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Carlos A. Diaz Ruiz, PhD.

Office: Aalto University, School of Business, Marketing

P.O. Box 21230. 00076, AALTO. Helsinki, FI.

Home: Messeniuksenkatu 3 A 8
00250. Helsinki, FI.

Website and blog:


Reasearchgate: /Carlos_Diaz_Ruiz
+358 (0) 5059 68870

Dr. Diaz Ruiz is a postdoctoral researcher at the Aalto University School of Business. His research interest is
marketing, and consumer culture. His work on the representations of markets has been published in Marketing
Theory and Industrial Marketing Management. Before joining academia, he was head of marketing
communications at Mexicana Airlines, and served as a consultant in consumer research.
Professional background:
Postdoctoral researcher

Aalto University School of Business

Aug 2014 Department of Marketing, Consumer Culture Theory

Doctoral researcher

Hanken School of Economics

Department of Marketing

Marketing communications, Director

Mexicana Airlines
Jul 2008 - Sept 2010
Advertising and media for USA and Canada
Market research for domestic and international flights

Consumer Insights, Director

Grupo IDM (Market Research Agency)

Apr 2003- Jun 2007
Consulting in market research
Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and financial services.
Clients: Manpower, MasterCard, The Coca-Cola Company

Sep 2010 - Jul 2014

Academic background:
D.Sc. (Econ. and Business):

Hanken School of Economics.

(Helsinki, Finland). Department of Marketing


Diaz Ruiz, CA (2014). Market Representations in Action: Foundations for the performativity of
representations in marketing. Publications of the Hanken School of Economics, Economi och
Samhlle 274. ISBN 978-952-232-239-5, ISSN 0424-7256
Supervisory committee:
Prof. Maria Holmlund, PhD.
Hanken School of Economics
Prof. Lisa Pealoza, PhD.
Kedge Business School
Prof. Christian Kowalkowski, PhD. Linkping University

M. A.:

University of Jyvskyl.
(Jyvskyl, Finland) Intercultural Communication

B.B.A. (Econ.):

Tecnolgico de Monterrey (ITESM).

(Mexico City, Mexico). Department of Marketing
(ITESM) Inst. Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey


Publications in peer-reviewed academic journals:

Diaz Ruiz, CA and Kowalkowski, C (2014). Market representations in industrial marketing: Could
representations influence strategy? Industrial Marketing Management, 43 (6). 10261034 DOI:
o Impact factor 2013:
1.89 (1 yr.)
o ABS 2015:
3 stars (out of 4)
3 stars (out of 3)
Diaz Ruiz, C. (2013). Assembling market representations. Marketing Theory, 13(3). 245-261. DOI:
o Impact factor 2013:
2.27 (1 yr.)
o ABS 2015:
3 stars (out of 4)
2 stars (out of 3)
Diaz Ruiz, C. (2012). Theories of markets: Insights from marketing and the sociology of markets. The
Marketing Review, 12(1), 61-77. DOI: 10.1362/146934712X13286274424316

Publications in peer-reviewed conference proceedings

Diaz Ruiz, CA, Pealoza L. and Holmqvist J. (2015). Accounting for Value Creation Processes in Salsa
Dancing: From Formulating Intentions to Realizing Accomplishments. In the special session Weijo, H
and Dolbec P-Y, Value and Valuation: Applications of Novel Theorizations. ACR North American
Conference. 1-4 October, New Orleans, USA
Diaz Ruiz, CA and Kjellberg, H. (2015). John is a Lumbersexual. In the special session Murto, R.,
Performativity in markets: What can the field of market studies offer to CCT? 10th annual Consumer
Culture Theory Conference. 18-21 June, Arkansas, USA
Holmqvist J., Diaz Ruiz, CA, and Pealoza L. (2015). Consumers' moments of luxury: the case of salsa
festivals. The 44th EMAC Conference (European Marketing Academy), 26-29 May, Leuven, Belgium
Holmqvist J., Diaz Ruiz, CA, and Pealoza L. (2015). Value as a fleeting moment: Value-in-use in a
temporal practice. The Naples Forum on Service, 9-12 June 2015, Naples Italy
Diaz Ruiz, CA, Holmqvist J. and Pealoza L. (2014). Collective value creation within a Community of
Practice: An ethnography with a community of salsa dancers. 9th annual Consumer Culture Theory
Conference. 16-29 June Helsinki, Finland
Diaz Ruiz, CA, Holmqvist J. and Pealoza L. (2013). Articulation of value at the market level. The 42th
EMAC Conference (European Marketing Academy), 4-7 June, Istanbul, Turkey.
Diaz Ruiz, CA, and Kowalkowski C. (2013). Market representations in industrial marketing: an experimental
investigation. 29th IMP Conference, 1-2 September 2, Atlanta, USA
Diaz Ruiz, CA, Holmqvist J. and Pealoza L. (2013). Articulation of value at the market level. The 41th
EMAC Conference (European Marketing Academy), 22-25 May, Lisbon Portugal.
Diaz Ruiz, CA. (2012). Organizing markets through representations in Market Research. 45th Academy of
Marketing Conference, 2-5 July, Southampton, UK.
Diaz Ruiz, CA. (2011). Reframing Market Configurations: Marketing in Market Scripting. 44th Academy of
Marketing Conference, 5-7 July, Liverpool, UK.

Relevant activities:

Research visits
o Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden (004.2015)
o Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden (04.2014)
o Kedge Business School (Previously BEM). Bordeaux, France. (05.2013)
o Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University. Saint Petersburg, Russia (02.2013)
o Kedge Business School (Previously BEM). Bordeaux, France (11.2012)
Workshops and seminars
o Consumer Culture Nordic (04.2014) Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
o Consumer Culture Theorizing (05.2013) Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
o 2nd Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop (06.2012) UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business
School. Dublin, Ireland
o Service Management and Relationship Marketing (09.2012) Hanken School of Economics. Helsinki,
o Effectuation Theory (03.2011) University of Southern Denmark. Klding, Denmark
Doctoral colloquiums
o Manuscript Seminar: opponent Suvi Nenonen. (03.2014). Hanken School of Economics. Helsinki,
o Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group (08.2013) Robinson College of Business. Atlanta, USA
o Finnish Marketing Tutorial (10.2013) University of Vaasa. Vaasa, Finland
o EMAC. (06.2012). ISCTE Business School. Lisbon, Portugal.
o CCT. (05.2013). Bilkent University. Ankara, Turkey.
o Academy of Marketing. (05.2011). Academy of Marketing. Liverpool, UK.

Teaching experience:

Lead teacher
o Consumer Culture Theory (2014) Masters level. Aalto University.
Teacher assistant
o E-commerce (2012-2013). Masters level. Hanken School of Economics. Lead instructor
Johanna Gummerus, PhD.
o Market Management. (2012-14) Masters level. Hanken School of Economics. Lead
instructor: Kaj Storbacka, PhD.
o Introduction to Marketing. (2011-12) Bachelors level. Hanken School of Economics. Lead
instructor: Catharina Von Koskull, PhD.

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