution

At 08:25, from camera verifications, the group was seen passing nearMcConnell Engineering at 07:55 (McConnell Bird
Eye camera} and seen entering MacDonald Engineering (110-Burnside Hall Rooftop PTZ} . Mobile 3 was requested to
proceed on site for a building sweep as well as Deputy Captaih.
At-08:32 requested all available agents to be .sent to MacDo.nald.Engineering. Mobiles 1 and2 se_nt.
. .
08:35 MacDonald Engineering porter called SOC to advise that the group of students was blocking the access of 1st floor
near the Aereospatial lab. Group possibly identified as "DEMILITARIZE MCGILL".
was notified and will get in contact

on request o f -

ntacted me advising that the group (approx 20 peoples) were ca~ ban.ner with written "END
EAR CH" on it. Access the that area of the 1st floor was contained byan.d witSecurit LENEL also on site} contained th e access from McConnell Engineering builing.
advised that a second banner with written "DEMILITARIZE MCGILL" was present and was carried by
5 peop es in front of room 153. Situation still calm on site.
09:30 All calm at the moment. 'tuation s~ill ongoing but no further information received.
At 09:40, with authorization of
obile 1 was cleared to return to normal rounds.
Advised by -hat at 09:41,
comunicated with the protestors advising them that they had the
right to be ~t to disturb nornia cademic activities. The students were advised that failure to comply to
to ermit normal activities would force McGill to contact the Montreal Police Services.
the req
advised t
spoke to the protesters advising them of the same info rmation
in regar s to di u tin normal academic activities.
previous y transmitted b'fi
10:22 ~en to the protesters from
rom Stat i ~ ntacted and officers will be
10:41 advised that Police Services (
on their way. Call was placed from the conference room_a
e ecu 1ty Office . also contacted me advisi_ng
that rot_estors laced on a window of a door leading to the staircase a note mentioniling that the protest was against a
due to financing received from the Canadian Gouvernement, related to res earch in " Drone"
tee no ogy.
SPVM unit 20-85 arrived on Campus at 11:07. advised on the radio that a second vehicle was expected as

SPVM Unft 20-87 arrive
cation at 11:12. Total of 5 police officers on location.
11:17 Advised by
hat she was covering the role of Deputy Incident Command .u ntil the ar~ival o f .
cConne I 1st Floor. INCIDENT COMMAND POST located on ~he ground floor of McConnell
11:18 With presence of SPVM group will be approached for first request to move. Non c:ompliance will result in SPVM
proceeding to remove the protestors.
11:20 Upon approaching of the officers, the entire group ran off, without providing the opportunity to talk to them .
advised that he ran across the group exiting on University street from FDA building.

~nfirmed that police officers will not take any further actions pursuing the prot~stors.

11:25adv~sed that the group dispersed in different directions in front of the Music Building. Police officers
left ca~26 from .Roddick Gate.
hat at any point no physical contact was present bet~een police and protest.ors, who left
Confirmed by
location on their own accord .
All back to normal and all agents involved were cleared to return to normal rounds.
n of the officers on site at 11:20, the "END DRONE REASEARCH" banner was
advised that u p
~by one of them.
picked it up. At the end of the intervention. - S P V M } advised him
that he would take charge of the banners and bring them .

McGill Staff i.nvolved in the incident:


(University Safety),~

Images were recorded during the event using some .personal phones.

Closed Date & Time: 2014-03-14 at 12:37:52

This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information. Any distribution, use, or copying of this email or the
information it contains by other than the intended recipient is unauthorized . If you received this email in error please
delete it immediately from your system and notify the sender promptly by email that you have done so.
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{!AltEn'laillD I}
. :.
.{IAltPhonel}( )
{I AltCallerFirst I}
{I BuildingNum I }130
{ I Buildin~d Eng.ineering Building {I Roor:i I }First Floor {I NonM cG.i ll I}
{ICalllDI{ I AlncidentDate I }2014-03-14
{I AlncidentTime I }08:00:00


McGill University

Use NIA below where the headin










BL:DG #:


LocA-f10N: iot-R.ooe STa1



- -- --







INCl~~NT:~ctlD- ~,.,.'-=----------'---



ffibYO Time

~ .NO

POLICE EVENT#:_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Narrative should answer who was involved (if applicable); why or how it happened; and what action was taken.

0:)atrol ..s~o+ n:e no lcxct<oo o ~ys UQ:'.oc,r-r;vol i "I rod-' ,jfil re

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_ _ __


June 01 , 2005

Christine Chehade

Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10:53 AM
Security I~
Incident_, Disturbance I Protest ; 688 Sherbrooke Street West

Or:iginal Incident Description :

Incident# :Incident Classification : Disturbance I Protest I


Alternate Caller:
Controller :
Non-McGill Location :
Individuals Involved :

Building #/Name : 233/688 Sherbrooke Stre et West Room# :

Assignee Contact :
A~ent Name:
Actual Incident Time : 18/03/2014

I 12:30:00

Logged Date & Time : Tuesday March 18 2014 @ 14:00:50

.call Description :
At around 12H30, a group of 7 persons, part of" demilitarize McGill", got together to protest.
At 12H38, the group left 688 Sherbrooke at directed themselves North on University street.
At 12H46, the group entered Mcconnel engineering building .
. At 13H22, the group just wa'lked around withou~ blocking any acc~ss or causing any trouble .
At 13H45, the group is now on the second floor of Macdonald engineering building. Nothing to report.
. At 14HOS, the group dispersed. Everything seemed over. Nothing to report.
All Recorded Follow-Ups:

Incident Resolution


Closed Date & Time : 20i4-03-18 at 15:27:32


This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information. Any distribution, use, or copying of this email or the
information it contains by other than the intended recipient is unauthorized. If you received this email in error please
delete it immediately from your system and notify the sender promptly by email that you have done so.
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{ I AltEmaillD I}
{I AltPhone I}(~ )
~.- ~
{IAltCallerl} ..
{I AltCallerFirst I}
{I BuildingNum I }233
{I Building I }688 Sherbrooke Street West
{I Room I}
{INonMc. . .

{I AlncidentDate I }2014-03-18
{I AlncidentTime I }12:30:00

Christine Chehade
Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10:51 AM
Security In~

Incident#Disturbance I Protest - Bronfman Building




Original Incident Description :

Incident# :Incident Classification : Disturbance/ Protest I
Caller :
McGill Status: G.UEST
Alternate Caller:

Building #/Name : 102/Bronfman Building

Room# : Lobby
Non-McGill Location :

Assigne e Con~
Agent Name: Actual Incident Time : 28/03/2014

I 11:25:00

Logged Date & Time : Friday March 28 2014 @ 11:28:33

Call Description :
At approximately 11:25, a group of 7 individuals carrying banners reading "Demilitarize McGill" could be seen entering
the building. Note that at the time, this group was not blocking any doors nor preventing access from any rooms or
hallways. The individual~ were later identified as follows;

At 11:50, it was heard over th,e radio by security operations administrator

Chancellor Dr. Suzanne Fortier had arrived at Bronfman to shortly begin her address.

hat Principal and Vice-

At 12:13, a better part of the group had left Bronfman .and headed northbound on McTavish Street. They turned east
between the Leacock and Morrice Hall b1,1ildings. Mobile 2 was sent to keep an eye on them from afar. It was later

determined ttlat some of the members had entered Morrice Hall and some had entered Leacock in an attempt to
disperse. Part of the group, which was later broken down to a single person, was followed to the MacDonald Harrington
Engineering room 414 and was later left alone as per Security operation administrator
Also as per both
a n d - r e q u e s t s, Mobile 2 was sent to sweep the MacDonald
Engineering 1st floor as this area had been ~vious protests. Upon arrival Mobile 2 noticed everything
swee~ake sure everything was normal, which it
appeared to be normal. Mo~ile 3 was.then sen~
was deemed to be by Security Operations A d m m 1 s t r a t o -


- - - .
Note that afterwards, agents were gradually being cleared for their end of shifts (see incident-for details) . .

In the midst of these events, a certain

reported that the big red banner used by the
group of protesters was made from a table cloth which she befieved the be a stolen one. According to her, abovementioned
would have been the culprit of the incident as he used to work inside Martlet House, which is
where th'e cloth would have originated from. She could not specify any time frame .
All Recorded Follow-Ups :

- 04/02/2014 @ 15:01:48
***** * ******* * ***** * * * ~*~** ** *** * *** * ******* * *** * *

Call Record REOPENED

Previously CLOSED by

on 03/28/2014 at 14:00:00

Close Description: na

********************************************* *****

Incident Resolution

****** *******************

Closed Date & Time: 2014-04-02 at 15:03:18

This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information. Any distribution, use, or copying of this email or the
information it contains by other than the intended recipient is unauthorized. If you received thi s email in error please
delete it immediately from your system and notify the sender promptly by email that you have done so.
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{I McGilli.DI{ IAltEmaillD I}
{I AltPhone I}( ) {IAltCallerl}
{I A!tCa llerFirst I}
{J BuildingNum J}102
{I Building I }Bronfman Building
{I Room !}Lobby
{JNonM c~

{ JCalllDI { IAlncidentDate I }2014-03-28

{I AlncidentTime I }11:25:00

McGill University

Use NIA below where the headin

.,---:~~''--'-~_._/0-=-~,___/_2..._t_ _ __


Year-Month -Day

_._lj.......,{>--'-0-"'-~_...(_._1..._i_-_ _ __
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Incident category

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_ _ _ _ _ __


J 1
/ _
LOCATION:_ _\,__



BLDGff._ _ _ _~1_o_2-_








POLIC_E EVENT#: _ _--..,..._,_fJ-"-'/,,_

/r _ _ _ ____,


tjarrative should answer who was involved (if applicable); why or how it happened; and what action was taken.




,w cCA





~I-' r.

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U~e the Annex Form in the back if you require more s ace.



June 01, 2005


McGill ~niverslty



. . ..


Narrative should answer who was involved (if applicable); why or how it happened; and what action was taken.


f -eYL .~ .1Vie- G~.Jf 'fu?\--ff_ G.# .Ji S~qf 1~1'

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McGill University


Use NIA below where the headin




2Dlt_f. 02:>

-j j '. -'JS
'- --''-'----------






. BLDG#:._lO_L_








LOCATION:_'J~.0&'-=-'&"-1~-------LEFT.LOCATION AT:_





June 01, 2005

nff 12 ~ 40



l\.1cGill lJniye~ity

INC_IDENf #'.....



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. I


---- - - -





. .

-- -



' '



- -- .

Christine Chehade



Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10:51 AM
Security Incident

Incident ~ Criminal Act I Theft of under $5000 - Bronfman Building

o rigin al Incident Description :

lncide~t# :-

lncide~t Classification : Criminal Act I Theft of under $5000 I
Cc~ller :

McGill Status: GUEST

Alternate Caller:


Building #/Name : 102/ Bronfman Building

Room# : Sinfully Asian
Non-McGill Location :
Individuals :

Assignee Contact :
Age nt .Name:
Actual Incident Time: 28/03/2014

I 11:25:00

Logged Date & Time : Wednesday April 2 2014@ 15:05:34

Call Description :
In the midst of a protest from Demilitarize McGill, a certain
reported th at the big red
banner used by the gro up of protest ers was made from a table cloth which she believed the be a stolen one. Accord ing
t o her, a certain
would have been the culprit of t he incident as
used to work inside Martlet House,
Which is w here the cloth would have originated from. She could not specify any time frame.
was the only person that cou ld be identified holding the banner, who refused to .return .
the stolen property.
All Recorded Follow-Ups :

Incident Resolution


Closed Date & Time: 2014-04-02 at 15:12:38

Tris email may contain privileged and/or confidential information. Any distribution, use, or copying of this ema il or the
information it contains by other than the int~nded recipient is unauthorized. If you received this email in error please
delete it immediately from your system and notify the sender promptly by email that you have done so.
________._______:..._:..:..::.. ..
_____ __._.___ __
..-- .. ----;--------------- .



~ :...--- -

Le present courriel peut contenir de !'information privilegiee ou confidentielle.

Toute diffusion, utilisation ou copie de ce courriel ou des renseignements qu 'il contient par une personne autre que le
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et envoyer sans delai l'expediteur un message electroniqu e pour l'aviser que vous avez elimine de votre ordinateur
toute copie du courriel re~u .

{I McGilllD. . . .

{ IAltEmaill~
{I AltPhone I}( ) {I AltCaller I}

{I AltCallerFirst I}
{I BuildingNum I }102
{I Building I }Bronfman Building
{I Room I}Sinfully Asian
{ jNon Mc~

{ICalllDI _ {I AlncidentDate I }2014-03-28

{I AlncidentTime I }11:25:00


Nguyen, Ms
Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10:53 AM
Security I~
Incident~ Non-Criminal Mischief/ Graffiti - Stewart Biology Buildin.g




Original Incident Description :



Incident Classification : Non-Criminal Mischief I Graffiti I

cGill Status: STAFF Alternate Caller:

Caller :

uilding #/Name, : 111/Stewart Biology Building Room# : W8/30A Non-McGill

Individuals Involved :

Assignee Con~
Agent Name: Actual Incident Time: 03/09/2014

I 07:35:00

Logged Date & Time : Wednesday September 3 2014 @ 09:10:0.9

Call Description :
The caller reported there was graffiti and stickers related. to demilitarized McGill on the mentioned door. The stickers
showed" No whining zone" and the hand made graffiti made with what appeared to be a permanent marker showed
"Consent sha ll be informed", black letters.

Pictures were taken and FCC was made aware.

who was not on site at the time the agent

The office named tag show.ed Donald M. Taylor

passed by for pictures.

To be noted that the person owning the office beside the mentioned one claimed that when she left at 16H30 of the
previous night, the office door was in ood condition. The ID # and the name of that person can not be found in the
All Recorded Follow-Ups:

Incident Resolution



Closed Date & Time : 2014-09-03 at 09:55:48

This email may coritain privileged and/or copfidential information. Any distribution, use, or copying of this email or the
inform.ation it contains by other than the int"ended recipient is unauthorized. If you received this email inerror please
.de_le~e it i!:l'media!ely from your ~ystef!I and notify t~e sender pr9mptly _b y ernc.iil that ypu hav.e done so .
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{I AltPhone ]}( ) .,.
{I AltCallerFirst I}
{I BuildingNum I }111
{I Building !}Stewart Biology Building
{I Room I }W8/30A

{I AlncidentDate I }2014-09-03
{I AlncidentTime I }07:35:00

McGill University

Use NIA below where the heading does not apP/y.


'1 -- .:> ci - OJ


a.t? I '-( -


0 <q - 6


Yta ~lonlt lhy

IN~IDENT:~_Q ;,., i.,,di /"' ,'~C.'1 ;ef.


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BLDG#: _ _ _<_,_ _ ___

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ON LOCATION AT:_ ___,,2,.__

: _"}_
'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

~: 1..1 '1









_ _ _ _ _ _ _..,_

-I - - - - - - - --

--- -

Narrativr; should answer who Vias involved (if applicable); why or how it happened; and what aclioo was takon.


t?cc1-t f fA.ll-t 11


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June 01 , 2005

oAr E:

~\U lfil\"'- "'-o.3. . . . _ _

S~o - Mai

Nguyen, Ms
Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10:51 AM
Security Incident

Incident - - Information Received I Information Receiv.ed - McGill Sports






Original Incid ent Description .:

Incident# :.
Incident Classification : Information Received/ Information Received

Caller :
McGill Status: GUEST
Alternate Caller :
Organization I Com
Building#/ ame :
Non-McGill Location :
Individuals Involved :

Assignee Conta.c;t : Mo
Agent Name:
Actual Incident Time: 16/09/2014

I 10:00:00

Logged Date & Time : Tuesday September 16 2014@ 10:02:25

Call Description :
It was reported b y - t h a t someon.e had tweeted something on Twitter mentioning the fact that a
"Demilitarize McGi~tion was about to occur at the building in quesiton. Upo n - s request,
Mobile 2 was sent on location and Currie .Gym Agent Deny Lu is was made aware.

By 10:19, it was determined that everything appea red t~ be normal for what concerns the perimeter of Currie Gym,
Molson Stadium and McConnell Arena. She was asked to integrate Currie Gym and to perform a full sweep of the

Upon sweep, everything appeared to be normal.


~as sen.t back to the building as per the request o f - i or~er to investigate

12:15, Mobile 2
the possible protest to come.


A few minutes later, SOC received a, call from Agen-who

occurring on Park,
Avenue which would later be making their way to the parking of McConnell A r e n a . - . . and Mobile 2 were

All Recorded Follow-Ups :

- 09/16/2014@ 12:30:24

Call Record REOPENED
Previously CLOSED by

on 16/09/2014 at 11.:08:00

Close Description: na

09/17/2014@ 11:00:46

************************ **************************
Call Record REOPENED
Previously CLOSED b

n 09/1~/20~4at13:16:00

Close Description: na


Incident Resolution

. na

Closed Date & Time: 2014-09-17at11:00:52

This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information. Any distribution, use, or copying of this email or the
information it contains by other than the intended recipient is unauthorized. If you received this email in error please
delete it immediately
fromyour system and notify the sender promptly by email
that you have done' .so.


Le present courriel peut contenir de !'information privilegiee ou confidentielle.

Toute diffusion, utilisation ou copie de ce courriel ou des renseignements qu'il contient par une personn.e autre que le
ou les destinataires designes est interdite. Si vous recevez ce courriel par erreur, veuillez le supprimer immediatement
et envoyer sans delai l'expedit~ur un message .electronique pour l'aviser que vous avez elimine de votre ordinateur
toute co pie du courriel re~u.

{IMcGilllDl{IAltEmaillD,,........-{IAltPhonel}( ) -
. 2

{I AltCallerFirst I}
{I BuildingNum I}139
{I Building I}McGill Sports Complex
~jRoom l}

{jCalllDI { I Alncidehtbate I }2014-09-16

{_IAlncidentTime I}10:op:oo

Sao-Mai Nguye.n, Ms

Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10'.53 AM
Security I~

Incident~ Non-Criminal Mischie.f /Other - Macdonald Engineering Building

Original Incident Description :

Incident Classificatio n : Non~Crimina l Mischief/ Oth er/
Caller :
McGill Status: STAFF
Alternate Caller :
Buil.ding #/Name : 130/Macdonald Engineering Building Room#: 378 NonMcGill Location :
Individuals Involved :

Assignee Cont~ct : Mob.ile 1

Agent Name:
Actual Incident Time: 16/10/2014

I 08:40:00

Logged Date & Time : Thursday October 16 2014 @ 09 :24:52


Call Description :
The caller reported that there was new "demilita rized M cG ill" stickers th at were put to the wal l near th e mentioned

room and also on the 2nd floor.

Mobile 1 was sent on site for pictures.
The ca ller mention.ed that th e last staff left location at 17H30 on the previous evening and the stickers were not there.
when the first staff arrived at 07H15 of the current day, stickers were found.
Pictures were taken and FCC was made aware, FCC saip someone would proceed o.n site for the removal.

All Recorded Follow-Ups:

Incident Resolution


.~ .


Closed Date & Time : 2014-10-16 at 14:39:57



This email may contain privileged and/or cqnfidentia l information. Any distribution, use, or copying of tliis email or the
information it contains by other than the intended recipient is unauthorized. If you received this email in error please
delete it immediately from your system and notify the sender promptly by email that you have done so .

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Toute diffusion, utilisation ou copie de ce courriel ou des renseignements qu'il contient par une personne autre que le
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stinati3)res designes ~s~ interdite: Si VQUS )'eceyeu:e COJ.miel par_erreur, veuillez le supprimer.immediatement et envoyer sans d.elai al'expediteur un message electronique pour l'aviser que vous avez elimine de votre ordinateur
toute copie du courriel rec;:u.

{jAltEmaillDI .
{I AltPhone I}(
{IAltCallerFirst l}
{I BuildingNum I }130
{I Building I }Macdonald Engineering Building
{I Room 1}378
{INonM c~


{I AlncidentDateJ }2014-10-16
{I AlncidentTime I }08:40: 00


McGill University


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Provide<! by the Dlspotcher


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TIME OF INCIDENT:_....;;;..68"""'--:._4_o-'.- _ _ _ __

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BLDG#: 100






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Christine Chehade

Melanie Ouellette
November-12-1410:51 AM
Security Incident
Incident~ Agents I Equipment - facilitie.s Ma.nagement - Grounds


Original Incident Description :

Incident Classification : Agents I Equipment/
Caller :
McGill Status: GUEST
Alternate Caller :
Organization I Com an
Building #/Name : BOS/Facilities Management - Grounds Room#: Facing FDA, Campus Side Non-McGill Location :
Individuals Involved :

Assignee Contact :
. Age~t Name:
Actual Incident Time: 17/10/2014

I 16:10:0.0

Logged Date & Time: Friday October 17 2014@ 16:12:09

Call Description :
Mobile 2 at the time
reported that someone had placed a "Demilitarize McG ill" sticker on the
window of the front passenger door of Car 2. The mobile was able to remove the sticker .in question without causing any
, who was notified. Pictures were taken and filed.
dam ages to the vehicle with the assistance of
See incident 9tor a similar incident which occurred for car 3 . .
All Recorded

Follow~ Ups

Incident Resolution


Closed Date & Time : 2014-10-17 at 17:16:13

This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information. Any distribution, use, or copying of this email or the
information it contains by other than the intended recipient is unauthorized. If you received this email in error please
delete it immediately from your system and notify the sender promptly ~y email that you have done so.
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toute copie du courriel re~u.

{IMcGilllDI- .
{I AltEmaillD I}
{IAltPhonel}( } { IAltCaller I}
{I AltCallerFirst I}
{I BuildingNum.1}805
{I Building }Facilities Management - Grounds {I Room I }Facing FDA, Campus Side {I NonMcGill I}
{ICalllD I
{ IAlncidentDate I }2014-10-17
{ IAlncidentTime I }16 :10:00

McGill University

. _l_of_/_
Use NIA below where the headin

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--DATE OF INCIDENT:._ _ _'1,,o_
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June 01. 2 005

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Use the Annex Form in the back If JI


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McGill University

Use NIA below where the headin


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TYPE OF INCIDENT: % w \ adonl C<YJOry



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BLDG #:_






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June 01 . 2005

Christine Chehade


Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10:51 AM
Security Incident
,Incident~- Expulsion/ Unauthorized.Access - Facilities Manager:ne.nt Grounds

Original Incident Oescripti.on :

Incident# :Incident Classification : Expulsion I Unauth.o rized Access I
Caller :
McGill Status: GUEST
Alternate Caller :
Organization/ Compan :
gates Non- c 1 Location :
Individuals Involved :

uilding #/Name : 805/Facilities Management - Grounds Room # : Milton

Assignee Cori~
Agent N a m e : Actual Incident Time: 20/10/2014

I 11:45 :00

Logged Date & Time : Monday October 20 2014 @ 12:05:13

Call Description :
At 11:45, Mobile 2 reported that someone was standing near milton gate in front of building 131 and was distributing
panphlets written "Demilitarize Mcgill" on it. Mobile 2 reported that the person did not have a written authorization
from Mcgill. Mobile 2 a'sked the person to leave McGill property. The person was unpolite with mobile 2. He went to
Roddick gate, and then headed left on Sherbrooke street.
All Recorded Follow-Ups :

Incident Resolution
****** *~ **** * ********~***

Closed Date & Time : 2014-10-20 at 14:39:13

This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information. Any distribution, use, or copying of this email or the
information it contains by other than the intended recipie~t is unauthorized. If you received this email in error please
delete it immediately from your system and notify the sender promptly by email that you have done so.
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{IMcGilllDI{ I AitEmaillD I}. .

{I AltPhone I}{ ) {IAltCallerl}
{I AltCallerFirst I} .
{I BuildingNum I}805
{I Buildin Facilitie Management - Grounds {I Room I }Milton gates {I NonMcGill I}
{I AlncidentDate I }2014-10-20
{I AlncidentTime I}11:45:00

- - - -. ..

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McGiil University

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Narrative should answer who was involved (if applicable); why or how it happened; and what action was taken.

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June 01 , 2005






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McGill University

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Use NIA below where the Headin does not a



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Christine Chehade
Melanie Ouellette
November-12-1410:51 AM
Security i~.

Incident t~on-Cri minal Mischief/ Other - Facilities Management - Grounds



Original Incident Description :

Incident # .
Incident Classification: Non-Criminal Mischief/ Other I

uilding #/Name: 805/Facilities Management - Grounds Room#: Car 2 NonMcGill Location :

Individuals Involved :

Assignee Contact:
Agent Na~e:
Actuai Incident Tim.e: 22/10/2014

I 16:04:00

Logged Date & Time : Wednesday October 22 2014 @ 16:12:11

Call Description :
Reported by mobile 2
located on the driver si

Cluring his vehicle inspection he noticed a sticker written " Demilitarize McGill"
ottom tall light.. The sticker did not come out completely. Pictures taken.

was made aware.

All Recorded Follow-Ups:

-.10/23/2014 @ 14:41:42

Call Record REOPENED

Previously CLOSED by

on 10/22/2014 at 17:01:00

Close Description : na


Incident Re5olution


. Closed Date & Time : 2014-10-23 at 14:42 :09

This email .may contain privileged and/or confidential information. Any distribution, use, or copying of this email or the
information it contains by other than the intended recipient is unauthorized. If you received this email in error please
delete it immediately from you_
r system and notify the sender promptly by em ail that you have done so.
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et envoyer sans delai l'expediteur un message electronique pour l'aviser que vous avez elimine de votre ordinateur .
toute copie du courriel re i;:u.

{ IAltEmaillD I
{I AltCallerFirst I
{I Bu ildingNum I }805
{I Bu ildi~anagement - Gr:?urids {I Room I }Car 2 {I Nonl'J!cGill I}
{I AlnddentDate I}2014-10-22
{I AlncidentTime I }16:04:00

McGill University

Use NIA befow~here the heading does not apply.


l to I?.- 2,,

: -

s Ois-po--,l


DATE oi=1NCIDENT: 121cl

lto l .,_-'1-




QR .

BLDG #:~_








/La&r.D_-1-1--- - - -



Narrati\10 shouid answer who was involved (if applicablo); why or ho\1 it happened; and what action was taken.

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Use the Annex Form In th.e back if you require more space.




June 01, 2005

k.\~\A=;~ fCJ,,~,a,,.c ~s. sd-1\\ aM--~. d0 _ b

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Melanie Ouellette
November-12-1410:53 AM
Security Incii:lent
Information Received I Information Received -Roddick Gate



Original Incident Description :

Incident# :.

Ind .d ent Classification : Information Received I Information Received I

Call er :
Alternate Caller :

Controller : Building #/Name : 818/Roddick Gate

Room#: Open House tent.
Non-McGill Location :
Individuals Involved :

Assignee Conta ct :
Agent Name:
Actua'I Incident Time: 26/10/2014

I 11:50:00

Logged Date & Time : Sunday October 26 2014@ 1?:12:18

Call Description :
At 11:50 I received a call from Mr.

reporting that 2 people were handing out flyers concerning dem ilitarising McGill.


called and advised. l m w . -and verified the content of the flyers. It

was th~ same thing that the secwity services were already aware. ~as a.ble to identify 1 of the 2 persons on
site. A McGill student name

. -

was advise.d by. . .fthe

sit~ation and advised SOC that no futher actions are to be taken.

All Recordecf'Follow-Ups :

Incident Resolution


Closed Date & Time .: 2014-10-26 at 12:30:00

This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information. Any distribution, U$e, or cppying of this email or the
information it contains by other than the int:ended recipient is unauthorized. If you received this email in err'o r please
delete it immediately from your system and notify the sender promptly by email that you have done so.
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{ IAltEmaillD I}
{IAltPhone l}( ) {I AltCaller I}
{I AltCallerFirst I}
{I BuildingNum I }818
{I Building I}Roddick Gate
{I Room I }Open House tent.
.. ,
{ IAlncid entDate 1}2014-10-26
{I AlricidentTime I}11:50:00

.. , .


Christine Cllehade
Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10:52 AM
Security I "d . I
Incident .
~ rovide Assistance I Other - Roddick Gate




Original Incident Description :.

Incident# :-

Incident Classification : Provide Assistance I Other I

Caller :
McGill Status: GUEST
Alternate Caller :
Controller :
Building #/Name : 818/Roddick Gate
Non-McGill Location :
Individuals Involved :

... . .

. Assignee Contact :
Agent Name:
Actual Incident Time: 26/10/2014

I 13:45:00

Logged Date & Time : Sunday October 26 2014@ 14:59:04

Call Description :
At 11h45,
and only 4 other individ uals ~hat had gathered at Roddick Gates for the tour
concerning demilitarizing McGill.
They crossed the street to the South sipe of Sherbrooke and headed tow ards 688 Sherbrooke.
All Recorded Follow-Ups :

- 10/27/2014@ 15:58:27

Call Record REOPENE-D

Previously CLOSED b

n 26/10/2014 at 15:03:00

Close Descri,ption: n/a

***** * ***~*********************** * ****************

Incident Resolution


Clos.ed Date & Time : 2014-10-27 at 15:59:29



This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information. Any distribution, use, or copying of this email or the
information it contains by other than the intended recipient is unauthorized. If you received this email in error please
delet~ it immediately from your system and notify the sender promptly by emai l that you have done so.
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et envoyer sans delai l'expediteur un message electronique pour l'aviser que vous avez elimine de votre ordinateur
toute copie du courriel re~u .

{IMcGilltDI { I AltEmaillD I}
{I AltPhone I}( ) . {I AltCa Iler I}
{I AltCallerFirst I}
{I BuildingNum I }818
{I Building I }Ro<;ldick Gate
{I Room I}
{ICalllDI{ I AlncidentDate I }2014-10-26
.<I AlntidentT!me I }13:_4 5:00

Christine Chehade



Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10:51 AM
Security Incident .
Inddent ~ Disturbance/ Protest - Chancellor Day Hall lnCident Descrfption :

lncident# : lncident Classifi cat ion : Disturbance/ Protest/
Caller :
McGill Status: GUEST
Alternate Caller :
Building #/Name : 122/Chahcellor Day Hall Room# :
Non-McGill tocation :
Individuals Involved :

Assignee Contact :
Agent Name:
Actual Incident Time: 27/10/2014

I 13:35:00

Logged Date & Time : Monday October 27 2014 @ 14:09:26

Call Description :

13:35 6 individuals associated with Demilitarize McGill, are sitting outside of OCDH on the stairs. They are not blocking
(as tt,Jrrently OCDH is closed due to construction) any entrances.
13:38 About 10 people now. 2 of whom a dressed in costumes.
13:54 Group is moving north on Peel. They are now 15 to 20 participants.
~3:58 Group is now at the main entrance to Faculty of Law office~.
Receptionist is advised. They are chanting blowing horns, banging casseroles outside of the door.

The group moved away from the door to Peel driveway leading to
faculty of law. Still chanting, banging pots, using air horns. Vehicle was not stopped from turning into driveway (not
.impeding access).
15:05 Some of the group begin dispersing. About 7 Individuals head tow~ rds the Life Science complex, and enter the
Stewart Biology building. They remain in the main entrance lobby without causing any disturbances.

lShlO The group moved from the lobby to the West block of the building, where they exited through an emergency exit
and dispersed.

15:17 After quick verifications of the Chancellor Day Hall and Gelber La w
back to normal.

eported that everything was

All Recorded Follow-Ups :

- 10/28/ 2014 @ 06:57:46

. *******+***********+******************************
call Record REOPENED
Previously CLOSED by

on 10/27/2014 at 15:29:00

Close Description: . .


******************** *****
Incident Resolution


Closed Date & Time : 2014-10-28 at 06 :58:47

This email may contain privileged ancf/or confidential information. Any distribution, use, or copying of this email or the
information it contains by other than the intended recipient is unauthorized. If you received this email in error please
delete it immediately from your system and notify t.he sender promptly by email that you have done so .
Le presentcourriel peut contenir de !'information privilegiee ou confidentielle.
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et envoyer sans delai l'expediteu_r un message electronique pour l'aviser que vous avez elimine de votre ordinatE;?ur
toute copie du courriel rei;:u.

{I McGilllDI
{IAltEmaillD I
{I AltPhone I}( ) {I AltCallerl}

{I AltCallerFirst I}{I BuildingNum I }122

{I Building I }Chancellor Day Hall
{I Room I}

{I AlncidentTime I}13:35:00

- 3

SaQ-Mai Nguyen, Ms
Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10:50 AM
Security Incident

Incident. .Non-~riminal Mischief/ Graffiti - James Administration Building




Original Incident Description :

Incident #:
Incident Classification : Non-Criminal Mischief I Graffiti/



Caller :
McGillS .
Alternate Caller :
Organization I Company :
Controller :
sign .
Non-McGill Location :
Individuals Involved :


Building #/Name : 112/James Administration Building Room# : Main entrance

Assignee Contact : Mobile 1

Agent Name:
Actual Incident Time : 29/10/2014

I 13:22:00

Logged Date & Time : Wednesday October 29 2014 @ 14:21:20

Call Description :
At 13:22 I re cieved a call from Agen
He reported to me that there was a Demilitarize McGill sticker
def.acing the James admin sig'n, near t e main entrance of the building.
Mobile 1 was sent to take pictures.
FCC was advised.
All Recorded Follow-Ups :

- 10/30/2014@ 10:51:45

*********************** * ********~*****************
Call Record REOPENED
Previou~ly CLOSED by on 10/29/2014 at 15:34:00
Close Description:.

*** **** **** ** ** ** ** **** * *** *** **** * ** ** *** *** **** *

Incident Resolution


Closed Date & Time: 2014-10-30 at 10:52:22

This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information. Any distribution, use, or copying of this email or the
information it contains by other than the intend ea recipient is unau.thorized . If you received this eniail inerror please
delete it immediately from your system and notify the sender promptly by em.ail that you have done so.
Le present courriel peut contenir de !'information privil egiee ou confidentielle.
Toute diffusion, utilisation ou copie de ce courriel ou des renseignements qu'il contient par une personne autre que le .
ou les destinataires designes est interdite. Si vous recevez ce courriel par erreur, veuillez le supprimer immediatement
et envoyer sans delai l'expediteur un messageelectronique pour l'aviser que vous avez elimine de votre ordinateur
toute copie du courriel re~u.


{IAltPhone l}( )
{I AltCaller I}
{I AltCa llerFirst I}
{I BuildingNum I }112
{I Building I }James Administration Building { I Room I }Main entrance sign.
{I Alncide
a e 014-10-29
{I AlncidentTime 1}13:22:00


McGill Unlverslly

Use NIA below where the haadin

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TIME OF INCIDENT:_ _!,_=)_,,__.._:-=R--"'T-2-


lYPE OF INCI DENT:~ ~ olc M sk-iic.=--'k6---.

lnckfont Cutegoiy

BUILDl!'JG:_~ ,~J.,~~s/1:-::..v~ _ _


BLDG #:_
_ _..1 ~





sd:,,,;1- G

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YES , \



~-LA-- ~ -

Use the Annex Form in the back If you require more space.



June 01 , 2005

DATE: _ _.--''J;,_0-1-\l_D-+\ t_._!_ __

Christine Chehade

Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10:50 AM
Security Incident
Incident ~Safety Hazard I Safety Hazard - Arts Building



Original .Incident Descript iol') :

Incident# : .
Incident Classification : Safety Hazard/ Safety Haza rd/

Controller :
Emergency Door Non-McGill Location :
Individuals Involved :

uilding #/Name: 103/Arts Building Room#: 1st Floor North East Stairwe ll

Assignee Contact :
Agent Name:
Actual Incident Time: 01/11/2014 j 13:27:00
Logged Date & Time : Sa~urday November 1 2014 @ 14:14:10
Call Description :

eported that there is a "Demilitarize McGill" sticker on the 1st Floor North East Stairwell Emergency

~specified . The sticker is placed directly on the signage which notifies that this door is an emergency
exit, thus partially impeding the view of the "Sortie" sign.
Pictures were taken. FCC ticket was created for work order.

Note that during the day th ere is enough light from outsid e that can you can view thro.ugh the sticker. However when it
is dark outside, only the sticker will be visible, and not th e sign age.

All Recorded Follow-Ups :

Incident Resolution


Closed Date & Time : 2014-11-01at14:29:25

This email may contain privileged and/or confidential inform ation. Any distribution, use, or copying of this email or the
information it contain~ by other than the int ended recipient is unauthorized. If you received this email in error please
delete it immediately from your system and notify the sender. promptly by email that you. have done so.
Le present rnurriel peut contenir-de !'information privilegiee ou confidentielle.
Toute diffusion, utilisation ou copie de ce courriel ou des renseignements qu'il contient par une personne autre que le
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et envoyer sans dela i l'expediteur un message elec.t ronique pour l'aviser que vous avez ~ limi ne de votre ordinateur
toute copie du co urriel re~u .

{I McGilllD 18 9 {I AltEmaillD I}
{IAltPh onel ( } {I AltCaller I
.{I AltCallerFirs
{I BuildingNum I }l
{I Building I}Arts Building

{I Room I 1st Floo r North East Stairwell. Emergency Door {I NbnMcGill

{ l.Alnciden
{I AlncidentTime I}13:27:00

McGill Un;verslty


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TYPE OF INCIDENT: C.. , ._ 0 cVr

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BUILDING:~.:.. ~j

TIME OF INCIDENT-~!~~-:_.,2~-:}-~__ __


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- - - - - - LEFT LOCATION AT:


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POLICE EVENT #:_ _ __,_,,J'--+/....~+----


.----~~------------R~E_B_E_R~VE. DFOR_M_A_N_A_G_E~M~E_
N_T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _~.



June 01, 2005



~ QJY-

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christine Chehacl_e
Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 10:50 AM
Security I~
Incident ~o n-Criminal Mischief I Other - Facilities Management - Grounds




Original Incident Description :

Incid ent#:Incident

Cl~on-Criminal Mischief/ Other/

Caller : -


Alternate Caller :
Building #/N
Individuals Involved :

rounds Room# : Near Redpath Museum Nori-McGill Location :

Assignee Contact :
Agent Name:
Actual Incident Time: 07/11/2014 I 16:30:00
Logged Date & Time : Friday November 7 2014 @ 16:36:12
Cal l Description :
eported the presence of a Demilitarize McGill sticker on the passenger side door
was made aware, w ho made his way to the vehicle .


was able to remove the sticker without causing any new scratches.
All Record ed Follow-Ups :

Incident Resolution


Closed Date & Time : 2014-11-07 at 16:48:56

This 'email may contain privileged and/or confidential information ..Any distribution, use, or copying of this email or the
Information it cqntains by other than the intended reeipient is unauthorized. If you received this email in error please
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{I McG illlDl -


{I AltPhone I}( )
{I AltCallerFirst I}
{I BuildingNum I }805
{I Buildin~nagement - Grounds {I Room I }Near Redpath Museum {INonMcGill I}
{ICalllDI _ . .


{I AlncidentTime I }16:30:00


Christine Chehade



Melanie Ouellette
November-12-14 11:04 AM
Security Incident
Incident ~ Other I Other - Facilities M_anagemenf- Grounds

Original Incident Description :

lncident# lncident Classification : Other/ other/
McGill Status: G
Alternate Caller:
Organization/ Com
Controller :
Building #/Name : BOS/Facilities Management Non-McGill Location :
Individuals lnvolved :

Assignee Contact :
Agent Na_
Actual Incident Time: 11/11/2014 I 07:30:00
Logged Date & Time : Tu~sday Novem~er 11 2014 _@ 08:33 :1i
Call Description :
The following is a log of real-time events occurring during the scheduled Remembrance Day Ceremony of 2014-11-11;
By 07:37, all scheduled agents, who's names will follow, arriv~d and were equipped;

were all assigned as Team Leaders in

ound campus.
oversaw the

c arge df a certain group of agents which they placed at strategic p ac

overall good of the operation ~n the field .

1c Gates. As per the r
was contacted as well, who a vis
a e
we re all contacted, without success.
no lo.nger part of Media Relations and therefore was unaware o who was authorized to be on campus in regards to.the
At 09:36, It w~s reported by~hat there was a group carrying a banner facing the MacDonald
Engineering Building. Atcord~roup would be heading towards Milton Gates.
At 10:00, police officers integrated SOC with - and it was noticed that there was a group of
protesters nearby Y-lntersection. At 10:12, th~ng towards to Redpath Museum. This group was bei ng "Demilitarize McGill".
At 10'.19,
confirmed that group "Echec A La Guerre" were beginning to form a rally on the south side of .
Sherbrooke facing Roddick Gates, off McGill property.
At 10:23, it was reported bythat there were workers on the rooftop of 2001 McGill college, McGill' Building
. 300. SPVM officer confirmed~ar Security that the workers on site were authorized and would not disrupt the
At 10:25, i; was confirmed byhat McGill
and was making her Vitay to th~. .

~rincipal Prof. Susane Fortier had left James Administration



At 10:26, Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre arrived on Campus.At 10:30, the parade integrated Campus through Roddick Gates.

[\t 10:30, The group of protesters which were originally at Y-lntersection were now position~d at Redpath Museum.

At 10:32, the Principal arrived at the ceremony without any issues.


At 10:35, it was noticed by- that there were 3 individual o.n the rooftop of
Library. Seen on camera
there were 3 staff members seem1ng1y from facilities whic~ had set up a chair on site and watching the ceremony.j l i t




------. - .- ---- - . - -

- h o was inside the EOC at the time, was. advised. -ontacted the said individuals and asked them to get
~f top immediately, which they did in a split seco~
' .
A few moments later,
noticed a suspicious individual wearing al long beige trench-coat with a cap and
sunglasses on the Main Lane . The individual was approached by Police officers and ever thin
normal with him despite his being considered odd by the. police officers.
identified as the individual by both the police an.
According t
ould have been
uncooperative. with the responders. At 11:10,
oarded the 24 Sherbrooke Bus heading westbound..
At 1~ agents on campus noticed an individual climbing one of the trees situated just West of Burnside
Hall. - a t t e m p t e d to identify th e individual, unsu ccessfu lly. Police officers attempted the same, without
success was well. The individual was brought into a detention room inside Burnside Hall provided to the PM officers by
Security Services. Upon proper identification of the individua l, the SPVM stated that the individual, who was identified
- - -- - ----as being a certain
former student. He had an ongoing arrest warrant against him.


AT 11:35, a suspicious individual was noticed sitting on the fountain of Three Bares Park. The man was seen wea ring a
hoodle, blue jeans and carrying a grey backpack. SPVM officers were sent on sit e to assess the situation. The officers.
arrived on site at 11:37 and b~gan their investigation. On camera, the individua l can be seen being w:-1cooperative.
At 10:43, the SPVM officers on site confirmed that everything appeared to be normal with this man and had been
identified on their side. They let him go without any further ado.
At 11:50, the parade began packing u'p and leaving campus. Minster Poeti left locat ion, followed by the LieutenantGovernor and Mayor.
A few moments later, everything was back to normal.
All Recorded Follow-Ups :

Incident Resolution



Closed Date & Time: 2014-11-11at15:29:36

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information it contains by other than the intended recipient is unauthorized. If you received this email in error please
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{jMcGilllDl {!AltEmaillD, , _ . .
{I AltPhone I}( )
{I AltCall erFirst I}
-{ I BuildingNum 1}805
{I Building Fac"lities Management - Grounds {I Room I} {I Non McGill I}
{ICall lDI
{I AlncidentDate }2014-li-11
{ l.AlncidentTime I }07:30:00





Melanie Ouellette
November-18-14 9:57 AM
Security Incident
'Incident ~ Non-Criminal Mischief i Othe.r - James Administration Building

Original Incident Description :

lncident# lncident Classification : Non-Criminal Mischief I Other I
Caller :
McGill Status: GUEST
Alternate C a l l e r .

Organizatio n/C~

Building# ame : 11.2/James Administration Building Room#: Men's washroom in the staircase between 2nd and 3rd

'floor Non-McGill Location :

Individuals Involved :

Assignee Contact:
Agent Name :
Actual Incident Time : 17/11/2014 j 12:37:00
Logged Date & Time: Monday November 17 2014@ 12:47:27
Call Description :
eporting a " Demifitarize McGill" sticker stuck on the hand
dryer insid e the bathroom .
ho was on site, performed a sweep ofthe building and all appeared
normal. ~moved the sticker, an back to normal.

All Recorded fo llow-Ups : - 11/17/2014@ 12:53:58

Call Record REOPENED
previously CLOSED by

n 17/11/2014 at 12:52 :00

Close D~scrip.tion : n/a

11/17/2014 @ 13:27:01

**************************************** **********
Call Record REOPENED
Previously CLOSED by
on 17 /11/2014 at 12:54:00
Close Description: ************** **** *** ***** ****** ********* ** *******
Call Record REOPENED
Previously CLOSED b
n 17 /11/2014 at 12:52:00
Close Description : n/a
****** **** *********** *****************************
* ***********************t** ~~'** ********** * **** ~ ***

******** *****************
Incident Reso lution
**** **** ********* *~** ****
* ~** ********* ** * * **** ****** * **********************

Call Recc;>rd REOPENED

Previously CLOSED by

on 17 /11/2014 at 12:54:00

Close Description: ***** '!<* ***********************-********************

Call Record REOPENED
Previously CLOSED b
n 17/11/2014 at 1 2:52:00
Clos ~

Description: n/a .

******~********** * **************** * ***************

*********************** ***************************

Closed Date & Tir:ne:

2014- 1~-17at13:27:?0

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- ------- ~


- ---~-

--- ----- --- ----- --- -- - -----

. --

--- ... -- ---- .. . - - . - . --- - - . . . ____ "--- - - -_,.

{IMcGilllDI ~
{I AltEmaillD I}
{ IAltPhone I}(
{I AltCallerl
{I AltCallerFirst I
{I BuildingNum I}112
{I Building I }James Administration Building {I Room I}Men's washroom in the staircase between 2nd and 3rd floor
{ICalllDl {IAlncidentE>ate 4-11"17
{I AlncidentTime I}12:37:00



Section 1: Event Type and Location

~_ecurity ln_fo~rpa~!o.n - .

Date of Incident:


Informed by

Ti me of Incident: ~
lo_Bh_1_5_ _ _ _~ Tlme of call: .._
lo_sh_3_o _ _

Report Date:


Incident number~


Type of Incident:
!Disturbance - Protest

Building: MacDonald Engineering


.... 1

Room#: Basement&ca

Section 2: Description of the E~ent


,.. ;


At approximately 08h30
advised me that a cleaner saw 4 masked individuals in the engioeering courtyard who were in
possession of a banner. A er agents arrived on site and provided us with more information, I sent.
on site to assist
the ag ents and to reason with the individuals.

At approximately 08:45, I arrived on the main floor of McConnell Engineering In the hallway where I could see from the windows the
two doors ( 118- E/8#1) and (Unidentified door leading _in lab In MacDonald Engineering building) in the courtyard where there
as well asl
j ere on site
were occupiers blocking entry. The Shift Supervise
to keep th em under surveillance antj also to keep users form going up to the occupiers and preventing confrontations.
ntered the FDA building to get to the Mac Donald Engineering building where there were more occupiers, 5,
preventing anyone form entering. The occupiers were blocking a set of double doors leading to labs 052, 051, 055 and other labs
that were in the Mac Donald Harrington building b_ut that was also accessible.
Pictures were taken by myself of the individuals blocking the exterior doors and~ok pictures of the Individuals that were
as one of the individuals blocking the Mac Donald
blocking the interior doors. While on site I was bale to Identify
Harrignton door, 118 - E/B#l, in the courtyard, see attached picture.

While on site Jim Nicell, Dean of Engineering, came down to talk to the individuals blocking the inside doors In the Mac Donald
Engineering building. I accompanied Jim and remained close as to hear what was being said and also as protection for the Dean.
At approximately 10:00, while I was on the 3rd floor of the Mac Donald Engineering bullding with the Dean of Students, Andre
Costopoulos, the Dean of Engineering, Jim NIcell In the Chair's office for a meeting on this occupati,on, I received a call on the radio
hat the individuals at all locations had left the doors they were blocking and that they were running North
on University street
~d an agent followed them as far as they could until they split

When Inside the the labs wherre the students were blocking, many pictures were taken that demonstrated that the individuals
occupying the space put stickers of demllftarize McGill all over the labs. Also they rolled a manual forklift in front of a card reader
door that lead into the Mac Donald Harrington building to prevent anyone form entering through this door.
As well it was also found th at something was broken in a cylinder leading to room B030 in the McDonald Harrington building. it was
confirmed by the.users that the cylinder was perfectly fine when they left the day prior.

PAGE ;2_

Section 3: Administrative Information

Form completed by:



Secu rity Services

Maximo W. 0.:

Phone No.

Date: 2014-02-25

IMPORTANT: In the event that there Is a victim, an Accldentllncldent/Occupatlonal Disease Report
Form must be completed as well. This form Is found .


. ..

~ ~

~-'" ?,_e~_~jpn 1.: Ev~ntType and L~c~~ion . .

. . __ ...... ~.

. .~

Security Information

bat e of Incident:


Informed by:

Timeoflncident: j~0_8_H2_o_ _ _ _~j Time ofcall:

Report Date:

~lo_aH_1_5_ _ _~


lncldent number~

Type of Incident:

Room#: Engineering fi

Building : MacDonald Engineering


:-~ Secti_on 2: Description of the


- . . .

Was advised by
of a group of masked individuals blocking doors in Engineering Courtyard (MacDonald
Engineering labs). Once ai'flved on location w i t h - w e could confirm there were six masked individuals in the Courtyard,
split into two groups of three, blocking two perimeter docfrs leading to labs in MacDonald Engineering building and holding
banners reading "Demilitarize McGill". I could only recognize one of them,

We then proceeded inside Macdonald Engineering, to learn that there were other five masked individuals in the basement, close to
room 013, blocking access to the same labs area, also holding a banner reading "Demilitarize McGill". We approached them and after
we identified ourselves, it was established that they were for .the day to protest against the military research at McGill. They
were t argeting specifically the lab complex of the Shock Wave Physics Group. Wh.ile on location, some students wishing t!)_access
the labs were denied access and turned around. Shortly after I could see Dean Jim Nicell arriving and with
engaged the protesters in conversation, they were refusing to identify themselves and to move.
It was established that multiple other areas (labs) were impacted: 055, 054, 052, all of Mechanical Engineering.

At around 09H55, while located in .the basement, next to room 013, with four protesters blocking access, a fifth one joined them
from inside and after a brief talk they suddenly left their positions. I followed the group of 1 t from a distance through the labs,
outside the Engineering Courtyard, and heading North on University (scattered on both sidewalks). At some point when they
reached University and Prince Arthur the group split ;:ind I lost sight of them. While heading back to the office I have noticed that
two of the protesters entered 3625 Aylmer, however it is not clear if they were residing at the address, as they were waiting in the
lo~by, looking out to see lf they were followed.

Section 2: Description of the Event (continue_d)

Section 3: Administrative Information

Form completed by:

Phone No.

Maximo W. 0.:

Security Services

Date: 2014-02-25


IMPORTANT: In the e vent that there rs a vlc:tim, an Accident/Incident/Occupational Disease Report

Form must be completed as well. This form Is found at

Section 1: Event Type and Location

Date of Incident:


Time of Incident: lo8h 15


.. ,


. . ..


S~curit~ lnf~r~ation

Informed by: soc

Time of call:




- - - -- ---,-----

Report Date:

l~o_sh_2_0_ _ _~

Incident number~

Type of Incident :
!Disturbance - Protest

Building : MacDonald Engineering




Se. .cUon
2: Description of the Event

Room#: Basement&CYi

. ..,_. ~-.. .



At approximately 08h20, the Security Operations Centre advised me that they had received a phone call regarding some masked
individuals in the enqineering courtyard who were in possession of a banner. Ag.e nts were sent on location to Investigate and I
10 asked me to proceed on location with my colleague--...On route, w.e noticed 2
groups of masked Individuals blocking access to labs In t he MacDo.nald Engineering bu~g banners reading
''Demilitarize McGiii". I only recognized student

We then entered the McDonald Engineering building and found another 5 masked individuals with a similar banner near room oi ,3
blocking access to t he same 3 labs (Shock Wave Physics). We spoke to them and they confirmed that they intended to remain there
for the day in hopes of a isrupting normal activities. They did confirm tha~dividuals who were already in the .

space to leave. ~d~ere advised a n d - m a d e his way on location.


He and I theny.ien.t to see the Dean of Engineering (Jim Nicell) and informed him of the situation. He s p o
i i iroup
access in the building and they stood their ground refus ing to identified themselves. Shortly thereafter,
me that there were sufficient resources on hand and I returned to the office.



- .
Section 3: Administrative Information
Form con;ipleted




SJZ..('l . .

Maximo W. 0 .:

Phone No.


... . . .w

Date:?'.t~ c /

IMPORTANT: In the event that there is a victim, an Accident/Incident/Occupational Disease Report

Form must be completed as well. This form Is found at



INCIDENT REPORT . McGill University

Page of

D~~~ ~F INCl~ENT: 2 '6; ({ , 01- ~ 2


2.0JL(. 02,





2. 2.
- 0-z:?.-';. ------



D1du-~ u:

lncidenl Calegoiy

~ vt.eeJM~QRa Cowzi~wzcA


/0 - ':.(. + .




ON LOCATION AT:_ _0_.....23~t

____ _ _



wtii _/

UJ~~Cc,6t /).ao>L #




LEi:T LOCATION AT:~~---=:------Time

POLICE EVENT #:_ _,Al,__,,,._/~A-



Use the Annex Form in the back if you require more s ace. .






June 01, 2005



McGill University


Use NIA below where the Headin



r ).__(,




D10f vuz.__ {&;v"yug

Incident Category

P~id ~dbytheDispatchet


Narrative should answer who was involved (if applicable); why or how it happened; and what action was taken.

cwf.1 an 1~1(;l;vL.<{l p<W>-Ltt?. a>-1~ .. /J/- ~ _

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- - . -- - .

. -- -


--- - ..:.


:.:-....;. __

McGill .University

Use NIA below where the headin does not a


I .




DA~E ~~ INC.IDENT:_d {)J(p_ 0~ -d.S"'

. _: /...,.,,,~,.__ _ _ __
TIME OF I NCI DENT:~()~?)'.~

~YPE OF INCIDENT: .b i~lunba.rflfaO..





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truat/C"" d1f 3 Qrfl J ~'





U se the A nnex Form in the back if you require more sp ace.



June 01 , 2005


. ..

- - --- _.,._ - _.... - - - .,___ - -- - -

.~ .-

-- --


------ - . ----- - -- -- - - - ---



McGill University

pageJL_ot4.Use NIA below where t/Je Headin does not a


I .

CJof 'f-_- Od.-~f.1


e ar-MonlhDay


lnclden\ ogoiy



From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: November-18-14 6:22 AM

To: Ollivier Oyens, Prof.; Andre Costopoulos; Olivier Marcil, Mr.
Cc: Robyn Wiltshire; Margaret Chant Colton, Miss; Jennifer Towell
Subject: Tribune editorial on Remembrance Day

Editorial: 'Selective memory' a selective

under~tanding of Remembrance Day
by McGill Tribune Editorial Board
Nov 18, 2014

One week ago today, during the annual Remembrance Day ceremony on McGill 's campus,
Demilitarize McGill, a group opposed to milita1y research at the university, staged a silent
protest.They held signs noting various facts that shed an unflattering light on the Canadian military
and recent military operations- an attempt to disrupt what they saw as the nanative of "selective
memory" implied by the ceremony. The protest stined pointed controversy and many angered
responses on social media. This episode has echoed other debates about Remembrance Day, such as
the perennial back and forth over the white poppy campaign- regarded as an appeal for peace by its
supporters and disrespectful by detractors-and even previous protests by Demilitarize at the McGill
ceremonies. However, the reaction triggered by this week's events, which reached past current
McGill students to alumni, was particularly fierce. While there is reasonable disagreement about
what the message of Remembrance Day is and whether the protest was in 'good taste,' there was a
profound degree of incivility on both sides of the ensuing debate, as well as a seeming disregard for
the right of the protesters to gather in that space.
The meaning of Remembrance Day is and has been hotly debated for years; a major element of
Demilitarize's rationale for protesting at the McGill ceremony this year- as well as at previous
ceremonies- was the idea that the day functions as a glorification of not only the military itself, but
acts as an instrnment oflegitimating the inherently illegitimate projection of power across the world
by Canada and the west as a whole.
In the group 's words, "Calls for 'respect' and 'tastefulness' are a tool for the suppression of dissent at
a moment when the enforcement of Canadian patriotism requires the appearance of consensus,"
its statement regarding the protest reads. "McGill' s Remembrance Day ceremony is in no way

respectful to the people killed, injured, and terrorized by the violence of the Canadian state. The
parading of troops on campus and military choppers overhead leave no room for respect for anyone
targeted by Canadian military force."
This understanding of Remembrance Day, however, is arguably its own practice in 'selective
memory.' To view a holiday that is explicitly designed to remember and memorialize the fallen- the
most direct embodiment of the toll military conflict takes on people, countries, and civilians-as a
pure glo1ification of warfare is, at best, a straw man. There is a fundamental difference between the
commemoration of the sacrifice of an individual or a group a soldiers and a blanket justification of
the policy and intervention decisions that contributed to their deaths. While there is a 'political'
message in Remembrance Day ceremonies- to the extent that any event that touches upon the
military and historical memory is political- the message is cautionary. The very idea of the ceremony,
through the enforced solemnity and silence, is to underscore the gravity of war.
With all that said, much of the backlash that has emerged in the wake of the protest was profoundly
disrespectful to both the constitutionally protected rights of the protesters and the legitimate points
they were bringing to the table, such as their questioning of military policy making. A major thread
in the criticisms of the Demilitarize McGill protesters was that they constituted some sort of
blasphemous shame or disgrace to the university, or that they were making a mockery of those who
had fought for their freedoms. As it were, the right to make controversial, perhaps unpopular, and
potentially uncomfortable arguments in the public sphere is the raison d'etre of free speech
protections. This idea that using these rights to engage in a protest that some may find distasteful is a
negative use of such libe1ties should be dismissed immediately, and the idea that they should be
'punished' or 'disciplined,' as some students have claimed on social media, further so. To the extent
that the protesters met the basic standards of decorum at the .c eremony-they were silent and simply
holding signs- they had a right to be there. Again, there is a real debate as to whether their presence
was in 'good taste,' but not to the question of whether it should be sanctioned.
Controversies over Remembrance Day and the message it may convey are a dime a dozen. However,
as students look back at these protests, they would do well to take some time to remember what we
are actually angry about. This idea that veterans, war, and the dead of conflict exist in some sort of
'sacred' apolitical ground beyond reproach or questioning is one that leads down a dangerous road of
blind glorification of the military. In our quest to pay respects to those who have died in the name of
this country- if not always in conflicts with the sharpest of moral clarity- we must also remember to
not lose sight of the freedoms we value, including the right to question and challenge the decisions of
the government.

From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: November-17-14 6:43 AM
To: Ollivier Dyens, Prof.; Andre Costopoulos; Olivier M arcil, Mr.
Cc: Robyn Wiltshire; Margaret Chant Colton, Miss; Jennifer Tow ell
Subject: Daily on Remembrance Day

http://www.mcgi 2014/l l/de milita rize-mcgill-stages-protest/

J-Yt.S j



Demilitarize McGill stages protest

( iwup I


c itic 111



Rc n mbr,111 c )) '

cl hr.1tion..,

On November 11 , Demilitarize McGill held a rally on the sidelines of the

Remembrance Day celebrations at McGill, seeking to raise awareness among
onlookers of facts about the Canadian military that go unmentioned in the
official celebration. Protesters stood in silence, holding posters and refusin g to
engage with bypassers. Messages on the posters touched on sexual assault
in the military, weapons manufacturing, civilian casualty statistics, and torture.
During the demonst ration, police officers approached the protesters and asked them to leave.
After the d{.-rn onstrators refused to comply, the police di d not prc~s the issue and left the r enc.
The p rotest proved controversial among member:, of the McGill community, with m any saying
that the rally was di:,respcctfol and in bad taste.
''The enraged reactions from a number of people lend credibility to our basic claim about
Remembrance Day~ which is that it is an exercise in selective memory, organized to enforce the
forgetting of any element of war that conflicts with the story the Canadian state wants to tell
about itseit:" Demilitarize McGill \Hotc of the react ion to the protest in a statement published on
the group's Facebook page.

Shirley Baxendale

4-Spm - Dimilitarize McGill



Thu 3/27/2014 4:00 PM

Thu 3/27/2014 5:00 PM



Meeting Status:


Required Attendees:

Jim Nicell, Prof.

Andrew Higgins, Prof.; Inna Sharf, Prof.; Wagdi G. Habashi, Prof.; D. Frost, Prof.; Meyer
Nahon, Prof.; Andre Costopoulos; Pierre Barbarie; Louise Savard; Arun Misra, Prof.;
Shirley Baxendale
Edith Breiner, Ms.; Mechanical Engineering Administrative Officer

Optional Attendees:

Dear all,
Dean Jim Ni cell would like to hold a meeting with students, staff and professors in your department who may be
concerned about the recent activities of the group called " Demilitarize McGill". This meeting is to be focused on the
people in those laboratories that have been targeted by these activities.
Please kindly accept the meeting request if t he time work out for you; and forward to the students who are involved.
Thank you very much.
Connie Yip. Administrative Coordinator. Office of the Dean. McGill University . Faculty of Engineering. P 514.398.7250 f 514.398.7379.

Shirley Baxendale
. Location:

Meeting w/Dean and lab groups affect ed by Demilitarize McGill



Thu 3/27/2014 4:00 PM

Thu 3/27/2014 5:00 PM



Meeting Status:

Meeting organizer

Required Attendees:

Mechanical Engineering Administrative Officer

Arun Misra, Prof.

A run,

The Dean wants to move forward with this meeting so Meyer can stand in fo r you .

From: Andrew Higgins, Prof.

Sent: March 14, 2014 9:04 AM
To: Jim Nicell, Prof.; Inna Sharf, Prof.; Meyer Nahon, Prof.
Cc: Arun Misra, Prof.
Subject: Blockade in progress at aerospace mechatronics lab
Dean Nicell, Inna, Meyer:
FYI: According to Demilitarize McGill's Twitter feed, there is a blockage in progress of the aerospace
mechatronics lab.
cc. Arun

From: D. Frost, Prof.

Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 10:04 AM

To: Meyer Nahon, Prof.; Inna Sharf, Prof.; Andrew Higgins, Prof.; Wagdi G. Habashi, Prof.
Subject: Principal meets with McGill Daily

FYI. ..
1\CWS I MARCH 24TH 2014

Principal sits down for annual campus

media meeting

,rnd di' l"\lm1.:nl

011 March ~ l. McGill s Princip al and Vic..:-Chanc:dlor. Su 1111111 Fortir, met with campus media.ror the Prinlipa/ 's
recap cf b"th thd lJnii"er:>ity's hi~h poinH. a11.I t/J,. inprov.::me11ts 11.ed1 1fi;r the up et ni11K .' . 1.r.
Fortier op. ll<'d with 1 /i,;f sh,. bc/ieYcd w, r,, \frGi/I s c111 r~11 t strc 11gths, such as the Unii t.!r!>ity 's lcn l of a/11m11i n'fen ticm,
its ,., lativ.J .; i;e ro 01'11 r 1m ivc1,;,: 1 in Canada. a11J its Jocat1on i11 the luart ofc11lturully divc1'c dmmlm t 11 Montri if.
She argu1d that the UnivCl ' i~v must ~et a .f.. w prioriti<?,S forjimha improiu nent: 110. me~v. the creation of an i11ft /!el T1111l(y
engag ing cnrironm , 11t. a comu lc'd commtmi~>~ and an inrp ro1, ,/p hysical a1111p111 :> tructure.
w1111111 /

a~ou tlwir ac c~s tu

in formation (A TI) reque::.ts, and the documents h..we been I e;n ily redaded. There h:1s abo been a lot o f contro\ crsy O\ <'I'
l ab~ at \ifcGill and \1cGilrs coi dcict wit h respect l
fundtd by the milit,1ry. \\'hat arc your vie\\S on this? Do you
think that it is a contr.1di tion to ~J} 1hat rcsean.:h done with the military fu nding might rn;t be for mi lit.try purposes?
Suzanne F o rtirr (SF): K o, I don't think it i-; a ontr.idiction at all.[ ...] There's a Jot of rcl>~arch you would do will the
military that is c xt rcm t ly import:mt research, and I don't thin!.. there's any problem in doing tCSt"'arch for [the De-partmenl
ofl'ia tional Defence] . If there is a problem, it' l> in the specific in tent of the rese1rch. A very telling te::.t that you \\- Ould do
i ~ - is thi-. rescnrch going to be p 1bli5bccl in the public domain or i-, it rest"Jrch that .i s conlidential? I bc.-l iew that in the
c a~e that you mentiont'd, [the] rc-.carch i-, tota lly public, there's no resea~ch here that is proprietary or confick nti:il.
The documents you're ref ning I<> - that's ;i di ffennt &tory. We' re 1ot talking ahout thi.: outcome of research here. There
are laws in Can.da tlu t go\ crn u-; in terms nf pri \acy protccti cm and access to information, two pr inciples that o ften
chall<nge one another. My rnderstand ing is th..t - and I ha,e of cour~~ hcen seeing tho~c reque~ts for informat:on for
many years -- the red.1ction is often done to fo llow the law with resr ect to pri\acy.

The '\IcGill Da ily (:\-10): Re.:en:ly, D\:mir tarizc \.1cGi ll h 'linally obt ainl'd a rt>-.ponsc from MrG ill

From: Meyer Nahon, Prof.

Sent: March-21-14 11:01 AM
To: Susan Aberman
Cc: Doug Sweet, Mr.; Anne Broadhurst, Mrs; Jim Nicell, Prof.; Andrew Higgins, Prof.; Wagdi G. Habashi,
Prof.; D. Frost, Prof.; Inna Sharf, Prof.
Subject: RE : Demilitarize McGill

Hi Susan,
Below is a paragraph describing the research in Mechanical Engineering that is the subject of t he
research view ed as conten tious.
Meyer Nahon
A great dea l of research in t he Department of Mechanical Engi neering is focussed on aeropace-related
topics. Fo r example, researchers are develo ping advanced Com putatio nal Fluid Dynamics methods and
applying them to aerospace flu id flow problems. Applicat ions include aircraft, rotorcraft, gas tu rbines,
in-fl ight icing, and fluid-structure interact ion. This research is both fundamental in nature, but also
tremendously industrially relevant, due to the diversity of applicatio ns. Work is also ongoing on
improving the aut onomy of quad rotor-type unma nned aerial vehicles; more specifically in their ability to
take off, la nd and follow a desired path in the prese.nce of wind disturbances. This involves mode ling and
simulat ion of t heir dynamics and t he behaviour of t heir t hrusters; as well as validat ion of those models.
The models are t hen used to design robust controllers. The goal is to provide t hese vehicles to similar
capabilities that conventional transport aircraft have, when flying with an aut opilot. Research in the area
of thermodynam ics examines high-s.peed flow phenomena in reactive gases, liquids,.and solids,
including shock w aves, explosions, and detonations. This research has applications in aerospace
propulsion and explosion hazards and safety. Current projects include the development of a
hypervelocity launcher that uses explosive compression of the propellant gas for the purpose of
studying the problem of orbital debris ("space junk"); as well as a new concept for f usion energy that
would use shock waves t o implode plasma. Research is also be ing conducted on improving commercial
explosives tha t are used to crack and move rock . Experiments and numerical models are used to allow
prediction of t he perfo rmance of these explosives. This expertise is also being used to help develop
shear-thickening materials for protection of personnel from accidental or deliberate explosions.

From: Jim Nicell, Prof.

Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 5:47 AM
To: Susan Aberman
Cc: Doug Sweet, Mr.; Anne Broadhurst, Mrs; Meyer Nahon, Prof.
Subject: RE: Demilitarize McGill
Hello Susan,
I just got your message. I personally won't be able to work on this this morning because I am now
prepa ring for FAB meetings that begin at 8: 00 am and go until well after noon today.

Howeve r, I will ask the acting chair, Prof. Meyer Na hon, to see if he can
that it
reherisive and detailed. It is difficult to nail down


Jim A. Nicell, PhD, PEng I Dean & James McGill Professor I Faculty of Engineering
Tel: (514 ) 398-7251 I Fax: (514) 398-7379 I Email:

I McGill University I

From: Susan Aberman

Sent: March 20, 201_4 11:32 PM

To: Jim Nicell, Prof.
Cc: Doug

sweet, Mr.

Subject: Demilitarize McGill

Suzan ne is meeting with student media tomorrow. In the event th ey ask about this group, can
you provide a summary_of the research programme that they object to by 11 am Friday
Many th anks,
Susan -

Susan Aberman

From: Jim Nicell, Prof.

Sent: March-16-14 10:01 AM
To: Jim Nicell, Prof.
Subject: Demilitarize McGill - New FAQ Page

Jim Nicell, PhD, PEng

I James McGill Professor & Dean, Faculty of Engineering I McGill University

From: Jim Nicell, Prof

Sent: March-18-14 2:10 PM
To: Arun Misra, Prof.; Meyer Nahon, Prof.; Inna Sharf, Prof.; D. Frost, Prof.; Jeffrey
Bergthorson, Prof.; Andrew Higgins, Prof.; John H.S. Lee, Prof.; Wagdi G. Habashi, Prof
Subject: RE: Demilitarize McGill

The group has now vacated the premises and dispersed with no incidents.

Jim A. Nicell, PhD, PEng I Dean & James McGill Professor I Faculty of Engineering I McGill
University I Tel: (514) 398-7251 I Fax: (514) 398-7379 1Email:
From: Jim Nicell, Prof.

Sent: March .18, 2014 1:57 PM

To: Arun Misra, Prof.; Meyer Nahon, Prof.; Inna Sharf, Prof.; D. Frost, Prof.; Jeffrey Bergthorson, Prof.;
Andrew Higgins, Prof.; John H.S. Lee, Prof.; Wagdi G. Habashi, Prof.
Subject: RE: Demilitarize McGill

They have now moved to the 2nd floor of the Macdonald Engineering building. The last tweet I
saw indicated that this I supposed to end at 2:00pm.
Jim A. Nicell, PhD, PEng_ I Dean & James McGill Professor I Faculty of Engineering I McGill
University I Tel: (514) 398-7251 I Fax: (514) 398-7379 I Email:

From: Jim Nicell, Prof.

Sent: March 18, 2014 12:48 PM

To: Arun Misra, Prof.; Meyer Nahon, Prof.; Inna Sharf, Prof.; D. Frost, Prof.; Jeffrey Bergthorson, Prof.;
Andrew Higgins, Prof.; John H.S. Lee, Prof. ; Wagdi G. Habashi, Prof.
Cc: Jim Nicell, Prof.
Subject: Demilitarize McGill

Please note that the Demilitarize McGill group are now in the engineering complex
(McConnell/Macdonald) and are proceeding with their tour oflabs. They have already visited
688 Sherbrooke with no reported incident.
Jim A. Nicell, PhD, PEng I Dean & James McGill Professor I Faculty of Engineering I McGill
University j 817 Sherbrooke Street West I Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A OC3 I Tel: (514) 3987251 I Fax: (514) 398-7379 I Email:

From: Jim Nicell, Prof.

Sent: March-18-14 1:11 PM
To: Meyer Nahon, Prof.
Subject: RE: Demilitarize McGill

Thanks, Meyer. The last update indicated that they were in front of room 050 Macdonald. They
are just speaking without disruption.
Jim A. Nicell, PhD, PEng I Dean & James McGill Professor I Faculty of Engineering I McGill
University I Tel: (514) 398-7251 I Fax: (514) 398-7379 I Email:
From: Meyer Nahon, Prof.

Sent: March 18, 2014 12:54 PM

To: Jim Nicell, Prof.

Subject: RE: Demilitarize McGill

Hi Jim,
I'm in my lab, without anyone else. I'm in a spot where I'm not visible from outside, so if they
look in, they will see an empty lab (with a big white helium balloon that we use for space-related
work). I'll let you know what happens.
From: Jim Nicell, Prof.

Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 12:48 PM

To: Arun Misra, Prof.; Meyer Nahon, Prof.; Inna Sharf, Prof.; D. Frost, Prof.; Jeffrey Bergthorson, Prof.;
Andrew Higgins, Prof.; John H.S. Lee, Prof.; Wagdi G. Habashi, Prof.
Cc: Jim Nicell, Prof.
Subject: Demilitarize McGill

Please note that the Demilitarize McGill group are now in the engineering complex
(McConnell/Macdonald) and are proceeding with their tour of labs. They have already visited

688 Sherbrooke with no reported incident.

Jim A. Nicell, PhD, PEng I Dean & James McGill Professor I Faculty of Engineering I McGill
Univetsity I 817 Sherbrooke Street West I Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A OC3 I Tel: (514) 3987251 I Fax: (514) 398-73791 Email:


Twitter I Search- demilmcgill


.o p / All

Demilitarize McGill ,Dem IMcG:ll 18m

our blockade is now finished! thanks to those wtio helped, and for the great
feedback from some of you! stay tuned for more updates from us!


+. Rept;

t.'l Relweet

* Favorit,


Demilitarize McGill OI mIMcGill 34m

UK laun ches Watchkeeper dr<?ne,uk/2014 '02/24/waL
@McGdJU's CFD lab collaborated with @northropgru nman on tests for its

All people

D Virw s u


Do militarize McGill

Everywho re

+. flap y t.'l Re ~ , ec t

~ I .1cGill

Pv<.. .et More

Fa\o n


~ @g1lbalex Unfortunately we didn't design the building. We'll stick to hand-dryers
if the SWPG quits developing lung-rupturing b ombs.

Re' >h V e "

Alox g Ibale)( 1h
@OomilMcGill you're not blocking the SWPG, you're blocking the v.tlole wing of
unrelated labs. stick to putting stickers on handdrye rs please

The Globe and Mail

If '"

Fofowed b)' lkG1I N e..s W

+.!_ Follow

Promot d


EJtp and

by McG 11I Hc'llec o

.!. Follow

'' \



* Fa.



+. R

Dy t."1


* Fa..orte

Poc~e t


Nicolas Quiazua N"cvlosOU1azua 2h

Thermobaric explosives lab blockaded by @De m1IM c G1ll this morning.
dern t3rizcmcgill.convdem !a1 <'-m... pic.t. Atte .comlNuVGGT,.D?d

Pop\ ,...cunts f r fn ~nd

# Ro""lpl

+. ReP' f t."1 Re

D m 'IMcG tl . 2h
>f the SWPG lab: press release
den taJiren1e1'""'---llden.1t:iriz, -m... and details about the lab
< .~ tar nq
_-:.!ml tary-re e ? ... #st< pthei.Jombs


F ot!o.~ed

c... .ers,ti o1

Pro m o~ed

w ph t>

+. Reply t.'l ReM<eel


Po. et .~ru

I.O f!


Demilitarize McGill Dem1IMcG11 Zh

Around 20 people blocking entrance to mcgill shockwave physics group lab
complex. Demilitarize seeks to disrupt ongoing military research .

#:1~ kl'.latt

EIQ'.J 1d

11 .~1~1 '4

+. Reply t."1 Re eet

* Fa\O

... ~..... ..,

* fwr1t-


l!Cc Garal a
H;v old R mis

Demilitarize M cGill ,,. DllmilMcG;n Feb 21

~ Last minute change: our interview on @ckut will air next v.eek.
I +. Reply t.-i Ra.,e et

K" 1ci<o

T 111 Hort ns

I!) 2014 Twitter /\!:out Help Term G Pnvacy

Cookies Ads info Brand Blog Sbh1s

Apps Job!> Advertise Businesses lcdia

Demilitarize M cGill . DemilMcG1n Feb 21

Kevin & @isaaC$tethcm wll be discussing our latest research into @M ;G ~us
military ties between 5&6 on @e11ut's "Off the Hour," 90.3 FM


+. ;{eply t."1 Ret.veet * Faw ite ''-''re

Isaac Ste them .1sas;:s tethem Feb 21

Will be on @ckut's "Off the Hour" betv.een 5&6 to discuss @De milM c Gill's
latest research into @McG1llVs military ties. 90.3 FM/


+.R ep; ~ t."1 R ~... eet

Fawn11t t,..,re

Demilitarize M cGill Oem"IMcG"ll Feb 18

Support indigenous media and land defense struggles against the colonial state:
ncliegogo.comlpro1ectstrecla ... #ShutOo\~lCana d a #2014Wa rriorUp
['j V t>w summ iliy

https ://tv.i tter. com/search?q =demi Imcg i II &src=t}pd&f= real ti me

+. Re ply t.' l Ret: ;eet * Fa .<>n._,

Pcci-et ~"''"


T....;tter I Search - demilmc:g ill



Dirty Wars Diny\Vars Feb 17

@De mllM cGill@andEps @McGiliCP Fantastic! We'll spread the IMlrd.

- View COO\~Vi llbO ~

+. Re ply t.'l Rr!-.1 . ot

* F wr"'


Demilitarize M cGill DemUt.1cGill Feb 17

We're hosting a @DirtyWars screening March 13, 6:30pm with Q&A Vlith
@a rd Ep ~ in collaboration with @McG1!1CP, Radlawl'eve its12404 32:.. ...


+. Rcoty t.'l Rct:.cet

Fa\/O t

P Pct


Demilitarize McGill 0.-milMcG II Feb 11

@sheridan_ kate Not quite so inflated:ow.!y1tv.q J for details on @'"Vlc:G1llU v.<>rk
on drones&missiles for US,UK,Can&lsraeli militaries

tt Vi ew

o 1:.e sa

+. Rt.ply t.'l :{et>., eel

f :i o rt

Poe :-.t ' \ore

De militarize McGill Ollm1IMcG II Feb 11

~ @rn_ surj Not quite so inflated :ow.l)'/lwjsJ for details on @\.\,GllU \Mlrk on
drones&missiles for US, UK, Canadian&lsraeli militaries
PCl a:;."lt "-lore

Demilitarize M cGill D milMcGill Feb 11

New info: @McG 1'Js Habashi develops drone tech wt USAF-funded
researchers; sells military tech in US ow.lyltvTs8 #d ron s M >re

Demil itarize M cGill OemilMc.GJI Feb 3

fa book.col'T'lev ts." c;in790 1 .. . Rally in Support of Ivonne Hernandez,
tomorrow8:30am. 30 rue McGill (Federal Court)




Demilitarize McGill Ocm1McG11! Feb 3

Vigil tomorrow(Feb 4) at 6pm at Berri Sq , for the man shot and k'. lled by SPVM
today. (see story here: montrealgar tte .com/ne\..sHlllontreal+ .. . )

+. Repiy t.'l Re .. eel

:s..crit '

Poe ket


Demilitarize McGill DttfT'?IMcGm Feb 2

do you have a million questions to ask us? check out our new FAQ page!'derr lrtarize/f... then if you still have questions, email us!

I +. Rep;y

t.'l Re!\,e"t

FllO "'

'; Charlotte-Anne charlottea nc m JJn 3 1

@DemllM cGill suggests troubling links between #McG.n milit ary research &
# Lockhe e;dMartin : dem.' sea . .. #divest #demhtarize

# ntl

https:/'search?q =demilmcg i ll&src=t;pd&f=realtime

+. Replf t.'l Re~.,eet

* Fa..011

Poc ... t t ,.~re



Missile Guidance I Demilitarize McGill

Missile Guidance Research at McGill


In between 1999 and at least 2010, McGill's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
was the site of research into the tracking of maneuvering targets; t h:s research had a direct


application to missile guidance systems. Dr. Hannah M tehalska and a PhD ~tu dent named Dany
Dionne played leading roles. They collaborated v.ith Lockheed Martin (a m ajor m anufacturer o f
guided missile systems). Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDCJ. a'ld military
researchers at the Technion in Haifa, Israel.
The Researc h

No events

Th e work began in 1999 when Dr. Michalska and her graduate student, Benoit Jarry, collaborated
with a researcher in the R&D depa;t ment of Lockheed Martin as part of a project t itled "Decision
Aids for.Airborne Surveillance" that receivM $230.600 in military funding.Jarry's master's
thesis, which names the Lockheed Martin researcher. AlexandreJouan, as his co-supervisor,


describes the p roject as aimed at build ing an emulator for the fu sion of data from multiple types
of sensors aboard a surveillance aircraft. 1 Rest:arch co-written in 2000 by Mk halska. Jarry, and
jouan focused on an algorithm for t racking closely maneuvering targets.2

July 25, 2014

Crowd cl1ant ing "McGill you will see.

Palestine w ill be free" at
@TadamonMontreal #ManifGaza

#manifencour s #FreePalestine @M cGillU

The research continued in the years that followed, with the involvement of Dr. Camille-Alain
Rabbath, who was simultaneously a DRDC scientist and an adj unct professor at McGill. In 2004, Dr.
Rabbath co-presented a conference paper discussing "guidance laws for t he stabilization of
missile trajectories."3 The research was funded by t he Canadian mil t ary, and in the paper,


July 25. 2014

Rabbath attributes the research topic's popularity to "a sustained interest in the development of
improved precision weapons in recent years[...] due to t he emergence of new threats."4

Israel assassin, @McG llU complice.

# FreePalestine #GazaUnderAttack

At around the same time, Dr. Michalska's PhD student Dany Dionne makes an appearance. He


and Michalska co-present ed to the 2005 American Co ntrol Conference on pursu it-evasion
scenarios involv ing maneuvering targets> and, w>th Dr. Rab bath, presented new results on the
same topic to the same conference t he following year.6
One of the last papers co-w ritten by Dionne and Dr. Michalska is perhaps the most explicit. Once
again dealing with the topic of guidance laws and maneuvering targets, it devotes a section to
"lethality" and uses the concept of a "lethal radius" to calculate whether an "interception" is
successful; it also designates "single shot kill probability" as a " m easure of performance."6


July 25, 2014

Part of the crowd outside the Israeli

consulate to denounce t he ongo ing
assault o n #Gaza. @TadamonMont real

In addition to these partnerships, between 2005 and 2010 Dr. Michalska worked with her
Lockheed Martin-funded PhD student, Melita Hadzagic, on "track-before-detect methods in
tracking low-observable targets."7 This refers to technologies for tracking possible targets t hat are


small or hard to observe, and recording information about th em before the tracking syst em
confirms that they are Indeed targets. by displaying them as a blip on a radar screen, for instance.
http://demi Iitarizemcg iII .com/mil itary-research/rnissil e-g uidance/

March 2014

Missile Guidance I Demilitarize M cGill


Research conducted by a Chinese military university verifies that one class of "low-observable
t~ rgets consists of human bodies, and cites a paper published by Michalska and Hadzagic.8

February 2014
January 2014

The pace of M cGill research in this area appears to have slowed after Dionne left the university to

for Lockheed Martin, but Dr. Michab ka still teaches at McGill. As recently as 2012, a new

research team in Electrirnl and Computer Engineering- professor Mark Coates ;md student

November 2013
October 2013

Santosh Nannuru - partnered with a senior research scientist at Lockheed Martin to "address the
problem of tracking multiple targets[...] based on m easurements obtained from monit oring

September 2013

Apnl 2013
Gu ided Missiles

March 2013

The research appears to have been of interest to the military because of a desire for more reliable

February 2010

automated tracking of enemy aircraft, as well as missiles, whose paths come int o close proximity
with one another in potentially cro.vded airspace. Such research has clear applications to surfaceto-air and air-to-air guided mss1le systems, and to ar-t o-surface and surf<1ce-to-surface missiles in

November 2009
September 2009

certain contexts, like targeting a moving vehicle on a busy road. Lockheed Martin, McGill
researchers' most freque"lt private partner, sells <1t l~ast 21 dist net gu d,<1 r. . 5 P. pro ucts Including the shoulder-fired javelin and the ar-to-ground Hellfire 11 - to Western m ilit aries. In

Apnl 2009
Ma1ch 2009

2012, the company's missiles business segment generatP.d $7.S bill' , . In sal ;.
February 2009
The United States and its allies have used guided missiles developed by Lockheed Martin in
v ~ri ous

mil'tary campaigns, including the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. military has

fired Hellfire missiles from Predator drones and used t hem to deliver thermobaric payloads to

November 2008
October 2008

targets. Javelin missiles were used in t ne 2J.)3 invasion ofl. aq.

September 2008
I sraeli Missile D efense
Michalska and Dionne co-wrote a 2006 paper with Dr.JosefShlnar, 10 a professor at the Technion

January 2008
February 2007

in Haifa, and acknowledged "private communication" with him in a paper from 2007. These
rcseJr~hers' links to

Shinar and t he Technion provide further clues as to t he driving forces behind

the wave of research into miss.le guidance.

January 2007
November 2006

Dr. Shinar is a leading Israeli researcher in t he field of missile guidance. Among his research
ntc>rests, he lists "air combat analysis,
dev elopment of advanced guidance laws


for aircraft and missiles, [and] anti-bal st ic

missile defense." He st.ite> that he t r., d
his t t entiC>n to the tracking of

Entries RSS

m aneuveri:ig targets following Scud missile

attacks on Israel during the 1991 Gulf War.

Comments RSS

Foreseeing the development of ballistic

missiles that would perform evasive

maneuvers t o avoid interception, he

appears t o have helped lead a surge in
academic int erest in missile guidance aimed
at optimizing guidance laws in view of t he perceived threat. In 1997, he wrote a paper add ressing
"the urgent need to develop a new guidance concept for future anti-ballistic missile defense
scenarios, w here maneuvering tactical ballistic missiles are expected". 11
Such concerns have dominated Dr. Shinar's work for nearly two decades; as recently as 2010, he
presented to the Israel Multinat ional Ballistic Missile Defence Conference on "Defen>e f'cm
Randomly M meuv ring Ba l. :~tic Mrs,.tl.. s". Shinar conducted his research in the lead-up to: and
throughout the design and deployment, of Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system; in other
words, his research was always going to have a direct military application. The work being done by
Dr. Michalska and her student must have been relevant to his academic interests - which, as we
can see, are complement ary to the strategic interests of the State of Israel. Otherwise, Dr. Shinar
probably wouldn't have collaborated with them.
Research Cited
http://demi Iitarizemcg i'mi litary-research/missile-g ui dance/



Missile Guidance I Demilitarize McGill

1.Jarry, Benoit. "An IMM-JVC Algorithm for Multi-Target Tracking with Asynchronous Sensors",
2.jouan, Alexandre, Hannah Michalska, and Benoit Jarry. " Tr.:icking Closely Maneuvering Targets in
Clutter with an IMM-JVC Algo rithm", 2000.
3. Lechevin, Nicolas, et al. "Synthesis of Lyapunov-based Nonlinear Missile Guidance for a Class of
Maneuvering Targets", 2004.
4. Dionne. Dany and Hannah M ichalska. "An adapt:ve GLR est imator for state estimation of a
m a>icuvering target". 2005.
5. Dionne, Dany, Hannah Michalska, and Camille A. Rull bath. "A Predictive Guidance Law w ith
Uncerta:n Information about the Target State", 2006.
6. Dionne, Dany and I i annah M ichalska. "Cost-Equivalencing DiscretiLation of a Class of Bang-Bang
Guidance Laws", 2007.
7. Hadzagic, Melita, Hannah Michalska, and Eric Lefebvre. "Track-Before Detect Methods in
Tracking Low-Observable Targets: A Su rvey", 200S.
8. Lei, Pengzheng and Xiaotao Huang. "Robust Detectio n of ,1 oving Human Targets in FoliagePenetration Environment Based on Hough Transform", 2014.
9. Nannuru, Santosh, "1ark Coates, and Ronald M ahler. "Computationally-Tractable Approximat e
PHD and CPHD Filters for Superpo sitional Sensors'', 2012.
10. D:onne, Dany et al. "Novel Adaptive Generalized Likelihood Ratio Detector w ith Application to
Maneuvering Tar get Tracking", 2006.
11. Shinar,Josef. "Requirements for a New Guidance Law Aganst Maneuv ering Tact ical Ballistic
Missiles", 1997.

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1e i'/cG.i!


Documents shed light on campus drone research I Demilitarize McGill


D ocuments shed Iight on campus drone research


Mc1ch 13, 201~ 8:5 1 pm l ":- Comncnt derr" lan .:~ mcgill

By Nicolls Quiazua and L 11 rrnt Ba ~

M1 Cobc'il,

f ublishcd Mc1rch 13, 2014 1th!' M<.Gill Daly


Research at M cGill is helping the Canadian mih,ary develop drone software for use in combat
operations, according to documents obtained through the Access to Information (ATI) Act. Since


2011, the University has received more than $1 million in defence contracts fron. the Department
of National Defence.

No events

Inna Sharf. a professor of mechanical engineering at McGill who leads the school's Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UAV) research group, has been awarded three such contracts since 2004,
exceed 'lg the sum of $500,000. The sponsor. Canadian re; earch facility f'fence Re~ea H.h and
DeVL1C'ip:ner t Can.:ida in Suffic:d {DRDC-Suffield), prt!\'1ously wo rk t 1 with Sharf on the


development of the Platform for Ambulating Wheels (P"W), a four-li>.gged ground robot
developed at McGill.


McGill security are stationed at all entry

points t o buikJing.

Sharfs current project, a contract entitled "Autonomous Support for UAVs" valued at over
$380,000, intends to provide UAVs with t he ability to land autonomously on static and moving
targets. thereby reducing t he operator's workload and enhancing their capabilities for"data


collect ion and suNeillance missions." The research is part of an overall plan by DRDC to develop
"small, highly maneuverable UAVs for deployment in urban environment s." DRDC has been
fostering intimate t ies with un;versitles. including t heir "ac;;Jr>m'c partners from McGill

38mins izB4

DRDC-Suffield's requ est for proposal. under which Sharf secured the cont ract. reads. "[UAVsJ must


not compromise operator safety but provide battle-space awareness t hat provides a force
multiplier t o the d ismounted soldier unit.'' Once complet ed, UAVs equipped with this technology


Access to a @McGillU #drone lab has now

been blocked for 1.5 hours.

will be able to "track and intercept" m oving targets for aut onomous nav igation purposes.
Preliminary flight tests were carried out indoors in the Acrosp MeLhatronics Laboratory,
locat ed in the Macdonald Engineering building. and the software was d eveloped using computers
from the Centre for lnt en,gent Machines l ab o1 to ry in the McConnell Engineering building. Fields


at Macdonald campus were suggested as a potential outdoor takeoff and landing site due to their
"access to a hangar, secluded open areas, and low rise buildings."

March 2014

In an inteN iew, Sharf denied the m;litary applications of her research. "My work focuses on

February 2014

making landing and taking off for UAV vehicles more autonomous," she said.
While the technology could be applied to any type of UAV, Sharf emphasized t he potential of her'documents-shed-light-on-campus-drone-researchl#rnore-682

January 2014
November 2013


Documents shed light on campus drone research I Demilitarize McGill


work in the civilian world. "Tht?re's m any applications: fire surveillance. harvest surveillance [...]

October 2013

Police forces are using UAVs to help them 1111th search and rescue operations. A couple of years
ago, there was a successful use of UAVs to loc..: e a person that had a car accident and that went

September 2013

out into the woods," she suld. ''Without UAVs, they wouldn't have found them."

April 2013

The research is s:ill at an early stage, and the t echnology, Sharf noted, is not yet ready for outside

March 2013


Februa1y 2010

r m hoping more civilian companies will make use of this research. [...]The commercial

November 2009

dl'Velopment of UAVs is still nascent, and we don't have big companies in Canada that would be
interested in funding this research, but ultima:ely, they will be the beneficiary of this research.''

September 2009
April 2009

Und er t he terms of the contract, the federal governmt?nt owns the intellectu al property rights to
the work performed at McGill. Sharf, and the team under her supervisio n. can only use the
product of t heir research for publication and academic purposes. DRDC-Suffield is not responsible
for the potential applications of the technology it develops, and only the Canadian Forces can
determine how the research is used. But Sharf, along with M'chael Trentini, a DRDC-Suffield

March 2009
February 2009
November 2008

researcher who is listed as t he comract's t echnical authority, have written about t he potential
applications o f unmanned vehide resr.~ rch .
In 2006 Sharf and Trentini co-signed a pape addressing t he utility of Unmanned Ground Vehicles
"if they are to be used in m11.1ary rel ~vant roles and environments.'' "[Unmanned] Ground Vehicles

October 2008
September 2008
January 2008

\\ , be called upon to enter unknown c;ty blocks to keep soldiers out of ha rm's way," t hey wro te.
"[Unman ned Ground Vehicles] w ill cont ribute to homeland security, search and rescue, and

Feb ruary 2007

peacekeeping roles abroad."

January 2007

At McGill, professors and graduat e students a,.e responsible for initiat ing the ma;ority of the

November 2006

school's research collaborations.

"Research contracts, on the ot her hand, can be lnit:Oted by third parties - often because the third
party is seek ng university researchers' input to solve a problem or issue,'' Rose Goldstein, ViceP1i ncipal (Research and International Relations), w rote In an em ail.
"In all cases the researchers have complete freedom to decide if they want t o engage in a research

Entries RSS

collaboration project or a service contract," she wrot e.

Comments RSS
"McGill researchers conduct research with int~rity and adhere to the highest ethkal standards,"

WordPress.o rg

Goldstein said.
Two w eeks ago, a group of prot esters blocked the entrance to laborat ories In the Macdonald
Engineering building. The action was part of the ongoing Demil ar1Le McGill campaign, an effort
by students to disrupt military research on campus. Last year, m embers o f t he group filed several
ATI requests to obtain information on the University's defence research.
in Oct ober, the Commission d'acces a !'inform ation ruled Jr, ~1nst the University in a legal dispute
in which the University alleged that it had been subject to a "complex system of repetitious and
abusive requests" by students and journalists.
The ATi s remained u nanswered for over a y ear until January, when the University sett ~ <i wit h the

Po' ted in: t., r

l i;orized

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Documents shed light on campus drone research I Demilitarize McGill


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:1 Co;,, r"~ht 2014 - Demili'. r


l~G ,

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Demilitarize McGill (DemlMcGill) on Twitter




Tweet to De militarize M cGill









Followed b)'



_c . f.US .

De militarize M cGill Dc1rr. 1McG I 20m

our blockade is now finished! thanks to those who helped, and for the great
feedback from some of you ! stay tuned for more updates from us!


AUS McGill

Follov.ed by M 11 H 1llec

.!. Follow
Desa ute ls Faculty .,Desau
o-.vcd by ~
t .r '!"'.::>


Demilltarize McGill DcmilMcGU 36m

UK launches Watchkeeper drone ~ fl n~ .on'lo . 20 14/0212
@'' '' us CFO lab collaborated IMth (!!; onhrvrg rrma on tests for its

- \

I +.

.!. Follow
Carly lite r


.!. Follow

De militarize McGill Dem1IMcGill 57m

I x Unfortunately we didn't design the building. We'll stick to hand-dryers
if the SWPG quits developing lung-rupturing bombs.



,010 '1

Demilitarize McGill ,. DemilMcGill 2h

More on our blockade of the SWPG lab: p ress release
i:zemcg Vom'dcm..ta1 izc.-m... and details about the lab
de1 1 trri1<:rr :g .. com'mlrtary-rcsca .. #rtopl~ ebon-tis


El<PM d

I ..

Retwected by Oemolilnrizo McGill

H ~ " Ra..,'
a1Jct... c

Nicolas Quiaz ua N'c olasQu1azua 2h

Thermobaric explosives lab blockaded by ,_.,DerrilM~'G 'f this morning.
demi ,rariz~rrv:g '1.o rrJd mo!ita. ~ -m... pi'i'l.IVG -reD7d

I\ , <S

T rr Ho.


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Demilitarize McGill (DemilMcGill) on r.,.,;tter




. E>:r. nd


Demilitarize M cGill DelT' ~ McG II ?I\

Around 20 people blocking entrance to mcgill shockwave physics group lab
complex. Dem:lttarize seeks to disrupt ongoing military research.

Rc lv1<e ted ly Demillta11ru


Drone Wars Drcne_Wer ~_UK Feb 24

British Army begin training flight s using Watchkeeper I
Plain - latest on Drone Wars UK: t1r I. .om'ok ..7 n

o . ., over Salisbury


Retweet<!d by Demilitarize McC'~ll

Drone Wars , Dronc_Wars_UK f eb 23
What is ABI [Activity Based Intelligence] - and will it make # '
deadlier? - #1:4n1>ws tin)l u l .com'oh31/fo
:) \


n r. even


Reb\ oeted by Demil"lari21.l McGoll

Electronic Intifada ' . nt1fada Feb 22
While Israeli settlers enjoy swimmng pools and flowers, Palestinians f ace severe
water rationing b t.lylOJ r ~

I +.


Re\ 1eeted b/ Der il'1ari:e McG 'l

Smash EDO ~ smash_cdo Feb 21
Cases dropped against arms fair campaigners
corp 1rateocro cas. d opp<>d-. .. BDS #r,topdsei
E~a n d

I +.


Demilitarize M cGill DomilMcGill Feb 21

Last minute change: our interview on ~ut will air next week.


~ ,_:

Demilitarize McGill , D&milMcGitl Fob 21

Kevin & @1 aacstethem will be discussing our latest research into (S. 'kG ,IU's
military ties between 5&6 on @c1<ut's "Off the Hour," 90.3 FM


Retweeted by Dern.litariu W.cG;ll

Democracy Nowl a democrncynow Feb 21
LIVE: @I t!at<Jytnr: Yemenis want ansv.ers on why their relatives were killed at a
wedding by a U.S. drone strike dt.mocra
Expa nd

Rolweetcd by Demiliturize ~/cGill

DronesWatch DmnesWatch Feb 20
Civilian Drone Deaths Triple in Afghanistan, UN Agency Finds \'JP mci p2njrO-sU




Demilitarize McGill (DemilMcGill) on Twitter

Re tweeied by Demilitarize McGill

Nicolas Quiazua N;colasQv1azt:a Feb 2J

URGENT: Last 15 hrs to support grassroots radical media project: Reclaim
Turtle Island. Even $5 would help us a lot!!
.corr ,... ...1:. reda . ..

I ..

t."a f

Demilitarize M cGill .DemilMcGill Feb 18

Support ind igenous media and land defense struggles against the colonial state:
<le '> 3 .co
j C',.rr ...:a... ll>Sh t::>unoC 1 d ... #20 14 "a 01

I ..
Retweeted by D em ilit:irize M:Gill

jeremy scahill 1 ~ -nyscahrr Feb 18

New a 1- i t r p : SnolMlen Documents Reveal Covert Surveillance and
'1,.i.,terc~pt a ...
Pressure Tactics Aimed at WikiLeaks/Supporters f1 st .JOK.01

, by De n




Electronic Intifada
nrohda Feb 18
Israeli firm markets drones to US police for "crow:J control at a political rally"
t + yi."1 - .o ...

I ..


Retwec tod by Dem1htar'zo McGill

Drone Wars Drcne_Wrirs_UK Feb 17

British Ambassador Peter Westmacolt lobbying US to use British missiles for
drone strikes: t yurl.e1>rr'mn::i5g76 It 1yu1!.et T' 1kd25ev


Demilitarize M cGill De'llilMcGill Feb 17

.....:;:- We're hosting a 0l .rtf\ ia - screening March 13, 6:30pm v.1th Q&A with
@andE.p in collaboration v.~th :i;M<. G CP, Radlaw!
f '" I '2494322 ...

~ ,...:._

I ..


Retweeted by Demil1lanl'.>' McGill

Drones drones Feb 16

Obama admin makes plans to use Asian bases to conduct Pakistan drone
strikes if they have to pull out of Afghanistan I t rn .com.''\()na'a 1a- .. .

21 \.@

m 'Y

Retweeted by Dem litarize McGill

The Link Linkncwspapcr Feb 16

Hundreds Marched Through Montreal for Missing and Murdered Native Women
on Friday tt:t"I IH'lt!wspap r. c~ arlide/5495

I ..

R et~1eeted

by Demil.1.iri:ze .'J::G'll

Drone Wars Drone_Wars_UK Feb 16

US making plans to use Central Asia bases to conduct drone strikes in Pakistan
if forced to leave Afghanistan t ''q i:oJb! p

CJ \




Relweeted by Dem ,rarire McG'll

Drones drones Feb 14

Kidnapped Pakistani anti-drone activist reappears , says was tortured
re<1ters.c.orrJai11 l.>/2 14/0 ...

I ..


Retweeted by Dc m:liL~nzo McGill

Democracy Nowl .:. dernocracy now Feb 12

Why d id Apple repeatedly reject an #app mapping U.S. drone strikes?
@dro _ eam@loshbcg "Y pc.twtlt:: .Cl 1 zxxnrq~T F

v.4 .f i/tyg 7~J



Derrilitarize McGill {DemilMcGill) on Twitter


by D,.militari.z. McG.11
Drone s , !rones Feb 12
DNI James Clapper {accidentally) officially acknowledges the CIA drone program
for the first time bl q .v. l :ow/v.0, t 20141.. .

.. "'



Retwccted bY. Domilita rize WcG:ll

q~.rgn cg: Feb 11


#S '9 "Squatting in Spa in" at 6 , Old Chancellor Day Hall 020 . It IMll be
l ivetv.~et c d for those who can't make it!



Demilitarize McGill DemilMcG l Feb 11

.,11_ I(; Not quite so inflated:o
f 1 Ill Jfor det ails on
on drones&missiles for US,UK,Can&lsraeli milita ries

1 ..he

e . c .-.


"'o 1

u ~rk



De militarize McGill , o~ ir McGill Feb 11

~"'- rj Not quite so infla teq :ow lyttv.qsJ for details on lc(,:UU work on
drones&missiles for US, UK, Canadian&lsraeli militaries

Vi<'ll 0


Demilitarize M cGill De1-1McGi!! Feb 11

New info: @ .r Js Habashi develops drone tech w/ USAF-funded
researchers; sells military tech in US tvrs8 #d 01 ~



Retweetcd by Dem'.litarize McGill

Drone Wars Orone_Wars_UK Feb 7

Verdict expected for Hancock Air Base #drone proteste rs'p6ytxvg


H -



Retwce:ed by Demihi.;ze fvlc:Gill

stimulator ' stimulator Feb 7

Mega douchebag & KKKanadian Glen Beck\.vannabe ezrulevont locked out of
pro #t<l~and5 conference by peeps in Montreal
I J ~01 tpetr cuilur
dp e . :om


[) N I 'lUn io 1ry


Re tweeted by Dem il itarize McGill

Jaggi Singh JaggiMontreal Feb 7

Banner drop at McGill today: "Shut Down The T ar Sands. Decolonisons."
#1oct .utpet cuttu es #petro t.ltllres #:t np pV:.Mr ter.corn.'qbu46SOkMT




Demilitarize McGill (DemlMcGill) on Twitter

Re' 'Keted by De mi l ta. ze WcG;ll

Lily Shazam LilySrazam Feb 7

Great thing about - <"KOutp trocul,;,1
enforces the status quo #pt 11 oculturr. s

chances to talk about how dialogue

I ._


Retwcoted by Dem I ur.zs IVieGill

Jaggi Singh .JaggM "ltre 31 Feb 7

'We want to spread resistance to all forms that Can adian capitalism and
colonialism take in our communities" bit ly t.E"b JJ 11 11.po

u \~

:m 'Y

Re tweeted by Demi! ~nze McGill

Nicolas Quiazua _ N,coldsQL 'azua Feb 7
Heard 5 Nw.s tv.'Jr~ called the police. Mcgill security is surrounding
building ''v.e are the ones taking care of this". 1ocxo tp lro 11

Ret..&etdd by Oemil.larize McGill


QPIRG Concordia QPIRGConcord111 Feb 7

Our ally ~1r>rq :g wiles article denouncing the t-Petrocultures2014
conference: b' .ly'1nfXS~ ... ot".koutPc t oClutures #cdnpob
Retweeted by Demil itana

I ._

hera chan " eraschan Feb 7

ti .cko Hp troc..1~ es now at faculty club , attendees barred from entering
pic.t1>.1tter.w"Ti ob '051-:w:.ttl

~ ,.~

Demilitarize McGill Dem:IMcGill Feb 3

fa :bi ><i k.convev 11ts 5 07901 .. . Rally in Support of Ivonne Hernandez,
tomorrow 8:30am, 30 rue McGill (Federal Court)




Demilitarize McGill (DemilMcGill) on Twitter

Demilitarize McGill D 'f'TiilMcG I! Feb 3
Vigil tomorrow (Feb 4) at 6pm at Berri Sq, for the man shot and killed by SPVM
today. (see story here : 'TIO!
g z t .t ""1 w.;, , trc-.1 ... )




Demilitarize McGill Dem J /.cGill Feb 2

do you have a million questions to ask us? check out our new FAQ page!
d .1 ta ~ r _.;i . om'acm t 1. If ... then if you still have questions, email us!

R et.~ cotrd by Dem ilita ~.


Charlotte-A nne chariotteannnlm Ja'l 31

Findings from ~De n 4-G show ties betv.een a M G 'IU & Israel's "Iron Dome"
missile defence system. Important for L' S & <:' CB activists.

Retweeted by Demilitar;i <! McGill

Charlotte-Anne :har1otteaM CllT' Ja.1 31

1 { , 11 suggests troubling links betv..een tV-:C' II military resea rch &
#loan,,ec ~ tin: d 'T' ta1 ,,
y-rc 1t .. . d1 e t #:'l ,.,, lt<'it

(''J . 1


Re . cetC'd by Demilitarize M;Gill

Anarchopanda Anarcho;:ianda Jan 31

Des etudiant-e-s condamnent le recruteme nt militaire
1b r~ '
r1 ~
EJq> ind
I +-

a G arneau I Subvercite


Demilitarize McGill .. Dem'IMcG I Jan 3 1

Check out our published findings on McGill , Missile Guidance, and Israe li
military researchers. <I
"!ar .,, 'J .c ~ ..
CSEJ ...

I +.


Retwee"d by Dcmil ta:u:.> McG:tl



Democracy Now! "dmocracynow Jan


#0.rty 'v rs Filmmaker @, remyscah . on the "Drone President" & Obama's

Whitewashing of NSA Spying o t 14>'" ISOTU


Retweeted by Demilil a'lze McGill

Dirty Wa r s "' o;rtyWa ~ Jan 28

DIRTY Mark your calendars, '#I.' trt:<JI. @DirtyWa plays at McGill on March 13,
organized by ()n M':C t More details soon.


Ret..\eeted by Demilitarize McGill


Le Delit Fran9ais :Delitfrancais Jan 28

L'ed ito de cette semaine traite de la necessite de favoriser une culture de la
transparence McGill. @caf"
gn:, o y d 111.fran c:l .c .. rr'2014 'J1/28/tra ...

I ..


~ ,~

Demilitarize McGill ~ Dom ' !McG ill Jan 28

You can hear ~ 1!> a o cste lhem's interview with @fumertym KC: from this morning
about the #McG ATI settlement here: b player/Aud o ~lo .. .

D ~e

-i ,,,


Retweeted by Demilitarize r.'.cGill

The Montreal Gazette mtlgaz;itte Jan 27

McGill, students settle dispute over access to information requests
bit lyl'.' 1saCP

https:/'DemilM cGill




Demilitarize McGill (DemilMcGill) on Twitter

Demilitarize McGill , Ocm"IMcGill Jan 2i
tune into @1..bcdaybn. 1~ , 88.5 FM at 6:40am tomorrow to hear ~~ 1sa.:ia:.tcthcm
talk about the recent @ ' lcG1 U ATJ settlement!

Eirpa nd


f;.etwce:ed by Dem l1tarize McGdl

Isaac Stethem i Saacstethelll Jan 26

@t_. C' ' agrees to finally release ATls on v..eapons, m;ning & other
shenanigans @()\:rl'll ' c ~., @D c9tMcGrll mcg11Jda1ty.co11 '2014101

gill ..


Retwee terJ by D cmil.tanZB McGill

Steve Faguy fasstein .la'l 24

McGill withdraws request to prejudicially ignore access-to-information requests
filed by students d pLox.c -n zfL tlkJ, ;d . ..

Cl 'Jf

~ mo.~1



Rctwceted by Dem il<tariZI" McG!I

QPIRG McGill qpirgmcgill Jan 21

"I believe I am a test case. The Canadian gov't is trying to figure out if they can
deport citizens in addition to permanent residents"

R c1Wceted by Demilitarize r.t:Gill

QPIRG McGill ooirgrncg J,.n 10

Always nice to have @.:>n11
in the h ouse!!


Rol\., eetcd by Demilitarize McG.'I

Drone stre am dronestream ...-.n 8

Jan 6 , 2014: On Monday, a drone missile 'missed', injuring 2 people 'who
happened to be near the car' (Yemen) .I 'ber r.c r i-p" ' -.. .


Demilitarize McGill T Dttm1IMcG1ll Jan 6

Want to help us intensify the fight against military research at !Ct-'-,,- '31 IU this
semester? Email us at !



by Dem 1l1turizc McGill

Dronestream d'"On e..tream Dec 25

Dec 25, 2013: At least 4 people v..ere killed when a US drone fired missiles at a
building (Pakistan) dd r>.com'r ""5110/6337

I ._


Demilitarize M cGill , DemilMcG U D;,c 11

#cup ..offca1 >pu protesters outsmarting police now in streets of London solidarity from Montreall

I +.

E xpand

Re tweeted by Dem litarize ttcG.11

CKUT Community News . CKUlNe\,~ Dec 2

Syntonisez En Profondeur 17h-18! Entrevues avec @.:l>"IT' l;J G I,
@C.J_~nt1 ca , et @ari;act lly sur La Ba1 t. . Ecoutez @1... ut! polqc


Demilitarize McGill DemtlMcGi!I Nov25

@CAUT_AvPPU report examines consortium of aerospace defense contractors,
Qc. universities - Demilitarize summary ctemil1tanz1 mcg111.corni?p=478

Demilitarize McGill DemilMcGill Nov 24

We'll be on @dlut tomorrow at 8:30am talking about our remembrance day
article and our group more generally! Listen in if you're able to!





Deoilitarize McGill (DemilMcGill) on Twitter

Retweeted by Dem litn rize McG ll

Anarchopanda Anarchopand<' Nov 19

Version franyaise ci-dessous
As you may be aware, McGill... lb rrd140rNl.tEAo

l") v ... . u "1 '- Y

Demilitarize McGill -o_m1McGill Nov 17

,, 1.u1 'v\e're on MMA next Monday (the 25th) not tomorrow. (folks should still
tune in though!)

I .,


R f'IWH !r>d by Dem ii :i-zo McG.11

Nicolas Quiazua N':o3s Qu <LZua Nov 16

If you can, contribute to this legal funding campaing - fighting for access to
information and transparency!! ind goq .coni pro.r trJacv s .. .
[j 1 ~w a , n , 'l'Y
Rd \,cet0d by Demilita.


-m ~'\cG- 11

Lisa-M arie Gervais g< r..;'lis lm Nov 11

Demilitarize McGill frappe en ce jour du souvenir. La banniere serait restee
accrochee 15 minutes. pir.twtter.c. ml .y/ VyDVH:l

Demilitarize McGill ;.Dem'!McGill Ncw 11

Banner drop during McGill's Remembrance Day ceremony this morning :
resistance to military research on campus mounts. pie t1Mlt!'l'JY"'1'2sPpqY9!>

Demilitarize M cGill DcmilMcGill Nov 11

Remembrance Day is "a rehearsal of selective feeling as much as selective
memory." mcg1llda1!'20 13/ 11fnii.rcm .. ,




Demilitarize McGill (DemilMcGill) on Twitter

hP. ra ch11n 6' r~1a'1 Nov 4
l.ivGall 1s. .i ma
: r .; ~I ")41 '9 and :g.:J Mer

tfMD_(.C' n,.

can tell us about it via


d U1T'

I ._

Demilitarize McGill '_ rxmIMcGill Nov 2

didya know that "ma ny graduates of _Mc. i and members of University staff
took part" in research leading to development of the atomic bomb?


Demilitarize McGill . DamilMcGill Nov 2

~ reading about ROX- a "devastating explosive" developed by I: , -

in the

1940s, and Dr. Maass' (like the building) mrk in Chemical Warfare!


Ro1Weeted by Dem ilitarizo r. Gill

QPIRG M cGill qpiromcgill Nov 1

Excited to go on air for the @ 1 FU'IDING DRIVE at 5pm v.ith
C''l fa ts and others!! 'l<'e"" '.k d




Rel\'. eet.ld by Dom ilitar1.!I! McG.11

Drone stream -0 onastrca n Oc.! 30

Oct 31, 201 3: A US drone fired missiles at a house, killing at least 3 people
(Pakistan) r .,,,. yat oo. m1u<i -d o -"ll

I ._

Ro tweeted by Den11litnnLe McGill

Drone Wars Dre e_Wnrs_UK Oct 30
Drone campaigners vow to pursue transparency despite losing Information
Tribunal appeal on UK drone strikes: t1n:,ur conVq '3m;

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Demilitarize McGill DemilMcG I Oct 29

'\cv p,1rk~n : "Access to government information is a right, not a privilege ."
th i '1 "ev. naper.C."'1/:Jr ...1~14d 4 .. .. - @ ' ~11 U; not so much.

I ._
Retwceted by Dem litanz.e McG:!I
DronesWatch .,DronesWalch Oct 29
'Wounds of Waziristan' : The Story of Drones As Told By the People Who Live
Under Them y,p.m /p2nJr0 rK




Rc lwceted by Demil.t.:irize "'icG.11

Drone Watchers OoneWatchers Oct 29

Pakistani family of drone strike victim gives harroVving testimony to Congress
t t.1y TlVwNrrw
[..) ~ev; summary

I ._


t ..

Demilitarize McGill DemilMcGill Oct 28

We're now at 100 likes on FB ! The more people who know about our group, the
easier it Vvill be to disrupt IJM<G 's military research!


Demilitarize McGill ~ DemolMcGill Oct 27

Follow us for updates on future actions and how to get involved! Curious about
our group? Send us an email @

Retwee'.ed by Demi lita ri~ WcG'!I

Nicolas Quiazua Nico!asou.u:ua Oct 27

Camp us guided tour of military research at @;McG11 U has just started #t.1cGillOH
pie tw.tter .o Cl'VayRDW

https:/ltwitter .com'DemilM cGill



Demilitarize McGill (DemilMcGill) on Twitter

"'-Ul- 1 l t ' U J



1-, , ., .. ._~1 J

...__ ___ ..__. -

McGill OPEN HOUSE 2013 OCTOBER 27. 1:30PM


Rue Sherbrooke I Av. McGitl College

. ~ u a gJ ded tour ol m1ht.arv rt'scarch at McGill
v ..r 1 h>W ,..,n1u:1, rmal ind ustrial p.1rtnersh1ps and
partrr ,.,, fJndtng creatt.: (!)cC'ltmg o pportunities to
tOtl'r "', .1: ti.; u e ~01,,ndbre.:kmK 1es1arc:h that our men and
worr ~ 1r un tor:n ,., fl II> f tht loll Lhc enemy. Di scover


"t /
~ln\ l>


drones that un .,,..,, U ~r any storm, unstoppable thermobaric



C FO Lab I Demilitarize McGill


The CFD Lab

Engl sh

The Comi)U:i tion<il f lu l f}fna11 .ics (CfD) Lab in the Departm ent of Mechanical Eneineering
speciahzes in the research and d(-velopment of complex 30 modeling software for use by the


aerospace industry.
A nd u s on Face book

A m a;or app!"cation of CFO Lab research is now simulation and anti-icing t echno'ogy for

Oemllitarize McGill

unmanned aerial v~h icles (UAVs), ind ud ing attack drones used by t he U.S. military to kill people.


The simulation software developed by the CFO Lab is called FENSAP-ICE, and it is used both to
optim ize the design of the drone itself, and to develop discrete anthcing syst ems. Advances in
t his field have been critical to Western m ilitaries increasingly relying on drones for combat. As the
United States and other nations have sought to spread armed UAVs across the skies, they have
encountered specific physical constraints: perhaps foremost anong these, bad weather. As lab
director Wagdi Habashi noted in a 2009 paper, UAV missions in the Allied "engagement in
Afghanistan" were marked by "unforeseen mid-level icing encount ers," signaling a need for new
forms of ice p rotection, t o be m odeled and refined with FENSAP-ICE.[1 ] CFO Lab research aims to
solve a specif:c technological problem affecting milit ary strategy: t he need for versatile and

~ ,..:.

O.m illtarlze McGiii

...-.::::- "The National Security

Agency is using complex
analysis of electronic
sul"\eillance, rather than
human intelligence, as the
primary method to locate
targets for lethal drone
st[i~es ::: an L!n r!!.li?ble tactic

resilient drones t hat can fly at high speeds and altit udes, and complete missions even in cold, icy
@Dem if McGill
The lab is funded in.large part by aerospace manufacturers Bombardier, CAE, and Bell Helicopter
Textron, companies invest ed in the advancement of military objectiVes. In August 2013, Montrealb ased CAE ente ed int o an agrc.:m e t potentially worth $100 million with the US Air Force to t rain
drone pilots. The technology required t o fulfill this contract is precisely what CFO lab research is

February 11, 2014

New info:@McGillU's Habashi develops

dro ne t ech w/ USAF-funded researchers;
sells military tech in US

httpJ/ nXzoOqspNd #drones

structured to support. Bombard ier is also in t he business of military flight t raining. and Bell
Helicopter makes military helicopters. These relationships and the fact that CFO Lab research is
nearly ent irely oriented t o t he development of a commercia l product raise the question of


whet her research priorities are set by academics or by t he R&O departments of the for-profit
companies funding the lab.

February 3, 2014

httpsJ/ Rally in Support

of Ivonne Hernandez, tomorrow 8:30am,

In 2004, Prof. Habashi co-authored a paper called "FEN SAP-ICE Applications to Unmanned Aerial

30 rue McGill (Federal Court)

Vehicles" [2) with engineers from the unmanned air combat systems division of NNthrop
Grumm ~n.

the defense contractor which manufacturers the Global Hawk, Fire Scout, and H unter

UAVs for the U.S. mil:tary.

http:f/demil itari zemcg i'mi Iitary-research/cfd-labl#us-col lab


February 3, 2014

CFD Lab I Dernilltarize McGill

In addition to direct ing the CFD Lab, Prof. Habashi

Vigil t omorrow (Feb 4) at 6pm at Berri Sq,

acts as the CEO of Newm~ric~I Tl"<:h nolog >. a

for the man shot and killed by SPVM

company operating out of a McGill off.ce which sells

t oday. (see story here:

ht tp://

the product of the CFD Lab's rese Jrch. FENSAP-ICE.

to aerospace compan ies. including military UAV
m anufacturers. Because Newmerical is a private
company, it's difficult to o btain clear information on
the ultimate applications of McGill s research. But


we know that in 2002, Newmerical entered into an

agreement with a Ca lifornia-b a~ed company called

Februa1y 201 4

Ice Management System s (IMS) to collaborate on

adapting its "Electroexpulsive Separation System"

A figure In a 2004 paper represents "static

t o UAV applications. Accord nc to NASA, this syst em

pressure and streamlines on

has become an "ideJI solution to the UAV icing


Jdnuary 2014
November 2013

dilemma", and its buyers include General Atomics,

October 2013

t he m anufacturer of every attack drone in t he current U.S. military arsenal.

September 201 3
Under President Barack Obam a, the

Apr 2013

United States has rap;d1y accele~ated a

covert drone war in Paki>tan. Afghanistan,

March 2013

Yemen, and Somalia. resulting in an

ex panding UAV fleet 4nd an increasing

demand for UAVs and rclevant

technological advancements. Drone
research engaged in by a univ ersity

February 2010
November 200,
Se-pt ember 2009

cannot be cons dered in isolation from its

Ap1 il 2009

real-world applications, which are deadly.

Between 2004 and 2013 in Pakistan alone,
the Bu rea,1of investigat v ..:? jou nilf'sm
i>~ima tes

March 2009
Predator dror e firing missile

between 2.535 and 3.576 have

been killed by U.S. drone strikes, including

bet1Areen 411and884civilians, and between 168 and 197 children. The American drone war has no

February 2009
November 2008

end in sight.

October 2008

Fighter Jets

Sejltember 2008
January 2008

Prof. Habashi, through Newmerical Techno logies. sold FENS/!\P-ICE to Lockheed Martin in the
early 2000s for use in t he dev elopment of t he F-35 fighter jet. A product of the US Jo nt Strike

February 2007

Fighter program, the F-35 is a 'next-generation' fighter j et, expected to provide the majority of t he
US Air Force's lethal airpower in t he coming decades. The US intends to buy 2,433 of the aircraft,
and other buyers include Canada. the United Kingdom, Australia, and Israel.

j.1nuary 2007
November 2006

These known applications of FENSAP-ICE are illuminating with respect to the purposes of CFD Lab
research. The lab has been defended on the basis that its work could just as easily assist civilian
aircraft develop ment. Yet. it should be obvious t hat commercial planes are not in danger of


crashing due to inadequate anti-icing technology. FENSAP-ICE proves most useful specilJcally In
development settings where a demand for major t echnological advances is the norm - where the
interplay of factors like aerodynamics and ice accretion must routinely be ~i m ulate d for novel

Entries RSS

aircraft designs. These settings ilre nearly exclusively military in nature.

Comments RSS
The CFD Lab's military research cannot be viewed as a coincidental byproduct, as without the
technological demands of international armed forces, the lab would have little to no reason to


CFD/Newmerical U.S. Co llaboration
Newmerical Technologies (NTI), the company founded by the head of M cGill's Computational
Fluid Dynamics laboratory, appears to be placing Increased focus on military-related contracts.
NTl's website advertises a combined sales and engineering position at the company's future office
in Daytona Beach, Florida. Crucially, the advertisement stipul<+tcs that ail candidates must be
http://de militarizemcgi ll .com'militar~research/cfd-lab/#us-collab


CFD Lab I Demilitarize McGill


American l 1lizens, "in order to apply for a security clearance for ITAR-restricted work." ITAR refers
to the "International Trade In Arms Regu lations," a subt hapter of the US Code's Foreign Relations
section, which regulates t he import and export of milit ary technology.
NTl's choice of location for its American branch office is also revealin g. Daytona Beach is home to
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, a leader in aerospace eng:neering, and trainer of US Air
Force pilots. Professor Wagdi Habashi, head of both the CFO and NTI, has recently developed
links with the private American university. In February 2013, Habashi, along with Stephen Yue,
director of McGill's Institut e for Aerospace Engineering, attended an event at Embry-Riddle
nHrking the de .ati(n of two jet engines to the schoors Gas Turbine Laboratory by engineering
company Pratt & Whitney, of which Habashi is a r.e~l'drrh Fefln1.~ . in June 2013, Habashi presented
a paper on synthetic j et actuators ;it the 21st AIM Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, cowrit ten with Vladimir V. Golubev, a professor at Embry-Riddle, and N ik isha Nagilppan, a former
Embry-Riddle graduate assistant who has since become "'' ' c nzineer for GE Global Research.[3]

Embry-Rddle Aeronautical University

The collabo ration with [ mbry-Riddle, and in particular with Golubu, underscores the military
orientation of w::irk being done on M cGill's camp us. Golubev's research is partially funded by the
US Air Force's Research Laboratory and Office o f Scientific Research, and his research presently
focuses on using Micro Air Vehicles (i.e. small-sized drones) in 'gusty urba.1 environments'.
f ,lthough m''1tnry use of sm aller drones has t hus far been restn cted to surveillance, there are
plans for such aircra~t to eventually serve as kamikaze-style attack drones.[4] In February 2013,
Golubev was invited to p esent some of hi~ ongoing re:,l'a"ch, including that on dro nes, at McGil!,
as part of the Department of Mechanical Engineering's Colloq uium Seminar Series. In January
2014, Golubev and colleagues from Embry-Riddle presented a paper at the 52nd Aerospace
Sciences meeting which specifically addresses how synthetic jet actuators-the technology being
developed In collaboration with McGJI researchers- can be applied to Micro Air Vehicles,
specifically in order to stabilize thC'm from gusts unique to 'urban canyon' environments while
tracking 'mobile and elusive targets'.[5)
As previous research by Demilitarize McGill has shows, military 1esearch continues relat ively
unhindered on McGilts campus. The opening of a Newmerical office in Daytona Beach and
collaboration w~th Embry-Riddle indicate t h at M cGill research is directly contributing to the
development of US military aircraft.

[1 ) Habashi, Wagdi G. "Recent Advances in CFD for In-Flight Icing Simulation", 2009.
(2) Tran, Pascal et al. "FENSAP-ICE Applications to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", 2004.
[3) Nagappan Nikisha, V. Golubev Vladimir, and Habashl Wagdi, "Parametric Analysis of Icing
Control Using Synthetic Jet Actuators," in 21st Aiaa Computational Fluid Dynam ics Conference,
Fluid Dynamics and Co-Located Conferences (American Institut e of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
[4) Medea Benjamin, Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control, Updated edition. ed. London/New
York: Verso, 37.

http://demi I itarizemcg ill .com/mil itary-research/cfd-lab/#us-col I ab


CFO Lab I Demilitarize McGill


[SJ Bhatt Sh.bani, v. Golubev Vladimir. and Tang Yan, "Design, Modeling and Testing of Synthetic
Jet Actuators for Mav Flight Control," in 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting. Aiaa Scitech (American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautk s, 201 4).

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[------------- -----,

\V Copyrigl t 201 4 - Demi!"t 1.

:e McG I

REt.nil Then e by \\'

.~ "I~

- \'!ordr ro s


http://demilitarizemcg ill.comtmilitary-researchlcfd-lab/#us-collab


Sao-Mai Nguyen, Ms


gregory dudek <>

March-06-13 5:17 PM
She~I Morrisey
Laurena Deligny, Ms.
Fwd: Military research walking tour





Begin forwarded message:

>From: gregory dudek <>
>Date : March 6, 2013 11:15:27 PM GMT+Ol:OO
>To: Inna Sharf <>, Meyer Na hon <>, Marlene Gray
<manager@cim>, Luca Cortelezzi <>
>Cc: Joelle Pineau <>, "Prof. PRECUP" <dprecup@cs.mcgi>, Prakash Panangaden
<>, Krys Dudek <>
>Subject: Fwd: Military research walking tour

> Hi folks. This might be relevant to you even though it seems to be focussed on activities that I am not familiar with .
> I heard that a group calling itself Demilitarize McGill has announced a "walking tour" of places on campus where it
claims military research is being conducted. The event is scheduled for March 14, beginning at 12:30 at the Student
Centre and the discussion seen:is to specifically refer to the Shock Wave Physics Gro"up and to the Computational Fluid
Dynamics {CFO) Lab, in the Department of Mech~nical Engineering.

> I don't want to get you too paranoid, but people who have or had funding from any defense-related agency including
DRDC and/or ONR might be of interest to this group. As you might know, my own lab was "featured" in a very
misleading story in the McGill Daily due to Martin's Buehler's work a decade ago, since he developed technologies I
subsequently built upon, and the fact that he was partly funded by DARPA. Despite the headline, _m y robot is not "ready
to be shipped to Afghanistan" for military purposes.

>G reg


From: John Lydon <>

Subject: Re: Class disruption?
Date: September 9, 2014 at 4:57:47 PM GMT-4
To: "Martin Grant, Prof."<>
Hi Martin,
Sorry I missed this last week. The disruption was outside the class and not
inside. Students from Demilitarize McGill gave out small leaflets to students voicing
their protest and encouraging students to drop the class.. While he was teaching,
someone came and defaced his office door. We have since had the
There have n.o further noidents since the fi.rst_d9y S~ _t2. _

- 3 :,- 'f

-~ . '.::>

John Lydon
Department of Psychology
McGill University



On Sep 4, 2014, at 10:03 AM, Martin Grant, Prof. <> wrote:

John, I heard a rumor.that Don Taylor's class was disrupted by a student group, is th at
right? Thanks, Martin

Martin Grant, Dean of Science, Dawson Hall, McGill University,

853 Sherbrooke St W, Montreal QC H3A OG5 Canada, 514-398-4211,,

Stephen Strople, Mr.




Stephen Strople, Mr.

Monday, July 14, 2014 8:02 AM
Julie Fortier
RE: Probably from Demilitarize McGill

Thank you Julie.

-----Original Message----From : Julie Fortier
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 7:01 AM
To : Olivier Marcil, Mr.; Line Thibault; Stephen Strop le, Mr.
Subject: Probably from Demilitarize McGill


Julie Fortier
Directrice adjointe/Relations medias
Associate Director/Media Relations
Universite McGill/McGill University
514 398-6751
514 884-1587 (cell.)
ju lie .c. fortie r@

Stephen Strople, Mr.




Susan Aberman
Tuesday, September 02, 2014 9:33 AM
roseg; Stephen Strople, Mr.
Susan Murley

This may be an issue that comes up at our Senate meeting.


Stephen Strople, Mr.




Susan Aberman
Thursday, September 11, 2014 6:42 AM
Ollivier Oyens, Prof.
Stephen Strople, Mr.
Re: Research Misconduct. McGill

Rosie will introduce the topic of Research Misconduct, following which Abe will give the annual report.
Perhaps that is a more natural place for the introduction of that subject?
I am copying Stephen and suggest we three speak today. {I am in after llam)
Susan Aberman

From: Ollivier Oyens, Prof.

Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 6:27 AM

To: Susan Aberman

Subject: Demilitarize McGill

Hi Susan,
OM is active again. Should Suzanne announce at Senate that the hot button issue conference on Research Ethics will take
place in the Spring, co-organized by students leaders and McGill? That would be one way to diffuse the tension

University Se<:retariat

Secretariat de l'Universite

McGill University
James Administration Building
845 Sherbrooke Street West
M ontreal. Quebec Canada H3A 2T5

Universite McGill
Pavilion James de !'administration
845 rue Sherbrooke ouest
Montreal (Quebec) Canada H3A 2T5

(514) 398-3948
(514) 398-4758

January21, 2010

Mr. Cleve Higgins

Demilitarize McGill

Dear Mr. Higgins,

McGill University requests that your association remove the recording of the
November 4, 2010 Senate deliberations about the Policy on the Conduct of
Research. This recording was made without the permission of the Senate and therefore
raises serious concerns.

A rule regarding recording is included in Part III of the Standing Rules of

Procedure, Governing the Proceedings of the Senate ofMcGill University, and states: .
Neither press nor spectators are pem1itted to bring cameras or other recording
equipment to Senate meetings without the express permission of Senate.
The purpose of this rule is to facilitate full and candid discussion at Senate
meetings. We hope that you understand how this rule is important to the openness of
Senate deliberations.


. l .:::=:i ~'
./""'"~ /l"':'\"V'
- '<[ "--{i::.._

Mr. Stephen Strople

Secretary General


Ms. Nikki Bozinoff, Demilitarize McGill

Mr. Jonathan Nordland, Committee Administrator (Senate)

From: Ken Whittingham, Mr.

Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 4:35 PM
To: Wagdi G. Habashi, Prof.
Cc: Andrew Kirk, Prof.; Anne Broadhurst, Ms.; Marco Fossati;
< Adam; D. Frost, Prof.
Subject: More on Whittingham response to Habashi interview request

Fred et al, I was just told that:

Here are the main items in the News Radar for Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Dr. Rosie Goldstein, Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations), was interviewed
(today) by the Toronto Star about research policy at McGill for an article on the group
Demilitarize McGill.

From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: March-19-13 7:17 AM

To: Morton Mendelson, Dr.; Andrew Kirk, Prof.; roseg; Line Thibault

Subject: Tribune on Demilitarize McGill

{Line, you're included because of the ATI references) Iking-tou r-bri ngs-atte ntion-to-m i lita ry-resea rch-at-mcgil I/

Walking tour brings attention to military

research at McGill
111 \ l!

i;;ni 111~i w:i11<rc:rcr

. .

On Mar. 11., a dozen McGill students and recent graduates gathered outside the Students'
Society of McGill l Tniversity (SSMU) Building to participate in the Military Research
\ i\Talking Tour.
The walking tour was organized by Demilit;.u-ize McGill, a student-run group aimed at
ending military research at the university. Kevin Paul, a year law student and member
of Demilitarize McGill, led the hour-long tour which .CO\'ered three locations on campus,
including the Nahum Gelberg Law Library, the Macdonald Engineering Building, and the
se,enth floor of the G88 Sherbrooke building.
According to Paul, the purpose of the event was to spread awareness about McGill's
academic and financial participation in military research.
" [\!Ve want to] share information on what connections McGill has to weapons development
in a way that addresses the lack of transparency the university has shmn1," Paul said.
The tour's first stop was the Law Library, where Cadence ()'Neal, l TO women's studies,
spoke about a collection of l<nv school graduates' theses which thank the U.S. Air Force for
funding their education at McGill.
"We do know some things for sure," ()'Neal said. "These military organizations are paying
for their members to come study here and produce academia that they can use to further
their own interests. It is unacceptable to me, and to Demilitarize McGill, that our universily
is instrumental in the production of these laws thal serve these institutions."
Isaac Stethem, who graduated from .McGill with an arts degree earlier this, discussed
the denied ATI requests made by student'i-including some Demilitarize McGill
members-to the university on various suqjects.

"It's notjust that those 14 people-or anyone they can be associated with-vvl10 can't file any
more [AT'I] requests, but also thc1\!lcG1Jl Da.11}' and The Link.," Stethem said.
SSl\fL1 Vice-President External Robin Reid-Fraser is one of tl1e 14 students who filed an
ATI request. She said she is not satisfied w~th some of McGill's reasons for denying her
ATI request, which concerns rnilitcU)' research at the university.
"Part of the excuse [McGill is] making is that answering all these [ATI] requests requires a
large amount of resources, and basically, it's impossible for them to function because they
have all tl1is extra work due to these requests," Reid Fraser said.
After visiting the Lavv Library, the tour walked to a basement lab in the Macdonald
Engineering Building, where the topic of discussion was the Faculty of Engineering's history
in military research dating back to the 1960s, as well as their alleged lack of transparency
about weapons development. Today, the Shock Wave Physics Group and Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Lab are two McGill groups which still engage in aircraft engineering
and the study of detonation phenomena.
,\statement on the CFD Lab website does not mention involvement or funding from the
"The primary objective of the McGill CFD Lab is to develop advanced numerical
technologies in multidisciplinary aerod)namics in order to allow for an inte~ated aircraft
design approach through concurrent engineering," the website states. "Research funding is
primarily contributed by the federal as well as the provincial governments through the
following agencies: NSERC, CFI, FQRNT; and industries such as Bombardier, Pratt &
Whitney, Bell Helicopter, and a large irnmber of private coinpanies."
Demilitarize McGill claims that much of their funding comes from the l T.S. Military.
"At this moment, McGill is developing the tedmologies that the U.S. military will use to kill
more efficiently, at the same time as profiting from various military interventions which
mean nevv research opportunities for the CFD Lab and the Shock Wave Physics Group,"
said Paul.
The tour ended at 688 Sherbrooke, where discussion turned to drone research.
"Through the industry-sponsored CFD Lab, McGill is involved in the development of
technology for lethal attack drones, which are being deployed by the United States in an
increasingly borderless war with no en<l in sight," said Paul.
Paul emphasized Demilitarize McGill's mandate; which is to end weapons research at
"Allowing militarT research at McGill to continue me<ms allowing the university to remain
complicit in war. \ Ne don't need a policy review or a consultation forum, we don't need
more bureaucracy, we need to end military research at McGill," said Paul.

From: Andrew Kirk, Prof.

Sent: March-11-13 10:16 AM
To: Anne Broadhurst, Mrs
Subject: 4+ 1 items
Hi Anne
Please add:
Budget-related issues
Demilitarize McGill
Undergrad fee increase (if that's already on the agenda}

Andrew Kirk
Interim Dean
James McGill Professor
Faculty of Engineering, McGill University
Macdonald Engineering Building, 817 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal , Quebec H3A 2K6, Canada
Fax: +1 (514) 398-7379
Tel: +1 {514) 398-7251

From: Paul Dempsey, Prof.

Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 2:47 PM
To: Angela Campbell, Prof.; Ram Jakhu, Prof.
Subject: RE: Strategic Space Program

Hi Angela:

Sounds fine to me.

I haven't read the article in the Novi, but the Demilitarize McGill folks have been
slamming the IASL for a year or more now, without ever inquiring into the facts. We
teach USAF JAG officers about the Outer Space Treaty and progeny, including its
mandate for "peaceful uses of outer space." They then have the tools to tell USAF
Generals what they canNOT do. If the DM folks understood that, they might praise us,
instead of this, which I found on the DM web site:

Institute of Air and Space Law

The Institute of Air and Space Law
McGill's Institute of Air and Space Law (the IASL) was founded in 1951, just as the Cold War "space
race" between the United States and the extant Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was beginning.
This was a time when the distinction between air space and outer space, including the legal
difference between the two, was becoming a m atter of greater academic concern. The creation and
reformation of many of the laws governing who can use outer space, and how they can use it, date
to about this time.
On its website, the IASL boasts that it is the most prestigious institute of its kind in the world; it also
says that "for more than a quarter century, the US Air Force has been sending its best and the
brightest officers to study Space Law at the IASL." It appears, however, that the United States Air
Force (USAF) doesn't just send its officers to Montreal without providing specific advice about what
areas of law they should research.
In many of the final theses written by McGill IASL graduates, the acknowledgements page will not
only thank the Air Force for sending the student to the IASL, but also thank the USAF for providing
a research topic. To provide a more specific example, in one 1999 paper, one Robert Ramey sets out
to spell out the difference between combat in air and combat in space; his assignment was provided
by the Air Force. Mr. Ramey says that while there are no reported cases of armed conflict in outer
space, it has been contemplated by spacefaring nations for decades and will be a reality in the future.
The Boeing Company - an American multinational that is most known for manufacturing
commercial airplanes, but which also makes air tankers," smart weapons" such as laser-guided
missiles, military transport vehicles, and satellites, among other things - is another institution that
occasionally gets a mention in the acknowledgements page of IASL graduates' final theses, and
which has evidently funded research. For example, one Kuan-Wei Chen wrote to clarify how
existing environmental law might implicate Boeing if a military organization (probably the USAF,
which Boeing identifies as its best customer) used weapons that it had manufactured and sold to
certain purposes.
Unlike other McGill initiatives which have warranted their own page on our website, the IASL is not
concerned with tangible matters like improving a drone's capacity to self-navigate, a missile's
capacity to hit a precise target, or a bomb's capacity to kill efficiently. Instead, it is concerned with

law, an abstract field if there ever was one - especially on the international level, where it is
routinely ignored. Its existence on McGill campus should be opposed all the same. Law may be a
fiction, but it is one in which the powerful speak to one another. The training of military lawyers for
the USAF better enables the United States to engage with rival imperialist powers on the diplomatic
level, in battles to establish their actions as legitimate in the eyes of "the global citizenry", and
Aside from this, though, the !ASL can be judged by the institutions it associates itself with. Its
website says that" graduates of the IASL with space law education held and hold prominent
executive positions in various institutions such as the UN, the US White House, the US Air Force,
Canadian Air Force, Australian Air Force, French Air Force, the world's leading law and insurance
firms, private commercial enterprises and manufacturers." In other words, organizations that
orchestrate imperialist violence and threaten to push the world into a global conflagration, and
private enterprises, like Boeing, that facilitate that same violence and profit enormously from it.
Institute of Air and Space Law - lillP~" w.mcgiH.ca_LiagL
Boeing Company - httn ://w " w . but>i1:!f..iom/boci ng/http : //w,,!in ~com/boci ng/

Professor Dr. Paul Stephen Dempsey

Tomlinson Professor of Global Governance in Air & Space Law
Director, Institute of Air & Space Law
McGill University
3690 Peel Street
Montreal, QC Canada H3A 1W9
~.!"'W .mcgiJl.q!/iasl


Sept. 18-19, 2014 - Montreal: American Bar Association/McGill Air & Space Law Conference
Oct. 27-31, 2014 - Montreal: McGill Strategic Space Law Program
Nov. 13-14, 2014 - Athens, Greece: McGill Space Resources Symposium
Apr. 17-18, 2015 - Montreal: Eighth Annual McGill Conference on International Aviation Liability &
Contact: Q\tlria

From: LAWPROFS - Discussion List for LawProfessors[mailto:LAWPROFS@LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf

Of Daniel Jutras, Prof.
Sent: October-24-14 3:43 PM
Subject: Protest at the Faculty on Monday
I am informed that there will be a protest at the Faculty of Law thi s coming Monday, beginning
at 1:30 in front of our Law Library. The protest is intended to
I i
\ t
11 ) t
. It is organized in the context of the intensive Strategic Space Law Program that is
offered by the Institute of Ai r and Space Law, beginning on Monday.
The protesting group, Demilitarize McGill, states that ' The program places McGill m the
E. c
11 hi l
1 11 ) c 1 i 1
)I tractors to participate in <;haping the
law that applies to the ... militarization of outer space and to space warfare, to advance their
own interests The United States and its allies are committed to enforcing militarized control
over outer space, which implies the ability to freely deploy space-based weaponry,
reconnaissance satellites, and Jets and missiles that exit and re enter the atmosphere. As th<'
U.S. Department of Oefenc;e put it in a 2012 directive: ' ThP c;11c;t:iinab1hty and stability of the
space environment, as well as free access to and u<;e of c;p,
e vital to U.S. national
With the Strategic Space Law Program, McGill is alsc. brazenly training military lawyers for the
work inherent to their pos1t1ons, that is to say the construction of legal justifications for any
military action involving space.'
You may recall that this matter was also raised in an article in Quid Novi earlier this week.
Our colleague Ram Jakhu sent the following note to the authors of this article. It helps to
provide context for the Strategic Space Law Program, and to better understand its rationale:
I just read your Quid Novi article entitled 'The Legal Ethics of Space Law," that relates to the
Strategic Space Law Program which will be offered by our Institute . It does not offer an
accurate representation of the rationale and contents of the Program. The main purpose of
this act1v1ty is just the opposite of what your ar1
1 (
; i.e. the Program is designed to
discus<; and promote the i1eed and role of 'lawf
rfare' so that ultimately the
participants in the Program "acquire the knowledge ana sKi11s to make a significant contribution
to global space security (i.e. sustainable and peaceful use of space], for the benefit of all
It is with great pleasure that I invite one of your representatives (preferably th( nit~ or of this
article) to attend the Program m order to gain first hand information about wh lt t: eing


discussed at this week long event. ti,ic:: not possible for you. I will be glad to sit down and
person~lly discuss with you the natur , "' ope and precise contents of not only of the Strategic
Space Law Program but also of all ti
iemic programs and ar.t1v1ties of the Institute of Air
and Space l~w . Please be in touch with our Administrative Coordinator Ms. Maria D'Amico at for registering in the Program or for setting up an appointment at a
mutually convenient date, time and place 1f that is what you prefer.
Should you need more information or any clarification about our Program.
contact me.


s1tate to

Looking fo1 ward to hearing from you!

It is my understanding th at Ram has not heard back from the student group that authored th is
Quid Novi article.
Daniel Jutras, Ad.E. , Dean and Wainwright Chair in Civil l aw Doyen et Titulaire de la Chaire Wainwright en
droit civil
Faculty of law, McGill University i
I.JI.. 11
1 i

Dear Angela
Thank you very much for your kind words. I am very appreciative of your time and effort in joining us at
the opening session of the Strategic Space Law Program . Several participants and instructors informed
that they were very pleased to meet you and were impressed by your account of the achievements of
the Faculty and the IASL. As promised, I am herewith enclosing the slides that I used in my introduction
of the Program. I share your views re Andrea Di Paolo.
I would like to bring to your attention that yesterday around 2.30 PM about 6 students from
'Demilitarize McGill' showed up in the conference room at the Best Western Hotel. They disrupted the
program for about 10/15 minutes. At my request, the hotel staff escorted them out without any
problem . On my invitation, one of the students stayed in the room and listened (for about 10 minutes)
the ongoing presentation till it was over. Later I had a brief (mostly friendly) chat with him till a police
offer came to inqu ire about the incidence. The officer took note of the incidence, my ID and that of the
student. We continued our normal session, everyone remained calm during and after the disruption
and seemed to have brushed aside this incidence as a minor nuisance. I believe that there will be no
problem df this nature during the remaini ng days of the Program. Or I hope so.
Should you have any question, let me know.
Thank you again for your support!
PS: Please join us at an informal reception organized for all the participants in the bar on the ground
floor of the Best Western Hotel tomorrow at 6.00PM.

Prof. Dr. Ram S. Jakhu

Jnstitule of A ir and Space L tl W
rnculty of Law, 'ft.tfcG ill Uuiv ersity
Our Sp ace Law Publications:
(1) R. Jak hu and K. Wei-Chen (eds.), Regulation of Ernerging l-ttf.odes of A erospace
Transportation, (2014), CRASL. Published
(2) R. Jakhu, S. K au l and K. Wei-Chen (ed s.), Emerging Trends in A viation and Space
A pplications: Legal, Safety and Policy Issues, (2014), C RASL. Publish ed
(3) B. Jasan i and R. Jakhu (eds.), Commercia fh,ali on of Space: Opportunities nnd Challenges,
(2014), NIAS. Published
(4) R. Jakh u, Y. Nyam p ong and K. Wei-Ch en (ed s.), Global Space Governa1Lce, (2014), CRASL

From: Paul Dempsey, Prof.

Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 3:29 PM
Cc: Daniel Jutras, Prof; Ram Jakhu, Prof.; Maria D'Amico
Subject: Article on Demilitarize McGill By Farid Rener, published March 18, 2013 in the McGill Daily

Dear Farid:
See below. You wrote a very poorly informed piece for the McGill Daily.
My undergraduate degree is in Journalism, and we were taught to check our facts
carefully. You have not.
A published correction would be appreciated.
Professor Dr. Paul Stephen Dempsey
Tomlinson Professor of Global Governance in Air & Space Law
Director, Institute of Air & S pace Law
McGill University
3690 Peel Street
Montreal, QC Canada H3A 1 W9
Conference on the Regulation of Emergin g Modes of Aerospace Transportation
May 24-25, Montreal
ICAOfl\.1cGill University Worldwide Conference
Sept. 21-22, Montreal
See: ICAOMcGill
Fifth Annual McGill Conference on .International Aviation l,iab ility & Insurance
Oct. 25-26, Montreal

From: Paul Dempsey, Prof.

Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 12:58 PM
To: Taylor, Lesley Ciarula
Cc: Ram Jakhu, Prof.; Maria D'Amico
Subject: RE: request for interview

Hi Lesley:
I am on sabbatical this academic year, in Colorado as I write.
I know nothing more than I read on the McGill daily website, that erroneously states,
The IASL, which was founded in 1951, conducts research for the U.S. Air Force. 11 This
is a complete fabrication. We conduct no research for the USAF or any other military

The McGill Daily also erroneously states, "Graduates from the IASL often go on to work
with major governmental military organizations, such as the U.S. and French Air
Forces, as well as major weapons manufacturers such as Boeing.'' I know of no IASL
graduate who has taken a position at any major weapons manufacturer such as
Boeing. We have had US, French, Canadian, South African and Australian Air Force
officers in various classes over the last decade. They are wonderful students, and learn
a lot at McGill about the international obligation of States to dedicate themselves to the
peaceful uses of space.
Much of our research in the area of Space Law focuses on "peaceful uses of space",
avoidance of military confrontation, and removal of space debris (a problem
exacerbated by military ASAT tests, most recently by China) . Working with DFIAT,
Project Ploughshares, and the Secure World Foundation, we produce the annual Space
Security Index, an effort to inform the public and world leaders of threats to the
peaceful use of space. We are clearly a misguided target for this Demilitarize McGill
If you need to chat, I can be reached at 303 526-0306. But the better source might be my
colleague, Prof. Ram Jakhu, who is on the IASL property and is our resident Space Law
You can reach him via Maria D'Arnico at 514 398-5095.

Professor Dr. Paul Stephen Dempsey

Tomlinson Professor of Global Governance in Air & Space Law
Director, Institute of Air & Space Law
McGill University
3690 Peel Street
Montreal, QC Cana da H3 A 1W9
Co nference on the Regu lation of [merging Mod s of Aerosp ace Transportation
May 24-25, Montreal
ICAO/McGiH University Worldwide Conference
Sept. 21-22, Montreal
See: ICAOMcGill
Fifth An n ual McGill Conference on In ternational Aviation Liability & Insurance
Oct. 25-26, Montreal

From: Taylor, Lesley Ciarula []

Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 11:28 AM

To: Paul Dempsey, Prof.
Subject: request for interview
Dear Professor Dempsey,

I would very much appreciate the opportunity to speak to you about the controversy directed at the
Institute of Air and Space Law by the Demilitarize McGill group. Please let me know if this would be

Best regards, Lesley

Lesley Ciarula Taylor i Continuous News Desk

The Toronto Star I I 416-869-4455
Twitter: @ciarula
Skype: lesleyciarulataylor

From: MSURJ Media [mailto:msurj]

Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 1:49 PM
To: Maria D'Amico
Subject: Interview Request


My name is Kate Sheridan, and I'm writing an arti cle on Demilitarize McGill 's most recent act ivities for a
science blog at McGill {The Abstract, run as a subsidiary of the McGill Science Undergraduate Resea rch
Journal). In an interview I conducted with the group, Demilit ari ze McGill cited t he Institute of Air and
Space Law as one way that McGill co ntributes to military research. Specifically, they claim that you
"denounced" their statement that you were connected to military research and did not mention .9.
$500,000 fellows hip that you received from Boeing - a company t hat has the U.S. Air Force as a client. I'd
like to be able to talk to you or another person at the IASL about this issue; as your e-mail was listed
under the "Contact Us" section of the IASL website, I thought I'd reach out to you first. I understand that
you're probably very busy, so even if you'd only be willing to answer a few questions via e-mail I'd
appreciate it.

Looking forward to heari ng from you,

Kate Sheridan
Chief Journalist, McGill Science Undergraduate Research Journal/The Abstract
http://msurj.mcgill .ca

On Jan 14, 2014, at 3:01 PM, "Paul Dempsey, Prof." <> wrote:
Hi Kate:
Happy to answer your questions. Phone or drop by if you like. My undergraduate degree was in
The Boeing Fellowsh ips are done now. The money overwhelmingly went to students to cover tuition
and living expenses, and no students were required to do any specific research on military issues or
anything else. I remember one wrote a thesis on flying cars, another wrote on commercial spaceports,
and another wrote on the regulation of small community airline service. I don't believe any Boeing
Fellow did research on military issues. Several students were able to complete their studies who would
not have had that opportunity without financial support. If Boeing or any other organization had
offered to support students on condition that they focus on specific research directed by the grantor,
we wo~ld have refused the grant.
A small amount of the Boeing grant was designated for offshore outreach activities. We aviation and
space law held conferences in Macao, New Delhi and Abu Dhabi. Boeing Finance and Boeing
Commercial Aircraft execs spoke, but not about military technology or military anything. It was all about

aircraft. I recall one talk about using algae for the production of biofuels for commercial

jetliners. There may have been some discussion about sate llites; but not military ones . As you know,
Boeing is the largest US exporter of manufactured goods, and owes that status principally to its
manufacture of aircraft ... in particular the 737, 747, 777 and the new 787.
I appreciate that Demilitarize McGill has an agenda that they think important, but I do wish they would
speak with us before they defame us publically. No one shou ld throw hand grenades at innocent
people . Before you allege someone is the Devil, you should first make sure they are.


Professor Dr. Paul Stephen Dempsey

Tomlinson Professor of Global Governance in Air & Space Law
Director, Institute of Air & Space Law
McGill University
3690 Peel Street
Montreal, QC Canada H3A 1W9


April 11, 2014- London, UK

Sixth Annual M cGillfPEOPll. Conference on International Aviation Liability & Insurance

May 7-9, 2014- Melbourne, Australia

:McGiJl Seminar on Emerging Issues in Space I .aw, and
ALAA:t\.Z Annual Air Law Conference

May 29-31, 2014 - Montreal, Canada

Manfred Lachs In ternational Conference on G lo bal Space Governance

Dear IASL Alumni and Friends,

Recently, the McGill Daily published an arti cle describing an effort by a student organization Demilitarize McGill - to protest activities at several McGill University insti tutions, including the Institute
of Air & Space Law [IASL], a graduate program of the Faculty of Law.

The article erroneously states,

"The IASL ... conducts research for the U.S. Air Force." This is false . The IASL conducts no research for or
on behalf of the USAF or any other military institution.
The McGill Daily also erroneously states, "Graduates from the IASL often go on to work with major
governmental military organizations, such as the U.S. and French Air Forces, as well as major weapons
manufacturers such as Boeing." We know of no IASL graduate who works at any major weapons
manufacturer. The IASL had US, French, Canadian, Pakistani, South African and Australia n Air Force
officers enroll as students in its courses over the past decade, but they were Air Fo rce lawyers before
they came to McGill. They are wonderful students and learn a lot at McGill about the international
obligation of States to dedicate themselves to the peaceful uses of space. Air Force lawyers do not
engage in combat. During combat, they play a cautionary role in advising senior officers on the legal
limits on the use of force, thereby reducing the likelihood of civilian casualties.
Though the principal focus of our courses is on legal aspects of civil aviation and civil uses of space, some
of our published research in the area of Space Law focuses on "peacefu l uses of space", avoidance of
military confrontation, and removal of space debris (a problem exacerbated by military ASAT tests, most
recently by China) . We have carried out several studies for the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs
and International Trade (DFAIT), the results of which helped the department in formulating its policies
and international efforts toward~ disarmament. Over t_he years, we have held a several major
international Conferences on the environmental consequences of space debris.

The results and

recommendations of these Conferences have been presented by the IASL to United Nations Comm ittee
on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space . A multi-year multi-million dollar space law research of the IASL is funded
by the J.C. Arsenault Foundations and focusses on Space Security Through the Rule of Law and Sustainable
Space Development. Working with DFAIT, Project Ploughshares, and the Secure World Foundation, we

produce the annual Space Security Index, an effort to inform the public and world leaders of threats to
the peaceful use of space.
The Institute of Air & Space Law clearly is a misguided target for the Demilitarize McGill effort.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. We are proud of the
important work done at the IASL and are always happy to share our many accomplishments with you.
Prof. Dr. Paul Stephen Dempsey
Director, McGill University Institute of Air & Space Law

From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 6:52 PM
To: Rose Goldstein, Dr.; Jim Nicell, Prof.; Wagdi G. Habashi, Prof.; Olivier Marcil, Mr.
Cc: Brett Hooton, Mr.; Jennifer Towell; Ken Whittingham, Mr.; Stephen Strople, Mr.; Line Thibault
Subject: Daily commentary on dro nes
This is in this week's Daily. It may be one where a response is necessary. Please advise.
Doug -ice/





On thin ice



't1 I l l

." l


p drone


uncle 1 \\ 1ap !

It is a matter on which the authority of Empire tends to go uncontested - that of

establishing which means of indiscriminate killing are acceptable and which are not.
Sarin gas, bad; drones armed with Hellfire missiles, generally alright.
The lethal unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is methodical; it is civilized. Cnless, that is, the pilot
in a Nevada bunker slips up, or it hits stonny weather and crashes under the weight of ice
accretion. Fortunately, a vast net\\ ork of military agencies, defonse contractors. and university
research labs is i:efining the science of winged robots that kill p oplc.
1 his network e:x.tends to McGill and its Computational fluid Dynamics (CFD) Lab, chaired by
Dr. Wagdi G. Hab ashi. The CFD Lab researches and dcn:lops advanced 3D simulation software
fo r planes, helicopt{;rS, UAVs, and jct engines. Down the hall from the CFD Lab in 688
Sherbrooke, Habashi sells the product of his lab 's research, a software package called FENSAPlCE, to military drone m anufacturers through the comp,my he owns, Newmerical Technologies.

In 2004, Habash] co-authored research with the unmanned air combat divi sion of Northrop
Grnmman, which makes drones for the U.S. military. In 2009 he suggested th:it "unfo reseen[ ...]
icing encounters'' in UAV missions .in Afghanistan signaled a need for new forms of ice
protection, to be modeled and refined 'W ith FENSAP-ICE.
Among the corporate partners of the CfD Lab is C AE. a Montreal flight-simulation company
that will be training U_.S . Air Force drone pilots in a deal potenti ally worth S100 million.
The CFO Lab's military aspirations reach beyond drones. Habashi's known clients include
Lockheed Martin,\\ hich purchased FENSAP-ICE for the development of the F-35 fighter jet.

Meanwhile. defense contractor Pratt & Whitney, manufacturer of the F-35's engine and buyl.!r of
rENSAP-ICE, has enlistc l Habashi as a senior research fellow .
In the fa11of2012, questions surrounding what had emerged about the C FO Lab's activit ies
prompted some members of Demi litarize McGill io submit targeted requests to the University
under Quebec's ac1.:css to infonnation (ATf) law. Rather than provide the infom1ation requested,
the Univcr:sity has taken these, and other, students to court. The University alleges that they
orchestrated a "complex. S) : tern for ncquiring documents" as "retaliation" for unspecified events
during the 201 2 student strike, and seek the authority to deny outstanding and future requests.
The hearings began Thursday. \Ve would like to know how much of om tuition money McGill is
spending in legal foes on th is case, but we don't think our ATI rcquc~t would be answered .
Whether McGill will be compelled to disclosp the requested documents remains to be seen. Yet
the Univcr!-ity has already failed, insofar:is its battle to suppress inc rnvenienl information only
draws mor0 attention to the fact that when, hours or days from the time of wtiting, the U.S. A ir
Force bomhs targets in Syria, it \Vill in all likeli hood benefit from technology developed at
U.S. imperiali sm is a genocidal regime, killing and destroying the Ii ves of poor people of colour
on a scale that statistics cannot communicate. It is also a for-profit busin...:ss, one in which this
university is an active pa1incr.

Learn more at Want to help us disrupt mi/itmy research on

campus? Get in touch at

From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Monday, September 08, 2014 6:55 AM
To: roseg; Sarah Stro ud Associate Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations); Lynda McNeil;
Bla ine Ditto, Prof.; Olivier Marcil, Mr.; Lydia White, Dr.
Cc: Brett Hooton, Mr.; Meaghan Thurston, Ms.; Jennifer Towell; Susan Murley
Subject: Daily editoria l on research ethics
Should VP RIR respond to th is, based on the weekend exchange in which it was concluded that this is NOT a
breach of ethics? If so, from w hom?

R'i I SEPTEMBER 8 2014

Unethical research at McGill must

Two weeks ago, Demilitarize McGill
conducted in
2012 on eighty Somali Canadians by researchers fro m McGill and Carleton
University, and fu nded by the Canadian military. In a serious breach of the
ethical requirements for informed consent, researchers fa iled to inform the
participants at any point that the study had been commissioned by the military
and designed to investigate the participants' propensity to support terrorist
groups. The fact that this inform ation had to be uncovered by a student group
speaks to a lack of transparency and accountability at McGill, and to a
broader institutionalized culture of unethical research practices.
lndeed, the Universi ty's hi5tory is deeply t:iinte<l with unethical research. In the 1950s, a McGill
ps_ chiatrist conducted a series of expcrimcnb in sensory deprivation, drug use, and electroshock
therapy on patients as pa11 of the MK-UL1 RA proj ct, which was partially funded by the CIA
and the Canadian government. fn the 1960s and 1970s, the asbestos industry funded Profes<;or
John Corbett McDonald's research on the health effects of asbestos in which he used a faulty
k chnique, destroyed a part of his data, and concluded that chrysotilc asbestos was csscntiaJly
innocuous. Even though no other researcher has confirmed his fi ndings, the research continues to
be used today, especially in countries in the global south. In the 1980s, students began
uncovering weapons research at M cGill, which continues to this day the de' clopment of drones
and them10baric explosives.
The University has actively resisted efforts to hold its researchers accountable and refonn its
policies. Pressed to investigate the asbe<;tos research in 2012, McGill conducted an internal
review that exonerated McDonald, and held a conference on asbestos \\here criticism was heard,

but no action was taken. Yf cGill also approved limitations on military-funded research in 1988
under heavy pressure from students. but they were applied only sparsely, before being
completely abolished in 2010. As ~uch, it has proven impossible to institutionalize a. culture o f
accountability at McGill, as its researchers have no scruples with di sregarding even official
\ foGill poli~ics . The study on Somali Canadians m erely continues th e trend.
As the University reviews it" research conduct r egulation this year, a strengthening of the policy
to account for harmful con::,cqucnces of research, as well as b etter oversight in its application. is
impeiativc. However, policy rcfom 1 will remain a mere fonnality if it fails to be accompanied by
a shi ft toward an institutional culture of transp arency and accountability in research. It i not the
whistl cblowers' responsibility to bring ethical violations to public attention. The University mu<;t
purp scfully act to create a ~pace where unethical re~earch i!> no longer to1erate<l.

-1he McGill Daily Editorial Board

From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 8:39 AM
To: Ollivier Oyens, Prof.; Andre Costopoulos; Sophie Leblanc, Ms.; Olivier Marcil, Mr.; roseg; Jim Nicell,
Cc: Robyn Wiltshire; Ma rgaret Chant Colton, Miss; Jennifer Towell; Brett Hooton, Mr.
Subject: Daily editorial on SSMU general assembly


nr-r'"'nr-1"') 20 2014

Fall 2014 General Assembly


The Fall 2014 SSMU General Assembly (GA) brings a refreshing change from last
year's lacklustre GAs. A lthough the motions presented are few in number, they urge
SSMU to take a strong stance on cli mate change, military research, and the occupation
of Palestinian territories - political issues around which student groups have been
increasingly organizing in recent months. The fact that the majority of the motions were
moved by petition is also indicative of an increase in student engagement. As such, The
Daily welcomes an overdue re-politicization of SSMU and endorses each of the
:\lotion Regarding Action on Clima te Change - YES

This motion seeks student approval for SSMU to join l:tudiant(c)s Coutre les Oleoducs, a newly
created student coalition opposed to pipeline projects and fuel extraction in Quebec, and would
also require the VP .External to present a policy on climate change action in Winter 2015. It
would add SS MU ' s voice to that of 70,000 students across Quebec, strengthening SS MU's tics
to other Quebec universities and expanding upon work done intern ally by groups like Divest
McGill. As part of a younger generation, students hold a particular stake in combatting climate
change, and it is crucial that they show support to those most affected by climate change and
resource extraction - in Canada, Indigenous communities - through an action-based policy. The
Daily thus endorses a "yes" vote on this motion.

Regarding Support of a Campus Free from Harmful .Military T echnology

Development - YES

If passed, this motion would mandak SSMU to support campaigns opposing ham1ful military
research at \1cGill through the office of the VP External, strengthening SSMU's stance on the
issue. The Daily strongly opposes the development of harmful military technology at McGill,
whose targets are largely people of colour in exploited countries; academic freedom, like all
freedoms, is not absolute, and cannotjmtify research whose express purpose is to inflict

violence. Moreover, McGill has historically shown a scYcre

regarding its
milita1y research. As the uni\er!)ity is set to review its rescar h conduct regulations this year, a
majority "yes" vote on th1s moti m \\ ould add \vcight to the students' voice in the review,
complementing the work done by Demilitarize ~1c0ill 1n terms of direct action and popular
education .
.Motion Calling on SSM U to Stand in Solidarity with the People of the Occupied Palestinian
Territories - YES

The Daily endorses this motion, \\hi ch calls on SSMU to condemn the violence committed
against Palestinian civilians by the state oflsrael, as wd l its ongoing blockade of Gaza and
settlement expansion i n violation of international law. In a conflict where the Jisparity between
the two sides in tenns of infrn~tructurc, resources, military power, aud muuber of ch ilian deaths
is immense, SSMU must uphold its commitment to soci al justice by brcakin<T
compli city in the violence. In doing ~o, SSMU would follow the
kad of student unions across Canada v, ho have not on ly opposed the occupat ion, but have also
campaign. Taking a stance againi--t Israel 's
endorsed the
violations would also challenge the prevailing narrative of support for IsrncJ's actions, making
the McGill campu<> a safer space fi.>r people affocted by the Israeli state's violence.
---1 he McGill Dai~v Editorial Board

From : Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 5:14 PM
To: Daniel Jutras, Prof.; Andre Costopoulos; Ollivier Oyens, Prof.; roseg
Cc: Margaret Chant Colton, Miss; Robyn Wiltshire; Brett Hooton, Mr.
Subject: Daily on Air and Space Law protest

i\'l '\\'<l l )CTOBER 29 2014

Protesters disrupt conference on

military space law
l all for

. .

11,. ..


mor di1cct dction

"A rational d ialogue with the udmini!!.trntion will not solve the issues at hantl."
These were the words of a protester at the disturbance o f McGill 's Institute of Air and Space
Law (L SL)'s fi ve-day Strategic Space Law TntcnsiYc Program on October 28. The program is
meant to train lawyers in how to naYigatc ~pace law. A bout ten people, mostly M cGill students,
disrupted the conforencc taking place at the Best Western hotel with chanting ::u1d condemnations
of the program bcfr)rc pushing past security and escaping arrest.
Students entered tqc conference cquippe<.l with noise-makers and a large banner th at read
"dcm ilitariLe," chanting "a, anti . anti -imperialistc!" as they walked. Intcnu pting a p resentation
titkd " Law on space explorat ion an<l exploitation," they stood opposite the presenter tU1d
continued to make noise and chant more slogans such as "Colonizing outer space, fuck. your
bullshit arms race! " Attendees o f the conference appeared bemused and put-off; many recorded
the disruption on their phones, making a point of documenting the faces of each of the
Some in the con ference room began to engage protesters. One man asked why they had come, to
which one demonstrator responded, "We w ant military res arch off [the] campus. We w ant the
IJ\ SL to stop [its research]. " One man from the conference room asked the students to leave,
saying that they should be condu cting themselves in a more orderly manner.
Eventually, the hotel's security was called. Security guards blocked the doors of the room,
effectively detaining demonstrators while police were on their way. At this point, protesters
moved to leave th e conference, pushing past security and n mning dovm the stairs into the hotel
lobby. where more security guards were waiting for them. The group was able to push past. and
everyone escaped with the except ion of one protester, who stayed to attend the conference and
was allowed to leave later.

According to one protester, who wished to rem ain anonymous, the purpose o f the demonstration
was to "d isrupt their wor kshop sessions, and have a p resence that they weren't able to ignore in
opposition to the ideological project of the training week ."

"[O]ther fom1s of action, such as lobbying and symbolic protest, have proven ineffective and
cli scmpowering in the past, particularly at McG ill," the student protester told The Daily in an
email. "[T]lic lJnivcr::;ity is economically and ideologically invested in the co ntinuation of its
compl icit y in warfare, with little regard for ethics or the objections of students."

Strategic space law program

"With the Strategic Space Law Program, McGill it, eq uipping the U .S . Air Force and other
military interest!'> to establish weaponi7cd control o f space, multiplying their capacity to kill and
terrorize targeted populations on earth . This takes p lace behind the w ell -worn imperialist facade
of promoting 'rule of law,''' the prote-;ter told 'I he Daily in an email.
IASL' s Strategic Space Law Intensive Program i.s a week-long event, running from October 27
to 31, and seeks to t ea~h participant legal policy and "problem-solving skills" rd ated to ~pace
law, as well as how to "broadly unJ ershmd the interests and stakcholdc:s in a variety of contexts
as oci:tted \\ ith strategic space law," according to M cGill' s website. The program at McG ill will
be complemented by a grad uate course on strategic space la\\ in \ Vinter 2015 at the University of
Adelaide in Australia.

Both the Strategic Space Law Program and lASL ha\ c been condemned by campus group
Demilitarize McGill, wh ich has criticized these initiatives o n its website for promot ing the rule
oflaw as a tool for the U .S. and its allies to exert control over outer space and better compete
with "rival imperial ist powers on the diplomatic lcvd."

Professor Kuan-Wei Chen. who worh for the IASL and was present at the confon::ncc during the
disturbance, found the demonstration ineffective. " [The protesters] were invited to come, they
came, and what did they do? They shouted, they swore, they m ade a lot of noise, and then they
left," said Chen. " I really don't sec the purpose of that."

According to Chen, the protesters misrepresented the strategic space law program. "This
'A-Orbho p that's happening right now [ ... ] we want to emphasize to the military officers that there
are certain things that you are restricted to do by the law."

"\Vhat \ve're emphasize here is, there arc ten ions that arc happening up there, there are
extensions of co nfl ict or tension on earth, we need to constrain those tensions with use of
existing laws, but [the protesters] don't want to hear this," said Chen.

The protcskrs call ed for a larger movement to combat the expansion of mllitary r esearch.

"By showing that this form o f action is possible, we also inYitc others to join u -; in building a
movement capable of not only disrnpting but sh utt ing down this type o f event, to realize a
campus free of m ilitary collaboration: the protester said.

From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 7:54 AM

To: Jim Nicell, Prof.; Olivier Marcil, Mr.; Ollivier Oyens, Prof.; Andre Costopoulos; Louise Savard; Michael

Di Grappa, Mr.
Cc: Brett Hooton, Mr.; Jennifer Towell; Robyn Wiltshire; Carole Graveline, Ms
Subject: Daily on Demilitarize demo
Sounds like you had fun while I was away. The comments at the end of this piece are worth noting.

NEWS I <http://www.> MARCH lSTH, 20 14
Dem ilitarize McGill blockades site of ca mpus drone research
Police end demonstration after several hours
Written by Jordan Venton-Rublee <> I Visual by
Nicolas Quiazua <> I The McGill Daily

On the heels of the disclosure

<> of access to informati on (ATI) request s that revea led that researchers at t he Aerospace
Mechatronics Laboratory at McGill have received over $500,000 in contracts from the Defence Research and
Development Ca nada centre in Suffield since 2004, Demilita ri ze McGill took action t he morning of March 14
to blockade the Lab~ratory.
The blocka de, which took place in th e Macdonald Enginee ring build ing, was organized by Demilitarize McGill,
a campus group that protests military research at the university. It lasted nearly four hou rs before the Service
de la police de la Ville de Montreal (SPVM) ended t he demonstration.
"The resea rch creates a process by w hich McGill invest s itself in warfare, because [... ] military conflicts
provide both marketing opportunities and testing grou nds fo r wea pons developers and military researchers,"
sa id Kevin Paul, a member of Demilitarize McGill.
"Meaning that McGill benefits w hen war is being waged by virtue of t he wide array of military research
opportunities and labs that arguably would not exist without military funding," Paul continued.
The demonstration remained peaceful for the majority of the t ime, with most people popping their heads
into the hallway to take a gander at th e demonstration before carrying on. The Daily approached several
students around th e site of the blockade for interviews, though they declined to comment.
There were only t wo instances of brief scuffles between th ose trying t o access the labs and t hose in the
One of those insta nces saw Meyer Nahon, a mechanical engineering professor at McGill, and a researcher
with the Laborat ory, engage with the demonstrators, telling them th at they "have the wrong laboratory."
Naho n told The Daily that the research being done in the Laboratory "has huge positive applications [a nd]
potential applications . The only way we are going to find out if these applications can come to pass is if we do
some research on them."
"UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] can be used in a hundred different ways. Yes, one of those ways is to do
[and] cause harm. But there are 99 other positive things th at it ca n do - so does that mean that you do
absolutely nothing? That you don't do the work?" Nahon asked.

At times the interaction between Na hon and the demonstrators became heated; in one instance a
demonstrator told Na hon to "fuck off," and in response to demonstrators taking photos of him, Na hon
wrestled a phone out of a protester's hand, later giving it back.
Na hon insisted several times that he was "personally opposed to military research ." He added that he
believed in open, publicly available research.
"In order to assert my own views, to retaliate - because I'm not going to start breaking down the blockade - I
feel the best way to fight back against it is to do more of what they don't want me to," Nahon said,
referencing a claim he made that he would go out and seek further military funding.
Following the blockade, one of the participants of the demonstrat ion stated that they understood where
Nahon was coming from, but that they doubted his assertions of academic freedom .
"I think that there is a very strong case to be made that military-funded research is being funded by the
military because it obviously has military applications. Certainly that research can be used for other
purposes," the demonstrator said. "That being said, that doesn' t change the fact that the military has
technical problems and therefore commissions research and provides funding for research that presumably
will help it overcome these problems."
The participant also spoke to Na hon's claim that he was morally opposed to military research . "He claimed to
have an ethical opposition to military research, I think that[ ... ] if that statement was made in good faith [ ...]
you wouldn't do that, even if you were frustrated with us and our tactics."
"I guess he presents a dangerous and liberal idea, in that the freedom to research w hat you want is a
freedom that trumps all other freedom," the participant added . "Like the freedom to not be destroyed by,
say, a drone."
Despite the demonstration being peaceful, McGill security remained watchful, guarding the demonstration
on both ends of the hallway and occasionally reading out warnings from what they described as "the higherups," telling the demonstrators that if they did not move, the police would be called .
Around 11 a.m., two SPVM vans arrived at the scene. As soon as the police moved into the hallway, the
demonstrators left, with the SPVM eventually giving up pursuit.
When asked why the SPVM was called to campu s, Dean of Students Andre Costopoulos stated, "The
demonstration is always fine on campus, expressing an opinion is always fine - obstruction is wh ere we start
having a problem. We have a protocol that says if we have obstruction, we have to re-establish the ability of
the University to carry out its activities."
Costopoulos referenced the " Operating Procedures Regarding Demonst rations, Protests and Occupations on
McGill University Campuses," a document introduced in
<htt p:// ://> early 2012 following the occupation of the James Administration building.
The document, which received criticism from st udent unions, campus groups, and human rights
organizations, seeks to govern when and how protests and demonstrations can be held on campus.
In response to the SPVM presence, Paul said, " It sets a precedent that ultimately the University will defend its
research activities that are helping the military be able to kill people, through the use of force, [and] through
police intervention, repression, and intimidation of students."

From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 7:55 AM
To: Andrew Kirk, Prof.; Morton Mendelson, Dr.; roseg
Cc: Brett Hooton, Mr.; Robyn Wiltshire; Christopher Carson
Subject: Daily on demilitarize tour
~[\\' ~I


18TH. 201 3

Demilitarize McGill organizes

walking tour


:\ \H1lki11g tour oflocatious " her<.' M~Ci ill condu..:1> military l'card 1startC'd at '.lfi90 Pe<'i. home lo McGitrs Ir -r1luk' of .\ir .ind Space
Law (11\SI.), on Thur day. I h: 1011 - or ~n iz. I by a new incamation of DcmilitJ i1.: McGill. a st 1d~nt ,,. mp tb t ha ' be~'ll dormant
~ince ..,, I() - \\ .is attended b~ lp prC1\.immely 15 sru.icnts.

I h: lASL, which \\ as fo1111,l.::d in l Q5 I, conducts re~.: :irch f\'l' thi.; U.S ..\ir r occ. Their v. cb ,itc notes: 1or llll)r.; than a qm rtcr centcry.
the US Ai for..:e hil' beer: scnfa1g it' best a1d the. brif,htest officer to study ~puce L:!w . the !ASL"

Grnduat~-s from

\\ d i


the lASL oft...r. !!o on to wo1 l.. '' 'ith m1jnr g nanrnc1 ti1I milira1y 01 ani1afo11:;. ;;nch :is the U.S. and French .\ir Force;,
mJjor weapons manufacturers ~uch as Bo.::ing.

The group mowJ to the hall \\ ay in fro nt of the Shockwa\ .:: Ph; sics Group ( SP J in the Macdonald l'ngi ac.:rin5 hui ld!ng. \\ hen. Clc\C
lhggin<, a \ k Gill graduate , .11<1 un, ;;r.: ! the. PG 's links to rhc U.S. rnilitary in '.!OOt>, gave a pr~cnt:11ion vn rh.:ir p:st and pok11tial
cum:nr rcsearrh in th<.:rmobaric e-:plosi\ es.

I liggin .. \\ho ''"s an acth ist with the now ckfunct GrassRoots As~<.iat i on for SmJcnt PO\\ ;;r tGRASPe). wa< a fo unding m ~1 1, bcr of
Demil itariz.: \lcG:ll anJ v. rote tis thesis on \ k Gill's military ics.

ls:ia.: Stethcm, another men 1'cr of Demiiitarirc McGill, told the gr<>np about how \ k G1ll fi led a motion" ith the C'ommis\ion d'acc;;s a
!'information du Quebec agai nst 14 \1cG11l ~tmknts , ~cek in g to disregard sever.ii Acc.:ss to lnfo rm.1tion (Al I) 1cquests.

"The detail ~ ofthc<c labs aren 't known an) mor.::. That was one of the th i n g~ that was included in the ATI 11u:!sts [that \1cG ill ar.;
tefusi ng to provict::)," Hii;;;ins ~.tid.

The last stop was at 688 Sh.:rbrookc, which houses \ fcGill 's Computational Fluid Dyn;uuics tCFD) laboratof) . Kc\ in Paul, lnothcr
member of Dcmilit:irize McGill tl)ld the gmup that the CFD has prnd uced rc5earch on anti-icing technolnt1Y and sim~ lation software for
unmanned acrbl \.:hicles tUA \ '), including atta.:k drones used by the U.S. milit'lry.

_\ccordinr to Paul, afk r an .\Tl req uest 1 as filed on 1he CT D lab rel ming
largest mihtary c on.r ::to1

t'' their funJing b}

Le ckhced Mani11- ,1ne of the

\" O rl d ' ~

.11l mc.11tion c>f Lockhel'd Miltt" n was n:mo\ cJ fmr 1t1eir wcbsi.e.

"This raise, the qvc:"tion of 1he res arch prioritie cf th.: .icJ dcmic - \\ h.:thcr th:: acarkmics arc neutrJlly pursuin ~the ir ime1 ~~t s or the

RA- D de p.mmcm, tf these cumpan i~ ," Paul , aid.

D.:uilit. i .f <! '. lcGill .\ild the group 1 o\ d a:r,,~s 11.e hail\ ay lo ti e oftkes of !\e\\ meri.:<.! Tech1 ilogk., which , ell
th.11 dt:vt:lopecl al 1he CFD. Ne.\1ncri ~ al 's Pn:~i d en l, Profr %or \\'ai;d i H ;1b.1 ~hi , is abo thi: di1cc1or of the C! D l1h.

~i nil ar

soft\\ ar~. to

". \c~trdi n g to :\A~.\, [Ilic sy,tcnb markl\ed by NcwmcricJlj are !he iJcal ..oluti , lo t 1e U.-\ V ck -icin" d ikmr, a for G.neral Atomic,
- wln .ire ti.! ma11L1f,, ..rnr~; of c1 ery att.1ck. dron.: in t h~ lJ.~ .. " Pa ul ~<1i J.

Today, :'vlcGill


n' eMahi..h,'\I position to e1alu_1<' th.: p<lte111i.1l ham 1s nfmili tary rese 1rch. somdl i11 McGill w.ints tu

Lh nge.

In 1 0( ~), McGill lifted r<'~ltlat ' m~ that m.1de reseirchcrs \\ho r. ~eiH. mo nc~ from th~ milit.11y indicntc \\hdht r th1: re~card1 they \\ e n:
doini h.1d diro.:t han1f I con .cqt1<nces. The lifti : of tl ;;,.: rq~ulution~ h;1~ kt 1!1c Gniver>ily with no polk y ~iJclines on milit3ry
res ...1r.h.

''Th line on milit.lf)

111 've~iti t:

res~ irch


[does 1.01] appear in l ;my"I 01:1er resc m;h p lie ~ guideline$ at the fo:J aal lei cl, or "ith my v f o ur pe~r
:\tunrvc Blum tol l 'f he Dail); in 2009.

Heuth ~r

B ut for Alk i , Ngu) Ctl, a mcm&cr ofl><:milit.tri/.l' McGill, "This is ll<'l an acc<~OIJbk excu'e t". J.1.;k nn l'lhk.11 review."

From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 7 :29 AM
To : roseg; Andrew Kirk, Prof.; Gregory Dudek, Prof.; Olivier Marcil, Mr.
Cc: Brett Hooton, Mr.; Jennifer To we ll
Subject: Daily on military research



From the lab to the battlefield

Military research at McGill has a long history.

Beginning in 1984, the campaign "Demilitarize McGill" advocated for the crafting of a policy and the prohibiti on
of military research at the University. That same year, journalists from The Daily discovered research into Fuel
Air Explosives at McGill funded by the Canadian Department of Defense. In 1986, Senate - the University's
highest academic governing body - implemented the Regulations on Research Policy, a set of ethical policies
that included guidelines for animal and human research.

Military research, however, was not mentioned.

Two years later. research into Fuel Air Explosives once again became an issue at McGill.

In 200 1, mechanical engineering professor David Frost began working on thermobaric bombs, an explosive
device that can produce blast waves for a much longer duration than those found in conventional explosives.

In March 20 10, Senate passed new Regulati ons on Conduct of Research Policy that ommitted the ethical
regulations proposed by a new Demilitarize McGill , revived after a lull of nearly twenty years.

Senate's decision came a year after Associa te Provost (Policies & Procedures) William Foster presented a
draft of the policy to Demilitarize McGill.

The draft, which was also showed to then SSMU VP (University Affairs) Nadya Wilkinson, contained a
passage which explicitly called for the creation of a formal system of approval which would give the senior
administration oversight for research with harmful potential.

The section was erased at the first reading of the policy.

'The policy is ready to be adopted right now , and every month that goes by without having a document like this
is dangerous [and] is not good for the University. We need this to come in force as soon as possible," thenVice-Principal (Research & International Relations) Denis Therien said in a 2010 article in The Daily.

At the Senate session where the Policy wa s discussed, Senator Darin Barney noted that the "previous section
on research funded by military sources did not assume that all research from those sources was harmful, but
instead was based on the premise that research funded by military sources was more liekly to have harmful
appiications than other granting agencies."

Student Senator Ivan Neilson said 'that the amendment does not mention military research, but instread
restricts itself to harmful applications. He agreed that what constitutes harmful research is subjective and that is
why the responsibility is placed on the researcher."

A number of professors at McGill are currently involved in scientific research whose results often have military
applications. Financed by large defense firms, the research is conducted on campus or, in some cases, at
private firms.

In 2003, after a 12-year tenure at McGill, robotics professor Martin Buehler brought two robots from the McGill
Centre for Intelligent Machines (CIM) to Boston Dynamics, a U.S. engineering company.

RHex, one of the robots brought to Boston Dynamics. was partially built at McGill and was financed by the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), an agency responsible for the development of new
technologies for the U.S. military. RHex is equipped with a built-in camera and was designed to provide
unmanned reconnaissance for soldiers in battle.

According to the Army Times, weekly newspaper that caters to U.S. soldiers, several RHex robots were
deployed for testing to Afghanistan in May.
Buehler later led a S12-million project in 2005, called "Big Dog," to construct a robotic mule capaqle of
transporting equipment to soldiers over rough terrain. The program received an additional $32 million grant in
2009 ior the development of an upgraded version.

Another robot, AQUA, derived from the origi nal RHex architecture and capable of functioning underwater, is
currently being developed at CIM under the supervision of computer science professor Gregory Dudek. Despite
its resemblance to RHex, Meyer Nahon - a professor linked to the project - insists that AQUA is designed to
"assess marine habitats and biodiversity on coral reefs."

However, Nahon said that "some researchers are working much more directly with military applications" and
that there wa s
"clearly" an issue with funding from defense firms.

According to Na'lon, professors conducting applied research with direct mirtary funds are not devoid of
responsibility; th e ethical burden, however, should not be solflly placed on them .

"Maybe the University should have a policy on this," he added.

But for more theoretical research, the problem is not in the research itself, Nahon said. "The place where
control has to be made is where it is going to be used."

From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2014 9:45 AM
To: Sarah Stroud Associate Vice-Principal (Research and Internat ional Re lations); Lynda McNeil; Victoria
Percival-Hilton; Susan Murley; Brett Hooton, Mr.; Meaghan Thurston, Ms.; Chris Chipello, Mr.
Cc: Ollivier Oyens, Prof.; Andre Costopoulos
Subject: Daily on research allegations

~ l WS ! '

nTEMBER 6, 2014

McGill researchers allegedly

committed ethical breach in



parti ip11nh

Researchers from the psychology departments at McGi!I and Carleton University

allegedly breached research ethics in a study conducted in 2012 and funded by the
Canadian military, according to
released on August 28 by campus group
Demilitarize McGill. The researchers, which included McGill psychology professor
Donald M. Taylor and then-PhD student Michael King, fa iled to inform the research
subjects of the fund er and intended counterinsurgency applications of the research.
According to a
sub mitted by the researchers to Defonce Research and Development
Canada (DRDC)- the re&earch w ing of the Canadian military and the funder of the study eighty Somali Can adians were given a survey "designed to shed light on the attraction of young
people to Anned Non-state Actors,' and their responses were analyzed "in tcnns o f their
relationship with support for engaging in terrorism."
The participants of the study, however, v.erc informed of the purpose of the research in very
d ifferent tenns. After taking a q uestionnaire entitled "Your voice: Somalia according to
Somali~," they were notified that the research "aims to understand which groups you identify
\.\:ith, what your feelings arc about y mr group s status, and what you think can be Jone for th
futLu-e of yom group."
Demilitarize McGill member Isaac Stcthem described the c;tudy to The Daily in an in terview.
"Essentially, what the military seems to be interested in finding out is how young Somali
Canadians fed about groups such as al-Shabaab, which the Canadian state views as a tcrrorisl
organization; there w ere also questions about Muslim identity, how strong their ~~anad ian versus
Muslim identity was," said S tethcm.

", TO\vherc in any of th e documentation [ ... ] they gave to participants did they say either that the
l urposc of the study 'vvas to prO\ idc information to the military on sympathy for what they
termed ' non-state actors,' nor did they ad ually disclose that the mil itary was funding it," added
Stet hem.
Stethem argued that the failure to J isclosc the fonder and the full purpose of the research, even in
the debriefing documentation given to participants aflcr they completed the survey, is a violati ou
of the
, which governs research ethics in Canada.
"When you do a study on human subjecb , you have to get their informed consent [... which] is
supposed to include what is the purpose of the study, as well as who is funding it. That wasn't
done here.''

Researcher defend!! phrasing of research purpose

.1ichacl Wohl, pro fessor of psychology at Carleton and lead investigator in the study, argued
that the purpo-;e of the n :search was pre 'ented accurately to U1e participants.

"l he purpose of the research on the Somalis, as outlined in the cons 'nt form, was to understand
the issues facing Somalis in Canada," Wohl told T he Dail y. "The i s~u c of support for al-Shabaab
i-., but one small piece of a larger study trying to undcrstan<l lu)\\ this m arginalized community is
adjusting to life in C an ada."

"They [DRD C] arc interested in a broad spcctrnm of issues, one of them being how different
groups adjust to being in Canada," addcJ Wohl.
~ h en a-.,kcd whether the participants were info rmed that the report on the study would be
transmitted to the DRDC, Wohl said, ''l\o. It's the same as if [ ... ] we published in an academic
journal, we don' t then go b ack and direct [the participants] to the journal."

"We strongly suspect that there was a fear among the researchers that if they told people what
the study really was, then p eople might have been less inclined to participate."
Stethem, however, held that Wohl's compari~o11 was faulty. "Of course, one can never predict
every possible application of a study, but in this case it very clearly <lid have pl anned uses and
applications that were knmrn beforehand," said Stethcm.

"from the outset, [the researchers) wer e told to design a study that will tell us if and why people
arc attracted to 'armed non-state actors,"' he added. "That was the point of the contract t11ey were
paid for, and clearly somethi ng that could have been J isclosed to pmticipants and \vasn't."

Taylor, \\ ho was a co-investigator on th e study, did not return The D aily's request for comment.

Requirement to disclose source of funding wah cd

Shelley Brown, chair of Carleton 's Psychology Ethics Board, which approved the study,
conceded that the requ irement to disclosi: the identity of the funder of the 1 cscarch is prc'> cnt in
the Tri-Council Pol icy Statement. However, she noted that the requi rement c:in be wa ived <it the
discretion of the ethics board if the researcher provides a rationale.
In an t'mail to T he Daily, Research Ethics Officer Lynda M ~Nci] confinncd that McGill operates
in t he same manner. "It is then up to the REG [Res 'arch Ethics Board] to consider, for ach
specific proj ect, w hether all clements liste<l, such ai; the identity of the funder, are necessary to
the corn.cnt process of a specific project," wrote McN eil.
" The data that was collcdcd was stripped of all p.:rsonal identifiers," Bro\\ n told 'I he Daily.
"There was no risk to participants that their responses would [ ... ] be shared w ith anybody outside
of the research tt~am, namely DRDC. Becaust: the risks had b een mitigated in terms of
confidentiality, [... ] the requirement to hm e the source of the funder in the infonncd consent
[form] \\as waived."
In response, Stcthcm a rgued that the fact that confi dentiality wa<; protected was not a suffi cient
rationale to waive the requirement to J isclosc the funder.

"111c researcher has to present an argum..:nt and com1ncc the hoard there's a good reason [to
. w aive the requirement], and they [the Board] didn't seem to b ab1e to provide any reason ,"
Stcthcm said. " We strongly suspcct that there w as a fear among the researchers that if they told
people what the study really was, then people might have b en less inclined to participate."
Military research: beyond weapom
As a group that fights military research at th~ university, D militarize McGill has focused its
work in the past on research in science and engineeri ng with military application in foreign
wars, such as the development of drones and explosives. How ever. the study on Somal i
Canadians shows that the scope of military research at McGill extemh beyond these
technologies, Demilitarize McGill member K evin Paul cxplnined in an em ail to The Daily.
"Dr. Taylor' s work shows that rnilitary research at McGill not only suppo1i s the deYelopment of
missiles and drones used to kill people in distant wars and occupations, but also augments th e
capacities of military and intelligence to :::. urv~il and control domestic popul ations, pmticuJarly
those non-white groups t hat the Canadian state deems inherently threatening," said Paul.

Echoing Paul's sentiments, Stcthem spoke to the broader role of university research in
perpetuating systems of opprcs::.ion and ~ocial control.

"There's also an enormous amount [ ... ] of sociJ.l science research being done for [the] military,"
said Stcthem. "It's a sort o f trend where social science research is bt:ing used in order to improve
the cffecti veness of [ ... ] military strategics - in tenn s of imperialist "" ars you see going on in a
variety of places, and also in tcnn s o f internal policing, repression, and so on."
"[What's notable is] certainly not only that these kinds of instances of opprlqsion go on, but also
the e\.knt to which uni vcrsit ie~ contribute to them, and giYc them [... ]prestige and funding."

From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 4:56 AM
To: roseg; Jim Nicell, Prof.; Fabrice Labeau, Prof.; Sarah Stroud Associate Vice-Principa l (Research and
International Relations); Brett Hooton, Mr.; Meaghan Thurston, Ms.; Hannah Michalska, Prof.
Cc: Ken Whittingham, Mr.; Jennifer Towell; Julie Fortier; Carole Graveli ne, Ms; Olivier Marcil, Mr.
Subject: Daily on research review



" ................

6TH, 2014

McGill to review research conduct

regulations amid military research
hip \\ ith ddcncc conll aclLH

I 1 k of lran ...pan.:nc_\

Last week, Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU) VP University

Affairs Claire Stewart-Kanigan released a statement
will undergo review in t~e 201415 academic year. This information was released alongside a callout for
reactions to
written by McGill Engineering student Ghalia Elkerdi
to Hannah Michalska - a professor at the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering - alleging that military applications of Michalska's
research were contributing to the recent
in Gaza.
Stcwart-Kanigan prompted students to sen<l their thoughts on the letter to Michalska; Rose
Goldstein, McGill's vice-principal ofrescarch and international relations; \Vagdi Habashi, the
director of the
(CFO) Laboratory; and Inna Sharf: leader of th\.!
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles research group. These researchers have all been
Demilitarize McGill - a campus group that opposes military research at the university- for the
alleged military applications of their research.
Michalska has, so far, received a few responses from students; Goldstein and Sharf have received
Habashi could not be reached for comment.

"The [U]niversity's commitment to seeking out private funding to sustain its grossly overinflated
budget means it w ill be near impossible to implement any real constraints on research that draws
in money even if it destroys lives."

- Mona Luxion
Demilitarize McGill member
Last review ed in 20 I 0, the Regulation is a year late for its ~chcduled triennial update. !'he
review, to be led by Goldstein, will be conducted by an eight-person committee, w hich will
include Stewart-Kanigan as the.: SS-Y1 U rcprc!lentativc. one Po: t-Grnc.luate Students' Society
(PG SS) representative, three academic staff to be chosen b y a Senate nominatin g committee. and
tlm:~ rcprescntati ves appointed n.:spcctivdy by th e Provost, the Vice-Principal (Research and
International R elations), imd the Dean ,f G raduate an<l Postdoctoral Studies.
The full committee


will be made public in September after it is approv d by Senate.

Stewait-Kanigan told The Daily tl at it is important for students to voice their opinions to
committee rnprcsentatives during the review process. ''I 'll be pushing from inside of the
c01mnittcc to hold a genuine consultation procl'ss and to h ave a lot of open sessions for students
to voice their concerns," she said . "rt makl:s st udent representatives a much stronger pa1t of a
committee if they c::m bring forward concrete ..::tndcnt testimony that indicates a particular
position or a particular opinion."
'.\tona Luxion, a member of Demilitarize McGill and fo rmer Daily columnist, was not optirni<;tic
about the impact of the impending revie\1;. "[M]ilitary research and collaboration i ~ embedded in
McGill' ~ working model," Luxion told The Daily in an 'mail. "The [U]niver~ity's commitment
to seeking out private fonding to sustain its grossly overinflated budget means it will be near
impossible to implement any real constraints on research that draws in money even if it destroys
Stewart-Kanigan cmphasi.led that the University must m ake mon.: infonnation available to the
McGill community if it wants to facilitate meaning ful consultation. "Th e University need~ to be
upfront abo ut what the research practices look like right now, because a lot of that [information]
is withheld from ~tudents," she said.
In Ylarch, the University released heavily redacted documents - requested by Demilitarize
McGill under the
- that
a connection b etween McGill and
military manufacturer Lockheed Mmi in via the CF D Laboratory, and
campus drone
research to th e Canadian Department of. rational Defonce. The U niver~ ity
reque~ts in comt for a year, but
the suit in January.

Elkcrdi'::, letter, published in July and reforcnccd in Stcwart-Kanigan's announcement, argues

that Section 2.01 of Q uebec's
requires researchers to t3ke
responsibility for the applications of their research. The Code states that "the engineer must[ ... ]
take into accow1t the consequence:. of the perfonnance of his work on the environment and on
the life, health and property of every person."
Michalska questioned some of Plkcr<li's assertions in an email to The Daiiy. " I do wish the
author had contacted me before writing her post. [ ... ] I do not object to people ho lding opinions
difkrent than my own, but what is most impo11:111t is that we examine these complc1>. issues as
evenly and dispassionately as possible, so that we can avoid exaggerations and extrapolations
that don't hold up once the facts arc known."
In an email to The Daily. Sharf dcfendcJ her own research as well as Michalsku' s. "Researchers
in uni\~rsities do a \\ idcrangeofwork with [a] multitude of possible applications. Anyone's
\\ ork, being published jn opcn literature. can be put to a variety of means." Sharf continued, "Tt
is people who begin wars, not \Vcapons nor the underlying technologies."
Gol<lstcin tol<l 1110 Dail) that, because research becomes publicly available, it can be difficult to
predict how it will be used . However, she emphasized th at concerns over research applications
arc being heard. "[The Elkerdi] pi1;cc and other issues that have been raised arc i ~sucs that we
take seriously. \\'care going to be looking at these topics in the review process."
Luxion maintained that researchers do hold some re<>ponsibility for the applications of their
work. "[W]hcn research is Jone for the military or in par1ncrship with dcfonse [sic] contractors,
it's sticking one's head in the sand to claim i!:,rnorance about the end use of that work,'' they

From: Doug Sweet, M r.

Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:19 AM
To: roseg; Olivier M arcil, Mr.; Michael Di Grappa, Mr.; Ollivier Dyens, Prof.; Andre Costopoulos
Cc: Brett Hooto n, Mr.; Jennifer Towell; Stephanie Isaacs; Robyn Wiltshire; Margaret Chant Colton, Miss
Subject: Daily on SSMU referendum results
Something here for everyone.

'45 2014

SSMU GA, referendum results




.. , re'"

l\l: ,1

m jorit) ') "


The re-.ults of the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU)

onli nc rntification and the
have been released, with all motions und
questi ons pas~ing.
"In the interactions that we do have with the administration w here we k t them know w hat
students' prioriti~:, an~, all of these moti.ons are going to affect. what that is," S~l\ IU VP
University Affairs Claire Stewart-Kanigau told The Daily in regards to the GA ratification.

Harmful militllry research

111c Motion Support of a Campus Free from Hann fol \ filitary Technology
Development. which faced heavy debat1.:, passed
45.0 J er cent voting "no."

\V i th

55.0 per cent of students rnting "yes" and

SSMU VP External Amina Moustaqim-Barrette told T he D aily that this motion w ould allow her
to more effectively support groups that have been mobilizing against military research, such
Stewart-K anigan said that she would take into account the close margin by w hich the mot ion
passed. "I am looking to do . ome outreach to make sure that those students [opposed to the
m otion] aren't completdy feeling left out by this stance, and [to] assure that we can take on the
work of advocating fo r alternative sources of [research] funding."

Climate change
The Motion Regarding Action on Climate Change passed, w ith 78.7 per cent voting
21.3 per cent voting "no."



"The effect [of this motion ] will be to show politicians that students will not be silent on an issue
that will have a grdve effect on our foture if our government does not take action now,"
Moustaqim-Barrcttc told The Daily in an email.
The motion also mandates SSMU to join
(ECO), or "students
again'>t pipelines." According to Moustaqim-13aITettc, ECO will represent around 90,000
students now that SSMU has joined.
"Th e motion also [w ill] give SSMU a lot o f room to act in solidari ty with Indigenous peoples
resisting large-scale extraction projects," said DiYe~t McGill member Brom\ en T~cker.

Stance against austerity

TI1c Motjon Regarding Solidarity Against Austerity passed with 82.6 per cent voting " yes" and
17.4 per cent voting "no," and will result in SS 1\1U releasing a statement against au~terity
mca ~ure:::. and taking a stronger &tance against austerity \\ hen interacting \\ ith the administration.

Moustaqim-Barrett0, v.ho, during the GA. condemned the passive response of the administTation
to recent provincial budgd cuts, spoke positively about the results, told The Daily th at the
motion will help strcg11thcn SSMU's tics with other universities in Quebec taki ng similar
Stc wart-Kanigan said that SSMU' s new stance against austerity puts her in a good
the University to take a m re forceful message to the prm incial govcmmcI)t.




Fall referendum results

(BS.N) fee passed in the Fall referendum, with 54.7 per cent voting
"yes" and 45.3 per cent voting "no." BSN will now be recciYing a scmestcrly fee of S0 .40 per
full-time student and $0.20 per part-time student.
Overall, BSN represen tatives were enthusiastic about the results of the referendum.

"It says a lot about the McGill c~Jmmunity that peop le arc supporting us now,'' .BSN CoPresident Melanie Enama told The Daily. "It's telling us thal we shouldn't be afraid to also reach
out to more people."
BSN will be working more with other servic s and branching out to the community. Enama
noted that the foe w ill help bting Ta-Nchisi Coates, a prominent speaker, to McGill in
collaboration with the McGill Debating Union. BSN will also be increasing the size o f its annual
Children's D ay, a community outreach event for elementary and high school students to learn
more about university and Black History Month 'to show them that university is something
that's po'isiblc for them."

" H's definitely positive, only positive vibes," sai<l Enama.

Th0 1 VM: Student Television at McGill foe restructuring also passed, with 6 1.3 per cent voting
' 'yl!s" an<l 38.7 per cent voting "no."
The plebiscite question regarding a change to a preferential ballot voting system for SSYIU
el ctions saw 78. 7 per ccn l voting "yes" aml 2 1.3 per cent voting "no."
'I wo pleb iscite quc~tiom regarding cycling on campus also received a majority "yes" vote. The
first, which asked whether cycling should be al l<)\\ cd on lower campus, -;a\\ 63.2 per cent vote
" yes" and 36.8 per cent ' ot "no." The second, which asked if SSMU <>hould lobby the
administration to allow bike on campu<;, had 60.4 per cent vote 'yes" and 39.6 per cent vote

- With file<> from Janna Bryson

l all referen dum resuhs

















;ii :::


SSJV1U GA online ratification results



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From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 8:52 AM
To: Jim Nice II, Prof.; roseg
Cc: Brett Hooton, Mr.; Andre Costopoulos; Ollivier Oyens, Prof.
Subject: Daily on the positive uses of drones
This is a long read, but a very nice ly balanced piece about drones.

SCI 'I l'C'l I OCT'"''"'r-q 20, 2014

Pacifist drones
:\ I



tcd111olo )

Drones. What comes to mind when you hear that word? For many, drones
have become synonymous with death and evil Orwellian robots that
ominously hover over the sky, like something out of a sci-fi novel. This is
particularly true in the U.S., where Predators (weaponized drones that are
being used by the CIA to target 'militants') have been responsible fo r the
deaths of more than hundreds of civilians. As a result, media coverage of
drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), has mainly focused
on its application within a military context. While, the militarization of drones
and their horrific repercussions are a reality, it's not a comprehensive one.
'lb constant negative portrayal of drones in the media has shaped the public's misconception of
this fa:scinating and intricate technology. Due to their military application, a lack of good science
communication, and tight regulations SLUTounding their commercialization in North America,
drones are facing a hug~ public image problem.
The U.S. Congress has gi\en the Federal A\iation Administration (FAA) a 201 5 deadline to
loosen its regulations and integrate drones into civilian airc;pace, which will allow for mote
commercial and domestic use of drones. The Association of Unmanned Vchicl Systems
lntemational (AU VS I) has projected that by 2025, integrating the commercial use of drones in
the U.S. \.\. ill have a large economic impact, reaching $82. 1 billion dollars and creating 100,000
j >b .
Although there are problems that need to be faced with integrating drones into our society, it is
hopefully a step in the right direction to elim inating skewed public perceptions. From the good to
the bad to the dow111ight silly, the possible applications of drones seem endless. Whether you
believe in the use of drones in the military or not, i t is crucial to understand the full extent of
what they can do for society, starting with the research here at McGill, and the many different
applications around the world.

Dron es at .M cGill
lt's a bird, it's plane ... if s a drone! The aptly-named Dav id Bird, a professor of Wildlife Biology
at McGill, has been stud1ing birds of prey for the pa'>t 45 year~. Bird is regarded as a leader in
hi.:; fi eld, being among 1he first biologists in No1th Ame1ica to integrate UAVs into wildli fe
research and m anagement.

He realized t he possibility about d ght years ago with a former ornithology student, whi le
working on a proj ect that investigated the possibility o f a drone designed to look like a hawh.. to
scare away falcons from a vineyard. Since then, and with tht:: help of the Kenneth M Molson
foundation. he has been able to successfull y use drones in his other projects, su h as
und rstanding ho birds respond to drones and wild lifo population tracking.
Bird is currently looking at the potential use of drones equipped \\ ith noisemakers to scare away
nuisance birds, like Canadian geese that attack crops and starling flock'> that dam age vineyards.
He is fast to point out that drone-;, in comparison to helicopters, improve data accuracy, arc more
cost-cfTcctivc and time-cflicicnt, and are less stressful to the wildlife they track. He specifically
emphasizes the element of safety. "The number one source o f mortality for bird wildlife experts
is <lying in a plane crash. UAVs eliminate this threat. "
I Iis enthusiasm for the possibi litics of drones has led him to create the Journal of Unmanned
T'ehiclc Sy\t<!ms, which publishes four times per year onl ine. Bird is a huge adv )Cate for the
potential application of drones in general, saying, " For the first time in my lifo as a scientist, I
feel like I'm on the cusp o1 something great."
Pcm1its from Transport Canada arc hard to come by, and have forced Bird to conduct some of
his research outside the country. In fact, Bird proudly m entions that he is the first Canadian
researcher to be granted permission to use a large fi xed-winged UA \'over a forest in Labrador,
within a military-controlled area, to detect the signals of woodland caribou and their movement
patterns. 'l11is is a huge feat, considering the stri ct drone regulations in Canada.
A lthough he is a finn believer in using drones, Bird approaches their use with caution and agrc<.:s
\Vith the ~trict regulations enforced by the FAA and Transport Canada. "At tim es you can haYc
no control over [drones]. You can have flyaways where the computer goes haywire."

The possibility of providing aid to millions of people around the world, with no access to
h ealthcare, clean water, or even road infrastructure is a powerfully exciting future to think of.
He st.res es that there is still a long way to go b~fore the iisks are eliminated, which is why he's
concerned about how readily available they are to amateurs. "Anyone can go into a hobby store
and buy a helicopter with a camera on it." The problem with accessibility, Bird points out, is if

you're not respon~ible when fl ying around an urban area, like downtown Montreal, it can lead to
horrible crash1.. s involving innocent civ ilians or intcrforing with private prop 1iy.
In June, a drone being usc<l to film a commercial in Jowntow n Vancouv r crashed into a
building. Luckily, no one was inj urcd imd an investigation by 1 ransport Canada resulted in no
charges against the operator of the drone. However, the City of\'tmrouver did issue a temporary
ban, wh ich has since been lifted. There have also been several incidents of small drones being
used to airdrop drugs into prisons in Qt1ehcc.
It' ~ "stupid actions" such as the aforementioned that Bird w 1rries might make Transport Canadn
forth r ti ~hten lts regulations, as the f<AA did in the U.S ..
Anotlicr area Bird fed s very ::.trongl) about is the mi ~concepti on behind drones. " Public
percept ion bothers me. ( ... ] Conjure up the word <lroncs and people i.hink of the U.S. k illing
people,'' he says irritably.

Like many. Bird agrees that there is a c;evere lack of scien tific com munication when- it comes to
drones and b d ieves that "it is the rc:,ponsibility of scientists working w ith [drones] today that
need to show they can be used for good and not evil."

Advancing the s'cicnce

Meyer N ahon, a professor of Mechanical Engineering, focuse'> his research on the lmderlying
science of UA Vs rather than the J.pplication. The goal of his gr up is to further deYclop
technology so drones cau become fully au tonomous. This means a drone wouldn't require direct
control from one person, but rather a specific command (such as flying from Montreal to
T oronto), wh ich it can route them selves. Another project his lab is currently working on is
land ing a lJA V on a m oving platfom1.
Most of Nahon's work with drones takes place indoors, where they arc 1.. asily controlled and safo
away from the public. With the spike of interest in civil drones, he sympathizes with regulatory
bodies like Transport Canada who arc under a great deal of pressure. He stresses that there is a
high risk associ ated with tlying drones over a populated area, as there is very little expe1i ence
compared to other aerial vehicles.
Even with a large comm ercial push, Nahon is "personally skeptical we will see billion8 oflittle
drom's flying around our heads anyt ime soon."
No stranger to protests, N ahon has had to face backlash for h is own work on drone technology.
Last year, Demilitarize McG_ill blockaded the Aerospace Mechatronics Lab, where Nahon is a
researcher. .
In response to whether he believes it's the respon sibility of scientists to communicate the
misconceptions of drone technology, he states, "It's not that we hide our h ads in the sand; but

rather b ecause we arc confident there are many positive (and non-mili tary) rca::.ons to want to do
He adus. "1 his ic.; \vhat we arc interested in, this is why we are in university. The application or
the use o f this technology is detem1incd by the people that make use of it ( . .. ] It would be like
saying, well there shoul dn 't be any r c.: scarch done on the internet bccau~e it's being uc;cd by the
military, but look where we arc now, it 's analogous [ ... ] it's a mistake to focus on the negative
when there are so many benefits.''

J.ike N ahon, Profe!,sor Inna Sh, rf in :Mechanical Engineering also focuses her research on
autonomous UAV technology, so they can be applied succ1:!-isfully. Her intcrc::.ts lie \Vith small r
re lary vehicles, including how to mak.c them last longer and withstand elements, l ike the wind.
Sharf is also currc11tly locking at alg rithms to allow llA Vs to recover fro m collisions.
Sharf has come under scrutiny fr m campus activists, esp cially Demilitarize McGill, for the
funding of her research. While Sharf has deni d the military applications of her work, in the past,
documents obtained by access to information (A TI) request'> revealed that she received several
contracts from Def nee Resean.:h and Development Canada in Suffield, totalling more than
Sharf encourages other researcher s in her position to speak up when they get a chance, but at the
end of the <lay she belieYcs, "It is we as society, it is all of our responsibili ty to make sum how
patticular tcclmology is used."

Drones around the world

There are many applications of drones that have the ability tu impact society in a positive way.
However, many arc put on hold until drone kchnc logy can develop, or until regul ating bodies
(such as the FAA or Transport Canada) loosen their restrictions on commercial drones. Here arc
a few .
Musical drones'?
The Montreal-produced classical music video channel, nonccrto, is currently enlisting the aid of
a drone to capture its original footage. W ac] Chanab. nonccrto's drone videographer, first
proposed the idea while overhearing the director, A lexandra Oakley, discuss a particular shot she
wanted for a classical music video. " I suggested th at a drone could probably achieve it, and
researched a few possibilities. nonccrto decided to purchase a drone for cl assical music videos
and offered me an internship for the summer with their non-profit organization op1,...'T<t ting the

Chanab says that nonccrto's drone has allowed for "interesting and unique perspectives of arti sts
playing concerts in unusual and unique locations in Mo ntr~al" in addition to capturing ''stunning
angles and mo\'ement."
One great reason for the use of drones, according to, is that it allows for an efficient,
asy-to-u "e tool at the disposal of the video directors, and it' s also much more cost-friendly
compared to other aerial vehicles.
Being one of the first organization<; to shoot clas~ical music videos with a dr nc, noncerto is
definitely adding to the versatility and list of possibilities of this technology.

The age of farm drones

According to the ALIVSI, agricultural appli cations of drones will account for $75.6 billion by
2025 in th l: U.S., mah.i ng it by far the most dominant market. There is a huge demand from
farmers w ith large acres ofland, as drnni:s arc being created to assess the health of er )P S and
livestock, increase yields, save money, and quickly detect infestation or drainage i<>suc . One
potential impact is th~ reduction of pesti cides (and other chemicals). Since drones arc able to
quickly find infested area~, they can spot-spray a precise area rath er than mass spraying
unnecessary acres as they cmr ently do, which would have great environmental benefits.
Agricultural drones have been used in Japan for years, allowing fmmcrs to tend to their land
more q uickly, effectively, and efficiently. Many now hdievc this is foe time for agriculture in
North America to adopt this technology.
Disaster 1clicf and humanitarian aid
More and more non-profits and sta1t-up companies have aimed to use drones for social good
during times of disaster for communities who arc in need of aid.
One start up company, Mattemct, aims to accelerate the process of humanitarian responses with
the use of drones to deliver m edicines and other crucial supplies to remote areas. In 2012,
Mattemet condu cted its first field trials in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. They were able to
succes~full y distribute medication to camps set up after the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti
and deliver supplies and diagnostic kits from big healthcare centres to smaller, remote ones in the
Even though the company has developed safety precautions for its drones, including shutting
them down if hijacked, Mattern ct is still working on making them safer before considering
humanitarian deployment.

More and more non-profits and start-up companies have aimed to use drones for social good .
during times of disaster for communities who are in need of aid.

Additionally, this year, Google also announced its plans to usc autonomous drones to help
deliver relief to disaster-stricken an.:as. lts program entitled "Project Wing" has been ru nning test
flights in Qucen~land, Australia, since the regulations on drones there are more la id back
compared to North America.
The p ossibility of providing aid to millions of peopl e around th~ world, \\ ith no access to
healthcare, d ean water, or even road infrastructure is a powerfully exciting future to think of.

Lights, camera, drnn es !

Kew and shiny technology: of course Hollywood wanted a bit of drone-loving. Although the film
industry ha s been using drones in other counttics where regulations are less stringent, the FAA
has now given the green light for six tei cvision and movi e production companies to film using
drones on U.S. soil.
Knock knock ... drone delivery!
Whether you find it cool or downright silly, million'> of dollars are being invested to have drones
deliver to your doorstep. Dom ino's Pizza (yeah, you read that right), has tested the
'DomiCoptcr,' a pizza delivery drone that deli\ crs to) our home in ten minutes. Alas, it was j ust
a clever marketing ad by the company, but who knows: maybe it will bt;come a reality! It would
give a whole new meaning to the tcnn fast food.
\Vhat is real, howc\er, arc the millions ,\mazon is spending to develop drone tcchnolot,ry so that
its products can be c.Jcli' crcd in thirty minute after they arc purchased.
Sca1ch aml rescue
One of the first successful documcritcd cases using a search and rescue drone occurn:d in
Saskatchewan in May 201 3. T he RCt\1P were unable to fi nd an injured victim of a car crash
whose vehicle h ad rolled over in the mi du le of the night in a remote area. A ground sea iCh and
an air amb ulance'' ere unable to find the victim. The RCMP launched a drone after receiving a
call from the victim's cellphone; equipped with h eat-sensing technology, the drone was able to
locate the victim. What could have potentially resulted in a fatality duri ng the freezing night was
mitigated by the use of a drone. 'nie use of drones for search and rescue is hecoming an
increasingly popular tool.
Prntccting wildlife
Drones are cum:ntly being used to monitor and protect wildlife by the U.S. government and
other organizations around the world. One non-profit is using drones for orangutan conservation
in Indonesia and Malaysia. These 'conservation drones' are able to track the distribution and
resting spots of orangutans. The hope is that the infonnation collected will be used to petition the
government to protect national parks from developers interested in the palm trees for palm oil
While the drone ind ustry continues to be mostly represented by the military compl ex, it is
becoming clear that drones can offer significant non-lethal applications. Scientists need to
strongly advocate for and shift to developing civilian applications. But ultimately, it is up to us as

privileged students and citizens to en. ure the proper use oft.his technology by holding our
Jce1dcrs accountable and voicing our Jisscnt.

From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 10:33 AM

To: Line Thibault; roseg; Sarah Stroud Associate Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations)

Cc: Brett Hooton, Mr.; Carole Graveline, Ms; Laurie Devine

Subject: Demilitarize McGill goes further
This from the Demilitarize website. It appears they paid a visit to Prof. Taylor's class yesterday to distribute
their material. ill/status/506899425919504385/photo/l

From: Andrew Higgins, Prof.

Sent: September 11, 2014 1:26 PM
To: Jim Nicell, Prof.
Subject: Interview for Dominion

Hi Jim,
Here is the article I mentioned, wherein I agreed to be interviewed:
The two journalists were also McGill students who wrote for the Dai ly and provided most of the
Demilitarize McGill coverage for the Daily. I was actually pleased with how the piece came out.

De : Laurie Devine
Envoye : Monday, April 01, 2013 09:37 AM
Objet : Gazette

A: Carole Graveline, Ms; Olivier Marcil, Mr.; Julie Fortier

Students escalate campaign to 'demilitarize McGill' research; Un iversity t ries to block info rmation
A student campaign to "demilitarize McGill" has intensified after the launch of a website last week
detailing what students allege are the university's lin ks to military research.
It's a criticism McG ill officials have long denied, and the matter became quite contentious recently when
McGill took steps early this year to block a barrage of information requests from students by filing a
motion with the Access to Information Commission . The case will be heard beginning this Wednesday.
McGill argued the requests have become abusive and unreasonable and hinder the university's ability to
operate, with a jump to 170 requests in 2012 from 37 in 2011. But McGill's motion antagonized
students, who say they are legitimately seeking information to better und erstand the university's
connection to activities like military research and mining investments.
"We have drawn a lot of connections to show how this research is done on campus," said Kevin Paul, a
law student at McGill who has been active with Demilitarize McGill and recently led a small group of
students on a walking tour of w here military research is purportedly done on campus. "But the Access to
Information requests .are intended to solidify ~hese connections and make them less open to doubt."
Last fall, the Student Society of McGill University adopted a motion supporting a campus free from
weapons development and calling on McGill to "divest its holdings in private militias, private military
contractors, weapons manufactu re rs and arms dealers, and to create and enforce a policy of allowing no
future re search on weapons, surveillance technologies with military applications ... or any other project
designed to facilitate the use of force."
One of the reasons students have increased their pressure, according to Paul, is because McGill doesn't
have any kind of policy or guidelines regarding military research.
The current Regulation on the Conduct of Research, adopted in March 2010, says in the preamble that
research should be done "to increase knowledge in ways that do not harm but which benefit society."
Paul said while McGill has denied being involved in military resea.rch, he finds this policy too "vague" and
worries some could argue "military research is good for society."
"When McGill says it doesn't do military research, the problem is twofold, in that their claim is factually
incorrect, but also that the university lacks a mechanism for divulging what research may be for military
purposes," he said.

The members of Demilitarize McGill say there's no body to evaluate the potential harm of the
applications of its military research and that McGill has deliberately om itted any ethical view of military
research from its guidelines.
Instead, said Paul, McGill is interested in lucrative research and attracting potential investors as it .
competes with other research-intensive universities.
Students don't want the university to trade its ethics for research dolla rs, he said.
When students objected in 2009 to lifting reg ulations on researchers who may work on military projects,
McGill principal Heather Munroe-Blum told the McGill Daily that none of McGill's peer universities have
a line on military research in their research policy guidelines.
Paul believes it all comes down to money. "The university's economic interests intersect with how its
research priorities are set," he said. "And McGill has long been implicated in war and imperialism."
On Wednesday, Demilitarize McGill will hold an outdoor teach-in about alleged military research at 1: 30
p.m. at the "Y" intersection on the main campus. The website can be seen at Twitter: @KSeidman

facebook event

From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Monday, September 08, 2014 11:07 PM
To: roseg; Sarah Stroud Associate Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations); Blaine Ditto,
Prof.; Lynda McNeil; Carole Graveline, Ms; Chris Chipello, Mr.; Olivier Marcil, Mr.
Cc: Brett Hooton, Mr.; Meaghan Thurston, Ms.; Susan Murley; Laurie Devine
Subject: Gazette on research ethics
Tomorrow's paper

Student group at McGill calls for stricter

research norms





t co

bo rtd

As McGill University prepares to launch a review of its research policy this year in the wake of
mounting campus criticism to military involvement in research, some McGill students are charging an
alleged breach of research ethics in a study done about Somali Canadians underscores the need to
beef up the existing policy.
But students from Demilitarize McGill aren't convinced that will help as they contend the university
consistently fails to meet "even the minimum ethics standards they set for themselves."
The group is purporting that about 80 Somali Canadian subjects used for a psychology study on
identity issues were not properly informed that the study was being funded by the Canadian military.
They charge that's a clear violation of Canadian guidelines.
Researchers argue that there was no violation and that disclosure of funding source's to participants
is not mandatory, although a university's research ethics board must be informed and is ultimately
responsible for deciding whether or not to disclose funding sources.
It's a debate that occurs at universities across the nation. This latest kerfuffle at McGill only shows
how murky the issue of research ethics can be.
Kevin Paul , a memb~r of D emilitarize McGil.I. argues the incident shows it's not even an issue that
can easily be addressed through policy measures, saying this is an example of how researchers can
disregard existing policies.
"Conducting research on people which asks them to reveal highly personal details about their
feelings and beliefs, their religion, the ir identity, without telling them that the research is designed to
increase the state's capabilities to surveil them , is indefensible," Paul said.
Demilitarize McGill member Mona Luxion believes that "when research policy presents an
inconvenience for McGill's military researchers, they find a way around it, or ignore it."
The joint study, conducted by McGill researcher Donald Taylor and Carleton University researcher
Michael Wohl, along with two graduate students, was submitted in March 2012 to defence scientist
James Moore , from the socio-cognitive systems section of Defence R & D Canada. It was a field
survey that studied the young Somali Canadians' adjustment to life here and what facto rs might
propel them towards affiliations with terrorist groups.
Rose Goldstein , vice-principal of research for McGill, said the university was still clarifying the facts
in the matter and couldn't comment.

She did confirm McGill's upcoming review of its Regulation on the Conduct of Research, a regular
occurrence which this year "will take into account concerns raised by community members," she
said .
The Students' Society of McGill University will be pushing for "clearer mechanisms of accountability"
for the research policy, said Claire Stewart-Kanigan, vice-president of university affairs for SSMU.
"The concerns raised in relation to the study at hand illustrate the need for additional scrutiny to be
applied to research projects receiving military funding, " she said , adding that a provision to that
effect was won by students in the 1980s, but it was removed during the policy's 2009 review. As a
member of the working group to review the regulation this year, she said, she will be pushing for
tougher standards to be restored.
Demilitarize McGill argues that the tri-council policy statement, which governs research ethics across
Canada, stipulates that participants must be informed of the identity of the funder or sponsor.
But Sandra Crocker, associate vice-president of research planning and operations at Carleton, sa id
in an interview that it is only mandatory to inform the research ethics board about the source of
funding, and it is their decision whether it is necessary to disclose it.
Shelley Brown, ethics chair at Carleton, said the identities of the participants were kept secret and
their _names destroyed, so it _was felt there was no risk to them and there w_
as no need to disclose
who funded the research project.
The researchers wouldn't say how much funding was obtained by the DRDC, only that the military
did not direct the research in any respect.
''We were interested in the issues facing Somalis in Canada and their attitudes, and they appreciated
having their voices heard," said Wohl.
Nancy Walton, an ethicist from Ryerson University, said while the funders of a study are normally
disclosed to participants, it's not so unusual for it not to be revealed.
"Sometimes the funding body has no stake in the research," she said. "These students say it's a
breach, but I would say it raises a yellow flag."
Twitter: KSeidman

From: lnthenews Publicaffairs

Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 8:25 AM
To: Laurie Devine; lnthenews Publicaffairs
Subject: IN THE NEWS April 2 2013
Good morning,
Here are the stories about or relevant to the McGill community in the news today and from the
top stories
nombre record d'etudiants etrangers l'an dernier, soit plus de 100 000. C'est une bonne nouvelle pour le
gouvernement canadien, qui y voit une veritable mine d 'or en retombees economiques. Cette
internationalisation des universites est essentielle, pense le recteur de l'UQAM, Robert Proulx, car elle
permet la diversite des connaissances . On ne pense pas la science de la meme fa~on au Quebec qu'on
la pense au Bresil en Russie ou en Asie , estime le recteur. Mais au-dela de la diversite, le
gouvernement canadien voit dans la popularite du Canada une belle occasion d'affaires. Ottawa affirme
que les etudiants etrangers generaient des retombees economiques de 8 milliards de dollars en frais de
scolarite, en frais d'hebergement et en depenses discretionnaires. Dans le dern ie r budget fed eral, ii est
d'ailleurs clairement indique que le recrutement a !'international sera davantage stimule. Le budget
2013 propose un financement de 23 millions de dollars sur deux ans pour renforcer la position du
Canada com me un pays de choix ou etudier et effectuer de la recherche de calibre mondial . Malgre les
efforts de promotion, des embuches persistent au niveau du process us pour venir etudier ici, souligne
pour sa part Andre Co.stopoulos, le doyen a la vie etudiante de l'Universite McGill. C'est complique, ~a
coGte cher, ~a prend du temps et puis je pense qu'il ya beaucoup d'etudiants qui veulent'venir ici, mais
qui vont ailleurs a cause de ce processus-la , dit-il.
Radio-Canada .shtml?utm source=d medium=tw itter
RISKY TREATMENT GIVES DOCTOR HIS LIFE BACK As a third-year medical ~tudent Alex Normandin
expected to be learning about patients, not become one himself. But then, the Montrealer and aspiring
doctor noticed some alarming symptoms - fatigue, numbness and problems with balance and
coordination. Researchers at the Montreal Neurological Institute confirmed he has a particularly
aggressive form of multiple sclerosis, an unpredictable and degenerative disease that affects the central
nervous system.
Most patients with MS do not become severely disabled because the illness moves slowly. But in
Normandin's case, the destruction was so fast that doctors expected him to need a wheelchair within
months ... despite such dramatic results, none of the MS researchers in this study is ca lling the
procedure a cure. For one thing, it is not known whether the treatment is good at stopping other kinds
of MS, explained neurologist Amit Bar-Or of the Montreal Neuro logical Institute and McGill University,
and the study's principal investigator.
Postmedia newspapers

MUSIC AS MEDICINE HAS HUGE POTENTIAL, STUDY SUGGESTS Music boosts the body's immune system
and is more effective than prescription drugs in reducing anxiety before a surgery, a research review
from two psychologists at Montreal's McGill University suggests. "I think the promise of music as
medicine is that it's natural and it's cheap and it doesn't have the unwanted side effects that many
pharmaceutical products do," said Daniel Levitin, who co-authored the review recently published in the
journal Trends in Cognitive Science .
CBC Ith/ sto ry/2 013 /04/01/hea lth-m usic-as-m ed ici ne-leviti n. htm I?cm p= rss
may come and go, but a new study suggests true fame is enduring. The research finds that people who
achieve real celebrity remain famous for years, making frequent appearances in newspapers over
periods of decades. The work bucks the widely held notion that fame is ephemeral. Eran Shor, an
assistant professor of sociology at McGill University, is one of the authors of the study, published in the
American Sociological Review.
Postmedia papers, Globe and Mail, CNN, Smithsonian Mag, etc
OLD PLANETARIUM IS TO BECOME A HUB OF IDEAS (Op-ed by Yves Beauchamp, ETS): "Over the next
three yea rs, the Ecole de technologie superieure will be investing $5 million to restore the fo rme r Dow
Planetarium building in downtown Montreal. The transfer of this building to the Ecole de technologie
superieure by the municipal administration is a milestone in the emergence of a genuine Quartier de
!'innovation, which will become just as important in the city's development and enhancing its status as
the Quartier international, Quartier des spectacles and Quartier de la sante. In handing this building
over to the ETS, the city of Montreal is demonstrating vision and consistency. The QI is part of the city's
2011-2017 economic development strategy. With the QI, a joint project involving ETS and McGill
University, Montreal will consolidate its position in the international network of innovative cities that
includes Barcelona, Lausanne, Boston and Lyon.
The Gazette
"demilitarize McGill" has intensified after the launch of a website last week detailing what students
allege are the university's links to military research . It's a criticism McGill officials have long denied, and
the matter became quite conte ntious recently when McGill took steps early this year to block a barrage
of information requests from stud ents by filing a motion with the Access to Information Commission.
The case will be heard beginning this Wednesday. McGill argued the requests have become abusive and
unreasonable and hinder the university's ability to operate, with a jump to 170 requests in 2012 from 37
in 2011. But McGill's motion antagonized students, who say they are legitimately seeking information to
better understand the university's connectio n to activities like milita.ry research and mining fnvestments.
The Gazette ology/Students+demilitarize+McGill/8175806/story.htm l
Letter (What's wrong with universities doing military research? ilitarv+research/817

From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 7:40 AM
To: Daniel Jutras, Prof.; Andre Costopoulos; roseg
Cc: Margaret Chant Colton, Miss; Brett Hooton, Mr.
Subject: Letter to Daily re Air and Space Law event 11/space-law-protest/




Space law and protest

Yesterday, a dozen members of Demilitarize McGill burst into the lecture hall
of the Strategic Space Law Program, hosted by the McGill Institute of Air and
Space Law (IASL). Their unruly behaviour, profanities , and rude slogans were
militant and did nothing more than to undermine their cause and message.
Members of Demilitarize !v1cGill were im.ited to attend the sessions and see for themsel vcs \\hat
the Institute actually does. Tha t goodwill \\ as met with heckling and swearing by people \\'ho hid
their faces b hind the large black banner. If they had such conviction in their beliefs, \\hy must
tl1cy hide their faces li ke those extremists bent on death and destruction who appear on TV with
masked faces? And the greatest irony of all? Th~y interrupted one of many invited speakers who
underlined how space law and international treaties m ust alway-., be interpreted in lighl of
references to using space for peaceful purposes.
This is not the first ti me Demilitarize McGill has tried to discredit the Institute and mi ~ i n form the
p ublic about the Institutc' s mission. They ha\ c repeatedly fobricattXJ baseless and absurd
accusations that the "military-industrial complex" is funding and dictating activities and research
conducted by the IASL. If anything. the Institutc s objective is to educate the public, offi cials,
military personnel. and students about the importance of law in constraining military power and
preventing the dominance of any one state in outer space. Outer space is a common heritage of
humankind, and its use and exploration must be for the benefit oflmmanity.
Calls for dialogue were met with swearing. Requests to sit dom 1, listen, and discuss were met
with rhetoric about space colonialism and imperialism. Higher education is supposed to open
minds and let academic discussions flourish in a respectful way. Instead, they embarra~sed
themselves and the university, an<l then quickly fled as police approached.

From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 3:14 PM
To: roseg; Martin Grant, Prof.; Andrew Kirk, Prof.; Olivier Marcil, Mr.; Michael Di Grappa, Mr.; Carole
Graveline, Ms
Cc: Brett Hooton, Mr.; Graham Baxter, Mr.; Stephanie Isaacs; Hugo Bourcier, Mr.; Julie Fortier
Subject: Military research walking tour
Importance: High

A group calling itself Demilitarize McGill has an event listed on its Facebook page, announcing a " walking
tour" of places on campus where it claims military research is being condu cted. The event is scheduled for
March 14, beginning at 12:30 at the Student Centre.
Here is the event description from the group's Facebook page:

Today, McGill is engag<.:J in flN'.irch for the U.S. Air force building thc l ~tl foundation,; for v. ar in Otltl:r space.
fo r d lfensc contractors SC\:ljng to optimize the u.',ign of attack drones, and in collaboration with army research
agencies de\ eloping more lethal thermobaric explosives. While unp1 ofitablc sectors of the unh er::-ity sufier cuts,
pilrtnerships with armies and defonsc: contractors like the Sho.:k Wave Physics Group and the Computational Fluid
Dyrnunic' (CFD) Lab, in th.! Department of Mechanical Engineering, adrnnce at full speld.
Demilitarize McGill" ants to stop ruiiitar) research at this uni\crsity. In 1his per~pectiYe, \\ c wam to learn mort:
about \\ hat \\e'rc fighting and shnn..: this kno\dedgc with others. Join us for a walking tour of military re~earch .it
McGill, 1 hursday March 14 th at 12:30pm! We'll meet outside the SS \ HJ bui lding. then visit some of the places 011
campus where re,,earch for military purposc-s is onl?oing, talk a~1ut what \\C kno\\ and don't know, and discuss \vhat
can be done about it. Food will bl.! ' ervc.:d at the me.:ting point!
J'ee1 fr e to Jct us know in advimce if you have specific accessibility needs. The walking tour may go to some si1ac s
that art not wheelchair-accessible. You ~ m reach us at

Pr~;'>l.!ntemrnt, J' Universite McGill fait de la rcchcrchc pour l'armce de !'air des E-U construis:int ks fonde mems

16gaux de ]a guerrc dans J'espace, pour de<; compagnie-; rn ilitaires r herchant a Optimiser la formc des di011CS
d'artaque, et en collabora1ion a\cc de<; agcnceo; de techerchc de l'am1i:e voulant dcvc!opper des bombes
thcrmobariqucs plus let.aux. Tandis quc des secti.:urs peu rcntable, de l 'uniwrsilc su bi ~scnt des coupures, Jes
partcnariats avec armees et compagnics milituires commc le Shock Wave Physics Group et le Computational Fluid
Dynamics (Cl D) Lab, dano; le departcmcnt de genic mcc:miquc, avancent atout ' itc:N..:.
Demilitarize McGill veu! bloqucr la rcchctchc militaire a cette unin:rsitc. Dans t:e perspective, n us voulons
appre11dre plu-; sur ce que nous combattons ct partager ccs connaissauces avec d'autre<i. Rejoignez-nous pour une
visite guidee de la recherchc militaire a McGill, jeudi le 14 mar:. a 12h30, rasscmblement a l'entree de !'edifice
AEUM. Nous visiterom; quelques-uns des cndroits sur campus ou la recherchc a fins militaires est en cours,
parlerons de cc qu'on connait et ne connait pas, et discuterons de ce quon peut faire cnsembk. De la bouffe sera
di:.poniblc au point de rendezvous !
Veuillez nous infon ner si vous voudriez qn'unc traduction v~rs le franr;ais soit faite. ou si vous avez d' autrc besoins
particuliers. La visite guidee pounni t aller a des lieux inaccessible-; en fauteui l roul ant. Vous pouvez
nou5 rcj oindre it

Here's a link to that Facebook page : /
A number of the people who have signed up for this are familiar to us from other protests.

Please advise on next steps/suggested responses, if any.


From: Cynthia Lee

Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 4:31 PM
To: Cynthia Lee

Here are the main items in the News Radar for Tuesday, April 2 ...
Dr. Rosie Goldstein, Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations), was
interviewed by the Toronto Star about research policy at McGill for an article on the
group Demilitarize McGill.
Dr. Mona Chanda, a post-doctoral fellow working with Prof. Daniel Levitin, Dept. of
Psychology, will be interviewed by a reporter from Metro, about research that shows
that music has clear benefits for physical and psychological health .
Prof. Joelle Pineau, School of Computer Science, was interviewed about smart wheelchairs by
a journalist from Radio-Canada.

From: Danielle Berrut

Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 12:34 PM
To: Julie Fortier; roseg
. Cc: Brett Hooton, Mr.
Subject: RE: Interview request on Demilitarize McGill
Ok then.
fi .

53, S1

Thanks, Danielle
Danielle Berrut - Assistant to the VP Re.~earch & International Relations
T: 514.398.72241 F: 514.398.8257
This email may be confidential and privileged. If you have received it in enor, please delete it.
Si vous recevez ce couniel par e1Teur, veuillez I' effacer.

From: Julie Fortier

Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 12:31 PM
To: Danielle Berrut; roseg
Cc: Brett Hooton, Mr.
Subject: RE: Interview request on Demilitarize McGill

The journalist tells me s4e has to leave the office at 2 p.m.

From: Danielle Berrut

Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 12:13 PM

To: roseg
Cc.: Brett Hooton, Mr.; Julie Fortier

Subject: RE: Interview request on Demilitarize McGill

Rosie - 2 pm would be better

Julie - would that work on your side? You would have 15 min. max.
Thanks, Daniel.le
Danielle Berrut - Assistant to the VP Research & lntermiti.onal Relations
T: 514.398.72241 F: 514.398.82571
Thisemail may be confidential and privileged. If you have received it in error, plea~e delete it.
Si vous recevez ce courriel par erreur, veuillez I' effacer.

IX> yo~ r

u.Jr.~j to pri:tt tl:'.s en:l il? A\ .t-vo\IS vm:m~m b:~,1in d'

ir:,;:i1ime-r ce cry 1riel?

From: Julie Fortier

Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 12:11 PM

To: roseg
Cc: Brett Hooton, Mr.; Danielle Berrut
Subject: RE: Interview request on Demilitarize McGill

That would work. with the journalist. Danielle - \\Ould that work? I will wait for confirmation.
From: roseg

Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 12:00 PM

To: Julie Fortier
Cc: Brett Hooton, Mr.; Danielle Berrut
Subject: RE: Interview request on Demilitarize McGill

Julie, D.micllc - maybe at 1:30 pm? Rosie

From: Julie Fortier

Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 11:56 AM

To: roseg
Cc: Brett Hooton, Mr.; Danielle Berrut
Subject: Interview request on Demilitarize McGill

Hi Rosie,
You may have seen the article on Demilitarize McGill which appeared in The Gazette yesterday and
was in today' s news digest.
The Toronto Star is now on the story and wanted to speak to someone at McGill about this. Olivier
thought it would be important for us to respond.
I understand you have a full day of meetings but was wondering whether it would be possible to find
10 minutes for you to speak to this journalist before 1:45 p.m. (the journalist leaves at 2 p.m.). We
have messaging ready on the topic. I know it' s a very tight deadline so alternatively, I guess we
could provide some written answers on your behalf.


!Uni\ 1 1l Mcl 111

1cCr11l Urll\ I II

http: // I newsroom/

11 l

\dmani t taon Build111

I 4., tu Sh rhr l. Ou t bull u 110 1 Monta


) II -\ 0G4

From: Brett Hooton, Mr.

Sent: March-14-14 11:12 AM
To: Julie Fortier; Sarah Stroud; roseg; Olga Naiberguer; Meaghan Thurston, Ms.
Subject: RE: Current protest at Prof. Sharfs lab
If you are interested, you can follow Dernilit.irize McGill' s posts about the protest on Twitter, here:

Brett Hooton
J)'rcct1.w I ()Ffi""c c !'the v cc-Pri11(;iD,J <RL .::~.rch <ind lnh."1 ,J;,. , ?] 1'..tiop.,)
!\kClill Uni l'r<ty I R '"c' rch ;tnd tio 1al Rd tion I J, me" .\dni ~on Buildin ' , Sui t~ -'. l ') I
1" ~ 5 S11c1"rr.v c Str1.. '~ \Ve~. I \!01 'r",~1 QC 113.\ OG1 IT: 51 : . 3 9i\. ~5 ~5 IC: 51-1.''. 5.'19E I ;:

5 l , .398.8257 I

TY t\.L Lu IB L\. u de lei ;ice-p..-in.::ip.!c ::. 1.- Tcch~r-.:h1.' ct :ir r01< tion intL TI<1tion.tks
Un i Y('rsitt~ f\kGill I Rcd1c-..:h-: d r le. ion'i intt:rn:tioT.k:-. II ..villon cl ' r ' ( 1 t'o11 .bn,.s,
bur"'rn 419 I 8 ' 5, 1t 1.. Sl11. rbro ike 0 .., ~ I ~!on .rea l \Qu5b c) IBA OCit.;.IT : 51 UJX. 85~5 I C :
5 1 ~ . / 1~ 5 . 1 96-1 I F : 51 1. 3%. b

From: Julie Fortier

Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 10:51 AM
To: Brett Hooton, Mr.; Sarah Stroud; roseg; Olga Naiberguer; Meaghan Thurston, Ms.
Subject: Current protest at Prof. Sharfs lab

Hi all In case you are not aware, I just wanted to let you know that there are currently about 20 masked
individuals blocking access to Prof. Inna Sharf' s lab.
Here is also the Daily article published yesterday, which includes Rosie' s quote:


tur u11o ' Mo11t1' l(Q1 I


From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: October-20-14 8:31 AM
To: roseg; Jim Nicell, Prof.; Ollivier Dyens, Prof.; Andre Costopoulos
Cc: lfobyn Wiltshire; Margaret Chant Colton, Miss
Subject: Daily on SSMU forum on weapons and research

0rws_1 )CTOBER 20


Students speak out on weapons

development at McGill
ak\.I llUo :..




On October 16, the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU) held an open forum
on McGill research regulations surrounding weapons development on camp us.
The forum, led by SSMU V P University Affairs Claire Stcwart-Kanigan, took place as McGill
b ~gins a triennial rc\'icw of its research conduct regulations, which is due to be completed by the
end of this academic year. Stewart-Kanigan organized the event to gather student feedback to
bring t) the re\ iew committee, where she is one of tw ) student representatives out of eight
members in total.

The question of whether and how the policy should be updated to impose restrictions on research
with militaty pmposcs was central to the di scussion.
"One of the issue~ that is go ing to be corning up [during the review] is the fact that the rcscar h
regulation used to have a component that rcquirn I any rcseJrch that was fund ed by the military
to disclose whether the research was for something that h ad directly violent purposes - bccau::.e
the military can fund flood relief technology, but can also fund missile development," said
Stcwart-Kanigan .
Prior to 20 I 0, McG ill':::. regulation on the conduct of research included a pr )vision that required
applicants for contracts or grants whose ~ourcc is a government military agency to indicate on
the appt oval form "whether this research has direct harmful consequences."
Th~ provision

wa::, introduced in 1988, largely prompted by a three-day occupation of McGill's

\'ice-Principal (Research)'s oflice by seven McGill students. However, when the regulation was
revi ewed in 2010, the provision was removed.

"In m y understanding, it \Vas removed because the University stated that it wasn 't the nonn
amongst other Omadian universities to have something that specifically referenced mi litary
funding. They said it was unusual;' said Stewart-K anigan.

"I \.Voulcl say that that' s total shit; said SS:MU VP Finance and Operations Kathleen Bradley in
referen ce to the unusual nature of the provision being used as a reason to remove it. " our
justifi cati on for doing something should never be because everybody el se docs it. That' s not a
very sound argument."

The majority of those present at the forum eApresscd strong opposition to current procedures in
place, both with n.:gards to the fact that w eapons elev lopmcnt takes place at McGill, and to the
C"ni ver:-.ity's lack of transparency on the matter. ln 2013, the LTni\. crsity ac;kcd the Co mmission
d'acccs a l ' inforrn ation to grant it the pc1wer to deny access to in fonm1tion (ATI) requests, a
dem and that was challenged by student groups. Only after a year m1Cl a half was the s uit settlc.:d
and were the rcquc tcd documents release , albeit heavily redacted.

"I don't think it's okay that the university is conducting this k ind of research, and kl!ep ing it
behind closed J.oors." Art~ Senator Kareem Ibrahim, who ~ as pres nt at the event, told The

"[ think it's shitty that our world is in a state where we u se military activity to resolve issues, and
that a m~jor university contributes to thnt, is. in my opinion, really detrimental to our
community," Ibrahim continued.

Attendees discussed the value of academic freedom ao.; an argument against regulation of military
research. Kevin P~ml - a member of Demilitarize McGill, a !:>:rroup that fi ghts against mi litary
research at the university - argued that, because the companiC's funding the research influence its
direction, academic freedom cannot b e invoked to j ustify it.

"The sit uation now with m ilitary research at McGill is not one in \\.foch academic freedom
prevails," said Paul. "It's long-term relationships [that] M cGill [has] with defence contractors
and m ilitary research agencies that made it so that t he res~arch opt ions and priorities are shaped
by the needs of those companies."

An Engineering tudent who attended the C\'ent offered a different take on the matter.

"If you want to be a researcher in engineering, you have to get funding - engineering research
projects aren ' t cheap, and so oftentimes academic freedom also means that you n~cd the ability
to get fonding where funding is available," he said. " So if you have to go through red tape, to
study flow over wings [for e.ample] , that becomes incredibly problematic for research grants for

Stcwart-Kanigan raised the possibility that M cGill's role could be to bridge between rcs1.;archers '
interests and ethical way: to expl ore them.
" What the University's role can be is [to be] more of a leader in direct ing rofcssors and people
interested in that type of research to more socially responsible m easures," she said.

Reacti ons to the forum

"There certainly was a strong sense that stricter regulations on mili tary research should exist at
McG ill, [that] the University should take a stronger stance in opposition to facilitating research
whose express pmvose is to affect violence on other peoples," Ste\vart-Kanigan sai<l.
" I understand that the compo ~ition of th e forum was not represcntati\ c from a faculty
pcrspectivt,; - I would like to make more efforts to sp...:cifically engage students who would he
more directl y affected by an increase in regulatio ns or an alteration of rc!:,11ilations pertaining to
m ilitary n :scarch [such as those in physics and engineering)."
Erin, a lT2 History student, cxpr\;sscd similar concerns about the representati on of the student

"I would 've liked to sec students from some of the more implicated faculties, such as
Engineering. I t1 1ink so metimes those students m aybe <lon't feel welcom e in these kinds of
discussiom, or m a) be they feel kind of written-off already. But I think it\\ as ver) productive
and it was great to hear som0 thoughts from som e of those students, and one particular stu dent in
Engineering. So I v. uulJ've liked to see a broader discussion with a much more equal
reprc~entation [of both sic}es]," he told The Daily .

C adence O'Neal, an organizer v;ith Demilitarize McGill, spoke favour.ibly of the event, but
c. pressed rescrYations over the outcome of the forum and about the review in general.

"l 'm glad [the fon un ] happened - if s really important that we ' re acknowledging this
conversation," O'Ncal said in an interview with The Daily. "But looking at the history of this
kind of activism on campus I've seen that :\1cGill a) isn't actuall y to its own policies
that it already has in place, ru1d b) will prob::tbly not actually improve the curr ut policies
sdcquately anyway, so for me[ ... ] I don 't feel it's someth ing I'm putting a lot of hope into."
'The i ssue will be fu1t h r di scussed at SSMU's upcoming General Assembly on October 22, as a
motion regarding the matter is on the agenda.

"1 look forward to seeing how these conversations play out at the Gern.:ral Assembly when the
[issue] of military research is brought up there," said Stewart-K.anigan.

From: Julie Fortier

Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 9:15 AM
To: Brett Hooton, Mr.
Subject: Re: For review: Le Devoir speaking notes, take 2

Ok - I'm dealing with demo of likely Demilitarize McGill folks at the general assembly of Aero
Montreal at Faculty Club ... Sighs ...
Julie Fmtier
Directrice adjointe/Relations medias
Associate Director/Media Relations
Universite McGill University
514-884-1587 (cell.)

From: Marlene Boutet

Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 12:13 PM
To: Brett Hooton, Mr.; roseg; Sarah Stroud Associate Vice-Principal (Research and International
Relations); Meaghan Thursto n, Ms.; Kristina Ohrvall, Ms.; Olga Naiberguer
Subject: RE: fyi - demil mcg
Hi Brett,
Wi ll you be putting a note to this effect in your weekly update or should we plan on informing staff?

-----Original Message----From: Brett Hooton, Mr.

Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 10:01 AM
To: roseg; Sarah Stroud Associate Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations); Meaghan
Thurst on, Ms.; Kristina Ohrva ll, Ms.; Olga Naiberguer; Marlene Boutet
Subject: FW: fyi - demil mcg
Importance: High
Please see below for the latest from Demilitarize McGill. We should be on alert that there could be
demonstrations and possibly disruptions on campus or in the James Building.
Let's be vigi lant. Thanks and let me know if you have any questions.

Brett Hooton
Director I Office of the Vice-Principa l (Research and Internationa l Relations)
McGill University I Research and International Relations I James Administration Building, Suite 419
845 Sherbrooke Street West I Montrea l, QC H3A OG4 I T: 514.398 .8585 I C: 514.245.4964 I F:
514.398.8257 I brett.hooton@mcgi I

Directeur I Bureau de la vice-principale la recherche et aux relations internationales Universite McGill I

Recherche et relations internationa les IPavilion de I' ad ministration James, bureau 419 I 845, rue
Sherbrooke Quest I Montrea l (Quebec) H3A OG4 IT: 514.398.8585 I C: 514.245.4964 I F: 514.398.8257

-----Original Message----From: Laurie Devine

Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 9:33 AM
To: Julie Fortier; Carole Graveline, Ms; Doug Sweet, Mr.; Brett Hooton, Mr.
Subject: fyi - demil mcg

As discussed at this morning's stand up:

Facebook post showing completely blacked out docs: ref=lO
and tweet:
Demilitarize McGill
@McGillU's stance on transparency removes possibility of fair dialogue on military research, invites
disruption & escalation of tactics

From: MSURJ Media []

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 12:13 PM
To: Osrweb Vprir
Subject: Military Research/ Access to Information requests

My name is Kate Sheridan, and I'm currently writing a piece for a student science blog (The Abstract)
about military research on campus and the related Access to Information (ATI) requests recently made
by students. I've already interviewed one group of students that seemed to be responsible for most of
the discussions around military research - Demilitarize McGill - and individually contacted some of
the researchers this group named.
I was hoping someone from this office could provide some big-picture perspective about what military
research that is done on campus, how funding for research that might have military implications or
funding from military-related sources is handled, and if the fulfillment of the ATI requests could
impact research at McGill in any way. I was also wondering if this office was aware of any
complaints made by researchers about these ATI requests or efforts made by students to "expose"
military research on campus (i.e. editorials, walking tours, stickers, etc.).

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response.

Kate Sheridan
(514) 632-1883

From: Jim Nicell, Prof.

Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 12:02 PM

To: Hannah Michalska, Prof.
Cc: Rose Goldstein, Dr.; Andrew Kirk, Prof.; Olivier Marcil, Mr.; Line Thibault

Subject: RE: please call urgently

Please refer to the blog post to infer the allegations being made.
Furthermore, please review t he following webpage: for the views of Demilitarize McGill on this same subject.
Both documents are in t he public domain and could be a source of information for t his reporter and
Please give me a call to discuss this.

I Dean & Professo r I Faculty of Engineer ing I M cGill U niversity I Tel: (514) 398I Fax: (514) 398-7379 I Email:

Jim A. N icell, PhD, PEng


From: Doug Sweet, Mr.

Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:53 AM
To: Ollivier Oyens, Prof.; Andre Costopoulos; Sophie Leblanc, Ms.; roseg; Olivier Marcil, Mr.
Cc: Robyn Wiltshire; Margaret Chant Colton, Miss; Brett Hooton, Mr.; Jennifer Towell
Subject: Tribune editorial on SSMU General Assemb ly motions

http://mcgil ndorsements/

Editorial: Fall 2014 General Assembly

by McGill Tribune Editorial Board
Oct 21, 2014

Tomonow (Wednesday) marks the Fall General Assembly of the Students Society of McGill
University (SSMU). Here are the Tribune's endorsements on the four resolutions.

Motion Regarding Action o n Climate Change-"Yes"

The resolution, moved by the VP External and several councillors, proposes that the SSMU join the
anti-pipeline student coalition, Etudiant(e)s Cantre les Oleoducs (ECO), as well as work towards
preparing a further policy on fighting climate change, to be presented later t his year. While this
situation may be reminiscent of the mess SSMU got into with the Tabl e de Concertation Etudiante
du Quebec (TaCEQ) - another student coalition that turned out to be riven-by infighting and was
largely ineffective, a major difference here is that TaCEQ had no real initiatives. This organization at
the least has the focus of a relatively narrow goal: opposing in-province pipeline projects. SSMU is
mandated. As such, the Tribune endorses a "Yes" vote on the resolution.

M otion Regarding Support of a Ca mpus Free from Harmful M il it ary

Tech nology Development-"Abstain"
This resolution, moved by petition-from a group of students other than SSMU executives or
councillors-calls on the SSMU to "renew its stance of opposition to the development of harmful
military t echnology on camp us" and to support such groups-here meaning Demilitarize McGill through the VP External's office. The Tribune endorses an "Abstain" vote on t his motion for several
reasons. First, the petitioners' calls for the end of military research at McGill seem to stem from a
reductive view of the uses of these technologies . The " harmful consequences" attributed to the
results of military research are a direct result of po licy decisions made by governments, rather than

a direct consequence of the existence of whatever is developed. Unmanned drones, an example

frequently cited by opponents of military research, are a prime example. With that said, there

also a need for greater transparency on the uses and processes that military and defence

contractor-funded research are put to at the university.

Motion Calling on SSMU to St an d in Soli darity wit h the People of

the Occupied Palestinian Territories-"Abst ain"
This resolution, again moved by petition, calls for the SSMU to condemn multiple incidents
stemming from the renewed conflict between Israel and Palestine earlier this summer, as well as
for SSMU executives to "endorse and sponsor events and efforts conducted by student groups
working to combat oppression and misrepresentation of marginalized groups including but not
limited to Palestinians, and to provide a safe platform for students to voice their views and
experiences accessibly." The Tribune endorses an "Abstain" vote on this resolution, specifically
because such an issue should not necessarily demand SSMU action in the first place. The SSMU is
indeed a political body, but if we are to make the oft-invoked analogy between student and labor
unions, the political nature of SSMU, much like a labor union, is with regards to issues that affect
McGill undergraduate students as a recognizable group of students. The Israel-Palestine resolution
cites SSMU's stances taken on issues such as divestment from South African companies during the
apartheid, companies operating in the oil sands, and tuition-free university. However on all these
issues, there is a clear link back to the university or an issue that primarily affects students as the
central call to action. Here, there is nq such link; the issue at hand is a much broader geopolitical
question where the SSMU's engagement would have marginal effect on the actual issue, and
instead cause strong divisions regardless of the result that may not accurately represent its
membership. This is not to say that activism on the issue shouldn't take place on campus, or that
students shouldn't advocate for either side of this issue on their own time or in other groups.
Rather, the union representing the entire undergraduate student body is not the appropriate
vehicle through which this should occur. To those who would argue that there should be a place to
discuss such issues as a campus, we would agree; we would also argue that such avenues to engage
students on controversial political issues already exist, without the attempt to use the imprimatur
of the entire student body to further a largely symbolic stance on a wholly external issue.
To those who would argue that there should be a place to discuss such issues as a campus, we
would agree; we would also argue that such avenues to engage students on controversial
imprimatur of the entire
political issues already exist, without the attempt to use the
body to further a largely symbolic stance on a wholly external issue.

Nominations to the Board of Direct ors-"Yes"

The Tribune endorses a "Yes" vote on this question. The Board of Directors is a critical component
of the SSMU that allows for the association to make, and adjust investments, as well as approve the
decisions of Council and hold the liquor licence that allows for the existence of Gerts. This mundane
requirement became an issue last year when the previous SSMU executive abdicated efforts to
reach quorum at last year's GA, necessitating a special GA later that term .

interviFrom: Danielle Berrut

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 9:30 AM
To: roseg
Subject: FW: Demilitarize McGill
FYI ...
Danielle Berrut - Assistant to the VP Research & International Relations
T: 514.398 .7224 I F: 514.398.8257 I
This email may be confidential and privileged . If you have received it in error, please delete it. Si vous
recevez ce co urriel par erreur, veuillez I' effacer.
Do you really need to print this email? Avez-vous vraiment besoin d'imprimer ce courriel ?
-----Original Message----From: Doug Sweet, Mr.
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 7:13 AM
To: Susan Murley; roseg; Sarah Stroud Associate Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations);
Brett Hooton, Mr.
Cc: Doug Sweet, Mr.; Danielle Berrut
Subject: Re: Demilitarize McGill
Susan, I'll ca ll you this morning.
On 14-08-28 10:28 PM, "Susan Murley" <> wrote:
>More from Demilitarize McGill. ... If you haven't had a chance to
>connect with Doug yet, it would be great if someone could tomorrow so
>we can get the facts straight on this. Doug will keep Carole and me in the loop.


>-----Original Message---->From : Laurie Devine
>Sent: August-28-14 10:01 PM
>To: Carole Graveline, Ms; Susan Murley; Doug Sweet, Mr.; Line Thibault
>Demilitarize McGill @Demi lMcGill 6m We111 be on @ckut tomorrow at
>11:40 am to tell @LillianBoctor about the disturbing info on @McGillU
>research we released earlier today.

>Global Revolution @GlobalRevlive 3h #McGill-DRDC psych study on

>human subjects violated informed consent rules #DeMilitarizeMcGill
>ReplyReplied to 0 times RetweetRetweeted 3 times3 FavoriteFavorited 4

> ReplyReplied to 0 times RetweetRetweeted 11 timesll FavoriteFavorited
>times6 More Retweeted by Demilitarize McGill Jaggi Singh
>@JaggiMontrea l 6h
>Stunning: Researchers funded by the Canadian military at McGill1s lied
>to Somali Canadian research subjects: #cdnpoli


From: roseg
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 3:50 PM
To: Sarah Stroud Associate Vice-Principal. (Research and International Relatim:is); Brett Hooton, Mr.
Subject: RE: the latest from Demilitarize McGill

I b.adn'. J r~alize.d_either ::-. 1 certainly didn' .Lnotic.e_,

--A ~ 53; St; i


Rose Goldstein, :t\.ID, CM, FRCPC - Vice-Principal (Research_and Intemat10:Ual Relations)

514.398.29951 F: 514.398.82571
This email may be confidential and privileged. If you have received it in enor, please delete it.
Si vous recevez ce cournel par erreur, vemllez I' effacer. .

From: Sarah Stroud Associate Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations) .

Sent: November-13-14 11:48 AM
To: roseg; Brett Hooton, Mr.
Subject: the latest from Demilita~ize McGill

...I hadn't r ealized they were protesting the Remembrance Day ceremony ...
Professor Sarah Stroud
.Associate Vice-PriJ:i.cipal (Research and International Relations)
Vice-principale adjointe ala rech~rche et a~x relations internationales
McGill University
James Administrati?n 419
845 Sherbrooke St. W.
Montreal, QC H3A.OG4
(514) 398-3418_


From:"Blais,Annabe l l e " < - ~Pate: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 01. .

To: '11" <d on ald>
Subject: media reqest

53 I 6 ~ S~

Hi Mr Taylor,
- - My name is-Annabelle ,Blals, itm a-journalist-from La -Presse. -r would like to have
information on your research called The voice of young Somali Canadians: identity,
threat and the Appeal of ANSAs . I assume you know that the group Demilitarize McGill
has criticized the way the research was conducted and they says it's a seriou.s "breach
of research ethics"
I would like .to know if you confirm what they alleged:
Did the participant were told at any point in this research what was the real focus of the
research, so they could make a informed choice in order for them to give their consent?
If no, why is that?
.Is it ethical and is there such a obligation to share a "statement of the research
purpose in plain language" as well as "the identity of the funder or sponsor,"


Thank you

~ . 53 f 5~ I 5 ~

Demilitarize McGill proposed changes to the Draft Policy on the Conduct of Research
February 18tfi, 2009
Demilitarize McGill has proposed amendments to the new research policy which would require
transparency, honesty, and openness in all aspects of future research to take place at McGill, and
which would ensure that no potentially harmful research is con ducted at our university without
going through an ethical evaluation process.
It directly contributes to social well-being, health, culture and economic development.
Changed to:
Wh~1tt:i~e.d iifw_;iiy~Lthat,:dif!iol-hari.ff$'otietw it directly contributes to social well-being, health,
culture and economic development.
(SOURCE: Preamble to the Regulations on Research Policy)

The amendment to the preamble would make it clear th at the policy aims to avoid conducting
harmful research at McGill, as was stated in the preamble to the old Regulations on Research
Policy. It is very important that McGill's research policies continue to recognize that research
should not cause harm.


Addition of the following definition:

1.x "Harmful applications" means anything that is directly or indirectly detrimental to hu man life or
the environment, including conventional, nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, and any
techniques, components, or equipment for the development, optimization, or use of such
This definition of "harmful applications'.' makes section 12 of the policy less vague, and a/so make
s it clearly applicable to potentially harmful weapons research at McGill.
7.4.1 Notwithstanding section 7.4, a Researcher shall respect any agreement between the
University and a Research sponsor who has legitimately and in good faith requested anonymity.
Changed to:
7.4.1 Notwithstanding section 7.4, a Researcher shall respect any agreement between the
University and a rion~governmental Research sponsor who has legitimately and in good faith
requested anonymity.

Specifying that Article 7.4. 1 only applies to non-governmental research sponsors would al/ow for
confidentiality required in contracts with business and private sponsors, while keeping
government (public) sponsorship open to the public.

Addition of the following clauses:

12.1 A Researcher shall be aware of the potentially harmful applications of his or her research by
agencies supporting the research through fund ing or other means, including support received .by
Research collaborators.

(SOURCE : Regulations on Research Po/icy#10)

The addition of a new Article 12. 1 recognizes that researchers can never be aware of all the
possible applications of their research, and specifies the more reasonable expectation that they
must be aware of all potentially harmful applications by agencies who are supporting the
research. This expectation is based on the statement in the preamble that "individual members of
the University community are best positioned, through special knowledge, to be aware of ..the
consequences of [their Research]. " This article is especially important because it clarifies that use
of the word "knowingly" in the old Article 12. 1, which would be amended to be Article 12. 2:
12.1 A Researcher shall not knowingly undertake Research which has significant potential of
direct harmful applications or adverse effects without receiving the approval of:
(i) an appropriate research review committee: and
(ii) the Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations).
Changed to:
"12.2 A Researcher shall not knowingly undertake Research which has significant potential of any
harmful applications or adverse effects without receiving the approval of:
(i) an appropriate research review committee ; and
(ii) the Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations).

The amendment proposed for the new Article 12. 2 (the change of the word "direct" to "any')
recognizes that most research projects will have some applications that may be harmful, and
some applications that may be beneficial. This wording of of-the policy clarifies that all research
projects with any potentially harmful applications should be ethically evaluated, even if there are
a/so potentially beneficial applications. The directness or indirectness of the applications in
relation to the research, as well as the harm versus the benefits of the research, can then be
evaluated by the research review committee. A/so, the broadening of the scope of "harmful
applications" is reasonable when considered alongside the addition of the new Article 12. 1; which
would focus what is meant by harmful applications.
12.3 Research review committees shall be public, interdisciplinary bodies composed of students
and faculty, responsible for evaluating the possibilities of harmful application and potential
benefits of research and for annually reporting the results of these evaluation s to senate.
(SOURCE : Regulations on Research Policy #10 and #11)

The addition of Article 12.3 ensures that research review boards will be transparent to, and
representative of, the entire McGill community, all of whom may be concerned about the ethics of
research conducted at their place of learning.
12.4 A researcher shall not conduct research supported by military agencies through fund ing or
other means, including support received by Research collaborators, without the approval of an
appropriate research review committee.
(SOURCE: Regulations on Research Po/icy#10)

The addition of Article 12.4 subjects all military-related research to evaluation by the research
review committee, since the military is one of the few institutions in our society explicitly intended
to be harmful to human fife.


17.1 This Policy shall be reviewed at the end of the third year of its operation by a working group
comprised of:
(i) the Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations) or delegate;
(ii) the Provost or delegate;
(iii) the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies or delegate; and
(iv) six persons (namely, one member of the academic staff representing each of the
sectors whose research activities are primarily funded by CIHR, NSERC and SSHRCC; one
member of the graduate student body; one postdoctoral fellow; and one member representing all

other research related academic classifications) approved by Senate Nominating Committee.
Changed to:
17.1 This Policy shall be reviewed at the end of the third year of its operation by a working group
comprised of:
(i) the Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations) or delegate;
(ii) the Provost or delegate ;
(iii) the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies or delegate; and
(iv) seven persons (namely, one member of the acade mic staff representing each of the
sectors whose research activities are primarily funded by CIHR, NSERC and SSHRCC: one
mernb~r 'Qf. tti~ .unoergraquafe ~t!Jdent.,~oqy; one member of the graduate student body: one
postdoctoral fellow; and one member representing all other research related academic
classifications) approved by Senate Nominating Committee.
The changes proposed in Article 17. 1 would add an undergraduate student to the working group
responsible for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy in its third year of implementation. This
would ensure that this group is representative of the entire McGill community, not just graduate
students and faculty. This is important both because many undergrads conduct research, and
because there are issues surrounding the conduct of research that are of concern to all members
of the university community regardless of whether they are directly involved in the research.

William Foster, Prof

. To:


William Foster, Prof

Monday, August 31 , 20099:11 AM
Vicky Tobianah
Rima Rozen. Dr.
RE: Senate changes to Military Research Regulations Policy

Dear M s. Tobianah
I am in receipt of your message. I would note that draft policies are not made publicly available till they have been
reviewed and commented on by all appropriate bodies. The draft policy on the conduct of research (which covers a broad
range of issues relevant to the conduct of research - not just the matter of 'military research") has been provided to th e
. SSMU and PGSS (and exceptionally, in t his case, to "Demilitarize McGill") as part of the consultation process. I would
suggest that you contact them to discuss your views and concerns.
I cannot say with any precision when the draft will be presented to Senate for discussion - hopefully it will be sometime
this fall, but it is highly unlikely that it will be in September. However, I can assure you that the document will be brought
to Senate initially for discussion. Then following the discussion/debate it will be revised if necessary before it is returned to
Senate. Thus, all sectors of th e University, through their representatives. will have the opportun ity to raise issues of
concern on any aspect of the proposed policy.
Bill Foster
Professor William F. Foster
Sir William Macdonald Professor of Law
Associate Provost (Policies & Procedures)
McGill University
James Administration Bldg., Room 600
845 Sherbrooke Street Wes t
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2T5
Tel. : 514-398-1660/6627
Fax. 514-398-3219


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Ce message, son contenu et les pieces jointes (le cas echeant) son confidentiels et exclusivement adresses a son
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From: [] On Behalf Of Vicky T

Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 7: 19 PM
To: William Foster, Prof
Subject: Senate changes to Military Research Regulations Policy

Hello Mr. Foster,

My name is Vicky Tobianah and I was hoping to ask you a few questions about the proposed changes to the
McGill Military Research Regulations policy. I understand the Senate will be voting on these changes in early
September and as a student at this university, I'm interested to know:
- What type of changes can we expect to see? Is is possible to receive a copy of the draft changes?
- Why is McGill updating its policynow? Was there any need to change the current policy?
- How has McGill ensured that policies are transparent to students and university staff and open to the public?
- Who proposed the changes and for what purpose?
I would appreciate a response at your earliest convenience.
Thanks so much,
Vicky Tobianah

Vicky Tobianah - vick)189i'

Undergraduate - Political Science and English Literature
Faculty of Arts
McGill University - Montreal, Canada

A Time Line:
Students Struggle for Responsible Research at McGill
1988- McGill amends the Regu.lations on Research tiPolicy and adds sections 10 and 11 to address research loo
funded by military agencies.

1987- Former McGill students occupy the office of

the Vice-Principal Research to protest fuel air explosives research. Six days later, they are removed by
the police.

1988- The Canadian University Press reports criti2007- Students criticize Regulations on Research
cisms of the new Regulations on Research Policy:
Policy in the McGill Daily arguing that evaluations loot- requirements for ethical evaluation are limited to proand approvals resulting from the 1988 policy have not
fessors evaluating their own research projects.
been reported to Senate as required by the policy, nor
made public in any other way.
Fall 2008- Students learn that the administration is
~undertaking a review of the Regulations on Research
February 2009- At the SSMU General Assembly,
a motion passes mandating SSMU to _oppose any ~
McGill involvement in the development of thermobaric weapons.
February 2009- Demilitarize McGill and SSMU
VP University Affairs (UA) are forwarded a Draft
.,. Regualtions on the Conduct of Research which inMarch 2009- Regulation on the Conduct of Research
cludes a section 12 "Research with potentially harmpolicy is scheduled to be approved in Senate but the
ful applications or effects." Both Demilitarize McGill
motion is delayed until May 20th for unknown reaand . SSMU VP UA submit proposals to strength~n
sons. Students protest arguing that campus media and I-section 12.
the majority of students will be absent at this time.
May 2009- PGSS Council passes a motion to support t- April 2009-At a Senate Steering Committee, a SSMU
the implementation of a policy for public transparrepresentative succeeds in pushing the discussion of
ency and ethical evaluation of all research at McGill ~ the policy until Fall 2009.
funded by, or done in collaboration with, a military
.June 2009- Associate Provost William Foster responds to SSMU UA Rebecca Dooley's request for
October 28 2009- Students and community members
1an updated draft saying that no updates have been
are shocked and dismayed to find the complete removal of all sections requiring reporting on harmful 1-1 made as yet, but promises to keep her updated.
research in the proposed Regulations on the Conduct
of Research.


November 2009:
Students know where they stand.
Do you?

Prepared by Demilitarize McGill http://demilitari


Proposed Amendment
Demilitarize McGill recognizes that some members of the McGill community are uncomfortable singling out
research receiving military funding as the only research that should report on potentially harmful applications.
We therefore propose an amendment to the Regulation on the Conduct of Research policy that would ensure
transparency, honesty, and openness in all aspects of future research taking place at McGill, and would ensure
that no potentially harmful research is conducted at our university without undergoing an ethical evaluation process. We call it "Section 12" based on the section 12 that was present in the drafts of the policy made available
to us in February, but that was subsequently removed from the final policy proposal.


12.1 A Researcher shall be aware of the potentially harmful applications of his or her research by agencies supporting the research through funding or other means, including support received by Research
collaborators, and shall:
(i) indicate on the check list/approval form of the Office of Technology Transfer or the Research Grants
Office whether this research has direct harmful consequences;
(ii) not undertake this research without receiving the approval of a Research Review Committee.
(SOURCE: Regulations on Research Policy #10)
The addition of a new section 12. 1 recognizes that researchers can never be C1Ware of all the possible applications of their research, and specifies the more reasonable expectation that they must be aware of all potentially
harmful applications by agencies that are supporting their research. This expectation is based on the statement
. in the preamble that, "individual members of the University community best positioned, through special
knowledge, to be aware of..the consequences of[their Research}. " Section 12. 1 (i) details the moment al which
researchers are expected to disclose potentially harmful applications ar.d provides a mechanism, in conjunction
with 12.1 (ii) to do so.

12.2 The aforementioned Research Review Committee shall be a transparent, interdisciplinary body composed of undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty, responsible for evaluating the possibilities of harmful application and potential benefits of research.
The addition ofsection 12.2 ensures that the Research Review Committee will be transparent to, and representative ofthe entire McGill community, all ofwhom may be concerned about the ethics ofresearch conducted at
their place of learning.

12.3 To ensure transparency, the Research Review Committee shall:

(i) publicly release an agenda prior to the evaluation of a research proposal that identifies all researchers,
collaborators, and supporting agencies, and the potentially harmful applications that have brought
the research to the committee;
(ii) publicly release a report following the evaluation of a research proposal that includes all details on the
evaluation that are deemed acceptable for public dissemination by the committee and the researchers;
(iii)submit the full results of these evaluations to the Vice-Principal (Research) for inclusion as part of
regular reports to senate.
Section I 2.3 (ii) ensures that researchers are not forced to publicly release inf01mation that may compromise
research agreements made with sponsors and ensures that researchers' innovations or intellectual property are

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