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Works Cited

The Great Chicago Fire. 2015. Chicago. The Chicago Fire. Web. 8 Mar. 2015. THe great
chicago fire
Hartley, Florence. The Ladies' Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness A Complete
Hand Book for the Use of the Lady in Polite Society. N.p.: Florence Hartley, ,.
Web. This is a manual for woman to instruct them how to act and when to act a
certain way around visitors and when they go out. It ranges from How to Dress
to how to Talk. This can help my argument to show that during the 1800s there
was a lot of discrimination and rules that woman had to fallow to only look good
themselves but make their husbands look good,
Hull House. 1920. Chicago. The Social Welfare History Project. Web. 8 Mar. 2015. Photo
taken of the hull house in 1920
"Human Rights: The Future of World Is Linked to Women's Status." The Chicago Tribune
10 Dec. 1989: 4. Web. 4 Feb. 2015. This document briefly talks abut how woman
during the 1800's had no power over their education and their body. but as time
passes by they see a change in that they do and finally get recognized as hard
working woman. This document is going to help me prove that woman where
hard working during the time when men dominated.
"Jane Addams a Feminist and Social Activist." Jane Addams [Detroit] 23 Jan. 1989: n. pag.
Web. 10 Feb. 2015. This document explains some of the important
accomplishments that Jane did. Starting from organizing different events to
actually being the first Woman in receiving The Nobel Price. This can help my

reason in many ways for example it can help me to actually back up my

argument about how woman to succeed during a time when men dominated.
Ned Stuckey-French. 2015. Chicago. Ned Stuckey-French. Web. 9 Mar. 22015. jane addams
and her kids she took care of
Reforming Their World in the Progressive Era. N.d. The National Woman's History
Museum, Chicago. Reforming Their World in the Progressive Era. Web. 8 Mar.
2015. <>.
Scala, Florence. "Neighborhood Pride - a Way of Life on Taylor Street." Neighborhood
Pride - a Way of Life on Taylor Street [Chicago] 10 Dec. 19663: n. pag. Print.
This article informs me of the different programs and classes that the hull house
offer to the kids. And all the extra classes they had for example dance classes, art
classes, and sewing classes.This article can help me to prove that the hull house
also gave them education.
"Two Women's Work: The Misses Addams and Star Astonish the West." Chicago Daily
Tribune (1872-1922) [Chicago] 19 May 1890: n. pag. Print. This article informs
me of the different programs and classes that the hull house offer to the kids. And
all the extra classes they had for example dance classes, art classes, and sewing
classes.the article also the different parts of the house where they where located
and what was their objective. This article can help me to prove that the hull
house also gave them education.

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