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Genome Explorations Inc. was founded by Dr. Divyen H.

Patel to provide Academic,

Biotech and Pharmaceutical institutes with a 'Complete Solution' for RNA, miRNA and DNA
analysis. Genome explorations also provide all associated Bioinformatic solutions to make
sence of the data generated through these high through put technologies. Dr. Patel started
and managed the Genomics Core Facility at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The
finding's from one of the many studies conducted through his core was described in a
seminal study on the cover of Cancer Cell (Cancer Cell Vol. 1 133-143 March 2002). The
study pioneered the use of global genomics to enhance diagnosis of pediatric leukemia and
evaluate prognostic outcome in patients. The extensive experience gained through working
with scores of investigators, resulting in over a hundred publications, has made Genome
Explorations Inc. the number one choice for Investigators worldwide for all their genomic
The 'Complete Solution' requires you, our client, to only provide us with your biological
samples (DNA, RNA, Cells, Tissue or Blood). Our highly trained staff subsequently process
these samples to completion and analyze them using the latest advanced bioinformatics
solutions. This model, combined with the one-on-one interactions we have with our
investigators, allows us to generate the highest quality data sets in the industry.


With over 50 years of combined experience in gene expression and genotyping, the
scientists at Genome Explorations have established a state of the art GLP compliant facility
for all your microarray needs. We have developed detailed standard operating procedures
(SOPs) that allow us to consistently generate the highest quality, most reproducible, data
sets in the industry.


Copy Number Analysis

The new Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0 features 1.8 million genetic
markers, including more than 906,600 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and more
than 946,000 probes for the detection of copy number variation. The SNP Array 6.0 is the
only platform with analysis tools to truly bridge copy number and association, including a
new, high-resolution reference map and a copy number polymorphism (CNP) calling
algorithm developed by the Broad Institute. The SNP Array 6.0 demonstrates industryleading performance and represents more genetic variation on a single array than any
other product, providing maximum panel power and the highest physical coverage of the
Redefine biological innovation through Next generation (NextGen) sequencing. NextGen
sequencing sequences many millions of DNA fragments in parallel, which provides
unprecedented scalability for whole genome sequencing, exome sequencing, RNA-seq, and
gene panels. The sensitivity of NextGen technology is limitless thanks to endless depth of
coverage, which permits detection of rare mutations, transcripts, and biomarkers.
Ion Torrent PGM
The PGM System* offers researchers high-quality sequencing
data with the versatility to optimize runs for turn-around time
or throughput. The PGN System is the next generation
sequencer for every lab.
Powerful benchtop system Up to 2 Gb/day with 99.99% accuracy**
Simplified sequencing Streamlined workflows and easy-to-use software
Rapid run time Run a sample in as little as 8 hours
Flexible Independent lanes enable multiple applications in a single run


Bioinformatics Solutions for Gene Expression Data Acquisition and Basic analysis
Affymetrix GeneChip Command Console (AGCC)
AGCC provides comprehensive data collection and analysis tool for the Affymetrix
GeneChip Platform. The suite provides automated data collection and instrument control
for the GeneChip Fluidics Station 400 and the GeneChip Scanner 3000. Using advanced
scientific algorithms, the suite provides several different analysis applications. Analysis
options include conversion of intensity data into expression results, allele detection,
singular nucleotide polymorphism detection, and nucleotide analysis. Advanced Data
Analysis for Gene Expression

ArrayAssist Expression Software

ArrayAssist Expression Software, powered by avadis, is easy to use, while still offering
a full spectrum of advanced analytical features such as new statistical tests (multi-way
ANOVA and non-parametric statistical tests), data mining tools (classifiers for machine
learning-based prediction) and sophisticated, dynamic, interactive visualization options.
Genome Explorations provides both high throughout service and comprehensive research
project execution. Genome Explorations scientists and affiliates represent some of the most
skilled clinical, molecular and bioinformatic researchers in USA. Our Scientists have
conducted varying clinical projects aimed at finding signatures, drug targets or genotypes
defined by Pharma/Biotech customers. Genome Explorations is a market leader in
Biomarker Discovery, Companion Diagnostics, Novel Drug Screening and Clinical Validation

For more information please visit

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