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Relatively high proven eficiencies of CIGS devices are often cited regarding its

choice as a semiconductor for photovoltaic manufacturing. Module efficiency is

an important parameter, as a number of factors in the cost per watt are driven
downward by increasing efficiency. Some of these factors include materials costs,
throughput for a given capital investment, and installation costs. Thus, realizing
high-efficiency (e.g. 15%) large-area CIGS modules is key in both reducing cost
per watt and diferentiating the technology from other thin films. This paper
discusses the material properties required of each layer of the CIGS device such
that large-area CIGS modules can achieve efficiencies 15%, which is substantially
higher than the current industrial state-of-the-art. The sensitivity of module
performance to the important material parameters is quantified based on both
experimental data and modeling. Necessary performance diferences between
small-area devices and large-area modules imposed by geometry are also
quantified. Potential technical breakthroughs that may relax the requirements for
each layer are discussed.
Keywords: CIGS, module, material properties, photovoltaics
Overview of material properties
At NREL, small area CIGS device efficiencies of 20.0% have been demonstrated, 1
as shown in Figure 1. Table 1 shows measured material properties for each
electrically active layer of an NREL 20% efficient device. These values will be
referred to in the discussion as best proven values. In the following sections,
each layer of the device is discussed, starting from the light-incident side. For
each layer, the sensitivities of the performance to deviations from the best
proven values of material properties are discussed. For critical properties, a range
of acceptable values for 15% module performance is established.
Grids and transparent conductor
Grids and the transparent conducting oxide (TCO) must be considered together, as
both are involved in lateral current collection and optimized properties are
therefore interdependent. Power losses for the grid and TCO are calculated
following Green. 2
These power losses for an NREL 20.0% device are calculated and listed in the
second column of Table 2. Power absorbed in the TCO, PTCO, is based on
measured TCO absorption (Figure 2), and is calculated by
The absorbed photon current listed in Table 1 as ZnO bi-layer AM1.5 absorption is
simply PTCO/Vmp.
Figure 1: JV curve of 20.0% CIGS device, using the recently-adopted standard
ASTM G173 global spectrum. Note that the same device measures 19.9%, as
published, under the earlier standard spectrum.

Table 1: Relevant material properties of NREL 20% device.

Refection losses are calculated in an analogous fashion, with A() in (1) replaced
by the reflection, R(). Based on the refection data of Figure 22, these losses
integrate to 4.1 mA/cm2. However, use of a MgF anti-reflective (AR) coating

increases the short-circuit current by 5% (i.e. by ~1.8 mA/cm2), implying refection

losses are reduced to 2.3 mA/cm2. Thus, the remaining power loss due to
reflection in a high-efficiency device (coated with MgF ) is approximately 1.4
Figure 2: Measured transmission, reflection, and absorption as a function of
wavelength for ZnO bilayer on glass companion piece to device M2992 of Figure 1.
When moving to a larger device size, power loss related to lateral current
collection necessarily increases. However, these power losses are minimized by
adjusting grid spacing, cell dimensions, and TCO conductivity and absorption (via
TCO free carrier density). The necessary performance diferences imposed by
device size should be distinguished from processing choices made for throughput
and cost advantages. For example, a manufacturer may utilize a substrate or
deposition rate that has a known negative impact on absorber lifetime, but is
advantageous in terms of throughput. In this paper, we only discuss material
properties needed to achieve a given performance goal, independent of
manufacturing trade-ofs.
The geometry utilized to examine power losses for a large-area device is shown
in Figure 3. A gridded, rather than monolithically-integrated, configuration is
analyzed, as grids have been shown both experimentally and by simulation to
maximize efficiency. 3
The cell length, A, is fixed at 10 cm, taken to be the
smallest size reasonable for integration into a large-area module. The bus bar
width, d, is fixed at 1.5 mm, a minimum reasonable size for automated stringing.
The maximum bus bar sheet resistance is taken to be 0.14 m/, consistent with
13 m (0.5 mil) Cu ribbon. B, one half the cell width, and S, the distance between
grid fingers, are optimized to minimize power loss
Figure 3: Cell geometry used for analysis of large-area device.
The TCO properties, not just the cell dimensions, must also be optimized for the
larger geometry to achieve the highest efficiency. It is assumed for this
optimization that the mobility of the TCO is approximately fixed, since the mobility
is a function of scattering mechanisms that may not be mutable for a given
process or material. The free carrier density, however, is easily varied via oxygen
vacancies or dopants in the target. For example, in ZnO films at NREL, changing
the Al-doping from 0 to 2% by weight caused a 20x increase in carrier density, but
only a 2x decrease in mobility. 4

Efects of changing the free carrier density on power loss in the device can be
calculated using classical harmonic oscillator theory, 5,6 dictating that the
absorption in the TCO is related to conduction following
This theory predicts a linear relationship between ln(1-A) and tn/, as is
demonstrated in Figure 4 for ZnO films made at NREL.
In Figure 4, absorption is measured at 1.1 eV, and Al doping of the films ranges
from 0 to 2% by weight. The comparison between experiment and theory should
be considered approximate, as no attempt to account for refection from the back
surface of the film (ZnO/glass interface) has been made.

Figure 4: Absorption at 1.1 eV as a function of carrier density, thickness, and

mobility measured on NREL ZnO films. The gray line is a linear regression to the
Thus, using the material properties of Table 1, the values for B, S, and nt product
were adjusted to minimize power loss in the hypothetical large-area device of
Figure 3. This minimization was accomplished numerically using a spreadsheet.
Resulting parameters are B= 2.0 cm, S=1.1 mm, and nt=2.3 x 1015 cm-2.
Calculated power losses for this configuration are shown in column 3 of Table 2.
Power losses not related to the grids and TCO are assumed to be identical to the
20% small cell.
Using the best proven material properties, the highest
possible large-area efficiency is thus 19.1%. Alternatively, if the cell width is
fixed at 10 cm (i.e. B=5 cm), optimized values are S=0.61 mm and nt=1.3 x 1015
cm-2, with a resulting efficiency of 18.1%. The power losses for this configuration
are listed in column 4 of Table 2. The 1 to 2% absolute efficiency diference
between the small cell and large cell is consistent with published data and
The 18 to 19% efficient large-area prediction is based upon a minimum finger
width of grids deposited by e-beam evaporation. Other deposition techniques
may necessitate substantially thicker grids. The maximum achievable large-area
efficiency is strongly dependent on minimum grid finger width. As grid fingers
are made thicker, they must be spaced further apart, resistive loss in the TCO
increases, and the optimized TCO is less transmissive. This efect is illustrated in
Figure 5, where optimized efficiency and grid spacing are calculated for a 10 cm
wide device. To achieve a module efficiency of 15%, the maximum grid finger width
is about 1 mm.
Figure 5: Calculated maximum large-area efficiency as a function of grid finger
width. Also shown are the efects of grid finger width on optimum grid spacing.
Table 2: Optical and resistive losses in optimized devices of varying areas,

calculated assuming best proven material properties.

The function of the bath-deposited CdS layer has been described not just as a
heterojunction partner, but also in terms of band alignment, 7 lattice matching, 8
surface cleaning, 9,10 and formation of a buried heterojunction via Cd doping of
the CIGS.10,11,12,13,14 It is assumed in this analysis that the CdS deposition
conditions allow enough time for adequate surface cleaning and any CIGS doping
that might occur. Therefore, the remaining CdS property available for optimization
is the CdS thickness.
Device performance as a function of CdS deposition time (i.e. thickness) has
been examined at NREL. 15 From this study, Figure 6 shows open-circuit voltage
(Voc), fill factor (f), and current collection below 520 nm (from integrated quantum
efficiency measurements) as a function of deposition time. Open circuit voltage
and fill factor first increase with CdS deposition time then saturate. Current below
520 nm, on the other hand, decreases steadily as absorption in the CdS increases.
The decrease in current with increasing CdS thickness is well-described by
integrating the AM1.5 spectrum times the CdS absorption calculated using
published optical constants. To perform this calculation of the CdS absorption, a
CdS thickness is assigned to each data point from Figure 6 based on the measured
quantum efficiency (QE). Assuming that the ratio of the QE at 520 nm (QE520) to
that at 450 nm (QE450)is controlled by the transmission through the CdS, the
thickness t of the CdS is given by where 450 and 520 are the absorption
coefficients at 450 and 520 nm, respectively, as available in published data. 16
Using CdS thickness extracted by this method, the data of Figure 6 are used to
graph device efficiency as a function of CdS thickness, and are shown in Figure
7. Points are measured data, while the dashed line shows the expected
dependency at higher thicknesses due to absorption in the CdS. To keep losses
from the CdS below 0.5 mW/cm2, CdS thickness must be 40 nm +40/-10 nm. The
fairly gentle decrease in eficiency with increased CdS thickness shown in Figure 7
accounts only for increased absorption in the CdS. In practice, it can be
expected that for the largest thicknesses shown in the graph, fill factor
decreases will occur due to reduced electric field in the CIGS and the associated
energy position of the CdS/CIGS conduction band ofset. 17 The onset of this fill
factor reduction is a function of the CdS and i-ZnO thicknesses and carrier densities.

Figure 6: Performance parameters as a function of CdS deposition time (i.e.


Figure 7: Device eficiency as a function of CdS thickness. Points are

measured data, while the dashed line shows the expected dependency at
higher thicknesses due to absorption in the CdS.

CIGS, as the absorber and the depleted semiconductor, is the primary layer in
determining junction properties and device performance. Its formation tends to
be the chief challenge facing manufacturers, as the highest performing CIGS
requires the difficult combination of elevated temperatures, extended deposition
times, controlled composition and reaction of four elements, Na doping, and large
grain size.
Properties of the CIGS that may change from one film to the next and are
expected to afect device performance are band gap (Eg), lifetime (), carrier
density (p), mobility (), and front and rear surface recombination velocities (SF
and SR). Profiles (gradients) in these properties may occur through the film.
While some of these properties are measured routinely, others are not fully
quantified for CIGS. Band gap profile and carrier density profile fall in the more
routine category. Band gap profiles are typically deduced from Auger or x-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy profiling, and subsequent conversion of the atomic
Ga/(In+Ga) ratio to band gap. Carrier densities can be deduced from capacitancevoltage or drive-level capacitance profiling, although the separation of free carrier,
interface, and deep-level response can be non-trivial. 18
measurements by time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) can yield information
relevant to device performance, 19,20,21 although only a single value,

rather than a profile, is generally extracted. Some (single-value) measurements of

hole mobility in CIGS are available in the literature, 22,23,24 while estimates of
the electron mobility are based largely on assumptions regarding the ratio
between electron and hole mobilities, or from measurements on single-crystal
materials. Little data exists characterizing surface recombination velocities in the
CIGS device.
Band gap profile is one of the most thoroughly characterized and understood
properties of the CIGS layer. Numerous publications detail how the band gap
profile can be manipulated to match the solar spectrum, decouple optical
absorption and voltage, and reduce of the efects of back surface recombination
and short difusion length. 25 In general, the salient features are 1) overall band
gap magnitude, 2) single-grading, i.e. increasing the band gap toward the back
contact of the device, and 3) double-grading, i.e. creating a notch profile that
both increases the band gap toward the back and front of the device.
The overall band gap to match the solar spectrum is ideally around 1.4 eV. 26
practicality, for CIGS, it is presently limited to about 1.15 eV, due to the impact of
midgap defects at higher band gaps. The measured band gap profile for the 20.0%
device of Figure 1 is shown in Figure 8. In this data, the atomic ratio Ga/
(In+Ga) was measured by Auger spectroscopy profiling and converted to band
gap (Eg) using constants provided by Alonso. 27 The average band gap is around
1.15 eV.
Figure 8: Measured band gap profile of 20.0% device.
A conspicuous feature of Figure 8 is the notch in the band gap profile. The
measured profile is similar to the optimum identified by modeling eforts,25,28
although the measured band gap minimum is slightly farther from the sample
surface and is slightly more shallow than recommended by the models. Based on
modeling, the expected benefits of this profile compared to an ungraded absorber
are ~0.5% absolute.25
Most of this expected benefit is attributed to the
grading toward the back of the device, which reduces back surface recombination
and assists in collection. The grading toward the front of the device, which to
some extent decouples electrical and optical response, makes a smaller
contribution to the improvement.
Lifetime, carrier density, and mobility are logically examined together, as they all

occur in a similar fashion in the relationship between forward current and voltage.
The forward current density, JF, in a p-n junction is given by 29
where q = electron charge
k = Boltzmann constan temperature
= electron
mobility =
ni = intrinsic density =
NC = conduction-band
density of states NV =
valence-band density of
p = hole density
W = depletion width
= dielectric constant
Vbi = built-in potential
V = voltage applied to the junction
The first term in the right hand side of (6) is forward current due to diffusion (JD),
while the second term is forward current due to depletion region recombination
(JR). The equation should only be considered a first-order approximation for
transport in CIGS devices, as the calculation neglects the efects of finite absorber
thickness and assumes uniform absorber properties. Nevertheless, order of
magnitude agreement between voltages and lifetimes using this relationship has
been demonstrated,21 and (6) thus should be a valid vehicle for examining the
general trends in expected sensitivity of CIGS device performance to transport
General trends in the expected impact of , , and p on device performance can be
illustrated by examining the forward current near the maximum power point for
several parameter values. For such calculations, , , and p were varied, while
other material parameters were set to baseline values recommended by
Gloeckler, 30 apart from the electron and hole efective masses (me/m0 and
mh/m0, respectively): CIGS me/m0 = 0.09, and CIGS mh/m0 = 0.72. 31

efective masses affect values for band edge densities of states. The lines in Figure
9a show the resulting ratio of the difusion to recombination current at V= the
maximum power voltage Vmp. For this exercise, Vmp is taken to be 0.591 mV,
as in Figure 1. The lines in Figure 9b show the total forward current. Calculations
are performed for three values of p and two values of , as listed in the figure. The
lowest curve (dashed light gray) is calculated using the baseline values for high
efficiency devices, p = 2 x 1016 cm-3 and = 100 cm2/V-sec.30

Figure 9: Calculated a) ratio of difusion current to recombination current,

and b) total forward current, as a function of lifetime, for several values
of the mobility and carrier density. In the legend, carrier density is
listed in cm-3, and mobility as cm2/V-sec.
For low values of , the forward current is dominated by recombination. (i.e. There is
a very low value of JD/JR in Figure 9a). Even above 10 ns, JR remains the dominant
contribution to JF, although JD is non-negligible. The critical task of reducing
recombination current to increase efficiency is consistent with recent record
efficiencies achieved with

decreasing diode quality factor.1 Devices measured at NREL whose material

properties are consistent with fabrication of >15% modules (i.e. small-area
efficiencies 17% after application of AR coating) exhibit lifetimes almost
exclusively greater than 50 ns. The highest efficiency devices exhibit even longer
It should be noted that meaningful comparison of lifetime across
studies requires careful control of measurement conditions as described in
the references.19,20
In Figure 9b, below ~10 ns, the forward current is insensitive to , as appears
only in the prefactor for JD. , and JR dominates in this lifetime range. Above ~10
ns, the forward current exhibits some modest dependence on (for constant p), as
evidenced by the difference between the solid black and dashed gray lines, or
between the dashed black and solid gray lines. Measurements for hole mobilities
in CIGS range from 0.1 to 20 cm2/V-sec.22,23,24 However, little is known about
the typical range of electron mobilities in CIGS samples and values required for
high performance devices. Because the mobility appears only in the diffusion term
of the forward current, it is likely that mobility is of secondary importance
compared to lifetime or carrier density. For very high efficiencies, further study of
mobility is necessary to comment further on its role in device performance.
For all values of , the forward current depends significantly on p, consistent with
data in the literature. For small-area devices in the efficiency range of 15 to 18%,
a relatively wide range of carrier densities are observed, from around 5 x 1015 to

2 x 1016 cm-3.21,24,32,33,34,35 For the devices with efficiencies greater than

19%, however, carrier densities measure over 1016 cm-3. Devices with very low
carrier density (<1015 cm-3) typically exhibit dramatically reduced efficiency
Although recombination at the back surface is recognized as a mechanism for
efficiency loss in the CIGS device, 36 little data exists characterizing this quantity.
Thus, we are unable to comment here on acceptable ranges or typical values for
high efficiency devices.
For high-quality CIGS devices, an upper limit of 103 cm/s has been deduced
for the bare CIGS surface and the CIGS/CdS interface.19
Device models predict
that a surface recombination velocity of this order of magnitude should have
virtually no effect on device performance.

5. Mo
Primary functions of the Mo layer are to provide a low-resistance back contact,
and in the case of Na-containing substrates- an adequate Na supply for the
growing absorber. How well the latter function is performed depends on the Mo
thickness and microstructure, and is evident in the absorber lifetime and carrier
The conductive requirements for the Mo are fairly easily satisfied, since, unlike the
case of the TCO, no transmission is needed. Resistive loss in the Mo is calculated
as a function of sheet resistance and cell size by standard methods 37 and shown
in Figure 10.
The four lines in Figure 10 correspond to four diferent
geometries for connecting to the back contact of the device in Figure 3. For line
A (dashed gray), calculations are performed assuming both long edges are
contacted with B set at 2.0 cm, as optimized for the TCO. In this geometry, the
largest distance any carrier must travel through the Mo is 2.0 cm. For line A, all
values of sheet resistance considered even those substantially above the
demonstrated 0.2 / (marked with an arrow) yield a low power loss. Line B
is calculated assuming the same geometry as line A, except only one long edge
of the device is contacted. Carriers may travel up to 4 cm in the Mo. Once again
power loss is low. Line C is calculated assuming the two short edges of the device
are contacted, implying a maximum travel distance of 5 cm. Line D is calculated
assuming just one short edge of the device is contacted, implying a maximum
travel distance of 10 cm. Only for the largest sheet resistances and maximum
travel distances shown does power loss in the Mo exceed 1 mW/cm2.

The requirements on Mo sheet resistance imposed by Figure 10 apply only to

devices on insulating substrates. Conducting substrates, e.g. stainless steel foil,
are much thicker than the typical Mo coating, and therefore can carry the
necessary current without imposing conductivity requirements on the Mo.

Figure 10: Power loss in the Mo back contact as a function of Mo sheet

resistance and geometry. Arrow shows location on graph of demonstrated
0.2 / sheet resistance. Schematics on right show geometry used to
calculate each line in graph.

6. Impact of Potential Breakthroughs

A number of opportunities exist for technological breakthroughs that may relax
the material properties requirements delineated in the sections above. These
include larger-bandgap absorbers, non-absorbing heterojunction partners that
maintain Voc, improved TCOs, and use of optics.
Improved current collection has been the aim of investigation of both larger
band gap heterojunction partners and improved TCOs. In the AM1.5 spectrum, 8
mA/cm2 of photon current is available below 520 nm, and the optimized CdS layer
(Figure 7) absorbs 3 mA/cm2 of it. Thus, a larger band gap heterojunction partner
could allow conversion of 3 mA/cm2 more current, or approximately 1.8 mW/cm2
more power. Likewise, a perfect TCO (no absorption, resistance, or reflection)
would eliminate the grid and resistive layer losses that are shown, for an optimized
module, in column 3 of Table 2. These losses total 4 mW/cm2 to be gained with the
development of a perfect TCO.
Larger bandgap absorbers also provide avenues for potential improvement. In
theory, larger band gap materials should yield both a better match of the band gap
to the solar spectrum, and lower resistive losses. The efficiency gain due to a
better match to the solar spectrum, changing the present ~1.15 eV to the optimum
1.4 eV is estimated at 2.5% absolute.26 Reduced resistive losses, on the other
hand, can be expected to yield about 0.4% absolute efficiency
increase. This
estimate is produced by repeating the TCO/grid optimization of section 2, using a
hypothetical 20.0% efficient wide-band gap device with the same outer
dimensions as utilized for the optimized large-area device of Table 2 (4 cm x 10
cm), with Vmp = 0.800 V, and Jmp = 23.6 mA/cm2. Presently, however, wide
band gap chalcopyrites have not yet achieved the absorber and/or interface
quality necessary to realize these benefits.

Use of optics produces some efficiency advantages for

be noted that optics are a slightly diferent class of
already discussed, as they require adding components
than improving or modifying an existing layer. The
(14x) has been demonstrated to improve small-area
3.6% absolute. 39
Maintaining low resistances is key

CIGS solar cells. It should

improvements than those
to the device stack, rather
use of low concentration
CIGS device efficiency by

in achieving this efficiency

increase under concentration. Luminescent frequency conversion has been
shown to increase short-circuit current. 40,41
In this technique, luminescent
dyes absorb blue photons that might otherwise be lost in the CdS or ZnO. The
dyes then emit at wavelengths for which the device exhibits a high QE. This
technique has been shown to increase short circuit current up to 1.5 mA/cm2 for
CIGS devices40 (i.e approximately 0.9 mW/cm2 for a very high-efficiency device).
1.0 mA/cm2 of this current is due to enhanced blue response, and 0.5 mA/cm2 due
to decreased refection of a mini-module without antirefective coating.
7. Conclusions
Material properties of each layer in an NREL 20.0%-efficient, small-area, CIGS
device have been documented. Based on best proven material properties, 18%eficient, 100 cm2 devices suitable for integration into large-area modules are
possible. Successful transfer of high efficiencies from small to large areas
requires careful attention to minimum grid finger width, optimized cell design,
high-quality transparent conductors, and AR coating. For some layers (e.g. CdS,
Mo), windows of acceptable material properties for 15% devices are fairly wide.
The key challenge in creating 15% large-area modules is likely maintaining long
lifetimes (> ~50 ns) and high carrier densities (> ~ 1016 cm-3) in the CIGS,
particularly in high-throughput processes over large areas. A better understanding
of electron mobility in CIGS devices is needed to put firm limits on the required
values for lifetime and carrier density. New developments related to high-quality
large-bandgap absorbers, non-absorbing heterojunction partners that maintain Voc,
improved TCOs, and use of optics have the potential to add a few percent to
module eficiency, thus relaxing requirements on the CIGS.

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