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Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and

Life Cycle Cost (LCC) Tool

Commercial Building Developments
in Hong Kong




2002, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

(EMSD) of the HKSAR Government initiated a consultancy

study titled Life Cycle Energy Analysis of Building Construction.

Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd, in association with
the sub-consultants, were commissioned to undertake the
Consultancy Study.
Recommended by the Construction Industry Review Committee
(CIRC) in 2001, the study aims to develop an assessment
tool with model and data that appraises life cycle costs and
life cycle performances of building materials and components;
and provides guidelines on the use of alternative materials
and systems that help to improve the environmental, energy
and economic performances of buildings. The study also aims
to promote the concept of sustainable construction and to
solicit a broad base of public support in ensuring the need for
sustainability to the community.
This pamphlet provides general information on the concept of
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and an outline of the established
LCA tool which was developed based on extensive research
work, survey of commercial buildings and consultation forums to
the local construction industry.
With the integration of life cycle philosophies, the LCA tool
features a user-friendly processing template, with design-oriented
data-entry sheets and informative reporting documents for the
application of the construction industry in Hong Kong.



Introduction of LCA


Buildings and Sustainable Development

Background of LCA

Life Cycle Inventory

Inventory (LCI) Process

Impact Assessment (LCIA)
Life Cycle Cost

LCA/LCC Tool Development


The Need of LCA/LCC Tool for Hong Kong

Establishment of LCA/LCC Data
The LCA/LCC Database for Hong Kong Buildings
Key Features of the LCC/LCA Tool

A Simple Wood Shed Example


An Introductory Example of LCA


Further Information


Buildings and Sustainable Development

Buildings are climate modifiers that provide indoor environments
suitable for habitation and various economic and social functions.
However, the cost of having buildings to fulfil our needs involves
enormous amount of resources consumption during construction,


operation and maintenance of the buildings, from which large

quantities of wastes and pollutants are also generated.
Sustainable Development is development that meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs (The World Commission on
Environment and Development, 1987).
In Hong Kong, buildings are responsible for a major
portion of the citys overall energy use. Demolition
of buildings generates huge amount of solid waste,
which is becoming a major load on our landfills.
Enhancing sustainability of building development is
paramount important to the sustainability of Hong
Kong. To achieve this goal, developing a reliable tool
for quantifying environmental impacts of buildings is

Sustainable development is a key issue

for the building industry in Hong Kong

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an objective method to

evaluate the environmental burdens associated with a product,
process or activity by identifying and quantifying energy and
material uses and releases to the environment, and to evaluate
and implement opportunities to influence environmental
improvements. The method assesses the entire life cycle of
the product, process or activities, encompassing extracting and
processing material; manufacturing, transporting and distribution;
use, reuse and maintenance; recycling and final disposal
(The Society of Environmental, Toxicology and Chemistry, 1993).

Background of LCA

Stages of LCA under ISO 14040

Originated from the industrial sector of

Goal and Scope Definition:

Western Europe and North America for

quantification of the environmental impacts
in pr o d u c i n g , u s i n g a n d d i s p o s i n g o f
manufactured products, LCA is adopted in
providing advice on production processes
improvement, and more recently as a basis
for environmental performance labelling
of products. At present, application of LCA

State intended application, reasons

for doing LCA and to whom the
LCA results are communicated;
a n d d e fi n e s y s t e m b o u n d a r y,
assessment method, data
requirement, functional units,
assumptions, limitations, etc.

to building design remains embryonic.

Inventory Analysis:

Internationally, the idea of LCA has been

Collect the economic flows and

raised in:

environmental intervention data for

1992 - Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro

1997 - Kyoto Protocol

each unit process within the system

boundary. The analysis yields a list
of resources input and emissions

1998 - United Nations Environment


from the involved processes.

Impact Assessment:

2002 - Earth Summit at Johannesburg

Include: (1) Section of impact

categories and indicator; (2)
Classification of inventory data
into impact categories; (3)

Life cycle ISO 14040

assessment framework

Characterization of inventory data

Goal and

within each category, and optionally



(4) Normalization; (5) Grouping;

and (6) Weighting the characterised


Framework of Life Cycle Assessment under ISO 14040

The 14040 series of ISO Standards

provides an internationally accepted
framework for LCA.

Include: making observations from
the results to identify improvement
opportunities or compare alternative

Inventory (LCI) Process

Inventory (LCI) Analysis yields a long list of quantities of all the
natural resources consumed and the emissions produced in
various stages of the complete life cycle of a product, from cradle


to grave. The LCI result depends on the types and quantities

of natural resources (including fossil fuels) and other materials

used during the production of goods; the modes and distances
of transportation involved; the way in which the product is used
and its lifespan; and how the product is finally disposed. These
factors vary from one country or region to another, dependent
on the availability of the required resources in the region, the
technologies employed in the production processes, and whether
the consumed product is locally produced or imported. Whilst the
LCI result is a complete account of the quantities of resources
consumed and emissions incurred during the life cycle of a
product, the long list of quantities is difficult to interpret.


LCI Analysis


Steps of LCIA
Impact categories in CML
Baseline method:
1. Abiotic depletion
2. Global warming
3. Ozone depletion
4. Human toxicity
5. Fresh water ecotox.
6. Marine aquatic ecotox.
7. Terrestrial ecotox.
8. Photochemical smog
9. Acidification
10. Eutrophication

Normalization *

Grouping *

Weighting *
* Optional under ISO 14042

Impact Assessment (LCIA)

The assessment follows the LCI analysis first Categorises the impacts (resources
consumption and emissions) into a range of impact categories. The Characterization
step is then performed, which converts the quantities of various types of impacts
under each category into equivalent quantities of a reference impact (e.g. methane
into an equivalent amount of CO2 under the global warming category), yielding one
single impact indicator for each impact category. Each impact indicator retains the
unit of measurement of the quantity.
The Normalization step converts the impact profile (the set of impact indicators, one
for each impact category), into a set of dimensionless numbers. Typical normalization
factors used are the total quantity of each type of impact incurred in a region or the
whole world in a year, on the whole or per capita basis. A normalised impact indicator
reflects the proportional contribution of the product to the total impact of the same
type in the region, and hence the seriousness of the impact the product would incur.
An effective Grouping step is required for the convenience of further study and data
To facilitate decision making, the normalised impact indicators may be Weighted to
yield a single, all-embracing impact indicator, through the use of a set of weighting
factors. Derivation of the weighting factors is typically through solicitation of expert
In this study, the CML Baseline 2000 LCIA method is employed. In addition to the
ten impact categories embraced by the method, two additional impact indicators
are provided for reference: life cycle energy use (including embodied and operating
energy use) and solid waste generation. The normalization factors used are based
on 1995 World data.

Life Cycle Cost (LCC)

Like any other investments, attempts to minimise environmental
impact of building developments should take into account the
associated costs. Life cycle cost (LCC) yields the present value


of the current and future expenditures for the procurement of

the building and the operation and maintenance throughout its
useful life. This allows the financial implications of future savings
due to additional investments made at present for enhancing
performance (e.g. energy efficiency or durability of materials)
which should be assessed for decision making.

Development Tool and LCI Database:

There are several LCA tools available in the market that can
be used to implement the above processes. The detailed LCA
Tool Sima Pro has been employed in establishing a LCIA profile
database in the study. LCI data for various processes have been
extracted from proprietary databases and modified to reflect local
construction practices.

Life Cycle Inventory Analysis

The relationship between the

Impact Analysis a

Photoc hemical



Global Warming


Ozo ne

utrop hication

Fresh Water, Marine and

Fresh Wa ter, Mari ne
Terrestrial Ecotoxicity
and Terres trial
Human Toxicity
To xicity
Life Cycle Impact Analysis

Life Cycle Cost Analysis

e Life Cycle Inventory Analysis, Life Cycle

and Life Cycle Cost Analysis


The Need of a LCA/LCC Tool for Hong Kong

Given that conducting LCA and LCC of buildings is a complicated
process, equipping designers with an appropriate tool is a key
step in promoting sustainable building development. There are
at present a few tools that have been developed specifically for
assessing buildings. These tools, however, vary in scopes and
methods of assessment and are embedded with
data specific to construction practices in either the
West Europe or North America. Therefore they
can neither be used directly for buildings in Hong
Kong nor can the embedded data be amended.
To make it meaningful, LCA and LCC of buildings
must be based on data that reflect the impacts
incurred by consuming the resources in the local
and operation and maintenance of buildings. Such
data are, until now, unavailable in Hong Kong.
This consultancy study includes development of a LCA and LCC
tool suitable for application to commercial building developments
in Hong Kong. The work involved the establishment of an impact
and cost database for the dominant range of building services
systems and components, and materials that can be found in
commercial buildings in Hong Kong.

Well-known LCA programs for

buildings currently available include:
- ATHENA (Canada)
- EcoQuantum (The Netherlands)


Life Cycle Cost

context, including local practices of construction

Establishment of LCA/LCC Data

The consultancy study includes surveys
of components and materials that can

To p 2 0 d o m i n a n t
building materials in
respect of LCI in the

be found in 28 recently completed

1. Concrete

commercial buildings in Hong Kong, the

2. Reinforcing Bar

survey helped to identify the range of

components and materials

3. Plaster, Render
and Screed

that would dominate the

4. Galvanised Steel

total environmental impacts

5. Tiles

of buildings. Surveys are

6. Stones

also conducted to find out

7. Aluminium

additional impacts that


would be incurred during the

construction stage; and the
countries from which building

8. Structural Steel
9. Access Floor Panel
10. Stainless Steel

List top 40 building

services systems
& components with
greatest LCI in the
1. Power cables
2. Busbar trunking or
3. Chillers
4. Air conditioning
duct work & fitting and
5. Chilled water
systems including
pipework excluding
6. Mcb and mccb
distribution boards

materials and services

11. Plasterboard

equipment are imported

12. Glass

7. Sprinkler systems
including pipework

into Hong Kong for building

13. Bricks and Blocks

8. AHU/ PAUs

construction. Other supporting data are

14. Plywood

also collected from different sources,

15. Formwork

9. Submain conduits
and trunkings

such as the type of fuel used for

producing heat during the production
processes, the fuel used in various

16. Structural Pre-cast

items (Floor Planks,
Beams, Staircase)

countries for electricity generation and

17. Acoustic Tiles

the mode and distance of transportation

18. Plastic, Rubber,


involved for importing building and

system components and materials from

19. Plastic Laminate

these countries, etc.

20. Thermal Insulation

10. Luminaries
11. Escalators
12. FCU
13. Lift
14. Fresh water
15. Ventilation fans
16. Fire hydrant and
hose reels systems
17. Condensate drain
18. Diesel generators
19. Plumbing and
drainage systems
20. LV switchboards
21. etc



The LCA/LCC Database for Hong Kong Buildings

Based on the data collected in building surveys and other global
LCA program, adjustments were made to the LCI data sourced
from proprietary LCI databases to make them the representative
of the impacts that would be incurred due to consumption of
building and services components and materials for construction
of buildings in Hong Kong. The detailed LCA program was
then used to produce LCIA profiles (by implementing the
characterization process) for each material that appeared in the
list of dominant materials ascertained in the building survey. The
produced LCIA profiles are key data in the database and with
which LCA of commercial buildings can be performed. Other
data in the database include unit price data compiled from tender
prices by the Quantity Surveyor in the project team, and physical
properties of the materials, including density, thermal conductivity
and specific heat.
Aggregation of the LCIA results (a list of impact indicators) into
a single and all-embracing impact indicator requires a set of
weighting factors; likewise for weighting between total impact
and life cycle costs. A forum was conducted to solicit subjective
evaluations from the building professionals based upon which a
set of weighting factors has been derived.

A user-friendly data-entry platform facilitates the building

designers to input the required data


Key Features of the LCA/LCC Tool

The LCA/LCC tool developed from the
study is a computer program that can
facilitate building designers to input
the required data to model the building
designed; perform calculations of the
environmental impacts and life cycle
cost of the building; and to compare the
impacts and costs of alternative designs.
The program can output calculated results
for different stages in the life cycle of
a building, including up to the as-built
stage, the operating stage and the endof-life stage. Separate results can also be
retrieved for different parts of a building,
such as the impacts of the foundation, the
building fabric and the services. Facilities
are provided to allow the user to compare
results down to individual elements level.
In addition to data outputs, graphical
outputs that show a comparison between

Breakdown of the impacts can be displaced in

numerical or graphical form

alternative designs and a breakdown

of the total impact by individual impact
categories can be provided. The
LCA/LCC tool and the database will be

The LCA / LCC Tools will soon be

made publicly available as an enabling

released to the general public for

mean in promoting sustainable building

trial run!




An Introductory Example of LCA


The idea of LCA can lively be illustrated in the following example

about the construction of a simple wood shed. At the beginning,
we need materials including Wood Plank, Nails and other Metal
Process 1

To make the wood planks, some trees need to be

fell first

Process 2

Felling trees requires the use of chainsaws

Process 3

Use of chainsaws requires:

Process 4

Felling tree generates:

Petrol input
Branches left in the forest
Emissions form the chainsaw
Up to this stage, we can first consider the tree felling unit
process. In cutting the trees, petrol is burnt for the process where
branch sawdust and exhaust gas emitted are considered as
waste. Logs are the process product for the next unit process.

Output of other

with a chainsaw



Output of other

Emissions to
land and air from
the process

Process 5 After the tree felling process, the logs are collected and transported to
the mill. Hence, transportation is the next unit process to be considered.
At this time, diesel is the fuel for the tracker while delivered logs are the
products in the process.
Logs in Forest
Output of other

Transporting logs
to a sawmill

Delivered Logs


to air from
the process

Output of other

Process 6 Finally, planks are produced in the mill by sawing. This is another unit
Output of other



Sawdust Bark

and Emissions
to air from
the process

Output of other

Process 7 By connecting the unit processes together, we can form a life cycle
inventory accumulating the inputs and outputs of the entire process
To be accumulated


& energy

Unit process



ByWastes and
products emissions

& energy

Unit process


ByWastes and
products emissions


& energy

Unit process

Final Product

ByWastes and
products emissions

To be accumulated



Where Can I Get More Information?

For further information, please contact Energy Efficiency Office, Electrical and
Mechanical Services Department. Contact details are:
Address: 11/F, 111 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: 2881 1651 , Fax: 2890 6081


Printed on recycled paper

(20-25% pre-consumer waste, acid free, fiber from sustainable forestry, totally chlorine free)

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