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Many simple circuits can be solved using Ohm's Law [Equation (1)]. For example, with
the circuit in FIGURE 1 it is easy to calculate that the current through R1 is 1.0 A, through R2 is
0.25 A, and through the battery E is 1.25 A.
E = IR


We now want to examine a more complex circuit that can't be solved

this way. (See FIGURE 2 for example.) This will require
Kirchhoffs laws.
Junction rule:
Kirchhoffs Current Law is often called the node law or junction rule because it deals
with currents at a single node. A node is a place where three or more elements join together.
The junction rule says that the sum of the currents flowing into any junction is equal to the sum
of the currents flowing out of the junction as shown in Equation (2a). This can be stated another
way by saying the algebraic sum of all currents at a node is zero as shown in Equation (2b).


EI = 0


Loop rule:
Kirchhoffs Voltage Law is often referred to as the loop rule because it deals with
voltages around a closed loop. A closed loop is any path through circuit elements that returns to
where it started without passing through any elements more than once. The loop rule states that
the algebraic sum of the voltage rises around a closed loop is equal to the algebraic sum of the
voltage drops around the same loop as shown in Equation (3a). Since the voltage rises are
usually the result of batteries (emf sources) and the voltage drops are usually the result of
resistors, this is sometimes rewritten as shown in Equation (3b). When using the second form it
is important to keep track of the directions because a battery that is placed backwards with
respect to the direction you traverse your loop will actually cause a voltage drop (and therefore be
a negative voltage rise) and if you assigned the current through a resistor pointing opposite to the
direction in which you are traversing the loop, then it will be a voltage rise (and therefore a
negative voltage drop).




The junction rule is a consequence of the conservation of charge and the loop rule is due
to the conservation of energy. These rules can be used to set up a number of independent
equations for a circuit. Then we can solve for the unknown quantities by the use of simultaneous
You need to follow a definite procedure in applying these rules as outlined below:


Assume an arbitrary direction for the current through each resistor. If you measure a
positive value for a particular current, that means it is flowing in the direction you
assigned. A negative answer means the current is going in the opposite direction. (Note:
Proper orientation of your meter probes is important to determining direction of current


Select your loops and assign an arbitrary direction, clockwise or counterclockwise for
each loop. Although you may have a large number of choices, you can always be assured
that by using the smallest loops available (called meshes) you will have the maximum
number of independent loop equations. An emf source pointed in the same direction as
the loop will be considered a positive source and an IR product will be positive if the
current I is in the same direction as the loop.


Apply the junction rule to all but one of the nodes to get a set of independent
simultaneous equations. (If you try to use all of the nodes, you will have one dependent
equation and you will not be able to solve the set of equations.)


Apply the loop rule to each loop getting more independent simultaneous equations.


Now simultaneously solve all the equations obtained in steps 3 and 4.

Let's do an example: In FIGURE 2 set
E1 = 20 V
E2 = 18 V
E3 = 13 V
R1 = 7 S
R2 = 5 S
R3 = 3 S

First we arbitrarily make loops and assign

directions to the currents. At node A all three currents
are flowing in so application of the junction rule at
node A produces Equation (4a). You should note that
application of the junction rule at node B would give
you the same equation which is why we dont use the
junction rule at all nodes.
Traversing Loop 1 in the direction indicated in
FIGURE 2, the 20 V source is backwards (come to positive side first and leave from negative
side) and therefore will be a negative 20 V when used in Equation (3b). The 18 V source will be
a positive 18 V in Equation (3b) because we enter on the negative side and exit on the positive
side. Likewise, I1 is pointing opposite to the direction of our loop and therefore it produces a
negative voltage drop as it passes through R1 while I2 points the same direction as the loop and
produces a positive voltage drop through R2. Application of the loop rule thus results in Equation
Finally, applying the loop rule to Loop 2 results in Equation (4c).
I1 + I2 + I3 = 0


18V - 20V = -I1(7S) + I2(5S) + I3(0)= -2V


13V - 18V = I1(0) -I2(5S) + I3(3S) = -5V


Now we have 3 simultaneous equations and 3 unknowns. There are several ways to solve
this problem but the easiest is the one we know - the computer! We will use an Excel
spreadsheet to solve the set of independent equations through the determinant method. First
choose the page of the spreadsheet with the proper number of independent equations. Enter the
coefficients from the independent equations into the spreadsheet as shown in TABLE 1. The
solutions for the currents will then be shown below the coefficients as illustrated in TABLE I.
Coefficients of linear equations for 3 independent equations

I1 =
I2 =
I3 =


577 mA
408 mA
-985 mA


Set up the circuit shown in FIGURE 3. Choose

three resistors between 100 S and 900 S. Set Ea at
6 V (remember the e.m.f. is the potential difference
when the battery has no load) and use a 3V battery
for Eb . Measure the labeled currents and the
voltages coming from each of the two voltage
sources (be sure to define which direction the
current is flowing and measure accordingly). It is
important that the current is flowing out of the
positive terminal of both power supplies otherwise
you will not get correct answers.


Using Kirchhoffs Laws, create three independent

equations such as the set of eq. 4 above. Solve the
system of equations.


Calculate the percent errors.


Now create the circuit shown in FIGURE 4 using

resistors between 100 S and 900 S. Again measure
all resistors, currents, and the voltage from the
voltage source (6 V). Using Kirchhoffs Laws, find
six independent equations and calculate the
theoretical currents. Again compare the experimental
currents with the theoretical ones.



Discuss the effect of the ammeter resistance (about 0.01 ohms) upon the precision of the
data obtained in this experiment.


What effects does the internal resistance of the power sources have on the experiment?


Compare electric circuits and the circulatory system.

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