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Lecture-8 on 21/01/2015

By: Rajendra S. Dhaka


PYL100 course:
Electromagnetic Waves and
Quantum Mechanics
Faradays Law
Maxwells equations
Maxwells equations in matter
Boundary conditions

Ch.7: Faradays Law:

Changing magnetic field induces an electric
! !
Electromotive Force (emf) = ! E dl =

where, magnetic

! !
B da

! E dl = t da Faradays law in integral form

by using Stokes theorem:

! !
E =

! !
( v) da = " v dl

Faradays law in differential form

The minus sign in Faradays law indicates that a changing magne9c ux will
induce an electric eld and current such that the magne9c eld induces by the
current leads to a ux change in the opposite direc9on. (called Lenzs Law.)

Ch.7: Electrostatics & Magnetostatics:

Div of E is nonzero
Curl of E is zero
for the static case (constant B)
Electric field diverges away
from a +ve point charge

Div of B is zero
Curl of B is nonzero

Magnetic field curls

around a current

Ch.7: Electrostatics & Magnetostatics:

Divergence of E is nonzero means, they
originate on +ve charges and end on ve
Divergence of B is zero means, they do not
begin or end anywhere. They either form
closed loops or extend to infinity.
i.e., there exist no magnetic analog of electric
point charge.
means magnetic charges or
magnetic monopoles do not exist.

Electrodynamics before Maxwell:

Summary of the laws regarding Div and Curl
of electric and magnetic fields:

! ! 1
E =

! !
B = 0

! !
E =

! !
B = 0 J

Gausss law

Faradays law

No name

Amperes law

However, there is a inconsistency in these formulas.

What are the problems?

As we know from Vector Analysis, that
the divergence of curl is always zero.
Lets apply to Faradays law:

! ! !
( v) = 0

! ! !
! & B )
! !
( E) = ( + = B
' t *

In this case, both LHS and RHS are zero and hence is satisfied.

! ! !
! !
Now, lets apply to Amperes law: ( B) = J

LHS is zero, but RHS is zero only for steady currents ;

otherwise not.

for steady currents

But for non steady currents, there is inconsistency.

i.e., Amperes law does not work beyond Magnetostatics, and
fails for non-steady currents. How can we prove this?

Lets see an example: showing Amperes law fails

Consider the process of charging up a capacitor and
apply Amperes law
to the Amperian loop.
where, Ienc is the total current
passing through the loop
Depending on the surface selected to define the loop,
(balloon shaped loop)
(plane loop)
Conflict arises since charge is piling up somewhere.
for non steady current, the current enclosed by loop is an
ill-defined notion. (as it depends on what surface you choose)

Lets see how Maxwell fixed Amperes

! ! !
! !

We should make RHS = 0 in

( B) = 0 J

The problem term is

What we have to do is use the Continuity Equation,
which describes local charge conservation, and apply
the Gauss law:

Thus the solution may be to add the term



Amperes law, so as to kill the extra divergence, to get:

! !
B = 0 J + o o
This modification changes nothing, as far as magnetostatics
! !
is concerned: when E is constant, we still have B = 0 J .

However, it plays a crucial role in the propagation of

Electromagnetic Waves. (will discuss later..)
Maxwell called this extra term, Displacement Current
It's a misleading name, since it has nothing to do with
current, except that it adds to J in Ampere's law.
Apart from curing the defect in Amperes law, Maxwells
term implies that a changing E induces a magnetic field.

Lets discuss again, the process of charging capacitor:

Electric field between the plates of capacitor is,
Then, we can get..

! !

Now, B = J +
o o
In integral form:

For flat surface 1:

For balloon-shaped surface 2:
Hence the same answer, in both cases.

between the plates..

Surface 2
Surface 1

Now we have Maxwells equations:

! ! 1
E =
Gausss law
! !
E =

Faradays law:
changing magnetic field
induces an electric field.

! !
B = 0
No name

! !
B = 0 J + o o

Amperes law after

Maxwells correction:
changing electric field
induces a magnetic field.

Maxwells Equations plus the Lorentz force law,

they summarize the entire theoretical content of
Classical Electrodynamics.
Maxwells equations tell how charges
produce fields
stationary charges -> E
moving charges
-> B

changing fields also

v Force law tells how fields affect charges and

their motion

Maxwells Equations in Matter

Maxwells equations are complete and correct, however,
when we are working with materials that are subject to
electric and magnetic polarization,
there is a more convenient way to write them: (since there
will be bound charges/ currents)

electric polarization P produces bound charge density

& magnetic polarization (magnetization) M produces Jb

In non-static case, any change in electric

polarization involves a flow of the above bound
charge (means a current, & let us call it Jp)..
so this current also should be included in the total J.

Lets consider some volume (a tiny chunk) of

a polarized material.
Charge density on the surface is:
This polarization current density is:
This polarization current(Jp) has nothing to do with the
bound current Jb.
Jb is associated with magnetization of the material, and
involves the spin and orbital motion of electrons;

Jp is the result of the linear motion of charge when the

electric polarization changes.

Jb magnetization current
Jp polarization current, when P changes

The total charge density has two parts:

and the current density has three parts:

Gauss's law can now be written as:

where, D can be written as:

For, linear media

Amperes law (with Maxwells correction):

Now, lets use


Faraday's law and

they do not involve

are not affected, as

or J.

Maxwells equations:
in terms of free charges & currents

Maxwells equations in matter now contain

both E & D, also B & H.
Hence, we also mention material equations along with them.


Maxwells equations: in integral forms


Boundary Conditions:

Boundary Conditions:

Boundary Conditions:

Boundary Conditions:


Ch.7: Ohms Law:


Ch.7: Ohms Law:


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