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Mrunal (http://mrunal.


[ACIO Answerkey] Part 4/4: Aptitude- Maths, English and Reasoning

MCQs solved with Explanation

Question-Papers ( / 3 days Ago /


Maths/Reasoning Questions in ACIO-2015


Basic Numeracy


Permutation Combination Probability (PCP)


Speed Time Distance (STD)








Essay List

Intelligence Bureau (IB) had conducted written examination for requirement of Assistant
central intelligence officer (ACIO) on 22nd February 2015.
Im preparing the topic wise ACIO Answer key in four parts.
First part: History and Polity MCQs already published (
Second part: Economy and Geography ( MCQs also published
Third part: Science and Persons in News MCQs published
Now in this fourth and last part, we look at the Maths, English, Reasoning questions asked in
the ACIO-2015 examination
Since IB refuses to disclose cutoffs under right to information act (RTI), so not much point in
dwelling into that. One exam is over then its time to prepare for another exam.

Maths/Reasoning Questions in ACIO-2015

By and large trend similar to last exam conducted in 2013 i.e. few questions from basic
numeracy, few from speed-time-distance, few from permutation-combination-probability
and arithmetic progression.
Only new part is logarithms asked.
Only 1 question from reasoning. No questions about coding-decoding, blood-relations,
sitting arrangement, syllogism or non-verbal image based reasoning.
Strategy for future ACIO exam:
Fast track to Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma (
And misc. topics such as logarithm from internet.
For reasoning, just practicing old papers of SSC and Bank exams, with main focus on
vocubulary and dictionary part.

Basic Numeracy
18. If the sum of 60% of a fractional number and the numbers square root is 5 greater
than one fifth of the number, then the number is
1. 6.25
2. 0.25
3. 12.25
4. 2.25
0.6x + sqrt(x) = 0.2x +5
0.4x + sqrt(x) = 5
We have to choose an option from the choices given and substitute it in this equation to get
answer. Since the sum is 5, we can assume that the number must be greater than 5, as the 2
components we are adding are fraction of the number.
So taking 6.25.
0.4*6.25 = 2.5
Sqrt(6.25) = 2.5
Adding both we have 5.
So option (1) is correct
22. A man sells an article at a certain price incurring 20% loss. If he had sold the same
article for Rs.20 more, he would have earned 20% profit. What was the cost price of the
said article?
1. Rs.20
2. Rs. 40
3. Rs. 50
4. Rs. 60

1.2x 0.8x = 20 => 0.4x = 20 => x = 50. Option (3)

23. Numerator of a fraction is increased by 60%, and at the same time its denominator is
decreased by 60%. The new fraction is
1. 2.56 times the older fraction
2. Equal to the older fraction
3. 4 times-the older fraction
4. 0.36 times the older fraction
1.6N/0.4D = 4(N/D). Option (3)
28. Log (40^2-20^2) is equal to
1. log 3
2. log 60 + log 20
3. log 40 log 20
4. log 20
= 20*60
Log of this equation = log 60 +log20, Therefore, answer is #2.
=11/14, hence answer (2)
26. The last digit of the number 3^2015 is
1. 1
2. 3
3. 5
4. 7

The last digit comes in iteration of 4 numbers: 3,9,7,1.

So remainder when 2015 is divided by 4 leaves remainder 3. So the unit digit comes out to 7.
Option (4)
27. What is the squareroot of 49%?
1. 0.7%
2. 7.0%
3. 70%
4. Undefined
Sqrt(49/100) = 7/10 = 70% Options (3)
31. (7+14+21+28..+700) is equal to :
1. 35350
2. 42714
3. 49420
4. 56707
A=7, d=7, n=100.
S = (last number + first number)*N/2 = (700 + 7)*100/2 = 35350. Option (1)
Permutation Combination Probability (PCP)
19. If Head appears consecutively in the first three tosses of a fair/unbiased coin, what is
the probability of Head appearing in the fourth toss also?
1. 1/8
2. 7/8
3. 1/16
4. 1/2

The answer would be (4) .

Consider we take into consideration probability of each toss. HHHH. Then probability of 4th toss
as Heads will be (1/2) ^ 4 = 1/16.
Now consider the corollary, when the 4th toss is not a head. So it is HHHT. Once again the
probability will be 1/16. If we were to do (1/2) ^ 4 for each separate toss, then for not getting
head also we will get same 1/16. But the answer should have been 1 1/16 = 15/16. So our
assumption that we take earlier tosses into consideration is wrong.
This is because, the probability of 4th toss will not change due to earlier occurrences. This is a
new toss.
20. Archers A and B take aim at a target. If the probability of A hitting the target is 90%
and of B missing the target is 90%, what is the probability that both A and B miss the
1. 90%
2. 09%
3. 01%
4. 81%
Answer = A missing AND B missing
= 0.1 * 0.9 [AND means multiplication] = 0.09 = 9%. Option (2)
29. Twelve persons meet in a conference and each shakes hands with all the others. How
many handshakes take place?
1. 66
2. 72
3. 144
4. 132

Readymade formula for handshakes is: n*(n-1)/2. Therefore, 12*11/2=66 handshakes take
place. option #1 is right.
1st person shakes hands with = 11 persons.
2nd person = 10 (excluding the already shaken hands of the 1st person)
3rd person = 9 (excluding the already shaken hands of the 1st person and 2nd person)

Final handshakes = 1+2+3++11 = 12*11/2 = 66. [arithmetic progression]

Option (1)
Speed Time Distance (STD)
21. If 12 persons working 12 hours a day dig 12 meters of a tunnel in 12 days, how many
men are required to dig additional 04 meters of the tunnel (of the same dimension) given
that they work 04 hours a day for 04 days?
1. 27
2. 4
3. 12
4. 36
Approach#1: STD method
Suppose 1 mans speed is s

12 people



12 hrs x 12 days


12 meters

Apply STD formula in first column

Speed x time = distance

(12 x s) x (12 x 12)=12
Case#2: we have to find no. of more men required (say M) for 04 meters of the tunnel (of the
same dimension) given that they work 04 hours a day for 04 days?


(m) x (1/144)


4 hrs x days


4 meters

Solving this equation we get answer 36.Hence option #4.
For 12 persons, Per day Meter for 12 Hours = 1 meter is dug
So for 12 persons, per day per hour = 1/12 meter is dug.
So for 4 hours of work in 4 days by 12 persons = 4/3 meters. We need 4 meters.
So we need to employ 12*3 = 36 persons.
30. A man travels uphill to city C from city B in a car at the speed of 40 Km/hr, and returns
to city B at a faster speed of 60 Km/hr. What is his average speed for the round trip?
1. 0
2. 48 Km/hr
3. 50 Km/hr
4. Data insufficient

uphill from B to C


from C to B


Apply speed x time = distance formula in both columns, then you get time = D/40 and D/60
respectively. Update the table

uphill from B to C

from C to B








Average speed = (total distance)/(total time)

Answer is 48 kmph. Option #2
24. In a triangle ABC, one of the angles is average of the remaining two angles. Which of
the following is always true about the triangle ABC?
1. Isosceles triangle
2. Equilateral triangle
3. One of its angles measures 60
4. Right angled triangle.
It cant be isosceles. Since, the average of the greater angle with the smaller angle will be more
than the smaller angle. It need not be equilateral. Though it can be an equilateral. So one of the
angle is 60. Consider the angles 45, 60,75. It fits into the average criteria. So option (3) is

25. If the area of a circle C is equal to the area of a square S, then the ratio of the square
of the perimeter of C to the square of the perimeter of S is nearly equal to
1. 22:7
2. 11:14
3. 88:7
4. 1:1
Pi*r2 = a2 ..eq1
[(2*pi*r)2] / [(4*a)2]
= pi/4 (after substituting values from equation1)
32. In a group of 5 persons, P is taller than Q, but is shorter than both R and S. Both R and T are
taller than Q, but shorter than S. This implies that
1. R is taller than P, but shorter than T/ R
2. T is taller than Q, but shorter than R/ T
3. R is taller than Q, but shorter than T/ R
4. S is taller than T while P is shorter than R/ S
P>Q; R,S>P ; R,T>Q; S>R,T ;
So option (4) suits the best. We dont know the relation between R and T.
33. In a group of Army Officers, 02% of Officers neither take Coffee nor Tea, while rest of
them take either Tea or Coffee or both. If 60% of Officers take Tea, while 58% take Coffee,
what percentage of Officers take Tea but do not take Coffee?
1. 02%

2. 20%
3. 40%
4. 60%
Total officers = People who take tea + who take coffee + dont take anything
intersection/double count/who take both tea and coffee.
100 = 60 + 58 + 2 x => x =20.
So people who take tea but no coffee = take tea intersection = 60 20 =40.


Therefore (T+C)+2B=118eq1
Next, we know that total number of officers are 100
T+B+C+N=100; but N=2
eq1 minus eq2
118-98=(T+C)+2B ((T+C)+B)
Officers who only drink tea: T=60-B=60-20=40. Option #3.

Total 10 questions asked
91. Which of the following is the wrongly matched word-meaning pair?
1. Indict: Accuse
2. Onset: Beginning
3. Recite: Propose
4. Temerity: Boldness
Since option 1, 2 and 4 are right as per wordweb software hence answer is (3).
92. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
1. Either he or I am mistaken. (correct because of the rule (
id=cNKfBQAAQBAJ&pg=RA1-PA118) when subjects joined by or, the verb agrees with the
2. He gave me an advice. (Advice is an uncountable noun. An advice is wrong. As per
Longman dictionary. (
3. The sceneries here are very good. (wrong because Scenery doesnt have plural form)
4. Let you and I do it. (it should be either lets do it)
Therefore, Answer #1.

93.Which of the following word is closest in meaning to the idiom, cast down?
1. Humiliated
2. Defeated
3. Depressed
4. Discouraged
Merriam Webster says ( Depressed
is one of its synonym. Hence answer (3)
94. The letter, 0, in the word, about, is pronounced like letter, o, in the word :
1. Go
2. Boy
3. Got
4. Now
Answer is 4.
95. Khali was sitting on the fence, means Khali was :
1. Living dangerously
2. Undecided
3. Stubborn
4. Annoying
It means a state of indecision to conflicting positions. Says Webster ( So answer is #2.
96. In the sentence, Dont talk so loud, the word loud is used as an :
1. Adverb
2. Adjective
3. Idiom
4. Active verb

loud is adjective, says Webster (

So answer is #2.
97. In the sentence, None but the brave deserves the fair, the word but is used as :
1. An adverb
2. A preposition
3. A conjunction
4. A pronoun
But is a conjunction as per Webster (
Hence answer #3
98. Which of the following is a correctly matched adjective-noun pair?
1. Restless Restlessly
2. Restless Restlessness
3. Restless Restive
4. Restless Restivity
restlessness is noun as per Oxford Dictionary
( Hence
answer #2
99. His bad eyesight exempted him military service. Fill in the blank with :
1. in
2. of
3. from
4. At
Statement lifted verbatim from Oxford dictionary hence answer is #3 From. as per Oxford
Dictionary (
100. Which of the following is an incorrectly matched word-meaning pair?

1. Excursion Short journey

2. Homage Tribute
3. Sidekick Close companion
4. Intact Tactful
Since first three are correctly matched so answer is #4.

Essay List
Write an essay in English language only on any one of the following topics in not more
than 400 words : 50 marks.
1. Right to freedom of expression should be an absolute right
2. Inclusive Growth: A pipedream
3. Intelligence is an important aspect of statecraft
4. It is often safer to be in chains than to be free

Tags: Brijesh (, shivaram


Mrunal recommends

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UPSC Civil Service

SSC CGL: Staff selection

IBPS Bank Exams

CDS: Defense Services

CAT/IIM MBA Entrance

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So far 43 Comments posted


Scoring 70
According to mrunal sirs answer key.


Anand T R
Scoring 60. I guess I dont have much to hope based on this score. Essay
marks bhi mila kar koi hope hai kya? Also negative nahin hair kya ?


kaafi hope hai


There is no negative mark in ACIO examination . I think this time
paper was tough thereafter u are scoring 60 that is hopefully mark


what will be the approximate cut off??


Can the students who have cleared for the interview in the past share
there views about there expected score in the objective test.I am getting
around 60.Do I hold any chance ??


Dheeraj Kumar
Hi aspirants. I got selected in Acio 2013 exam(Roll no-11009902).
According to answer keys uploaded by Mrunal sir my score was
only 60 in objective paper but it is tough to speculate over marks in
essay paper. So from my experience those who have scored even
55 plus and have written a good essay secures a fair chance to be
short listed for the interview. Since I.B doesnt discloses cut-off
marks, it is tough to guess anything. Wish u all the best!


according to some rumour 90+ score is well (60+ in mcq, & 30+in essay)
is it true . plz help some one.


If its comes to rumour, then i heard seriously that in 2012,2013
80+ in objective is the cutoff for general


getting 70 accrding to mrunal bhai


In a triangle ABC, one of the angles is average of the remaining two
angles. Which of the following is always true about the triangle ABC?
Another way to do this problem:
Let x and y be two angles.
Equation become:
x + y + (x+y)/2 = 180
3/2 (x+y) = 180
(x+y)/2 = 60
Since one of the angle is (x+y)/2 and it is always equal to 60 as proved
Hence the answer.


46 marks according to mrunal key any chances in list?? category ST
plzz reply


sir,i a s and pcs up ke pre solved questions ko upload kare


67 marks koi chance ha?


Will score 74 as per answer key of Mrunal Sir. Essay was OK. Keeping my
fingers crossedBest wishes to all friends


Some Correction are required in English

In the sentence, Dont talk so loud, the word loud is used as an : Adverb
and not as adjective.
Explanation An Adverb modifies an Action and an Adjective modifies a
Noun. In above sentence, so loud is modifying the word talk some sort
of action. So I am certain that it be Adverb.


Ahmad Nadeem
getting 76/100 as per mrunal bhai keys and expecting 25-30 in
essay,hope gen cutoff will be below 100 .


Ahmad so great kya khate ho itna score kr ho
Please describe our study method to me


CDS answer key plz (I know you will post it whenever youll get it).. Just


I scored only 37 out of 100. I compared to previous paper that is much


getting exactly 60 gen, any hope???


Karman Jawanda
For question no 96 in the English section. The correct answer should be
an adverb. Even though loud is an adjective in its inherent nature but the
usage is indicative of explaining the way of talking hence loud will be an


Hello Mrunal Sir , can you please make the poll meter regarding the
marks category for each caste category (general, obc, sc, st etc ) so that
one can be sure regarding his position approx . . .
BTW thanks for uploading the answer keys .. signing off .. a gujju


CDs ka paper kab upload karenge


ans: adverb
becouse its adding to talk as loudly..


Sir ,I am in IAF.I want to apply for FCI Assistant grade III,but confused
whether I am eligible or not for exserviceman quota as my date of
discharge is on 31 Mar 2015.


Sir ,I am in IAF.I want to apply for FCI Assistant grade III,but confused
whether I am eligible or not for exserviceman quota as my date of
discharge is on 31 Mar 2016.



sir,ppts for 2 economy lectures and whole geography are not getting


please help .
i am still unable to download the ppt of the lecture if someone has those
ppt then plz mail me on my id in zip file thanx in advance


sir i am getting 40 st category any chances???


Will score 60 as per answer key of Mrunal Sir


Scoring only 55 :(kuch nhi hone wala !!!



Rahul Singh
Sorry to interrupt but English Section :- Q. No. 96 :- loud here is used as


amit kumar
sir, does ex-serviceman quota effects the cut-off marks in IB ACIO EXAM


Hello sir.. Kya ACIO exam every year hota h??


Scoring 65 any chance of selection??


Sir what will be the cut off for acio?



Sir what will be the score to crack acio exam


All who r scoring above 90 (out of 150 ) are safe.


Is any negative mark for this exam???


Dear mrunal sir ,
answer for Q,no.93 should be (4)discouraged.


Mrunal sir its my first query on ur site regarding latest fci assistant grade
iii notification. In this notification selection process for assistant grade
depot only paper 1 is required which is showing only 120 questions. So

my query is about selection process. Is it different from last fci exam.if so

plz guide us.thanx sir I know u r very busy but its small query for u but
big thing for us.


mohit joshi
weather it was written that exam was of 100 marks ..i think the exam was
of 100 marks only with half marks for each question so please marks

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