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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Marinduque


Communication Arts English IV
I. Vocabulary
A. For items 1-5 choose the letter corresponding the word or phrase that does not
belong to the cluster.
1. a. financial coffers b. economical c. interest payment d. mass media
2. a. abortion b. environment c. ecological d. balance of nature
3. a. radioactive materials b. nuclear power c. malnutrition d. atomic reactors
4. a. disease b. starvation c. religious differences d. medical science
5. a. population b. battle c. pitted against d. violent conflicts
B. For items 6-15: Rewrite the word with its correct affix.
6. before the finals
11. write again
7. without pain
12. not important
8. full of wonder
13. one who works
9. after the war
14. full of hope
10. not patient
15.against abortion
II. For items 16-25: Write A if the sentence is a definition, B if it is a positive effect,
C if it is negative effect and D if it does not refer to the Effects of
16. Urbanization is the flocking of people to industrial sites where factories are
17. The white T shirts cost only 3 for P100.
18. The pressure to advance technology has gone out of control.
19. Mass production is when goods are produced in large quantities.
20. My cousin Pete has been applying for a job for over a year now.
21. The seamstress sews a dozen sleeves in one minute.
22. Our TV set is just in the bodega because it is very expensive to have it
23. In Makati, the buildings rises up to 20 floors complete with elevators.
24. Joe gets bored doing the same thing over and over again.
25. Production time is cut in half.
For items 26 -35, From the Gift of Life .Write A if the statement is definition; B if it
an argument in favor; C if it is an argument against the moral issues.
26. Abortion is murder.
27. Only children who are wanted and can be assured of a decent life should be
28. The fetus which have been gifted with a spark of life should be born..
29. Abortion is the willful removal of fetus so as to end pregnancy.
30. The patients life belongs to God.
31. Euthanasia is an act or method of causing death painlessly.
32. Euthanasia is an act of mercy.
33. Brutal killings and cold brutal murders have become an everyday occurrence.

34. Mass media is the most powerful attitude shaper of our age.
35. In the progress of civilization, the arts of killing and the arts of living have
existed side by side.
II. READING COMPREHENSION: Read the selections below, then answer the
questions that follow. Write the letter only.
Selection A
Mario was twelve when he fell on a tree house outside
their garden. The accident injured his spinal column which
caused paralysis from his neck up to his spinal column. For ten
months he was strapped to a strypen frame at the Orthopedic
Hospital. During this period his only body movement was
a 30 degree turn of his head. It took him 2 more months to
convalesce before he was finally released.
36. How old was Mario when he was released at the hospital.
a. 12 years and ten months old
c. 14 years old
b. 13 years old
d. 12 years and a half
37. What could have been the past time of Mario when he was sick.
a. play ball
b. read books
c. jog around
d. assist the nurses
38. What could have been the feeling of Mario during his confinement..
a. hopeful b. bored c. lonely d. eager
39. The word convalesce in the last sentence most nearly means:
a. confined b. fractured c. improved d. recover
40. How long did Mario stay in the hospital?
a. 10 months b. one year c. 1 year 2 months d. 2 months
Selection B
Have you heard of Helen Keller, the woman who lost her sight at an early
age but never lost hope to see the world?
She has often thought that it would be a blessing if every human being
would were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time. According to her
darkness would make a person be more appreciative of sight and silence would
teach the joys of sound.
If given the chance to use her eyesight, she would divide the period in
three days. On the first day, she would want to see the people who made her life
worth living. How many of those who eyes are normal can see the inner nature of
Then she would feast her eyes on the face of a baby, so she could visualize
the innocent beauty. Then she would like to see the books that had been read to
her that revealed to her the deepest mysteries of human life.
In the afternoon, she would take a long walk in the woods and see the
beauty of nature and glorify the splendor of the colorful sunset.
On the second day, she wishes to arise with the dawn and see for herself
the exciting miracle by which night unfolds into day. This day she would go to the
museum to get a glimpse of the past and the present world. She would marvel at
the artworks of Michelangelo, Da Vinci and the great world painters.
In the evening of the second day, she would like to spend in the theater to
watch movies.
On the third day, she would like to spend in a place where people work for
a living. She would like to see the city. She would stand in a busy corner merely
looking at people in motion. When they smile, she would be happy, when they are
determined, she would feel proud, and when she see them suffer, she would be
compassionate. At a later time, she would make a tour of the city- to the slums, to

the factories, to parks where children play. Always her eyes will be opened wide
to all sights of happiness and misery so that she may deeply understand how
people work and live.
Helen gave one piece of advise to those who can see: Use your eyes as if
tomorrow you would be stricken blind.
41. The story tells of a woman who is____ in spirit.
a. hopeful b blind c. dreaming d. courageous
42. This woman was blind
a. at birth b. at an early age c. at puberty d. at a late stage in life
43. The reason why she wants to discover the joys of sound was that she was also
a. lame b. sick c. deaf d. weak
44. Who made her life worth living?
a. books b. friends c. artists d. people
45. She would like to see the face of a baby with its___ face
a. angelic b. innocent c. lovely d. holy
46. In the afternoon of the first day, she would like to see the splendor of the
a. rainbow b. cars b. sunset c. sunrise
47. Her desire is to go to the ____ museum.
a. city b. costume c. art d. theater
48. Which place was not mentioned in Helens tour of the city?:
a. factories b. people c. slums d. library
49. Helen Keller was all of the ff. except one.
a. She was a lover of nature.
b. She was a compassionate person.
c. She was an artist.
d. She valued friendship.
50. After reading the selection, one is apt to
a. appreciate the value eyesight.
b. take the sense of sight for granted
c. pity those who are blind
d. pretend to be blind in three days

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