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Psalm 91

Chapter #1239

Prez says:
Hey folks lots of neat new things
happening and coming up.
First, SOR word has it that if Ohio
chapters raise $150,000.00 an
undisclosed charity will match up to that
number. Jerry Niver and Rick Steffy
will let chapter presidents who qualify
shave their heads.

Rolling Prophet Meetings:

1st Thursday of each month @ 7pm

Officer Contact List

Rolling Prophets won 100% attendance

award, (Trophy and Banner).
Jerry said I have to study the banner
and be able to explain it, Hey Rhonda whats the Blue stand for?.
I cant wait for good weather so we can ride again. I want to welcome
our newest family member, Bonnie was just adopted by Brad and
Alyce Shane. Its their first Harley and shes a cutie. Congrats guys.
This season should be exciting. He is blessing us with so many new
things. Dont forget to Thank Him!
Your President, Neil

President-Neil Rees.........................740-281-4175 . ...

Vice President-Ryan Gallinger.........740-644-5397.......
Treasurer-Rhonda Rees...................740-281-4175 . ...
Secretary-Joann Martin.........................................
RFS Secretary-Alyce
Road Captain-Brad
Chaplain & Webmaster-Jeff Freas..740-334-2806.......

Upcoming Events 2015:

3/5/15 - Rolling Prophets chapter meeting - 7pm at Heritage Hall
Sun 3/17/15 - CMA Fellowship Dinner - 4pm @ Pizza Cottage,
4592 Walnut Rd, Buckeye Lake, OH. Bring your family and friends.
4/2/15 - Rolling Prophets chapter meeting - 7pm at Heritage Hall
4/10th-12th, 2015 - Bike Show- Colony Square Mall, 3575 Maple Ave, Zanesville, OH
4/25/15 - 2015 Ohio Womens Conference - Vineyard Christian Fellowship
3005 Holt Rd - Grove City, OH. Doors open at 9am
5/2/15 - CMA Run for the Son - Nationwide event.
Local details, ride to Buckeye Express Diner in Bellville, Ohio
June 2015 (Exact day TBA) - Rolling Prophets group ride to Amish Country Byway
6/16-20th, 2015 - CMA 40th Anniversary Eastern National Rally Georgia Mountain Fair Hiawassee, Georgia
July 2015 (Exact day TBA) - Rolling Prophets group ride to Roscoe Village
7/24-26, 2015 - Rev It Up! Revival SDA Community Church - 701 Linnville Rd Heath, OH
Aug 7th-9th, 2015 - Ohio State CMA Rally - Lighthouse Camp & Retreat Center
272 Jack Oak Point Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885

Hey Everyone,
Wow another month has gone by. The
older we get the faster time goes. It has
been a long cold winter but it seems to
be just about over. Spring they say is
just around the corner. With it comes the
time for me to go back to work. But work
means warmer weather, riding weather!
I cant wait and I know Im not the only
I hope everyone is in good health. I know our chapter members and
some friends of the chapter have been ill, myself included. Im on the
mend and hope they are too! Prayers for everyone!
I am looking forward to an exciting Spring & Summer. We are in the
midst of planning our first Biker Blessing Event (details to follow). Our
Run for the Son event is coming up (What are you doing for donations?)
and our Road Captain has lots of exciting rides planned for us. We will
have plenty of opportunity to share the word! If you havent already, mark
your calendars that Wednesdays we need to add Ohio to our prayers.
If you have not been to a Rolling Prophet meeting or fellowship lately,
you dont know what you are missingI know we are missing you
and you know who you are. Check out the events listing or if you have
questions give one of the chapter officers a call. Come join in the fun!
Until next month..God Bless

VP says:


Life is Life

Hello from your secretary

everyone! I hope all of you are
warm and cozy. I do have a
little good news SPRING IS
MONTH!!!! Maybe then we can
all thaw out. Im sure all of you
are looking forward to bike rides
or in my case van rides. It sure
will be nice to see green trees and
flowers again, and maybe some
picnics in the parks, but for now were still cold outside, so heres a
warm you up soup recipe.

As I looked around for inspiration for this

article, all I saw was building materials
to make an igloo for my bike. Hafunny.
No, not reallythis sucks. For those that
dont know, I grew up on the beaches
of Southern California. I dont believe
I was created for this environment.
And spending four years stationed in
Nebraska really wasnt preparation for
the last fifteen years in Ohio.
Anywayafter my moment of raising my
fist at GOD, he scrolled an article across my screen. Its headline read:
12-Year-Old Rape Victim Asked The Doctor One Question About Her
Pregnancy, And It Changed Her Life Forever.I thought, well thats
probably a bit too controversial for our newsletterBut what would that
question be? And I felt that He impressed upon me that I dont know
who will read this articlewho in or outside of my chapter may need
this. So here is the summary:
How can a story of a 12-year-old rape victim possibly have a happy
ending? It shouldnt. Itcouldnt. But Lianna, now 35, said if she had to
go through the physical and emotional turmoil again just to know and
love her daughter, she would.
Two men raped Lianna when she was 12. She said she constantly felt
dirty and tried to commit suicide. Soon after, a doctor told her she was
pregnant. He told her she had every right to abort the child, because
she didnt need to have a constant reminder of the attack. Lianna
asked the doctor if it would ease the pain and make her forget what
she went through, but he told her no. Keep in mind, she was 12. A12year-old girlasked that question. That completely blows my mind.
If abortion wasnt going to heal anything, I didnt see the point, Lianna
said. I just knew that I had somebody inside my body. I never thought
about who her biological father was. She was my kid. She was inside
of me.
So here she is, 23 years later. Lianna said the situation isnt cut and
dry. She didnt only save her daughters life. Her daughter saved hers.
In my situation, two lives were saved, Lianna said. I saved my
daughters life, but she saved my life. Even though [the rape] was a
very hard moment, if I had to go through that [again] just to know and
to love my daughter, I would go through that again. Shes always been
there for me. Shes the only person who has shown me a real love.
And I always will be grateful.
Abortion is not the solution, she added. Not even for rape.
You would never think a story like this could have a positive ending,
and I think thats what makes it so special. Life is life. The story is
tragic, but the outcome is precious.
-Whomever you are that The Father is directing this to, I pray that you
find comfort in HIM.Ryan Gallinger, Vice-President

Broccoli Cheese Soup

cup onion
2 Tbs. butter
1 can of cream of chicken or mushroom soup
1 cups milk, 1 lb. Velveeta cheese cubed
1 -10 oz. bag chopped broccoli
Onion in butter,
Combine all ingredients in crock pot on low for 3-4 hours.
Serve with garlic toast.



A Verse Decoder is a coded verse from the Bible. Each letter in

the puzzle actually represents a different letter. If a coded word
was spelled G A C E C in the puzzle, you must substitute letters,
through trial and error, until the word makes sense.
In the above example G A C E C equals J E S U S. The G
is actually a J in the puzzle, and the C is actually an S. How
would you figure that out? The best way to solve these types of
puzzles is the first figure out the small words in the puzzle. Helpful
hints to get you started are also provided.
Lets give it a try:
By examining the coded letters, you see three different cases of the
three-letter word GKD. This word is probably THE or AND. By
substituting letters, youd find that G-K-D is actually T-H-E. You
may now substitute any G in the puzzle for T and change every
K into an H and every D into an E. Youre now well on your
way to solving the puzzle, which is:
The first Active Chapter member of Rolling Prophets that can tell me
what verse is coded below, will receive a $10 gas card.
Hint: In the puzzle below, the letter X is actually an E.

Opportunity or Set back

defeated and cheated out of a great day and a much needed ride.
But, what they didnt know

If he had to endure another day of

going to work in the dark and coming
home in the dark, he was going to go
stark raving mad! Winter was lasting
way too long. His Dyna Glide had been
hibernating in the corner of his garage
since November, looking as miserable
as he felt. He routinely petted the
headlight as he walked past the bike to
the side door. Soon, ol girl. Well get
outta here soon!
At dinner one night, his wife informed
him that the coming Friday was going to
be sunny and in the low 60s. They shared a mischievous smirk, as
they both had been hoping for a day of playing hooky as soon as the
weather broke.
Finally, that day arrived. She got the kids ready for school and he got
the motorcycle in order. As soon as their last child stepped on board
the bus, the couple donned their helmets and jackets and headed out
for their day of much needed freedom.

Earlier that morning, while they were waiting on the girl to board her
bus, the child had been reeling from an upsetting morning. She didnt
sleep well last night since she didnt have anything to eat. She was
late to her bus stop because she had over slept. Her book bag was old
and tattered and spilled her belongings on the side walk as she was
boarding her bus. Already nervous and ashamed, she felt even more
humiliated as bus riders and passers by watched her as she tried to
gather her belongings, and her dignity, though all she wanted to do
was hide.

Written by Alyce Shane

They set out on their course, but were soon halted at an intersection
where another school bus was collecting students. One of the children
at the stop was having a hard time gathering her things and was
holding up the flow of traffic as she tried to recover and board her
waiting ride. The biker grew frustrated as he sat through the hold up.
Finally she boarded and the bus moved on.
A few miles toward the outside of town they found themselves behind
a line of slow moving traffic. A large tractor in the lead of this parade
was hauling a load of manure to a hay field several miles up the road.
You kidding me? the biker grumbled as he slapped the handle bar in
disgust. Not only could they not get out of town, but now the air was
The farmer took his time to reach his destination, but he finally turned
off the road and the two riders got back to enjoying their day off. They
rode for about an hour when the back wheel began to vibrate. The
biker pulled off to the side of the road and inspected the tire. He had
picked up a nail and the tire was going flat. That DOES it!! he yelled
as he stomped and kicked the dirt. Why do you DO this to ME? he
yelled at the heavens as he slammed his helmet to the ground.
Meanwhile, his wife got out her cell phone to call for road side
assistance. I cant get any service! she complained as she wandered
the roadside, stretching her arms in various directions in hopes to
catch a signal. Dropping her arms in exasperation, she announced,
Im just going to walk to the nearest house and use their phone.
Fine! replied her husband. Ill have to stay with the bike, I guess.
She agreed, left her helmet on the seat, and began to walk toward the
nearest house.

They also didnt know that the farmer driving the tractor was on the
road that early in the morning because he needed time to think. He
had just learned that the cancer was back. He had to decide whether
to tell his family and sell the farm, or keep it a secret and have
something to leave his sons when his time had come. He had lived a
good life, raised his two boys right, he could leave his wife in a nice
house. He needed guidance.
They also had no idea that the woman at the farm house had been
widowed for about six months. She was a strong and capable
individual, but was feeling a bit abandoned and forgotten lately.
Nor did they know that the mechanic was a single dad working two
jobs to take care of his twins. He was facing eviction and desperately
needed a break.
We are so often presented with opportunities to pray for others, but we
get so wrapped up in our own plans and desires that we dont notice
those around us. We dont have to know what to pray for in order to
mention another person to God.
If you get caught behind a school bus, pray for that school district. Our
children need to be prayed over daily. The trash truck holding you up?
Maybe God is giving you the opportunity to pray for the man running
around the vehicle to hoist other peoples refuse into the hopper, or
perhaps the people that live on that street need lifted up. Stuck in
a traffic jam? Perfect! The cars in front, behind, and beside you are
carrying people who need prayer.
If we pay attention to the opportunities, instead of the set backs, we
can be doing the will of God, regardless of the circumstances.
Alyce Shane, RFS Secretary
Alyce is also the Author of
God Is a Farmer
available for sale on

That house turned out to be a farm house about two miles ahead.
She was greeted by an old dog, a German Sheppard mix, who was
lounging in the sun. He barked at her while wagging his tail. An
older woman, who had come out to the porch, told the old dog to go
lay down and turned her attention to her visitor. After exchanging
pleasantries, use of the phone was granted, and the wife was back
down the driveway to walk to the stranded bike and agitated husband.
After spending about an hour on the road side with her husband, a
tow truck pulled up behind their motorcycle. A young man jumped out
and walked up to the disabled cycle. Bummer! he exclaimed as he
noticed the tire. I can getcha going again with Fix A Flat and some
air. The mechanic looked as though he hadnt slept in days.
Their trip being cut short, the couple headed back for home, feeling

Rolling Prophets @ Seasons of Refreshing 2/21/2015

A Note From
the Nomad:
No Perfect
People are

Not too many years ago

a friend invited me to
go along with him to a
biker rally called Leave
a Mark Biker Sunday in
south Columbus. It was
a gathering of Christian
bikers of all faiths gathering to hang out, meet & make new friends,
and worship and praise together in an open air environment. The idea
intrigued me being as I was fairly new to riding motorcycles, but the
idea of biker church was something new which I was interested in.
So I went.

2002 Honda MAGNA 750 $2,000


Matching leather saddle bags and

windshield bag, custom light bar, and
blue ground affects lighting. Hard bags
(not shown) come with it, too


The ride that sunny Saturday morning to the southside of Columbus

was awesome but I was somewhat apprehensive as to what to
expect. As we approached our destination I noted lots of people
with signs that were waving at all the bikers that were arriving. Thats
when I saw the sign No Perfect People are Allowed. For whatever
reason that resonated with me and was reinforced as we drove up the
drive to the parking area. Both sides of the road was lined with bikers
in all manner of street clothes and biker gear cheering us on and
yelling welcome home and saying good to see you brother.
The feeling of being welcomed just as I was, not having to dress up
for church, and worshiping God with fellow bikers hit home on many
levels. I saw lots of bikes that day along with lots of colors, saw the
pastor do an awesome burnout on his Harley, heard some awesome
praise & worship, along with some testimonies from some of the
bikers that were there. We then had the pleasure of riding along with
around 500-600 fellow bikers to Rickenbacker to the memorial that
This all left a lasting impression that I still remember as vividly as if
it just happened yesterday. The feeling of being welcomed openly
and enthusiastically, just as I was, and that No Perfect People are
Allowed, hit home as no other church service or invitation ever
did. The feeling that no matter what I did, I
welcome to be part of the family of
Christians, and as a biker too. Wow.
Remember, God has given you as a
CMA member a unique calling and
purpose in the evangelistic ministry
to carry the Good News about Jesus
to motorcyclists. Go forth, invite,
share the Word, and welcome home
your brothers and sisters in the world
Matthew 28:19-20:
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely
I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Jeff Freas, Chapter Chaplain

Info From Eli (Ryans son) for

the Christian rock group Flee:
Upcoming concerts -

Saturday March 21st @ Joes Java:

Address: 180 E Main St, Wilmington, OH
Show start time: 8pm
Show will also be streamed live online
**admission is free**
Sunday March 22nd @ Church 860 (Calvary Chapel):
Address: 6075 E Livingston Ave, Columbus, OH
Show start time: 7pm
Show will be Flee, DJ Paul Sombric, and Pastor Khris Rogers
**admission is free**
Saturday March 28th @ The Bridge:
Address: 103 East Walnut St, Pleasantville, OH
Show start time: 5pm
Show will be Flee and SafeKept
**admission is free**

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