Chicago Metro History Fair 2015 Summary Statement: Check If Applicable (And Respond To Question 3)

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Attach an annotated bibliography (AB) that is divided between primary and secondary sources.
Submit two copies of the SS and AB at the competition. Please type.

Student name(s) Alejandra Morales____________________________________________________

Title _Jane Addams and the history of Hullhouse.______________________________________________________________________
Check if applicable (and respond to Question 3):
This project uses the 2015 National History Day theme, Leadership & Legacy in [Chicago/Illinois] History
Project Category:




Student Composed

Student Composed

Total Word-Count

Documentary Performance



Present the projects argument or interpretation in two sentences. If you are using the NHD theme, you might want to make it
evident in your thesis statement.

Jane Addams demonstrated leadership by starting a hull-house for the poor people living in a
community giving them an education and somewhere to settle. She herself wanted to live in their
community to see how they lived because during that time men where the ones who took over the
role in politics and she changed it by starting something to help other people.


Briefly explain your project and its conclusion. Include: How and why did change happen and what was the impact? Why is
it historically significant? What historical meaning or importance can we learn from your findings?
Jane Addams wanted change because she saw that people where struggling because of the Chicago fire and
the migration of all the people coming in form Europe during that time many people did not have jobs where
they could maintain their family. The impact of the whole thing was she started a settlement house where
people and kids can go and get a quick education. Somewhat learn the ways of the Americans because they
were coming in and didnt know their customs so they wanted to learn. This change is historically significant
because it made a huge impact in the Chicago area thousands of people and kids passed thru the ares and
the house to get help.

3. Required for projects using the National History Day theme only.

Explain how this project integrates the NHD theme Leadership & Legacy in [Chicago/Illinois] History into its argument.

This project integrates to the theme because Jane Addams was a woman of many goals during a time when men
dominated the role of politics she made something possible when many men couldnt. she made a world impact by herself
and the help of some friends she mad something so big thousands of people benefited from the work she did.

A. What historical question did you start off withand how did it change once you began doing
your research?

At the beginning I didnt really have a question, but after that I just came up with a basic question
which included the theme and my project.

B. What kinds of sources did you use as evidence to develop your argument (for example,
letters, photographs, government documents, interviews, etc.)?
For this project I used a lot of documents, I used an interview of a woman who used to
attend hull house, I use some photographs and a lot of books to find all the different
facts and evidence I needed.

C. Select one piece of evidence that you used and explain how it influenced your argument.

I used the Human Rights: The future of the world is linked to womens status this really helped me
with my argument that Jane was a great leader during her time and gave me information on how the
woman back then was also discriminated by being woman and not being able to do things like men.

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