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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

1. Think of your business requirements and

First of all you need to understand what you want to achieve. Sounds too general and standard?
Yes, but if you do any mistakes already here, it will be hard to change anything in the future

1.1. Formulate your business requirements

You need to have a clear understanding what you want to achieve with the inbox. Any of the index tables:
CRMD_ORDER_INDEX, CRMD_AUI_BTIDX or custom-ones, is just a flat container of data, which helps you

1.1.1. Improve the search

You need to have a clear understanding what you want to achieve with the inbox. Any of the index
- You can reach it over if the majority of the search-enabled fields will be placed in the index table.
- Normally in the index you are using only Business Partner, Transaction Type and the Inbox Status.
- You can always use any other standard fields or custom-defined fields.
- In the standard the authorization checks will not be supported by the inbox index
table. After the list of transactions is found, it's sent to the CRM Reporting Framework

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

If the list of the documents is huge, this puts additional performance overhead.
- You can also put a filter on the transactions. For instance you can store only not-completed transactions. In
this case, the table should always be small enough.
- You can set up different tables to support different searches. The split can be done according to any need, based on business role, search criteria, etc.

1.1.2. Improve the reading of data and population of the screen

- You can reach it over if the majority of the fields on the screen will be placed into the index table.
- You can place standard and the custom fields into your index table.
- You can place not only the identifications (Transaction ID, GUID, Codes), but also the data behind
(Descriptions, Texts, Concatenated Texts, etc.)
- You can set up different tables to support even different views.
Hint: Remember that by means of DO_CONFIG_DETERMINATION method of the view controller, you can
dynamically switch the configuration of the result table:

1.2. Build you strategy

Once you know what exactly you want to achieve you need to know how you want to achieve this. Basically
you need to answer the following questions:
1). What will be the index table(s)?
You need to define how many tables you want to create and what for.
Hint: In fact nothing is blocking you from developing several tables and building a database view on them.
2). Which fields will be in the table(s)?
You need to define which fields you would like to see in the tables.
Which of them you would like to use for the search, representation and the authorization checks.
3). How the tables will be populated?
You need to consider initial load and the regular updates. Initial load is normally performed by automatically
generated report, which can be adjusted. The regular delta updates are normally done from BADI
implementation ORDER_SAVE, which can also be generated automatically. If you chose this option, you'd
better use update function module. You can also develop a report for that, but this option can be recommended
only if the save performance overhead is significant or not possible due to application issues.

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

4). How the tables will be deleted?

You should not forget about how the table(s) will be deleted. You need to consider both: full deletion of the
table and regular or periodic deletion. For both you need to develop custom-reports. If you wish to implement
online deletion, you can use standard BADIs:
- ORDER_SAVE BADI can be used for online manipulation over the existing documents, for instance, when the
status is changed.
- ARC_CRM_ORDER_DELETE can be used to update the index table when the transaction is deleted.

1.3. Example
In my example the table ZDMSH_ICSRV_IDX will contain only not confirmed (status <> I1005) service-related
transactions (object type = BUS2000116).
Table ZDMSH_ICSRV_IDX will contain the same fields as the standard index table CRMD_AUI_BTIDX, plus:
DIS_CHANNEL (Distribution Channel),
SALES_ORG (Sales Organization ID),
SALES_ORG_RESP (Organizational Unit (Sales)),
SERVICE_ORG (Service Organization) and
SERVICE_ORG_RESP (Organizational Unit (Service)), which can be used for authorization checks and
ZZ_BILL_TO (Bill to Party),
ZZ_PAYER (Payer),
ZZ_SERV_RCPNT (Service Recipient), which supposed to be shown on the screen.
The table will be built using the standard customizing: SPRO -> CRM -> Interaction Center Web Client >Customer-Specific System Modifications -> Business Transaction Search.

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

The search for non-completed service transactions will be supported by the table ZDMSH_ICSRV_IDX. (As of
today, the authorization checks are not considered, but in fact it's very easy for implementation).
All other searches will not be changed and will be supported by the standard index table CRMD_AUI_BTIDX.
The table ZDMSH_ICSRV_IDX will not store completed transactions. It will be populated from ORDER_SAVE
BADI using the update function module. The same functionality will be used to delete the data from the table,
once the document reaches the status completed - I1005.
Initial load will be performed using the automatically generated report.

2. Check standard solutions and pre-requisites

You may need to use or refer to the standard-delivered index table and therefore we start from this.
SAP delivers the index table CRMD_AUI_BTIDX out of box. Below you find what needs to be done to have this

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

2.1. Install EHP3

To be able to consume this solution, you need to have EHP3 to be installed on your SAP CRM 7.0.

2.2. Activate relevant business functions

In transaction SFW5 the following business functions need to be activated: CRM_IC_INBOX,

You can also activate CRM_IC_INBOX_ACC, which is for HANA acceleration.

2.3. Initial load of the table CRMD_AUI_BTIDX

In order to perform the initial load of the data the report CRM_AUI_BT_INDEX_INITIAL_LOAD has been

Hint: For performance you can run several background jobs in parallel. Also parallelization should be enabled
for each background job.

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

2.4. Regular updates of the table CRMD_AUI_BTIDX

Regular updates to the table CRMD_AUI_BTIDX are done from the standard. The function
CRM_AUI_INDEX_SAVE is called from the function CRM_ORDER_SAVE_OW.

2.5. Enhancing the table CRMD_AUI_BTIDX

The table CRMD_AUI_BTIDX can be enhanced to store the custom fields. These fields can be used for the
search and representation purposes. In order to write the custom data into this table you can enhance the
standard method: CL_CRM_AUI_BTIDX => READ_HEADER.
Hint: It's worth to enhance the bottom of the method. See the following posts for more
How to Integrate New Result List Attributes into the Agent Inbox (
How to Integrate a New Search Attribute into the Agent Inbox (

2.6. How the standard switch is implemented

The switch is implemented in CL_CRM_AUI_ADVQUERY_SERVICE => GET_DQUERY_RESULT.

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

2.7. Define Inbox Profile

In the customizing you need to adjust your inbox profiles: SPRO -> CRM -> Interaction Center Web Client ->
Agent Inbox -> Define Inbox Profiles.

Activate: Lean Search = X and Business Transaction Table = X.

2.8. Adjust further Inbox customizing

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

In the customizing you need to adjust further inbox customizing: SPRO -> CRM -> Interaction
Center Web Client -> Agent Inbox ->

3. Build the custom index for IC Inbox

3.1. Build the custom index table
The process of creation of the custom index table is nicely described in the following document:

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

3.2. Creation of custom table

You can build a custom index table for the IC inbox as per standard functionality available since CRM 5.0.
Follow the implementation guide: SPRO -> CRM Interaction center Web Client -> Customer-Specific system
Modifications -> Business Transaction Search -> Define Search Index for Business Transaction Search.

There you need to specify the table fields using existing flat structures. You can use the structures:
CRMT*_*_IX or any other one, e.g. CRMT_AUI_INDEX, which is used in the standard index table
Hint: Later you will be using the method CL_CRM_IC_SOS_QUERY_MANAGER => EXECUTE_QUERY,
which returns CRMT_REPORT_LOCATORLIST_TA. So that for your new index table you can take the fields
from the structure CRMT_REPORT_LOCATORLIST. In this case you can just use MOVE-CORRESPONDING
command to simplify the mapping process.
Hint: You will also need to construct BTAUISearchResult (BOL/GENIL) objects. This object has a structure
CRMS_AUI_SRCH_RESULT. Usage of the fields from this structure can also simplify the mapping process.

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

Next we set up the fields with the filters. Normally you can set up the filters for corresponding business partner

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

But in fact this is not necessary fields; this just will be used for automatic generation of the ORDER_SAVE
BADI generation and the generation of the initial load report. If you plan to re-write the ABAP coding, you can
customize only the flat structure.
You do not need to place fields CLIENT and GUID. These fields will be automatically added to the index table
structure. These fields will be considered as primary database key.
Hint: The following customizing tables are involved:
CRMC_IC_SOS_TABL contains the header information for the index table. Used for index table

CRMC_IC_APPL_SOS contains the fields' information. Used for building the dynamic ABAP query.
CRMC_IC_APPL_SO2 contains the structures information. Used for building the dynamic ABAP

3.3. Building the query class

The QUERYCLASS from CRMC_IC_SOS_TABL (ZL_DMSH_IC_SOS_QUERY) is used for building and
executing the SQL query based on the selection criteria provided from IC.

This class needs to be inherited or copied from the standard class CL_CRM_IC_SOS_QUERY. In my case
I had to change core methods and thus it was copied. If the custom class is not mentioned in the table, the
standard class CL_CRM_IC_SOS_QUERY will be used.

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

Hint: The global variable GR_RESULT_LIST will contain the reference to result of the selection from your
index table. This table will be of type: TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF <YOUR INDEX TABLE>.

3.3.1. Manage authorizations in custom-table

As mentioned in the chapter 1.1.1. Improve the search, in the standard the authorization checks are
addressed to CRM Reporting Framework. This means that the guids of the identified transactions are
passed as search criteria to the RFW. In case the number of transactions is huge, the number of accesses to
CRMD_ORDER_INDEX table will also be considerable. And this can significantly slow down the performance.
Instead you can store the required authorization fields inside the index table and build the query in a way that
the authorization fields are correctly mentioned in the where clause, which is dynamically generated. You can
use the following standard functions for these purposes.

Authorization Object


All below

Considers all standard checks as



Visibility in Org. Mode (Dynamic)


Transaction type (Static)


Allowed Organ. Units (Static)

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration


Business Transaction Type


Allowed org.units: purch.


Authorization based on relationship

with document partners

3.4. Activating the index table

While activating the index table from SPRO, the ORDER_SAVE BADI implementation <YOUR_INDEX>_BADI and the initial load report <YOUR_INDEX>_ILOAD will be generated.

3.5. Writing the ORDER_SAVE BADI

In my case the implementation ZDMSH_ICSRV_IDX_BADI has been generated. The initial code is generated
automatically depending on the customizing set in the IMG.

In my case I have created a separate class (ZL_DMSH_SOS_IDX_UPDATE) which implements the BADI
interface - IF_EX_ORDER_SAVE.
The method CHANGE_BEFORE_UPDATE looks as below:

method if_ex_order_save~change_before_update.
data: lr_instance type ref to if_ex_order_save.

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

lr_instance = zl_dmsh_sos_idx_update=>get_instance( ).
if lr_instance is not initial and
lr_instance is bound.
lr_instance->change_before_update( iv_guid = iv_guid ).

3.6. Writing the initial load report

In my case the report ZDMSH_ICSRV_IDX_ILOAD has been generated. The following code has been used.
data: lr_instance type ref to if_ex_order_save.
* Get Index Update Entity
lr_instance = zl_dmsh_sos_idx_update=>get_instance( ).
* Select the guids to be processed
select guid from crmd_orderadm_h into table lt_guid where (lv_where).
* Proces the guids
loop at lt_guid into lv_guid.
if lr_instance is not initial and
lr_instance is bound.
lr_instance->change_before_update( iv_guid = lv_guid ).
commit work and wait.
select single guid into (lv_guid) from zdmsh_icsrv_idx where guid = lv_guid.
if sy-subrc = 0.
add 1 to lv_entries.
As you can see we re-used the same functionality we used in the BADI - ZL_DMSH_SOS_IDX_UPDATE.

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

3.7. Change the standard execution logic

In fact to make use of the custom index table, we need to call CL_CRM_IC_SOS_QUERY_MANAGER =>

If you are not using the standard BT inbox index table CRMD_AUI_BTIDX, then GET_1O_QUERY_RESULT
will be called (see picture below).

Generated by Jive on 2015-03-09+01:00


Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

In this case the functionality CL_CRM_IC_SOS_QUERY_MANAGER => ECEUTE_QUERY will be executed

from the standard. Or if it's not active or index is not applicable, the standard RFW will be called.
If the index table CRMD_AUI_BTIDX is activated (as in our case), the method
GET_1O_INDEX_QUERY_RESULT will be executed. In this case the functionality
CL_CRM_IC_SOS_QUERY_MANAGER => ECEUTE_QUERY obviously will not be called.
At this point we need to continue with index query as we still want to use the standard index query. We need
to change the logic for the index query to make sure that we still can use our own indices, even if the standard
index is activated.

Query Name

Standard Class

Normal (Custom Index or RFW)



Standard Index



We do a substitution of the GENIL implementation for the query BTAdvQueryIndexAUI via the customizing

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

Our new class needs to be inherited from the standard class CL_CRM_QUERYINDEXAUI_RUN_BTIL;
however the last one is marked final. We need to SAP Note: 2107260 Class
CL_CRM_QUERYINDEXAUI_RUN_BTIL is marked as final beforehand to overcome this problem.

Query Name

Custom Class

Standard Index



Should I remind you that in the table CRMC_OBJ_BTIL_C the class name should be posted without postfix
_RUN and _BTIL.

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

We re-define the search method in a way that it distinguishes the searches that are supported by customdeveloped indices, in our case it's just one index table.
method if_crm_query_runtime_btil~get_dynamic_query_result.
* check if we can use the customer index table
if check_custom_index( it_selection_parameters ) = abap_true.
* Read the Custom Index Table
call method me->get_from_custom_index

= is_query_params

it_selection_parameters = it_selection_parameters

= ir_root_list.

* Use the standard query
call method super->if_crm_query_runtime_btil~get_dynamic_query_result

= is_query_params

it_selection_parameters = it_selection_parameters

= ir_root_list.

Below method contains checks for supportability by the custom indices. In our case all queries for noncompleted service documents should go into our index table.

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration


method check_custom_index.
data: ls_selection_parameters like line of it_selection_parameters.
data: lv_process_type type crmt_process_type.
data: ls_proc_type type crmc_proc_type.

rv_code = abap_false.
read table it_selection_parameters into ls_selection_parameters
with key attr_name = 'MAINCATEGORY'.
lv_process_type = ls_selection_parameters-low.

= lv_process_type


= ls_proc_type



text_entry_not_found = 2

= 3.

* we store only Service- related transactions in the table

if sy-subrc = 0 and ls_proc_type-object_type = 'BUS2000116'.
* we store only non-completed transactions
read table it_selection_parameters into ls_selection_parameters
with key attr_name = 'STATUS'.
if sy-subrc = 0 and ls_selection_parameters-low <> '0003'.
rv_code = abap_true.

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

3.8. Implement the BADI CRM_IC_SOS_INDEX

Maybe you have noticed that CL_CRM_IC_SOS_QUERY_MANAGER => ECEUTE_QUERY is executing the

The method GET_INDEX_NAME can be used in order to get the exact index that need to work at this point in
time. In the check described above we just need to distinguish if we run a standard search or via the custom
tables, which can be several, e.g. one for Closed documents, one for Open documents. Such check can be
done at the level of this BADI.
The BADI is specified as per IMG: SPRO -> CRM -> Interaction Center WebClient -> Customer-Specific
System Modifications -> Business Transaction Search -> BAdI: Determination of Search Index for Business
Transaction Search.

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

The BADI CRM_IC_SOS_INDEX should return us the correct index name. Note that it could be several indices
and the proper name should be retrieved by this BADI.
method if_ex_crm_ic_sos_index~get_index_name.
if iv_caller = 'ZL_DMSH_QUERYINDEXAUI_RUN_BTIL' and " Place from where it's called
iv_profile = 'ZDMSH_IC_LI' and
it_parameters[] is not initial.

" WebUI Business Role

" IC Inbox search criteria

ev_indexname = zl_dmsh_sos_idx_update=>gc_index_name_srv. " ZDMSH_ICSRV_IDX


You might get problems passing IT_PARAMETERS into the BADI implementation. This is due to
outdated BADI generation. You should re-generate the BADI following SAP Note: 893181 BAdI
CRM_UPLOAD_CO was not generated correctly.

3.9. Getting index data line by line

The result of the method CL_CRM_IC_SOS_QUERY_MANAGER => ECEUTE_QUERY is a reference to the
table CRMT_REPORT_LOCATORLIST_TA, which might have totally different fields as of your index table. But
you need to make a proper mapping of your fields, meaning you need to get the data from your table. There is
a functionality that can provide you the reference to the particular line of the result table GR_RESULT_LIST.
To be able to get the resulted table line by line you can use the following code:

* run the query vis the standard index manager

lr_result_list ?= cl_crm_ic_sos_query_manager=>execute_query(

= lv_profile


= lt_parameter
= lt_parameter

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

it_selection_parameters = it_selection_parameters).
* check the result list is not initial
check lr_result_list is not initial.
* get the index line from the global buffers
data: lv_guid type crmt_object_guid.
data: lr_index_line type ref to data.
data: ls_index_line type zdmsh_icsrv_idx.
data: ls_attributes type crms_aui_srch_result_hana.
data: lt_result type crmt_aui_srch_result_hana.
data: ls_result type crms_aui_srch_result.
field-symbols: <fs_index_line> type any,
<fs_locator_tab> type crmt_report_locatorlist_ta,
<fs_locator_line> type crmt_report_locatorlist.
assign lr_result_list->* to <fs_locator_tab>.
if <fs_locator_tab> is assigned.
loop at <fs_locator_tab> assigning <fs_locator_line>.
lv_guid = <fs_locator_line>-guid.
clear: lr_index_line.
lr_index_line ?= cl_crm_ic_sos_query_manager=>get_index_data_ref( lv_guid ).
if lr_index_line is not initial.
assign lr_index_line->* to <fs_index_line>.
if sy-subrc = 0.
ls_index_line = <fs_index_line>.

3.10. Map data to BOL/GENIL structure

You also need to map the data to the BOL/GENIL object BTAUISearchResult, which is of
structure CRMS_AUI_SRCH_RESULT. Here you can re-use the standrad functionality e.g.

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

At WebUI level the object BTAUIView (CRMST_INBOX_RESULTLIST) is used.

Hint: If the mapping requires access to other tables, e.g. BUT000 or ADRC, it's worth to implement a mass
read or pre-buffering on API level here. This will help to avoid SELECT SINGLE on the database.
Hint: You can enhance the standard objects BTAUISearchResult (CRMS_AUI_SRCH_RESULT) and
BTAUIView (CRMST_INBOX_RESULTLIST) according to your needs.
Hint: You can develop your own ZZ-fields on the WebUI level. Inside the GETT'ers you can use
CL_CRM_IC_SOS_QUERY_MANAGER => GET_INDEX_DATA_REF to read access the index fields.

3.11. Customer Implementation Class for the Inbox Item

An implementation class in the inbox contains the ABAP code used to handle events or attributes for a
particular inbox item type. The inbox architecture allows you to introduce new attributes or modify existing
The following table provides an overview of the standard implementation classes by inbox item type:

Implementing Class

Inbox Item: Case


Inbox Item: Fax


Inbox Item: Letter


Inbox Item: ERP Sales Order


Inbox Item: OneOrder


Inbox Item: Outbound Correspondence


Inbox Item: SAP Office Outbound E-Mail


Inbox Item: Workflow Workitem


Inbox Item: Workitem Inbound Email, Fax and



The settings are done in the customizing table CRMC_AUI_ITEMSCL or as per IMG: SPRO -> CRM -> Agent
Inbox -> Basic Settings for Item Types -> Assign Implementation Classes.
You must create a new user-defined implementation class according to the ABAP OO paradigm: A new
implementation class must be inherited from the standard implementation class.

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Index tables for IC Inbox acceleration

See more about enhancing the standard IC Inbox objects here:

Generated by Jive on 2015-03-09+01:00


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