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The University of Jordan

King Abdullah II School for Information


"Moodle" user manual

March, 2013

The Moodle e-learning system is used by the University of Jordan to provide a
suitable virtual electronic learning environment for the instructors and students. The UJ
Moodle system implements the necessary e-learning functionalities that are needed by
both, students and faculty members. For example, Moodle can be used to post courses
documents, files, assignments, grades, and to create e-groups. In this manual, we address
the most important functions in Moodle like: login process, listing courses and contents,
uploading files, formatting courses pages, and appending more topics.

Login to Moodle:
Start the Internet Explorer, or any web browser of your choice, and type the
following address: (
Enter your UJ user name and password.
In this field enter
the password for
your UJ account.
Then press Login.

Click on (log in), see Figure 1.

Figure 1

In this field enter

your UJ account.
Only the part
before @

Successful login will lead you to the main page that shows you all your courses.
See Figure 2.

Figure 2

Click on any course you want. You will see a screen similar to Figure 3.

Figure 3

Click Turn Editing On button to activate the editing options for your course. See
Figure 4.

Figure 4

From any Add resource drop down list, choose Link to a file or website to upload
your file. See Figure 5.

Figure 5

You will see the Add resource screen. See Figure 6.

Figure 6

Enter the needed fields as you see in Figure 7.

Figure 6

Click Choose or upload file button to complete the upload process. You will see
Figure 7.

Figure 7

Click Upload file. The result screen will be as Figure 8.

Figure 8

Click browse to explore the files on your computer. Choose the file you want to
upload and the result will be as in Figure 9.

Figure 9

Click Upload this file. You will see Figure 10.

Figure 10


Check the box beside the uploaded file and click choose. You will see Figure 11.

Figure 11

Click Save and return to course, to go back to the main page of your course. From
there you can do another upload process.


Sending Electronic Messages to your students:

Click on Participants , You will see a screen similar to Figure 11.

Figure 12

The students registered in the course will appear as in Figure 11. Select the
students that you want to send them a message, or click on Select all if you
want to send the message to all students.

Note: The students will receive the message in their used email that they have
in their profiles.


Choose Add/ send message from the dropdown list as in Figure 12.
Write the message in the text area as in Figure 13.

Figure 13

Click on Preview when you finish writing.


The message will appear as in Figure 14. Click on Send message if the message
is fine, otherwise click on update to return to the previous screen and make

Figure 14

For more information that is needed to make use of all the available services
in the elearning system, please follow the youtube channel that is belong to
the elearning system of the University of Jordan. You can reach it through
the URL:


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