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TOWARD THE ARCHIPELAGO Desh THE POLITICAL AND THE FORMAL M ARCHITECTURE Athousnd way ther ack the pheno dsc chen world? What sot af igiicant and ei relationship tuted by the idea std the motivation ofthe city, but i instead dominated hy wbiation’? ln what fellows wil atempt to onstrate the essen diffrence between the oneep ofthe eit an the once of wbanitation how these concepts overap as well 8 how they adres wo dil diferent interpretations fin habitedapace-and econd, hy locking t how urbanization has ‘ebannton ot though ire eal” ffects, bot through ‘xemplhyprojectsforeties whichheresreundessoadascffer {ive representations no empl of ubaniaton tel ut also of serpojet forthe ity-the arhipelag—byefersing to ape unterforma within an aginst the preliminary intwductionforadehiniton ofachitetare teh or what die othe pony of an able architecture Aristo made a fundamental diatnetion between polis and conomics-the distinction between whit he defines as iano ikon What he lle poli isthe faeleyofdeison making forthe athe ofthe publicinterest- crv). The polite pac ofthe many, the mpc ha ext eewen individual groupafnvidte when ey eoeit Mowever,contary to Arsotl, who aut that "an i= it among the pats dation of tn polite ao plites—the decision he posit af oni). oltion ita very ontological fundato rod ono evve, Ars i complex mpc a relationships that he divides into vee categorie: depot relationships, elas master-slave; pater relitinnhipe erento ld and maeringe lations shasta te wie, Unlike oman kino he the despot isthe sujet who gover th that the the shorty jer not the pablo spe othe pais ut the priate space drigitted in he Greek ety are mae. The pate pce af te hae ithe base el spare that ensure the satral reproduction os members the py sof he goes isthe pla pare where dacason std confrontation fr the sae ofthe plc inerest kes place The eat strate between pli su private interests, between politcal interests and econoaie ‘utinthe dichotomy between utr advo, The atin terme lndiated “ey” ts ferent see froma the Grek wor t wor pale onaf thei teal qualifeation? Whereas the pols wasfounded teanscened any amsmunity n the onl be oun ‘na tabula ase ndiion lilkethe ling of domeateopace From his wean im tha arts dessin generic onion of tubttionredveibletthe rinsplenfthe haute and Is material nce. While the Grek pos was alt stetly Framed byt walled perimeter, the Romanus ws ot tended toe estited, adn at espn inte form of tral ed enicialo ‘Aa anna Arendt haremarked vzaton in which ods pl regulating pliealaeion, frames within a defined spatial form that coeds with the wale pesimeter of the ty id he an object ter to counter the infinite nator of retonsipe that riginate ri Arendt writes, “Th she constantly expaningaytem of relationship, andy ding ceptof law les was tu court polite thing intel required ical consensus ofthe partie involved in it juriaditon ae treaty Unite the Creck noma, which was orm that ated the fading of plital ie ‘he Roman lw wana pliel instrament eserves of Roms ‘expnsonst ogi. through which the Romans could force alien sions to he part ofan ever inlaivealliane fo the sake icf! While the amc, by forint, prevented the Greekpls rom unfolding ino totaly, wae preci the inchsie eonecp ofthe lex that turned Rome fr pl cia and hasnt an epic, For the enon the Hen of th ‘alform:"The Roman Empire, by conten be dese 8 2 incalale network in which the empire's diversity became all-inclusive toa, Titoli wat the stdementproent whole inhabited space of he empize. Thuswh sigote ae between the Romances sd the Gree teen orgie theCreckpaiisacommunty of people who cme from the ame phere ofthe is or, ata deve ele, the re, which ad mts the material onlin of cohabitation independent fay politi gene By desinstingthelstrtre ofthe ey anit Functioning without any itl pole qulfistion. tears he nterpreted spl Tes or dlans-and thir nest leuaion systems The form isshared i imply the trial condition of inhabiting pla The ras ie atering of fe nda wh come to ‘rich makes them eltizens, One an spelt that dhe Roman ut play camplementnty tle a fie ad ohn ‘imply indicates the real of dometie ‘cid tis eal tothe strc intended to apport the sm lees orin betwen thems iis ifassuy theif, aedeined by ton of homes, This struct sezreges the house within an cnganie whole hat pees any ofthe aly whe ton Inthe Roman iy ur du nda two feeds bu complementary domains of hua aeoition, bt thee be ‘overland coexist win the sane conten Hence the Rama cy manifestswha wile the oagingeentaldilersma ofthe ety couch, iste the demand fo othe iat a place fredhabitaion thro ite ninaeationand ‘he physical manifestation of administration, turban plate ab serure place. Second isthe denn fr discvsion and conan re~vthout wish the ey wo tation is poltalile—itae-without which the egy would P he the unfolding ofa prdicuble and despotic order of thing thedeepwmre oot lehavor. However, withthe rebirth ofthe Wester ci alter he Is the rebiah ofthe Werte ity the role af url inprovement, the rie of arson instr andthe cone wi created totally new way of Living and working.” Tho ines were cued that deat wth she primary sole waumed hy the esonomy. ofthe sito work, whic epreciely what tie and te sol the Americ, for exatple, wae the ideal projection ofthis Non Not by shane the Lae ofthe Indies tht related th ri. Tn the "New Went” 3 Allee precepis in Dee ifn nthe colnisf se Roman Ease, he wo Wh he eis ofthe ale rene the advent finds thom she ae f epithe ol ofthe ws absorbed the The wo rand pl vasthee rep” features of paradige, This paradigm oma limitlesness and he eompete integra evans of thing, af sid rst cements tha workin permanent repro an his Form atta that exnnot be contained by any previous fnlte tin, devving it rom the word wih the intention rep vial port of te poping bud froma For Gendt center of the ne forms of hua tiered the best ving conditions ad hae he task of wba ‘on was to expand infatrutue a muchas posble inorder to man bit beyond the ambi rane of te tn eupport af Gens proposal to expand th ey of Barce hh widely considered the st iy pln in ory Chrity of ura pace were steak. For thie Gerda drafted fn inoteope rid af vgg-by-1g3-meter blocks, which art ited the equal daeibution of services and rouds throughout the ty aes A eligios eestor appeared in every nine=bl Ainrit markaplace every hapa every sixteen, These were dintibuted aeoeding tensity of go inhabitants por etre the standard econ ved to guarantee a maxim byjeni socal oder Fro the evidence af thi earefl proces of des comety ofthe grid ad the e ideal al concept of he ly a8 entity, hut as» potentially infinite space that extends be cupy the empty are between old Harel and the towns on Its ouakrt, herby eretig a newly ult trocar linking ones oepaatecester. Turon Hasamans ral, ai ong pe Paris, Crd sent the ity oa process af echnaog colton which is scien in tert of produative ap neintence, economic growth, ad soil sect. Urban itaton ndisolbly a trotrally links the motivations for nol itpof enabling erie ge suppression of he ely polite! character in favor of form of power that Giorgia Agomben has defined of usbana oat he fn ity governance tothe pnt that today iti teaonable—h et Hiberseiner jn for. Pete's renintheformof thet Inildingepolgis, frm the moat monamentl tthe the more turban a the periphery, and separates residential nce Kom work ape. Hil ‘nly one bling type» hybrid of las and slab in whe ll fupeimposed a formot tbe repetition ofasingh typology ethat ofthe grid Mhecirultionystemof the Hoebavsstad isextended wn Forlilereimer typological versie rough about by changing labor endtions inthe moder ttopais: ving tana areredaced to thos ofthe ote room, which contained in an scale ua lab mperimposed op#plinhhcomprisingworkshopeandotfcespace Dit toning and diverse typologies disap sit ie, wor, ad In Le Corse’ ierarhiel City for Thre Millon Inbab ners Hochagesta, program: decued hyanteml system that erste be repeated a Infinit, Arhieoa Ine Hochst frm i form in the most ati ‘Win ths pet mic apes oo ie apace, The governing methods of the oundaienbeew Ing the ater the despotic amination ofthe house a he Publiespace snd private pace, ati pinelpsl mode of goveranee forthe whole of rb The ns therefore the destruction of sy mi, boundary. o form hats not eh sine, compli repetit of sown reprdtion andthe consequent talising mechs luetween public and privat, bt als difference hat mates face, or hetween what Arent deat the three spheres af ton abor work, and "vita nta. Allo thewe ltfrences are absorbed within proces of growth that tno ical tine mental and therefore nfs Hisnot ryurbnity-euch From minimalism o Andy Ws the mai ek of meh ae modern cule seeme gested ths ean be deseried interme of Hegel's aoncept of that, n spite teattempted segtiomf efit fact that hinge nd events ave orm, stich pues towardaperenial, compulsive repetiionof ell This compulsive repetition leas toa oof temporal speci yan historia procesr tht i ta the seme f ding nthe moment in which we happen Live n bad ify, everthing “Thearhitetural metaprjet tat st edly expres nity was Archizoot No Stop Cy Tront argued, twas a fatal mina ose ofthe working lass independent of the development ofthe perio. Ae the plea theorist Mario than the borgense tll" The pone therewerefarthewarking date exeris working eas xpi oatackit ould eco, Consequently wba otal plinth tconamy reproduces its abo fore are ly exposed asthe ul timate ore of ban ale, Thos, the salient anpet of Ro St any limit, ‘fund {ye the disap of architecture and its zeplacemen by Suritue design wh therefore ite ako any frm, mental sapet of No-S more Mile and therefore more conaumsble ad ep Ibe, then arhitectre. But if No-Stop City was imagined an the q urbanization’ consequence, in reli te tendeney described elution ofthe ety, Dat rather fy. Folk therapy for aebsnizition hy its exaygerai Cy evolved not toward nat ad the final di ferenee or novelty, lan incentive forte infinite rp ofthe yetem elf and thas for its tsi, ple fs a theoretical p ‘Stop Gy slimatly acoeded”in prop eying a world in which human assocition are raed nly hy omy and rendered in tris of diagrams and roth sttistis, Like No-Stop City, he atl modern city as lial ail projet No Sop City has comet preg ho had nfiityhasenena mai withing inde sgowth ata means of developmen, constantly spring to the 1 eration from te teditional powers and the fl resltion of what even for Marx ws the nerstood a defining the agpentions and, in some respect, the ‘ettwofundamentleallaterl eos of urbanization witht ‘enent of anther metaprojet of contemporary nanan The City ofthe Captive Globe desribes an wb contin which equalize diffrence within an itoropie network; the the" ine” arhitectar) and the“utide” Carnation) and the schinm, which reduce every plot oa slf-aufcent enclave hath setaining its fonction ca host an afletng the general pr ke Cords idea of urbantatio. tl ou fuitedevlopment, bt unlike thes m eit based onan ntropic principle nthe potential fori ithe nar ofthe Captive Globe sell. the projet isa portrait of Manlutan, then th nate of the Captive Globe-vhieh fr Koothaa enforces the entity of the ey world elie analogous to Central Pak roein New Yor. This its opposite: urban congestion. Koolhaas called b urchipelag’s the grid isa seaand the plots aria rated by each vealed or eathieraroehem, Hen te alin bulngs but al he, suotng Oswald Mathias Unger, ities i Indeed, the projet for the ito the Captive Globe, and, one anit building, ae Rockefeller Center and tough the steloges of Dal and Le Corbusier Simian dhe 96 ad topo Ungers worked on several projets Goth wits hi offiex of Gus) called “colncienta oppostorun”th ic. which least eitcal uni." Unger conoept dof rail diferent parts or on of mot jut een pate taped in the seme apc was the primary influence the pats tha compose the ly nae this bound to the dalete!prisiple tat meting tte by being eearated for Kola, the dference between Xs is tifere noe tel, where variations can ufo in paraign. While for Unges el nity without afestng the general principe In Ki ngs. Yt the space of the Building in Keothas’s City the Captive Ge vit nd openedfeentapproaches buts nore ke an cola heretheenelaetiet dependence onthe regime faces by pone iy the landmare innagraply he enor a restricted space that makes the urban ter tory even, Unlike the Grek, which waa kind ofeneve esse inside wy cleal separated and self-nutcent from the outside, the apace ofthe comtemporary enlaveas exp fe by Koolhaas Masta landmark sno truly separated fromthe outside bute simplyseregtedin other word, while cet to i apc etree, it existence depends ont fametioning ofthe network af rbaninaion. The enclave can be smderstood ue a dive, of aptlia coun reuence ofthe economic mastery peruse capital always contests snd integrates the wan territory when itt absorb, exploit, onto and ogatie labor and taeform into probes but alo aways segregates when it come time to accumulate and ‘iatibute eat profit, The social dcerimination ditted by the selective apace ofthe enelave i, the end, based not on poli tis utonthe ttl nveregnty ofesonomyinthefoxmot urban management, which In urn ean we other enteria, such a8 pulls, to renforoc the effectiveness af aganization ad dis {rnation,Ashnlla phenomenon eas be applied tothe con tenporary eof he landmark, which inthe Cy ofthe Captive {lobe is represented hy the exuberauticonle spectacle ofthe clgynyline sid te divoree rom helogiofthe whale, Contrary to the iden af “nonfigiratie® cys imagined by Avebizoom, {he City ofthe Captive Globe eam be interpreted a prediction of contemporary uzanizatin i which pluralism and diver thy ae celebrated Gnd exaggerated) within the stir spatial Iogle ofthe enelae. Bound to he ragimeof the ny thi loge of inclsionexclsiondissaves the potent dilescal conflict among the parts ofthe ty and taneforns eonfon: obtain, whieh ined ithe way of living in urbanization tostated before the iy began a derma betwoeneitar er (he possiblity tf confit) end the powsbiity of accu, it bas etded xp ampletlyabsosbed bythe nfniteprocess of wibnization nd fits despot natare tog thi cena of infinite usbanaation—bich today longer just theory ba aly poetic would age thatthe Ti hs ome to rataly cuter the very idea of wrbanian von forthe remo | propose patan view af the ety ain thetoalsingspace of wantin, Inprderto formulates met f niation asthe ination of infty andthe esta of y vet stasis of xonoinle power ver thet. propose trae east eoneept ofthe pola and the formal they unfold tesun ide of arhitectre tha erally reeponds tothe ies of ‘nization. In this proposal, he politi quaed wih the orm ante formal fly endered asthe ea a nt, Rend wet, “Politics is based onthe fat of human pla inc Unlike deies. imagination or mcaphysles, politics does ov exist ts human esence bat only happens ouside of man Mon is apie Polis areea between nen, an 0 quit ean i stabbed as Palio arises in what es ete Felitonsip"®The political aca inthe decison of how to st tase the catinship theif pe, he apaceinbetwee, The te a between i eonsttent spent of the concet of form fe th theplliel within mn himsel ere leo no way thik th hs there no way to hink rraposiono part. As there teen ttncen tel The spate in ete ean ony mater Toe ara apace of onfoottion between pats. Ks existence an ‘nl deide hy the pare hat fom see, Te he dual terme of Can Shit, he pace in tween formed by the decision of who even nd who isan enemy:* int" foun” nbutwecn the pars but This desist docen ries rom the poston taken bythe parts that form thi pe The won! dacsion derives from the Latin veer: ex, teat ke etve lain of pital sutonony one met fst de ‘leolgiea conflict auth teeld yar betwen esptalsn ae Jen aborted hy, and ha vanished within, the pelt! ror or even war t0 make potable, In urn, the part of sbieey faingte casting ede fei scien find themaeles a nean ends strgae without yang the enemy thatthe are ofthe eats existe gues of human cvlizatin, The tf division, difference, deision within the universal space Iihatthere uid tthe politi the fie ofthe friend i eonspicuousy over te background reson the enemy a gsi thse heen, serording to Schmit’ d fiend, by virtue of his benevolense ana help bt our familar sel perception and gives tsb am atveray and who is te inevitbly tobe pliteal-that ge Aa tender fern af nowingyhti sand Aionahlp te comeching; it consis of knowledge (wing wha, to eounterpose) and ineate tua (to tapaforon esions forthe oni tel. The politi ennot be reduced one and to confit pr ae it iiete the posebi healer its eoton, Even if tment alight confounding terms of Hegel's dilcte the polite reales the sol re between polite ations the aking of anojet oth deal with the fundamental quest ‘he init tha coma relied, bt diferent, parse fom question of propose oe forma wads fr pateecween those wh ve pron tothe abi of th + fundamental det of experiences thaee who give rinity othe inner struct of experience tl asthe facto that de ingreduoedtothe boned Seo tent form tat truce the dl of [do not discuss form arch, so, Lmean the position aaumed by an sting abject: by the ae fa parapet Swita philosopher emne Hach, who etn lof nowing thro onecpil pio though ru the init space of he posse. In his i eeprecn the tension froma ode toward an out onde” lates eft the "ottde,” ab ow theater isdn imitation, Within this understanding Sil determination, of toma the falling propos i defo in teres of fh fea itis pon tather tan self afiseny, It fondamentaly relational Tats fi somethings fiell.Inbeing concer with itself it necessarily eoneerax the"other”Forthis eason, the fre gains totality and ge rere eunveptons of multiple. The formal hus a veritable yreeataton of the pole since he ‘ue af el wonfomaton, ofthe others, Aa, he formal it rom this perspective we ea sy that tis pre ena ‘sal he condition ofthe blena ofthe form of an objet that iples what exits polit, the concep ofthe frm expresse he condition of Ta tis condition ofa composition of parts the concept fe forma an concept of the politic coinede and canbe the idea of urbanization, These notions imply the tegration and disluson of diflerener, we the concept of the poisealand th once of formal indict the ponelity of the composition of ference bysautning teint of parts ta thir constueney.Consequenly, bat dhe politica and the formal eonain he ies ofthe whole prvi bring able pts ‘To what de ofthe city do concept sue a the forma and the teal fer? What isthe fr fhe ly tht inernstesthe Titel composition of parts? Before addvesg here questions, woud ike toemphasicetha thea itera ar rformulated here atin the tide of nntemportry desert ofthe ey. where esponsibility and eurenderng othe econome forse ofush ination, The eoncdence between forma dh reac” and “potciealy” have come exces or deny dened here e not meat telly t formalizes ty again the ‘iit of urbanization, bt thera sharpen the ways in which ‘we tially approach the pla inorder to define possbi Ay forthe forma, Tie posebiy can only cur fe cera for sform of efrence that ean eiteally reconstruct an idea ofthe ‘cle inet ofthe cya plitel manifestation tha cea of ubaniation al, wean within wbatiation, One ‘hinge he clear there eno way ek foam urbeninatin, and ‘hoteareh fer the contempornyagoraica pathetic endeavor hat ‘iy At the ue, we must ld be plea! and formal is tog ofthe ety which conaltanotafanstlgsereconstraction| an Heal place which never exited. bt. ‘rier and frm of reference, What could bea fra of refer ‘noe fora renewed political nd formal understandingof the ety indie rctectue? we do not appeal to peremptory images such th sation proves of gti when nthe governance of the market, 1 quite dtu oapthesine the aspire dona dee that cottte the evolution of what we sil eal acy iy nt sip form of reference. With tesuch ae howe welive sen before every Fetent general eves » Mempt to bald» representative run phenomena hasbeen preezptd hy the comple, cogs vag metbolinm ha ie fire, hybrid, a often tent Implied nthe more recent descrptons of the ey—dexcipions ontinausl sabato tthe appearane of new concerns, ed tht ae expe of placing themselves eyond the #hetore of hange. Thiscogiive metab, eerie by terme such se Ihnen, ons, paypal, cya wana, ity en the moje -termsthat have character funamentl moments inaginninhich ts nposabeto Wentify he partthatcon tue theensemble af theo. nheabsene of arepresetable he, the ndidsly oe “ison dominated by the figure of the fragment, which renders nglaiy of artes dissolved ato fy representation of the work posible unset though the paradorcal we of thee nep eee comprehend te mi. hey cacti hence lowing for a representation in whch the ferns manfl themes prado iepese. mappings of ecunatin an ther completes snd conde Sone Rae am eoncered with pons oon trhtecturbanedenheconceplf the poli andthe ro Instn of resorting to cognitive frameworks nach vie scenatio, and wep, which often reer the world osimpliate su totalaing repreventations proposing aways whl en oft tetra form tel. Lam ence fhe form of the plinth inal of Mis van der Rohe's Ing to projets or vine tha ew on overall ur tes may sem ineongraous, Unlike te previous examples potas i many archiets fis ne from Le Corbusier’ Frank Layd Wright, Mies never proposed a general plana gen tral model, ora general projet freform forthe ety oF em ‘Mopionaceme forthe ety even more problematic total Shut Mies within dlocoree onthe politi andthe formal. for Ms seemeto be the mont remote reference fr auch aegument wed acwaticatttade twa theoreti sours oe form in arteture, tothe point that historian Werner Mies focus on suchitectre aa "istanced” ae prow ering of pce Ye, or Manfredo Taf thie goal ac far from idea. Expecsall n bis American orprate projects, Mies allowed the attebutes of industria tech he famous T-beans ued in the Seagram Bul ing fade fo exanple-t0 enter and envel his archi in the form of the mas Intl way the faces of webizati his arbiectur ihe oped shor Snore dispersed modelo ei vil he gone or of setlments the pot tht a6 Alber ha tochhasstadpropoul a al the reste rena the ersitory ae figure sa these plas yi ples, rr, forme complete vetecaiqu of eving Sak eapbirniinalismamounts tor highly evocative sendering of the very ethos of ‘oni amposition sfnystemsal lows aber than laoesand forma beracimers dings =u The ity" evoked by Hibers ay unaestete lege tt guides ibereimer the complex and nel ie foro of uebanation sili in Meso City" eat eee asthe scr to Miss projets, whieh sem rehetion ofthe ity othe logic urhnizaton. ly what one nano se: the generic space of trchage an reproduction behind the appearance of igual tiem The tilence” of Mie ateteture has often been ‘Seance ro These interpretations range frome aestes dy Tri, who sain Me Amer projects the explicit interioiaton ofthe abstraction of social fe self in the form of «parades formal atonomy negra 19 Masimo Cacelan' reading of Mies abt hiteste) a 3 cone Hays use of Mie aan example of ei ati areletionaf the eoadiions that tac distance: to Detlef Me fering of Miss tation of Mies lence no ak a act of eg tion yan re crvater the tyet of nea lint dstonrse tht in many aspeats the notable exception ofthe German (sald Matias Unger theae canonical reading el to have focused onthe Miesian motif ofthe building enelope se of the plinth. From ple, bounded fran of the plat (vhie cam be interpreted an ata ersion ofthe Grek tlbate) isthe prec pin De quality of Mle building gees to fllow Kal eres thi appropriation el ident in projet sch 8 the Riehl House igor, the B Jana Pvilion (925) he Seagram Bulling (954-1950, ing enelope ie contested by the hs Moreover, the wy the plist betwen: rite site affects von experience of what i place on the pint, but leon especilly-one's experience ofthe iy that is ut the plinth, One ofthe most erasable things felt by any her n Ne Yor in Bes, eth rng then i this way Mes’ plinth reine {rn space aan archipelago ofkinied wr aria. eth exacts then the moa intenae maifestation ofthe politcal athe iy. ‘There eno doubt tha Mies projets, expecially hoe exceed While the materiality a composition of Mio#s envelopes plinth presents these atrsbtes not as ubiquitous, but sensu inte objets. An while Me's bing ese the generic stribute of prodtion is nvetenee on ra eplon ht Fore the generico conform to heii frm af snd are made todefwe their own position as agnintie form. sf genase orth ‘location, ad tha place, outcome of the sne geri arcitestire of eontext. Mist tran epee make no ate hits with sites tat visually lal the ety within their merce, Mises wan spaces oe Iteily made hy those material and forme that one would expect a the earance ox modern build on and ramig ofthese cement within he plinth a rtrange them rom te ordinary. and render them ne nique x Tn the ge of" Inpalpble ers, one an ate whether he holy experience of form and Locati mn nak sense at all. Bt thie i presi the Toya pouble and radical counteraction the big nll isformecan be proposed only the moet radial term tenet rapa apace must he made. A noniconiegeatun suc whe plinth seems to ope am analgialeack i urban Space even when thas been ttalzed by dh nage forte of eof ran pee, this eveing oe sorethng tha en be framed, Knited, and th potesaly fitane av thing among ober dingy. Wl bsdings as6ume the ineffable tb i sites 0 finite location. Moreover uni th Hike the pith ie afore that does at sup sep ‘Cyber sboumed within its generic pace: the sya poss Unlike Ce Hilhcrcimer, Archiaoom, nd Koolhaas, Mics no only with the geele qty of thi form but eof tthe essential rit of epitaliat ciation, while inereasing fhe free and inert tepreseat. developed — orbiter, be a a parfenlae Toy, agvinst the ubiquity of desig and ts embedded or Ing needs to be developed both ts literal material form af pence growth, ong. othe ation son pa Should be conceive asthe fundamental metprojet hat give o architecture's ei position towar the et. There ction that he ies of Knits implies aries that go far ithe seope af arehiteure and it projet, and nvaver pace. Ye, lik lhe archetypes we have sen befor of spe, of which she common thing the pot og ou raion of ie part, jot 2 the relationship hetwe ‘elated the se isnot ape ewok, Mis the ac the eatensive apace of wbaniation, its all-embracing tes or eviaion, Thane eno erway to enced thin oe om Within, by ao Like the for of Mie’ complees, the architectare ofthe he comion ethos of our cization. By being freed inform, these apes wl iteitably define a positon within ance of shaniaation. Thong the emerging pos apart the poll andthe oral in arhiteetare an be Iling-whieh affirms ite owe singslar presence achlecural ele atthe el of ofthe ty bullding cannot be considered a ‘corporation that lds these god pres, the cone bling and for dove pete the atsibues that ful te hadnt of Jnctionand pot Inthe cennomy ofthe Lan frthe seat pl : sone bing what considered ya the architect, histor be zea i vsed bythe eorporstion to oppose the di lt whe of de ews Though She exemplacy sd exceptional ait of the ep othe city egies rep poniional gesture, atte i nia itatypeal spect, The prt nab tad in sl fade ytitahesa postion with regard to the whole fom which septated, The architecture ofthe archipelago mos Ian absolute arciteesr, am aeeitotre that i defn wmoutage af eco bith eelves deter ar wheter they are the pattern ofa Melogal wilt separ inthe onmon space af the oy, med of dream ‘perf iteraedcocey that can only be seieved athe wu prome re she ahitectare mast reoguie the plea! separateness fen throgh the borders that define che possiblity ofthe el ‘An solute architecture mast map these borders. derstand ecleary confronted and judged. lateadofbringam ion o ‘he prevent urban situation theresa the posi o redefine the mesning of he cy a it of Forthis reason, aeitesaze has no option butt expres ell ‘ery singularity whi const dees the For the ii tetra investigationdeisons abot the form ofthe (©) THE GEOPOLITICS OF THE IDEAL VILLA (2: vane pA1.a0 AND THE PROECT OF aN ANTU-IBEAL CY nay Fadel With i Pinpeinthe eof nanan, fea ings oF Pallads villo that Withower dese rls or prneiples These drevinge showed that ach sarah a Pall Formal studies lt wer yt ition ogi. Architectural principles were tuperior fo he funetinsl, progrmmate, ora hich archi history wo hen il bound raphy. W ng Renaesance architecture qusty proved te influent ft beyond wader stork hip. Within postwar econatrion in Engl, for example, hie ‘hits searching for Torna lisse Impetus of fanetionalit narnia, ln parc, effered the poniility of defining a more ‘han ca be provided simply by technology. This

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